¿Ganar o Servir? De vuelta al Pasado | Capítulo 32

  • 3 months ago
Esta noche una emocionante competencia de eliminación dejará afuera a un querido participante. Además, los espíritus se toman la casona, y los romances temblarán.


00:00:00We'll take a short break and be back with more of Case Closed.
00:00:30Mom, you finally found the opportunity to confront Amanda,
00:00:33but clearly, there's only one person who's losing and it's the other way around.
00:00:42Okay, I'll sell it to you.
00:00:44The poet is saved from elimination thanks to the card.
00:00:50Yes, yes.
00:00:52That's a yes.
00:00:54Pancal vs. Austin.
00:01:00Pancal vs. Austin.
00:01:03Girl, yes, look.
00:01:05Girl, if this happens...
00:01:07I'll buy you the pendant.
00:01:09No, I'll buy this one for you.
00:01:11This one is mine.
00:01:12It's mine.
00:01:13Pancal vs. Austin.
00:01:17Like every week, the Silvientes will have to prepare a talent show for you.
00:01:22Are you ready to see the first show?
00:01:26Hello, I'm Pascual Andrare,
00:01:28a legend in the history of Chilean TV.
00:01:31Forty years, arthrosis, arthritis,
00:01:34mushrooms, and hemorrhoids.
00:01:38And walking with the...
00:01:41What are they called?
00:01:42What are they called?
00:01:43Ah, feet.
00:01:46Oh, he's in love.
00:01:47And being able to discover
00:01:51what I feel when I'm in love
00:01:56No, that's too much.
00:01:58No matter when I come back
00:02:07This song is dedicated to Lala.
00:02:11My friend, I know I'm taking you out of your life.
00:02:18This one is for Luis.
00:02:22For Luis.
00:02:23For Luis.
00:02:24Rotten rat, scum of life
00:02:29Two-legged rat
00:02:36I'm taking you out of your life
00:02:42Because a rotten rat, even though he's the most evil
00:02:47Compared to you, he's very small
00:02:58I heard, get me out of here, help me, I'm a boy.
00:03:07Boy, boy, boy, I say.
00:03:12Boy, boy, boy, I say.
00:03:14Boy, boy, boy, I say.
00:03:15Boy, boy, boy, I say.
00:03:18Let me out.
00:03:20Let me out, I say.
00:03:29Hey, but you really can't fucking go and listen to the other part?
00:03:32You're making me nervous.
00:03:33I want you to go and listen to the other part.
00:03:35Because the other part is fucking awesome.
00:03:37What does it say?
00:03:39I'm scared, man.
00:03:46There it is.
00:03:47There it is, there it is.
00:03:50And I do love you.
00:03:52I'm telling you.
00:03:56I like you.
00:03:57A lot.
00:04:00What's up with you?
00:04:02To the point.
00:04:04Is something going to change?
00:04:09I don't believe it.
00:04:12Of course it wasn't.
00:04:14I find you a charming person.
00:04:18I trust you.
00:04:19I'd love to keep getting to know you, but I can't find love.
00:04:38This ceremony is crucial for your continuity.
00:04:43Because it's here, in this place, where we're going to define
00:04:46who should enter the arena of mourning
00:04:49and who will be saved
00:04:51and will be able to continue to win or serve.
00:04:58Hello, good evening.
00:04:59Welcome to a new, decisive and emotional
00:05:04Hello, good evening.
00:05:05Welcome to a new, decisive and emotional episode
00:05:09of Win or Serve Back to the Past.
00:05:11Today we will meet a new eliminated from this extreme experience
00:05:14and we will witness the outcome of a love story
00:05:17that you, from your homes, will be able to judge.
00:05:20On the other hand,
00:05:21follow the impact of our competitors
00:05:23by their communication with the spirits that inhabit the house.
00:05:26And speaking of mysterious souls,
00:05:28one of them will appear in the present body
00:05:31to surprise all our participants.
00:05:36Hey, clowns, turn on the dance.
00:05:38Girl, do you want more paper?
00:05:41Let's finish at the same time.
00:05:42What do you think of our conversation?
00:05:44Very good.
00:05:45Perfect, you see?
00:05:46But you see that neither of the two is cool,
00:05:47so we don't bother the other.
00:05:49We are not loudspeakers.
00:05:50No, nothing.
00:05:51No, I had thrown everything before you arrived.
00:05:53Yes, I arrived at the right time.
00:05:55You arrived at the right time.
00:05:58How wonderful.
00:06:00What a relief, right?
00:06:01What a relief.
00:06:03Pangal took the pendulum from you.
00:06:05We saw him put it.
00:06:07Did you see him putting it?
00:06:08Luis, tell the truth.
00:06:09Who put the pendulum on Pangal's lamp?
00:06:13For me it was there, because we were talking with Oriana.
00:06:16Dani was there too.
00:06:18And Pangal sent us there.
00:06:19Why did he send us?
00:06:20Didn't you see that today he sent you up?
00:06:21I told you.
00:06:23Today he sent you up twice.
00:06:24But at that moment he went to put the pendulum on the lamp.
00:06:26I don't know.
00:06:27I didn't see it.
00:06:29Daniela likes Cris.
00:06:31And Cris likes to hang out with him.
00:06:33He is a better man than Chucha.
00:06:35I like him a lot, girl.
00:06:36I was talking with him and he is a very good man.
00:06:41He is not empty.
00:06:43He has a lot of content.
00:06:47Whoever touches the one who touches it.
00:06:48It has been an entertaining experience.
00:06:50We have had a good time as we have had a bad time too.
00:06:52There have been too many fights.
00:06:54But one of the four of us is going to come back.
00:06:56Make it clear.
00:06:57Touch what you touch.
00:06:58Thank you for everything.
00:06:59Thank you for being the character you were.
00:07:01And for being you.
00:07:02And I wish it was.
00:07:03If there is really what we are talking about.
00:07:05Your change has been very, very evolutive, brother.
00:07:07I congratulate you for that.
00:07:08Thank you, Fangal.
00:07:09For the patience.
00:07:10For supporting me anyway.
00:07:11Although I have always been considered the weakest.
00:07:13And I am the weakest.
00:07:15You are the best.
00:07:18Well, I love to see how I have changed since you arrived.
00:07:21How I have evolved.
00:07:23Thank you and sorry.
00:07:24Sorry if at some point my way of being.
00:07:26So good to talk and so overwhelming.
00:07:28No, yes.
00:07:31I have a much happier part to show.
00:07:33Do it well.
00:07:34Compete well.
00:07:35As you know how to do it.
00:07:36I, from my house, I'm going to see them.
00:07:38And I'm going to fall in love.
00:07:39And I'm going to get excited every time I see this house.
00:07:41With all these memories.
00:07:42Let's see, if Fangal leaves.
00:07:43Who would be the captain?
00:07:44Clark or Austin?
00:07:48Who wants to be the captain?
00:07:52No, no, no, no.
00:07:53You said no.
00:07:55I want to be the captain.
00:07:56The captain would fall either in Clark or in me.
00:07:59Raise your hand what you would say to Oriana.
00:08:01Take it!
00:08:02Take it!
00:08:04A cricket.
00:08:05A cricket?
00:08:09Rigio, look at another talent that I don't know about you.
00:08:12Our captain has not taken this situation.
00:08:15Four out of four go to the duel.
00:08:18Our captain.
00:08:19Who only knows how to compete.
00:08:20But little strategy.
00:08:25Do I say everything?
00:08:26Nothing more to add, ma'am.
00:08:28Four out of four.
00:08:29You're right.
00:08:30It's not worth crying.
00:08:31It's not worth crying.
00:08:32So no one else is going to say anything?
00:08:43And if Fangal leaves.
00:08:44Now I agree more.
00:08:45And he has to take it out with his teeth.
00:08:47I agree.
00:08:49That's it, a cricket!
00:08:53THE DEAL
00:08:57I don't know the final reasons why you didn't want us to go to the strategy.
00:09:02But I'm going to say something.
00:09:04Every day he heard how the people next to him said that he was in charge here.
00:09:10We were the guys who followed his orders.
00:09:13I never heard that.
00:09:14Suddenly, when that happens, the person who is being syndicated as a guy who is in charge.
00:09:19Who said that?
00:09:20Who said it?
00:09:21Tell me names.
00:09:22I don't know.
00:09:23You don't know?
00:09:24They said it in your face.
00:09:26No, that we were assholes who followed orders.
00:09:28As assholes?
00:09:45I hope it's this one.
00:09:47That's going to be a pleasure for us.
00:09:49What does he do?
00:09:53THE DEAL
00:09:55There's the wolf.
00:09:56Look at the moon.
00:10:02Your wolf is here!
00:10:13Mariela, Poeta, brother.
00:10:16Let's go outside and let whatever happens.
00:10:19Let it happen.
00:10:20That's right.
00:10:21With everything, man.
00:10:22If life didn't want to tell you, you'll never be anyone.
00:10:51Good evening, competitors.
00:11:05How are you?
00:11:07Good evening.
00:11:08This ceremony is decisive for your continuity, to continue this adventure.
00:11:14Because it is here, in this place, where we will define who should enter the arena of
00:11:20duel and who will be saved and will be able to continue to win or serve.
00:11:26Tonight we greet those who are at risk.
00:11:30First of all, Austin.
00:11:32You lost the male individual competition, that's why you're here.
00:11:35Poeta, by decision of your captain, after the versus in the fire circle, you were nominated.
