MI5. Spooks S02 E03 - Spiders

  • 3 months ago
00:30We can get fully funded then we can have portable it centers like this one up and running in your area
00:48What's going on? Can you get a letter from the borough?
00:52With a clearance team everybody there is blue asbestos in the building
01:00I have to control. We're inside. What's going on fun and games?
01:08The game is murder in the dark
01:10Colin, I need Pegas down on line now
01:12I can't, the satellite's been scrambled
01:14Control to reaction force, everything's corrupted here, two officers are in danger
01:16Proceed, full discretion is yours
01:18Yeah, that's right
01:20Several PC's, looks like regular ISDN feeds
01:32You told me to watch and learn, I can't watch from outside
01:34Justin, still down here
01:36Tell Danny to hurry
01:38Found it
01:40Look at it, yanking files right off our system
01:42Break the connection
01:44Just pull the line up
01:46Control, we've found the system
01:48Just pull the line up
01:50Control, we've found the source, we're going to pull the connection
01:52Check the traps
01:54It's going to take time
01:56Just break the connection, Danny
01:58Tread gently
02:00Control, you've got officers in the field, I'm going to break the connection
02:02Back on
02:04Where are they
02:06Control to Anthony
02:08Clear Patcher
02:14Hopefully done
02:16Go, go, run
02:18Who's responding
02:44Our people in Pakistan have vanished
02:50Those hackers have wiped two of our agents off the map
02:56Let me understand this
02:58At 11.27 today, someone thrust a hand up our skirt
03:00Our Thames house mainframe was hacked into from a remote site
03:02Correct, operating systems were contaminated within seconds
03:04Archive files were swiped at the rate of a dozen a second
03:06We traced them back to our community centre in Stoke Newington
03:08We attempted to break the connection
03:10Triggered a high frequency pulse that scrambled the offending code
03:12And left my feelings aching like hell
03:14Meanwhile they sent us this
03:20Zeus spoke and nodded with his darkish brows
03:22And immortal locks fell forward from the lord's deathless head
03:24And he made great Olympus tremble
03:28The Iliad, Homer, 8th century BC
03:32Quotes a threat
03:34Olympus was the seat of power in ancient Greece
03:36Here, it trembles
03:38So, whoever they are
03:40They want to bring us down
03:42A little inflammatory, Ruth
03:44Inflammatory? You said it yourself, we've just been raped
03:46No, no, no, Harry said we were groped
03:48We weren't penetrated
03:50MI5 has a website just like Marks and Spencer
03:52Or the Natural History Museum
03:54These hackers broke in via that website
03:56They got nowhere near the inner sanctum
03:58It's a bit like demonstrators going into the Houses of Parliament and letting off fireworks
04:00Alarming, but hardly a threat to the Constitution
04:02I think you should work on that Homeric quote, Ruth
04:04See what connections you can make
04:10Stay here, I want to know what went wrong out there today
04:16Right, I'm giving you a sound grilling
04:18Keep looking Crestfall and tell me when she's gone
04:24She's gone
04:26That woman works for GCHQ
04:28As far as she's concerned, this is not a crisis, it's just a glitch
04:30Is it just a glitch?
04:32Of course not, it's a bloody crisis
04:34See, there's a first strike at our operating system
04:36Someone is going to war
04:38I'm going to, but I want to handle this at shop floor level
04:40Otherwise, brass will be crawling all over us
04:42I can keep Ruth busy here
04:44But if these hackers get in again
04:50Alright, so tell me
04:52We were running a satellite trace on two officers on the field
04:54Operating tags, Anthony and Cleo
04:56The arms trafficking gig
05:00This is a desert site just outside Not Kund in western Pakistan
05:02They were infiltrating an illegal weapons fair
05:04And the fair zone security forces suddenly went apeshit
05:06We don't know why
05:08Anyway, Kalashnikov started speaking
05:10And the whole thing turned into a bunch of no fun
05:12Our people were relying on us to guide them to a safe location in the town
05:30When the hackers got in, the satellite link went down
05:32By the time we got back online, we'd lost them
05:38You know she's getting married next month
05:42In case you hadn't noticed, we're on a security clampdown
05:44Operating tags only, please
05:48Anthony and Cleopatra
05:50They've been out there a long time
05:52They're depending on us
05:54Any suggestions?
