MI5. Spooks S04 E02 - The Special. Part 2

  • 3 months ago
00:00You are holding our leader, Michael Munro, pending his extradition.
00:13Our only demand is that you release him.
00:15Until you do so, we will detonate a bomb every ten hours.
00:18We are a stain on the planet, and we will destroy it.
00:24Munro delivered that speech at the University of Berkeley.
00:27What's their ideology?
00:28They believe that humans as a species are out of control, need to be culled.
00:32Where am I going?
00:33A little village just outside Oxford.
00:34You're familiar with the work of Professor Stephen Curtis.
00:35We know you have been in contact with Shining Dawn leaders on the internet.
00:36Is that a crime?
00:37Get everybody out!
00:38Three, two, one.
00:40Our next ten hours starts from now.
00:41They have to be lucky all the time.
00:42We are about to be enslaved.
00:43We've got a mole.
00:45We've got a mole.
00:46We've got a mole.
00:47We've got a mole.
00:48We've got a mole.
00:49We've got a mole.
00:50We've got a mole.
00:51We've got a mole.
00:52We've got a mole.
00:53We've got a mole.
00:54We've got a mole.
00:55We've got a mole.
00:57We've got a mole.
00:58We've got a mole.
00:59We've got a mole.
01:00We've got a mole.
01:01That's not a siren, it's a headshot.
01:02I fear we may have a security breach, Home Secretary.
01:04I'm back.
01:06You're supposed to be in Washington.
01:07It was felt I could help out.
01:09By whom?
01:10And you'll have all my clearance restrictions removed on the grid.
01:13So I have the same authorities as Adam Carter?
01:15The Bomber bumps into a waitress in a coffee shop.
01:17If she can give us a face to go with the voice fragment we've got, then we're much closer
01:20to finding him.
01:21I've picked up Natasha Scott.
01:22Where are you?
01:24Early in the morning. Most people won't have left for work.
01:28You're a dead man, Adam Carter.
01:30Don't look like my name's Adam Carter to you.
01:32This won't happen again.
01:36I won't let this happen again.
02:24I'm an officer with the British Security Services.
02:27I need to speak to your boss.
02:29You've made a big mistake, fellas.
02:31I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when he finds out.
02:42Get him on the phone.
02:44He knows who I am.
02:46Get him on the phone.
02:48He knows who I am.
02:56Look for a bottle.
02:57There's one there.
02:58It's plastic.
03:00So he has to smash.
03:01Well, mate, he isn't very loyal, is he?
03:03He's buying time, which we don't have much of,
03:05so look for a bottle.
03:17I want you to help me.
03:19All you have to do is distract them all briefly.
03:22Draw them towards you so they're easy for me to hit.
03:24Sorry, mate, it's not gonna happen.
03:25You saw the bomb this morning.
03:26That's gonna happen again unless we stop it.
03:29I don't want to die.
03:30If you don't help me, that man in there will die
03:32and a bomb will go off killing hundreds of people.
03:35We really don't have much time.
03:39Good, let's go.
03:40Give me a lighter.
03:44Sorry, I was just looking for a party.
03:47One place.
03:58Get the gun, Tad, get the gun!
04:00What am I supposed to do?
04:02Give it to me!
04:03Give it to him!
04:04I'm trying to kill him.
04:21Get up!
04:42Not as much as that, though.
04:45Time to do some talking.
04:47I'm not afraid of death.
04:49If that's true, then you're a very unusual individual.
04:52I don't want to say another word.
04:54Is that right?
05:05Where is it?
05:06Where's the bomb?
05:07Where's the bomb?
05:12You're grinning for the last time,
05:14unless you tell me where it is!
05:16Where's the bomb?
05:47My friend seemed to think I was fooling around.
05:50Let's see if you make the same mistake.
05:52Look down.
05:53Look down!
05:55It's bad, isn't it?
05:56What can happen to a human body?
05:58But that's not nearly as bad as what happens when a bomb goes off,
06:01so don't make the same mistake as your friend did
06:03in not taking me seriously.
06:04It's in the tower block!
06:06I don't know!
06:07Not good enough!
06:11All I know is it's in East London.
06:13That's all I know.
06:14I'm always sure somebody's lying when they say that.
06:17Who's been giving you information about us?
06:19All I know is we were to come down here
06:21and wait for somebody called Adam Carter.
06:23Who gave you my name?
06:24I don't know!
06:25I don't know!
06:26This is your last warning.
06:27I don't know!
06:30You want me to show you pity
06:32when you plant a bomb in a block of flats
06:35filled with sleeping people?
06:40We're just gonna stay!
06:41I swear I'm telling you the truth!
06:49He just dropped him over the balcony.
06:51Colin, he didn't.
