La vida prometida Cap 4
TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00:30Io ti cerco, ti invoco follemente Per dirti che ti amo, appassionato
00:00:50Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:01:07Fai fiorire la passione Come il suono della mia canzone
00:01:37Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:02:07Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:02:37Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:03:07Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:03:37Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:04:08E a ti, Duri, quanto ti ho fatto di meno, Duri?
00:04:13Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:04:23Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:04:33Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:04:44Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:04:53Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:05:04Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:05:14Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:05:25Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
00:05:36Not here, madam. Use the back door.
00:05:40Ah, no le entiendo. Don't speak...
00:05:42You must use the back entrance around...
00:05:44Eh, I'm a lady, no me toque, eh?
00:05:46¿Cómo se atreve? I'm a friend of Mr. Ferry.
00:05:49Look, aquí. Es italiano.
00:05:51Mr. Ferry, oh.
00:05:53Welcome to the Walford Hotel, Miss Carmela.
00:05:56Thank you.
00:06:06Good morning.
00:06:07Who is this lady?
00:06:08No idea.
00:06:14Sorry, I'll call you back.
00:06:27Soy friend de Mr. Ferry.
00:06:30Sure, Mr. Ferry.
00:06:32De Mr. Ferry.
00:06:33Sure, Mr. Ferry is waiting for you.
00:06:36Please come in.
00:06:37Thank you.
00:06:41Doña Carmela, por fin.
00:06:43Qué placer, Mr. Ferry.
00:06:45Pase, pase, por favor. Gracias, Maureen.
00:06:50Vaya, se ha instalado muy bien aquí.
00:06:56¿Y usted ha podido instalarse bien?
00:06:59No me quejo.
00:07:03Desde luego tiene buenas vistas.
00:07:06Desde aquí se ve todo.
00:07:08Lo bonito y lo feo, como me dijo aquel día en el barco.
00:07:12Eso también pasa en Monroe Street.
00:07:17Entonces, ¿vive usted en un hotel y trabaja aquí?
00:07:21Doña Carmela, en mi casa son un baúl, un telégrafo, un teléfono.
00:07:26Debo estar siempre listo para cambiar y partir.
00:07:29Eso me ha enseñado la vida.
00:07:31Pero veo que aún sigue llevando arrugadas las camisas.
00:07:39Por favor, siéntese.
00:07:43Me ha costado mucho encontrarla, lo sabía.
00:07:46Pero lo ha conseguido.
00:07:47Sí, pero no ha sido fácil, porque ha cambiado de apellido.
00:07:50Ahora se apellida Ritzwinisquiabón, que suena como apellido de noble.
00:07:56Menudo varón mi marido, el de los cacahuetes.
00:08:02¿Y sus hijos? ¿Están bien?
00:08:04Sí, sí, están muy bien.
00:08:06He sabido que Alfredo estudia y es muy aplicado.
00:08:11No le di las gracias por lo que hizo usted por mí,
00:08:15en la oficina de inmigración, por Rocco.
00:08:20Mr. Ferry, should I ask the driver to wait for you for your appointment with Mr. Brady?
00:08:25Ah, tiene un appointment.
00:08:28¿Está ocupado? ¿Está busy?
00:08:30¿Se defiende en inglés?
00:08:33Yes, yes, I'm coming.
00:08:38Lo lamento.
00:08:39No, tranquilo, el trabajo es el trabajo.
00:08:42Ah, por cierto, he sabido que buscan personal en la lavandería del Walford.
00:08:47Si está usted buscando trabajo, es una posibilidad.
00:08:51¿Habla en serio?
00:08:53Ah, qué bien.
00:08:54Al menos alguien cuidará de que no tenga las camisas arrugadas.
00:08:58Bien, gracias.
00:09:01Ahora me marcho.
00:09:03Yo la acompaño.
00:09:13Bye bye.
00:09:24No work, no pay.
00:09:48No work, no pay.
00:09:50Ding, ding, ding, ding.
00:09:52Es que no lo puedo soportar.
00:09:58Mr. Ferry.
00:10:06Un trabajo así por cinco dólares a la semana.
00:10:09¿Cómo iba a decir que no?
00:10:11Comida no nos falta.
00:10:13Yo traigo dinero a casa.
00:10:14Miquele trabaja y Antonio también.
00:10:16Todos juntos ganáis cinco dólares a la semana.
00:10:22Quiero lo mejor para mis hijos.
00:10:25¿Y qué problema? Yo me ocupo.
00:10:27Ya estamos.
00:10:28¿Ya estamos con qué?
00:10:30¿Que crees que no soy capaz?
00:10:32¿Eso crees? ¿Crees que soy un pobre idiota?
00:10:35Cuando llegué tenía 20 liras en el bolsillo.
