MI5. Spooks S06 E02 - The Virus. Part 2

  • 3 months ago
00:00It's Mammy's health.
00:15Hold her!
00:19Hold her!
00:35Let's get someone to the ambulance.
00:39Briefly needs to get some energy.
00:44He's having trouble breathing.
00:47He's hemorrhaging.
00:48We need to get him into recess
00:49as quickly as possible.
00:51Let's go.
01:11Keep the mask on.
01:12It'll help you breathe.
01:14Yeah, thanks, Malcolm.
01:15I can see it now.
01:31Don't let that man go any further!
01:32This hospital's under quarantine!
01:34Get security to seal all the doors.
01:35Make sure nobody leaves the building.
01:40Give me Harry.
02:14How are you?
02:15I'm fine.
02:17Where's Azni?
02:18In isolation.
02:19He's got about an hour.
02:20Maybe less.
02:23What about these people?
02:24What's the estimated mortality rate?
02:25Mortality's 94%.
02:27But over a limited number of infection cycles,
02:29the virus goes off like a bomb.
02:31Kills as many people as possible.
02:32Then it quickly mutates.
02:34Leaving the targeted area safe for invasion?
02:36I don't know.
02:38The average incubation period for this virus is 18 hours.
02:41You were infected two hours ago.
02:43No matter what happens today,
02:45in 12 hours, you'll be on this quarantine ward.
02:548% of Greater London.
02:56That's in excess of half a million people dead inside a week.
03:03Malcolm, we now have to assume
03:04that Zaf and those mercenaries are infected with the plague.
03:06OK, we're in.
03:08Angus Leonard, here he is.
03:10This lists a number of properties in Leonard's name.
03:13Shell companies.
03:14Barrages, lockups.
03:15At least half a dozen of them, spread all over London.
03:17There's a secure location in one of Leonard's company names,
03:20a machine tooling business about a quarter of a mile east
03:22of where Adam was injected.
03:39This way!
04:44Six of them.
04:45And there were only five mercenaries.
04:47Single shot through the base of the skull,
04:49soaked with accelerant and burned.
04:51Their bodies were fused together.
04:53It'll take forensic scientists to separate them,
04:55let alone identify them.
04:56Until we're sure Zaf was one of the bodies,
04:58we have to concentrate on this.
04:59We've got to keep an eye on Hagen's work.
05:01He planned for the virus to be released in Iran, not here.
05:04He's just clearing up after his own mess.
05:06Whoever he is, we track him down...
05:07Look, right now, anyone who came within six feet of Mehan Aznik
05:10is a potential carrier of this disease.
05:1222 of them are already here in quarantine.
05:15How many more did he pass in the street?
05:17We have to locate and identify every one of them,
05:19get them in here before they become contagious.
05:23It's been a mere two hours since the outbreak
05:25of Watson and Edwards Hospital.
05:26We'll only confirm there's an infectious tropical disease...
05:28Is it fast enough to lure them back?
05:30Not scare them away.
05:31OK, Aznik was kicked out here,
05:34the Good Samaritan picked him up here,
05:36and this is their route to the hospital,
05:37less than a quarter of a mile.
05:38Now, these are the people who passed within transmissible distance,
05:40pending identification.
05:41Each has been assigned a number.
05:42See what resources you can reassign
05:44to the facial recognition software.
05:45We need those IDs as soon as possible.
05:47Job, can you liaise with SO19?
05:55We have until midnight
05:56before the hospital train poses a national quarantine.
05:58It doesn't matter.
05:59Either we control this thing right now,
06:00or it wins.
06:01It's as simple as that.
06:02Harry, the virus was released in Tehran
06:04half a day before it reached London.
06:06Perhaps a half a day closer to solving the problem.
06:08Maybe Anne has heard something inside the embassy.
06:10She knows who you are, Adam.
06:12The woman hates you.
06:13Hate's good.
06:14I can use hate.
06:24OK, our first hit.
06:26Vector 45.
06:27Karen Dugan, born Ipswich, 1963.
