00:00Haunted Cloak Tower!
00:05So we thread the wire through the bottom, like this,
00:08and pull it through the top,
00:10squeeze will give it a twist,
00:12and we're done.
00:20Oh, why are you wearing the lampshade?
00:23Well, it looked like a hat, so I tried it on.
00:27And now it's stuck.
00:30Mm-hmm. Figures.
00:33Come here, bud. I'll help you take it off.
00:38Wow. It's on really tight.
00:48There. That wasn't so hard.
00:57Oh, I got it, Matty!
01:01Hola, Handyman's Repair Shop. You'll break it?
01:03We fix it!
01:05This is Manny.
01:06Hola, Manny. It's Mayor Rosa.
01:09Oh, Mayor Rosa, como estas?
01:11Bien, bien. I'm fine, Manny,
01:13but I was wondering if you and your herramientas could meet me at the Cloak Tower.
01:17I have... a bit of a problem.
01:20Oh, sure, Mayor Rosa. What do you need us to fix?
01:24Well, Manny, I'm not sure.
01:26This might sound a little strange,
01:28but I keep hearing unusual noises coming from the Cloak Tower.
01:33I'm beginning to wonder if it's haunting.
01:39Well, I've never dealt with ghosts before,
01:42but I would be happy to take a look around.
01:45Gracias, Manny. I'll meet you there.
01:48Okay, tools, it looks like Mayor Rosa needs our help.
01:51We'll just make a quick stop at Kelly's so we can drop off the lamp,
01:54and then we'll meet Mayor Rosa.
01:56Do you really think that the Cloak Tower is haunted?
02:00Ah, no. There's no such thing as ghosts.
02:08Made you jump.
02:09Ha, ha. Very funny.
02:13What do you think, Manny? Is the Cloak Tower haunted?
02:17No, Squeeze. I think there must be a logical reason
02:20for the strange noises Mayor Rosa has been hearing.
02:23Yes, of course there's a logical reason.
02:27What's logical?
02:29Logical is when something makes sense.
02:32That means there's probably a good reason for the strange noises.
02:36Something we can see and fix.
02:38And we're just the team to do it. Right, Manny?
02:42Si, Dusty. So, let's get to it.
02:46Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho...
02:54Hop, hop, jump in.
02:56Come on, let's go.
02:58Hop, hop, jump in.
03:00Si, vámonos.
03:02Hop, hop, jump in.
03:04Don't move too slow. Keep up.
03:06Let's get to work.
03:08Mi rápido.
03:21Hi, Mr. Lopart.
03:23Oh, hi, Manny.
03:25Do you need a hand?
03:26No, no, I'm fine.
03:28Just having a little trouble with my automatic bike pump.
03:32Are you sure you don't want me to take a look at it for you?
03:35No, thanks, Manny.
03:37A little dust in the motor, something.
03:40Okay, Mr. Lopart, we'll see you later then. Have a good afternoon.
03:43Yeah, you too, Manny.
03:54There, that ought to work.
03:56We've got to keep the bike in good condition, don't we, Fluffy?
04:07That doesn't look good.
04:21Hi, Manny. Hi, Tools.
04:23I see you finished my lamp.
04:25Si, it's rewired and it works like a charm.
04:28A charm? I thought it worked like a lamp.
04:31No, it's just an expression pad.
04:34It means it works well.
04:37Thanks, Manny. I'm glad you could fix it.
04:41So what are you guys doing today?
04:43We're meeting Mayor Rosa at the clock tower.
04:46Yeah, she's been hearing some strange noises.
04:51She thinks the clock tower is haunted.
04:54Haunted? Oh, I wouldn't worry about that.
04:57I'm sure there's a logical explanation for the noises.
05:01That's what Manny said.
05:03It sounds like Mayor Rosa needs you to go over there and shed some light on the situation.
05:08Okay, but we might need to borrow your lamp again.
05:12No, Pat. What Kelly means by shed some light is Mayor Rosa wants us to figure out what the noise is.
05:21Well, we had better be going. Mayor Rosa will be waiting.
05:24Thanks again for fixing my lamp.
05:26You're welcome.
05:27See you later, Kelly.
05:29Adios, Manny. Bye, Tools.
05:34Hola, Manny. Hola, herramientas.
05:37Hello, Mayor Rosa.
05:39I am so glad to see you.
05:41Although I have to admit I'm a little embarrassed to bother you with such a strange problem.
05:47So maybe we should leave then?
05:49Don't be silly, Rusty. This is no bother at all, Mayor Rosa.
05:53We're always happy to help.
05:55Yeah. So what do these strange noises sound like, Mayor Rosa?
06:00Do they sound like that?
06:03No, that's the clock chiming.