06:52I need you to do several things for me straight away.
06:54Oh, really?
06:55Then what did I just see?
07:02He kicked at my hand and broke loose.
07:04He wanted to fall,
07:05so as to not give me any information.
07:07Then why did you just say you dropped him?
07:09Because I wanted this coward to think I'd done it deliberately.
07:11Well, he still wouldn't have fallen
07:12if you hadn't hung him over the balcony.
07:14Maybe that's true.
07:17But somewhere
07:19there's a lot of people sleeping above a massive bomb.
07:21If it was your family,
07:22wouldn't you have wanted me to take that risk?
07:24Wouldn't you have wanted me to do anything to save him?
07:29Tie him up.
07:30We'll come back for him later.
07:40Wondered when you might like a little chat.
07:42It's been a long time.
07:44Operation Amoeba.
07:46Or I might start remembering things about Operation Amoeba
07:49you'd rather didn't resurface.
07:57Thank you for agreeing to see me
07:58before the security meeting, Home Secretary.
08:00Richard Boyd's on his way home from Grosvenor Square.
08:02The others won't be long.
08:04In the meantime,
08:05the Prime Minister has asked me to pass on his congratulations
08:08for discovering the station bomb.
08:10The clock's running down again,
08:11and my people haven't slept all night.
08:14Harris won't have done so either.
08:16Hopefully, it will lead them to make mistakes.
08:24I have to offer my resignation.
08:27Obviously, I'd like you to hold it over
08:28until the operation is complete.
08:30What's going on?
08:31I'm being blackmailed.
08:33Over something that happened a long time ago.
08:35An operation we ran in Western Europe during the Cold War.
08:38It's a long story.
08:40During the 1970s,
08:41I was involved in a highly secret operation
08:43called Omega.
08:44I know about Omega.
08:46Terrorist atrocities were staged in Europe
08:49to encourage a harder line against left-wing groups.
08:52It originated in American military intelligence,
08:55but I sanctioned an operation
08:57against a West German politician
08:59who was seen as being soft on communism.
09:02Lives were lost, and I covered it up.
09:05But you had sanctioned it.
09:08Against orders, I placed my faith in a rogue agent
09:10who proved to be highly unstable.
09:17Richard Boyd's outside.
09:19Would you show him through?
09:22We'll discuss this at another time
09:24when we're not in the middle of a national emergency.
09:33We can't stop this, can we?
09:35The next one, or the one after that?
09:37We'll go off.
09:38And each one we foil, the next will be bigger.
09:41What's your government's view on this, Richard?
09:43Sympathetic to your plight, but we want Monroe back.
09:46And you can't give in to terrorist demands.
09:48What about buying some time?
09:50Do a pinochet on Monroe
09:51and delay the extradition on health grounds?
09:53Shining Dawn might buy it.
09:55But quite certain my government wouldn't.
09:57We can't tell you what to do, of course.
10:01So we've nowhere to go.
10:03We must find the people doing this,
10:05or we're all finished.
10:21You're going with him.
10:22Here, right?
10:23Look at him.
10:25And does he seem dangerous to you?
10:29He'll look after you until we get back.
10:31I'll break this to you as gently as possible.
10:33You have absolutely no choice in this matter.
10:35We must identify the man you saw at the station.
10:47Welcome to the Inner Sanctum.
10:49Let's grab some coffee and see if we can find Art Bommer.
10:52This morning, the Prime Minister is expected
10:54to visit the site of the bomb blast
10:56and has already spoken of his deep outrage at the attack.
11:00Latest figures now put the death toll at 31,
11:03and the police have issued a phone number for those...
11:08I don't know. I'm worried about my cat.
11:10I can't remember if I left him any water.
11:14I'm sure you will have done.
11:16But if I didn't, he'll be thirsty.
11:19Cats are very inventive
11:21when it comes to getting what they need.
11:31They're going to transfer us to Tam's house later.
11:34They may want you to speak to Monroe.
11:38To ask him to appeal to his supporters to stop this madness.
11:43You must be getting desperate.
11:48Back-up teams are joining you at the Winchester Estate.
11:50Bomb disposal unit will be disguised as the Gas Board.
11:53You're investigating a suspected leak.
11:56OK, there are 90 flats in each tower.
11:58We're assuming at this time of night
12:00there's around 200 people in each of them.
12:02Each of them?
12:03Erm, yeah.
12:05And here's the bad news.
12:07There are five towers.
12:09Shelley, Keats, Wordsworth, Shakespeare and Blake.
12:12There's five?
12:14Emergency services, ETA, five minutes.
12:20Where do we start?
12:21Let's split up.
12:22Here's the disposal team.
12:23Let us zip it up to them, please.