00:11:42Mariela, unfortunately you have come to this situation because you lost the
00:11:46female individual competition.
00:11:48We are here with you because most voted for you in the great assembly.
00:11:53A salvation ceremony that we will live again is the third on this path called
00:11:59win or serve.
00:12:00And as you already know, we have four cards.
00:12:02Two of them allow you to open the cell.
00:12:05Those who can cross this will be exempted from a new duel of elimination.
00:12:10The others will inevitably have to face this contest.
00:12:14In this opportunity, you will have the possibility to choose the order to pick up your card.
00:12:20We will give you 30 seconds to agree on who will be the first, the second, the third and the fourth.
00:12:26Mariela will be the first.
00:12:29Austin, third Poeta and I'll be the last.
00:12:33Austin, how do you feel about this situation?
00:12:37How is Sergio Carla?
00:12:38Well, I'm surprised.
00:12:41I did not expect to be in this position, to be honest.
00:12:44But I understand that things happen like this and I take care of that.
00:12:48I'm going to give my best, as I usually do.
00:12:50And if I have to go, I'm going with a good memory of friendship that is very difficult to do in a reality.
00:12:55I think I've done it here.
00:12:57Thank you very much, Austin.
00:12:58Good luck too.
00:12:59Poeta, how do you face what is coming?
00:13:02With optimism.
00:13:03I have grown a lot.
00:13:04I know the path I have to travel and only thank both the people on my team and all the guys.
00:13:09Good luck.
00:13:10Thank you very much, Carla.
00:13:11Good evening, Mariela.
00:13:12How did you get to this challenge?
00:13:14Today I was recounting everything that has been my stay here in Canelo Servir.
00:13:19I think I came in naively, thinking that maybe I, within the controller that I am,
00:13:25I was going to be able to control the moments and if I did not want to face the conflict, I was not going to do so.
00:13:31I think being here has given me a different maturity.
00:13:35And I think it has also taught me many things.
00:13:38One of them is not to try to deliver so many good things when you still do not know what is coming from the other side.
00:13:46And also to understand, of course, that the differences will always exist.
00:13:50The important thing is that one never stops being one.
00:13:53If I have to compete today, I will give the best I can give of myself.
00:13:57And if I have to stay, I hope to continue learning more things here.
00:14:01Anyway, I am 100% grateful and I think I am a worthy competitor.
00:14:06Maybe not the strongest, but very worthy.
00:14:09What can I say, Captain?
00:14:10He is always pointed out as the strongest, the most determined.
00:14:14If we gave you to choose who to face, who would it be?
00:14:20Well, you know me.
00:14:22I would like to face the strongest here.
00:14:25That has always been my line and will always be.
00:14:28And it would be awesome.
00:14:29Thank you very much.
00:14:30Let's see what happens, Captain.
00:14:33Very well, let's see what will happen through the draw next.
00:14:38You have already chosen who will go first and then.
00:14:43I understand, you start, Mariela.
00:14:49Very good, please.
00:14:53With everything.
00:14:59Very good, Mariela.
00:15:03You are then exempted from this elimination duel.
00:15:12Thank you, Mariela.
00:15:13Good luck, come back with your teammates.
00:15:15Very good, Mariela of Soberanos then.
00:15:17You are exempted from the elimination duel.
00:15:25Austin, it's your time.
00:15:27Now we will decide if you go to the duel or come back with the rest of the teammates.
00:15:31Please choose the card.
00:15:39The cell does not open.
00:15:40So, Austin, you are, luckily, the first duelist of tonight.
00:15:47I understand, who is next between the two of you?
00:15:49No, it does not open.
00:15:50In this poetic opportunity, the gate has not opened.
00:15:54Therefore, you must face this elimination duel.
00:15:58So, this process has already been carried out.
00:16:01But please, we are going to ask you to exercise your right.
00:16:07Very good, then.
00:16:08You are exempted from the elimination duel.
00:16:11This one was a bad one, it's going to be sad.
00:16:13Good, Captain.
00:16:18Well, well, well.
00:16:20You should have jumped there.
00:16:30You are the champion, yes.
00:16:32The judge is going to give you the final judgement,
00:16:34but you have to be very careful because you have to surmise everything.
00:16:38He had to jump in there, right?
00:16:40Yes, he had to jump in there.
00:16:44Very well, gentlemen.
00:16:45In the next few seconds, one of you will leave this competition.
00:16:49A duel will determine the luck of both in winning or serving.
00:16:53In advance, good luck Poeta, good luck Austin.
00:16:57Gentlemen, I invite you to take your positions.
00:17:09Very well, ladies and gentlemen.
00:17:11Through the screens of Canal 13, we will live a new elimination duel.
00:17:17The third in the history of winning or serving.
00:17:20This time there are two members of the sovereign team.
00:17:25I ask for applause for Austin.
00:17:27I also ask for applause for Poeta.
00:17:30As you already know, one of these two participants will be able to continue in competition.
00:17:36The other will have to take his things and leave this game forever.
00:17:42We take this opportunity to greet the rest of the participants.
00:17:45Welcome everyone.
00:17:46Good evening.
00:17:47A round of applause for you too.
00:17:50Good evening.
00:17:52This is the instance and the place where there are indeed many emotions found.
00:17:59Austin, how are you?
00:18:00With many feelings found, Carlita.
00:18:03It is not a panorama that I would have liked to be, much less with Poeta.
00:18:07And I am very sentimental in that sense.
00:18:10More than colleagues of a reality show, I think we have a friendship.
00:18:14But I am very sorry to be that person who improves it to leave.
00:18:19Clearly it is very difficult, as you say, this moment.
00:18:23But the time has come.
00:18:24Now, would you have preferred that next to you was Pangal tonight?
00:18:29Regardless of who is by my side, I will give 100% of my best.
00:18:33I will do what I know how to do.
00:18:35Out of respect, out of affection, out of everything that brings a friendship to Poeta.
00:18:39Thank you very much.
00:18:40I would like to ask Fran.
00:18:41Fran, good evening.
00:18:42How are you?
00:18:43Good evening.
00:18:44And you?
00:18:45Very well.
00:18:46Thank you.
00:18:47Observing what we are about to live, a duel between Poeta and Austin.
00:18:51And with him, in these last days, you have started a special path.
00:18:55What happens to you with this duel?
00:18:56And what happens to you with the possibility that in the next few minutes you will no longer be part of this game?
00:19:00When he opened the door, I got nervous.
00:19:02But I think he is one of the best competitors in this house.
00:19:07A test that did not go well the other day.
00:19:10It does not define anything.
00:19:11I know it will be incredible for him.
00:19:12And that he is a warrior of the heart.
00:19:13So, with everything.
00:19:14Thank you very much.
00:19:16Thank you very much.
00:19:17Now, however, Poeta.
00:19:20What do you think can happen tonight?
00:19:22Everything can happen.
00:19:24I have to be objective.
00:19:25Austin is one of the best.
00:19:26I'm going to go to my place.
00:19:27If I have to go.
00:19:28But I also know that he is diminished.
00:19:30We have talked about it during these last days.
00:19:32That he is with some discomfort.
00:19:33But would you like to repeat the feat, Poeta?
00:19:39Because he is a great friend.
00:19:40But I want to continue too.
00:19:42And I'm in that disjunctive.
00:19:43Let's see what happens.
00:19:44But I'm going to try to win.
00:19:45Would you have preferred that Pangal was there?
00:19:48It would be the same feeling.
00:19:50If I have to fall.
00:19:51Fall with the best.
00:19:52And if I have to surprise.
00:19:54You have to do it.
00:19:55Did you come to play or not?
00:19:57Look at the applause of the rest of the companions.
00:20:01Everything can happen on the field.
00:20:04However, speaking of emotions.
00:20:06Blue, how are you?
00:20:07Fine. And you, Carlita?
00:20:10But I imagine that you are a little bit with your heart in your hand.
00:20:12Being a friend of Poeta.
00:20:13What would you like to tell him?
00:20:15I would like to tell him that he is a wonderful person.
00:20:19I think that not only I think this.
00:20:22But all the people we met here in the house.
00:20:25I am very happy.
00:20:26Because something that I did not think of.
00:20:28It was seen in this program.
00:20:29And it is that from here I made very good friends.
00:20:32And Poeta is one of them for me.
00:20:35I have faith in him.
00:20:36Do you believe me?
00:20:37I have a lot of faith in him.
00:20:38I believe that faith is the last thing that is lost.
00:20:40I also take the opportunity to say that Austin is also a super nice person.
00:20:44So a kiss for both.
00:20:46We love you.
00:20:47And with everything, mom.
00:20:48Thank you, Blue.
00:20:49Good evening, Botota.
00:20:50Did you want to say something, Fran?
00:20:51I forgot to say something to Austin.
00:20:53Remember that we have something pending.
00:20:56So you can not say today.
00:20:58So you have to stay because I'll be waiting for you.
00:21:02Speaking of pending.
00:21:04I know that you were going to ask Botota.
00:21:06But I can not stop asking you, Austin.
00:21:09In case you get to go.
00:21:11This would be a relationship that you believe.
00:21:13That can last outside.
00:21:15Would you wait for her?
00:21:16What I have clear, Carlita, is the following.
00:21:19I do not worry about the past.
00:21:21The president right now is with Fran.
00:21:22I have not thought of a future yet.
00:21:24I assume she does not either.
00:21:26I think we're going to talk about that in due course.
00:21:29And you will know.
00:21:31Very well.
00:21:32Thank you very much, Fran.
00:21:33Thank you very much, guys.
