Facts of the Origin of Religion

  • 2 months ago
What is religion and from where has it originated? What are the sayings of the Lord as against the practices and rituals performed in our daily lives? What is the actual philosophy as given by the Lords during their lifetime, to achieve your true Self and spiritual progress?
00:00What is religion, which gives us some result.
00:04If you follow something, even our kids, when they go to school,
00:09they achieve something.
00:11Every year they get grades and they pass and go on another higher classes, right?
00:17But in religion, you must have observed.
00:20See, every day our mother or grandmother, I have watched from my childhood,
00:26they do every day that path, puja, every day that course,
00:30that thing is, since from childhood till death, things are going on.
00:37Same thing, same thing.
00:39No progress, no change, no examination, no passing, no further classes.
00:45Till the death, the same course, half an hour.
00:48Same mala, same job, same path, same arti, same puja.
00:53At the end, every year nobody takes your exam,
00:56whether you pass or not, you are successful or not, nobody knows.
01:00All routine, mechanical thing goes on.
01:03And on the contrary, your anger, lust, greed, pride, everything, they are there.
01:09Maybe increasing.
01:11So this is not right. We expect result from our kids.
01:15So I think this is not right.
01:17There should be something else which gives result.
01:20See, if you, suppose you worship Lord Krishna or some may worship Lord Rama
01:26or Mahavira or Shiva.
01:29So, worshipping, doing abhisheka or milk and flowers, offering flowers,
01:37then doing mala or om namah shivaya, om namah shivaya, whatever you are doing,
01:41at the same time, after sometime, after prior time, you may be worshipping like
01:47nijananda roopam, shivoham, shivoham.
01:52So, those who don't know Sanskrit, they think I am worshipping Shiva, the Shiva-ling.
01:59But the meaning of both the things are totally contradicting.
02:05Om namah shivaya means I am worshipping to Shiva, God Shiva.
02:11And shivoham means I myself is Shiva, I myself is God.
02:16See, when you say two things at a time, that means you are not doing anything with understanding.
02:23You are, on the contrary, you are nullifying previous statement.
02:27When you say, I am, I am, aham shivoham.
02:31Same way you worship Krishna or Shri Krishnashram mama, Shri Krishnashram ma,
02:37or Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Ram Ram.
02:40And next moment you say, aham brahmasmi.
02:46See, these things are contradicting again.
02:50See, so when I used to think, what is this?
02:54Why these things are going on?
02:57What is the meaning of all these things?
02:59Then, if you try to understand, go deep into scripture,
03:04or history of overall Ram, Krishna, Mahavira, Shiva.
03:09So, Lord Krishna has never said that I am God and to chant this mantra,
03:15I am Shri Krishnashram mama, Ram Ram, Bhogate Vasudeva.
03:19He has never said to anybody to do all these things.
03:22These things came afterwards, after he has passed away from this physical body.
03:29He never said that you do this and you don't do that.
03:35This is religion and you follow this.
03:37No, he has never given any religion.
03:39See, Ram, Krishna, Mahavira, Shiva, they have never given any religion to anybody.
03:47Religions were established later on, after the Acharyas and Rishis, Munis.
03:54They have given all these things by the name of Lord Krishna or Ram or Mahavira or Shiva.
04:00All of them have given only one thing, that is spiritual science.
04:05See, if you go to Lord Krishna, he has given realization of Atma to Arjuna in Gita.
04:14He has not said that you chant my name or you do worshipping or you do puja,
04:20nothing he has said to do anything.
04:23And he has not asked Arjuna to do anything and Arjuna has never done anything.
04:28Just he has given the knowledge to find out who am I.
04:32And he says very clearly to Arjuna, you are not Arjuna, you are Atma.
04:40Right now you are recognizing me as Krishna, but I am not Krishna.
04:44What you are looking, in reality I am not this.
04:47I am also Atma.
04:49And you are finding this Kaka, Mama, Guru, Bhai, Grandpa, they are also not that.
04:56In reality they are also Atma.
05:00See, the philosophy part of all our great, great God or teachers,
05:07it is very beautiful, very simple to understand.
05:11Once you understand this, that understanding will continue throughout in your life.
05:16And that will give all the time peace of mind, bliss from inside,
05:21and no disturbance, nothing in your life.
05:26No misery, no unhappiness.
05:29So this is very important thing, we have missed philosophical part.
05:33And only worshipping part we are after that.
05:37See, both the things are hand together, worshipping and knowledge.
05:43See, you cannot go only by one thing.
05:45These are the two wheels of a cart.
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