06:38Karen Dugan?
06:40Could you come with us, please?
06:56No, no, no, I'm going to hold.
06:58Please get back to me straight away.
06:59I need that information as quickly as possible.
07:01What's the position?
07:02So far, SO19 and the Met have picked up
07:0433 out of 97 identified disease vectors.
07:07They estimate another 20 will be in custody
07:09and quarantined within the hour.
07:10And the others?
07:11All security departments have primed
07:12with cell phone numbers and credit card details.
07:14Any of the identified vectors makes a call
07:16or fills their tank ready to move.
07:17What if they don't?
07:18What if they don't make a call?
07:19What if they don't use their credit card?
07:22Card's on the table, Bob.
07:24We've got a big problem.
07:25Please don't be offended
07:26if I suggest you might be in possession of the solution.
07:28I wish I was in a position to be offended, Harry.
07:31But you and I both know I'm not.
07:32We've got wild vectors.
07:34Carriers we can't trace.
07:36In 18 hours, the infection rate will explode.
07:39Yesterday, we flew a sample of this new guy
07:41direct to Washington
07:42to see exactly what we're dealing with.
07:44And it turns out what I told you yesterday was correct.
07:47It's of U.S. origin, strain E34.
07:50And Saddam had someone cook it up a little,
07:52stir it around.
07:53Russians, maybe. Indians.
07:55Hell, the French had a push.
07:56We're working on a therapeutic vaccine right now
07:58and see if we can retrofit the strain we've already got.
08:01And the DNA sequence has gone to your guys at port and down.
08:03But we need time.
08:07We don't have time.
08:09In the face of mounting international concern,
08:11the government in Iran continues to maintain
08:13that a large chemical spillage
08:14was responsible for yesterday's Tehran explosion.
08:17However, images obtained by the BBC
08:19appear to show emergency personnel
08:21in nuclear-biological chemical suits
08:23whose last stop at the body bags is the restricted zone.
08:26These images will also make the fever debate
08:28in the United Nations,
08:29where plans for medications...
08:31Not here.
08:32Follow me.
08:57Please, sit.
09:03This is Miha Naznik.
09:13Yesterday, he arrived in England.
09:16He was in the hospital.
09:19Yesterday, he arrived in England
09:21and he brought something back with him,
09:22a virus that mimics pneumonic plague.
09:24Iran acquired it as a weapon
09:26and somehow, God knows how, it got loose.
09:29It's killing people in Tehran as we speak.
09:32And now it's loose in London, too.
09:34This is what it does, Anna.
09:36Look, Anna.
09:37Make the lie big, make it simple.
09:39Keep saying it and eventually they'll believe it.
09:41Well, not me, Peter.
09:42Adam, whatever you are.
09:44Not again.
09:45Iran acquired it as a weapon.
09:46Without a failsafe, a vaccine.
09:48We believe it might be somewhere in the embassy.
09:50Your home.
09:51This is your chance to save thousands of lives, Anna.
09:53Maybe tens of thousands.
09:54Oh, and what now?
09:55I'm to consider you noble?
09:56You slept with me.
09:57It's easy to be principled and brave
09:58when there's nothing at stake.
10:00This is your chance to do something you believe in.
10:01Why didn't you mention principles?
10:02You lied to me.
10:03You used me.
10:05My body.
10:06Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.
10:09People are going to die, innocent people
10:11who don't care much about politics or religion
10:13or any of the rest of it.
10:15This is your chance to do something about it.
10:33I'm not going to apologize to you again, Anna,
10:34because you're right.
10:35I'm a liar, but I am going to ask for your help again.
10:37I'll beg if you want me to.
10:39Not if you were dying in the street.
10:43I might be.
10:45I spent time with Azenith yesterday.
10:47I'm infected with this thing, too.
10:50It's all right.
10:51I'm not a danger to you.
10:52Not yet.
10:57I brought this thing back, Anna.
11:01I didn't mean to, but I did.
11:08How long do you have?
11:12A few hours.
11:20If you're lying, I'll find out.
