Igra sudbine 1126 Epizoda - Igra sudbine 1126 Epizoda

  • 2 months ago
Igra sudbine, Epizoda 1126,Igra sudbine 1126 ,Igra sudbine 1127,Igra sudbine Epizoda 1126, Igra sudbine Epizoda 1127,Epizoda 1126 Igra sudbine ,Epizoda 1127 Igra sudbine
00:00It's not that easy, it's not going to work out that way.
00:16How is it going to work out? I mean, that Ljubljana, we love each other.
00:20Well, we love each other, but I have expectations from the man I love.
00:26What? What are you talking about? What expectations?
00:31Well, to be a normal couple.
00:35I mean, to talk about the future, to plan for the future.
00:40Wait, wait, Ljubljana, how can we plan for the future when we can't plan to see each other normally?
00:49I mean, you know, that's why I...
00:52What was it?
00:55What was it now, what was it?
00:59I mean, why are you getting mad at me? What was it, Ljubljana?
01:06Tell me, what was it?
01:08You need to talk to my father.
01:10With Mido?
01:11I don't have another one.
01:14Are you crazy? How can I talk to him?
01:17Do you want him to kill me? Is that what you want?
01:19Come on, calm down.
01:20How can I calm down, Ljubinka? How can I calm down?
01:23How can I calm down? I, on behalf of your father, literally get into a bad mood and immediately get hungry.
01:29Here, look, I immediately got hungry.
01:34Come on, if it's not hard for you, just see if there's a little pig to bring.
01:40Eh, there is no more pig.
01:44What do you mean, there isn't?
01:45There isn't.
01:48There is no pig?
01:52So, you'll let your boy go home hungry?
01:56And eat?
01:57Yes. Hungry, so you get a little hungry, until you become a normal man.
02:01And walk all the way to Belgrade?
02:04Come on, through the window.
02:05Hungry, through the window?
02:07Come on, there's a window over there, come on.
02:11Can I go?
02:18There is no pig.
02:21There is no pig.
02:42Oh, enjoy yourself, sit down and get tired while lying down.
02:52Where are you, Mido?
02:54Well, where am I, Pancetta?
02:56Here, where you can see me.
02:58Let me ask you, how did you do yesterday?
03:01Well, I can tell you, fantastic.
03:05He took us, he's not Dobric, he's Mrvic.
03:09Even far from the apartment.
03:12We swam on that dirt, we jumped on that mud.
03:16From the start, no trace, no voice.
03:20Okay, Pancetta, it's not necessary to try.
03:22If you try, then you can hope.
03:24And see something.
03:25If you had a little luck, you could get rich.
03:29Well, it's not a problem that you walked, it's good to have a little heart.
03:32Yes, yes.
03:33And what about you, Mido, then you didn't walk a little with us?
03:38Well, I drive trucks all my life.
03:41I walk all my life.
03:42I can't walk.
03:44No, no.
03:45Until now, we realized that driving is more important to you than walking with the guests.
03:52But look, Pancetta, how do you think that?
03:56What do you mean?
03:58Well, let's say I saw...
04:01Two glasses and an empty bottle of wine on the table.
04:07The glasses had a trace of carmine, one.
04:14You're a smart enough woman not to play detective in front of men.
04:21And you know well that I'm right.
04:24Now, sorry, I have to go shave.
04:26I have to do something.
04:28I have no time to talk anymore. Stop.
04:45I'm sorry.
04:57Mrvice! Come out!
05:08What is it, Mido?
05:09Sit down.
05:11I remembered that you offered to go to Tartuffe yesterday.
05:17Oh, my God, I was just the host.
05:20Don't make a fool of me.
05:22You did it so that Mido would stay home alone.
05:25Mom, calm down. It's not what it looks like.
05:27You don't respect our agreement.
05:29You're playing behind Mido's back.
05:31If I prove it, I'll throw you out on the street like I said a thousand times.
05:34Did you hear me?
05:35Mom, don't be mad at me.
05:36Why are you mad at me now that we have such important information?
05:39I'm sorry. It's your imagination again.
05:43I found out where Mido keeps the money.
05:49In the bank?
