Was Pope Francis Right When He Said ‘Every Religion Is A Way To Arrive At God?’

  • 2 weeks ago
Today's question on Presbyter Chat: Was Pope Francis right when he said every religion is a way to God? Heresy is only half the answer - the other half is wrapped in a mysterious edict issued by the Vatican in 2008. And it may go a long way in explaining why this Pope has broken away from 2,000 years of doctrine and dogma.
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00:00Time for another edition of Presbyter Chat, where your questions are answered through
00:06the prism of pre-Nicene Christianity.
00:09Now your host, Presbyter Darren Kalama.
00:12Thanks for joining us.
00:14Today's question is, was Pope Francis right when he said,
00:18Every religion is a way to arrive at God?
00:22Well, first, the statement in itself is absolutist and objectivist at the same time.
00:28It's indifferentism on parade, the end result being a lukewarm solution of tasteless, liquefied
00:37theological word slurpees.
00:40It sounds like something a child might blurt out if pressed to give an answer after reading
00:44the back page of an astrology magazine.
00:48Yet within its seemingly innocent simplicity lies a very complex deception, a slippery
00:54linguistic wolf in sheep's clothing, if you will.
00:58And by the way, Bergoglio is fluent in six languages.
01:03He chose Italian when making the statement in front of a group of young students in Singapore
01:08earlier this month.
01:10The Vatican press office tried to get ahead of the controversy by issuing a semantically
01:15bleached version of his statement in English.
01:18But after careful study, he really did say it, and he meant every word of it.
01:24In fact, just days later, he doubled down on it and said, quote, Diversity of religious
01:30identities is a gift from God, unquote.
01:34He said that in an address to another group of students at the Tirana Med 24 conference.
01:41So this is no typo or slip of the tongue.
01:45This is reaffirmed doctrine, dogma, and belief of the Pope.
01:49Let there be no confusion as we move forward.
01:52Now, before we can answer the question, we have to ask a simple question in response.
01:58When Bergoglio says every religion is a way to arrive at God, which God is he referring to?
02:06And don't just blow this question off with a knee-jerk reaction of, what?
02:10You know, God, everybody knows what God is.
02:13This question gets to the heart of Bergoglio's seemingly simple statement.
02:19Now, take a moment and think carefully.
02:22He just said the word God.
02:24No actual name for this God that he refers to.
02:28Yet, here he is speaking to a non-Christian audience.
02:32The majority of people that he was speaking to in Thailand are Buddhists.
02:36Now, when you say the word God to them, it could be any one of dozens of gods, all with
02:44names I'm not even going to bother trying to pronounce.
02:47But here's a few anyway.
02:49Ramogasiddhi, Ratnasambhava, and, of course, who can forget, Ekasetahedatisvari.
03:00In any event, these are just the Buddhist gods.
03:03Not complicated enough for you?
03:05Let's start listing all the gods of the Hindus.
03:08There's roughly 33 million gods in that pile alone.
03:13And lots of things are considered to be religions.
03:16Wiccans, Satanism, Raëlism and their UFO worshippers, the climate cult.
03:23The Romans worshipped the sun god Sol Invictus in their religion.
03:27Even Scientology and their intergalactic ruler Xenu is defined as a religion under IRS rules.
03:36See where I'm going with this?
03:37When we apply context and reality to a statement, it's rendered meaningless.
03:43The theological slurpy of nonsense that I described earlier.
03:47And as if it was possible, he makes the statement even more meaningless by not even mentioning
03:53the name Jesus in his address to these Buddhists.
03:56There's zero context happening here.
03:59Now, if you were a Singaporean in that audience, your understanding would be that Bergoglio
04:05just gave your religion and gods the official papal seal of approval.
04:10There's no other way to interpret his statement.
04:14As Christians, we're reminded that the only way to the Father is through the Son.
04:19And that means he just sent everyone in that audience down the spiritual path to the Dead
04:25A one-way trip to nowhere.
04:27As Pope, Bergoglio is well aware that thousands of religions around the world worship millions
04:34of various gods and deities, all with different names.
04:38And yet, curiously, he provides no name for the God of the Catholic Church.
04:44And yet, the name that he is so unwilling to utter is written exactly 6,832 times in
04:51the Old Testament Torah books, yet Pope Francis will not say the name in public.
04:58Interestingly, the name is found nowhere in the New Testament, not even once.
05:03And since June 29th of the year 2008, by decree of the Vatican's Congregation for Divine
05:11Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, no Catholic is allowed to say the name either.
05:17You heard me right.
05:19You're not allowed to say the name of your own God.
05:22And neither is Bergoglio.
05:24You see, all references to the name were removed from every Catholic hymnal and liturgical
05:31guide in the world.
05:33Sound a little weird?
05:34Well, saddle up, because we're just getting started.
05:38Now, the inutterable name is Yahweh, spelled Y-A-H-W-E-H, and he's the desert war god of
05:47the Jews.
05:49And he's just one of a dozen that they worshipped at one time or another over the millennia.
05:54And since the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, you as a Catholic are also expected to worship
06:02the Yahweh deity as your God.
06:05However, as of the year 2008, you're not allowed to say the name of this deity, nor is your
06:12This worshipping of the Jewish Yahweh deity caused a schism among the pre-Nicene Christians.
06:19Those who wanted to staple the Jewish religion and the Yahweh deity to the front of their
06:23Bible are known as Judeo-Christians, with many denominations and subsets, including
06:30the Catholics.
06:31But those Christians who rejected the desert war god of the Jews did so with the full knowledge
06:37that Yahweh and the Jews had nothing to do with Jesus Christ and their God.
06:43In fact, they maintain that God was only revealed to us through Jesus Christ, not before.
06:50Now, the pre-Nicene Christian denominations refer to God with the name Our Father.
