Hijacking the Blood of Newborns: New Guidance on the Guthrie (heel prick) Blood Test

  • 3 months ago
Four years after banning RNA injections, MarcioniteChurch.org is recommending parents expecting the birth of a child to invoke a religious exemption against the Guthrie test (heel prick test) which involves the use of a lancet to collect blood from the newborn.

Once again we find evil hiding in plain sight and the ramifications are stunning. Show notes below:

The Very First Bible:
00:00In 2020, as the fake plague was being rolled out and marketed worldwide,
00:05the Marcionite Christian Church became the first church in the world to
00:09specifically ban RNA injections and issue corresponding religious exemptions,
00:15saving thousands of lives.
00:18Now, almost four years later, they're warning Christians about a new threat.
00:23In today's episode, we learn about an invasive and slightly bloody medical procedure
00:29forced on nearly everybody on the planet just hours after they're born and
00:34it's being used to create a massive global DNA database.
00:39Oh, and that's just the part that they're willing to admit to.
00:43Stay tuned.
00:44Deconstructing the past to help you make sense of today.
00:48Time for another award-winning episode of Pre-Niacine Perspective
00:52with your host, Darren Kalama.
00:56In general, people are taught to have a rather cartoonish view of what evil is,
01:02what it looks like and how it operates.
01:05We often have ideations of little red devils and secret deals being made with Satan,
01:12always happening underground in caves or in a smoke-filled back room,
01:17or the Hollywood version with over-the-top theatrics,
01:20screaming and projectile vomiting meant to desensitize you.
01:24In reality, though, evil is much more nuanced, insidious,
01:28and, starting in 2020, much more out in the open.
01:32Evil has taken on a how-dare-you tone,
01:35labeling good as the real evil and evil the real good.
01:40A simple example would be to compare the Disney Corporation of the 1950s
01:45to the Disney Corporation of today,
01:47a complete inversion without apology and with its own ticker-tape parade of hubris
01:53and mockery of Christians and the moral foundation that Western civilization was built on.
01:59It's hard for people to verbalize exactly what changed four years ago,
02:04but things, no, everything just feels different, like our innocence was stripped from us.
02:10Now, some say what was once a battle that was largely fought in the spiritual world
02:16has spilled over into the material world.
02:18In fact, that's the view of Bishop Andrew Theophilus of the Marcionite Christian Church,
02:23who says the fake plague and the very real RNA injections and subsequent shutdown of the planet
02:30were the first shots across the bow of mankind,
02:33announcing the physical presence of Satan in our world.
02:37And after banning those abortion-tainted DNA-mutating injections
02:41and issuing religious exemptions in 2020,
02:44the church has been on a war footing ever since,
02:48with that footing firmly planted on 1 Thessalonians 2.15
02:52and the Apostle Paul's warning about the enemy of all mankind,
02:57Satan's earthly parasites that have been eagerly planning for his return and preparing his path
03:03and have 100% hijacked the country.
03:07Now, mindful of this new reality,
03:09the church has been watching for dual-use technologies
03:13that these parasites are using to target, attack, and surveil Christians around the world.
03:19And not surprisingly, they identified a new attack vector,
03:23a tool once used for good and now inverted in the service of evil
03:28that involves DNA and the blood of newborn babies.
03:32Moreover, and not surprisingly,
03:34it's right out in the open and proud, completely devoid of shame.
03:39It's called the Guthrie Heal-Prick Test,
03:41and it was developed by Dr. Robert Guthrie in the 1960s.
03:45Dr. Guthrie recognized the importance of early detection and intervention for certain genetic disorders,
03:52leading to the creation of the screening test.
03:55Initially, the test focused on detecting phenylketonuria, PKU,
04:00but it has since expanded to include 35 core conditions and 26 secondary conditions,
04:08in other words, from 1 test to 61 tests.
04:12Kind of like how our Christian Bible went from 1 gospel and 10 books
04:16to 4 gospels, Acts, and 72 books.
04:21Strange how that works.
04:22But here's how the Guthrie test works.
04:24First, hospital staff warm, sterilize, and prick a newborn infant's heel with a lancet,
04:30which is much larger than a syringe,
04:33collecting blood samples on a newborn screening card, or Guthrie card.
04:38The amount of blood varies, as do the size of the drops
04:42and number of drops to be soaked into the special card.
04:45Now, from as few as 3 to as many as 10 that we know of.
04:50The Guthrie test is not anonymous or privatized,
04:53and identifying information is included on the blood-soaked card.
04:58Now, what's the end result of this?
05:00Well, within days of birth, nearly all infants born in America and the rest of the world
05:06are compelled to give their DNA to the government.
05:09This is reality. These are the facts.
05:12And it has been this way for 60 years.
05:15Remember how we talked about how true evil is right in front of us?
05:19Now, before we get into why the Church has a problem not with the test itself,
05:24but with the collection, analyzation, and storage of the blood,
05:28we need to do some quick math on this blood,
05:31or rather some back-of-the-envelope calculations on
05:35how much blood of newborns are we really talking about here?