05:56Well, they've either gone to ground or they're in the ground
05:58If these sods find a way to hack into the inner sanctum
06:00Then every operative will suffer the same fate as Anthony and Cleopatra
06:02MI5 will be powerless
06:04As will this country
06:06Digicam footage from the IT fair
06:08This is the only face match
06:10Gordon Blaney
06:1249, born in Sunderland
06:14Fully paid up member of the Socialist Party since 76
06:16Was once active for the SFM
06:20The Socialist Freedom Movement supports the underclass
06:22Through sabotage, extortion
06:24And lately through acts of computer warfare
06:26Membership runs into the hundreds
06:28And they are well funded
06:30They detest new labour
06:32Which they see as a presidential government
06:34Which must be dismantled
06:36Along with its bodies
06:38Us included
06:40We've been expecting something like this from them for a while
06:42But nothing so effective
06:44They first came to our notice when we infiltrated the NUM during the miners' strike
06:46When the miners were fighting for coal, not dole
06:48The SFM saw it as stage one of a national revolution
06:50Then, four months ago
06:52The Home Office received an unofficial email
06:54Talks in poetic terms
06:56About a major new high-tech offensive
06:58And about, quote
07:00Blinding the lidless eye of state tyranny
07:02That's us
07:04Do they want revenge?
07:06I've been building bridges with the organ of the SFM
07:08The newspaper Red Cry
07:10Posing as a freelance journalist
07:12Red Cry
07:14We've learned that sales profits go into SFM coffers
07:16SFM operatives contact each other through the paper
07:18Etc, etc
07:20I'm angling for the Red Cry editor, James Crow
07:22To get me in touch with the SFM soldiers
07:24So, where does Gordon Blaney feature in all this?
07:26Blaney teaches history and IT
07:28At school, Stonehenge, a glowing record
07:30Helped with the initiative to bring computer technology to the inner cities
07:32Here he is again
07:34Taken at the industrial summit in Leeds last summer
07:36He was never arrested
07:38Unlike this in Nottingham
07:40One of the captains for the SFM
07:42Using the miners' struggle to push civil disobedience
07:44Into other sectors
07:46According to our files, this man is suspected of
07:48Throwing a nail bomb into a police car
07:50And is one of two men suspected of GBH
07:52On a WPC in Bolton in 85
07:54We tapped his phone line
07:56Yeah, they got burnt at here, I saw them
08:00Shit, I'm not talking to you on this line
08:06So, we have ourselves a vicious anarchist
08:08Who just happens to be handing out pamphlets
08:10Yards from a computer that is hacking into MI5
08:14We bug his work, his home
08:16His entire life
08:18But oh so carefully, people
08:20He's our best lead and I don't want him bolting
08:26Jane Graham
08:2825, thank you
08:30Born in Slough
08:32We're just penning your references now
08:34You start class straight away
08:36English curriculum
08:38Years 8 to 10
08:40Everything from Chaucer to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
08:42Tom, I'm not a teacher
08:44Well, you're not a canoeist
08:46But you had a canoeing accident last summer in France
08:50What's the problem, Zoe?
08:52Tonight, I'm going to see
08:54Tonight, I'm going to see
08:56I'm going to see a friend and I have to be
08:58Emma, the legal secretary
09:00Tomorrow, I have to be Jane, the canoeing English teacher
09:02You're Zoe Reynolds, MI5 officer
09:04Don't spit me that, you hated lying to Ellie
09:08We have to know what else Gordon Blainey's planning
09:10Who'll bring him in?
09:12And send the rest of them into hiding
09:14Tom, it's a honey trap and it's NAF
09:16NAF can work
09:20You know what scares me?
09:22It's a trap on the head and all of these people that I have to be
09:24are confused together in my psyche
09:26and I'm going to go on a hell of a schizophrenic
09:42Jane should have just come out of a relationship
09:44It makes her vulnerable
09:48Might appeal to him
09:52I don't know
10:14Alright, Ray? How's Triggs?
10:16I've got something for you
10:18I went down in Stoke Newington yesterday
10:20There was some sort of raid, um, by security services, MI5, trying to seize a load of computers
10:29or something.
10:30I heard something.
10:31The thing is, how did you?
10:32I've got a mole in the Home Office, says the SFM are back and declaring war.
10:42Should I be making a connection?