12:28Have a look in there. You two with me.
12:30I'm on my way.
12:33Take that one. There.
12:35OK, we're on it.
12:38Oh, it stinks in here.
12:40Probably rats.
12:42Or worse.
12:43Could be pigeons.
12:45It's my room 101 being trapped in a confined space.
12:48A bird.
12:50I always quite enjoyed it.
12:54Where are you?
12:55Keats, you?
13:00It's clear.
13:02They must have put the explosives on the ground floor.
13:05It has to be in one of these somewhere.
13:07Unless he was lying.
13:08He wasn't.
13:12We need to evacuate the whole estate.
13:14We've got 30 minutes. There'll have to be chaos.
13:17If there's a bomb here, we need to find it and defuse it.
13:24Yes, Wordsworth, right. Start evacuating that block.
13:30The bomb this morning, was it the Muslims?
13:33Yesterday, actually.
13:35No, it's about a man that we have to extradite,
13:38but his people have other ideas.
13:54So they're going to go on planting bombs unless you release him?
13:57That's right.
13:59You can't stop them forever. I mean, another one's bound to come.
14:02So we have to catch the people who are doing it.
14:07We are bound to be enslaved
14:11by technology and genetic engineering.
14:15We matter only insofar as we consume.
14:20We are the people.
14:22We are the people.
14:24We are the people.
14:26We are the people.
14:28We are the people.
14:30We are a stain on the planet,
14:34and we will destroy it.
14:36What will you say like they won?
14:38We won't do that.
14:42Because we don't do deals with terrorists.
14:44We are a stain on the planet,
14:47and we will destroy it, destroy it.
14:51Along with all the species that inhabit it,
14:54unless humans are dramatically culled.
14:57Make me cold!
15:17They found it.
15:20They won't find the next one.
15:22Even if they do, I'll make sure they can't defuse it.
15:28It's defused.
15:32Yeah, OK, we're done here anyway.
15:34Harry wants us to pick up Ruth and Curtis.
15:43I appreciate the ride.
15:45I get the impression you're not a huge fan of your government.
15:48No comment, of course.
15:50And the rest of your team?
15:52Do you know how they call some of the crazies in the administration, Balkans?
15:56Let's just say some of my boys have really pointy ears.
16:01I think the 101st day everyone should be saddling up to liberate Tehran or Damascus.
16:05That's an agenda well-served by terrorist bombs.
16:09Like the most powerful nation on Earth needs an excuse to kick some ass.
16:17We've got a mole.
16:19Yeah, I noticed that.
16:21So you know Colin's been doing all that work with technology and clothing?
16:26He had an extra tracking device thrown into the lining of your jacket.
16:30My jacket?
16:32Clever, right.
16:34Because I'm a suspect.
16:37I never thought you were a mole, Zaf,
16:39even when you were babbling on about doing a deal with them back there at the warehouse.
16:57Ruth, this is your early morning wake-up call.
17:00Curtis has gone walkabout.
17:03Golf Six, Curtis is leaving the safe house.
17:07Stop him and send him back inside.
17:13I'm sorry, Ruth.
17:15I don't know what to do.
17:17I don't know what to do.
17:19I don't know what to do.
17:21I don't know what to do.
17:23Send him back inside.
17:26Clipping ran out for three and the nutty professor's going nowhere.
17:35Professor Curtis!
17:37I'm going home.
17:38You need to come back, Zaf.
17:39You're not dragging me to some place where I might disappear without trace.
17:42I know what you people are capable of!
17:50It's okay.
17:52I'll take him back.
17:53You can't force me.
17:55You're up against the British state, Professor Curtis.
17:57Who do you think is going to win this particular battle?
18:01It's fine.
18:04Homo sapiens in all its glory.
18:07Yes, we're a horrible blip in the process of natural selection
18:10and hopefully the spirit of Gaia will come down very hard on the swinish multitude.
18:15Listen, I had someone go and make sure the cat had water.
18:19It's fine.
18:22It's fine.
18:53I want to ensure that there is sufficient explosive
18:56to blow the back off the entire building.
18:58These are the areas which will make evacuation difficult
19:01and this is what will really hurt them.
19:03It's directly above the basement,
19:05so it should take the full force of the explosion.
19:13I'm going to have to get you out of here.
19:15I'm going to have to get you out of here.
19:17I'm going to have to get you out of here.
19:20So how do you get a job in this place?
19:22These days you can just apply. Look at the website.
19:25Is that what you did?
19:26No, I was recruited. Most of my colleagues were.
19:28Is that because you've got a brain-shaped head?
19:31That's why I never go undercover.
19:33It would stand out too much.
19:36What about you?
19:38Well, show me something.
19:40We can't.
