MI5. Spooks S04 E06 - The Innocent

  • 3 months ago
00:00Prisoner J has been detained without charge or trial for two years.
00:24But the government is now releasing him without apology or justification only compounds the
00:30abuse of freedom suffered by our client.
00:34Nevertheless, his release is a great victory for human rights.
00:49Nazim Malik is one of the key terror suspects we're still holding without charge.
00:55When arrested in 2003, his name was linked with a planned bomb attack on Heathrow.
00:59As I recall, he was a contacts man.
01:02He didn't get near the action.
01:03It all went through him.
01:04It still does.
01:05What do you mean?
01:06Yesterday, French intelligence intercepted an email from a terror cell in Algiers.
01:11The email indicates Malik is coordinating another attack on London.
01:39How the hell can Malik be operating from inside prison?
01:42We have no idea.
01:43But it looks like he might be reviving the 2003 operation.
01:46I think we can expect an attack within the next few days.
01:48What do you want me to do?
01:52I want you to release him.
02:13Sorry about the circus.
02:29Are you okay?
02:34Malik's been freed.
02:35Surveillance is in place.
02:37We've recommended tightening security at Heathrow and on all other transport systems.
02:40You found a way in?
02:41Malik's lawyers at Liberation are trying to make political capital out of his release.
02:44They're looking for a PR expert to help them.
02:45That's how I'll get to him.
02:46Now we just need him to lead us to the cell.
02:47Rebecca Sinclair.
02:48Sarah Morris.
02:49Chapel Jones.
02:50Did you get the file on our client?
03:12Two years solitary without trial.
03:13She's too proud to be British.
03:14What's the brief?
03:16Last year, eight law lords declared the holding of foreign nationals without charge illegal.
03:21The government should have released them all immediately.
03:25Keeping Malik in prison contravened international law and the Bill of Human Rights.
03:28They got away with it because no one else could fight them.
03:30With the release of Malik, we can.
03:36You want to sue the British government?
03:37This is our one chance to change the direction this country's heading in.
03:40And I'm right I want to sue them.
03:43I assume you want maximum media impact.
03:46I can get Malik interviewed by sympathetic reporters, set up a...
03:48I can't get Nazeem involved.
03:49What do you mean?
03:51He will support us in this case, but only if I keep his identity a secret.
03:55No interviews, no appearances.
03:58And you're happy with that?
04:00Yes, that's right.
04:04We need to move fast while this story's still alive.
04:07I'll set up an event to exploit the media interest.
04:09You'll need to deliver a speech.
04:11I'll write a draft and show it to you.
04:13Malik should see it, too.
04:15You want to see him?
04:17It's always helpful to meet the man you're fighting for.
04:36They put him in the Copeland Hotel base water.
04:39We drilled through from the room next door
04:42and put cameras all over the hotel.
04:43The liberation officers are a tougher call.
04:45They sweep them every two weeks.
04:46You'd think they were living in a police state.
04:48We'll need full surveillance inside Liberation.
04:49He can make contact from in there.
04:50They've got a sweep scheduled for this morning.
04:52I thought we'd go in after that.
04:53What have you got on Malik?
04:55Everything I've read suggests a highly intelligent, controlling figure.
04:57When Special Bonds arrested him in 2003,
04:59they raided his flat in Acton.
05:01All they found was some maps with British cities circled.
05:03No computers, no contact lists, no phones.
05:06Nothing they could put on him.
05:07If the attack happens, Malik won't be anywhere near it.
05:09But it won't happen without his say-so.
05:12She's a superhero, Mr Pearce.
05:13I'll leave her with you.
05:14So you've made a friend already.
05:16Harry Pearce, let me introduce you to...
05:18Jo Portman.
05:19I'm glad Adam managed to rescue you from the jaws of journalism.
05:22How was the training?
05:23It was amazing.
05:25Paul Seymour's lurking.
05:29If Fiona gets close to Malik, you'll let me know?
05:35I thought your name was Nick Harding.
05:37Nick Harding, Johnny Baxter.
05:38You'll get used to it.