10:45I've got to get on.
10:50Ray, you could have gone to the brawl sheets or something like that.
10:57You didn't.
11:00You know where my heart lies, man.
11:13What did you say to the articles, Claire?
11:15That pig.
11:16I hid all his floppy disks in plant pots all over the building.
11:24At the bank, I'm the sort to let things faster.
11:27I don't open up very well.
11:30I didn't notice.
11:33That's because I want to share with you.
11:37Is that stupid?
11:40No, it's very honest.
11:43You're an edge tonight.
11:48Are you OK?
11:52It's not you, all right.
11:54I have to work.
11:55Oh, really?
11:57I'm sorry.
11:58I'm such lousy company.
12:01You can tell me anything.
12:07Good night, Carlo.
12:09Good night, Emma.
12:13Good night.
12:20I pulled a man's eyeball out today.
12:24I work for the government.
12:26And then I pushed it back in again.
12:29I'm not some tosser trying to impress you.
12:32I'm serious.
12:34You have a very sexy frown.
12:39I can tell you because they've checked you and you're clean.
12:41They clearly haven't seen me after a 36-hour shift.
12:43The truth.
12:45My name is Tom Quinn.
12:47And I'm an officer for Her Majesty's Secret Service.
13:00How do you feel about what I've just told you?
13:04I read a book about the Secret Service once.
13:07You all wear the same colour tie.
13:11I suppose you're stuck behind a desk most of the time.
13:13No, it's not all paperwork.
13:16It can be dangerous.
13:17Yet so can wrestling a person on mescaline onto the examination trolley.
13:21Look, I don't want people dating Vicky the doctor.
13:24Do you want people dating Tom the Secret Service man?
13:27No, I don't want anyone dating Tom.
13:30Except you.
13:36I want to taste you.
13:59You know this guy, James Crowe?
14:01I think he's close to letting me in.
14:03You know, I should make it easy on myself.
14:05Like you.
14:08Going for Sam.
14:11Going for her?
14:13She's pretty.
14:15Because she's cleared.
14:16Hold on.
14:17Sam's not convenient.
14:18And I'm not going for...
14:19We haven't...
14:20Look, you're in a scratchy mood.
14:22And, um...
14:23I'm going to get some shut-eye.
14:25Look, you're meant to be testing me.
14:31Don't take long.
14:32I am working the dawn shift.
14:41Blenny's class from that way.
14:43Malcolm's staff from that way.
14:45Blenny's class from that way.
14:47Malcolm's staff from that way.
14:49Blenny's class from that way.
14:51Malcolm's staff from that way.
15:19No running in the corridors.
15:31They're attacking us again.
15:33What are they doing?
15:34Scanning lines of data.
15:35Looking for weaknesses.
15:36Firewall is holding.
15:38Running a trace.
15:39Apple, this is Control.
15:40Have any sign of movement at Blenny's?
15:42Negative, Tom.
15:43All quiet here.
15:44We've lost contact.
15:45We've lost contact.
15:46We've lost contact.
15:48Negative, Tom.
15:49All quiet here.
15:51They're toying with us and they want us to know it.
15:53We have to limit their routes of entry.
15:55I'm shutting down all non-essential systems.
15:57So we better get us something on Blenny and she better get it quick.
16:18All right, Governor.
16:19It's a cracking morning, isn't it?
16:21Got a supervisor in there.
16:27Is Johnny Stuffy in here, sir?
16:29Accent's a bit Bowbells, Anton.
16:32Point taken.
16:38Right, where is she?
16:48There she is.
17:07Mr. Harrow's mug, I'm afraid.
17:09Oh, right.
17:11Which one do I use?
17:12You bring your own.
17:19We're on.
17:20Bring your own mug.
17:21Don't tell her that at teacher training college.
17:23Ah, that's teachers for you.
17:24Left wing for life.
17:25Fascist in the stuff room.
17:27Supply, yes?
17:28Yeah, yeah.
17:29Qualified six months ago.
17:31Jane Graham.
17:32I teach English.
17:33Gordon Blaney.
17:34I'm history.
17:36Well, better get going.
17:38Good luck.
17:48Up here, ten?
18:19So, um, sorry, if we could just bring the noise down just, just a notch.
18:24So, um, what do we think about the, the protagonist in, in Great Expectations?