05:39Let's assume that just one drop of blood is used for purposes
05:43other than those specifically stated for the Guthrie test.
05:47How much is that? I mean, come on, a single drop, that can't be that much, right?
05:51Well, let's have a look-see.
05:53There are 140 million new babies every year.
05:57One drop per baby. 20,000 drops makes up one liter of blood.
06:02So, 140 million divided by 20,000, call it 7,000 liters of newborn pure blood every year.
06:11Now, going deeper, we're using a lancet, not a syringe,
06:16so we're going to get bigger drops.
06:18Let's say instead of 20,000 per liter, now it's 15,000 drops per liter.
06:24Now, either way, we're still at five digits,
06:26well over 10,000 liters of newborn baby blood every year,
06:32and that's just a single drop.
06:35And yet, we see on these Guthrie cards,
06:37they have spaces for anywhere from 3 to 10 drops,
06:41depending on which hospital the lancet is done.
06:44Moreover, what happens to the blood left over in that lancet reservoir?
06:49Well, I'm sure there's no need for conspiracy theories.
06:52I'm sure there's nothing to any of this.
06:55Just throwing it out there as a thought experiment.
06:58But as a parent of a newborn that just got lanced,
07:01it would kind of make me wonder.
07:04Now, let's move along to the known use cases of the newborn baby blood.
07:08There are two key areas of concern for the Church.
07:12The first is the blood being retained indefinitely
07:15and used by law enforcement agencies and governments,
07:18adding to their state, country, and worldwide DNA databases.
07:22Also, and not unimportantly,
07:24how involved are life extension companies,
07:28like, say, Google-owned Calico Labs,
07:32in acquiring the blood of newborns?
07:35How hard would it be for a trillion-dollar corporation
07:38to pick up the phone to a large hospital and say,
07:41hey, buddy, we want to pay the salaries for all of your phlebotomy staff,
07:45and all we ask for in return is the unused Guthrie test blood
07:50that you were going to throw into that big red biohazard bag anyway?
07:53Just give us a number that makes you comfortable
07:55and we'll take care of it, okay?
07:57Thanks. Buh-bye.
07:59Now, you really think that that's not happening?
08:01If so, you should turn off the podcast right now
08:04before you injure yourself with a butter knife.
08:06Oh, and by the way, Blackstone just bought Ancestry.com,
08:11the world's largest privately-owned DNA database.
08:14Nothing to see here either.
08:16I'm sure Steve Schwarzman and Larry Fink have
08:19nothing but good intentions paved with unicorns and rainbows.
08:23And remember, it's not just America.
08:26Britain has the largest per capita DNA database
08:30and thousands of people are added to it every single day.
08:35How? Well, every single person arrested for any reason
08:39is swapped for DNA and it's put in the database.
08:43Jaywalking? Disorderly conduct? DUI?
08:47Welcome to the database, mate.
08:48I'll have a link in the show notes
08:50where you can read the complete report
08:52from the Texas Law Review on these Guthrie tests.
08:55So, let's get to where the rubber meets the road,
08:58or rather, where the lancet enters the foot of your baby.
09:02But first, let me preface all this with some scripture
09:07from the Gospel of the Lord,
09:08just as we find it in the very first Bible of 144 AD,
09:12chapter 16, verse 2,
09:15in which the Pharisees try and trick Jesus
09:18with a loaded question.
09:20And by the way, you can get a free e-book version of the Bible
09:23at theveryfirstbible.org.
09:27Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar or not?
09:30But he perceived their craftiness and said unto them,
09:33Why tempt me? Show me a denarius,
09:36whose image and superscription has it.
09:39They answered and said, Caesars.
09:41And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar
09:45the things of Caesar and unto God the things of God.
09:49Unquote. Now, let's be clear.
09:51The blood of your newborn is not Caesar's or Biden's or Trump's
09:55or whatever witch doctor is currently running
09:58the World Health Organization.
10:00They have no right to it, real or imagined.
10:02In fact, when taken to court,
10:05states have been forced to destroy millions of these Guthrie cards
10:09that they were found to be stashing away.
10:11And what about the other states?
10:12What about the other countries?
10:14Well, you don't have the luxury of hoping to get lucky.
10:17What we're talking about is genetic sequencing,
10:20something that goes far beyond a simple fingerprint or footprint.
10:25Newborn screening resources are not merely
10:28deeply revealing on an individual level.
10:31They are also subject to deep, broad and comprehensive collection.
10:35Newborn screening data is deep in the sense that it
10:38reveals highly detailed and precise information about an individual
10:43as it's used to diagnose serious genetic disorders.
10:47More generally, genetic data can be both highly detailed and precise
10:51at an individual level.
10:53That's why DNA has been lauded as the gold standard for forensic identification.
10:58Genetic data is also broad.
11:01Think about it.
11:01A single cell contains the whole of an individual's genetic information.
11:06Just one cell.
11:07To be sure, an individual's genetic data does not vary substantially over time
11:13and so it's not broad in quite the same way as location data,
11:18the collection of which paints a detailed portrait of an individual's movements
11:22through space and time.
11:23But genetic data, like location data,
11:26is broad in the scope and range of information that it can disclose.