00:10:38Y con lo de los cacahuetes me compré la bodega.
00:10:40Luego la perdiste.
00:10:41La perdí.
00:10:42¿Y qué has hecho tú para ayudarme a recuperarla?
00:10:44Nada, solo tus hijos, siempre tus hijos.
00:10:47Para ti no existo, solo existen ellos.
00:10:50¿Dónde están ahora tus hijos?
00:10:52En la casa de Italia bailando.
00:10:54Todos menos el que está arriba tocando la flauta.
00:10:57Tus hijos.
00:11:00Pero hazme caso.
00:11:02Estoy aquí.
00:11:04Muy bien, ya te miro.
00:11:05Te miro, dime.
00:11:07Yo por tu amor lo he aceptado todo.
00:11:09Hasta que me acusaran de tener aquí a un chivato, Antonio,
00:11:12que mandó a salvo al reformatorio.
00:11:14Hizo lo correcto.
00:11:15Tú a mis hijos ni los toques.
00:11:17¿Queda claro?
00:11:18No puedes decir esas cosas.
00:11:19Si no te las digo a ti, ¿a quién se las digo?
00:11:22Además, es la verdad.
00:11:24Es la verdad.
00:11:32¿Sabes una cosa?
00:11:33Que no voy a dejar ese trabajo.
00:11:35No pienso dejarlo.
00:11:37Y punto.
00:11:48Rocco, mete esa pierna, anda.
00:12:03Hazme el favor, ven dentro, que es peligroso.
00:12:06Mete esa pierna, por favor.
00:12:16¿Te gustan las palomas?
00:12:18Eran la pasión de mi mujer.
00:12:21Les puso nombre.
00:12:23La grande y negra es Nerón.
00:12:25Porque es mala.
00:12:26Otra Rodolfo Valentino.
00:12:28Como el actor.
00:12:31Rosa es su pareja de siempre.
00:12:37¿Sabes que cuando eligen una pareja,
00:12:39les son fieles toda la vida?
00:12:41Hasta la muerte.
00:12:49¿Qué es lo que te pasa, Esquiavón?
00:12:56¿Qué es lo que me pasa?
00:13:09Es muy largo y muy difícil.
00:13:13Es muy largo y muy difícil.
00:13:16Es muy largo y muy difícil.
00:13:42Es mi hermano.
00:14:07Pues baila de maravilla.
00:14:11Chiro has told me about you and about me.
00:14:14He told me that you are in the union.
00:14:17You know, my father also defended the workers.
00:14:22Then he was a good Christian.
00:14:25We are organizing a strike at the Red Hoop Foundation, where you work.
00:14:30It will be the first real protest against the bosses, the biggest of all.
00:14:34There is Xiao.
00:14:35We will be there, right?
00:14:36I told you that Miquel was a good boy.
00:14:38Because the more people, the stronger we will be.
00:14:45What's wrong with you? Are you still thinking about Miquel?
00:14:47What do you care?
00:14:48Then say it. Say that you think about me.
00:14:52Go away, your mouth still smells like milk.
00:14:54You are a brat.
00:14:55What do you mean brat? There are good things down here.
00:14:59How dare you?
00:15:02One, two, three.
00:15:07Oh, look how many girls are coming.
00:15:14How are you?
00:15:15Fine, and you?
00:15:16Fine, fine. Come.
00:15:18Carlo and Miquel.
00:15:20Hi, this is Beth, this is Sofia and this is Pat.
00:15:24Nice to meet you.
00:15:25Nice to meet you.
00:15:27Chiro, you know we have a thing for Italian boys.
00:15:32Do you understand, Miquel?
00:15:34These Americans love Italians, do you understand?
00:15:38What, are we all going to dance?
00:15:40Hey, you speak our language very well.
00:15:43I study melodramas.
00:15:45Your lyrical operas are beautiful.
00:15:47Verdi, Puccini.
00:15:49Who are those?
00:15:51Miquel, are you taking me out to dance or are you going to spend the night looking at me?
00:15:57How do you say it?
00:16:02Go away.
00:16:04Girl dance.
00:16:06How do you say let's dance?
00:16:08Miquel, how do you say it?
00:16:10Miqueluxo, let's go.
00:16:21Very good. Let's see what you have down there.
00:16:29Peanuts, toasted peanuts.
00:16:33Roasted peanuts, fresh roasted peanuts.
00:16:39Twenty cents, please.
00:16:44Thank you.
00:16:51Sir, my jeans.
00:16:57Carmela, good morning.
00:16:59Good morning, Mr. Ferry.
00:17:01How's it going? How's work?
00:17:03Good, good. Are your shirts ready?
00:17:05Are you okay?
00:17:18I just found out that there is a strike at the foundation.
00:17:22A strike at the foundation?
