MI5. Spooks S02 E10 - Smoke and Mirrors

  • 3 months ago
00:00Harry, get away, the police are outside.
00:59What's a man like Mickey Kaharius watching this for?
01:06Can't stand the real thing anymore.
01:10The feds.
01:11What's the house?
01:17What do you want with me?
01:18A very powerful man wishes to hire your services.
01:23What's the job?
01:24Killing an Englishman.
01:31There's one thing, though...
01:33We want you to do it dead.
02:26This place is so sordid.
02:31Oh, downscale sordid hotels are traditional for affairs.
02:36Is this an affair?
02:37Don't you know?
02:38I've got a brood of a husband whose name is CIA.
02:39Actually, I'm married, too.
02:40To an older woman called MI5.
02:41I've spied on the bitch.
02:42Oh, I say, let's live dangerously.
02:43Let's blow a week's joint pay on a part of the main hotel room suite.
02:44Jacuzzi, minibar.
02:46Fluffy white robes.
02:47What do you think?
02:48Well, not now.
02:49The company's probably staking out the big hotels all over town.
02:51I'm expecting someone big to arrive.
02:52Look, if something's going down, then five should know.
02:53So just tell Zoe.
02:54I can't do that.
02:55Not officially.
02:56I've got to go.
02:57I've got to go.
02:58I've got to go.
02:59I've got to go.
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04:55I've got to go.
04:56I've got to go.
04:57I've got to go.
04:58Location of first caller, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
05:00Location of second caller, Wimbledon, London, UK.
05:06Action decided.
05:07Extreme weather.
05:08Do not advise.
05:10Message ends.
05:12So, someone with an Iraqi connection is hiring an American hitman to come to London to kill an eminent man.
05:20We haven't heard the sniff of this, Christina.
05:22Of course not.
05:25What does extreme weather mean?
05:26It's code for a CIA clandestine operation to desensitize an individual on foreign soil.
05:32Meaning, kill.
05:35And who are the mice who are not to be told about this?
05:39That company joke, sorry.
05:41No, feel free.
05:43So, you're telling me the CIA are sending a team to stop an assassin on British soil without bringing a word to our security services.
05:49I had to tell you.
05:51It's wrong that you don't know.
05:53I'm loyal, but sometimes I just hate what my country does.
06:00I know the feeling.
06:02Tom, however you handle it, you mustn't tell Harry that this info came from me.
06:06He'd have to tell the company and they would cut off my head at the Washington Monument.
06:14Memorize this?
06:20Thank you.
06:23Thank you.
06:46So the CIA are going to take out a hitman in this country and they had no intention of telling us?
06:49Seems not.
06:50Why haven't we picked anything up about this at downtown?
06:52As far as our CIA cousins are concerned, Kaharis isn't an American citizen, it's their affair.
06:56So what does Harry say?
06:57Can't tell Harry.
06:58This came from Christine Dale, didn't it? And you're protecting her.
07:01What do you see in her, Tom?
07:03Californian, bright, hard bod.
07:05Yeah, thank you, Danny.
07:06Zoe, sometimes don't you find that you just want to turn this job inside out, just break all the rules just for the hell of it?
07:11No, I don't.
07:13Heated debate?
07:14Yes, Harry, we're just talking about pay. Hence the passion.
07:17She shouldn't have told you. I'm her official contact now.
07:19Christine saw something way above her clearance. She couldn't have told you, Zoe. You'd have had to report it.
07:23Yeah, like we should know.
07:25Not until we've got independent confirmation that Kaharis is in this country.
07:28Christine cannot be identified as the source.
07:30Sorry, Tom, but I don't like this.
07:31I don't like lots of things.
07:33I found a pic of Kaharis on the web. www.glamourofcrime.com
07:43A mistake out of rivals at Heathrow from the States.
07:46Watch and wait.
08:01Spotting a proverbial needle in a haystack.
08:03Look, Danny, we have to tell Harry about this.
08:05Target could be the Prime Minister.
08:07Let's trust Tom.
08:10What's this flight coming through?
08:12On time, too.
08:14Tom, we're having to tell Harry all sorts of lies about this, all right, and it has been going on for two days.
08:18Hey, my spy spies.
08:20How do you mean?
08:21Am I going bonkers or is that a surveillance team down there?
08:27Woman in blue by the barrier.
