"Fair Play tra i gangli vitali della storia dello sport"

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - alla XXVIII° edizione del premio Fair Play Menarini, spazio agli aneddoti del 'cantore' dello sport Federico Buffa, tra i premiati al teatro romano di Fiesole.


00:00Obviously there is a logic of this award that is untouchable, that is, if you say fair play, you are touching the vital ganglions of the history of sport.
00:16The word sport derives from the Latin exportas, but of course it is not an Italian word, it is a Franco-English word,
00:23they invent the idea of ​​sport, the contemporary one, and the English, who have most of the sport, believe that referees are useless,
00:33because an English gentleman is able to determine what is right or wrong, what is the correct behavior or not.
00:39History gives him clearly wrong, but the concept of fair play exists.
00:44And, looking at a recent European game, I noticed that even if they play teams that do not want to play the game,
00:54they want to put it only on a physical level, a series of battles in the field to create the game that the other, more technical, do not want to do,
01:02in reality, in the original spirit of the game, this would not exist.
01:07The only ones who take it, however, are the Americans. The Americans do not watch the Italian-European football worldwide,
01:14if not in small fractions, they watch it above all the American women, because they do not believe that it is possible,
01:23especially loving so viscerally their football, that the players simulate in that way.
01:29I remind you that in their league, if you are on the ground and a health care worker comes in,
01:35you do not play for two minutes. Recently, Lionel Messi was on the ground, the punishment was beaten by another,
01:41and he scored in his place, and Lionel lost his head, saying, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
01:46But if you want to convince the Americans, show that a shot here, of this level, is not a elbow in the face for which you fall,
01:53because the Americans watch football, which, despite being the most athletic sport, strongly conditioned by the physicality of the world,
02:00has very precise rules on what you can do and what you cannot do.
02:04Football, from this point of view, in America, does not break if this becomes throwing yourself on the ground,
02:09holding your arms on your face.
02:11Federico, I ask you about Cristiano Ronaldo's tears. I don't know if you were able to see the scene.
02:15I saw it.
02:16The wrong penalty, then this great emotion that made one like CR7, who is usually glacial, disappear.
02:22No, no, no.
02:25When we went to Madeira to make the story about him, and first we did it on the pitch where he played,
02:32and the ball went down, because Madeira is difficult, and then in Londorinha, where he shot for the first time,
02:39he scored the first goals, in reality he was known as Joron, because he always cried, he never stopped crying,
02:44from 5 to 38 years old, for anything that happens to him on the pitch.
02:48The surprising thing is how he recovered from the cry, because the penalty he hit, the one after,
02:53I think it was encyclopedic, and he apologized, he said, I could have hit it earlier, I know, I did it like this.
02:59Many awards here at the Premio Ferplemena.
03:02There is a mistake, though.
03:04Very important names, in short, Federico Buffa, are the stories of Federico Buffa.
03:09Is there an anecdote, a story that links you to one of these characters?
03:13There is Didier Trobat, there is Samuel Eto'o, in short, very important players of the world sport.
03:19Paradoxically, the one I am most linked to, from a narrative and journalistic point of view,
03:23is not a footballer, but the Beli,
03:27that I followed many times in the United States,
03:31also in the year he participated in winning an NBA title,
03:35where he had an important role, because a count is having numbers of a certain type in a team that,
03:42let's say, is at the bottom of the table.
03:45A count is having the San Antonio Spurs,
03:48a count is having them where the points are not counted, but they are weighed,
03:52and these things change the whole perception that there is in the NBA of a player.
03:56I don't care if you score 12 points in a team that plays for 48 minutes, 35 minutes, non-existent.
04:03Let me see what you do when it interests me.
04:06And the Beli, from this point of view, has always been the best Italian in the NBA,
04:10because he, unlike all the others, I don't know about Simone, I think Simone had seen him,
04:17when he arrived in the NBA, he had already seen hundreds of NBA games because he was a fan.
04:23While others, like Bargnani, the first game they saw was the one they played.
04:28And this has a lot to do with the culture of a place that you respect in a certain way,
04:34if you already know what they will ask you, if you speak the language of the game,
04:38regardless of the English you speak, but if you speak the language of the game as a posture.