00:21:36How do you see this duel?
00:21:37What do you think is more convenient for living together inside the house?
00:21:41Clearly that for living together I would love for her to stay a poet.
00:21:44It is a person who puts a cold bath.
00:21:46Or abstains from fighting with others.
00:21:49You have to be realistic too.
00:21:52That Austin is a person who has a lot of strength.
00:21:54And tell the poet that if he leaves.
00:21:57He knows he has to keep training.
00:21:59And Austin.
00:22:00I understood you a lot when you lost.
00:22:02But being here.
00:22:04I think one lands it.
00:22:06And there you realize that you do not want to go.
00:22:09Good luck to both.
00:22:10Show us a nice show.
00:22:13For all the people in their homes.
00:22:14Thank you very much.
00:22:17And thank you very much to each of the participants.
00:22:20To the representatives of both teams.
00:22:24Two participants of Soberanos.
00:22:26Submit to a duel.
00:22:27We are ready and prepared then.
00:22:29To start living this new elimination duel.
00:22:33What's going to happen tonight?
00:22:35We find out right away.
00:22:37But first.
00:22:38The explanation of this duel.
00:22:42The duelists will start the game at the top of the tower.
00:22:45From where they will have to go down the stairs of the circuit.
00:22:48Then they will have to cross a tunnel.
00:22:50Which is connected to a four-story tower.
00:22:53Which they will have to climb through a platform zigzag.
00:22:56Until they reach the top.
00:22:58And release the coins one by one.
00:23:00Each coin will be tied to a butterfly.
00:23:03Which will have to be removed to release it.
00:23:06And then move it back.
00:23:08Towards the top of the tower.
00:23:10The first competitor who manages to rescue the five coins.
00:23:14And place them in the coin box.
00:23:16Will be able to take the sword of victory.
00:23:18And will be the winner of the elimination duel.
00:23:25Ladies and gentlemen.
00:23:26Through the screens of channel 13.
00:23:28I repeat.
00:23:29Third elimination duel.
00:23:31Very good.
00:23:33Applause for Poeta.
00:23:34Applause for Austin.
00:23:37One of the two.
00:23:38The two will continue in competition.
00:23:40The other will leave this game forever.
00:23:44I invite you to take positions.
00:23:50Will Poeta be able to repeat the feat?
00:23:54Will Austin be able to win?
00:23:56To get the victory?
00:23:58We are about to watch this new duel.
00:24:01Poeta, are you ready?
00:24:03Austin, are you ready?
00:24:05Very good.
00:24:06Then we will start the third elimination duel.
00:24:09To win or to serve.
00:24:11Very good.
00:24:123, 2, 1.
00:24:14Let's go.
00:24:15This third elimination duel begins.
00:24:18To win or to serve.
00:24:19It is a battle between Austin and Poeta.
00:24:24Both have arrived here.
00:24:26After a week in which they have come from everything.
00:24:28But today we see the possibility of Poeta.
00:24:31To twist the keys of fate again.
00:24:34To see if he manages to install himself as the winner of this duel.
00:24:38Until the minute, the competition is technically tied.
00:24:40The goal is to recover the coins that are on the structure.
00:24:44And return them to the top of our fort.
00:24:49This duel will be of long breath.
00:24:52It requires a lot of resistance.
00:24:54It is a long race that you have to know how to run.
00:24:58Therefore, to breathe deeply.
00:25:00In this minute, look at the technique he is using.
00:25:02He is unrolling two coins at a time.
00:25:05But Austin has managed to get a considerable advantage.
00:25:10So far, Poeta is stuck at the top of the tower.
00:25:15There he manages to rescue his first coin.
00:25:17Meanwhile, Austin has already started the journey.
00:25:20Austin leads the first.
00:25:22Poeta begins to speed up the actions.
00:25:24He does not want to give up his chance to win this contest.
00:25:29Austin is already climbing to the top of the tower.
00:25:33He is going to deposit his first coin.
00:25:36In this way, we are observing how Poeta is just starting the road.
00:25:40The mousetrap has not made it easy for him.
00:25:43But for all the fans of our reality show.
00:25:46You know that our competitions can always surprise.
00:25:50For now, Austin is taking the lead.
00:25:53Austin is clearly taking the lead.
00:25:55Because he already has a large part of the mousetrap traveled.
00:25:58This will allow him to gain time again.
00:26:00Watch out for Austin's technique.
00:26:02He drags the weight on his back.
00:26:04Poeta does it differently.
00:26:06Poeta is climbing to the top of the tower.
00:26:08He is going to deposit his first coin.
00:26:10Meanwhile, Austin is reaching the base of the structure.
00:26:13And he goes for his second coin.
00:26:16He begins to climb the tower quickly.
00:26:18With a lot of agility, at least what we observe here.
00:26:21At the edge of the field, there is no fatigue in Austin.
00:26:24Who is already looking for that new coin.
00:26:27He quickly begins to unhook it.
00:26:29Meanwhile, we see Poeta walking through the mousetrap.
00:26:33Poeta already starting to feel the rigor of the competition.
00:26:37Remember that it is a test that will require a lot of aerobic capacity.
00:26:42A lot of concentration too.
00:26:44And manage the energies as best as possible.
00:26:47Austin already has the second coin.
00:26:49The return journey begins.
00:26:51Meanwhile, Poeta recovering ground.
00:26:53He is already at the base of the structure.
00:26:55He goes for his second coin.
00:26:57Will the technique of beginning to unhook the coins have worked for him?
00:27:01We will see that.
00:27:03We are going to see it, we are going to observe it in this minute.
00:27:05When Austin is already moving forward.
00:27:07He is about to leave the mousetrap to place his second coin.
00:27:11Meanwhile, we see Poeta.
00:27:14He had already started this path of unhooking the coin.
00:27:17But so far he is still lagging behind.
00:27:20We also see the rest of the campaigners in absolute silence.
00:27:24Trying to see what happens with this elimination flight.
00:27:28The third that we are living in win or serve.
00:27:30A sports competition reporter.
00:27:33A football reporter who today faces his own game.
00:27:36This is what we live in win or serve.
00:27:39Today he is with us through the screens of Canal 13.
00:27:42Austin is already coming back.
00:27:44He enters the mousetrap and goes for his third coin.
00:27:46Meanwhile, there goes Poeta.
00:27:48Watch out that Poeta suddenly grabs some spikes.
00:27:51And takes a speed that I hope will help him to be able to meet his opponent.
00:27:56Imagine Sergio, I think you at home are also very excited.
00:28:00Like the rest of the companions.
00:28:02Absolute silence.
00:28:04There Poeta receiving for the first time the encouragement of his captain.
00:28:07Who has put him in this situation of risk.
00:28:10Meanwhile, what we see is that Austin is going to go for his third coin.
00:28:15Poeta continues with the lead.
00:28:17Let's see what happens.
00:28:19The tower rises quickly.
00:28:21Meanwhile, Poeta is already leaving the mousetrap.
00:28:24Poeta is leaving the terrain to go to his second coin.
00:28:27Austin is already working on the third.
00:28:29And he has a long way to go.
00:28:31Clearly Austin has many reasons to remain in the competition.
00:28:34They promised him prizes, gifts.
00:28:36If he came back victorious.
00:28:38He said he also had his own for Fran.
00:28:42And also David is behind the screens.
00:28:45Look, Austin is about to disengage.
00:28:48He already has the third coin.
00:28:50He keeps it.
00:28:51And in this way, Poeta will be able to go down.
00:28:55We have seen how he is with anxiety.
00:28:58He is tired.
00:28:59It is not an easy test to advance through the mousetrap.
00:29:02And remember that Austin is doing it the other way around.
00:29:06With the stomach up.
00:29:08With his back down.
00:29:09Which allows him to move much faster.
00:29:12However, Poeta goes slowly.
00:29:14Almost tripping.
00:29:16It is very curious what just happened with Poeta.
00:29:18He released a shoe.
00:29:19I don't know if he threw it.
00:29:21Or it was an involuntary gesture.
00:29:23Here Poeta goes with one shoe less.
00:29:25In search of his third coin.
00:29:27Meanwhile, Austin already has the third.
00:29:30In his power.
00:29:31He is climbing the stairs of our tower.
00:29:34And he will deposit.
00:29:36He is going to raise the sword.
00:29:38Of winning or serving.
00:29:39And he will be crowned as the winner of this third elimination duel.
00:29:42Until the minute.
00:29:43Austin takes the lead.
00:29:45And Poeta goes for his third coin.
00:29:47With one shoe less.
00:29:49As you said.
00:29:50We don't know why.
00:29:51Maybe part of a cabal.
00:29:52Maybe it bothered him.
00:29:53However, we have seen Poeta very, very focused.
00:29:57It is time to unhook his third coin.
00:29:59He doesn't give up.
00:30:01And I think he has never turned to the side.
00:30:03He is competing against himself.
00:30:06He has trained all this time.
00:30:08To show that he not only has good lyrics.
00:30:11But he is also a good competitor.
00:30:13About lyrics.
00:30:15About texts.
00:30:16About words.
00:30:18Poeta can continue writing many stories.
00:30:20But today the personal is at stake.
00:30:22In this competition.
00:30:23And he wants to show that it is not over.
00:30:25With one shoe less.
00:30:26Poeta grabs an impressive spike.
00:30:30There he goes.
00:30:33Very calm.
00:30:34Very serene.
00:30:35He goes for his fourth coin.
00:30:38Austin is going for the fourth coin.