05:41So, how's prisoner Jay treating you?
05:43I presume Juliet fully briefed you about her decision to release him?
05:47Of course.
05:48And if you need any help from a special branch, just ask.
05:55Come now, Paul.
05:56You didn't take a taxi all the way over here just to tell me that.
05:58Look, no one would be happier than I will to see Malik go down.
06:02I was in charge of his arrest.
06:03One of the proudest moments of my career.
06:05Yes, you got a rather nice promotion out of it, as I recall.
06:08But you're playing a dangerous game, Harry.
06:11You lose Malik and we'll all go down with you.
06:12It's a risk I'm prepared to take.
06:13As far as I'm concerned, the safest place for Nassim Malik is behind bars.
06:19Unless, of course, you happen to be in the airport lounge when the bomb goes off.
06:30I'd like you to meet Sarah Morris.
06:31She's helping me with the campaign.
06:34We said no meeting anyone.
06:36Nassim, I understand your situation
06:38and I guarantee that we'll never use your name or do anything that would threaten your security.
06:42But this case is a major opportunity to ensure that no innocent man ever suffers the way you've suffered.
06:48I have nothing to say.
06:52Get her out of here.
07:05Thank you.
07:36They could be anything. Notes for her legal case, a list of potential supporters.
07:40There's something above board. Why did she wait for Fiona to leave before she gave it to him?
07:44No possibility.
07:46Either respond to her story, justifying why she has to keep her mouth shut and she swatted it
07:50or else she knows exactly what he's doing. He's actively helping him.
07:53I've just spoken to DGSE in Paris.
07:55They've picked up increased mobile activity around Gare du Nord and at the Eurostar Terminus in Lyon.
07:59Is the tunnel how they're getting in?
08:02Or is it the target?
08:03Either way, we should close it.
08:06We don't want Malik to know what we're up to.
08:08Issue a high-level security alert on all tunnel traffic.
08:10Ruth, I want hourly briefings with Paris. I'll talk to Juliet.
08:13Yes. I'm going to be busy dealing with Paris.
08:15Do you think you could write Fiona's liberation speech for me?
08:18Yeah, of course.
08:21Is Rebecca Sinclair threatening to sue the government?
08:23That seems to be her intention.
08:26You released a man who plans to bomb our transport system.
08:29The decision to release Malik was taken by both of us.
08:32On your recommendation.
08:35Now, either get something tangible out of Malik
08:37or I'm throwing him back in prison where the world might just forget about him.
08:45How was the witch?
08:46Someone's leaning on her.
08:48She's acting like she never wanted Malik released.
08:50Passing the buck.
08:51What did you expect? She made a career out of it.
08:53You said it, Ruth.
08:58Is it ready?
08:59Yeah, I think so.
09:02Jo, you got plans tonight?
09:04Yeah, I was just going to go out, but it's nothing I can't cancel.
09:07Good. Let's go.
09:10This is great.
09:11Almost makes me believe in civil liberties.
09:18The release of Prisoner J is a victory for civil rights the world over
09:23and a wake-up call for the rest of us.
09:26It reminds us that whatever the conditions of our world are
09:29that whatever the conditions of our world after 9-11
09:31the rights of every human being are sacred.
09:34And we have the right to walk down our streets
09:37and talk to our friends and family
09:39without being spied on and listened to by the state.
09:43Confirming alarm is now disabled.
09:45Estimated time for reactivation?
09:4720 minutes.
09:48We have a right to be treated the same.
09:50Whatever our name, creed or skin.
09:54We have a right to be considered innocent
09:57until such time that we are proven otherwise.
10:01He still hasn't slept.
10:03Guilty done.
10:04These gifts that make us humans
10:06are today threatened by the very state that claims to defend us.
10:15There is an enemy within our own walls.
10:18Colin. Colin.
10:22As dangerous, as unknowable
10:24and as ruthless as the enemy that haunts us from outside.
10:28Test on feed 3, please.
10:32The people of the free world must stand up against both enemies
10:35and defeat them
10:36and lay claim to a lasting, living victory for liberty.