11:31For both newborn screening samples and genome-wide genetic data,
11:35that information can reveal not only current and potential health risks,
11:39but also an individual's identity, genetic relatedness,
11:44and even their physical traits.
11:46That means they can customize diseases that only affect people
11:50with certain genetic characteristics.
11:53Let that sink in.
11:55No, this isn't a Hollywood movie.
11:57It's reality.
11:58And maybe four or five years ago,
12:01we could look upon this collection of newborn blood as being
12:05fairly benign but marginally troublesome from a legal perspective.
12:09But now, today, no.
12:11Things are much different.
12:13And they have to be viewed from the perspective of Western governments
12:16that have been hijacked by the enemy of all mankind
12:20and managed by Satan himself.
12:22Imagine if Satan's parasites had this genetic sequencing technology
12:27a hundred years ago when they were using the mask of Bolshevism
12:31to hide behind and murdering millions of Russian Christians.
12:35Well, now they have it.
12:37And unlike in the past, when they had regional or country-wide control,
12:42today, for the first time, it's nearly worldwide.
12:45Need I remind you, we all got a small taste of what they can do
12:49when the entire world economy was literally shut down
12:53in the furtherance of marketing a fake plague
12:56and injecting billions of people with a bioweapon.
12:59You think they can't do that again?
13:01It was only a dry run.
13:03Now, the Marcionite Christian Church has reviewed the data in depth.
13:07And they're recommending that you opt out of the Guthrie Test.
13:10And if necessary, use the religious exemption
13:13which is provided free by the Church.
13:16Remember, you can always get the screening done somewhere else
13:19without leaving your newborn's genetic information and blood
13:22to the tender mercies of the same people that seek your destruction.
13:27Don't let the hospital tell you,
13:28do it now, do it first, do it here, no choice.
13:31In fact, you may want to discuss the matter with the hospital
13:35before delivery to avoid unnecessary drama and stress for the mother.
13:40They count on you not knowing about the Guthrie Test.
13:43And they're going to treat it as a foregone conclusion
13:46as you're absorbed in the magical realm of childbirth and all that entails.
13:51Do not allow yourself to be put in that position.
13:54Now, remember, the hospital staff are just doing their job.
13:58And for the most part, they're clueless about what happens to the blood
14:01after your newborn is lanced.
14:03But you're not there to educate them or lead a focus group to explore their feelings
14:09or what pronoun they decided to identify with that day.
14:12No, you're simply asserting your rights and protecting your child.
14:16What they think beyond that is irrelevant.
14:19And by the way, you can register that exemption at mercynightchurch.org.
14:23Let's be clear, Satan and his earthly parasites seek your physical and spiritual death.
14:29Make no mistake and have no illusions about what their intent is.
14:33Guide yourself in this and in all things accordingly.
14:37Now, looking ahead at the coming tribulations,
14:40what are some of the steps that you can take to protect yourself spiritually?
14:44Well, first, number one, reject the deception of Judeo-Christianity
14:49and its alien murderous desert war god, Yahweh.
14:53God was only revealed to us through his son, Jesus Christ, not before.
14:58The only way to God is through his son.
15:01There is no other path.
15:03His chosen people are baptized Christians.
15:07Now, you either understand this or the veil has yet to be removed from your heart and mind.
15:13Unfortunately, there's nothing more that can be done for you except prayer.
15:17Wherefore God supremely exalted him and gave him the supreme name which is above every name,
15:23that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
15:26all who are in the heavens and all who are on earth and all who are under the earth,
15:31and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
15:37Now, even with a billion-dollar marketing budget,
15:40nothing we say or show you will lift the veil for you until you ask God our Father for help
15:47and that you're truly ready.
15:48It's just the way these things are.
15:50Number two, acquire a copy of the same Bible used by the pre-Nicene Christians,
15:56the very first Bible of 144 AD.
15:58Now, you'll notice immediately that an alien religion is not stapled to the front of it.
16:04It consists of the Gospel of the Lord and the Apostle Paul's original ten epistles.
16:09You can get that free at theveryfirstbible.org.
16:13And as they're fond of saying, read the Bible again for the first time.
16:17Number three, and this is important,
16:19connect with other like-minded Christians through denominations
16:23like the Mercy Unite Christian Church at mercyunitechurch.org.
16:28And get your kids out of the public school system.
16:32And lastly, on a housekeeping note,
16:35PCTV has been exploring ways to stay one step ahead of the growing censorship
16:40and purge policies of most of the social media platforms.
16:44But what's happening is pretty much inevitable,
16:47and it's only going to get worse as the playbook of Bolshevism plays out,
16:52once again in America and Western Europe.
16:54It's not something that you're going to be able to vote your way out of.
16:58And after having looked at options like Rumble, BitChute, Odyssey, Gab, etc.,
17:03PCTV has settled on moving the majority of our digital content to Internet Archive.
17:10You can find them at archive.org,
17:12and just type in pre-Nicene in the search box to find our new repository.
17:20Thanks for joining us.
17:21I'm Darren Kalama, and we'll see you next time on Pre-Nicene Perspective.