05:54In the room.
05:56How did you find out? Who told you?
05:58I can't tell you how I found out. It's important that we have information.
06:01You're right. But one day you'll have to tell me how you found out.
06:04I'll tell you one day, but today is not that day.
06:09I'm sorry.
06:37Yes, it's me.
06:38Where are you?
06:40I have some work to tell you.
06:43I need your help, but first I'll ask you how you are.
06:46As always, at work.
06:48So, nothing is changing?
06:49Nothing. How are you?
06:51I heard about the collection. I'm very glad for you.
06:53Thank you.
06:55Tell me how can I help you?
06:57We are in Milan and we rented some space for the studio,
07:00but we have some complications with the rent,
07:04so we're trying to find out who the owner is.
07:06Ok, and what can I do for you?
07:08The owner is a certain company, Belgrade Apartments.
07:12A company from Belgrade?
07:13No, not from the Cayman Islands, but the owner is from Belgrade.
07:17I'm afraid it's not...
07:19Something is not right, yes.
07:21Look, that company, Belgrade Apartments, is not known to me,
07:24but I can check it out.
07:26I owe you, thank you.
07:36I can't believe that the money was always in front of our noses.
07:41He's smart, he hid it in a place where he knows we wouldn't look for it.
07:45I know that, but I don't know how much there is, do you know the amount?
07:48I don't know, only he knows that.
07:51We have to find a way to steal the key to the room, so we can take the money.
07:55Just give me a little time to make a plan,
07:58and everything will be as you say.
08:01Do you have the money?
08:03Just give me a little time to make a plan, and everything will be as you say.
08:07Just don't make it too long.
08:09It's possible.
08:11We just have to wait for Mars to merge with Venus.
08:15When is that?
08:39Hello Una.
08:41You look beautiful.
08:43Thank you.
08:45Can I?
08:46Yes, yes, come in.
08:51You look beautiful too.
08:53Thank you.
08:55You dressed up nicely.
08:57Yes, yes.
08:59I'm tired of the housework.
09:01So I decided to dress up.
09:03Is it a special day today?
09:07Well, you could say it is.
09:12Andrija is not at work.
09:14He cancelled a meeting this morning, so he's not coming.
09:17I know, I know. I definitely didn't come to his place.
09:22Can I help you somehow?
09:26You don't know what you could possibly do.
09:29For starters, you can send me a welcome card.
09:34You're looking at your new colleague.
09:38You're starting to work here?
09:40Yes, yes. I'm starting to work here from today.
09:44That's wonderful.
09:46That's really wonderful news. Congratulations. Thank you.
09:49Thank you.
09:51Can you just show me where my office will be?
09:58I mean, no one told me anything, but...
10:01We'll figure it out soon.
10:03We can go to Cenka and see what's going on.
10:10Here you go.
10:11Thank you.
10:31Anceta! Come here!
10:34Come here!
10:40What's up?
10:41Sit down so we can talk.
10:46Where did Ratis go?
10:49What's he doing when you want to talk to me?
10:52In my house.
10:53And me?
10:55I think you should talk to him.
10:58Talk to him about Gali.
11:02What? What happened?
11:04Yesterday she was alone with Mido.
11:07Yesterday when we went to look for Tartuffe?
11:10Yes, just then.
11:12What happened? What did they do?
11:14I don't know.
11:15Is he suspicious?
11:17Who? Mido and Gali?
11:21I don't know anything.
11:23No, no, no. He hasn't lied to me that I know.
11:26What? Gali?
11:31Put this table down. I need coffee.
11:54Come in.
11:58Hey, Ura!
12:00How are you?
12:05I'm starting to work here.
12:10No one told me anything.
12:12To be honest, I can't sit at home anymore.
12:15I decided to go back to work.
12:17It's not for anyone.
12:19Andrija and I agreed that I should start working here.
12:22Great idea.
12:24Why didn't you tell me?
12:25I was busy.
12:27I just wanted to surprise you.
12:29You succeeded.
12:31This is Vanja, my personal assistant.
12:34Una Bošnik.
12:35Nice to meet you.
12:36We're looking for an office for Una.
12:38We'll think of something.