19:41Well, go on. Who am I going to tell?
19:44We can't.
19:45Well, go on. Who am I going to tell?
19:49Well, the jacket can't hurt.
19:55Put this on.
19:59Now turn the collar button clockwise.
20:03That alerts me that you're live
20:05and I can follow you from any computer terminal.
20:08Say something.
20:11Tell us a joke.
20:13There's this bloke who wants to join the Foreign Legion.
20:18That's amazing!
20:20Even the Americans aren't as advanced as we are on this.
20:23The tiny microphones are literally stitched into the fabric,
20:26undetectable to ordinary security.
20:28The central problematic was adjusting the frequency range
20:31of the modulating code so that it could deal with
20:33the generating capacity of the microprocessing unit.
20:36You done?
20:37She's done very well.
20:39Great. Send me that image. I want to cross-match it with some faces.
20:42I'm not sure. Shouldn't we wait for Harry and Adam?
20:45Before he went for his meeting with the Home Secretary,
20:47Harry gave me level one clearance, all right?
20:51So just send me the image of the bomber. Thanks.
20:56The team is shattered.
20:57I'm going to have some camp beds put down and start the sleep motor.
21:00Good idea.
21:01We've had luck as well as hard work so far,
21:03and the luck can't hold out forever.
21:04And when they've finished counting more bodies,
21:06the Home Secretary will be the first to resign.
21:09We normally shed a tear for a politician,
21:11but he's the first decent one we've had in some time.
21:14We have to uncover the mole,
21:15otherwise we're never going to find these bombs.
21:17And given the recent attacks on every member of our team so far,
21:20we're going to lose someone which we can't even afford.
21:22You wanted to see me?
21:24It was you that called over the tip-off about going to the warehouse,
21:26wasn't it?
21:27Yeah. Is there something wrong?
21:29No, no.
21:30Who instructed you to call me?
21:32Juliette Shaw.
21:35We can't let this continue.
21:39Come on.
21:47Who are you working for?
21:48Are you completely insane?
21:50You're a traitor.
21:52You tried to lure me to the warehouse so they could kill me.
21:54What are you talking about?
21:55I just passed on a tip given to me by Special Branch.
21:57Who in Special Branch?
21:58Oh, I don't know.
21:59You tried to blackmail me, Juliette.
22:01You wanted to raise your clearance
22:02so you could continue to sabotage our operation.
22:04Oh, come on, Harry.
22:05It's not like you've never used dirty tricks to get where you are.
22:09It was professional competition
22:11between two people with more secrets than that in their past.
22:18Or didn't he tell you that?
22:21He mentioned lapses in judgment.
22:25Just tell us who the bomber is and where they'll strike next
22:27and we might be able to cut you a deal.
22:30Better than the deal I already have?
22:33You couldn't possibly match it.
22:35What's your deal?
22:40This bombing offensive is part of a carefully coordinated
22:43military-industrial-Zionist corporate conspiracy
22:46designed to terrify the public
22:48and persuade them the need to invade.
22:51Well, pick any Middle East country of your choice.
22:55And the deal is that I'll be rewarded
22:57by being made head of a large multinational.
23:03Oh, for Christ's sake.
23:06Any simpleton with a politics A-level
23:08could have come up with that one.
23:10Do you honestly think I could be part of a plot
23:12to bomb my own country, Harry?
23:14Do you honestly think that?
23:15I don't know what your motives are, Juliet,
23:17but you can't blackmail me any more.
23:19I've told the Home Secretary everything and I've resigned.
23:25Oh, Harry.
23:27So brilliant in so many ways and you...
23:31Do you really think that's what I wanted?
23:33We don't have time for these games!
23:36There's a bomb somewhere.
23:37Another bomber's being planted.
23:38Just tell us who the bomber is.
23:41All right.
23:42I was going to tell you.
23:44The bomber is a man named Owen Foster.
23:47And that conclusion is based on the image
23:49produced by the waitress you dragged in here.
23:52And by spending the entire night going back through records
23:55and doing the kind of legwork that should have been done
23:57by more junior staff.
23:59And you call me a traitor again
24:01at your considerable peril, Mr Carter!
24:07We cross-matched the image Natasha Scott produced
24:11to this one.
24:14Owen Foster.
24:15He started life in animal liberation.
24:17He didn't care that much for the cause,
24:19became obsessed with planting bombs.
24:21He's rather like one of those Nazis
24:23who calculated people-to-cattle-truck ratio.
24:26Anyway, he bailed to the States when we got too close to him.
24:29Where he met Monroe?
24:31Shining Dawn is the perfect vehicle for him
24:33given their emphasis on civilian casualties.
25:11The Americans pulled Foster in
25:13just before the bombing campaign started over there.