10:52Oh, God.
11:09Rebecca Sinclair isn't telling me the truth.
11:11I can't get her to talk. I just need more time.
11:13We've already had 24 hours.
11:15Malik hasn't left his room.
11:16Any news on the target?
11:18Nothing new.
11:19The French side's gone quiet.
11:22We took a gamble. It hasn't paid off.
11:23I'm going to shut down the operation.
11:24Harry, Malik hasn't slept since he got out.
11:27He's continually alert.
11:28I'm sure he's going to move soon.
11:30I can't go to the cabinet office with intuition.
11:32If we rearrest him without new evidence, it'll cause a huge scandal.
11:35The damage will be substantial.
11:36I'm not risking lives to protect my job.
11:38If he doesn't make a move in the next three hours,
11:40I'm recommending the closure of the channel tunnel
11:42and rearresting Malik.
11:52How do you stand this waiting?
11:54Until he makes a move, it's all you can do.
11:56Get used to it.
12:05How are you settling in?
12:08Except my flatmate hates me because I told her I want to move out.
12:11She and I have this tradition of getting drunk
12:13and telling each other our secrets.
12:15She's fine when it comes to boyfriends.
12:17But not so hot when it's national security.
12:20Don't you still see your mum?
12:22Sure, but she thinks I'm a civil servant in local town planning
12:25which limits conversation somewhat.
12:27It's a price you have to pay.
12:32Actually, you don't get used to it.
12:34Going down now.
12:36Look, I do have a room at my place if you need it,
12:38which I'm sure you won't, but if you do, it's there.
12:40Thank you.
12:41I will think about it.
12:43You will need to.
12:45That's there.
12:46Thank you.
12:47I will think about it.
12:48You will need to.
12:49Save me the ramp.
12:51I'm sorry.
13:15He's moving.
13:21This is Alpha 1. Suspect is alone. Travelling east. I have eyeball.
13:43Alpha 2. Copy.
13:46Barry, looks like Malik's making contact.
14:00Subject in the subway. Let's see the subway.
14:09Where is he? Lost him. Take that one.
14:16Alpha 1.
14:24We need to know your status, sir. We've lost him.
14:54He must have gone into the square.
15:07Got him. Transaction taking place.
15:24Alpha 2. Stay with Malik. Alpha 1. Follow the rucksack.
15:33Face matching.
15:53His name's Rashid Mehdi. He's a member of Free Islam. Rashid has a brother, Carly Mehdi, who is in prison with Malik.
16:05Carly Mehdi was Malik's contact in sight. Looks like it.
16:08Is the place empty? Rashid left with another man about 40 minutes ago.
16:54Sir, it's the envelope Rebecca gave you.
17:08Is that more than one made?
17:10The photo edges you found in the bin are from standard processing paper used in photo booths across the country.
17:15Three came from the same machine, the other from another.
17:18But they're all from British machines.
17:19That's my belief, yes.
17:20Which means the operatives are already in the country, so why does he need the passports?
17:22To get them out again afterwards. I think an attack is imminent.
17:26We need to get to Rebecca Sinclair and find out who is on those photographs.
17:29Where is she?
17:30In her office. And it looks as though Malik's on his way to meet her.
17:33Any news from Rashid?
17:34He's at his house. I'm not moving.
17:38Subject is entering liberation.
17:40Could you patch the signal through, please?
17:47Are you sure it is safe here?
17:48Stop panicking. The place was swept yesterday morning.
17:51Did you see them?
17:52I've just come from there. They're fine.
17:54Thank you.
17:56Rebecca, I hope you're thinking things through.
17:58I need you to stop the legal case.
18:01I will be back in a few days to pick them up. I do not want you involved.
18:04I am involved. Where are you going?
18:06I will contact you.
18:08He used Rebecca to set up the operation.
18:10I want to know where she went this morning. We need to move fast.
18:13What about bringing Rebecca in?
18:14That would send the whole operation underground.
18:16We'd have no more on Malik than we had before he was released.
18:18Harry, you can take the channel tunnel off high security.