00:30:40And he is ascending to the structure.
00:30:42You have to have a lot of aerobic capacity.
00:30:44You have to have a lot of cardio in this.
00:30:46The heart has to pump you.
00:30:49To be able to reach the end of this contest.
00:30:51And raise the sword of winning or serving.
00:30:53And speaking of hearts.
00:30:55That heart.
00:30:57He is inspired tonight.
00:30:59Juan Poeta.
00:31:00One is Austin.
00:31:01Who is carrying the flag.
00:31:03And also occupying.
00:31:05About competition.
00:31:09We see how Austin is already starting to descend.
00:31:11And all the rest of the companions.
00:31:14Supporting Juan Poeta.
00:31:16The truth is that what Austin is doing.
00:31:18It is really epic.
00:31:21A man who.
00:31:23He was dedicated only to the letters.
00:31:24That in his life he had trained.
00:31:26But that in winning or serving.
00:31:28He has discovered a new talent.
00:31:30Ladies and gentlemen.
00:31:32Let's see what happens.
00:31:34What happens with the shoe of Juan Poeta.
00:31:36Because he took off a shoe.
00:31:38He took it off.
00:31:40He is competing without one of his implements.
00:31:42But it seems not to subtract interest.
00:31:44Nor speed to his game.
00:31:50This minute.
00:31:52He is taking it in total control.
00:31:56His fourth coin.
00:31:58And only one would be missing.
00:32:00To become the winner.
00:32:02Of this elimination duel.
00:32:04How difficult.
00:32:06How difficult for Austin.
00:32:08A great competitor.
00:32:10Who did not want to face.
00:32:12In an elimination duel.
00:32:14With Poeta.
00:32:16But he said he was going to give his best.
00:32:18He is giving everything.
00:32:20To become the winner.
00:32:22Poeta is complicated.
00:32:24It is the elimination duel.
00:32:26And he is going to live it with everything.
00:32:30Let's go.
00:32:36A good technique.
00:32:38That the competitors know.
00:32:40There is a lot of experience in Austin.
00:32:42He has participated in many of these games.
00:32:44And he.
00:32:46Of course.
00:32:48He also has his injuries.
00:32:50When he climbs the stairs.
00:32:54He is always working.
00:32:56On one leg.
00:32:58Let's see how Poeta comes.
00:33:00Poeta is unraveling.
00:33:02His fourth coin.
00:33:06Austin does it with the fifth.
00:33:12He manages to accelerate the lock.
00:33:14He will transform in the next seconds.
00:33:16In the great winner.
00:33:18Of this elimination duel.
00:33:20There he is.
00:33:22Like an arrow.
00:33:24Poeta tries to regain ground.
00:33:26In this night of duel.
00:33:28I'm nervous.
00:33:30I'm anxious.
00:33:32I imagine you are too.
00:33:34Poeta is giving a great example.
00:33:36That when you want.
00:33:38You can.
00:33:40Austin takes the lead.
00:33:42He has the last coin.
00:33:44He will deposit it.
00:33:46In the coin collector.
00:33:48In this way.
00:33:50He starts advancing.
00:33:52I want to tell you something.
00:33:54From the edge of the field.
00:33:56We are excited.
00:33:58Poeta has not given up.
00:34:00He has not stopped.
00:34:02One minute.
00:34:06Poeta's country.
00:34:08Guidobro, Parra, De Roca, Neruda.
00:34:10And many others.
00:34:12He calls himself Poeta.
00:34:14He pays tribute to magic.
00:34:16To creativity.
00:34:18To mystery.
00:34:22Austin will deposit.
00:34:24His fifth and last coin.
00:34:26Then he can ascend.
00:34:28And raise the sword.
00:34:30To crown himself as a great winner.
00:34:32Deposit your fifth coin.
00:34:36Austin is going up.
00:34:38Ladies and gentlemen.
00:34:40You live it through the screens.
00:34:42We have a winner.
00:34:44This third elimination duel.
00:34:46Austin tonight.
00:34:48He is the winner.
00:34:50And continues with us.
00:34:52In this epic adventure.
00:34:54But we can not forget.
00:34:56He continues to try.
00:34:58To get his last coin.
00:35:00There it is.
00:35:02Austin has already raised the sword.
00:35:04He is the winner.
00:35:06But his companions pay tribute to him.
00:35:08They applaud him.
00:35:10Of course.
00:35:12He does not give up.
00:35:14The battle for victory.
00:35:16And there is Poeta.
00:35:18A personality that comes from the world of sports.
00:35:20To make history.
00:35:22In winning or serving.
00:35:24Come on Poeta.
00:35:26The audience is with you.
00:35:28The companions are with you.
00:35:30Because tonight he gives us an example.
00:35:32In what is perseverance.
00:35:36And there is Austin.
00:35:38With his companion.
00:35:40To accompany Poeta.
00:35:42To accompany him in this last stage.
00:35:44In this last stage.
00:35:46All alone.
00:35:48All alone.
00:35:50All alone.
00:35:52A beautiful demonstration.
00:35:54To be a good companion.
00:35:56In these instances.
00:35:58We are all Poeta.
00:36:00We are all part of this blood.
00:36:02It is impressive.
00:36:04How it vibrates here.
00:36:06Once again.
00:36:08In his last start.
00:36:10Without shoes.
00:36:12He does not give up.
00:36:14He continues to breathe.
00:36:16He continues to make use of his aerobic capacity.
00:36:18Step by step.
00:36:20Poeta fulfilling his goals.
00:36:22His own goals.
00:36:24The audience supports him.
00:36:26And we too.
00:36:28Because you can always go for more.
00:36:30Although tonight he does not raise his sword.
00:36:32And he continues.
00:36:34In this adventure.
00:36:36He is the best.
00:36:38He is the best.
00:36:42Let's go Poeta.
00:36:44Let's go up.
00:36:48This is the third duel of the nation.
00:36:50We know.
00:36:52Poeta will continue to walk.
00:36:54He started.
00:36:58Then Cindy.
00:37:00Then Coca Mendoza.
00:37:02He is Poeta.
00:37:04And the winner of this duel.
00:37:06He gets up again.
00:37:10With his sword and his partner.
00:37:12In this new duel of liberation.
00:37:14Hostil is the winner.
00:37:16Of this challenge to win.
00:37:18Poeta will leave us in the competition.
00:37:20Without first.
00:37:24That sword.
00:37:26With whoever was his teammate.
00:37:28Applause for Poeta.
00:37:30Magnificent performance.
00:37:32In this third duel.
00:37:34In winning the circle.
00:38:02Look at the people.
00:38:20Ladies and gentlemen.
00:38:22We have concluded the third duel of elimination.
00:38:24In winning or serving.
00:38:26And in this duel, let me tell you.
00:38:28The poetry has worked.
00:38:30Because without a doubt.
00:38:32Poetry has the mission.
00:38:34To resignify things.
00:38:36Today we have a great winner.
00:38:38Applause for Austin.
00:38:40Winner of this third duel.
00:38:44But we also want to give.
00:38:46To a man who knew how to deliver.
00:38:48Everything and more.
00:38:50In the arena of the competition.
00:38:52Applause for Poeta.
00:38:54Who is also our new eliminated.
00:38:56Before talking to you.
00:38:58Poeta, we want to congratulate Austin again.
00:39:00Great winner of this competition.
00:39:02You continue to win or serve.
00:39:04How do you feel Austin?
00:39:06It's a dan viva Valencia.
00:39:08Without a doubt.
00:39:10You made it difficult for me.
00:39:12You made me doubt in a second.
00:39:14Because you were back there.
00:39:16And that attitude of not stopping.
00:39:18I respect it a lot.
00:39:20Thank you for giving me this beautiful competition.
00:39:22I hope to see you soon.
00:39:24I love you very much.
00:39:26I'm talking right now for the whole team.
00:39:28Thank you.
00:39:34Austin is the moment.
00:39:36In which you will be able to return.
00:39:38With the rest of the teammates.
00:39:40But also with Fran.
00:39:42And to fulfill the promises.
00:39:44Both on her part and on yours.
00:39:46So please.
00:39:48Come back with the rest of the teammates.
00:39:50Applause again for Austin.
00:39:56For all of us.
00:39:58Poeta is a great winner.
00:40:00Anyway Poeta.
00:40:02Thank you very much for the feat.
00:40:04For the prowess.
00:40:06Now that you have regained your breath.
00:40:08We want to hear you with Sergio.
00:40:10Thank you.
00:40:12To all the two teams.
00:40:14Not only to my team.
00:40:16But also to the resistance.
00:40:18I get the best of all.
00:40:20I am another person.
00:40:22Austin I had you.
00:40:24I'm going to miss you a lot.
00:40:26I insist.
00:40:28And as you know I'm a fan of movies.
00:40:30In case we don't see each other.
00:40:32Good morning, good afternoon and good night.
00:40:38Poeta, it's very shocking to hear you.
00:40:40Say that you are another person.
00:40:42That an experience like this.
00:40:44In which you have put yourself to the test.
00:40:46Has transformed you so much.
00:40:48What do you want to say Poeta?
00:40:50To my family.
00:40:52I don't want to say that I'm crazy.
00:40:54But here I am.
00:40:56I did it.
00:40:58I proved that I lasted more than Carla Lee.
00:41:00That I left after Cindy.
00:41:02That I left after Coca Mendoza.
00:41:04That they are two important people.
00:41:06And that I won an individual test.
00:41:08So to all those who did not have faith.
00:41:10You can do it.
00:41:12Have faith.