06:07The sounds I've been hearing are more like howling, or a moaning sound, or...
06:13Well, you should really hear them yourselves.
06:16That's a good idea, Mayor Rosa. Should we go inside and listen?
06:20Por favor. Please.
06:30Um, I don't hear anything.
06:33Me neither.
06:36Wait, what's that?
06:38That's just Rusty.
06:43There it is. That's the noise.
06:48Wow, that does sound like a ghost.
06:52And it sounds like it's coming from upstairs.
06:56What are we waiting for?
06:58Come on!
07:04Now that sounds like un fantasma!
07:07It does sound like a ghost, but I'm sure the clock tower isn't haunted.
07:11There must be a...
07:12Logical explanation!
07:14We know, we know!
07:17That's right. And we're going to find it. Come on.
07:32Where'd the noise go? All I hear is the clock ticking.
07:37Yeah, it's pretty quiet up here.
07:40Too quiet.
07:42So when did you first notice the noises, Mayor Rosa?
07:46I guess it has been a couple of weeks, ever since the big storm.
07:50Remember? The one that knocked down all those trees.
07:54Hmm, very interesting.
07:57Okay, Tools, let's have a look around for anything unusual.
08:01Yeah, maybe we'll find a clue.
08:08Nope, nothing in here.
08:16Excuse me.
08:24I don't see anything unusual. Do you?
08:29Hey, where's Pat? He's gone.
08:32I thought it was suddenly quiet in here.
08:35Maybe he found the ghost.
08:38Or maybe el fantasma found him.
08:42I told you, there is no ghost.
08:48It's him! It's the ghost!
08:52That's no ghost, that's Pat! Look!
08:56Um, can you help me?
09:08It sounds like it's coming from that wall over there.
09:12Be careful, Manny!
09:16Hmm. I think I know what's making that noise.
09:20What is it, Manny?
09:25A broken window!
09:28Si, the wind is blowing through la ventana, the window, making the strange noises.
09:34Oh, so this is our ghost.
09:38Ah-ha! I knew it! I told you there is no ghost!
09:43I knew it! I told you there is no such thing as a...
09:49Will you please stop doing that?
09:55I think something must have hit that window during the storm.
09:58Yes, that makes sense.
10:01And it's logical, too.
10:04You know, I think I might have the right size piece of glass in my truck.
10:08We could replace it for you.
10:10Yes, Manny. Eso serÃa fantástico. That would be fantastic.
10:16I'll just run out to the truck and get the supplies.
10:19And I'm coming with you, Manny.
10:21We figured out what was making the noise, Rusty.
10:24I'm not taking any chances.
10:34I think we have everything we need.
10:36A window pane, some wood frames, nails, screws, and most importantly, a thick pair of gloves.
10:43We're all set.
10:45Si, now that the old window is safely out of the way, we can put the new one in.
10:50Come on, we got a job to do.
10:54Let's get going and fix it right.
10:57Twist and turn.
10:58Make it tight.
10:59Trabajamos juntos.
11:02We work together now.
11:04Cut it, measure and tap it flat.
11:07Bend and twist.
11:08Just like that.
11:10Each of us has a special job.
11:12We work together.
11:14Todos juntos.
11:15We can fix it right.
11:19There, just like new.
11:21Si, and this window doesn't howl like un fantasma.
11:27Mil gracias, Manny.
11:29Heramientas muy bien.
11:31This is wonderful.
11:33It's quite a relief knowing everything is fine at the clock tower.
11:37De nada.
11:38It is our pleasure, Mayor Rosa.
11:41Sure is.
11:44I'm glad the clock tower wasn't really haunted.
11:48Me too.
11:49Me too.
11:51Mayor Rosa seemed pretty happy.
11:53By the way, I thought you were all very brave today.
11:58What was there to worry about?
12:00I knew there was no ghost living in the...
12:09You did, amigo.
12:20Oscar's House of 18 Smoothies
12:29What's it gonna be, Manny?
12:31Can I help?
12:32Can I?
12:33No, thanks, Grease.
12:34I just need Felipe, and I'm almost done.
12:37And there.
12:38That should do it.
12:40What is it, Manny?
12:41It's a xylophone.
12:44Who you gonna call on it, Manny?
12:46No, it's not that kind of phone, Pat.
12:49A xylophone is a musical instrument.
12:51Let me show you.
12:57Muy bueno.
12:58Very good, Manny.
13:00I wanna try.
13:01I wanna try.
13:02I wanna try.
13:03Okay, I have an idea.
13:05When I point to you, you tap that key.
13:07Turner, when I point to you, you tap that one.
13:10Yeah, got it, Manny.
13:12Felipe, that's your key.
13:14Si, Manny.
13:15Si, Manny.