18:22French intelligence have just stormed a suspected terror cell near Gare du Nord in Paris.
18:25They've shot dead two Algerians.
18:27One of the men is of particular interest to us.
18:30His name is Nassim Malik.
18:35Ruth has gone through incoming visas from Algeria in the last five years.
18:39This man, Nassim Malik...
18:43came to study computer science at West London Poly in 2001
18:47before dropping out suddenly in October 2003.
18:50Where was he living?
18:51North Acton.
18:53Where was our Malik arrested?
18:55At his home in North Acton.
18:58Two Nassim Maliks both living in North Acton?
19:00In the Paris flat where Malik was killed was a laptop
19:03which contained all the emails we intercepted two years ago.
19:06It also contained detailed plans of both Heathrow and Eurotunnel.
19:10Are you saying...
19:11Special Branch arrested the wrong Malik.
19:13Hold on a second.
19:14Now, Paul, I've asked you to be present so you can hear this. Listen.
19:17Special Branch bumped into the same name by chance and jumped too soon.
19:21That's why our Malik had no computers, no contact names, nothing.
19:24He wasn't planning anything.
19:25The other Malik heard about the arrest and got out as soon as he could
19:28thinking we'd realise the mistake and come after him, which we never did.
19:31If this is true, our Malik...
19:33Has spent two years in prison as an innocent man.
19:36Let's meet him, Rashid.
19:45If he's innocent,
19:46what's he doing delivering passport photos to Islamic extremists?
19:50That's why we need to bring him in and tell him what we know.
19:52No, no, no, I don't think so, Harry.
19:54Assume you're right.
19:55Assume we've kept an innocent man in detention for two years.
19:58He's not acting like an innocent man now.
20:00He's acting like a man who was arrested.
20:02He's not acting like an innocent man now.
20:04He's acting like a man who wants revenge.
20:15Give me the passport and the glove compartment.
20:24There are only three.
20:26Where is the other one?
20:28I'll give you that one when you finish the job.
20:30That is not what we agreed.
20:32It's what we agree now.
20:34Come on, Harry.
20:36I'm big enough to admit that we've made a mistake.
20:41But look who Malik's been in contact with since she was released.
20:44Rashid Mehdi is on the lunatic fringe of the lunatic fringe.
20:48You're more interested in covering Special Branch's arse than saving an innocent man.
20:52And maybe you just can't admit that releasing this guy was a seriously dumb idea.
21:01I cannot do it.
21:02They locked you up for two years, Nazeem.
21:04Treated you worse than an animal.
21:06And now you're just gonna run away.
21:08I just want the passport.
21:16Once you do this, you'll be completely free.
21:18Isn't that what you want?
21:23We'll call you with further instructions.
21:25Malik has spent two years in solitary for something he did not do.
21:28I understand your concern, Harry.
21:30But you bring Malik in and we admit we know he was innocent.
21:33And you're giving Liberation license to blow our whole anti-terror operation out of the water.
21:39We should continue with the operation.
21:42Follow Malik. See where he takes you.
21:56If that man had gone to trial, the case would have been thrown out in seconds.
21:59What happened in there was pure bloody politics.
22:02I think she's right.
22:04Whatever happened in the past, our job is to deal with the present danger.
22:07The present danger right now is Malik.
22:09We're spooks, Harry, not philosophers.
22:25We're spooks.
22:26I'm sorry.
22:54Is he...?
22:56Is he...?
23:26Is he...?
24:42I work for MI5. Do you know what MI5 is?
24:47French police killed another Nazim Malik in Paris.
24:52We know you're innocent.
24:55I do not believe you.
24:57I need to ask you some questions.
24:58When you were arrested, the police found maps with cities circled.
25:02They thought they were intended targets.
25:05They were to places to live.
25:07You had no papers, no passport, nothing.
25:12How did you get in?
25:14In a truck in France.
25:18Why leave Algeria?
25:19I was an army.
25:22My division was sent to the south.
25:25To a village in the Ahluwat.
25:28We were told to dress ourselves as mujahideen and to kill the village.
25:33It was a communist village.