00:41:14And be yourselves.
00:41:16That's all.
00:41:18Not only faith.
00:41:20I want to thank you for rescuing what you did.
00:41:22Now, unfortunately.
00:41:24These are the last minutes Poeta.
00:41:26We see there the rest of your companions.
00:41:28Blue, we are going to give the floor to you first.
00:41:30I wish you the best.
00:41:32I think that now comes the beginning of the new era.
00:41:34Poeta is a very beautiful person inside.
00:41:36And there are many people.
00:41:38I include myself.
00:41:40That we love Poeta.
00:41:42And see you outside.
00:41:44Thank you, thank you Blue.
00:41:46What would you say to Poeta in this opportunity?
00:41:48I feel tremendously proud.
00:41:50That you have achieved it.
00:41:52That you have never fallen.
00:41:54I think that everyone here is super proud of you.
00:41:56I trust you.
00:41:58But do not trust yourself.
00:42:00I send you many kisses.
00:42:02A big hug.
00:42:04And you know that what you have to talk.
00:42:06With someone from your family.
00:42:08Do it.
00:42:10And you will be with your heart happy.
00:42:12Thank you very much.
00:42:16It must have been precisely because of the madness.
00:42:18That connects us.
00:42:20Thank you for your good energy.
00:42:22For your spontaneity.
00:42:24For respecting and empathizing with my feelings.
00:42:26Thank you very much.
00:42:28I am happy to have met you.
00:42:30I hope to see you outside.
00:42:32I loved meeting you.
00:42:34To know how beautiful person you are.
00:42:36So now begins.
00:42:38Now begins everything for you.
00:42:40This success.
00:42:42Thank you very much for sharing everything.
00:42:44Your energy.
00:42:46Your life.
00:42:48Your art with us.
00:42:52Unfortunately your disciple.
00:42:54And by your decision.
00:42:56Today he abandons winning or serving.
00:42:58With the poet we have talked everything.
00:43:00You are getting the best version of him.
00:43:02I enjoyed your company.
00:43:04And nothing for the poet.
00:43:06To play with everything outside.
00:43:08Because something comes to you.
00:43:10That I think you do not imagine.
00:43:12Your personality will continue to float in this place.
00:43:14Thank you very much poet.
00:43:16For everything you have left here.
00:43:18For everything you have given us.
00:43:20And we hope to see you again very soon.
00:43:22For our part is everything.
00:43:24We follow the path that will finally lead us.
00:43:26To meet the great winner of this competition.
00:43:28We will meet again soon.
00:43:30In a new instance.
00:43:32Of winning or serving.
00:43:34Good night.
00:43:36Thank you poet.
00:43:38I'm going to embrace my new life.
00:43:40Let's go!
00:43:42Let's go dad!
00:43:48We do not have a conversation.
00:43:50Feeling found.
00:43:52What I feel with the elimination.
00:43:54Of winning or serving.
00:43:56Joy on the one hand.
00:43:58Because I am the best version of myself.
00:44:00What I wanted to do.
00:44:02I came to find again.
00:44:04I did it and obviously sad.
00:44:06Because I still did not want to go.
00:44:08I learned a lot from everyone.
00:44:10I'm going to miss that.
00:44:12Live with so many different people.
00:44:14And be able to learn practically every minute of them.
00:44:16If you have to cry.
00:44:18It's normal.
00:44:20About the decision of Pangal.
00:44:22More than betrayed.
00:44:24I think it was the right decision at the wrong time.
00:44:26Thank you for everything.
00:44:28We both learned from both.
00:44:30I do not need to tell you anything else.
00:44:32Remember that life is an opportunity.
00:44:34The week before.
00:44:36He told me that when I needed to protect the team.
00:44:38I was going to do it.
00:44:40I think it was the time.
00:44:42In the fire circle.
00:44:44Because I did the group test.
00:44:46And in the individual test.
00:44:48The fact is.
00:44:50And I have no regrets about it.
00:44:52It was the right decision for me.
00:44:54But it was not the time.
00:45:00The message I want to leave.
00:45:02In winning or serving.
00:45:04If people tell you something about you.
00:45:08For a long time I did not believe it.
00:45:10Until here they told me with conviction.
00:45:32Whatever comes out.
00:45:34Do it.
00:45:36Do not doubt.
00:46:02Let's go back here.
00:46:04Without the poet.
00:46:20And you do not like it.
00:46:22Let's change it.
00:46:24Let's read it.
00:46:28Blumeri Claudio.
00:46:30I hope today.
00:46:32I do not find the impediment.
00:46:34For this beautiful evening.
00:46:36Always with grace and elegance.
00:46:40Thank you.
00:46:44Thank you.
00:46:46Let's enjoy the dinner.
00:47:00What are you laughing at?
00:47:02Do you like it?
00:47:04You are not a servant.
00:47:08I like to serve the people I love.
00:47:10I do not like to be a servant.
00:47:12It's a way of showing love.
00:47:14I know.
00:47:16But I'm fine.
00:47:18It's delicious.
00:47:20I do not like to be a servant.
00:47:26Tomorrow we clean together.
00:47:28You left the mess.
00:47:30My responsibility was to wash.
00:47:32And take the food out of the dishes.
00:47:34And leave everything impeccable.
00:47:36So that they do not bring the dishes here.
00:47:38I was removing a chlorine.
00:47:40And you did not take it out.
00:47:42The only thing you had to do was bring the water clean.
00:47:44The dishes are not clean.
00:47:46Excuse me.
00:47:48Do you really love me?
00:47:50Of course.
00:47:52I love you.
00:47:56As a person?
00:47:58As a friend?
00:48:00I love you.
00:48:02What's up?
00:48:04Are you going to change anything?
00:48:08I have a son.
00:48:10And I separated from my son's mother.
00:48:12Four years ago.
00:48:14It was difficult for me to find myself.
00:48:16Because I had a bad time.
00:48:18In these four years of separation.
00:48:20Not from the mother, but from my son.
00:48:22After two years of depression.
00:48:24And with therapy.
00:48:26I could finally know who I was.
00:48:28And what I wanted.
00:48:30And when I tried to open up to someone.
00:48:32It did not work.
00:48:34Because there was always the commitment of my son.
00:48:36And there are people who sometimes do not understand it.
00:48:38The person who came at that time was not the right one.
00:48:40So I blocked myself again.
00:48:42And I started to think about the feelings.
00:48:50When we started our journey in the desert.
00:48:52Clearly I looked at you.
00:48:54But with the fear that I could not open up yet.
00:48:56Because I could not find the love.
00:48:58The age that I have.
00:49:00The commitments that I have.
00:49:02I with the person who wants to be.
00:49:04It is the last.
00:49:06I would love to continue to know you.
00:49:08But in real life.
00:49:10I already lived that experience.
00:49:12And I was with a person in a reality show.
00:49:14For five months.
00:49:16And when we had to leave.
00:49:18It was not the same.
00:49:20I find you a charming person.
00:49:24I trust you.
00:49:26I also feel that you trust me.
00:49:28Because of the things we have told each other.
00:49:30But I also want to see how it could work outside.
00:49:32So I do not want to excite you with something.
00:49:34And I do not want to betray you.
00:49:36Why are you laughing?
00:49:38No, I'm not laughing.
00:49:40Mr. Claudio has sent me a gift.
00:49:42How beautiful.
00:49:48Do you dance?
00:49:50Yes sir.
00:49:52How beautiful.
00:49:54I love it.
00:49:56Thank you.
00:49:58As Amanda would say.
00:50:00Excuse me.
00:50:02I want to open up with you.
00:50:04I think that here.
00:50:06I do not know if it's romantic.
00:50:12I had someone in mind.
00:50:14But say it.
00:50:16What's his name?
00:50:22But it has never happened.
00:50:24Say it.
00:50:26Very well known.
00:50:28Martin Carcamo.
00:50:30Julio Cesar.
00:50:32Julio Cesar.
00:50:34And you want to serve him with everything.
00:50:36But he is known.
00:50:38He is an animator.
00:50:40I was going to tell him what he does.
00:50:42But he is an animator on television.
00:50:44Julio Cesar Julian.
00:50:46No, I do not know him.
00:50:48A fool.
00:50:50He wanted to eat the new one.
00:50:52He is 50 years old.
00:50:56He is 48 years old.
00:51:02I am also a big person.
00:51:04I am also 36 years old.
00:51:06And I do not go to the rolls like a girl.
00:51:08And when we talk.
00:51:10And you tell me things about your son.
00:51:12I congratulate you.
00:51:14Because I know you love him.
00:51:16And I love to know that it is your priority.
00:51:18And you do love me.
00:51:20I tell you.
00:51:22I like you a lot.
00:51:24The most beautiful thing in life.
00:51:26It is what one does not plan.
00:51:28The most beautiful things that have happened to me.
00:51:30Things that I never thought were going to happen.
00:51:32You are planning the future.
00:51:34And I do not care if you want to limit yourself.
00:51:36Because I would love to live something with you.
00:51:38Without having to think so much about what is going to happen.
00:51:46But obviously I will respect you.
00:51:48I'm going to be the best friend I could have.
00:51:56I think we have to finish the dinner.
00:51:58They arrived.
00:52:00Cheers Claudio.
00:52:02I loved this dinner.
00:52:04And I stay calm because I can still talk.
00:52:06For you. Do not forget.
00:52:08Thank you. I'm going to put it on my camera.
00:52:16Can I help you with the music?
00:52:18I can.
00:52:20Are you sure?