11:21I'm not lying.
11:22I don't have time to lie.
11:25We have to find that vaccine.
11:30In the face of continued accusations
11:32about the illegal manufacturing and transporting
11:34of chemical or biological weapons,
11:36the Iranian government has admitted to strong desires of any wrongdoing.
11:40In the last few minutes, however,
11:41a statement from the White House expressed grave concerns
11:44about the implications of this catastrophe
11:46and promised the sternest of responses if evidence...
11:49What kind of country would allow this to happen?
11:52This was done to us, not by us.
11:55And what is Tehran doing to help these people?
11:57Why aren't they administering a vaccine?
12:00There must be a vaccine.
12:01They wouldn't be fools enough, would they,
12:03to buy the poison and not the antidote?
12:05So many dead, and all you do is whack your finger.
12:11His last known address was Park Gate Road.
12:13Where does he work?
12:15Malcolm, the unacquired vector?
12:17Eleven remaining.
12:18Adam, do the Iranians have the vaccine?
12:21Not sure.
12:22Wasn't Anna forthcoming?
12:23No, not yet. It's too early to tell.
12:25What, we're still considering her an asset?
12:29Yes, we are.
12:30So where do we go from here?
12:31We may be too late to rein this thing in,
12:33but someone somewhere knows about a therapeutic vaccine
12:35and we have to find them.
12:36Actually, I have a suggestion.
12:38Apart from the Americans who made it,
12:40we know of three countries capable of modifying strain E34
12:43and reselling it to Iraq,
12:47and Russia.
12:50one of these countries will have access to the vaccine
12:53and their top spies will know about it.
12:56How do we establish who that is?
12:58By asking
13:00and forcing an answer.
13:02What, we abduct and threaten spies from friendly nations?
13:07That's a very dangerous precedent to set.
13:11Once it starts, where does it stop?
13:13It won't be pretty.
13:15We'll be leaving British agents open to reprisal attacks,
13:18both home and abroad, our entire network.
13:22It'll be spy on spy.
13:23If you want to agonise,
13:24then agonise tomorrow.
13:26Because unless we respond effectively to this situation now,
13:29we're going to have half a million dead Londoners on our conscience.
13:33So let's go.
13:41So how long have you got before you're contagious?
13:43Long enough.
13:45How long?
13:47Seven hours.
13:50You want to start keeping your distance?
14:25Excuse me, I need to be home.
14:26I need to see my children.
14:27I'm sorry, but no-one's allowed to leave the van.
14:29Come back and sit down over here, please.
14:31Excuse me.
14:33I need to see my children.
14:35They'll be fine.
14:37I need to see my children, please.
14:40I need to see my children.
14:55Come in.
14:59Come on.
15:08Did you come alone?
15:09What you asked.
15:11Why the secrecy?
15:12I need your help.
15:13Just say the word.
15:15It's the old spy's curse, Bob.
15:17I find it hard to believe someone
15:19when I know if I were in their place, I'd lie.
15:24I think you're lying to me.
15:26I think if you don't have the vaccine,
15:28then you know where it can be found.
15:31Of course you think that.
15:33I wish you were right, I really do.
15:35I know how to cover my ass, Harry.
15:37If I had the vaccine, I'd give it to you.
15:40My wife is with me.
15:41She lives here.
15:42I'm as scared as you are.
15:44Somehow I doubt that's true.
15:50What do you mean, a problem?
15:54What the hell is this?
15:56You're about 89 kilos, aren't you, Bob?
16:08Don't worry, Bob.
16:09You'll be fine.
16:11About an hour.
16:14Do you have any experience in this line of work?
16:17I mean, I don't want to make it sound awful,
16:19but it's not for everyone.
16:20I would not like my daughter to do this job.
16:23I haven't just hopped off the hay cart, Mr Kuznetsov.
16:26Then come to me now.
16:29Yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:30Right here.
16:35Right now.
16:38Right now.
16:52Do you want to undress?
16:54Of course not.
16:56I would like you to.
