Dirty Pop The Boy Band Scam trailer HD - Netflix - Plot Synopsis: Lou Pearlman changed music culture forever. The architect of an extraordinary era of pop, he launched the careers of The Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, Britney Spears, O-Town and so many more. But he also carried a dark secret. With never-before-seen archive and unique access highlighting the artists’ epic rise to global stardom, this series uncovers Pearlman's web of lies, revealing the harsh realities of fame, power, exploitation and greed.
Limited Series Coming July 24
Members of NSYNC, Backstreet Boys and O-Town reflect on their rise to stardom under a controversial talent manager.
Limited Series Coming July 24
Members of NSYNC, Backstreet Boys and O-Town reflect on their rise to stardom under a controversial talent manager.
00:00Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, NSYNC.
00:07Nobody has a better talent for developing team pop than Lou Perlman.
00:12Lou Perlman.
00:13Lou Perlman.
00:14An empresario who is NSYNC with the times.
00:19Often refers to himself as the sixth Backstreet Boy.
00:25He's moving all his money.
00:29He messed with a lot of people's lives.
00:31Where's my money?
00:32We're all betrayed.
00:33Sold his soul on the run from the FBI.
00:40Hi, I'm Lou Perlman.