00:52:24If you did not speak better.
00:52:26Shut up. You look prettier.
00:52:30Are you going to keep talking?
00:52:32Shut up. You look prettier.
00:52:38Does anyone want wine?
00:52:42You look weird.
00:52:46You look weird.
00:52:48Are you okay?
00:52:50Everything is fine.
00:52:56Everything is fine.
00:52:58I think this is going to be an uncomfortable night for Claudio.
00:53:00Of course not.
00:53:02Then I almost saved his life.
00:53:10Maybe Claudio told her that he does not have any music with him.
00:53:12Do you think the others are singing?
00:53:14Do you think she's in love?
00:53:18I talked to Blue and no.
00:53:20You were not friends with Daniela.
00:53:24When I came here, I sent him a private message on Instagram.
00:53:26Why did you talk to her?
00:53:28Because I knew her.
00:53:30And I asked how she was.
00:53:32And I did not have another person to ask.
00:53:34And what did she answer?
00:53:36She answered me.
00:53:38Everyone is going to want to eat because you are the ex of Eduardo Vargas.
00:53:40Just like it happened to me.
00:53:42You are wrong.
00:53:44You are wrong.
00:53:46You are wrong.
00:53:50I will never understand this gift.
00:53:52I do not understand Arabic yet.
00:53:56Little Saltamontes.
00:53:58Are you sending an indirect message here?
00:54:00Who was the indirect message?
00:54:02Your girlfriend.
00:54:04No girlfriend.
00:54:06Happy all four.
00:54:14But that means that you also have a crush on her.
00:54:22Are you angry, baby?
00:54:26Are you angry?
00:54:28No, miss.
00:54:30And do not use me.
00:54:32Do not use me to bother your girlfriend.
00:54:34I'm not doing anything.
00:54:38I'm going to tell you something.
00:54:40Stop bothering the girl.
00:54:42I'm not bothering her.
00:54:44I'm just observing.
00:54:48Did he say something bad to you?
00:54:50Say it.
00:54:52Say it.
00:54:54Did he say it to you?
00:54:56Say it.
00:55:00Because he was not a good person.
00:55:02He is a bad person.
00:55:04He is a bad person.
00:55:06He is a bad person.
00:55:08He is a bad person.
00:55:12Because he attacks you.
00:55:14Why does he attack you so much?
00:55:16Because of Papito Corazón?
00:55:18He is a fan of Papito Corazón.
00:55:20He is a fan.
00:55:22He is a fan.
00:55:24He is a fan.
00:55:26He is going to disturb my peace.
00:55:32We know that you are not...
00:55:34My way of being is very different.
00:55:36If I want to say something or do something, I will do it.
00:55:38If I want to say something or do something, I will do it.
00:55:40She is nervous.
00:55:42She is nervous.
00:55:44Everything is serious for me.
00:55:46That's why I don't fight.
00:55:48Because fights affect me a lot.
00:55:50I live what I live.
00:55:52I don't know.
00:55:54Maybe there is a point when I laugh with her.
00:55:56What are you going to do?
00:55:58Maybe I have a good time with her.
00:56:00Maybe I feel calm.
00:56:02Maybe I feel calm.
00:56:04Maybe I feel calm.
00:56:06This is going to happen.
00:56:08I don't know when.
00:56:10She is going to say many things.
00:56:12She is going to say many things.
00:56:14Without evidence.
00:56:16She hates them.
00:56:20Are you going to cry if I leave?
00:56:22I want to see you crying.
00:56:24If I leave, it will be a drama.
00:56:26If I leave, it will be a drama.
00:56:28I don't know.
00:56:32She is going to cry for your friend.
00:56:34I was sweating, and I was the first one to hug her.
00:56:38I was going to have the smell of tea.
00:56:42And your neck was sweating.
00:56:47I hugged her, and I was like this,
00:56:49and a drop of sweat fell on me.
00:57:04This was his first time?
00:57:09dependent on the times.
00:57:10Completely dependent on the incredible experience we got.
00:57:13That was fabulous!
00:57:14Did anyone notice any changes from what you guys were doing?
00:57:16Not being on vacation.
00:57:17That, I was amazed.
00:57:18I was amazed.
00:57:19And how did that shock you?
00:57:20That shocked me.
00:57:22Thank you so much.
00:57:23Thank you.
00:57:24Not lately, but…
00:57:25I haven't spoken to my little sister exactly in a year.
00:57:28I haven't spoken to her, me, or my dad in a year.
00:57:35What did he say?
00:57:37Yo, Cuche! Get me out of here
00:57:39Help! I'm a kid!
00:57:45Oh, Mom!
00:57:46Kid, kid, kid!
00:57:54Oh, my God!
00:57:56It's okay. We're not bad.
00:57:58Oh, my God! I'm going to be late!
00:58:00I'm going to have to sleep in my arms.
00:58:02Clarito, clarito, clarito.
00:58:06Did you hear that?
00:58:09Oh Lord.
00:58:10I'm going to go to bed, let's go to bed.
00:58:20No, it's just that, Chiqui, you...
00:58:22Help me, help me.
00:58:24I'm scared.
00:58:25Help me, help me.
00:58:27I'm scared.
00:58:28On the turntable.
00:58:30Clarito, but like this.
00:58:31Get me out of here.
00:58:33I don't know what to do.
00:58:35Oh no.
00:58:36Should I bring it?
00:58:37I'm going to bring it.
00:58:38I'm going to bring it.
00:58:39No, no, no, no, no.
00:58:41Shut up.
00:58:45Something is going to happen.
00:58:47I don't understand.
00:58:48I'm going to sleep in my bed.
00:58:49No, not in my bed.
00:58:51Let me out.
00:58:53Let me out, he says.
00:59:04No, no, pay him, pay him.
00:59:07Why not?
00:59:09Pay him, pay him.
00:59:10Give it here, give it here.
00:59:11Let me out, Clarito.
00:59:13Did you see that?
00:59:14He screamed for help.
00:59:16Let me out.
00:59:17No, no, no, no, no.
00:59:18Let me out now.
00:59:19No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:59:20Hey, aunt, aunt, this is serious.
00:59:23Hey, you can't fucking listen to the other part.
00:59:25You're making me nervous.
00:59:29I mean, I'm serious.
00:59:31No, you're going to listen to the other part.
00:59:34Because you're making me nervous.
00:59:39I'm scared, man.
00:59:46There it is.
00:59:47There it is.
00:59:49There it is.
00:59:50There it is.
00:59:51There it is.
00:59:52There it is.
00:59:53There it is.
00:59:59They fucked up.
01:00:10My grandmother.
01:00:11She asked for the record, the other one.
01:00:13It doesn't work anymore?
01:00:17A demon broke into that box.
01:00:19The demon broke into her, I think.
01:00:21It's a shame that he broke it.
01:00:24That demon, at God's level, suffers badly.
01:00:28He's terrified.
01:00:29But, my friend, we all go through the same thing.
01:00:31We end up in a house with a lot of people.
01:00:33No, the demon, the entity that's there, is gone.
01:00:37It's gone.
01:00:38It's over here.
01:00:39Get me out of here, Clarito.
01:00:41That's why we screamed, because it was too clear.
01:00:44But now, it's clearer.
01:00:50But I love you, my love.
01:00:55I don't know, your daughter.
01:00:56I have you.
01:00:57I have you.
01:01:02I love you so much.
01:01:04No, please stop.
01:01:07Everything is going to be okay.
01:01:08Everything is going to be okay.
01:01:15That box is also going to be like her.
01:01:17I'm gonna show you how to swim in the middle of the ocean.
01:01:30I'm gonna show you how to swim in the middle of the ocean.
01:01:47I'm gonna show you how to swim in the middle of the ocean.
01:02:17I'm gonna show you how to swim in the middle of the ocean.
01:02:47I'm gonna show you how to swim in the middle of the ocean.
01:03:17I'm gonna show you how to swim in the middle of the ocean.
01:03:41I had nightmares yesterday because of the pangal.
01:03:44How did you sleep?
01:03:46I slept well, but I feel like I didn't sleep well.
01:03:49But sleeping is weird.
01:03:51Did you sleep weird?
01:03:53But it's like something wakes me up at night.
01:03:55I sleep well anyway.
01:03:57But I think some ghosts come and go.
01:04:03Because it's not normal for me to wake up.
01:04:07But you're playing with those things from the album.
01:04:10What does it say? Help?
01:04:12What did you put?
01:04:14Something clear.
01:04:16We were all like this.
01:04:18We went back.
01:04:22Did the gorilla really break the egg later?
01:04:24She said, I'm so nervous.
01:04:26She grabbed the egg and opened the egg.
01:04:28She grabbed the egg and opened the egg.
01:04:30She grabbed the egg and opened the egg.
01:04:32She grabbed the egg and opened the egg.
01:04:34And last night I just wanted to pee.
01:04:36I didn't want to come to the bathroom.
01:04:38I was scared.
01:04:40More than being scared,
01:04:42I had the feeling that something was here.
01:04:44Because when she did that,
01:04:46I had the feeling that she freed me.
01:04:50I like the pangal.
01:04:52It has a very nice face.
01:04:54It has an evil face.
01:04:56I don't like the pangal.
01:04:58I've never liked the pangal.
01:05:00But I like it.
01:05:02I like how it suits me.
01:05:04But I don't like it as a man.
01:05:06What if you were alone with him on an island?
01:05:08I'm not that expensive.
01:05:28You broke my music yesterday.
01:05:34You're diabolical.