00:17:24I don't want to scare you, Carmela.
00:17:26But apparently the police intend to charge against the strikers.
00:17:31My God.
00:17:32It would be better if Miquel didn't participate.
00:17:34He promised me that he wouldn't be fooled by politics like his father.
00:17:38He promised me.
00:17:39I have to warn him, but what do I do with the job?
00:17:43That Chinese is a hyena and he won't give me permission.
00:17:46Don't worry, Carmela. I'll talk to your boss.
00:17:49Let's go together.
00:18:05Alemán, 1939
00:18:15Come on, everybody!
00:18:25What are you doing? Let go of that.
00:18:28Chiro, what are you doing?
00:18:29Get out of the way, Miquel.
00:18:31Chiro, they are provocating us. If we fall, it's over.
00:18:33What do you mean provoking? Carlos, they won't take long to load, don't you see?
00:18:36We are a lot, it's not good for them either.
00:18:38Who, Carlos? Let's load ourselves before they load. Come on, let's get them.
00:18:49But what are you doing, mother? Are you crazy or what?
00:18:53Mom, go away.
00:18:54Get in there. Come on, come on, get in, come on.
00:18:56With just one that gets in there, everything will be over.
00:18:58You have to go to work, you have to get in.
00:19:00But we have the right to strike.
00:19:02But what right, what right? The poor have no rights.
00:19:06And if they are telling you yes, it's because they are lying to you.
00:19:10Mom, calm down.
00:19:11Mrs. Carmela, calm down. Those are beasts.
00:19:13Mom, you have to go.
00:19:15This is not a place for women. Go away.
00:19:17Come on.
00:19:18Mom, mom, go away. They are going to load.
00:19:21Mom, go away.
00:19:22What are you doing?
00:19:23What are you doing?
00:19:24Come on, let's go.
00:19:25Hold on, hold on.
00:19:27Come on, Mike, come with me.
00:19:29Are you forcing me to go in?
00:19:31You're in danger here, Mom.
00:19:44Chiro! Chiro, no!
00:19:50No, Mike!
00:19:52Don't let him!
00:19:56Chiro, no!
00:20:01No, Chiro, no!
00:20:08What did you force me to do, Mom?
00:20:14I was wrong.
00:20:15My mother was wrong too.
00:20:18She did it to protect me.
00:20:22Now I'm here.
00:20:26And maybe she can't even hear me.
00:20:29Do you remember what you told me?
00:20:32That we had to fight together.
00:20:35But I'm alone.
00:20:39Carlos has been detained.
00:20:41And you...
00:20:47I swear I can't forgive myself.
00:20:51Forgive me, please.
00:21:00Mike, we have to go now.
00:21:05Is the police here?
00:21:07Not this time, Mayday.
00:21:08Of course they are.
00:21:09Let's go.
00:21:11It's useless to pretend to be a hero.
00:21:14Come on, let's go.
00:21:18Goodbye, friend.
00:21:19Let's go.
00:21:46Dr. Wright.
00:21:47We are here for Chiro Malenti.
00:21:49It's too late.
00:21:50I'm sorry.
00:21:54Please, call the other nurse.
00:21:56Yes, Doctor.
00:21:59Let's go.
00:22:38Where are you going at this hour?
00:22:40With all that on your mind?
00:22:43I'm leaving.
00:22:44You're leaving?
00:22:47When are you coming back?
00:22:48I don't know.
00:22:50Since when do you leave your family?
00:22:53Since when do you leave like this?
00:22:55I haven't given you any worries, Mom.
00:22:57I've never asked you for anything.
00:22:59I've always thought about you and the family.
00:23:02About you and the family.
00:23:05But you can't treat me like a man when you feel good
00:23:08and like a kid when you feel bad.
00:23:11Mike, forgive me.
00:23:12Forgive me, Mike.
00:23:14I was wrong.
00:23:15I was wrong.
00:23:16These things happen.
00:23:17Chiro is dead, Mom.
00:23:19These things happen.
00:23:22He's dead?
00:23:24He's dead, poor thing.
00:23:27I'm sorry, Mike.
00:23:29I'm sorry.
00:23:30But don't you see that if I hadn't made a mistake,
00:23:33you could be in his place now?
00:23:35Maybe it would be better.
00:23:44Thank you.
00:23:46It's easier that way.
00:23:48Forgive me, my son.
00:23:49Forgive me.
00:23:50Forgive me.
00:24:30Then it's working.
00:25:13Let's see.
00:25:15Let's do a test.
00:25:17If everything goes well,
00:25:18maybe the business will be yours again.
00:25:20But it has to go well.
00:25:23Don't worry about anything.
00:25:25Everything will go very well.
00:25:28Well, here.