16:59Excuse me.
17:00Excuse me.
17:02Really sorry, I think you dropped this.
17:07No, I don't.
17:35He knows.
17:55Morning, Nerof.
17:57How are you?
18:00Adam, is it?
18:02I'm going to ask you to come with me, Nerof.
18:04Are you armed?
18:05Are you armed?
18:08I am.
18:28People have been separated from their families,
18:30pulled out of their workplaces,
18:31and in some instances taken off the streets.
18:33People are understandably scared.
18:34So, Home Secretary, in the light of this,
18:36how do you respond to the reported Whitehall leak,
18:38which identifies this tropical disease as an outbreak of MRSA?
18:42Well, obviously, there is a great deal of understandable concern...
18:44The MRSA was a fine idea. Well done.
18:47Come in.
18:49Home Secretary, the Russian delegation is here.
18:54Well, let's get on with it.
18:58...guesswork and rumour that will panic and confuse
19:01those families who are affected by this virus.
19:03We have medical professionals working intensely on each patient
19:07and have ensured that no one anywhere will be infected.
19:11And now, for Luca, this morning's weather.
19:25Thank you.
19:51You might have called ahead.
19:52I didn't want to spoil the surprise.
19:54By which I can only assume my calls are still being monitored.
19:59This is what they give them to work with these days, is it?
20:01Have you got a minute?
20:02I'm busy.
20:04It'll be a quick minute.
20:07Make sure you wipe your shoes.
20:09You too, Malcolm. Come on. Come in from the cold.
20:20So, hey.
20:22Malcolm, how's the lovely Sarah?
20:24Sarah wasn't to be, I'm afraid.
20:27Oh, well, it wasn't too good for her.
20:29She had a second-rate mind and fat thumbs.
20:32Perhaps she did at that.
20:35And no new ring on your finger, Harry?
20:37Can't find one that fits.
20:39Connie, I need your help.
20:42And I suppose the service thinks I owed her a favour.
20:44No. The debt is owed by the service to you.
20:47It always was. I know that.
20:49As you've never failed to mention in all your many letters and phone calls.
20:55Very well, then. Let's get it over with.
21:01Malcolm, I don't want you to see this.
21:04Understood. Thank you.
21:07Bring them in. One by one, please.
21:20It was a bio-weapons research facility.
21:22Back in the days when we called it germ warfare.
21:25The NOD sold me the land cheap when I retired.
21:28They liked to have washed-up old spooks,
21:30maintaining their more sensitive properties.
21:32Show me. This way.
21:50You've really lost it, Harry.
21:54Do you think for one second...
21:55Then I'll get away with this.
21:57Come on, Bob.
22:00Do you think I care?
22:10What exactly is that?
22:13It's blood.
22:15Taken from the veins of a man who died.
22:17Taken from the veins of a man who died earlier today.
22:20What killed him is a weaponized virus.
22:23The virus is carried on the air in minute particles.
22:26It's called aerosol distribution.
22:29You breathe it in, you die.
22:31Unless you've already been vaccinated.
22:33Or have ready access to the vaccine.
22:36If you do this, my operation will track you down and kill you.
22:40Then let's hope we both live long enough for them to be able to give it a try.
22:44This is a guy who is so morally opposed to extraordinary rendition.
22:47This isn't extraordinary rendition, Bob.
22:49This is kidnapping.
22:50And torture. You never much of a fan of that either.
22:52Don't like to call it that these days, do we?
22:54Don't want to offend anyone.
22:56Jesus Christ, Harry.
22:58The vaccine, Bob.
23:00Because we're almost done here.
23:08Harry, don't do this.
23:15Don't do this.
23:27Oh, God.
23:44Oh, God.
24:05You are too young to remember much about the Cold War.
24:09But my generation...
24:11We lived every day with the possibility of Armageddon.
24:15End of the world.
24:17The living will envy the dead.
24:20Unlike some, I never had much taste for it.
24:24Running a few hookers, lifting a little corporate intelligence.
24:28I like the world like this.