08:31Guy in the suit, I recognise him. Definitely CIA.
08:34How do you know?
08:35Telling Christine.
08:36Hell, Tom.
08:37Guy with the coke, not drinking it.
08:39I've sent a surveillance team to receive him.
08:42And that has got to be Kaharis.
08:45What do we do now?
08:47Tell him.
08:48Find his hidey-hole, call Harry, send him a cavalry.
08:51Snatch him from under the CIA's noses? I like that.
08:54Go and get the car, Danny.
09:08Tom, Zoe, you're not going to believe this.
09:10The car, the tyres are slashed.
09:12Listen, Danny.
09:13My skin's starting to crawl about all this.
09:15Are we really going to go to war?
09:16The CIA can't help us, I'm not telling anyone.
09:19Look, I don't want to bitch about this behind Tom's back.
09:22No, fine.
09:24Plan for my meet with Christine Dale.
09:26Will you come with me?
09:28Just listen in.
09:31That's a tracking device.
09:32Nanotechnology is with us.
09:34The drill is you touch the pad with the tip of your finger and then touch it.
09:36Anything on the target?
09:38That's the control device.
09:39We developed this?
09:40Sadly, no.
09:42I got hold of it.
09:44You've stolen it.
09:46Repayment of a favour.
09:55Nice bag.
09:56Thank you.
09:58Oh, not really.
09:59Great for smuggling telexes out of your pocket.
10:01I've got a few of those.
10:02I've got a few of those.
10:03I've got a few of those.
10:04I've got a few of those.
10:05I've got a few of those.
10:06I've got a few of those.
10:07Smuggling telexes out of the American Embassy.
10:11Is this being recorded?
10:12Danny's listening, but we're not recording it, no.
10:14What's happening?
10:15What's Tom doing?
10:16You know the hotel where you and Tom met?
10:20Well, this guy was standing outside.
10:22We observed him taking a surveillance team into Heathrow this morning.
10:25They hooked into a man who we think was Michael Kiharius.
10:28Well, that's great.
10:29You know, we do have a database of active CIA agents in this country.
10:32We are not total hicks.
10:33Yeah, I know that.
10:34Well, I can't seem to find anything that connects him to you.
10:37He's clanned up, so his cover will be very deep.
10:39You know, when they mistakenly sent the telex to you,
10:42why didn't you just pass it on to someone more senior?
10:44Does Tom know that you're leaning on me?
10:46I need something concrete.
10:48Something like the secure telex that started this.
10:51I can't.
10:52Why not?
10:53Tom burnt it.
10:55I didn't want the telex to be traced back to Christine.
10:57You're the only evidence, Tom.
10:58Of what?
10:59If any of this is real.
11:01You know what I think?
11:02I think Christine Dale's setting you up.
11:03This stops right now.
11:05Well, tell Harry then.
11:06I will, soon.
11:07What's got into you?
11:08I'm afraid that he's losing it,
11:09and he's going to drag me into a whole lot of trouble.
11:11Us? Us into trouble?
11:12That's what I meant.
11:13We're going to give him another day, right?
11:14Yeah, right.
11:16Can I have a word?
11:28Malcolm told me about his latest toy.
11:30Oh, that nano thingy.
11:32He's lost it.
11:33He's lost it?
11:35You haven't seen it, have you?
11:43Zoe and I are getting itchy feet about this op.
11:45We're acting like a clandestine operation ourselves.
11:47Yeah, my skin's crawling about it too.
11:52It's a feeling we've come to rely on in this job.
12:02Let's go.
12:32Where the hell are we going, Tom?
15:30There's nothing to begin with.
15:31Tom's protecting Christine Dale.
15:36Come on.
15:38Tell me all.
15:47You briefed Danny and Zoe.
15:49Yeah, I had to.
15:50I needed backup.
15:52I showed you that damn telex out of some kind of misguided love for your stupid little country.
15:56I wished to God I'd thrown it away.
15:58I won't let it be traced back to you.
15:59Yeah, well, I don't know if I can trust you to do that.
16:06Right, I think we should get out of here.
16:08We were being shattered.
16:09That's part of what's driving me crazy.
16:10Why haven't the company pulled me in about seeing you?
16:12Why is nothing happening?
16:14What's it like at work?
16:15Everything's normal.
16:16Not horrible.
16:17I feel like any second security's gonna come for me.
16:25This is gonna destroy us, isn't it?