25:35They wanted the villagers dead, but they wanted to blame the fundamentalists.
25:40The village was all women and children.
25:44I and my friend refused it.
25:47They were going to shoot us, but I escaped.
25:52And you came here.
25:57Why didn't you tell the men who arrested you this?
26:01I did.
26:09Rashid Mehdi is a known radical extremist.
26:12Why are you meeting him?
26:14In prison, I was alone almost all of the time.
26:18Khaled Mehdi started to talk to me during exercise sessions.
26:22He said he could help me if I helped him.
26:26What did he want you to do?
26:29He knew I could use long-distance rifle.
26:32He said it would be someone from Algerian government.
26:36People that kill innocent Muslim and put innocent Muslim in prison.
26:42People like you.
26:44We don't kill innocent Muslims.
26:46I am innocent.
26:49You put me in prison for two years.
26:50You made a mistake.
26:51Alhamdulillah, I told you who I am.
26:54Maybe we weren't listening properly.
26:57We're listening now, Naseem.
27:02I do not want trouble.
27:05I just want a normal life.
27:09I think that's exactly what you want.
27:12You don't want to kill anyone.
27:13You don't want to kill anyone.
27:16I think what you want is the reward Rashid is offering.
27:21What did he offer you?
27:22It's not money.
27:23So what is it?
27:26What's he offering you, Naseem?
27:29What is it Rashid is offering you?
27:34What did Rashid give you in the car?
27:37He gave you passports, didn't he?
27:39Show me the passports.
27:41You will take them away.
27:43You cannot take them.
27:49You didn't come here alone, did you?
27:54You came here with people you loved.
27:57With your family.
28:01You hid in a truck together.
28:03When you arrived, you tried to rebuild your lives.
28:08Then you were arrested.
28:10And you knew if we found out about your family,
28:12they'd be deported back to Algeria.
28:14And given your desertion, they'd be killed.
28:25Show me the passports.
28:37He would not give me my son's passport.
28:41Until after I handled that job.
28:43What job?
28:45What does Rashid want you to do?
28:47I do not know.
28:49He did not say.
28:53He kept my son's passport.
28:56I can help you.
28:59I can get you and your family somewhere safe.
29:01Somewhere where they'll never be found.
29:03Call Rebecca.
29:04Tell her to expect us.
29:10That's not meant to be, darling.
29:17It is nothing.
29:19I am coming to collect Samir and the children.
29:21What do you mean?
29:23I will explain when I get there.
29:28Is everything alright, Azim?
29:32Someone's here.
29:33Someone is at the door.
29:34She said someone is at the door.
29:41What is happening?
29:42Samira, Samira, run!
29:43What is happening?
29:44I need full backup.
29:45Sam and Peri.
29:46Rebecca, talk to me!
29:55Up there!
30:07Up there!
30:18What did she say?
30:20The police are still trying to understand
30:21why such a popular human rights campaigner
30:23should have been killed in an East London flat.
30:26The night of the murder,
30:27the police are still trying to understand
30:29why such a popular human rights campaigner
30:31should have been killed in an East London flat.
30:35What the hell is going on, Harry?
30:36I'm seeing dead women on my television.
30:39Shall we talk in my office?
30:40Where's Malik?
30:41He disappeared while we were with Rebecca.
30:43I remember being told that wouldn't happen.
30:45My office.
30:49We think they kidnapped Malik's family
30:51to force Malik to complete the operation.
30:53What they didn't know
30:54was that Rebecca Sinclair was in there.
30:58I wasn't aware of having given Mr Seymour
31:00the keys to Thames House.
31:01I asked Paul to come.
31:02In that case, please take a seat.
31:04Thank you, Ruth.
31:08Why has Malik gone AWOL?
31:10We believe he will try to complete the operation
31:13as the only way to get his family back.
31:15What do you know about the operation?
31:16It's an assassination.
31:17Malik's a top-grade marksman.
31:22Something else came up.
31:24Malik claims after he was arrested
31:26he told his interviewers
31:27that he had deserted from the army.
31:29Yet I can find no evidence of this
31:31on any of these special branch records.