18:35Uh, what, there's a, a very good word.
18:42There's a very good word.
18:46Can anybody tell me what that means?
18:48You with the headphones, would you just mind...?
18:51I'd like to see.
18:52Thank you.
18:57Give me an Afghan drugs deal any day.
18:59I think she's splendid.
19:13Oh, God!
19:14They want to...
19:16Sorry I made you jump.
19:18That's all right.
19:19No, no, I was just going to say, they want to learn, most of them.
19:22They just don't know how.
19:25Of course, there's something like that new kid's paedophilia.
19:28Won't connect with anything.
19:30How's my wife?
19:31Daunting first year.
19:32Oh, yes.
19:33I could do with a drink, actually.
19:35Um, in fact, there's a nice bar down the street.
19:38I'd like to go there.
19:39Oh, yes.
19:40I'm sorry.
19:41I've got to stay late.
20:11Give me a signal, Malcolm.
20:12We can't cover the IT room.
20:16We're observing a possible computer hack and we can't watch in with computers.
20:19Room's being refurbished. We couldn't risk the decorators finding the bug.
20:33Our man does something in the IT room, God knows what,
20:36comes home late, we've got to find out what it is.
20:38God knows what.
20:39Comes home late, we pick up a good deal from our target, Mike's outside.
20:42He orders pizza, plays Dire Straits, Alchemy, the live album.
20:46Was he working on his home PC?
20:48We didn't pick up any keyboard sounds.
20:50At 8.26, he receives a phone call from James Crow.
20:53We should make a call.
20:54I've told you, I'm not talking to you on this line.
20:57Hangs up.
20:58So, Blainey carries out the hack on Crow's orders?
21:00Probably, but we still need to tread gently. Zoe?
21:05Forget the kids for five minutes.
21:07I had great teachers, all right?
21:09Mrs Forbes, in particular.
21:10It was because of her that I got into Oxford.
21:12Because she pushed me and she inspired me, and that's why I'm here.
21:15You're not a teacher. You're an officer in the field.
21:19Yeah, and to those children, I'm a teacher.
21:22I'll do my job, but don't tell me to forget them.
21:24Look, if SFM succeed in destroying our national security network,
21:27we'll be as useless to this country as we were to Antony and Cleopatra.
21:29And that means those kids' lives are in danger.
21:32That means everyone's life is in danger.
21:37Wear a tight sweater tomorrow.
21:41I've been watching him all day. He obviously fancies you.
21:44We need to build on that connection.
21:46Oh, any particular sweater in mind?
21:48The blue one.
21:57Pip's childhood act has a massive effect on his adult life.
22:01Can anybody tell me what it does?
22:12Who threw that?
22:17It was you, wasn't it?
22:19Me? Oh, whatever, miss.
22:20I won't tolerate that sort of behaviour in my class. Outside.
22:23Are you joking?
22:33I like your top, miss.
22:35Does your boyfriend like it? Out.
22:38Have you got a boyfriend, miss?
22:41I mean it.
22:43Can I be your boyfriend, miss?
22:50That's the way.
23:06Can anybody tell me what it does?
23:11Are you OK, Jane?
23:16I forced a boy out of my class.
23:18He was being insolent and sneering and upsetting the rest of them, basically.
23:22But I feel like I should have been able to win him round, or contain him at least.
23:26Ah, yes. That fairy-tale moment when the bad apples turn by the power of our teaching.
23:31It's crap.
23:34It's crap.
23:35I failed.
23:37The bad kids control what the rest of the class think and feel.
23:40They choose how much of the lesson gets through.
23:43In a sense, they control the information.
23:46Brute force is an unwelcome ally.
23:49You inflicted pain on the controlling factor for the benefit of the majority.
23:53You don't have to feel good about it.
23:56But don't kid yourself, it wasn't necessary.
24:11Blaine is heading for IT. This is Zoe's best chance to get into his room.
24:54We've got a tiny problem. He's heading back.
25:42Go on, go home.
25:46Everything all right?
25:48Yeah. I just found a couple of boys helping themselves to pens off of your desk.
25:55You might want to think about locking that door.
25:56I do? I thought I had.
25:59Must have forgotten.
26:02I'm glad I bumped into you, actually.
26:05I'm a bit bored of eating supper on my own.
26:08You're the nearest thing to a mate I've got in here.