13:16And Rusty, you tap that one.
13:18Okay, ready?
13:21I wanna play, Manny.
13:23Can I play?
13:24Okay, Pat.
13:25When I point to you, you tap that key.
13:31Okay, Pat.
13:39Sorry, Manny.
13:41That's okay, Pat.
13:42I know you didn't mean to.
13:45Hola, Honey Minis Repair Shop.
13:47You break it...
13:48We fix it!
13:50This is Manny.
13:52This is Oscar.
13:53Oscar, how's your smoothie shop coming along?
13:56Actually, today's the grand opening, but...
13:59I have a problem.
14:01I dropped a blender, and it cracked my counter.
14:04Now I have nowhere to place the smoothies down,
14:06and the store's gonna open in a few hours.
14:09Do you think you can fix it?
14:10No problema, Oscar.
14:11We'll be right over.
14:13Come on, twos.
14:15We got a job to do.
14:16Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
14:24Hop, hop, jump in.
14:26Come on, let's go.
14:28Hop, hop, jump in.
14:30SÃ, vámonos.
14:32Hop, hop, jump in.
14:34Don't move too slow.
14:35Keep up.
14:36Let's get to work.
14:38Muy rápido.
14:44Hola, Mr. Loeffer.
14:46Ooh, is that a new chair?
14:48Ah, yes it is, Manny.
14:50I thought I'd get a nice new leather chair
14:53for when I work behind my desk.
14:57See how big and roomy it is?
14:59And it's very comfortable.
15:03SÃ, looks muy cómoda.
15:05Very comfortable.
15:06But it is big.
15:08Do you need help carrying it into your store?
15:10No, thanks, Manny.
15:12I don't need any help.
15:14This baby's on wheels.
15:16Doesn't need to be lifted.
15:22Everything's under control.
15:25I'm okay.
15:36Hey, welcome, Manny.
15:37Welcome, tools, to my house of 18 smoothies.
15:41And thank you for coming to help so quickly.
15:44De nada, Oscar.
15:45You're welcome.
15:46Let me show you where the counter cracked.
15:48SÃ, it's right where I put the smoothies down
15:51when I give them to the customers.
15:54Don't worry, Oscar.
15:55This should be an easy fix.
15:56We'll just need some wood, a couple of hinges,
15:59and some new screws from Kelly's.
16:01Oh, good, Manny.
16:02But before you go,
16:03let me show you the very first smoothie I made today.
16:07Ooh, that looks yummy.
16:09What flavor is it?
16:12Oh, I love banana milkshakes.
16:15No, a smoothie is not a milkshake.
16:19It looks like a milkshake.
16:20It even tastes like one.
16:22But it is much healthier.
16:24What's in it?
16:25I'll show you.
16:26A smoothie is made with fresh fruit,
16:30a little juice,
16:32some honey,
16:33and the part that makes it thick,
16:35crushed ice.
16:38And then I mix it all together.
16:52Mmm, delicioso y saludable.
16:54It is delicious and healthy.
16:56And I don't just have banana smoothies.
16:59I have 18 different fruit smoothies.
17:02Um, excuse me, Oscar,
17:05but I think you made a mistake.
17:07You actually only have 17 flavors of smoothies.
17:12I'll show you.
17:151, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
17:22Stretch is right.
17:24I only came up with 17 flavors,
17:27and my house of 18 smoothies is about to open.
17:30What will I do?
17:31Well, that's easy.
17:33Just change the name to Oscar's House of 17 Smoothies.
17:37Good thinking, Turner.
17:39But that's not so easy.
17:40I have to change the big sign outside my store.
17:44And look, I made up all these T-shirts
17:47that say my shop has 18 flavors of smoothies.
17:51Es fácil. That's easy, Oscar.
17:53All you have to do is think up another licuado delicioso,
17:56another delicious smoothie.
17:58But I thought of all the smoothie flavors
18:00I could possibly think of.
18:02What am I going to do now?
18:04Maybe we could help you come up with another smoothie flavor.
18:08Si, we could come up with something delicioso.
18:11Oh, that would be great.
18:14I have an idea.
18:15I'll go to Kellis to pick up the supplies we'll need to fix the counter.
18:18While I'm gone, you guys can help Oscar come up with another flavor.
18:22Oh, let's go.
18:23Of course.
18:26I know.
18:27How about a hot dog smoothie?
18:29That would be delicious.
18:31Or a churro smoothie.
18:34Thanks, but I don't think those would be good smoothies.
18:38I know.
18:39What about a chicken noodle soup smoothie?
18:42That's good for you and tastes great.
18:45I don't think so.
18:47You know what's good for you?
18:51A toothpaste smoothie?
18:54Well, maybe you could drink it
18:56and brush your teeth with it at the same time.