16:30No way.
16:38Stand up.
16:43Do you know the meaning of what you have told me?
16:46You have accused a respected officer in whose hands you have at times trusted your lives of treason.
16:52What's your word for it?
16:54I don't know.
16:55You don't know.
16:57We don't really know where Tom's at anymore, Harry.
17:03This is what I'm ordering, ordering you to do.
17:06You will discuss these ridiculous accusations with no one.
17:08You will not even discuss them again amongst yourselves.
17:10And you are to take no further part in this operation whatsoever.
17:13At this time, both your futures in this department are hanging by a thread.
17:16Do I make myself clear?
17:18Yes, Harry.
17:19Yes, Harry.
17:20Now get out.
17:21Get out.
17:42Mr Tom Quinn.
17:43And you are?
17:44The name's Herb Ziegler.
17:46Can we talk?
17:52Look, the company's fine about you and the lovely Christine.
17:55We don't mind Romeo and Juliet affairs with the other services.
17:59You may let slip more than she does.
18:01So, uh, carry on in hotel rooms all around London.
18:05We think it's kind of sweet.
18:10What kind of fool are you?
18:11I'm a fool for my country.
18:14Yeah, well,
18:16I'm a fool for my country.
18:19Yeah, well,
18:21maybe that fits both of us.
18:24The man you picked up at Heathrow,
18:26that was Mickey Cajarias.
18:29You weren't meant to see that.
18:31Cajarias is our concern.
18:32A notorious assassin who arrives in the UK is very much our concern, too.
18:36Walk away, Tom.
18:38This operation is off limits to you.
18:40Cajarias is a clear and present threat to this country.
18:43If you don't let this go,
18:45I'm telling you,
18:46Christine Dale will be jailed
18:48for leaking a top-secret communication.
18:51You would crucify one of your best officers to stop British security.
18:56Let the big boys do what they've got to do, Tom.
19:00And Christine won't get hurt.
19:03Do I have a choice?
19:12I've got to take this.
19:13Feel free.
19:36So who's the target?
19:37Who hired Cajarias?
19:43Let the illusion down.
20:39Mr Thompson, come for a drink.
20:40It's Tom.
20:41Tell him to go to Tim's house.
20:42Listen, Tom.
20:43There's a traffic station, there's a service area.
20:44Up at 10th Street. Get here now.
20:48He's at Cannon Street.
22:13Come on.
22:44Tom, what on earth?
22:46Let me get out to speed.
22:48I had a visit from our staring, waving friend.
22:50He was going by the name of Herb Ziegler.
22:53Ziegler came round to my flat this evening.
22:54I planted a tracking device on him.
22:57He made a drop.
22:58I'm waiting for the pickup.
22:59Should we have a pee?
23:00I did.
23:01He read our friend is warned off.
23:02Where's the meat?
23:03That's what he said.
23:04He warned you off.
23:05He said Christine was going to go to jail for treason.
23:07Oh, great.
23:08Why don't we all go to jail for treason?
23:09Look, Tom.
23:10We can't do this on our own anymore.
23:11Yeah, we've got to ring in.
23:12Harry will send in the cavalry.
23:14They may scare off whoever's going to make the pickup.
23:16For God's sake, this is the only link we've got to stop an assassination.
23:20Come on!
23:21Nights like this.
23:24You love it.
23:25You know you do.
23:26That's why we gave the job.
23:29Let's wait for the pickup.
23:31Yeah, all right.
23:35You came prepared.
23:37I had a field kit ready.
23:39A man ahead of the game.
23:40I think so.
23:43Three hours.
23:49Oh, here we go.
24:13All right, can I reply?
24:20I'll go.
24:42Tom, you are going to tell Harry about this, aren't you?
24:46We'll see.
24:52Salters Farm, Fenniston, near Sudbury.
24:54Anyone know Fenniston?
24:55Sudbury's in Suffolk.
24:58Okay, Zoe, have you got your car?
25:00Oh, no.
25:01What the CIA is doing is espionage.
25:03It's rape.
25:04They are trying to destroy my personal life with Christine.
25:07Why should I trust them with my country?
25:11Are you for me or against me?
25:33Well, let's wait till nightfall.
25:35Have a closer look.
25:37Don't ring in, Zoe.
25:38Hit me if you want to stop me, Tom.
25:40Just the one on top of this.