26:11Take pity on the new girl.
26:13I will.
26:15It's just... not tonight, if that's OK.
26:21You'll just let me know.
26:22Aye. Aye.
27:02There's a lot of discontent out there, Ray.
27:06And it's lasted a damn sight longer than one winter.
27:11The old Union men are back in the fray.
27:15Our struggle has never been more important.
27:19Our soldiers, never more ambitious.
27:24You mean the SFM?
27:27No wonder MI5 are getting jumpy.
27:29There's a man I'd like you to meet.
27:32What man?
27:34Gordon Blaney.
27:36SFM is back in business, Ray.
27:39And those that try to crush us, will burn.
27:48Sorry it's so chilly. The heating's computer controlled, so I've shut it down.
27:51We think Blaney's priming school computers for another hacking operation.
27:54Tomorrow he'll be with his SFM colleagues.
27:56They're tub-thumping and they want a journalist there. Me.
27:59Danny thinks it's a lone cell. He can give the signal and we swoop, take him out.
28:02Look, it doesn't make any sense.
28:05I mean, he's cynical and he's angry, but he cares. I've seen it in him.
28:09I mean, he told me not to give up on the kids.
28:12Well, that from a man who wants national anarchy.
28:21Don't forget the nailed ones.
28:23Look, I've seen enough terrorists, you know.
28:25There's always a piece missing in them, a piece of humanity.
28:28And there isn't with this man.
28:30Quite beguiling, isn't it?
28:32The simplicity of the outside world.
28:34Dinner bells, detention, names on chipped coffee mugs.
28:38I just...
28:39I know.
28:40You enjoyed being part of something ordinary.
28:43I never lost sight of my objective, Harry.
28:48My instincts tell me that Gordon Blaney isn't as involved as we think he is.
28:51And my instincts are all that I've got.
28:53No, you have your instincts backed up by £12 billion worth of intelligence.
28:58Intelligence which must be protected.
29:07I'm not kidding you, James. I'm bloody serious.
29:14Look, I don't know if it's Special Branch, whoever, but I'm being watched.
29:24William Wordsworth, one of the Romantic poets.
29:29Can anybody tell me what the Romantic poets were all about?
29:37Poetry's pretty boring, isn't it?
29:42You don't like poetry?
29:43Not really.
29:44Not even Romantic poetry?
29:46Don't care, Miss. Sorry.
29:52OK. Dido.
29:54You got the case?
29:58Thank you.
30:03Blaney's on the move.
30:06He's left the class. Where's he going? Malcolm?
30:22I'd lost him.
30:23So you're with her and not with me. I hope she's sweet and so pretty.
30:26I hear she cooks delightfully.
30:29Dido has written a Romantic poem.
30:31She's complimenting an ex-boyfriend on his new lover.
30:34Or is she?
30:37No, she's not.
30:38Yeah, but she says this girl's great. She's a wonderful cook.
30:40She doesn't mean it, Miss.
30:42When you see her sweet smile, baby, don't think of me.
30:46Follow the logic running through this poem.
30:48What's the theme?
30:50Yes, Daniela.
30:51Everything that Dido's saying is like the opposite of what she means.
30:54Yeah. When she says, don't think of me,
30:57she really wants him to be thinking of her.
30:59She never wants him to forget her.
31:08I, uh...
31:09I want you to write a love poem, like Dido's,
31:11like you have to mean the opposite of what you're saying.
31:13I love you when you mean I hate you, and the other way around.
31:15Where are you going, Miss?
31:17Uh, just get writing,
31:18and I'm going to ask Mr Williams next door to listen out for you,
31:21so if you play up, I'll know about it.
31:23Believe me.
31:36I don't like her being out of sight.
31:38Do you think he could be leading her?
31:40Do you think it's a set-up?
32:03Come on, son.
32:05I've got you a drink.
32:08Go away.
32:13What's the deal out there?
32:15Oh, she's OK.
32:17She's OK. Pull him back.
32:23Walk here, Peter.
32:25You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
32:31I never even looked at them.
32:37I just keep my head down, and sometimes they don't notice you.
32:41But this time they went for you.
32:43It's safer in here, so...
32:48My dad, he knows karate and self-defence and all that.
32:52He's going to come down here,
32:54and Jason Sweeney and that lot will wish they were dead.