12:40Sit down. Let's have some coffee.
12:42You can sit here.
12:44I'll just do something.
12:46I'll be right back.
12:48Sit down.
12:49Thank you.
12:51You really surprised me.
12:53You look beautiful.
12:54Thank you.
13:10You're welcome.
13:41Do you have a minute?
13:43Yes, I do.
13:45What do you want?
13:47I have a problem that I don't want to have.
13:51I'm listening.
13:53Listen, I want you to get out of my way as best you can.
13:57Obviously, you want to ruin my summer vacation.
14:00I found out everything I needed.
14:02And I'm in a lot of pain.
14:04Take this money and leave.
14:07No easy.
14:09No easy.
14:10Ljeposlava decided to kick me out.
14:13You should have seen how they looked at me
14:15when I was at the pool.
14:16As if I was the last straw.
14:19Everything will be fine.
14:20You should be fine.
14:21You should be fine.
14:22I found out everything I needed.
14:24And if I tell anyone
14:26that I gave money to the Germans
14:28to get you out of here,
14:30I'm not a nobody.
14:33Everything will be fine.
14:35Just stay away from Mita.
14:38Can you do that?
14:39Come on.
14:46What will I do with this?
15:06I'll call my son.
15:10Who is this?
15:12Hello, Mito.
15:14It's you, Nebojsa.
15:16My good friend.
15:18How are you?
15:20I'm fine.
15:21I'm calling you for a reason.
15:26What reason?
15:36Vanja, what is this nonsense?
15:38Do you know what she did to Ogrlica?
16:15I found out who the owner is.
16:17Who is the owner?
16:21I'm calling to thank you for the whiskey case.
16:24You really shouldn't have.
16:25Oh, that?
16:27Let it go, Nebojsa.
16:31It's nothing.
16:33Don't worry, Mito.
16:36Don't worry about this too much.
16:38No, Nebojsa.
16:40You were the one I needed the most.
16:43Mito Pljanovic, don't forget that.
16:45Be sure.
16:47Is everything okay with Ljubinka?
16:49Yes, thank God.
16:50Everything is under control.
16:51Don't worry.
16:52Thank you.
16:53I hope Trivanovic and Seganovic
16:54don't bother her anymore.
16:56No trace of them.
16:58Thank God.
16:59Nebojsa, I'm asking you something.
17:03Do you want to come to Kosmaja
17:05to rest for a couple of days?
17:07Believe it or not,
17:09I'm passing through that area soon,
17:11so I'll be back.
17:12Can I?
17:13Of course you can.
17:17You'll be my favorite guest.
17:19Here you go.
17:33Who put Gorlice on the resume?
17:39What is she doing here?
17:41I thought at least you knew.
17:47Una is working at Cannes Capital now.
17:55So she still dumped him.
17:57What do you mean?
18:00You see, I wouldn't hate her so much
18:02if I were to congratulate her now.
18:08You know what?
18:09In any case, it will be a lot of fun.
18:12It will be weird in the slightest.
18:14If Una wants chaos,
18:16she will get chaos.
18:18Wait, don't you think
18:19that maybe Andrija talked to her?
18:22That's not Andrija's phase at all.
18:23He doesn't like intrigue.
18:25Andrija would solve everything
18:26in a peaceful way if possible.
18:29This is her problem.
18:32But he let her do it.
18:34What a fatal mistake, Andrija.
18:39Two women,
18:40one ex,
18:41one present,
18:42the director of the company in one place.
18:45He better kill himself
18:46when he let her do it.
18:48What a mother, Andrija.
18:52How did you mention Gorlice?
18:54Una put her on the resume.
18:56What Gorlice?
18:57I don't know how to explain it to you.
18:58Tell me, what does Gorlice look like?
19:00She's golden,
19:01and she has all the diamonds,
19:03and she goes like this.
19:04In a V.
19:06Do you know where he got that Gorlice
19:08while we were still married?
19:10And she decided
19:11to put it right there.
19:16I have to be a little boyish now.
19:18I want to say,
19:19I want to congratulate
19:21our colleague
19:22and wish her a welcome.
19:24I mean, in my own way.
