How can we understand the journey of Soul development? How does the Soul finally get out of the cycle of birth and re-birth and attain ultimate liberation?
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00:00In this universe there are three types of soul.
00:03One is total liberated soul, one is having one sense to five sense and they are suffering
00:11this karmic account in this universe.
00:15And before that there is one stage of soul that is totally covered.
00:21So totally covered soul, there is not a single sense that came out from the soul.
00:27So when one soul gets liberation, one soul from total covered soul will come in this
00:35universe and will take one sense, one sense creature start.
00:42Then slowly, slowly that covering dissolves, automatically development takes place.
00:49And up to human, natural development is there.
00:53And from human, then slowly mind gets developed, intellect gets developed, ego gets developed.
01:01And when intellect and ego gets developed, then he will charge different type of karma
01:08and he will take birth and rebirth in and get suffering of new karma.
01:16But till human, natural development is taking place.
01:21Total covered soul, he becomes total uncovered, up to that there is a journey of development.
01:29When it gets totally uncovered after self-realization, total covering goes away, then soul will get
01:38liberation and it will go out of birth and rebirth cycle.
01:43So this is development of soul.