24:31Eddick, what are you trying to say?
24:35There is something you should know.
24:39You're not actually going to make me do this, are you?
24:42I don't know anything about the vaccine.
24:45Not good enough, I'm afraid.
24:47But I can help, maybe, with your missing officer.
24:51Zaf is his name, no?
24:55He claims a French surveillance team witnessed the bodies being burned,
24:58but that Zaf was led away.
25:00He's lying, Ros.
25:03Well, he knows something.
25:05He's a spy. He's got partial information.
25:07He's extrapolating, telling us what we want to hear.
25:09It's a trap. They'll be down on you in five minutes.
25:11Yeah, you're probably right, Harry, and if that happens, I'll live with it.
25:13But what happens if he's genuinely trying to buy his freedom,
25:15selling the only thing in his gift?
25:22I haven't administered the virus.
25:24If QVA is telling the truth, it could lead us to Zaf.
25:26That could lead us to whoever did this to us.
25:28Then we can identify Copenhagen.
25:30God knows we all wish Zaf was alive.
25:32We all want to deal with Copenhagen.
25:34But operational priority right now has to be this vaccine.
25:48Since maybe six hours ago,
25:50Russia and Britain have been negotiating a price for the vaccine.
25:57You really know nothing about it.
26:00Two choices, Eric. My time is very short.
26:02Either you tell us where the vaccine is, or we make you.
26:06We don't want to do that, but we will. Believe me.
26:10The vaccine is already here.
26:12And if I help you, Russia will kill me. And also you.
26:37According to Kuznetsov,
26:38the Home Secretary is already negotiating with the Russians to secure the vaccine.
26:43That's good, isn't it?
26:45They're refusing to meet Russia's terms.
26:48What terms?
26:49What could they possibly be asking for with so many lives at stake?
26:52Something too big to concede.
26:54What? I don't know. And nor does Kuznetsov.
26:56It's a cabinet-to-cabinet thing. Red telephones all the time.
27:02You're really in trouble this time, aren't you?
27:04I've ordered the kidnapping and attempted murder of four foreign spies,
27:07including a key man of the CIA.
27:09And all this to source a vaccine the government may already have secured
27:12without deigning to tell its own security services.
27:15Same old thing, eh?
27:17Between the devil and the deep blue sea.
27:20So what will you do?
27:22I can't risk my officers on Kuznetsov's uncorroborated word.
27:25Nothing I must leave.
27:27You won't let them hear that.
27:31I don't care how you feel.
27:33To them, you're Harry Pearce, the still point of the turning world,
27:36and you won't let them see you like this.
27:55All right.
28:12All right.
28:13The Russians might have the vaccine,
28:15Whitehall might be gambling with British lives,
28:17so let's take control of this thing.
28:19We take Kuznetsov at his word.
28:21If he's lying, we deal with it, then we look somewhere else.
28:23And we keep looking until we get our hands on the vaccine.
28:27They'll have your head, Harry.
28:36Malcolm? Connie?
28:37Where are you? Harry's scared stiff.
28:39Ash, now, I need you to do something for me.
28:41Oh, no, no, no, Connie, Connie, I would if I could,
28:43but today is not the day for asking.
28:45Yes, yes, yes, I need you to do something about my security clearance.
28:48It's suspended, you know.
28:49I can't do that!
28:50Yes, you can, Malcolm.
28:51I mean, all I need is, say, Level 4, just to get me through the door.
28:54Monkey! You could do that, couldn't it?
28:56A monkey? Connie...
28:57In about one minute, I'm going to swan into the Home Office.
28:59If I don't have security clearance, they'll arrest me.
29:01So do get on with it.
29:08Come on, come on, come on.
29:10Come on.
29:21Please, please, please, please, come on.
29:46Malcolm, I want details of the Home Secretary's confidential PA.
29:49You mad old fool, you'll get yourself shot.
29:58Maggie? Maggie Dibden?
30:00May I? Yes.
30:02Maggie, my name's Bernice, I'm from Human Resources.