25:16But he was released because, astonishingly,
25:18he wasn't considered to be a serious threat
25:20by the interrogating officer.
25:24Want to know something interesting?
25:26Go on.
25:27That very same officer
25:29is currently helping us with our own investigations.
25:38I got you in for this job because I trusted you.
25:41I've never let you down before.
25:43Still, to err is human, to forgive divine.
25:45Curtis will not remember you for seeing him for a second in one meeting.
25:49Could be right, Joe, could be right.
25:51I still need to know where they've taken him now.
25:54I'll deal with it when you get me the new address.
25:57Sorry to hear about the French girl.
25:59Are you new from back home?
26:01She's gone.
26:03See, what I was hoping to achieve
26:06in employing you for this one quite simple mission
26:09was reducing the number of people able to link me to Shining Dawn.
26:15You'll agree that's a reasonable course of action, right?
26:29Thought you'd understand.
26:54You know, I just have to make a phone call,
26:57so why don't you guys go ahead?
26:59I've just seen somebody.
27:02A man I'd seen before.
27:07You've seen someone in the building
27:09who you also saw when you met Monroe?
27:12And I think so.
27:14Well, how can you be sure?
27:16I'm not, but I do have an excellent memory.
27:18He was wearing a suit and he didn't say anything.
27:24If you're right, then he'd certainly want you dead.
27:27You could ID him.
27:29Monroe would never have approved my murder.
27:31Well, that's all rather academic now, isn't it?
27:33Because someone has tried to kill you twice.
27:35How do I know what he's doing here?
27:37I don't know who to believe anymore.
27:39I don't want anything more to do with this.
27:41You wrote the books from which Shining Dawn drew their inspiration.
27:45Time for you to take some responsibility.
27:47Come on, we'll go back and look for him.
27:57Adam, it's Ruth.
27:58It sounds weird, I know,
27:59but Professor Curtis thinks he's just seen somebody in the building he recognises.
28:03Somebody from Shining Dawn.
28:08Is this the man you saw at your meeting with Monroe?
28:11It's terribly hard to say.
28:14It's not as if we were actually introduced.
28:18Where's your excellent memory gone?
28:23Professor Curtis,
28:25you've had the luxury of working with my colleague for the last 24 hours.
28:29She's even sent people back to check your cat has sufficient water,
28:32overruling my suggestion that we introduce its tail to a plug socket.
28:38Think very carefully about your next answer.
28:41Yes, that's him.
28:43Let's find him.
28:47He's still in the building.
28:49We're picking up the chip in his visitor's pass.
28:51Should be going through the pods now.
28:55Where's Richard Boyd?
28:56Last thing, a phone call.
28:58I'll get it.
28:59I'll get it.
29:00I'll get it.
29:01I'll get it.
29:02I'll get it.
29:03I'll get it.
29:04I'll get it.
29:05I'll get it.
29:06I'll get it.
29:07I'll get it.
29:08I'll get it.
29:09Last thing, a phone call.
29:22Are you my driver?
29:24That's right.
29:25Let's go.
29:27You're one of the Americans.
29:28How come you're driving me?
29:29Don't ask questions.
29:30Hurry up.
29:31Look, I've spent the entire night helping you guys out.
29:33I'm knackered and I'm pissed off.
29:35I'm not having you talking to me like that.
29:40Sorry, honey.
29:42I guess we're all a little tired, what with everything going on.
29:48So we're going straight to Kentish Town then, yeah?
29:50That's right.
29:51Kentish Town.
29:58Car park's this way.
30:04Yes, Harry.
30:05He's still in the building.
30:06We've just got to find him.
30:07Come on, Lindsay.
30:08That bloody jacket again.
30:09It keeps turning itself on for no reason.
30:10Tash's messing about.
30:11She probably wants another coffee.
30:12Yeah, well, I'd better just check.
30:13Come on.
30:14I need to get to the OR.
30:20I don't live in Kentish Town, by the way.
30:22Just keep walking and stay quiet and you won't get hurt.
30:24You haven't got a gun.
30:26Believe me, I won't need one.
30:28You should pass.
30:32Adam, he's got Tash.
30:33Stay on him.
30:34I can hear it, you know.
30:35Everything they're saying.
30:37There's mites in this jacket.
30:38They stitched it into the fabric.
30:39They said that even you guys don't have this technology.
30:41The frequency code will modulate,
30:43so they had to recharge the microprocessor.
30:46This button controls it all.
30:48I activated it early when we left
30:50because I knew that you weren't a drag queen.
30:59Stairway going down.
31:24You've got balls.
31:25I'll give you that.
31:29Where are they?
31:31Hang on.
31:32Now moving down the floor.
31:34He's on stairway eight.