18:59Guys, the smart thing to do is to check inside Oscar's refrigerator
19:03and see what he has that we can make a smoothie out of.
19:07Good idea, Turner.
19:09I see a bowl of strawberries.
19:12Thanks, but I've got that flavor already.
19:17How about these?
19:19I already have an orange smoothie.
19:22Wait a second.
19:24How about eggs?
19:27Sure. Oscar doesn't have a scrambled egg smoothie.
19:32Grab it, Rusty!
19:37Maybe we could get some better ideas checking out the cupboards.
19:45Hola, Manny.
19:48What's that?
19:50Never mind. I thought I saw Mr. Lopart.
19:53Where are the tools?
19:54Well, we're doing a repair at Oscar's new smoothie shop.
19:57Oh, that's right.
19:58Today's the grand opening of Oscar's House of 18 Smoothies.
20:02Ooh, I can't wait to try one.
20:04Yeah, well, Oscar made a mistake.
20:06He thought he came up with 18 smoothies, but only came up with 17.
20:10The tools stay back to help him think of another flavor.
20:13Hmm. Well, what about guava? Or cherry?
20:16Or maybe pineapple? Or what about strawberry?
20:19Thanks, Kelly, but Oscar already has all those flavors.
20:23Gee, this is gonna be hard.
20:25See, it won't be easy.
20:27But I'm sure Oscar and the tools will come up with something.
20:30So what can I get you, Manny?
20:32Well, Oscar's counter is badly broken.
20:34We're going to need a medium-sized piece of wood, a hinge, and some screws.
20:39Sorry, Manny, I don't have a hinge.
20:42I have 15 different hinges.
20:44I have door hinges, cabinet hinges, toy box hinges, door handle hinges, gate hinges,
20:50desk, piano, shutter, icebox, garage door, counter hinges.
20:55A counter hinge will be just fine.
21:02I got a box of tea bags here.
21:05I think this is a bag of peanuts.
21:09I've got some parsley, cinnamon, and a bottle of jam.
21:13There's a lot to choose from.
21:16Well, I think this is pepper.
21:26What happened here?
21:28We were trying to come up with ideas for smoothies, but we made a big mess.
21:34Yeah, sorry, Oscar.
21:36But it also looks like I made peanut butter.
21:38Hmm. Let's get this place cleaned up and start repair.
21:42Manny, look out!
21:48Oh, no.
21:50I really should install brakes on that chair.
21:54Are you okay, Mr. Lopard?
21:56Oh, I'm fine, Manny. This worked out perfectly.
22:00I wanted to stop by Oscar's smoothie shop and see if it was open yet.
22:05Actually, we're not open yet, Mr. Lopard.
22:09We have to come up with an 18 smoothie first.
22:12And clean up.
22:13And fix the counter.
22:18Say, that's tasty. Is that peanut butter and banana?
22:23Wait a minute.
22:24Patch, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
22:27That you wish you were eating peanut butter?
22:30No, that peanut and banana could be a flavor.
22:33This is a wonderful idea.
22:36I never thought of making such unusual combinations.
22:40Well, glad I could help, Oscar.
22:42Now, if you don't mind, Fluffy and I are going to get cleaned up.
22:45Wouldn't want to miss the grand opening, right, Fluffy?
22:51Okay, we'll put in a little peanut butter, some banana, some juice,
22:55a taste of cinnamon, along with the crushed ice.
23:00Well, Oscar, what do you think?
23:02Do you like it? Do you?
23:06Delicious. I love it.
23:09And I'll call it the peanut butter banana smoothie.
23:12Great work, Tools.
23:14I couldn't have done it without you.
23:16And Mr. Lopard.
23:18Okay, Tools, now that we have 18 flavors, we can finish our repair.
23:22Let's do it.
23:25Okay, Tools, now that we have 18 flavors, we can finish our repair.
23:32Let's get going and fix it right.
23:34Twist and turn.
23:36Make it tight.
23:37Trabajamos juntos.
23:39We work together now.
23:42Cut and measure and tap and flap.
23:45Bend and twist, just like that.
23:47Each of us has a special job.
23:50We work together.
23:51Todos juntos.
23:53We can fix it right.
23:57Thank you, Manny. Thank you, Tools.
24:00And now the finishing touch.
24:10Hello, Oscar.
24:11Okay, I won't take up any more of your time.
24:14On the way here, Fluffy and I already made our decision.
24:17We'd like a nice pineapple smoothie.
24:20Cherry? Then again, I didn't realize you have cherry.
24:23But, oh, you have so many choices.
24:26How about our newest flavor, peanut butter banana?
24:30After all, you helped us come up with it.
24:32Now that sounds perfect.
24:38Oh, that sounds delicious.