The lie

  • 2 months ago
00:00:29What's this?
00:00:30It's not an invitation.
00:00:31It's a special one.
00:00:32For your boss.
00:00:34Excuse me.
00:00:35Wrong invitation.
00:00:38Before you do anything stupid...
00:00:40Like this?
00:00:43Hey, hey, hey!
00:00:44What's going on here?
00:00:50You come here and interrupt my son's wedding?
00:00:53I killed Farless.
00:00:55I know.
00:00:56You were helping me to find her, sir.
00:00:58It's Mr. Baranovich.
00:00:59We just missed each other three years ago in Berlin.
00:01:01You look right at me in Caracas in 09, remember that?
00:01:04Doesn't matter now.
00:01:06You're the Interpol man.
00:01:07Am I successfully?
00:01:10You have no authority to arrest me here.
00:01:12You're right. I don't.
00:01:14But they do.
00:01:25In my country, I'm a hero.
00:01:26They will not extradite me.
00:01:28They already have.
00:01:3020 minutes from now, you'll be on a plane headed today.
00:01:33You only want to block off your son's wedding, Mr. Baranovich.
00:01:36Get him out of here.
00:01:40I'll be home in a week.
00:01:41One week!
00:01:42Yes, sir.
00:01:58One week.
00:02:19Hey, man.
00:02:21Jesus, Jake, what are you doing?
00:02:22Dad, I'm sorry. I forgot, okay?
00:02:23Jake, you were supposed to take your medicine four hours ago.
00:02:25I know. I'm sorry. I just forgot.
00:02:27Stop apologizing to me, okay?
00:02:29It's not about me. It never has been.
00:02:30We've been through this.
00:02:34Okay, just listen to me for a second.
00:02:36Understand this.
00:02:37You can do whatever you want in this life, okay?
00:02:38Whatever it is you want,
00:02:39but the one thing that you can never, ever do
00:02:41is forget to take your medicine.
00:02:43You with me?
00:02:47I'm sorry, man.
00:02:48I'm sorry. I just forgot, Dad.
00:02:50It's okay.
00:02:51It's okay.
00:02:53You hungry? You want something to eat, maybe?
00:02:54Uh, I was actually gonna go shoot the bow
00:02:56for a little bit.
00:02:57Do you want to come out and shoot it with me?
00:02:59Sounds good.
00:03:00I'll join you out there in a little bit, okay?
00:03:01All right.
00:03:28How many times did I tell you not to sit in my chair?
00:03:42You know, the bathroom floor needs cleaning.
00:03:47Damn kid.
00:04:01Hey, baby, it's me.
00:04:02Oh, my God.
00:04:03I've been so worried.
00:04:04How did it go?
00:04:05Everything went fine.
00:04:06You know how they are.
00:04:07They like to kick and scream
00:04:08more than they actually like to fight.
00:04:09Nolan, this guy's not your normal suspect.
00:04:11You said what?
00:04:12He's already killed three witnesses?
00:04:13You don't need to worry about that.
00:04:14Of course I'm gonna worry about it.
00:04:15Well, we got a great case,
00:04:16and good news is we finally have him in custody.
00:04:18He landed four hours ago.
00:04:19Oh, great.
00:04:20We can't wait to see him.
00:04:24Look, honey, I'm so sorry.
00:04:25There's nothing I can do about this,
00:04:26but I have to fly to the States before I come home.
00:04:28You've been gone a month.
00:04:29I know.
00:04:30One more piece of evidence.
00:04:31Gotta get it tied up
00:04:32before Braniff exceeds the judgment.
00:04:33That's all.
00:04:34You told Chilly you'd be home already.
00:04:35And I thought I would be.
00:04:36Look, I'll call her after school, okay?
00:04:38Baby, 20 years.
00:04:39You've done your part.
00:04:40Someone else can take it from you.
00:04:41Emma, we've already spoken about this.
00:04:43That's just the things I've seen this man do.
00:04:45I know.
00:04:46I know.
00:04:47No, you don't, baby.
00:04:48No, you don't.
00:04:49You haven't seen the things I've seen.
00:04:50And I'm not about to let our daughter grow up
00:04:52in a world where men like this walk free.
00:04:54Certainly not why I can do something about it.
00:04:56Do what you gotta do.
00:04:57Do what you gotta do.
00:04:58We miss you is all.
00:04:59I miss you, too.
00:05:00I'll be home in a couple of days.
00:05:03No, please try not to worry, okay?
00:05:05Dangerous part's over now.
00:05:07I love you.
00:05:08You, too.
00:05:09You, too.
00:05:39I go to court in one week,
00:05:41and as we speak, there's an Asian intrude
00:05:43collecting evidence.
00:05:45Yes, get it done in a week,
00:05:47and I'll pay you double.
00:05:48And if you don't, you'll get nothing.
00:05:51Yes, completely dissolved.
00:05:53No body, no blood, no trace.
00:05:55Like they never existed.
00:05:57Okay, so, what do you say?
00:06:00White 50.
00:06:03Yeah, I like that.
00:06:04Okay, it's a lock.
00:06:05Hey, Jake.
00:06:07Check this out.
00:06:08Just became regulation.
00:06:09Where'd you get these?
00:06:11Wait a minute.
00:06:12Is this the charge
00:06:13that went on my credit card?
00:06:14I didn't think you'd mind.