31:35Repeat, stairway eight and going down.
31:38Where are they, Colin?
31:39Clean his cupboard.
31:40Behind the stairs.
31:50We've got Tash.
31:51Boyd's gone.
31:54He took my pass.
31:55Sorry, sorry.
31:56Colin, where's Tash's pass showing?
31:58Stairway nine now.
32:00Going up.
32:02He's exited on floor six.
32:07Moving down corridor L.
32:16Where is he?
32:17I don't understand.
32:18He's right in front of you.
32:19Sir, we need to see your pass.
32:21Who's Natasha Scott?
32:23What's your name?
32:24Eddie Gaskill.
32:25Colin, he's switched again.
32:26Inform security to close all exits.
32:28Where's Eddie Gaskill showing?
32:30Stairway five.
32:32Where's Adam?
32:33Heading down.
32:35He's trying to call us again.
32:36This guy's spent 20 years in the CIA, so he knows all the tricks.
32:39First, Adam is headed for the basement.
33:01Come on.
33:14Let's split up.
33:30Come on.
34:00Come on.
34:31Think you can get the gun and still hold on to me?
34:33I don't need a gun.
34:34Get me to the car park, or I'll snap you on that fast thing you can blink.
34:38Faster than a bullet, Mr. Boyd.
34:42Code word is Unicorn.
34:44Shining Dawn, communique number three.
34:46You have won a few small battles, but not the war.
34:49The next bomb is being prepared and will be impossible to defuse without a code.
34:54Give us Monroe, and we will give you that code.
34:56Failure to do so will result in massive casualties.
34:59We're never going to find this bomb.
35:00But now we have Boyd, we can use him to get the bombers.
35:02Don't speak too soon.
35:04What's going on?
35:05A posse of Americans has just galloped out of Grosvenor Square,
35:07screaming diplomatic crisis.
35:08It's just bluster.
35:09They're embarrassed about one of their guys being the mole.
35:11So they want their man back.
35:12Well, if there's one thing I do enjoy, it's good bluster with the Americans.
35:15Get me the Home Secretary.
35:17Secure line.
35:21I'm sorry, Mr. Boyd.
35:23Secure line.
35:26Okay, we're ready.
35:29Boyd told me they have a witness who saw us at the station yesterday.
35:34She worked in the cafe and can identify me.
35:37I want you to find out where she lives.
35:46Come on.
35:47I can go home?
35:49We'll need to talk to you again, though, and you'll have to give evidence at any trial.
35:52You don't want much, do you?
35:53It's not me asking. This is for your country.
35:55Oh, yeah? What's the country ever done for me?
35:57Educated you, provided you with opportunities to find employment,
36:00offered you financial assistance if you can't,
36:02looked after you when you were sick,
36:04ensured you were clothed, housed and fed,
36:06protected rather than persecuted you,
36:08and allowed you to choose your own government.
36:11Actually, you're one of the luckiest citizens of this planet.
36:14Where did you get this one from?
36:16Actually, I get paid a minimum wage,
36:18lectured on binge drinking, bombarded with bills and final demands,
36:22won't fix the tube so I can't get to work in time,
36:24tells lies about what's going on in the world and treats me like shit
36:27unless it thinks it can get something out of me.
36:29OK, juice. Juice.
36:32Go home. Get some rest.
36:34Yes. Thank you, Natasha.
36:36Yeah, thanks.
36:39Aha. Our distinguished guests have arrived.
36:43I think we should bring her in on this.
36:46She's good with the Americans.
36:50You have to give us Boyd.
36:52He's a traitor.
36:53We'll look into it.
36:54He has given information to Shining Dawn that threatens the lives of all my officers.
36:58There'll be a full investigation into your evidence, but we're conceding nothing.
37:01We want Boyd back. He's our problem.
37:03He's our solution.
37:05Through him we can get to Shining Dawn and capture Foster.
37:08You can't seriously expect us to hand over our most senior commercial liaison officer
37:15when your evidence is largely circumstantial.
37:17Attacking my officers.
37:19He assures me that was a misunderstanding.
37:21This isn't about evidence.
37:23You know that Boyd's a traitor, but you don't want to give him to us
37:26because you know that he'll demand a deal in return.
37:29Maybe you're right, but he's our traitor.
37:32Why should we give him up to you?
37:34Because at 3.30 this afternoon a bomb will go off somewhere in London
37:37killing hundreds of innocent people.
37:39Some while ago I seemed to remember a talk about us standing shoulder to shoulder.
37:44About friends through the good times as well as the bad.
37:48But one-sided friendships do tend to fall apart.
38:02I'll walk you up.
38:10I think we'll be OK now. You sure you don't want a cup of tea?