06:57And as you would expect, He is the Father of Jesus.
07:00And again, the only way to, the only path to the Father is through the Son.
07:06In fact, you won't find anything called the Old Testament and its Torah books in the first
07:11Christian Bible of 144 AD, nor will you find the name Yahweh in it.
07:18It wasn't until hundreds of years later when the Catholic Church finally published its
07:23own version of a Bible in 382 AD that the two religions were stapled together.
07:29So how can I and the pre-Nicene Christians be so sure that the name of God is Our Father
07:36and not a deity from an alien religion called Yahweh?
07:40Well, we can be sure because Jesus Christ Himself tells us so.
07:46Now, we find the first example when the Apostles ask Jesus how to pray to God.
07:52You know it as the Lord's Prayer.
07:54And it's the same in the first Christian Bible, chapter 8, verse 1, and in the later Judeo-Christian
08:00Bible versions as found in Matthew chapter 6, verses 9 through 13, and Luke chapter 11,
08:08verses 1 through 4.
08:10Now, pay close attention to the specific name that Jesus uses.
08:15And it came to pass whilst he was in a certain place praying to the Father, when he ceased,
08:21one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his
08:28And he said unto them, When you pray, say, Father, let your Holy Spirit come upon us,
08:34hallowed be your name.
08:37Now, did you see any Yahweh's in there?
08:39I didn't hear anything called Yahweh in there, did you?
08:42The Apostles are literally asking Jesus how to address God by name and pray to Him directly.
08:49And the name Jesus tells them to use is Our Father, not Yahweh.
08:54Now, this is just one of many examples that illustrate an alien religion was stapled onto
09:00your edited Judeo-Christian Bible, and it partially explains why the Catholic Church
09:06is erasing the name, treating it like a dirty little secret never to be spoken of, and like
09:13magic 2,000 years of history erased from memory 16 years ago through an edict you never
09:20heard of.
09:22Still not convinced?
09:24Here's another example, and it doesn't get much more direct than this.
09:28With his last dying breath, literally his last words on the cross, what name does Jesus
09:34use for God?
09:36And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the sanctuary was rent in the midst.
09:40And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said,
09:43Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
09:48And having said this, he expired.
09:57And now, with our luggage filled with context and history, our journey comes back full circle
10:03to the original question of the episode.
10:06Was Pope Francis right when he said every religion is a way to arrive at God?
10:12And the answer is whose God?
10:14And why is his statement spoken in such a way as to make God sound like a bus stop?
10:19If he's referring to Yahweh, the name of his God written 6,832 times in his Judeo-Christian
10:26Bible, we are reminded that many of the pre-Nicene Christians were of the belief that Yahweh
10:33was just another name for Satan, as we read in 2 Corinthians 4, 1-2.
10:39But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, in whom the God of this world
10:45hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel
10:49of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
10:54So according to this, we see Satan is a deity that operates in this earthly world.
11:00And we know that nowhere in Bergoglio's speech did he mention the name Jesus, much less preach
11:06his gospel.
11:07Now, let's look at his statement again, but this time use the actual name of Bergoglio's
11:14Let's see how it sounds.
11:16Every religion is a way to arrive at Yahweh.
11:20Sounds a little goofy, doesn't it?
11:21A little weird?
11:23And if you're in one of the foreign audiences in Singapore hearing that, what are you thinking
11:29as a Buddhist?
11:30Well, you're definitely wondering why the Pope is trying to sell you an alien Jewish
11:35war god named Yahweh, that's for sure.
11:39It boils down to word games and deceptive marketing.
11:43Now here's another example, a personal one, which I normally don't do, but every Christian
11:48that I know, and by the way I'm the product of 12 years of Catholic schooling, four of
11:53those in a high school taught by brothers, including a stint as altar boy at Chicago's
11:58Holy Name Cathedral, every Christian and Catholic that I know signed up for Jesus
12:05Nobody signed up for something called a Yahweh, nobody, nor would they.
12:11Nobody at your local seminary signed up because of Yahweh and his alien Torah books.
12:17People come to Christianity because of Jesus, but they get sold a Yahweh on the back end,
12:23an alien deity they neither asked for nor wanted.
12:27And that's exactly why they banned the name Yahweh from all Catholic liturgy 16 years
12:34They don't want you being reminded that in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea, your religion
12:41was hijacked by Judaizers, and in 382 AD the theft was codified with Torah books being
12:48stapled to the front of your Bible.
12:51Make no mistake, Bergoglio is a master at nuance, implied conclusions, and subtle inference
12:57using six different languages.
13:00Remember his famous, who am I to judge, comment?
13:04Remember the COVID scandals and his blessing of the South American Pakamama statues at
13:10the Vatican?
13:11But with this recent statement, he's crossed a red line for many Christians.
13:17Think about it, how many Catholics, seeing no other option, has he sickened and driven
13:22out of the church and into the waiting arms of atheism?
13:26Is it all by design?
13:28I'm here to tell you there's another option.
13:31Don't accept the false choice of having to take Jesus with a Yahweh poison pill.
13:37It doesn't have to be that way.
13:39And for the first pre-Nicene Christian denominations, it wasn't.
13:43Their churches and the first Christian Bible are still among us today.
13:47If you'd like to reconnect with our Father and the faith of the first Christians when
13:51they had their own Bible, their own religion, and their own God, you can visit marcionitechurch.org
13:59and theveryfirstbible.org.
14:03With what's on the horizon for all of us, you'll need solid theological footing and
14:08enhanced spiritual discernment.
14:11May our Father's Holy Spirit find and guide you in these confusing times and lift the
14:15veil from your hearts and minds.
14:18I'm Darren Calam and we'll see you next time on PresbyterChad.