00:06:15Come on, Jake.
00:06:16What are you thinking, man?
00:06:17Dad, they increased lethality, okay?
00:06:18So you don't have to go chasing
00:06:19a blood trail through the woods.
00:06:22Has it changed the flight?
00:06:23Website says no.
00:06:24Well, it doesn't matter, okay?
00:06:25You still should've come to me.
00:06:26He's a little irresponsible,
00:06:27don't you think?
00:06:28He asked me first.
00:06:29Oh, did he?
00:06:30I told him it was okay.
00:06:31My credit card's maxed out this month.
00:06:32Okay, fine.
00:06:33But you still should've come to me.
00:06:35Hey, it's a little excessive,
00:06:36don't you think, guys?
00:06:37What is he doing?
00:06:38I just wanted it to be
00:06:39a surprise for our trip, okay?
00:06:40Oh, it's a surprise, all right.
00:06:41Hey, let him do something
00:06:42nice for his father.
00:06:43He can work off the money later,
00:06:45Yes, I'll work it off.
00:06:46Frank, just relax.
00:06:47We're on vacation.
00:06:49This is the summer house.
00:06:50You live for the summer house,
00:06:53Just relax.
00:06:54Okay, okay, okay, okay.
00:06:55It's fine.
00:06:56We'll use it.
00:06:57It's no problem.
00:06:58We'll use it.
00:06:59But just talk to me next time.
00:07:00Just talk to me.
00:07:01I'm gonna get my guard.
00:07:03Because that's so easy, right?
00:07:07He loves you.
00:07:08You know that.
00:07:09I know.
00:07:10He's just been on high alert
00:07:11since you arrived.
00:07:13That's all he knows how to do.
00:07:14He can't help it.
00:07:16Thanks for covering for me.
00:07:18You really should have
00:07:19asked first.
00:07:20I know.
00:07:21Let me see that.
00:07:24It's pretty cool.
00:07:25Yeah, it's pretty badass, right?
00:07:37Hey, Danny.
00:07:38Watch this.
00:08:07It's okay.
00:08:08It's not bad.
00:08:09Try again.
00:08:10Compensate for the wind.
00:08:11Reference the trees.
00:08:12It helps a lot.
00:08:13Listen, I'm thinking
00:08:14your kill shot's still
00:08:15around 40 yards.
00:08:16But I want to know
00:08:17how you're gonna do
00:08:18with the still shot, okay?
00:08:19How about you do
00:08:20holding and waiting
00:08:21for the prey
00:08:22to show its perfect face, okay?
00:08:24Try it.
00:08:25Let's see it.
00:08:26I want you to hold.
00:08:27Okay, hold.
00:08:32Not bad at all.
00:08:33Not bad at all, Jake.
00:08:34Can you look at that?
00:08:48Still got a long way
00:08:49to catch the old man.
00:08:50Keep at it.
00:08:51You're looking good.
00:08:53Keep at it.
00:09:20Excuse me.
00:09:21You know where I can find...
00:11:01No, no, just the bags.
00:11:02What do you mean?
00:11:03This year we're going
00:11:04full survival.
00:11:05Gonna eat what we catch.
00:11:06Gonna cook it on a spit.
00:11:07Gonna hang the meat up
00:11:08overnight so the bears
00:11:09don't eat it.
00:11:10We're gonna boil
00:11:11the water we find.
00:11:12We're going old school, pal.
00:11:13Except sleep in a bag.
00:11:14That's right, Jake.
00:11:15Does get a little cold
00:11:16out there, doesn't it?
00:11:17Drop that.
00:11:22Get rid of that.
00:11:23Clock this up.
00:11:24We gotta pick up
00:11:25the ATVs on the way.
00:11:29Almost ready?
00:11:30We're good.
00:11:31Have so much fun.
00:11:32Be safe.
00:11:33Bring me something awesome.
00:11:34Take care of my baby.
00:11:35I love you.
00:11:41See you.
00:11:42See you.
00:11:44Have fun.
00:11:45I will.
00:11:46Be safe.
00:11:48Take care of each other.
00:11:49I'll take care of myself.
00:11:50Be good.
00:11:52Don't have too much fun
00:11:53here without us, though.
00:11:54Come on.
00:12:00Do you like it, buddy?
00:13:26He didn't even
00:13:27finish dumping the trash.
00:13:28He didn't lock up.
00:13:29He didn't call.
00:13:31It's like he vanished.
00:13:32Think Miranda
00:13:33has tracked him down?
00:13:35First kid has disappeared.
00:13:36That tracks.
00:13:37Interpol got a call
00:13:38from the adoption agency.
00:13:39They've uncovered a hack.
00:13:41A few days ago.
00:13:42Forensics tracked the activity.
00:13:43They only took one file.
00:13:44The John Doe
00:13:45and the Baranovich boys.
00:13:46Well, how do they
00:13:47even know where to look?
00:13:48No idea.
00:13:49But they're not
00:13:50linked to cybercrime.
00:13:51If it was them,
00:13:52Rasta knows everything now,
00:13:53including the names
00:13:54and location
00:13:55of both offspring.
00:13:56Got it.
00:13:57Look, we're done here.
00:13:58We haven't looked
00:13:59the kids in a week.
00:14:00Rasta is extremely selective.
00:14:01He's used the same
00:14:02worker for years.
00:14:03Thank you.