00:25:30There you go.
00:25:33Thank you.
00:25:34Go, go.
00:25:37Goodbye, Antonio.
00:25:50You're an imbecile!
00:25:51What the hell are you doing?
00:25:53I've already cleaned everything.
00:25:55I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:25:56I've already cleaned everything.
00:25:57Sit down, Salvo.
00:25:58Let's go.
00:25:59It's okay.
00:26:01It's part of the family.
00:26:02They're all cowards.
00:26:04And chivatos.
00:26:05When did you leave?
00:26:06This morning.
00:26:07Well, you know you left thanks to me.
00:26:09I paid for the reformatory's bail.
00:26:11If you were in debt with me before,
00:26:13now you're not.
00:26:15Very well.
00:26:16Thank you, Mr. Matrenga.
00:26:17You're useless.
00:26:18Bring him another glass, Salvo.
00:26:19We're going to toast.
00:26:20Hurry up.
00:26:21And don't break anything.
00:26:28Goodbye, Rocco.
00:26:34Goodbye, Mom.
00:26:36Behave yourself at school.
00:26:44Good morning, Mom.
00:26:46Hello, Antonio.
00:26:48Hey, is it true that Salvo has already left the reformatory?
00:26:52Oh, yes.
00:26:54What a Christmas gift.
00:27:01Antonio, we're missing three dollars.
00:27:03Are you telling me?
00:27:06I'm telling the guy who bought a shirt and a new jacket this week.
00:27:09Of course.
00:27:10Because whenever something happens here,
00:27:12I tell you who's to blame.
00:27:14Antonio's criminal.
00:27:16Why do you always give me reasons?
00:27:18But why?
00:27:19What have I done?
00:27:20I work, right?
00:27:21I make money, just like Mikele.
00:27:23But he's your favorite, even if he left home.
00:27:25But what are you saying?
00:27:27This time, you shouldn't look at me alone.
00:27:30And who should I look at? Tell me.
00:27:31We'd better leave it.
00:27:33Who should I look at?
00:27:46What does he have to do with it?
00:27:49Did you know he sold the cart?
00:27:50The cart?
00:27:52I think he wants to get the business back.
00:27:55He's been talking to Matranga in the warehouse for a long time.
00:27:58About the Black Hand.
00:27:59What's that about the Black Hand? I'm interested, too.
00:28:02It's not about women, Mom.
00:28:06Antonio, where are you going?
00:28:07When we talk about something serious, you always leave.
00:28:10Can you explain to me what the Black Hand is?
00:28:12Is it like a mafia?
00:28:14Have we crossed the ocean to find ourselves in the same situation again?
00:28:18Can you explain it to me?
00:28:20Mom, forget it.
00:28:22You have to listen to me when I talk to you.
00:28:24It's too long, Mom.
00:28:27It's, it's, it's, it's very long.
00:28:29And very, very difficult.
00:28:43But what are you doing? You're always here.
00:28:47This is my place.
00:28:49Where else would a fool like me be if they insult and slap everyone?
00:28:54Come on, you hit me too.
00:28:56Shut up.
00:28:57Although they do want to slap you.
00:29:02What's wrong with you now?
00:29:05Matranga again?
00:29:08No, no.
00:29:10My mother.
00:29:12What happened?
00:29:13Mikele is handsome and strong.
00:29:15Alfredo, smart.
00:29:17Rocco, a bastard.
00:29:18And me?
00:29:19I'm a thief, a liar and a snitch.
00:29:23How many things.
00:29:25I don't like good guys.
00:29:28You know?
00:29:30And why do you like Mikele?
00:29:32I liked Mikele.
00:29:34But he prefers the Americans.
00:29:38Come here.
00:29:44I think I'm going to make you a gift, boy.
00:29:48A gift?
00:29:50It's almost Christmas.
00:29:52Do you want to?
00:29:53You can.
00:30:10Thank you.
00:30:19And Antonio?
00:30:21He's out.
00:30:25And Rocco?
00:30:27He's on the roof with the pigeons.
00:30:31Very good.
00:30:34And Alfredo?
00:30:36At school, like every morning.
00:30:41And what...
00:30:44...does the pot of money do here?
00:30:47I'm watching him.
00:30:49Someone in this family has very long hands.
00:30:52Oh yeah?
00:30:54Do you know anything, Esquiabó?
00:30:58I don't.
00:31:02Let's be clear.
00:31:03I know it was you.
00:31:05So tell me why you sold the cart and then pretend to go to work.
00:31:09Do you think I'm stupid?
00:31:11What happened?
00:31:14It happened.
00:31:15It happened.
00:31:17Nothing happened.
00:31:18I just want to get the business back.
00:31:21The peanuts were provisional until God turned around.
00:31:25And how?