30:06I'm afraid you have to call home.
30:08Oh, why? What's happened?
30:09Well, no, nobody's been hurt and we Josh's quite all right.
30:11Josh? He's fine.
30:12Look, I know your boss is in and out every two seconds,
30:14so if you want more privacy to call home, you're quite at liberty to use my office.
30:17It's on the second floor.
30:19Chop, chop.
30:21Yes, thank you.
30:22Yes, thank you.
30:37Where's Maggie?
30:38I'm afraid Maggie's been called away, Home Secretary.
30:40Personal emergency. We've called for a replacement.
30:43Did we, er, we met?
30:44Er, several times, yes.
30:47Well, er, just let me know when the replacement's here the moment she arrives.
30:51And we need some more drinks in there, please.
31:08Stop the car.
31:09What? What's wrong?
31:17Harry was right.
31:19Zaf's gone.
31:21He's gone.
31:23And anyway, do you think he'd want you risking the operation like this for his sake?
31:25Do you think he'd want you risking yourself?
31:27You'd be out there all alone, Roz.
31:28No support, no backup.
31:30And what happens if we lose the trail and we can't pick it up?
31:33Can you live with the thought of leaving Zaf out in the field?
31:35Because I'm not sure I can, Adam.
31:37I'm going to call French Intelligence.
31:39It's the only lead we've got.
31:40I need you.
31:42I need you.
31:43I need you.
31:44I need you.
31:49No, you don't.
32:22God, I'm sorry.
32:24Don't be.
32:26We're in this together.
32:30So I think it's maybe time to go get the vaccine.
32:36The Home Secretary has this morning talked about the need for calm
32:39following the news of at least one death with several more patients critical.
32:42As the MRSA crisis deepens, several hundred have now been quarantined,
32:46but it's feared that the superbug has now spread into the wider population.
32:50The health services have been forced to issue a list of symptoms
32:53the public should be aware of.
32:54These include flu-like symptoms,
32:56more experiencing respiratory discomfort, achy joints,
32:59a rise in body temperature, dizziness...
33:06You need to come with me.
33:07It's alright, I'm fine.
33:08We really have to leave now.
33:09It'll be alright, really.
33:10Come on.
33:12I need to get you to the isolation ward.
33:13But there's nothing wrong with me.
33:15Tell Magritte Eve hopes she's well.
33:20Stay on this number.
33:42Stay on this number.
34:13It's going to happen.
34:15Let's get you on the bed.
34:28I want my chances.
34:30The doctor's coming.
34:35Can I see my family?
34:39John and the kids.
34:41John and the kids.
34:50For 20 years, the antidote has been buried in Highgate Cemetery.
34:53But since this opportunity arose,
34:55the Russian operation in London has moved it.
34:58All day, the antidote has been passing from officer to officer,
35:01safe from detection and ready for quick delivery,
35:04when our terms are met.
35:06But when you call it in, won't they know something's wrong?
35:08Darling, I'm a senior officer.
35:10If I order the vaccine brought to me, they obey.
35:13How long will that be?
35:15If they believe me.
35:17If not, they kill us.
35:39You have Eve.
35:40You understand that I want him back.
35:42And do you have Xav?
35:45No, we don't have Xav.
35:47So, I hear the CIA is very concerned for its men.
35:53You know, I can't recall the last time an Allied nation behaved like this.
35:58I don't know why.
36:00I don't know why.
36:02I don't know why.
36:04I don't know why.
36:06I don't know why.
36:08The CIA operates in such a way towards its own.
36:10The repercussions don't concern you.
36:12The fallout, spy versus spy.
36:15Not disproportionately, no.
36:22Angus Leonard.
36:23The mercenary, we've been watching him.
36:26Rumblings of a coup in French Polynesia.
36:28Leonard was to lead it, we think.
36:30This is your officer Xav, yes?
36:33Do you know who your enemies are, Ross?
36:39Well, apparently today it's someone called Copenhagen.
36:42Not today, now, this minute, but historically.
36:45Do you know who your real enemies are?