00:14:33Gonna help?
00:14:35Oh, I'm good.
00:14:38No, I'm good.
00:14:39Thank you.
00:14:40It's a really nice place.
00:14:41I know.
00:14:42I'll be back later.
00:14:44See you.
00:15:02I don't mind I got it
00:15:09I'm trying to find my way back to the highway. Just go back the way that you came. What kind of lager gets lost in the woods?
00:15:25Yes, I just got turned around
00:15:31Don't have to hurt you again this
00:17:18Think I'm this week for the annual hunting trip with my dad
00:17:20I'm gonna link the map down in the description so you guys can check it out and I got a new bow which I'm hoping
00:17:25To christen with a beautiful 12-point and it's not rifle season. So me my dad are gonna be the only ones out there
00:17:31It's gonna be pretty amazing
00:17:35Seems like we should have our horses instead. I didn't want to overwhelm you
00:17:38Wouldn't bother me. I don't horseback Indian style
00:17:42Yeah, well for the Spanish camp the natives did hunt on foot. So we already are then one of us is
00:17:47We didn't have no wheels on their bows
00:17:51Okay, man, listen up I don't think this path takes us all the way down to the valley floor
00:17:54So we'll take this one to events dump the quads and continue on foot down with you. Yep
00:17:58We locked. Yeah get the key. Yep
00:18:20June we are tenated to give a property and be advised federal friends are already on scene
00:18:27I'm always nice
00:18:29That woman
00:18:40The weekenders a couple of weeks during the summers mostly yeah, they're finding that people
00:18:46Chuck's gone, but Frank and his son plan a big hunting trip every year about this time. So
00:18:50What about the car that belongs to the wife?
00:18:53Yeah, maybe she's out with friends who knows well, maybe you can help us find them we thank you for your assistance
00:19:01Know well when the FBI tells you to do something, I guess you'd do it, huh?
00:19:05Hell, even if they are foreigners
00:19:07You think you might be able to help us get inside. Sure
00:19:11Well, I
00:19:13Don't know how y'all do it in her Majesty's domain over here on the side of the pond
00:19:16Ownerships nine-tenths of a lot. We cannot barge into the house without a duly executed warrant
00:19:19And you know that when lives are in danger, I believe that's reasonable grounds no matter where you are. No, sir
00:19:26Don't tell me what reason my death beats, huh? That's all I need to know. It's my county Jesus Christ
00:19:32Great you what? I just said I didn't
00:19:35Doctrine of claim view sheriff. We are within our rights. Hey asshole. My father's talking you listen. Take it easy boy. Oh
00:19:43Christ almighty don't say what?
00:20:25Don't know what the hell you doing, huh? I told you to stay with me great. This group is crazy by the time
00:20:44They're done here. That kid will be long dead pure forensics will be here in an hour 20 years
00:20:47I'll be damned if my office is gonna mess this up. Okay, good
00:20:49Look, you know these guys are gonna take a look around
00:21:47Jake ever had a Facebook page deleted today after he and his father left ago hunting
00:21:50Hey one more thing the kids of him affiliate. That doesn't make us any easier. No, sure
00:21:53Mr. Gray, I'm going to apologize to you.
00:21:56I didn't take your word.
00:21:58No, I'm not sure. We're on the same team anyway.
00:22:00Besides, I think this guy, he's been one step ahead of all of us anyway.
00:22:03Yeah, well, I decided to call the pro shop.
00:22:05Frank, he took out an archery permit.
00:22:07He didn't list where he was going.
00:22:10You think they're still alive?
00:22:12Truthfully, I don't know. I hope so.
00:22:23I've been waiting a long time to come back up here, Jake.
00:22:37I mean, this is awesome.
00:22:40Wow, I mean...
00:22:43Hey, it looks like a good spot for base camp, yeah?
00:22:54You betting there?
00:22:58We'll park it here. We got our fire. Good.
00:23:01I mean, this thing's going to come in so handy.
00:23:04Glad you picked that thing up, right?
00:23:06Now, remember how excited you were when we bought that.
00:23:10Get the box. And don't tell Mom.
00:23:13No one really seems to listen, though.
00:23:15Oh, God. Gorgeous, isn't it?
00:23:54Come on. What are you doing? You think you're in college already?
00:23:56Let's move.
00:23:58Here's the door. I'm going to be up all night.
00:24:00That was the plan.
00:24:03So, today, I'm going to lighten up a load. Just take one backpack.
00:24:06You good?
00:24:07Yeah, yeah.
00:24:11Oh, that's a nice one.
00:24:12I'm a better bag of buck. We'll be eating dandelions all day.
00:24:16I'm going to be up all night.
00:24:17I'm going to be up all night.
00:24:18I'm going to be up all night.
00:24:19I'm going to be up all night.
00:24:20I'm going to be up all night.
00:24:21I'm going to be up all night.
00:24:22I'm going to be up all day.
00:24:24Do me a favor?
00:24:25Put the ammo in yours.
00:24:29Allow me. I feel bad if I didn't shoulder the burden.
00:24:32And I feel bad if you didn't.
00:24:37You hear that?
00:24:41Sounds like another engine.
00:24:47It's not rifle season.
00:24:48A little too far out for someone to be taking a joyride.
00:24:52Let's orange up, just in case.
00:24:54All right.
00:25:16And it's not rifle season, so me and my dad are going to be the only ones out there.