33:01My dad will sort it out.
33:05Look, Peter, we've got a bit of a problem.
33:08You see, if Mr Blaney and I caught outside
33:11instead of, well, in there teaching,
33:14then we were both before it, weren't we?
33:19I don't really want to lose this job.
33:21I don't want to go back to my old one.
33:23Have you ever tried plucking chickens for a living?
33:25Just no upside.
33:31How about we both bunk off early,
33:33and I'll give you a lift home if you like?
33:41Good lad.
33:57Hi, Mrs Ellis. I'm Jane Graham.
33:59I'm Peter's English teacher.
34:01There was a little bit of bother at school.
34:03Have you got a minute?
34:04It's not a good time.
34:06Right. Is Peter's father at home?
34:08My dad works long hours, miss.
34:10Right on.
34:11Thanks for bringing him home.
34:12That's all right.
34:19Aunty Doris?
34:20We're about to raid Red Croy.
34:22I'm on my way.
34:29So where's this Gordon Blaney, then?
34:34Hey, I thought we had trust.
34:36You want Blaney to be spokesman for the SFM, yeah?
34:38I mean, that's really what this is about, isn't it?
34:40Be quiet.
34:41Look, if you guys are about to declare war,
34:43then I'm the man to get your message into the Nationals.
34:45I'm the safe link you've been looking for, and I'm the one...
34:47Why the stud?
34:50The stud. Haven't seen you wear one before.
34:52Someone tell me he's worn a stud before.
34:55Great, I'm not a paranoid.
34:57What are you talking about? I've always worn one.
34:59He's clean, Johnny.
35:01Look, do you want to see it? Make you happy?
35:06What's this coating?
35:08It's a cheap job off the market.
35:10What is it, some kind of bugging device?
35:11Actually, it's just a cheap job off the market.
35:13That's not Johnny's mind racing, that's not good.
35:15Stand by all units.
35:21Three vehicles, evenly positioned.
35:23Perfect for triangulating target mics.
35:26Come again?
35:27Control vehicle across the street.
35:29This is a damn set-up.
35:30We're not doing this.
35:31Is he high or something?
35:32We're not doing this.
35:33Oh, come on.
35:34We run a newspaper.
35:36I thought you might like to interview an activist from the old days.
35:39That's all.
35:41I've changed my mind.
35:42There's no job here for you, mate.
35:44Don't call again.
35:50Back up!
35:56Please put your hands on your heads.
35:59Compound these computers.
36:07It was just an ear stud, you paranoid twit.
36:51I know I stand for everything that you hate.
36:56But I want you to help me.
36:58Because it's important to everybody in this country.
37:02The IT fair.
37:04Those council workers had MI5 written all over them.
37:09Crowe phones me from time to time.
37:11Always wanting to recruit me, all that bollocks.
37:15I told him what I'd seen.
37:17You told him you saw us get burnt?
37:19But I didn't do the burning.
37:21I'm not involved in any of that stuff.
37:25And what's this?
37:28School trip to Leeds?
37:30What the hell's...
37:32No, that's not me.
37:34That can't be me.
37:36You're setting me up.
37:38And the nail bombs?
37:40And that WPC in 85?
37:42You hacked into her, didn't you, in a very real sense.
37:44Your bosses feed you crap and you wolf it down and come back for seconds.
37:48I charged a few riot shields in me youth and you decide I'm a psychopath.
37:52We know that you were tampering with hard drives in the school.
37:54I was installing modems.
38:02I want to know what you think, Gordon.
38:03I think whoever's playing you, people's playing you good.
38:07Because you're not only barking up the wrong tree, you're in the wrong flaming forest.
38:11For the record, I teach.
38:21And I wasn't playing at it, Jane.
38:26I was doing it for real.
38:28What's real for you, eh?
38:32Do any of you people know what reality is?
38:43Thank you.
38:48I won't need you anymore.
38:50Then what about this week's...
38:51I don't need this paper.
38:57Oh, don't forget.
38:58You say a word to anyone, I can make it so you won't even be able to get a library card.
39:21You're doing great, Noah.
39:23Bypass the trunk codes.
39:24I can't get past this firewall.
39:26There's nothing that MI5 can build that my boy can't get over.
39:31What can you tell me about this defence system?
39:33Think carefully.