36:49I think I've got a pretty good idea, yes.
36:51If that were so, you would need my help to find your officer.
36:57Release our man unharmed tonight.
36:59I'll give you what you need.
37:01Give me what I need and we'll release your man.
37:04And now I suppose we'll have to wonder
37:06who wants what more.
37:09You have my number?
37:36Thank you.
37:37Wait for me here.
38:07Thank you.
38:15What did you say to them?
38:16Passwords, codes, no pleasantries.
38:19Put the box here.
38:21Adam, the engine's stopped. I think they're coming back.
38:24Keep our son on alert.
38:25Hey, hey, hey, hey, I told you.
38:27No lies. No lies.
38:29They must have been alerted to my disappearance.
38:31I swear.
38:32We're blind.
38:34You take the vaccine.
38:35I'll keep them at bay.
38:49I'll keep them at bay.
38:52You need to get that vaccine to the hospital
38:54and you need to take it as soon as possible.
38:56Just go.
39:12Eric, I need your help.
39:13For both our sakes.
39:14For what?
39:15On your knees.
39:18You know what you're doing, don't you?
39:24Hey, hey, hey.
39:41You can shoot me if you like,
39:42but I'll take your senior officer with me.
39:45Actually, she's not lying.
39:47I swear to God.
39:58Where's the case?
39:59I swear to God.
40:00I swear to God!
40:11You, go.
40:17You took your time.
40:19Now the gun, please.
40:24What do you take me for?
40:25Moscow want a word with you, Eric.
40:27It's curious what other operational secrets you might have given up.
40:34What happened to the case?
41:09Stop the car!
41:10Stop the car!
41:11Stop the car!
41:19Just go!
41:20I'm an MI5 officer.
41:21Take me to St Edmund's Hospital.
41:26How soon can you get an armed response team to Joe's position?
41:28We can't get an armed response there in less than eight minutes.
41:30Get bodies down there in numbers as quickly as possible.
41:40Unfortunately, no.
41:45Bring it back.
41:47Bring what back?
41:51Bring back the antidote, or she will be shot.
41:58I'm not coming back no matter what you do, so why do it?
42:01What's the point?
42:02You have two minutes.
42:03I'll never make it in two minutes.
42:04Five minutes.
42:05Five minutes at least.
42:06Just give me five minutes.
42:07You have two minutes.
42:09Don't do anything.
42:10I'm turning around.
42:11I'm coming.
42:13Just don't do anything.
42:14Should I turn around?
42:16Just keep going.
42:23You know he's not coming back.
42:25He is coming back.
42:31Malcolm, how long till SO19 get there?
42:33You're not turning back?
42:34No, Malcolm, I'm not turning back.
42:36How soon?
42:37SO19 on their way.
42:38In time?
42:41Get me the Home Secretary.
42:46One of my officers is about to die doing her duty,
42:49so you use whatever leverage you have with the Russians
42:51and get them to call off their dogs.
42:53By doing what?
42:54Say anything for now.
42:55Agree a price, any price.
42:56Just get them to stop.
43:11I'm almost there.
43:12I'm two minutes away at most.
43:13Time it up.
43:14Please don't hang up.
43:15Don't hang up.
43:16Don't kill her.
43:18Don't kill her.
43:23He's a cold one, your friend.
43:25The benefits of a public school education.
43:30Nevertheless, I am sorry.
43:36There is no need to do this.
43:38Killing her doesn't help leverage the situation, does it?
43:41Leverage the situation?
43:42You've been in London too long.
43:43And you're not thinking like a field agent who I know you are.
43:47Please don't do it.
43:49Use your brain.
43:50Don't presume to order me, Eric.
43:51I'm not ordering you.
43:52Please listen to me.
43:53Well, shut up.
43:54Just listen to me.
43:55Shut up.
44:04I don't think so, Alexei.
44:19I said I don't think so, Alexei.
44:32Are you okay?
44:37That's the hospital.
44:38You need to check in.
44:39I'll get help.
45:01So close, huh?