25:42There's interference.
25:43There shouldn't be.
25:44There's a mast over there.
25:45Oh, there's probably some kind of electronic interference field.
25:48Look, nothing's happening.
25:49I say we go back to the car,
25:50outrange all the interference and report.
25:59You still ringing them?
26:02Nothing, they're not home.
26:04All three not available.
26:06Every ten minutes you ring Tom's flat,
26:07Zoe and Danny's flat,
26:08and all three mobiles.
26:09Yes, honey.
26:11Oh, Harry.
26:12I've been on to the FBI, like you asked me.
26:14This American criminal,
26:15Michael the Shark Cajarias.
26:17It's amazing what they call themselves.
26:19Well, he's dead.
26:20The FBI had a tip-off.
26:21His body was found in a storm drain in Miami three days ago.
26:25So Tom saw a dead man arrive at Heathrow.
26:29Come, now.
26:35I think Tom Quinn's on the blink.
26:38Not Tom.
26:40He's been running an op on his own for his own purposes,
26:42and I'm having nightmares about what they are.
26:44What are you saying?
26:45He's acting against the interests of the service?
26:48Harry, Tom Quinn is your brightest and best.
26:50It's the brightest and the best who can go bad so spectacularly.
26:55What are you going to do?
26:57Issue a warrant for Tom Quinn's arrest.
26:59Police will pick him up on an anti-terrorism charge.
27:02This is going to be so ugly.
27:05I know.
27:08You stand by me on this, Ruth.
27:17You two all right?
27:19Oh, yeah, great.
27:22Mine, they were good coming out of the wood like that.
27:24Aren't we meant to be on the same side?
27:26Not anymore.
27:29Here we go.
27:35I'm sorry, Harry.
27:36Don't worry.
27:37Don't worry, I'll be OK.
27:50We're not going to get out of this, are we?
27:53You are.
28:04You're Herb Ziegler.
28:06First try and you ticked a box.
28:09Well done.
28:10I thought...
28:12Come on, Danny.
28:13Share, share.
28:16Now, just how incompetent are you people?
28:19You're blundering around in a highly dangerous and difficult op of ours thinking we're the bad guys.
28:24And this is what the good guys do?
28:26Did you tell Harry Pierce that Tom was preparing a legend as an Irishman
28:30with a Slovakian visa in his passport?
28:33What's the matter, Danny?
28:35Surprised that I knew that?
28:39Did you tell Harry?
28:41I don't know what you're talking about.
28:50What do you know about Tom's plans in Slovakia?
29:02You're sure about that?
29:04I don't know what you are talking about.
29:23What are they doing to him, Tom?
29:33Come on.
29:50Zoe, just tell them you know about the legend.
29:52Tell them you know about the legend!
30:03What legend?
30:04Yours, to go to Slovakia.
30:06What are you talking about?
30:08Brick Lane.
30:09The leather shop.
30:10Danny, it was a lead that went nowhere on Ziegler's carrier bag.
30:15What carrier bag?
30:16Ziegler had a carrier bag.
30:17It had A to Z leather was written on it.
30:18I checked out the shop.
30:19It went nowhere.
30:20Look, stop playing games!
30:21What did you find?
30:22You know what I found.
30:23No, I don't, Danny!
30:24I don't know what you found.
30:25An Irish passport in the name of Paul Connors with a Slovakian visa and your photograph.
30:30You went to the shop to check if your forger was doing the job.
30:32I have not been preparing a legend in the service or illegally, Danny, I swear to you.
30:37I don't believe you.
30:38How can I?
30:41I admired you, Tom.
30:44I would have gone to the ends of the earth for you.
30:49This is not what it seems.
30:54What are you doing?
30:55What's in Slovakia?
30:56Some love nest for you and Christine Dale?
30:59Danny, I haven't got the cash for that.
31:02You know me, I'm broke.
31:03There are ways of getting unbroke in our line of work.
31:06What have you got yourself mixed up in, Tom?
31:08Tell me.
31:09Tell me, Tom!
31:10Danny, there's no time.
31:11You tell me, you trust me.
31:12You don't.
31:14I don't.
31:56This is smoke and mirrors, Danny.
31:58Someone is spinning an illusion.
32:17Please, no.
32:19Please, Danny.
32:51It's OK.
32:56It's OK.
33:04I've got a signal.
33:07We go in.