39:36It attacks foreign codes, like white blood cells in the body.
39:46So if we send in a decoy code...
39:51...then maybe their system will attack it so heavily that it'll leave a hole somewhere.
39:54Yes, my boy.
40:03What is it?
40:05The firewall's under attack.
40:12OK, I'm looking for weaknesses in the main system.
40:15Found one.
40:17Don't let them in, Colin.
40:19Found one.
40:21Don't let them in, Colin.
40:24I can't get through.
40:26Ten seconds.
40:30There's a bypass in the op system through an internal phone line.
40:40The angel of death is over us.
40:46We're in their mainframe.
40:47This is as close as we'll ever get to the inner sanctum without getting access to their own computers.
40:52Let's start the ball rolling.
40:53You bet, Dad.
40:58Don't believe this. Not again. It's not possible.
41:00Ninety-four. Ninety-four.
41:01House number. What number does Blaney live at?
41:07Come on, folks. Anyone? Number ninety-four.
41:09Maybe the SFM numbered their agents?
41:10Yes. Zoe, get on it.
41:11Periodic table.
41:15Ninety-four. Ninety-four.
41:43How high?
41:44Sixty, seventy grams. Radioactive as hell.
41:46The school's a radioactive hot zone.
41:47We need to evacuate a minimum of two clicks.
41:49Pull everyone out. Everyone. At once.
41:58It's a Chernobyl affair. I can't leave everything.
43:08Hey, Geiger scrambler.
43:09This little beauty confuses scintillation counters.
43:12Makes them read like hot potatoes. Where did you get this?
43:16Dissident CIA. Eastern Europe. Toys R Us.
43:21You can't play dumb, Gordon. You were in that shed.
43:26Not alone.
43:34Did you find their inner sanctum codes?
43:36Yeah. They made it easy. Terminals were still on.
43:47We have access to every part of you, even the inner sanctum.
43:51We will now download everything.
43:53We will expose every one of your dirty secrets.
43:55Your people will be free and Olympus will crumble good riddance.
44:00Clearing you now.
44:01We've got Cleopatra on the squawk box. I'm passing her through.
44:04Cleopatra to Control. Reinstating contact. Do you read me?
44:07Good to hear you, Cleopatra. After two days, we thought we'd lost you.
44:10I'm alive. And I'm the only one.
44:12Anthony's dead.
44:14Stand by. We're having technical difficulties.
44:17Harry, what do we do?
44:19We're sitting ducks.
44:20This is it.
44:29Peter was at the IT fair, but I...
44:30It's OK. I'm already there.
44:32On my way.
44:34Do we have anything at all?
44:36A couple of minutes and they'll be in the inner sanctum.
44:38Then they can start wiping us out.
44:40Sit tight, Cleopatra.
44:42Sit tight, Cleopatra. And observe radio silence.
44:45You're on your own.
44:47For now.
45:12Pip's an idiot.
45:14His whole life's controlled by the will of this rotten convict.
45:17What are the spiders doing, Peter?
45:21They carry binary information.
45:24Once they're all assembled, they'll wipe you out.
45:28What do you do with them?
45:30I don't know.
45:31I don't know.
45:32I don't know.
45:33I don't know.
45:34I don't know.
45:35I don't know.
45:36I don't know.
45:37I don't know.
45:38I don't know.
45:39I don't know.
45:40I wouldn't do that if I were you.
45:43You never know what might happen.
45:49My name's Noah Gleeson, by the way.
45:51I've been the one in charge.
45:56Zeus spoke and nodded with his darkish brows, yes?
45:59The original translation is the son of Kronos spoke and nodded with his darkish brow.
46:03Zeus was the son of Kronos.
46:05Kronos was a powerful titan, but his son became even more powerful.
46:08In a sense, it's a reference to a powerful child.
46:11There I was, getting worried.
46:12Sometimes you just need one more factor.
46:14I thought, seeing as you were interested in this boy...
46:16Look, put it all together.
46:18Greece, titans, Kronos, spiders, fathers and sons, the lot, and you get something.
46:24This is an old surveillance recording I had sent out from the registry.
46:26It's from a farmhouse in Greece, 18 months ago.
46:29A mountain place near the Albanian border called Titan's Reach.
46:40You've ruined it!
46:43Ruined it!