31:34He's lying.
31:35Why would he not mention it?
31:37Why would we not report it?
31:38Maybe it wasn't what you wanted to hear.
31:41Are you accusing me of suppressing the evidence?
31:43Well, anything's possible
31:44when the pressure for results is high enough.
31:45That is enough.
31:48Find Malik.
31:49If he's a threat to public security,
31:51then take him down.
31:53Because if he kills anyone,
31:54you will both be held accountable.
31:57We've got 24-hour surveillance
31:58on Rashid's place in Hackney,
31:59but he's doing nothing.
32:00I don't think he's running the op.
32:01Then who is?
32:02We haven't found him yet.
32:03What about Rashid's brother in prison?
32:05We could try and cut him a deal.
32:06You mean offer to release him?
32:07After what happened with Malik,
32:08politically impossible.
32:09It appears you go on mobile.
32:10I called Miss Sinclair yesterday at 1700 hours.
32:12I'm trying to locate the handset now.
32:14Good. Possible targets?
32:15Assuming what Malik told you is true,
32:17it'll be an Algerian
32:18trying to make business contacts with the West.
32:19Now, I've asked for information
32:20from the Algerian government
32:21about anyone visiting here,
32:22but they've not exactly been forthcoming.
32:24And they refuse to warn their own people.
32:26Bad for business, apparently.
32:27Not as bad as a bullet in the back of the head.
32:30Will Malik really go through with it?
32:33After what he's been through?
32:35He's been locked up for two years
32:36away from his family.
32:37He's in trauma.
32:38He's not thinking rationally.
32:40You should have seen his face
32:41when he heard his children scream.
32:43I don't think he's capable of anything.
32:44I found the handset.
32:45Southwark Park.
32:46He's on the phone.
32:51Walk out of the exit.
32:53There. Right.
32:54You should be making instructions.
32:55Voice matching.
32:56If you don't do this,
32:57you won't see your family again.
33:04What was that?
33:05He's mobile, so we can't track him.
33:06We have the registration number.
33:07Gather a list of possible targets
33:08in and around the area.
33:09I'm going down there.
33:10I'm coming with you.
34:04We've done voice recognition
34:05on the phone call.
34:06Tal is with a leading member
34:07of the Free Islam Movement.
34:08Operates under the name
34:09Badrach Mahdi.
34:10Wanted in Algeria
34:11for six counts of murder
34:12against corporate
34:13and government targets.
34:14His mission is to stop
34:15Algerian expansion
34:16into the West.
34:17Sounds like we've found our man.
34:20Close the door.
34:28There's a file somewhere
34:29on the door.
34:32There's a file somewhere
34:33in Special Branch Records
34:34which will tell us
34:35what Malik said
34:36to the officers who arrested him.
34:37Now, Paul Seymour
34:38doesn't want me to see it.
34:40I'll see what I can do.
34:45When can I see my family?
35:01My name is Badrach Mahdi.
35:04I'm sorry we have to
35:05conduct business in this way,
35:06but we gave you every chance.
35:09Where are all my family?
35:17When the operation is complete,
35:19they will be returned to you.
35:20You will be given
35:21your passports and a car.
35:23If you fail,
35:24you will have to
35:25go back to Algeria.
35:26You will be given
35:27your passports and a car.
35:29If you fail,
35:30or refuse,
35:31your family will be killed.
35:33Is that clear?
35:35Let me see them.
35:37I want to see them.
35:43If you hurt my family,
35:46I swear I will kill you.
36:05My son!
36:17Why does he not hug you?
36:23He has not seen me for two years.
36:27He has forgotten about me.
36:36I will do whatever you say.
36:42Greenwich Police have traced
36:43the car to the Kidbrook Estate.
36:44Tell them well done and go home.
36:46I don't want a uniform in sight.
36:48Kidbrook Estate.
36:52Is that Special Branch Records Office?
36:54Is that Special Branch Records Office?
36:56Could I speak to Gordon Hopkins, please?
37:04It's Ruth.
37:07Ruth Evershed.