19:40Okay, who's the owner?
19:41I'll tell you later,
19:42but first you have to guarantee
19:44that you'll keep me safe in all this.
19:46Of course I will.
19:48You must never find out
19:49that this information came from me.
19:51I promise, no one will find out.
19:53Andrija Bošnjak.
19:58Yes, yes, yes.
19:59I'm here, I'm here.
20:01That company almost changed its name
20:03from Milan Apartments
20:04to Belgrade Apartments,
20:05so I didn't manage to conclude
20:07what it's all about,
20:08but in the end I found out.
20:10Thank you very much.
20:12I'm here if I can still help.
20:14Okay, okay.
20:15I'll call you.
20:33Come to the studio quickly.
20:50Here we go.
20:54Get out of there.
21:00So, what now?
21:02How do we make a plan
21:04to get that cash?
21:07First, we have to see
21:09what we know.
21:11First, we know where the cash is.
21:14Second, we think we don't know.
21:17And third,
21:19he carries the keys with him all the time.
21:22So, we're in trouble.
21:25We are.
21:26But there's one place
21:27where he carries the keys all the time.
21:29Bravo, while he's smoking.
21:31That's right.
21:32Unfortunately, we have a little problem here, but...
21:36Nothing about that man
21:37can be simple.
21:39It's logical.
21:40We just have to force him
21:42to smoke for a while.
21:44We'll never make it.
21:46He's covered in all the colors
21:48like a postman's apartment.
21:50I have a plan.
21:51Believe me, I do.
21:52Which one? I'm listening.
22:00Tell me.
22:21You really look beautiful.
22:23Thank you, Boba.
22:24Thank you so much.
22:25And that necklace is divine.
22:32I love it too.
22:35Where did you buy it?
22:36It must have cost a fortune.
22:41I don't know how much it cost.
22:46it's a gift from Andrija.
22:48He gave it to me.
22:50He's always been generous.
22:55Yes, I guess so.
22:59It doesn't matter
23:00how much it costs.
23:02I mean,
23:03attention is important.
23:04Of course.
23:09Do you want to try it on?
23:12I can, but
23:13you look better in it.
23:15Come on, Boba.
23:16What are you talking about?
23:17You're a wonderful woman.
23:18And beautiful.
23:19I'm sure you'll look beautiful in it.
23:21Thank you, but
23:22it's not for me, Una.
23:24You never know
23:25until you try something.
23:28Come on.
23:29Let's see how it looks on you.
23:43help me.
23:48this is so soft.
23:52I've never seen anything like it.
24:01it's worth it.
24:03Thank you.
24:16What's the rush?
24:20I found out
24:21who the owner is.
24:23Through Senka?
24:26Do I know him?
24:27Of course.
24:31and who's the owner?
24:33Andrija Bošćek.
24:38I can help you.
24:40What do you want
24:41with that bag?
24:42I don't know.
24:43It's possible.
24:45What does he want from us?
24:47sit down and calm down.
24:48I can't calm down,
24:50I'm coming to Italy
24:51and he's behind us
24:52designing the project.
24:53Where else can I go?
24:54To Africa?
24:56we have to stay calm.
24:57We can't achieve anything like this.
24:58How can I stay calm?
24:59What does he want from me?
25:00He took the land
25:01and now he wants it here.
25:02Let him stay here.
25:03Calm down, please.
25:04Calm down, calm down.
25:05I can't calm down.
25:08He doesn't understand.
25:09I don't know
25:10what's wrong with him.
25:11What's wrong with him?
25:12What's wrong with him?
25:13I'll talk to him.
25:14No, you won't.
25:15I'll talk to him.
25:16You're smarter.
25:17I'll talk to him.
25:18It's smarter
25:19that I talk to him
25:20because of your story.
25:22tell me,
25:23I think...
25:24What do you think?
25:27Am I stupid?
25:28Or worse?
25:30I can't develop
25:31my business and private life.
25:32I believe you can,
25:33but just promise me
25:34you won't talk to him.
25:35Is that okay?
25:36It doesn't matter
25:37who talks to him.
25:38Promise me.
25:39Please, promise me.
25:42I'll talk to him.