45:04Pretty close.
45:06Pretty close.
45:37I love you.
45:38I love you.
46:07I love you.
46:08I love you.
46:09I love you.
46:10I love you.
46:11I love you.
46:12I love you.
46:13I love you.
46:14I love you.
46:15I love you.
46:16I love you.
46:17I love you.
46:18I love you.
46:19I love you.
46:20I love you.
46:21I love you.
46:22I love you.
46:23I love you.
46:24I love you.
46:25I love you.
46:26I love you.
46:27I love you.
46:28I love you.
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46:30I love you.
46:31I love you.
46:32I love you.
46:33I love you.
46:34I love you.
46:35I love you.
46:36I love you.
46:37I love you.
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46:39I love you.
46:40I love you.
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47:31I love you.
47:32I love you.
47:33I love you.
47:34I love you.
47:35I love you.
47:36I love you.
47:37I love you.
47:38I love you.
47:39I love you.
47:40I love you.
47:41I love you.
47:42I love you.
47:43I love you.
47:44I love you.
47:45I love you.
47:46I love you.
47:47I love you.
47:48I love you.
47:49I love you.
47:50I love you.
47:51I love you.
47:52I love you.
47:53I love you.
47:54I love you.
47:55I love you.
47:56I love you.
47:57I love you.
47:58I love you.
47:59I love you.
48:00I love you.
48:01I love you.
48:03I love you.
48:10She's scared.
48:12It's frightening they would all make the same choice.
48:16I'm hungry.
48:18I can't remember the last time I ate.
48:21I could cook.
48:22Yeah, right.
48:23Well, I cook.
48:24I know.
48:27OK, come back to mine.
48:28I'll throw something together.
48:29If I can find anything in my fridge.
48:32You know you can't trust her, don't you?
48:34You can't trust her because she's in love with you.
48:36I wouldn't call it that.
48:38Call it what you like, Adam.
48:40It makes her unpredictable.
48:42Just be careful.
48:44I'm always careful.
48:48Take the call.
49:07Me too, of course.
49:10That'd be great.
49:12I'll let you know where.
49:27I'm sorry.
49:31See you around, Harry.
49:50Documented proof of what the government considered to be acceptable British casualties.
49:54Thousands of people dead if you hadn't found that vaccine.
49:58Which means you've got them where you want them.
50:00For five minutes.
50:04Now, the men who were in my boarding house...
50:07We got them out the way we got them in.
50:09They'll never know where they were. You're safe.
50:11Besides which, Connie,
50:13you're no use to me stuck at the back of Beyond,
50:15feeding the geese and mucking out the pigs.
50:17I need you where you belong.
50:19Back on the grid.
50:21Long past all that.
50:23The service are already chewing me up.
50:25Never again.
50:27You can consider that history permanently and officially erased.
50:30I need you, Connie.
50:32Malcolm needs you.
50:34I don't want some cold-eyed,
50:36fast-tracked postgraduate on the grid.
50:39I need someone I can really, really trust.
50:47I'll give it my urgent consideration.
50:52I'll give it my urgent consideration.
50:57Around 100 patients were taken in today to be treated for the virus,
51:00many of whom have since complained about their treatment whilst in quarantine.
51:03All have now shown a full recovery.
51:05The Home Secretary expressed his...
51:07This leads to a dead end, Ross.
51:09The French don't know where Zaf is any more than we do.
51:11We know that wasn't Zaf's body on that bonfire.
51:14I've just heard back from forensics.
51:16The sixth body, the one we took to be his, it wasn't.
51:18Another poor vagrant shot in the head and piled on to make up the numbers.
51:21Whoever's got Zaf, I think they're keeping him alive.
51:25I'm going to follow up the Magritte lead.
51:27See if it leads to Copenhagen.
51:29Have you spoken to Harry?
51:30Harry will nix it, you know that.
51:37I'll cover you for 24 hours. After that, it becomes official.
51:39I know.
51:41Thanks, Adam.
51:45Take care.
51:56Ow! Shit.