00:25:20It's going to be pretty amazing.
00:25:22So, Sheriff, I'm assuming a helicopter won't be a problem for you, so can you get us up there?
00:25:25Oh, Christ, my only chopper's on loan fighting them damn fires in UConn.
00:25:28What are my options?
00:25:29I camped up there before.
00:25:30We're going to need ATVs, 4x4s, whatever.
00:25:32How long to get up there?
00:25:33Two hours.
00:25:34Oh, fuck.
00:25:35Well, I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but I just think...
00:25:36This isn't about raining on a fucking parade, kid. This is about saving lives, you hear me?
00:25:39Frank and Jay Kimber.
00:25:40If we don't find them by nightfall, I can guarantee you they'll be dead and buried.
00:25:43Who's this fellow that's hunting them, anyway?
00:25:45He's a monster.
00:25:48Son, you want to give us a minute?
00:25:56He can get you to the trailhead.
00:25:59Look, I know he's reminded of yours.
00:26:00Yeah, and that's exactly why he's not coming.
00:26:01He knows this valley as good as anyone.
00:26:02He can put you right down on top of him.
00:26:05Look, he is my son, and I think he needs this.
00:26:10If he stands in my way for one second, I'll leave him where he stands.
00:26:13I can respect that.
00:26:15All right, I'm going to stay here.
00:26:16I'm going to try and bust up some eyes on this guy, get some resources together.
00:26:18I'm going to see you on the valley.
00:26:19Thank you.
00:26:23You take care of my boy.
00:26:49All right.
00:27:19Come on.
00:27:50That's Rayn Kimber's truck.
00:27:52You know who this one belongs to?
00:27:54I don't know that one.
00:27:55You want to run a plate check on it?
00:27:57Yeah, it won't take a minute.
00:28:04Gray, take a look at this.
00:28:08What's that?
00:28:10It's a picture of Rayn Kimber.
00:28:12It's a picture of Rayn Kimber?
00:28:14Yeah, it's a picture of Rayn Kimber.
00:28:16It's a picture of Rayn Kimber?
00:28:18All right.
00:28:25Hey, look.
00:28:32That's three sets.
00:28:34We're going to search for a stolen ATV?
00:28:36We could do.
00:28:37It's just going to tell us who he killed to get it.
00:28:41There's nothing on the truck itself.
00:28:43But the registered owner's wife found a missing person two days ago.
00:28:45And apparently, they haven't found him yet.
00:28:47They're not going to.
00:28:49Deputy, you know this area pretty well, huh?
00:28:51There's a steep climb into the valley, and that's the only trail in.
00:28:54But we could hike around the ridge and flank them.
00:28:58That's a good idea.
00:29:00So what's the vision on the valley from up there?
00:29:02I brought my drone.
00:29:10I'm kind of a hobbyist, but I think I could probably go pro.
00:29:18Let's go.
00:29:25Looks like he trashed their ATVs.
00:29:27Good news means he's still here.
00:29:29Because he hasn't killed them yet.
00:29:30Why would they leave the quad so far from the valley floor?
00:29:31There's no trails down there, and it's just too rugged.
00:29:33Plus, the engines scare off the prey.
00:29:35So what's the flight time of this thing?
00:29:36About 20 minutes?
00:29:39I guess we'll find out.
00:29:48So which way do you want to hunt, Jake?
00:29:50I think I'm going to go that way.
00:29:51Okay, good.
00:29:54What do you mean, good?
00:29:56Obviously, you didn't see the deer tracks heading off in that direction.
00:29:59But hey, if you want to go down that way, be my guest.
00:30:01We can mine stones you're dead.
00:30:04I'm going to go this way.
00:30:21What was that?
00:30:24Jesus, Jake.
00:30:25Step on it, you son of a bitch!
00:30:29Stop shooting!
00:30:30There are people down here!
00:30:34God damn you!
00:30:36Down here, for Christ's sake!
00:30:39I'm going to go this way.
00:30:40You go that way.
00:30:41I'm going to go this way.
00:30:42I'm going to go this way.
00:30:43I'm going to go this way.
00:30:44I'm going to go this way.
00:30:45I'm going to go this way.
00:30:47I'm going to go this way.
00:30:51When somebody makes a mistake like that, they're supposed to identify themselves
00:30:53and come down to make sure that nobody's injured.
00:30:54It doesn't make any sense.
00:30:55Are you okay?
00:30:57Have you been hit?
00:30:58No, no, no.
00:30:59Are you sure?
00:31:00Yeah, just scare me.
00:31:05What the?
00:31:07Something's wrong.
00:31:12Someone is definitely shooting at us.
00:31:13So, it's those.
00:31:14Hold on to them.
00:31:15We might need them later on.
00:31:17Seems to me this guy is at least 600 yards away.
00:31:18The gun!
00:31:19Jake, come back here!
00:31:20Jesus Christ!
00:31:21What are you doing?
00:31:22I'm fine.
00:31:23I'm fine.
00:31:24We need the gun.
00:31:25Take the gun.
00:31:33Oh, Jesus.
00:31:34Oh, God.
00:31:37Okay, I need him.
00:31:38We got to be back to base camp within 24 hours.
00:31:39Am I right?
00:31:41Right now, we got to make it to the water.
00:31:42We got to leave this back to camp.
00:31:43Stay low.