46:45That was Noah Gleeson, recorded by an officer with a surveillance mic outside the farmhouse.
46:50Noah Gleeson, son of Victor Gleeson.
47:02You've been leading us astray. Why?
47:05Why not?
47:07What else is there to do?
47:10Victor Gleeson was our man in Athens.
47:14Only relative, his son, Noah.
47:17They had apartments in the embassy compound.
47:20You'd heard of Noah, hadn't you, Danny?
47:21The boy was a computer genius, destined for great things.
47:24He worshipped his father.
47:27Victor's cover story was that he was working for the embassy,
47:30when in fact he was working undercover with some Albanian terrorists.
47:33Well, he slipped up, somehow.
47:36And they kidnapped him and Noah 18 months ago.
47:40They'll rescue us now.
47:42Kidnap the boy.
47:54We wanted to go in, but were afraid of hurting the boy.
48:04No! No, no!
48:13Victor was killed.
48:18But we escaped.
48:21And Dad and I got away.
48:27I've been controlling everything, been hacking into you for months.
48:31Setting you up, big time.
48:33You set up Gordon Blainey too, didn't you?
48:36Found him on the old police records.
48:38The teacher had been in trouble. Perfect.
48:41We rigged the computer at the IT fair.
48:44We knew you'd go for him.
48:47I'd already cheated myself a place at Hydale.
48:49We knew you'd put an officer in the school.
48:54But more, more than that...
48:56You knew that we'd surround the area with surveillance technology.
48:59Computers tapping right to the heart of the grid.
49:03So you were so smart...
49:05That you got hold of all of this amazing stuff and then...
49:08What, you used it to attack us?
49:11My dad could have been killed because of MI5.
49:15And it's because their stupid plan went wrong.
49:18They don't even want to know him.
49:22He's a hero.
49:26And I'm doing this for you too, you know.
49:30They don't care about you.
49:33You're just a gadget, like the Geiger scrambler.
49:42Soon, all the agents around the world can come home.
49:48Zoe, kid's dad was killed. He blames us.
49:50He's in a psychotic state. Go slow with him.
49:54Noah, if you take those files and expose all of our officers,
49:57then who's to say what happened to your father won't happen to them?
50:00My dad got away. Labelled who?
50:03God, Noah, you're wrong.
50:06We've got an agent trapped in the desert because of this.
50:09She's lost and alone and totally cut off from everything because of you.
50:16Bring her home, then.
50:18We can't bring her home.
50:20Well, I didn't send her, did I?
50:22No, you didn't send her. She chose to go.
50:24Like your father chose to go to Greece.
50:26Like he chose to work for MI5.
50:34The spies are ready.
50:37Noah, you've done an incredible thing.
50:40But I know that you don't want to see good people die.
50:49Noah, help me bring her home.
50:59Don't be scared. You've done all you can.
51:02Mission aborted.
51:04Let us bring her home.
51:06No choice, mate.
51:14Cleopatra, this is Control. I can give you safe house coordinates now.
51:26Thank God. Thank God.
51:39What about Laney?
51:41He's been relocated.
51:43With our apologies.
51:47He gets book tokens, I think.
51:51It's amazing.
51:53We spend billions against the drug cartels and the Iraqis.
51:57And yet we're almost brought down by one pathologically traumatised child genius.
52:02All the things that Victor knew and that little boy absorbed it.
52:05It's a wonder his head didn't explode.
52:07It did.
52:09Laney asked me what was real for us.
52:12The games, the role playing.
52:15We have no anchorage in our lives.
52:19Where do we run? Except inside ourselves.
52:23Time to go.
52:32Don't think of me.
52:34Don't think of me.
52:51You see, you always knew where you were with the public school traitor.
52:55Just look for the 16-year-old pipe-smoking sodomite with a copy of E.M. Forster under his arm.
53:01He was Victor Gleeson's son.
53:03So make sure he gets the very best of everything.
53:07Poor, poor boy.
53:16Mate in 32.
53:22Haven't looked at me in days.
53:31You'd have to make your mind up now.
53:35About whether it's worth the risk.
53:40I've made up my mind.
53:44Just remember the spider, my boy.
53:49When a web is destroyed, what does she do?
53:53She spins a new one.
53:55Even more beautiful, even more beautiful.
53:58Even more beautiful, even more complex.
54:03And she catches many flies.