01:05:36You're diabolical.
01:06:06How's everything?
01:06:08Everything's fine.
01:06:10How's everything?
01:06:12We're going to inspect the room.
01:06:14We haven't made the beds.
01:06:16We thought it was going to change.
01:06:18Last week they left us the hill.
01:06:24Good morning, Don Cristian.
01:06:26Good morning.
01:06:28Why don't you hurry up?
01:06:30It's hot.
01:06:36Where are the other maids?
01:06:38They're washing the dishes.
01:06:40The other maids aren't doing anything.
01:06:42The other maids...
01:06:44I'll give them to you.
01:06:46Austin is training.
01:06:52Good morning, Medea.
01:06:54You're thinner.
01:06:56I'm sorry.
01:06:58We're in a beauty pageant.
01:07:00I won everything.
01:07:02I won everything.
01:07:04I have a low profile.
01:07:06Like always.
01:07:08You don't have a low profile, Amanda.
01:07:10You look like you're walking.
01:07:14I'll wait for you outside.
01:07:16I'll wait for you outside.
01:07:18I'll wait for you.
01:07:26We have great news
01:07:28for Don Gonzalo.
01:07:34I won everything.
01:07:36You look very happy, Amanda.
01:07:38Yes, it's a wonderful day.
01:07:40It's a day full of opportunities.
01:07:42It's the day of revenge.
01:07:48Silence, please.
01:07:54Today, resistance
01:07:58...becomes lords and ladies
01:08:00and sovereigns become servants.
01:08:02The new servants
01:08:04must first
01:08:06go to their rooms
01:08:08and then go to the room
01:08:10of the lords and change the sheets.
01:08:14In order of importance
01:08:16in this opportunity,
01:08:18I ask that with grace and elegance
01:08:20ladies and lords
01:08:22of resistance
01:08:24come with me.
01:08:32We can go
01:08:34to look for our personal items.
01:08:36First, change.
01:08:38It's the same thing.
01:08:40I have to take a shower
01:08:42because we train in the morning.
01:08:44Let's all take a shower.
01:08:46Polish bathroom.
01:08:48I get terrified
01:08:50when you start with these things.
01:08:52I live here.
01:08:54What is
01:08:56the Polish bathroom
01:09:00The balls?
01:09:02What are the balls?
01:09:06Like the popes?
01:09:08I love it.
01:09:10It's like...
01:09:12I love it.
01:09:14New music.
01:09:16And the tongue.
01:09:18The tongue.
01:09:20The tongue.
01:09:26I can see you're a bit nervous.
01:09:28Of course.
01:09:32It's unfair because we win.
01:09:38Go to your lord's bed.
01:09:40Let's go.
01:09:44First the lords, Claudio.
01:09:46Very good, Gonzalo.
01:09:48Then the lords, breakfast,
01:09:50and then we as servants.
01:09:54I need you to
01:09:56put the things
01:09:58that go in the closet
01:10:00on the door,
01:10:02not on the floor.
01:10:12Let's start
01:10:14setting the table for breakfast.
01:10:16I'll go get someone else to help you.
01:10:18No problem.
01:10:20I'll do it myself.
01:10:26Lords, I have to inform you
01:10:28that your breakfast
01:10:30is already on the table.
01:10:32Thank you, servant.
01:10:34Very good, excellent.
01:10:40Next, Magneto.
01:10:42Sit down.
01:10:50Where did the previous servants go?
01:10:52Did they go to church?
01:10:54They were taken away.
01:11:02One wonderful thing
01:11:04is when you don't hear the table
01:11:06hitting the table.
01:11:08For me, that's music.
01:11:12Look at him.
01:11:16And what do I do?
01:11:18He's asking me to sit with you.
01:11:24Claudio, was it necessary?
01:11:26No, I apologize.
01:11:28To me?
01:11:30To all of you.
01:11:32I have the impression that there was
01:11:34an unnecessary confrontation.
01:11:36It's more counter-intuitive
01:11:38than water.
01:11:40I apologized.
01:11:42The same thing always happens, Amanda.
01:11:44I apologize.
01:11:46If I had not been so angry...
01:11:48It's not her fault.
01:11:52Would you like to ask the lords
01:11:54if they are satisfied with the service
01:11:56provided at breakfast,
01:11:58beyond the difference that Camila had?
01:12:00We asked for a good arrangement
01:12:02of all the servants,
01:12:04because they start to snatch.
01:12:06No, it's just for her.
01:12:08At the general service,
01:12:10the servants are there to attend to
01:12:12when there's breakfast, lunch, lunch, by the way.
01:12:16In this case, we're going to stain the whole team
01:12:18because it was Claudio who did that.
01:12:31How beautiful, Blumeri, but he gave it to him.
01:12:36I'm sorry, Mom.
01:12:37No, no, please, Gonzalo, you don't give me, really.
01:12:40We didn't serve, gentlemen.
01:12:42We didn't serve, Grandma.
01:12:45We didn't serve to throw ourselves.
01:13:10Of course.
01:13:15So you still like superficial women?
01:13:18Lauriana is super superficial.
01:13:20I haven't been able to talk to her well,
01:13:23since she told me her things,
01:13:26her feelings, and those things either.
01:13:31Yesterday they were talking outside
01:13:33about the car brands.
01:13:35Claudio said, no, I have an MG, a little hair, and I don't know.
01:13:38Is that a Mercedes?
01:13:41No, Claudio said, no, it's not a Mercedes.
01:13:49Well, it is what it is,
01:13:51but when money rules our lives,
01:13:54we'll see who's the strongest.
01:13:56She's going to be pissed off.
01:14:01I think she should go to the pharmacy.
01:14:04She should go, it's true.
01:14:05She could go for a drink, I'd love that.
01:14:09Today we have to take out the cards and the pendulum again.
01:14:13For 48 hours, revenge.
01:14:15Hey, but yesterday she made a vow of silence, she didn't talk all day.
01:14:18Wow, he's very impressed.
01:14:20What's up with Manuela?
01:14:21Oh yeah?
01:14:22She went with Lauriana in the morning and went inside.
01:14:29I was talking to Luis, he says he has no idea why they got mad.
01:14:34Who got mad?
01:14:35The lady got mad with Claudio.
01:14:38That we didn't run, I don't know why.
01:14:41Oh, but then you're dead laughing with him.
01:14:43Oh my God, what a complex you have.
01:14:45Well, what do you care about that, Mariela?
01:14:47I'm not telling you.
01:14:48No, because you saw that I was looking for the cat's fifth leg.
01:14:50No, I'm commenting on something.
01:14:51I'm commenting on getting in trouble.
01:14:53No, because if you get mad like that.
01:14:55Then you're all the time getting it in there, there's no reason.
01:14:59With Mariela, what Mariela said yesterday, who was going to fight more?
01:15:07Lauriana has her saturated, because she says she gets up and transmits, transmits, transmits.
01:15:11That's why I don't like him.
01:15:16I'm not going to say anything.
01:15:18She's hateful, she's hateful.
01:15:20And one defends it and the other throws it away.
01:15:22But don't listen to him, don't talk to him.
01:15:24If you don't talk to me, don't talk to me.
01:15:37How can it be that I say a comment and they can't answer me?
01:15:41No, it always has to be, you're like that, you're like that.
01:15:45Why don't you answer me?
01:15:46You know I'm going to ask you what's up, but you have to tell me.
01:15:49Oh, if I lie to you and I do it like that, it's true.
01:15:51And why when Lauriana says it, she doesn't treat her like that?
01:15:53I am like that and I can't change my way of being to be here.
01:16:02Gala is anxious that a man comes in, right?
01:16:04Ah, she's anxious.
01:16:05Let's see if there's a taquito for the bull.
01:16:07That bull in love with Gala, who abandons his lady for the night.
01:16:15And he's going to try to eat Lauriana.
01:16:25Lauriana, your captain is calling you.
01:16:27The captain is weak, little authority.
01:16:30I already made you the bed.
01:16:32No, it's the same thing that I'm going to fall in bed.
01:16:34Come and help everyone.
01:16:35It's just that there are no more brooms.
01:16:37I mean, what do I do?
01:16:38No, no, there's no ...
01:16:39Mud with my hair.
01:16:40I mean, mud.
01:16:41I mean, mud with my ...
01:16:42I don't know what I'm saying anymore.
01:16:44Mud with my hair.
01:16:46Besides, Fran looks very good, look.
01:16:49He wraps himself well with the movement of the brooms.
01:16:51I want him to wash the mud.
01:16:53Ah, well, it's normal that I wash the mud.
01:16:55Horrible, full of oil.
01:17:00Come, come.
01:17:01Oh, wait, I think another plane is coming.
01:17:03Wait, wait, another plane is coming.
01:17:07Come, Lauriana.
01:17:19Hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:17:42No, no.
01:17:43You can't be so weak.
01:17:46It's called ...
01:17:47No, no.
01:17:48Know what your role is.
01:17:49You have to work.
01:17:52You have to do your role.
01:17:54To laugh.
01:17:55And now ...
01:17:56Oh, what is Austin going to do?
01:17:58What do you have to do now?
01:18:04That bull in love with the gala.
01:18:07Oh, I thought it was the moon.
01:18:09At night you will see Lauriana.
01:18:12I have to be the lover this time.
01:18:18Come on, Gordi.
01:18:23Let's escape.
01:18:37What have you done today, Lauriana?
01:18:39Four beds.
01:18:40Isn't that enough?
01:18:42That's what you did?
01:18:49You're sticking to it like a ...