38:35I hope this conspiracy bullshit is over, Alex.
38:38I just need to explain.
38:44I'm assuming you can still contact our enforcer.
38:49You'll call him and say that you have to meet him face to face.
38:52Oh yeah? And why would I do that?
38:55Because you know what happens to a man when he has his eyelids taped open
38:59and he's kept awake for a month.
39:01Why did you do this, Richard? You're an intelligent man.
39:08The one thing my humanity has given me
39:11is an awareness of the nightmare my species has become.
39:18You believe that human history is almost at an end?
39:22That we will be cloned and turned into slaves?
39:25That technology will be used to oppress?
39:28Rather than liberate us?
39:33That we are a stain on this planet
39:35and unless our numbers are drastically culled, we will destroy it
39:39and all the species that currently inhabit it?
39:45You tell me the part of the story that isn't true.
39:48The part that says you can blow up anyone who disagrees with you.
39:51I prepared some exit passports for Foster and his team.
39:55I can arrange to give them to him personally, but only if I have a deal.
40:01It's not up to us.
40:15Delta One, Two.
40:18Delta One, Two.
40:20Three, Four in position, standing by for orders to press.
40:32Suspect approaching. Copy that. Maintain position.
40:36Hold your fire.
40:38We have to keep Foster alive to find the next bomb.
40:48Come on.
41:01It was a mistake to try and take revenge for Delphine.
41:04She was important to me.
41:07It lost us the tower block bomb, which would have kept us in the driving seat.
41:11We'd have been OK if your people had done their jobs properly.
41:15I just want to have them reeling.
41:20Where is it?
41:24A hospital.
41:26With a little last-minute surprise attached.
41:29Colin, all major hospitals, start searching the ones nearest the estate
41:32where we found the bomb this morning.
41:34No one's to fire without my express command.
41:36You got the passports?
41:39When do you think it had taken off exactly?
41:42You don't need to know that. Just give me the passports.
41:47Hold your fire. Hold your fire.
41:48What the hell is going on?
41:50It wasn't one of ours, sir. It was an unknown shooter.
41:55Get your hands where I can see them!
41:57It must have been the Americans.
41:59What we'd seen Boyd's deal with his superiors has just fallen through.
42:04The Royal Eastern is the nearest hospital to the tower block where we found this morning's bomb.
42:26I'll take the basement. You go upstairs and get ready to start an evacuation,
42:29but only on my command, all right?
42:35You want to interrogate Owen Forster?
42:37I'd love to.
42:59Have you found the bomb yet?
43:01We will, dear.
43:03Let us go, and you can have the code.
43:07The more time you keep me here, the more time you waste.
43:10So you can go and plant more bombs?
43:12You know we won't do that, though we could make things more comfortable for you.
43:16I'm not interested in comfort.
43:18I don't think you've experienced real discomfort yet.
43:54OK. I've got the device.
43:57Sir, evacuate section by section.
44:00In an evacuation of the entire building, you've got five minutes.
44:03Start with this section and get everyone out.
44:07It'll be warm. There's enough...
44:09There's enough explosives here to take out the entire building.
44:31He said if you release me, I'll count down twice as fast.
44:34But you can have the code if you release his leader.
44:47You've got to let me go now.
44:56There's 25 minutes left on the timer. It'll take at least that to evacuate the hospital.
45:00We have to get as many people out of here as possible.
45:02This isn't fair. You chose this job. You chose.
45:06I just went to work yesterday and got caught up in all of this.
45:09This isn't fair.
45:10When the evacuation's done, I'll get you out of here.
45:13Walk! Walk! Do not run! Do not run!
45:43Find your witness, did you?
46:03They'll get the code, won't they?
46:05I mean, Malcolm and Colin, they're good at all that code stuff.
46:08Yeah. Yeah, of course they will. Especially as it's you.
46:14Say something.
46:18That girl we saw earlier is going to die if you don't.
46:24Did I ever speak to you online?
46:28We spoke.
46:30I was never interested in you and Monroe showing off how knowledgeable you were.
46:35Aha! No mistaking your nationality, that good old English contempt for ideas.
46:54Where's Adam?
46:55He's still in there. He won't leave the girl.
46:59Ruth, they can't disarm the bomb. We need that code.
47:08Monroe was Typhon.
47:12And he would have used the handle...
47:18Am I correct?
47:20Who's Kronos?
47:21Son of Gaia, the Earth Mother.
47:24He violently defended his mother by cutting off the genitals of her assailant.
47:32Shining Dawn believes that they are agents for the spirit of Gaia.
47:37You think Kronos might be the code he uses?
47:53Adam, try this word. Kronos.
47:56Spell it for me.
48:04It's not Kronos. That's not it.