00:31:29With whom?
00:31:32You can rest assured.
00:31:34I don't know what that is.
00:31:35I want to know who you're doing business with.
00:31:38I've already made money.
00:31:40I've made money.
00:31:42And I put it in the pot.
00:31:44No, no, thank you.
00:31:45Save it for the winery.
00:31:47Who do you do business with?
00:31:48With the Black Hand?
00:31:51The Black Hand.
00:31:53The Black Hand doesn't exist.
00:31:54It's a children's story.
00:31:55The Black Hand is coming.
00:31:57No, no.
00:31:58No, you...
00:31:59Trust me.
00:32:00In two months, we'll get the winery back.
00:32:03Mateo's word, Esquiabón.
00:32:06I'll fix everything tonight.
00:32:08I'm busy tonight.
00:32:09I am busy.
00:32:12You're busy.
00:32:18The eggs are very good.
00:32:32Thank you.
00:32:49I'm sorry, Mr. Ferri.
00:32:51Miss Rizzo is waiting for you in your office.
00:32:53In my office?
00:32:55Okay, thanks.
00:33:03Mr. Ferri, can you explain to me
00:33:05what the Black Hand is that everyone is talking about?
00:33:08Something that is better to stay away from.
00:33:11Kidnappings, extortions, homicides, smuggling.
00:33:16It's a mess.
00:33:18There's an article in La Voz d'Italia today.
00:33:21See you this afternoon, Mr. Ferri.
00:33:24See you soon, ma'am.
00:33:28See you later, Maureen.
00:33:35Michele Guarino.
00:33:38The king of New York distilleries.
00:33:41People like him dirty the reputation of the Italians.
00:33:46I'm afraid that Black Hand has already entered my house.
00:33:49That's why I've come to bother you.
00:33:52Because if someone steals, he's in his house.
00:33:55He has serious problems.
00:33:57Who are you referring to?
00:33:59My husband, Esquiabón.
00:34:01He says he's doing business.
00:34:03But he doesn't look good.
00:34:06And since you have so many friends,
00:34:09like that police officer who managed to find us,
00:34:12I don't know if you could ask him to find out
00:34:14what that bastard is up to.
00:34:17Don't worry, Carmela.
00:34:18I'll take care of it.
00:34:20Thank you.
00:34:21He's a good friend.
00:34:34Why don't you stay and eat with me?
00:34:37When you called me, you were at the restaurant.
00:34:40For a moment,
00:34:42I was excited thinking you'd eat with me.
00:34:45No, I can't.
00:34:47I have to go back home with my children.
00:34:50Besides, my clothes aren't the right ones.
00:34:53You're beautiful, Carmela.
00:34:55Clothes are just appearance.
00:34:57But appearance matters.
00:35:00I'm fine where I am.
00:35:02Down where the Lord put me.
00:35:05Otherwise, it would be a mess.
00:35:06I see.
00:35:08But thank you.
00:35:11Maybe tonight?
00:35:14My appearance will still be a problem.
00:35:21See you later, Carmela.
00:35:55Miss Rizzo?
00:35:57Rizzo Schiavone?
00:35:59This is for you, from Mr. Ferry.
00:36:02For me?
00:36:07He waits for you at 8 p.m.
00:36:09At the Walford Hotel.
00:36:11I don't understand.
00:36:12Tonight, 8 p.m.
00:36:14Ah, tonight.
00:36:16Yes, yes.
00:36:18And what do I do with Schiavone?
00:36:20Ah, Schiavone works tonight.
00:36:22He's busy.
00:36:24I'm sorry, I don't understand.
00:36:26Doesn't matter.
00:36:27Tell Mr. Ferry it's okay.
00:36:31Okay, thank you.
00:36:34What is this?
00:36:35Is it a dress?
00:36:38Come on, hurry up!
00:36:40Come on, it's for today.
00:36:41Come on!
00:36:42Let's see.
00:36:43Take the state one for New Jersey.
00:36:44Come on, careful, careful.
00:36:45If there is any control station ...
00:36:47You've already told me.
00:36:48I'm not stopping because I'm going slowly.
00:36:50Schiavone, be careful.
00:36:51You have very valuable merchandise.
00:36:54And above all, it is forbidden.
00:36:55Have you told him, Matranga?
00:36:57Let me introduce you to Mr. Guarino.
00:36:59The one in charge of all this is ...
00:37:01It's the boss.
00:37:03It's an honor.
00:37:05Thank you for your trust, Mr. Guarino.
00:37:07Don't worry.
00:37:08Now we do business together, right?
00:37:10That's right.
00:37:11Come on, come on, come on, Mateo.
00:37:12Move, come on.
00:37:14To work, Mateo, to work.
00:37:18He's a snitch.