00:31:44Hug the rocks.
00:31:45Let's move.
00:32:04What's your step here?
00:32:17It's 35.
00:32:19He could be chasing us, we should either go through the water or find a place somewhere
00:32:32down here to hide and wait for him.
00:32:33I don't know, taking the other one sounds like a good idea to me.
00:32:37We're too exposed in the water.
00:32:38We'd have to draw in real close to be of any effect.
00:32:39Jesus, what is that?
00:32:40Can you hear that?
00:32:42Yeah, it sounds like...
00:32:43It's a drone.
00:32:44Jesus, I think it's his.
00:32:45I mean, it seems like we would have heard it before.
00:32:46Then could it be someone else?
00:32:47Is it a search party?
00:32:48Why would anyone be searching?
00:32:49I don't know.
00:32:50I don't know.
00:32:51I don't know.
00:32:52I don't know.
00:32:53I don't know.
00:32:54I don't know.
00:32:55I don't know.
00:32:56I don't know.
00:32:57I don't know.
00:32:58I don't know.
00:32:59I don't know.
00:33:00I don't know.
00:33:01I don't know.
00:33:02We should be searching.
00:33:03All right?
00:33:04Well, it's either him or it's someone else.
00:33:05But if it's someone else, we're going to miss our chance of being seen.
00:33:07Okay, let's just stay behind the rocks for now.
00:33:15There you go.
00:33:17Come on.
00:33:18You see that?
00:33:19You see that?
00:33:21Right there, you see him?
00:33:22Come on.
00:33:32Jesus, he's just shot it down.
00:33:37Well, that proves it's not his.
00:33:38Oh, fuck.
00:33:39You hit it?
00:33:40I don't think so.
00:33:41Oh, fuck.
00:33:43You gotta go.
00:33:45Stay low.
00:33:46Stay low.
00:33:47Get out.
00:33:48Get out.
00:34:08There's somebody flying that thing, right?
00:34:09Where's the closest ridge line, Jake?
00:34:10Uh, closest ridge line is that way.
00:34:11Can you make it?
00:34:13You're good?
00:34:15Be careful.
00:34:16Let's go.
00:34:17Come on.
00:34:18Oh, shit.
00:34:19Oh, fuck.
00:34:20Okay, we still have the radio in the truck, right?
00:34:21Okay, get back there.
00:34:22Tell your father we need backup right now.
00:34:23If I can't make it back to the truck, I'm going to die.
00:34:24I'm going to die.
00:34:25I'm going to die.
00:34:26I'm going to die.
00:34:27I'm going to die.
00:34:28I'm going to die.
00:34:29I'm going to die.
00:34:30Jake, you're going to make it back to truck.
00:34:32You're out here alone.
00:34:34You know what we're up against, right?
00:34:38Okay, we got to get to the cameras.
00:34:40Stay with me.
00:35:00Frank Kimber, we're not here to hurt you.
00:35:07You step out and show me your hands.
00:35:10We're not the ones shooting at you.
00:35:12But he's not far behind us.
00:35:15Who the hell are you?
00:35:18We're stepping out.
00:35:20Don't shoot.
00:35:23Keep your hands up, deputy.
00:35:32Who's that?
00:35:34Easy, easy.
00:35:37It's okay.
00:35:38Okay, who are you and what's going on?
00:35:41Now, you know the deputy here, huh?
00:35:43My name's Nolan Gray from British Intelligence.
00:35:45I'm here to protect you both.
00:35:47We've already lost one of our team.
00:35:49Agent Butler from the FBI.
00:35:50There's information, sir, you don't know about your son here.
00:35:52You are both in grave danger, more than you could possibly imagine.
00:35:57I need to know what's going on.
00:35:59I'm happy to tell you. On the move.
00:36:00We need to leave right now.
00:36:06Do we have a choice?
00:36:14Deputy, lead the way.
00:36:15It's a climb.
00:36:16It's no way out.
00:36:25During the civil wars of Yugoslavia, there were warlords who operated their own private armies.
00:36:29One of these men operated on a particularly brutal scale.
00:36:31He was called the Tiger.
00:36:33Many of that war's worst massacres were carried out by his men.
00:36:36He would cleanse entire villages of anyone he would consider inferior.
00:36:40Croats, Bosniaks, Jews, Kosovars killed the men in use.
00:36:43As his personal toys, slaves, to abuse as he pleased.
00:36:55There's no telling how many women and girls he assaulted.
00:36:58He kept them until he was bored with them.
00:37:01Until they became pregnant.
00:38:05Paperwork said Jake's mother and father were killed in the war.
00:38:07That's because some agencies decided to not let truth get in the way of protecting the child.
00:38:11Especially when they were working on it.
00:38:12Wait, wait, wait.
00:38:13Are you saying...
00:38:14Are you saying that I was conceived in a rape?
00:38:21Your biological father, Jake, is a man named Bresto Baranovic.
00:38:24He was indicted for war crimes, including what he did to your mother.
00:38:27We've been hunting him for 20 years.
00:38:28But last week we got him.
00:38:30He's in custody awaiting trial in The Hague.
00:38:31And that's where we're being shot at.
00:38:32Baranovic disappeared, along with his private army.
00:38:34He's become a very powerful figure in organised crime.
00:38:36Exporting drugs into Eastern Europe.
00:38:37Always buys from a cartel in Mexico.