33:14How are the two of you feeling?
33:18The answer should be victimised, taken for suckers, betrayed.
33:21I can't believe that.
33:28I didn't believe it.
33:29I still don't.
33:31But it's all coming together in my head and I hate it.
33:34Share your thoughts with us, Danny.
33:38Tom staged the whole thing.
33:40He spotted Cajarias.
33:42Or claims it was him.
33:43The whole thing at Heathrow, the CIA team, the whole thing was a fake.
33:47So Ziegler was Tom's collaborator?
33:49His right-hand man.
33:50And the whole thing at the farm, Tom set that up too?
33:54No, not Tom.
34:00I want you to accept this.
34:02If you don't, you will eat your heart out.
34:04The Irish passport, why did he have that made?
34:06So he could just disappear?
34:08And what about the assassination?
34:10I believe there is indeed a team of killers in this country and Tom is running it.
34:15How can you possibly believe that?
34:17Money, Zoe.
34:19In the end, in this world, it is often money which finally reveals the truth.
34:23Ruth did a banking check of accounts recently opened in the name of Paul Connors,
34:28the legend on the false passport.
34:32The London branch of the Slovakian National Cooperative Bank.
34:36Three days ago, a deposit of four million dollars.
34:40We have to accept this awful truth about somebody we've worked with and admired.
34:46Well, I can't.
34:48And I won't.
34:49And I won't.
34:50Zoe, he was going to fake his disappearance to pass himself off as some kind of hero.
34:54Yeah, traitors are often very vain people. They want us to admire them.
34:57This is wrong.
34:59Well, there's a full national alert in place.
35:01All engagements for cabinet ministers and prominent MPs are being ring-fenced with extra security.
35:06If Tom's friends are going to strike, the next 24 hours are crucial.
35:10And we don't have a blind idea where they are or who they're going to hit.
35:14So, all hands to the bombs.
35:30The horrible thing is, I can believe it.
35:33I can see him doing it.
35:37We have to stick together, Danny.
35:40We can't let it happen to us, ever.
35:43You're not helping us, Miss Stale. Why did Tom destroy the telex?
35:47I don't know. To protect me.
35:49Your employers have been enormously helpful.
35:51There is no record of any such telex being sent by CIA clanned ops to anyone.
35:58Nor any record of a satellite-intercepted telephone call
36:00made from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to Wimbledon, London.
36:05The CIA registry does, however, have a record of you receiving a telex.
36:08Sent from a commercial firm in Islington. The firm has been traced.
36:11Our technical side have retrieved the content of the telex from the firm's database.
36:19Is this the document that you showed to Tom?
36:25Please speak up, Miss Stale. This conversation is, of course, being recorded.
36:30This man...
36:31What have you done?
36:34Have you destroyed one of my best men?
36:37What are you? Some kind of old-style honey-trap?
36:39I swear!
36:40Mr. Pierce!
36:42Please honour the parameters that we have agreed for this interview, or we will terminate.
36:47I thought it was wrong we didn't tell you there was an assassin here.
36:51I love your country.
36:53And for your mics in this place, I'm sorry.
36:56I'm sorry.
36:58I love your country.
37:00And for your mics in this place, I love Tom Quinn.
37:06Michael Kaharius.
37:08His body was found in a Miami storm drain three days ago.
37:12There is no American assassin. There is no mystery CIA man.
37:16Your family is Czechoslovakian.
37:19Well, not Czech. Slovakian, actually.
37:22Dale. Originally Dalich, wasn't it?
37:24My grandfather is from Bratislava. What is this?
37:30If you and Tom were planning to flee and hide, please tell me.
37:33I still look on Tom as a friend.
37:35I'll do everything in my power to help you both.
37:39I have no idea what you're talking about.
37:45I'm so very sorry that you don't.
37:48I kindly thank your head of station for allowing us to have first bite at the rotten apple.
37:55Let's go.
38:06Haven't you seen a Gephardt M1 12.7mm rifle?
38:11Radio tip. A sniper's dream.
38:24Let's go.
38:35And now we have our little talk.
38:40You don't know who I am, do you?
38:42You know, I didn't think you would.
38:45You're too arrogant.
38:49Herman Joyce.
38:54One of the living dead.
39:03So, this is about Lisa.
39:08Of course it's about Lisa.
39:11So be the polite Englishman and ask how she is.
39:18She's not good, Tom.