01:18:53Oh, oh.
01:18:57Nobody messes with the bull's woman, you hear?
01:19:00No one messes with the bull's wife, did you hear that?
01:19:03Who's the bull's wife?
01:19:07You're going to get one for good.
01:19:10Well, if Gala doesn't want it, I do.
01:19:12Listen, listen, listen.
01:19:14There you have it.
01:19:16What does it say?
01:19:18Bull, bull, bull, bull.
01:19:20If Gala doesn't want it, I'm here for you.
01:19:22And that's how you are as a gift.
01:19:27Hey, Gala, don't treat the bull like that, okay?
01:19:29Well, stop screwing with the bull,
01:19:31because he's not doing it to me anymore,
01:19:33and he starts throwing balls at me every day.
01:19:35No one messes with my bull, okay?
01:19:37Gala, you never know what you have until you lose it.
01:19:39You're going to realize what you lost.
01:19:41No, no, no.
01:19:43Tell him, tell him.
01:19:45That Gala can be with anyone.
01:19:47And that she wouldn't have to drag me for someone like you.
01:19:49That I could be the man she wants,
01:19:51and that I'm just a good-for-nothing.
01:19:53She made that up.
01:19:55Learn to treat me, then.
01:19:59I like little blondes.
01:20:01Oh, Danny.
01:20:03You don't like that I said that?
01:20:05But you like straight men.
01:20:07No, no, no, I like...
01:20:09What happened?
01:20:11I like everything that's a challenge.
01:20:13Ah, of course.
01:20:15I don't like anything easy.
01:20:17You've been the most difficult.
01:20:19No, you're going to make everything difficult.
01:20:21Come on.
01:20:23Didn't it happen to you?
01:20:25No, it didn't happen to me.
01:20:27What does that mean?
01:20:29That I didn't give you permission to...
01:20:31That you didn't give me permission?
01:20:33Look, look, look, don't make me talk.
01:20:35He's not going to open the door.
01:20:37It's difficult, you see?
01:20:39Very difficult.
01:20:41Look, I'm not going to say anything now.
01:20:43I'm not going to say anything now.
01:20:45But I'll say it another time.
01:20:49Yes, yes, you look.
01:20:59He's mad, isn't he?
01:21:01Who is it?
01:21:03Luis and Daniela...
01:21:05No, sorry.
01:21:07Luis and Daniela.
01:21:09Luis and Daniela.
01:21:11Daniela Collet, sorry.
01:21:23I've learned that
01:21:25most of the time
01:21:27things are not what they seem.
01:21:29That we are a species
01:21:31that specializes in lying to build
01:21:33a future with lies.
01:21:35I'm the anti-hero.
01:21:37I don't buy them.
01:21:39I don't buy them.
01:21:45That bull.
01:21:47With the face of a lover.
01:21:49That bull.
01:21:51Really, really.
01:21:53I'm shitting my pants with him.
01:21:55Why? Tell me.
01:21:57Because I've had enough
01:21:59with him lately.
01:22:01He's the reason.
01:22:03He's the reason.
01:22:05He's the reason.
01:22:07It's normal.
01:22:11It's fucking normal.
01:22:13He's a faggot.
01:22:17I'm going to tell you something.
01:22:19I owe you loyalty.
01:22:21Daniela and Oriana
01:22:23were in Oriana's bed.
01:22:27I'll tell you, you tell her.
01:22:29Dani? No.
01:22:31She, Gala and Oriana
01:22:35that you liked her.
01:22:37But we said
01:22:39I'd never do anything
01:22:41because you're super respectful.
01:22:45I'm a man of my word.
01:22:47Why would you like me to be single?
01:22:49Answer me.
01:22:51I'd like you to be single.
01:22:53I'm asking you.
01:22:55I'd like you to be single.
01:22:57I'd eat you.
01:22:59He'd be the bull.
01:23:01I'd be the bull.
01:23:03I'm asking you.
01:23:05Would you like me to be single?
01:23:09Get the fuck out of here.
01:23:11I'm serious.
01:23:13I used to say he was handsome.
01:23:15But then I met him
01:23:17and I fell in love with him.
01:23:21When they called me
01:23:23and said they wanted me to tell them,
01:23:25they were both jealous.
01:23:27Because Hugo was watching
01:23:29Daniela with a different eye.
01:23:31Her words came out of her mouth.
01:23:33We're crazy.
01:23:35She and Oriana said it.
01:23:37We're crazy about you.
01:23:41The question is more direct.
01:23:43If the bull had come in single,
01:23:45would you have noticed him?
01:23:47No, because he's not my type.
01:23:49He's not your type.
01:23:53What do you think?
01:23:55He still likes guys.
01:23:57You're with the bull.
01:24:01I agree.
01:24:05There's something I've always wondered.
01:24:09You did the same thing,
01:24:11but quietly.
01:24:13I go first.
01:24:15Why didn't you do the same thing?
01:24:17You did the same thing,
01:24:19almost as fast as me.
01:24:25Help her.
01:24:29Fran's coming.
01:24:31My first love.
01:24:33Your first love.
01:24:37It's the things in life.
01:24:39A secret between us.
01:24:43What do you think?
01:24:45She's the best.
01:25:09They're all the same in your family.
01:25:11I think his mom gave birth to him in Rio de Janeiro.
01:25:21Mariela did everything here. She swept everything.
01:25:25She swept the stairs.
01:25:26And I feel bad when she's alone. I want to talk to her.
01:25:29And no one talks to her.
01:25:31No, Blumeri, don't get so weak.
01:25:34She won you over with a coke.
01:25:43Has Austin been unfaithful?
01:25:45It hurts me to see you hang up.
01:25:47Yes, she says so.
01:25:49No, that Péndulo is wrong.
01:25:53If Austin leaves the reality show, would you be faithful to me while I'm here?
01:26:00And what did he say yesterday? Did you talk to him about that yesterday?
01:26:04And what did she say? That he kidnapped Karina?
01:26:07No, she told me everything.
01:26:08That she didn't know what was going to happen here.
01:26:10She never answers anything.
01:26:12You ask her, but she doesn't answer.
01:26:16Because she's insecure. I'm insecure too.
01:26:23I don't care who he is. I like doing massages.
01:26:26I care more about him having a good time with me.
01:26:34He said he was fine with you, but he couldn't guarantee what you were going to do here.
01:26:40Because a lot of things happened here.
01:26:41That's like a cheap excuse.
01:26:45No, I think it was honest.
01:26:47I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
01:26:50It's with another guy.
01:26:52Obviously not.
01:26:55Where do I sign that these two are going to be together?
01:27:03Someone's coming!
01:27:05No, no, no.
01:27:06The other way.
01:27:11Who is it?
01:27:12I don't know.
01:27:14Who is it?
01:27:15Your team.
01:27:21Hello, bitches!
01:27:23My number one is here!
01:27:34This is a competition, bitches!
01:27:42I love it because they're all wet.
01:27:45But they're not going to find out.
01:27:48I think there's no sugar.
01:27:50But there's salt.
01:27:51Mix it. Mix it.
01:27:52It smells awful.
01:27:54There come the tears.
01:27:58Thank you.
01:27:59Let's try it.
01:28:00Did you vomit?
01:28:02Look, they're looking.
01:28:04It has salt.
01:28:12I need you to try it.
01:28:18Do you think that's very funny?
01:28:21I don't think it's funny.
01:28:23I don't know what it is, but maybe they'll put something in it.
01:28:27The four most voted today...
01:28:33...will be sent to the other world.
01:28:36And we're going to attend their funeral.
01:28:44The gala died!
01:28:47Why don't you untie their bow tie so they can close their eyes?
01:28:50Claudio Valdivia.
01:28:52He died and didn't eat the flower!
01:28:57He wants to be a worm!
01:29:03This is the funeral of Pangala Andrade.
01:29:06To think that he fought with so many animals...
01:29:08And he was killed by a monkey!
01:29:10And he was killed by a monkey!
01:29:14I don't want a bad vibe either.
01:29:16I don't have a bad vibe with you.
01:29:18You can tell.
01:29:19There have been things that have bothered me.
01:29:21Because I have feelings. I'm a person.
01:29:24I had to start doing things the other way.
01:29:27I couldn't do things the other way either.
01:29:30I liked the girl.
01:29:32I met her a few days later and she was really nice.
01:29:35Do you remember her?
01:29:36I don't care.
01:29:37She didn't talk much.
01:29:39I don't care. I don't care.
01:29:41I don't care about your relationship with her.
01:29:43I'm not asking you for an explanation.
01:29:45You can do whatever you want and that's it.
01:29:47Me too.
01:29:49But that's it.
01:29:50We've talked.
01:29:51Everything is fine.
01:29:52Everything is clear.
01:29:53You go your way and I'll go mine.
01:29:55That's it.
01:30:00Today's party will be a mask party.
01:30:08With you, Savelo!
01:30:10What's up!
01:30:11Botota Fox!
01:30:14Too many!
01:30:16Too many!
01:30:17Dani Colet!
01:30:23I'm getting confused.
01:30:27One and that's it.
01:30:29You said, I'm going to make a mistake and I'm going to kiss here.
01:30:33Do you think that makes me laugh?
01:30:35Because I don't like it.
01:30:39I was joking.
01:30:40I have a mask.
01:30:41I don't care.
01:30:43One time and bye.
01:30:44And what?
01:30:45One time and bye.
01:30:47You're being crazy.
01:30:48That's how I am.
01:30:49If you don't want to, bye.