48:07It's not the code.
48:17You can't stop it. There's no point in you both dying.
48:27Don't leave me. You said you wouldn't leave me here.
48:31You said you wouldn't leave me here.
48:33You're leaving me to die on my own.
48:36I don't want this. I don't want to die.
48:39Please help me.
49:15Saf, come in.
49:18That's almost everyone out. We need to do a final sweep.
49:21You have to get out. You go and find Adam now.
49:32Adam. Adam.
49:35Adam, we're done. We need to clear out.
49:38I'm going to release the girl.
49:39Harry's ordered. It's too tight.
49:41All right, I'm coming with you.
49:42There's no point in both of us risking our lives.
49:44You're faster than me.
49:45And you're faster than her, so it makes no odds.
50:02I'm going to disconnect you.
50:04You have to run really fast.
50:05If we're not out in time, I'll shout
50:07and you get yourself under a doorframe or something, all right?
50:13You ready?
50:17What is it?
50:22It's accelerating.
50:23It's accelerating.
50:24It's accelerating.
50:25It's accelerating.
50:26It's accelerating.
50:27It's accelerating.
50:28It's accelerating.
50:29It's accelerating.
50:30It's accelerating too fast.
50:32If I disconnect you now, we won't get out.
50:36There's not enough time.
50:38You can still get out.
50:45I'm not leaving anyone behind.
50:48Not this time.
51:01I'm sorry.
51:21Goodbye, Flea.
51:40I remember now.
51:43I tended not to pay much attention to what you had to say
51:46because of your place in the hierarchy, I suppose.
51:51Monroe was Typhon One.
51:55And you were Kronos Two.
51:59It's an alphanumeric code.
52:01Try Two for the missing character.
52:04Try Kronos Two.
52:29You still there, Julia?
53:30Where's Harry?
53:31He went to the Home Office.
53:33He talked of Juliet being promoted to the National Security Coordinator.
53:36Oh, God. Run for cover, you faint-hearted liberals.
53:40And Rue's just taken Curtis back to the University of Despair.
53:43Maybe this will have changed him.
53:58Maybe this will have changed him.
53:59Oh, yeah, right, they won't recognize his new sunny disposition in the Faculty of Gloom.
54:03Stranger things have happened.
54:06Look, when Harry gets back, I was going to have a word with him about making your stay here more permanent.
54:12You all right with that?
54:14I've been shot at, tied up, accused of being a traitor.
54:18If he promised me a desk next to Ruth, I might just think about it.
54:23The Prime Minister would like to see you in a moment, Harry.
54:26I judged it up at you not to mention the resignation issue.
54:33I can tell you that Michael Monroe has just been handed
54:35over to the Americans.
54:37You won't be seeing many more dawns, shining or otherwise.
54:57No enforcer?
54:57We'll be tried here first.
54:59This won't be forgotten.
55:02I'm a politician.
55:03So it's the nature of my job that one day somebody
55:06else will sit in this chair.
55:07Not for a while, I hope.
55:09When they do, I'd like to think you'll still be here.
55:16The prime minister is minded to make
55:19Juliet the new national security coordinator.
55:24Do you have a view on that?
55:27She's a ruthless, untrustworthy, right wing crazy.
55:30You'll stop at nothing.
55:32I got that impression.
55:33Rather a terrifying stare also.
55:36That can be quite useful sometimes.
55:40I would have no objections to the appointment.
55:53I just wanted to make sure you're OK.
56:11Well, I'm feeling better than you look.
56:13So what's next for Mad Dog?
56:18I think I'll call Mrs. Mad Dog.
56:22We work together usually, and I want her back.
56:25Well, who could refuse a prospect of working with you?
56:27You may mock Natasha, but she can't.
56:29That's why we get on so well.
56:30Lucky woman.
56:35I'm never going to see you again, am I?
56:39Will you say goodbye to Malcolm and Colin for me?
56:51I'll see you later.
57:01And you've been very outspoken about yesterday's events,
57:04particularly in regards to the role of the security services.
57:06But isn't it too early to be pointing fingers?
57:09Well, no, it's not.
57:11In order to prevent this happening again,
57:13we have to ask questions now.
57:15When that bomb exploded, the security services failed us.
57:18People died.
57:58Save your anger.
57:59Save your fear.
58:00If he wins.
58:01He won't win.
58:02The last infiltrator we uncover has been seen in the war.
58:05They're only using the democratic process
58:07in order to destroy it.
58:08I will win!
58:09Sorry for doubting you, Harry, but Samson
58:10seems to be riding very high.
58:12Then the fall will be even more painful.
58:14I am the voice of every frightened
58:18across our nation.
58:22and angry person in Britain.
58:25Somebody's going to die.