00:38:40If we lose their Baranovic, they lose a huge foothold in the market.
00:38:45The man hunting you, he's a professional killer.
00:38:47He'll kill every one of us to get to you.
00:38:49But how does killing these two protect Baranovic?
00:38:51Because Jake here is the evidence that will put him away.
00:38:54Jake, your biological mother's still alive.
00:38:56She's coming to testify.
00:38:58And now with your DNA and her story, we put Baranovic, your father, away from...
00:39:00Don't call him my father!
00:39:04He's not my father.
00:39:07Who caught this guy?
00:39:09What about my mother? My biological mother?
00:39:14When I found her, she was in Sarajevo.
00:39:16She's taken a great risk testifying.
00:39:18She's a brave woman, Jake.
00:39:21Okay, look, this doesn't make any sense.
00:39:23There's got to be more evidence than just Jake.
00:39:25No, we have a lot of evidence, Frank.
00:39:26Most of it's circumstantial.
00:39:27We did find another offspring.
00:39:29Half-brother, to you.
00:39:31But four days ago, he disappeared.
00:39:33And we haven't found a trace of him.
00:39:39How did this guy find us all the way out here?
00:39:42Did he go to my house?
00:39:46Is my wife okay?
00:39:54Oh, God, no.
00:39:55We haven't found a body yet.
00:39:57She could still be alive.
00:39:59No, no, she could.
00:40:00She could, yes.
00:40:01The way the man does things, we don't find bodies, Jake.
00:40:03He makes people disappear, that's what he does.
00:40:05I'm sorry.
00:40:06I'm sorry.
00:40:08I'm sorry, Frank.
00:40:11They killed my mom because of me?
00:40:14Did they kill my mom because of me?
00:40:16No, Jesus, no.
00:40:20Based upon the shot that killed my partner,
00:40:21he's a mile, maybe less, behind us.
00:40:23I'm sorry, Frank, we have to keep moving.
00:40:27I'm sorry.
00:40:35Dad, I'm so sorry.
00:40:39Frank, we gotta keep moving.
00:40:40We have to be.
00:40:43Get us out of here, Deputy.
00:41:09They should have been back by now.
00:41:10Any word?
00:41:11Not since this morning.
00:41:13All right, let's keep me posted, huh?
00:41:19So you work for the International Criminal Court?
00:41:23Right now, kind of a line for British intelligence.
00:41:26I was airborne ten years.
00:41:27It was a boring time for an American warrior.
00:41:29No Afghanistan.
00:41:30No Iraq.
00:41:31No Iraq.
00:41:32No Iraq.
00:41:33No Iraq.
00:41:34No Iraq.
00:41:35It was a boring time for an American warrior.
00:41:37No Afghanistan.
00:41:38No Iraq.
00:41:39The best we got was Panama and Grenada.
00:41:43Well, you know how that works.
00:41:44Duck in the drawer, right?
00:41:47You came home.
00:41:48I'm a lucky guy.
00:41:50Look, I really appreciate you trying to save my boy.
00:41:52I'm curious.
00:41:53Why do it?
00:41:54Why risk your life for another country?
00:41:56I mean, I thank God every day for Jake,
00:41:57but I'm curious.
00:41:58What you do?
00:42:01You think it'll really make a difference?
00:42:03I hope so.
00:42:05What I do know, Frank, is apathy changes nothing.
00:42:07The way I see things, a parent losing a child
00:42:09is the same pain no matter where you're from.
00:42:11I'm tired of borders deciding who we help and who we don't.
00:42:14But there'll always be plenty who get away.
00:42:16And there'll always be those to replace them.
00:42:19You're right.
00:42:20Human nature.
00:42:21Maybe the threat of life in prison stopped for a minute.
00:42:24Then we're saving lives.
00:42:25Come on.
00:42:36You okay there, Frank?
00:42:37I may need a minute.
00:42:38Okay, good.
00:42:39Let's catch our breath.
00:42:47Are you sure it's just one guy tracking us?
00:42:50But I think if there was more,
00:42:51they'd be triangulating us by now.
00:42:52Well, if it's just one guy,
00:42:53why don't we triangulate him?
00:42:56Jake, I don't think you understand the situation you're in.
00:42:58This man's been killing people since he was a teenager.
00:43:00If we want any chance of staying alive in this thing,
00:43:02we stay one step ahead of him now.
00:43:03We need to check in between search and rescue is behind us.
00:43:05If we get that blood sample,
00:43:06we get the DNA here officially on record.
00:43:07Killing Jake serves no purpose for them then.
00:43:11Look, we stay out of his way,
00:43:12and we wait for backup.
00:43:13But it could take at least another day to get more men out here.
00:43:15We don't have another day.
00:43:16Jake needs to take his medicine.
00:43:17I'm fine as long as they don't bleed.
00:43:18And what if you do bleed?
00:43:19What if you get shot?
00:43:20What if you fall and bruise?
00:43:21So it's better we go back to the base camp.
00:43:22Frank, listen.
00:43:23I swear, your ATV's are trashed and everything you had.
00:43:24We head that way,
00:43:25we head in straight for him.
00:43:26There's a little town called Hytis.
00:43:27It's about 12 miles from here.
00:43:28It's really just a bar and a gas station,
00:43:29but it's the closest place to find people.
00:43:30Good. Let's do that.
00:43:31No, no, no, no!