25:43I promise.
25:44Thank you.
25:45It's a deal.
25:46I'm going to finish something.
25:49See you.
25:51Everything will be okay.
25:52Everything will be okay.
25:53Don't call him.
25:54I won't.
25:59He's smarter.
26:13You look great in that jacket.
26:15I think you should wear it more often.
26:19because I would have a husband like you.
26:22Why wouldn't you?
26:24What do you lack?
26:26I lack time.
26:28I can't keep my head from work
26:30and a husband like Andrija
26:32is becoming less important.
26:35And there are less and less men like Andrija.
26:42Good day.
26:43Good day.
26:44Good day.
26:47Well, Una, I heard you came to strengthen our team,
26:52and God willing, to make it better.
26:59Thank you.
27:01How do you know I started working here?
27:05I mean, who told you?
27:08Well, who told me? I'm the director of this company.
27:11Of course they told me.
27:13And they also told me that you made a special effort today,
27:16and that you put on a special necklace.
27:20What necklace?
27:22The one you're wearing now.
27:25Why not?
27:26When you're already sharing Andrija, why not a necklace?
27:28A little for Una, a little for Bobo.
27:31What are you talking about?
27:33God, Bobo, why are you jumping? I'm just kidding.
27:35It was a joke.
27:36Well, it didn't sound like a joke to me.
27:38I'm sure Una understood it as a joke.
27:42Well, share it, how not to share.
27:44One is his wife, the other is his secretary.
27:50What else were you thinking?
28:08Let me go.
28:14Look who's lying here about me.
28:18Where are you, beautiful?
28:22Here I am.
28:25I'm fighting, I'm reading.
28:27Look, I prepared this especially for you.
28:31Pig's trotters, alamido.
28:34Thank you, I'm not hungry.
28:36You won't, you won't.
28:38This is the biggest specialty in Zumadija.
28:52Hi, Luka.
28:55Where are you from?
28:56I have a job for you.
28:58Well, I have some obligations here, so...
29:01So, something like that.
29:04Are you okay?
29:05You look nervous.
29:06Who, me? No.
29:07No, I mean...
29:11Yes, we found out...
29:16We found out who is the hidden owner of the company.
29:32What did I get?
29:33Do you think it's nice for me to enjoy the fact that someone is cheating on me,
29:36that someone is cheating on me,
29:37that I came here with grandpa and not with you?
29:49no one has ever told me something so terrible in my life.
29:56I'm sorry.
30:06I know that Jovana can provoke,
30:09but today she went too far.
30:11It's not okay for her to say that she and I share Andrija.
30:16I'm sorry, grandma, how do you think you share Andrija?
30:19Well, as if she was kidding.
30:20She is his wife, I am his secretary.
30:24I don't know what to tell you.
30:25I think she provoked him too.
30:27Why her?
30:28Well, you want to say that she didn't want to draw attention to that mole.
30:50If you keep sitting on that chair,
30:52you'll get scared.
30:55I like you, Jaša,
30:57the death of life.
30:58What do you want from me?
31:00I don't want anything from you, but the guests do.
31:14That's what I'm talking about.
31:15Okay, you don't have to talk.
31:17Here, I'll talk.
31:18Mila is stupid.
31:20Yes, and I can say that because you and I had fun.
31:23Do you remember? We were in love.
31:25And I know how beautiful you are, girl.
31:29You know,
31:30sometimes I feel sorry that we broke up.
31:46I shouldn't have been honest to Andrija.
31:49I told him everything,
31:50but he fixed our relationship overnight.
31:53Okay, take it easy.
31:54Maybe he's not that scary.
31:56How could he not stop calling me?
31:58Privately or business?
32:00He never called me privately,
32:02but now he calls Senka instead of me.
32:16I'm not going in,
32:17but I'm not going in.
32:18There's no chance.
32:19Come on, go in.
32:20He won't see you.
32:21He's in a hurry.
32:23I'll open the door for you.
32:26I'll do it myself, please.
32:42Which is understandable.
32:45That's the only reason you're solving this.
32:49And I want to.
32:50I know.
32:53Come on, kiss me on the cheek.