37:08We met at GCHQ last year.
37:14Listen, you asked me out for a drink
37:16and I may have given the impression
37:18I wasn't that interested, but...
37:21Actually, I'd love to.
37:28Well, what about lunch?
37:39Call once you're in position.
37:41If you fail to go through with this,
37:43you know what will happen.
37:50There he is.
37:55Drop me here.
37:56You follow Malik,
37:57but don't touch him until I get the family out.
37:59Take the gun.
38:01I said take it.
38:24Come on.
38:25Come on.
38:53Do you also turn water into wine?
38:54Not really.
38:55Harry, this just came in from the Foreign Office.
38:58President of Algerian Bank Abdelak Rahmani
39:00arriving city airport,
39:01attending meeting with Western investors
39:03at Northern Global Head Office at 1300 hours.
39:05Please offer standard protection.
39:07Why do we only know this now?
39:08It's the Algerian way.
39:12I can get in contact with Northern Global,
39:14make Rahmani go back to the airport,
39:15get him on a plane out of here.
39:16If we do that, they'll kill Malik's family.
39:20We can put in a substitute.
39:22There isn't time.
39:24Are you suggesting
39:25we use the President of the Algerian Bank as bait?
39:55Malik's on the move.
39:56He just left a flat on the Kibruk estate.
39:58We have to assume that's where the family are being held.
40:00Zaf's following him.
40:01Get Fiona over here and alert Special Forces.
40:03We need to get the family out of there.
40:04We know the target.
40:05President of the Algerian Bank, Northern Global offices.
40:08The meeting's at 1300.
40:09You need to secure the building by 1255 at the latest.
40:12That's 40 minutes.
40:13Your math's impeccable.
40:25I'm sorry.
40:48How can I help you, Paul?
40:49Special Forces tell me they're storming the flat
40:51where the family are being held in 40 minutes.
40:5330 minutes now.
40:54Does that mean you've also located Malik?
40:56Not yet, no.
40:57Well, if you need any assistance, just give me a call, yes?
41:00Your offers of help are always appreciated, Paul.
41:03What's that supposed to mean?
41:05As soon as we find Malik and his family,
41:07you'll be the first to know.
41:24Where are they being held?
41:25Fifth door along.
41:26What are you planning?
41:28Special Forces have suggested
41:29smashing through the windows and breaking down the door.
41:32Guaranteed way to kill the whole family.
41:34They've put the hostages by the windows.
41:36We have to get him without shooting,
41:37otherwise we'll never take him alive.
41:39So we'll need your delicate approach.
41:41What approach is that?
41:43Knock on the front door.
41:54Where are you?
41:55Just going into the art college on Abiglen Road.
41:57The target's the president of the Algerian Bank.
41:59He'll be at the Northern Global Building at 1300.
42:02There's a clear eyeline from here to the Northern Global Building.
42:07If we can't get his family out in time,
42:08we'll have to take him down.
42:09Get his family out in time, Adam.
42:10I'm not shooting him.
42:11You must shoot him
42:12if he's about to commit an act of terror.
42:13He's innocent.
42:14He isn't if he pulls the trigger.
42:18I'm sorry.
42:19I'm sorry.
42:20Don't pull the trigger.
42:50Don't pull the trigger.
43:09Mr. Clements?
43:14I know you're in there, Mr. Clements.
43:17I'm representing the landlords of the property.
43:19I'm passing arrears.
43:28Mr. Akmani, welcome to Northern Global.
43:44Mr. Clements, if you don't come to the door,
43:46my colleague and I will have to make a forced entry.
43:48Get through the phone.
43:49Do you have the necessary paperwork?
44:14What is it?
44:15Gemma Beckett, Kleiser Justice and Reclaimed Division.
44:17Mr. Clements around?
44:18Sorry, he doesn't live here anymore.
44:19According to our records...
44:20He doesn't live here.
44:21We'll need confirmation of that
44:22if I could just have a look at it.
44:23Take a minute.
44:31Today's meeting is aimed at promoting
44:33a new era of collaboration.
45:46How are you, sir?