00:43:33You're a fucking priest.
00:43:34I am trying to keep you alive.
00:43:35Do you hear me?
00:43:38I know this man.
00:43:39He's a very dangerous human being.
00:43:41We keep moving.
00:43:42I agree with Gray.
00:43:43You're a fucking coward, Jake.
00:43:45Jake, that is enough.
00:43:46Hey, we're moving.
00:43:47Get up, get up, get up.
00:43:50Get a handle on your boy.
00:43:55Stay calm.
00:43:56We'll go through with this, okay?
00:44:00Is there any way we can get that chopper back here by dawn?
00:44:02Oh, hell no, son.
00:44:03Christ, look, I got three men unaccounted for.
00:44:05I need to be in the air at first light.
00:44:08June, can you come in here?
00:44:11Yes, Sheriff?
00:44:12I need you to call Bill Miller.
00:44:13Bill Miller?
00:44:14Yes, Bill Miller.
00:44:15I know he's an ass,
00:44:16but his brother, he's got that crop duster, yeah?
00:44:18All right.
00:44:19Ask him to have that thing here first thing in the morning.
00:44:20All right, I'll call him.
00:44:37You doing okay?
00:44:43I'm sorry.
00:44:44For the way I acted earlier?
00:44:45Jake, you have nothing to be sorry for.
00:44:49A lot of things have changed for you today.
00:44:53You've been braver than most.
00:44:57I, uh...
00:44:59I just feel like my whole life's a lie.
00:45:05I can't believe my mom's dead.
00:45:07I'm sorry.
00:45:09You shouldn't have to go through this.
00:45:15You know I see how much your dad loves you.
00:45:17He wants you to be strong.
00:45:20You have to be strong for each other, you know that?
00:45:27I'm gonna keep an eye open tonight, Jake.
00:45:29Try and get some rest if you can.
00:45:32Hang in there.
00:45:34Hang in there.
00:45:57I love you.
00:46:28Come on.
00:46:42Weird motorcycles.
00:46:43That could be the search party.
00:46:44Not a chance.
00:46:45They'll be coming in by air or on by foot.
00:46:46He's right, son.
00:46:47Look, I've found the perfect spot.
00:46:48High ground over here.
00:46:49Perfect for cover.
00:46:50No matter what, they don't know where you are.
00:46:51Do not compromise your position.
00:46:52He's right.
00:46:53Stay put.
00:46:54Stay low.
00:46:55If you don't come back, we'll keep moving.
00:46:56You got this?
00:46:58Let's go.
00:47:05They're headed your way.
00:47:06Spread out and wait.
00:47:22He's coming back, right?
00:47:24He knows what he's doing.
00:47:26Let's go.
00:47:56Let's go.
00:48:18I should have killed you and Budapest when I had the chance.
00:48:20I didn't remember you having a chance.
00:48:26Come on.
00:48:57This didn't need to happen.
00:49:00Now you start listening to me.
00:49:05We need to move.
00:49:07Come on.
00:49:08Let's go.
00:49:09Come on.
00:49:11We need to move.
00:49:13Come on.
00:49:14Let's go.
00:49:17He's with me.
00:49:41You see anyone?
00:49:43We're clear.
00:49:46Hey, hey.
00:49:47How bad is it?
00:49:50I don't know.
00:49:51Maybe it's a disc.
00:49:52I just need rest.
00:49:54I'm just going to slow you guys down.
00:49:58Then we stay here and finish this.
00:49:59And wait for search and rescue.
00:50:00They've got to be close.
00:50:03Are you sure?
00:50:04You can't make it?
00:50:07Jake, we can't make assumptions.
00:50:08We don't know how to do this.
00:50:09Jake, we can't make assumptions.
00:50:10We don't know how many people are out there.
00:50:11I've got to get used to tightness.
00:50:14Fuck that.
00:50:16You're already on borrowed time.
00:50:17Come on.
00:50:18We've been through this.
00:50:19All it takes is a bruise.
00:50:20I can unshind.
00:50:21No way, Dad.
00:50:22I cannot lose you two.
00:50:23Listen to me.
00:50:25Just listen to me.
00:50:26I can make it out of here.
00:50:27I can survive.
00:50:28Come on.
00:50:29You're with me.
00:50:30Just bring your food.
00:50:31I'll be fine.
00:50:32I'll be fine.
00:50:34I'll be fine.
00:50:35The only hope is for you guys to get out and come back with hope.
00:50:36There's no other choice.
00:50:40I couldn't live with you.
00:50:41No, I know you won't.
00:50:46Come on.
00:50:47Get out of here.
00:50:48I'll cover you.
00:50:57Come here, Frank.
00:50:59Come here.
00:51:09Come here.
00:51:37Where's the boy?
00:51:40I don't know.
00:51:44I have no clue.
00:51:47Where's the boy?
00:51:50What do you want me to say?
00:51:52That you took a left?
00:51:53That you have a green?
00:51:59Even if I didn't, I wouldn't tell you, so.
00:52:01Come on.
00:52:03Go ahead.
00:52:10Did you kill my wife?
00:52:15Did you?
00:52:17Did you?
00:52:40Oh, is Sarah here?
00:52:43She's incapacitated.
00:52:45Oh, nothing serious, I hope.
00:52:46No, no.
00:52:48She's just not available.
00:52:50I'm the gardener.
00:52:51Oh, well.