39:20Not good at all.
39:21My daughter's in a facility in Maine, in a catatonic state of withdrawal.
39:26She doesn't speak.
39:28She doesn't see.
39:30There are times when she begins to scream.
39:34And she doesn't stop screaming until the sedatives are injected in her.
39:38Lisa Joyce.
39:40Alice and Jane. Sarah, Lucy, Jessica.
39:44And you must be Lisa.
39:46Hello, Lisa.
39:48Nice to meet you.
39:49Nice to meet you.
39:51I'm not responsible for what happened to her.
39:54Of course you're responsible.
39:56You were fellow students.
39:58You were a friend of hers.
40:01I had no idea what she got mixed up in.
40:03But I came to you for help.
40:05You were a graduate.
40:07Already an MI5 officer.
40:09Undercover at the London School of Economics.
40:14I couldn't talk to her.
40:16I was CIA. She called me a fascist.
40:19I looked to you to get her out.
40:22And I tried. I tried.
40:25I warned her often.
40:27Don't be so disingenuous, you little shit.
40:30You recruited her.
40:32You turned her into a five asset.
40:34An untrained girl of 19.
40:37You sent her undercover to penetrate a European hardcore anarchist cell.
40:42Herman Joyce. Veteran agent.
40:45I have a four year tour undercover in the Soviet Union.
40:49An unsung hero.
40:51The spy spy.
40:53I was so flattered when you asked me to help Lisa.
40:56And you were so pleased when she agreed to go undercover.
40:59Because she was coming back to you.
41:01She was taking up the family tradition.
41:03But she couldn't do it, could she?
41:05Couldn't handle the fear you subjected her to.
41:08What are you going to do with me?
41:12You took everything from her.
41:14Now I'm taking everything from you.
41:16You see, I heard about this Iraqi family.
41:19Once all powerful.
41:21And now with a consuming hatred for your country.
41:24You set me up.
41:26The mother of all set ups.
41:29I've destroyed your very soul, Tom Quinn.
41:35You're like Lisa now.
41:37In your own personal hell.
41:40And that's just, just.
41:43I have to move on now.
41:46The great moments of pleasure
41:48pass so quickly into memory, do they not?
41:56Flap bit of England here.
41:59I'm thinking of taking in Ipswich.
42:03Is that an historic British town?
42:43Hello, I need to use your phone.
42:46Listen, I'm really sorry.
42:52It's a date not to be missed in the country diary.
42:54Even Prince Charles has given the event
42:56his royal seal of approval.
42:58Walsack Racing hails back from medieval times.
43:01It's a day not to be missed.
43:03It's a day not to be missed.
43:05It's a day not to be missed.
43:07It's a day not to be missed.
43:09It's a day not to be missed.
43:10Walsack Racing hails back from medieval times.
43:12Legend goes that young drovers
43:14would demonstrate.
43:17This is an open line, but I'm going to use it.
43:19Tom, where are you?
43:22Tom, it's Zoe.
43:24Zoe, listen.
43:26I am just about certain
43:28the assassination will be tried in Ipswich.
43:31There'll be a sniper rifle left at the scene.
43:33It's a Hungarian Gepard M1.
43:35It'll have my fingerprints on it.
43:37Listen, Tom, we know about the assassination.
43:38We're interrupting this programme
43:40for a special news bulletin.
43:42There's been an attempt on the life
43:44of the Chief of the Defence Staff.
43:46Our Chief Marshal Sir John Stone
43:48was on his way to talk to officers
43:50at an RAF base near Ipswich.
43:52Our reporter Simon Newton
43:54is at St Hilary's General Hospital.
43:56Simon, what news of his condition?
43:58As we speak, doctors are fighting
44:00to save Sir John's life.
44:02He arrived driven by Special Forces officers
44:04in the same car that was hit by a single bullet
44:06from a marksman on the outskirts of the town.
44:08I've just heard. How is he?
44:12Well, he's... he's dead, Tom.
44:16He died about 20 minutes ago.
44:35Right, listen to me.
44:36I have been set up.
44:38The man behind it is ex-CIA.
44:40His name is Herman Joyce.
44:42I recruited his daughter Lisa
44:44to penetrate one of the cells of the Neo Red Brigade.
44:47She ran to pieces. He blames me.
44:49You understand?
44:50Herman Joyce?
44:51Ruth, check it out.