45:48News fast.
45:52Adam, Fiona, I need information.
45:54Get away or I'll shoot the boy!
46:05Harry, we can't take this any further.
46:07We'll be accomplices to murder.
46:10Zafar, this is Harry.
46:11We have no news from the estate.
46:13I'm ordering you to shoot the subject.
46:15Shoot him.
46:18Don't shoot.
46:22My children are safe.
46:26I do not believe you.
46:29I'm telling you the truth.
46:31How do I know that?
46:34Everyone is lying.
46:37I was told this was a country that received people in help.
46:41I was told my family would be safe here.
46:45You have treated us like animals.
46:47Not us.
46:49Yes, you.
46:51All of you.
46:55We can arrange passports
46:57for you and your family
46:59anywhere in the world.
47:02A new name.
47:03New identities.
47:06An income from the British government.
47:09You will have the life you've been seeking with your family.
47:12I promise.
47:14Just drop the rifle.
47:17Prove to me my family are safe.
47:21How can I do that?
47:23I want to hear them.
47:26Rosine, listen to me.
47:29I'm being ordered to shoot you.
47:32I didn't join this service
47:33to shoot innocent people.
47:36Then prove you have my children.
47:42No bullets below four feet.
47:43There's a kid in there.
48:17Why won't you believe me?
48:19You know why.
48:22You have three seconds.
48:27Shoot him.
49:12This is a special branch file on Malik.
49:14It seems to have got
49:15separated from his other records.
49:17It details in full
49:18Malik's first interview on his arrest.
49:21In it he tells the story
49:22of the massacre in the village
49:23and his subsequent desertion from the army.
49:25It is my belief that
49:26had this information come to light
49:27he would never have spent
49:28two years in jail without trial.
49:30How did you get hold of that?
49:31It's my job.
49:32It amazes me what some people
49:33will do for promotion.
49:35Thank you, Harry.
49:36I think Mr. Seymour and I
49:37need some time alone
49:38to discuss his future.
49:40I wasn't aware he had one.
49:44I'm sorry.
49:45I'm sorry.
49:46I'm sorry.
49:47I'm sorry.
49:48I'm sorry.
49:49I'm sorry.
49:50I'm sorry.
49:51I'm sorry.
49:52I'm sorry.
49:53I'm sorry.
49:54I'm sorry.
49:55I'm sorry.
49:56I'm sorry.
49:57I'm sorry.
49:58I'm sorry.
49:59I'm sorry.
50:00I'm sorry.
50:01I'm sorry.
50:02I'm sorry.
50:03I'm sorry.
50:04I'm sorry.
50:05I'm sorry.
50:06I'm sorry.
50:07I'm sorry.
50:08I'm sorry.
50:09I'm sorry.
50:10I'm sorry.
50:11I'm sorry.
50:12I'm sorry.
50:13I'm sorry.
50:14I'm sorry.
50:15I'm sorry.
50:16I'm sorry.
50:18Police confirmed today
50:19that the man shot dead
50:20by special operatives
50:21in a South London housing estate
50:23on Friday
50:24was almost certainly responsible
50:25for the murder
50:26of the human rights activist
50:27Rebecca Sinclair.
50:29Police ruled out any involvement
50:30of the prisoner Nazim Malik,
50:32who they say
50:33had nothing to do
50:34with the case
50:35and is thought already
50:36to have returned to Algeria.
50:37A police statement
50:38denied allegations
50:39from pressure group Liberation
50:41that the British people were not being told the whole truth about the affair.
50:48Where are they?
50:50In the hotel.
50:53Zaf's seeing them off tomorrow.
50:57The Irish government have agreed to grant them citizenship.
51:00We've given them new names,
51:02new life,
51:03and enough money to ensure Nazim never has to work again.
51:07Mother's face when he had her son in the kitchen.
51:11I've never seen anything like it.
51:15You did well.
51:23You're flat, aren't you?
51:27Zaf offered me a room.
51:29But I'm not sure...
51:30Take it.
51:31There'll be plenty of times in the first year you won't want to be alone.
51:36See you.