00:52:52Could you see that she gets these?
00:52:53We just wanted to welcome her back.
00:52:54They're really nice people.
00:52:55Very nice.
00:52:56Real neighborly.
00:52:59I'll let her know you came by.
00:53:00If you want to sneak a couple of those, I won't tell anybody.
00:53:10And now my son?
00:53:13Your son?
00:53:15He's not your son.
00:53:16He's not your blood.
00:53:18Why do you care?
00:53:22Why do I?
00:53:29I spent 18 years of my life raising him.
00:53:33And now he's gone.
00:53:35He's gone.
00:53:36I spent 18 years of my life raising him.
00:53:40Watching him grow.
00:53:42Teaching him.
00:53:44Right from wrong.
00:53:49It's obvious to me
00:53:50that you don't let a father do the same thing for you.
00:54:06I'm sorry.
00:54:25Yeah, I know.
00:54:27Look, Jay, going back there right now
00:54:28goes against everything we should be doing.
00:54:35Come on.
00:54:55It's an ambush.
00:54:56He doesn't know we're here.
00:54:57Oh, Jesus.
00:55:00Look, you're gonna have to go ahead without me.
00:55:01No, no, I can help you.
00:55:03Look, I made a promise to your dad.
00:55:06You go this way,
00:55:07and my mom will take you to find a place to hide.
00:55:08You wait for me.
00:55:09You don't see me in one hour,
00:55:10get to that tower without me.
00:55:13Go, Jay, go.
00:55:33Come on.
00:55:37No, don't, don't, don't.
00:56:08Can you hear me?
00:56:11Come on up.
00:56:33Turn around.
00:56:38It's just me.
00:56:45You know, I always wondered
00:56:46how things would end up between us.
00:56:51Seems you have the advantage.
00:56:57Stay where you are.
00:56:58I have enough reasons to kill you.
00:57:04Always by the book.
00:57:06And now you're gonna arrest me?
00:57:09Probably should.
00:57:11Right, go look for that, uh,
00:57:12little daughter of yours.
00:57:14That pretty wife.
00:57:16If you don't...
00:57:22Trying to push my bounds, eh?
00:57:27We can settle it here.
00:57:28Just the two of us.
00:57:30If you want.
00:57:31I know.
00:57:38I'm gonna walk you in.
00:57:40You're going to stay in trial, Zee.
00:57:49In that case...
00:57:54I'm sorry.
00:57:55I'm sorry.
00:58:23Let me go.
00:58:24I deliver.
00:58:25I deliver.
00:58:47She's just learning.
00:58:50Mind you.
00:58:55I hope she knows how...
00:58:56how proud I am of her.
00:59:03She will.
00:59:24She will.
00:59:40Is it done?
00:59:44Yes, sir.
01:00:21You got your drink?
01:00:25Jesus Christ.
01:00:28Are you okay?
01:00:29Are you shot?
01:00:30It's just a graze. I'm okay.
01:00:31The rest helped, but I'm still in a little pain.
01:00:32Jesus, Jay.
01:00:33You're cut.
01:00:34No, I'm fine, I'm fine.
01:00:35Okay, I have time.
01:00:36Can you walk?
01:00:37Whisper it.
01:00:40Let's go.
01:00:41Come on.
01:00:42Come on, come on.
01:00:43It's okay.
01:00:44Come here.
01:00:48Come on, come on, come on.
01:00:49Come on, come on, come on.
01:00:54Come on, come on, you're fine, you're all right.
01:00:55I'm fine.
01:00:58I'm fine.
01:01:24We've got you, we've got you, we've got you.
01:01:41We've got you.
01:01:54We've got you.
01:02:01Jake, relax.
01:02:02You look good.
01:02:04Do my shoes match my belt?
01:02:05That's the thing, right?
01:02:06Shoes and belt?
01:02:07Jake, listen.
01:02:08It's your mother, your biological mother.
01:02:10She brought you into this world.
01:02:11And I promise you, she's going to love you.
01:02:17You know, I wanted to mention if you want to meet the man
01:02:18that my biological father.
01:02:22No, no, there's no need.
01:02:23I don't know him anything.
01:02:25Your family's what you're making, right?
01:02:28Is that her?
01:02:29It is.
01:02:32It's that time, Jake.
01:02:35You gotta go see her.
01:02:38Thank you.
01:02:40Go on, get out of here.
01:03:02Change of plans.
01:03:06I'm coming home.
01:03:08♪ Well, that's the most I'm gonna sleep tonight
01:03:13♪ I'll pay you more to cry in my eyes
01:03:16♪ Oh, twice
01:03:18♪ Guess I'll watch the sunrise
01:03:20♪ Say goodbye to it all
01:03:21♪ We're gonna be alright
01:03:23♪ We're gonna be alright
01:03:27♪ Are you sleepless on this evening too
01:03:32♪ I wanna call you up to check on you
01:03:37♪ Six hours ago
01:03:39♪ Six hours ago we were one
01:03:42♪ And now we're not
01:03:43♪ Gonna be alright
01:03:45♪ We're gonna be alright
01:03:47♪ Maybe not in each other's lives
01:03:51♪ We're gonna be alright
01:04:10♪ You're gonna be alright
01:04:12♪ I'm gonna be alright
01:04:14♪ Maybe not in each other's lives
01:04:18♪ It's gonna be alright