00:37:20And we send him straight to the police.
00:37:28This time bad luck will not stop me.
00:37:33Everyone will see that the money is made, Schiavone.
00:37:37And I'll get the business back.
00:37:39Everyone will see it.
00:37:41Guys, the Ospreys have loaded another truck.
00:37:43Come on.
00:37:44Salvo, move, come on.
00:37:46Come on, come on, come on.
00:37:48Come on, come on, up, up, come on, come on.
00:37:50Come on, come on.
00:37:52Come on, come on.
00:37:54Come on, come on.
00:37:55Come on, come on.
00:37:57Hurry up.
00:37:59Come on, come on, come on.
00:38:01This is the plan.
00:38:03Schiavone goes south and you go north.
00:38:05In the right direction.
00:38:07Move, come on, come on.
00:38:25Come on, come on.
00:38:55Come on, come on.
00:38:57Come on, come on.
00:38:59Come on, come on.
00:39:01Come on, come on.
00:39:03Come on, come on.
00:39:05Come on, come on.
00:39:07Come on, come on.
00:39:09Come on, come on.
00:39:11Come on, come on.
00:39:13Come on, come on.
00:39:15Come on, come on.
00:39:17Come on, come on.
00:39:19Come on, come on.
00:39:21Come on, come on.
00:39:23Come on, come on.
00:39:25Come on, come on.
00:39:27Come on, come on.
00:39:29Come on, come on.
00:39:31Come on, come on.
00:39:33Come on, come on.
00:39:35Come on, come on.
00:39:37Come on, come on.
00:39:39Come on, come on.
00:39:41Come on, come on.
00:39:43Come on, come on.
00:39:45Come on, come on.
00:39:47Come on, come on.
00:39:49Come on, come on.
00:39:51Come on, come on.
00:39:53Come on, come on.
00:39:55Come on, come on.
00:39:57Come on, come on.
00:39:59Come on, come on.
00:40:01Come on, come on.
00:40:03Come on, come on.
00:40:05Come on, come on.
00:40:07Come on, come on.
00:40:09Come on, come on.
00:40:11Come on, come on.
00:40:13Come on, come on.
00:40:15Come on, come on.
00:40:17Come on, come on.
00:40:19Come on, come on.
00:40:21Come on, come on.
00:40:23Come on, come on.
00:40:25Come on, come on.
00:40:27Come on, come on.
00:40:29Come on, come on.
00:40:31Come on, come on.
00:40:33Come on, come on.
00:40:35Come on, come on.
00:40:37Come on, come on.
00:40:39Come on, come on.
00:40:41Come on, come on.
00:40:43Come on, come on.
00:40:45Come on, come on.
00:40:47Come on, come on.
00:40:49Come on, come on.
00:40:51Come on, come on.
00:40:53Come on, come on.
00:40:55Come on, come on.
00:40:57Come on, come on.
00:40:59Come on, come on.
00:41:01Come on, come on.
00:41:03Come on, come on.
00:41:05Come on, come on.
00:41:07Come on, come on.
00:41:09Come on, come on.
00:41:11Come on, come on.
00:41:13Come on, come on.
00:41:15Come on, come on.
00:41:17Come on, come on.
00:41:19Come on, come on.
00:41:21Come on, come on.
00:41:23Come on, come on.
00:41:25I've been lying to you all.
00:42:00Doña Carmen.
00:42:06Your husband...
00:42:14Wait a moment.
00:42:16I must change.
00:42:25Mr. Ferris, it's late. I'm leaving.
00:42:39Could I cancel the restaurant first?
00:42:42Oh, you're not even going to dinner?
00:42:45No, not even me.
00:42:49Thank you.
00:42:5629, 29.50.
00:43:17No, I don't even have enough for the funeral.
00:43:22And this?
00:43:27How much is it?
00:43:29More than $20, Mom.
00:43:31I was saving it for school, but you need it more for the poor Esquiagón.
00:43:38Holy Virgin, how can a child, who I had to buy him glasses from what he studies, gather so much money?
00:43:46No, Mom, it's not what you think. It's all legal. I've earned it.
00:43:51At the pier, when the Italians arrive, I change their currency.
00:43:55Are you fooling those people, who are like us? Aren't you ashamed?
00:43:58But what have I taught you?
00:44:00Antonio almost finished high school, and you've become a swindler.
00:44:04No, Mom, I'm not a swindler. In fact, I help poor immigrants.
00:44:08Mr. Ferris taught me. He also started like that.
00:44:11Mr. Ferris? Then he also started badly.
00:44:14But he's done well.
00:44:16I prefer this money, soaked in sweat and tears of all those poor people.
00:44:20I prefer to sell my eyes, which with you only serve me to cry.