44:53Harry, Downing Street's on the phone.
44:55Sorry? Yeah.
44:57Tom, come into Tam's house.
44:59No, you come to me.
45:01Someone is wrecking my life.
45:03I have to explain.
45:04All right, we'll meet you.
45:06Just the three of you.
45:08If I get a whiff of Special Forces, I'll disappear.
45:13Who's that racist advisor of yours?
45:15This telly of yours!
45:17I'm at Old Orchard Cottage
45:19near Shofton, two B roads across,
45:21one to Woodbridge, one to Old Red.
45:23Postcode is IP344PC.
45:25Your daughter is having you for the night.
45:26Remember, who's a lucky, dirty girl?
45:32Tom's file.
45:34Now, he did recruit a girl,
45:36Lisa Joyce, but she didn't work out.
45:38There's one part of his story that's true.
45:40I've asked the CIA about Joyce.
45:42We're picking Tom up.
45:44You heard what the man said.
45:46Send in the heavies and you won't sing for dust.
45:48We are dealing with the assassination
45:50of the head of the British Armed Forces, Malcolm!
45:52Harry, wait a second.
45:54I'm not debating Tom Quinn with you.
45:56Danny, order a Chinook from the Colchester station
45:58to be five minutes away from this cottage
46:00with a detachment of Special Forces on board.
46:02What do you need backup like that for? This is Tom!
46:04Just do it.
46:06Signal device. It sends a simple command.
46:08Who will you want to signal?
46:10Special Forces, Colchester, detachment.
46:12Danny will give you the code.
46:14The CIA won't tell us anything about Herman Joyce.
46:16Then hack into their database. I must know about him.
46:18Malcolm, I'll give you a grid reference en route.
46:20Call us on the scrambler when you get something.
46:26I'm on it.
46:56I'm on it.
47:51Don't worry, I'm OK.
47:53It was a bit rough, but no lasting damage.
47:55What's the matter?
47:57You found my file on Lisa Joyce?
47:59We did that, yes.
48:01Well, that's what this is all about.
48:03That's why Joyce has done this.
48:06Shut up.
48:07What is this?
48:08You met Joyce?
48:11Yeah, we all did.
48:13Zoe and Danny did in the farm where he held us.
48:15For God's sake.
48:16What, Zoe? What's wrong?
48:18You're a liar.
48:19That wasn't Joyce.
48:21Who the hell do you think it was?
48:22You tell us.
48:24Herman Joyce was one of the very best undercover agents the CIA ever had.
48:30In God's name, what is wrong?
48:32What's wrong is that he died five years ago.
48:35What's happened to you, Tom?
48:37Nothing has happened to me.
48:39I'm just trying to clear my name.
48:44Oh, God.
48:46Tom, Herman Joyce was killed in a car crash.
48:48He's now buried in his hometown of Sefton in Maine.
48:51Ruth has got a picture of the funeral.
48:53His wife was there.
48:54You doctored the files?
48:56Tom, it was a full-blown CIA funeral.
48:58A flag on the coffin.
48:59Weeping widow.
49:00OK, well, good.
49:02Let's think it through.
49:03He faked his own death.
49:04He staged the car crash.
49:05It's perfect cover.
49:06All right.
49:07All right.
49:08Tell him all of it.
49:11We phoned his wife from the car.
49:13She lives in New York, Tom.
49:15She was with him in the car.
49:16Well, then she's in New York.
49:17In the car.
49:18Well, then she's in it with him.
49:19Harry thinks this has all been run by you.
49:23Do you?
49:24I've seen the good go bad before.
49:25Even men as good as you.
49:27You really believe this of me?
49:29Best not to believe anything.
49:30Just what's in front of your eyes.
49:31Tom, give me the gun.
49:33It's over, Tom.
49:35Don't let Joyce win.
49:37Don't you see what he's done to us?
49:40Don't, Harry.
49:42You've got a signal device in your pocket,
49:43if I'm near for backup.
49:44It's nothing.
49:45Raise your hands, Harry.
49:46There's no need.
49:47I can't let you call them in, Harry.
49:48I need to get to Joyce,
49:49so they don't prove my innocence.
49:51You know what I must do.
49:52Harry, don't!
51:17Get up.
51:28You know what I must do.
51:46Get up.
52:16Get up.
52:46Get up.
53:16Get up.
53:35On the beach.