00:44:25I'm going to sell it all to the house of Empeños. I'm leaving.
00:44:28Mom, why don't you go to the Jewish neighborhood?
00:44:32And what do you know?
00:44:34In the Jewish neighborhood they do good business.
00:44:36Look at the money, Caco. Save the money for college.
00:44:55Sorry, pawn shop?
00:44:57In the corner, there.
00:44:59Thank you.
00:45:11Good morning.
00:45:16Good morning.
00:45:19I don't speak English.
00:45:22Don't worry, ma'am. You can speak in your language.
00:45:25Ah, thank goodness.
00:45:27I'm from Naples.
00:45:29My grandfather was from Naples.
00:45:32I wanted to know how much this would cost me.
00:45:35It's 8-karat gold.
00:45:37And it's not good?
00:45:39Let's say it's not of the highest quality.
00:45:42But let's weigh it.
00:45:45Can it be opened?
00:45:47There are two photographs inside it.
00:45:49If I can keep it, I'd like to keep them.
00:45:52I'm fond of them.
00:45:56I'm sorry, ma'am.
00:45:58I can't.
00:46:00I'd like to keep them. I'm fond of them.
00:46:11Is there a problem?
00:46:22Come here a moment, ma'am.
00:46:25Come in, come in.
00:46:27You're worrying me.
00:46:29No, come on, sit down.
00:46:32Do I sit here?
00:46:34Sit here.
00:46:37I'll be right back.
00:46:40Hey, could it be that it was stolen?
00:46:44Lately, I've only had misfortunes.
00:46:47Lately, I've only had misfortunes.
00:46:58Don't be scared now.
00:47:01Don't worry.
00:47:03I'm calm, but I'm worried.
00:47:19Mom, it's me, Mom.
00:47:22Are you Maria?
00:47:24My daughter.
00:47:26My daughter.
00:47:32It's me, Mom.
00:47:34You're so beautiful.
00:47:36I've been looking for you.
00:47:39I knew you were alive.
00:47:41I knew it. I felt it in here.
00:47:43I told everyone.
00:47:45Maria is alive, Maria is alive.
00:47:47Because Maria is alive.
00:47:49I knew Maria was alive.
00:47:51My daughter.
00:47:57This little one is our son, Salvatore.
00:48:11You called him your father.
00:48:16Now I have to sit down.
00:48:19He's my husband, Moses.
00:48:21It's a pleasure.
00:48:24I told you we'd find her, didn't I?
00:48:26I told you.
00:48:28The truth is, she found us.
00:48:34My daughter.
00:48:37It's Grandma.
00:48:46She gave this to me when we arrived.
00:48:50Mrs. Carmé, I'm sorry to have to question you
00:48:52right after the funeral of poor Schiavone.
00:48:55But we have to investigate.
00:48:57Don't worry, I understand.
00:49:00But I can tell you little.
00:49:03Because I didn't pay much attention to poor Schiavone.
00:49:08He was a good person.
00:49:10That's for sure.
00:49:11And I was wrong.
00:49:13Because he helped us a lot.
00:49:16And don't you think I could help you now?
00:49:19We have to find out who set you up.
00:49:23He told me he was doing things to get the business back.
00:49:28And that he had sold the cart.
00:49:31He was probably doing someone a favor.
00:49:34But I don't know who.
00:49:36I only hear rumors.
00:49:40The Black Hand.
00:49:41And what do you know about that?
00:49:42Only that he was also killed.
00:49:46We could have stayed where we were.
00:49:50What's the difference between these bastards
00:49:53and the murderer of my poor Turi?
00:49:55The difference is that here we do our best
00:49:57to punish the murderers.
00:49:59I'm going to go against Matranga, his accomplices,
00:50:03and Guarino, the king of distilleries.
00:50:05Mr. Ferry told me about that Guarino.
00:50:09I'm sure there's a connection between the two of them.
00:50:12Trust me, Mrs. Carmen.
00:50:14We're on the right track.
00:50:16This time they have no escape.
00:50:21Let's hope so.
00:50:51Ah, hello.
00:50:55Are you peeing on me?
00:50:57Come in, you're free now.
00:50:59I also gave him a little present.
00:51:01What did you think?
00:51:03That you were my boyfriend?
00:51:05I'm going with whoever I want.
00:51:09I don't give a shit about you either.
00:51:14Do you see this?
00:51:17Give it to me.
00:51:19This was for you.
00:51:22You're so stupid.
00:51:27We need to talk.
00:51:29We need to talk.
00:51:30Today, at Esquiabón's funeral, what did Ardigo want from your mother?
00:51:34I have no idea.
00:51:36Esquiabón was set up.
00:51:39And the police are doing their job.
00:51:41Come here.
00:51:43If you find out anything, tell me.
00:51:45Do you understand?
00:51:47You're such a good boy.
00:51:49Yes, yes.
00:52:00It's good.
00:52:02Yes, my dear.
00:52:03I love this music.
00:52:05It's beautiful.
00:52:13Have you seen the Gaiteros?
00:52:18How nice.
00:52:19When is dad coming?
00:52:20Now, now he's coming.
00:52:22Then we'll go to Grandma's house for dinner.
00:52:29I can't believe it.
00:52:30If it weren't for the death of poor Esquiabón,
00:52:32I would never have been able to find my Maria.
00:52:35And look at this.
00:52:36Look what she brought me.
00:52:39The alliances.
00:52:40One is mine and the other is your father's.
00:52:44And Mrs. Carmel, we've been looking for you.
00:52:46We haven't stopped, but how did you change your last name?
00:52:49No, no, that was a mistake from the immigration office.
00:52:53Grandma is beautiful, she's beautiful.
00:52:56Do you like Rocco's flute?
00:52:58Rocco will teach you all the songs.
00:53:01I am Grandma Carmela.
00:53:04How do you say grandma in English?
00:53:10Too long.
00:53:11Very, very long.
00:53:12Very, very difficult.
00:53:13I've learned a new religion.
00:53:16And you, mom, will learn English.
00:53:18You will learn English.
00:53:26Is it true that you celebrate Christmas twice because now you are a Jew?
00:53:29Hanukkah is not like Christmas, Alfred.
00:53:32But it is celebrated on the 24th.
00:53:34We have celebrated Hanukkah at lunchtime.
00:53:37And now we are here.
00:53:39But where is Antonio?
00:53:41We are about to sit at the table.
00:53:43He went out to get a cake.
00:53:45He's always late.
00:53:47Come on, don't be ...
00:53:48You'll see.
00:53:49Let's see when he comes back.
00:53:51Mom, are we expecting someone else?
00:53:54But weren't Conchita and the policeman coming?
00:53:57No, they have dinner with their in-laws.
00:53:59Maybe it's a gift, mom.
00:54:01A Christmas gift.
00:54:03Could be.
00:54:08What a surprise.
00:54:09Mrs. Carmela, I hope I don't bother you.
00:54:12You never bother.
00:54:13It is a pleasure to have you here.
00:54:15Come in.
00:54:17I bring you a panettone.
00:54:19Do you know what it is?
00:54:21A sweet that is eaten at Christmas on my land, in northern Italy.
00:54:24Take it.
00:54:25Thank you.
00:54:26Alfredo, take it.
00:54:28I'll keep the coat for you.
00:54:30Thank you.
00:54:34You know, I found my daughter Maria.
00:54:37Yes, Alfredo told me.
00:54:40He invited me.
00:54:42Thank you, Alfredo.
00:54:43I'm very happy.
00:54:46It is clear that sometimes miracles happen.
00:54:50Yes, if you believe in them.
00:54:55I am very glad that you have met.
00:54:57You have a beautiful family, Carmela.
00:54:59Family is important.
00:55:01Especially if you find the right person to train you.
00:55:08But please come in.
00:55:10Come in, Mr. Ferry.
00:55:11Thank you.
00:55:15Thank you.
00:55:31Giovanni Ardigo!
00:55:47It's Antonio!
00:55:48Stay with the girl.
00:55:49I'll be right back.
00:55:54Carmela, wait.
00:55:55Don't go away from me.
00:55:59Come with me.
00:56:31Antonio, my son.
00:56:33My son.
00:56:34You haven't seen anything.
00:56:36No, Mom.
00:56:37You haven't seen who shot?
00:56:40I arrived later.
00:56:41I haven't seen anything, Mom.
00:56:42You have to believe me.
00:56:43Carmela, there's nothing to see here. Let's go home.
00:56:47Let's go home.
00:56:48They killed my husband.
00:56:51They killed him.
00:56:52Poor Artigó.
00:56:58They killed him.
00:57:14I almost forgot how beautiful our land is.
00:57:21You like it, huh?
00:57:23And you want to go to New York? Are you sure you want to give up this paradise?
00:57:29For a bigger paradise, yes, cousin.
00:57:35But in America, I'm going to rule. I want you to know.
00:57:41I want it all.
00:57:43You're so beautiful. You have to be mine. Only mine, Carmela.
00:57:48No! Help!
00:57:54That depends only on you.
00:57:56And how willing you are to play, cousin.
00:57:59Because there, the stakes are high, Vince. Very high.
00:58:06Come on, your boss is here.
00:58:09Yes, but for a short time.
00:58:20Sooner or later, all this will be mine.
00:58:24Baron, at your service.
00:58:29At your service, Baron.
00:59:39THE END
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