Top 10 Rom-Com Villains That We Still Kinda Love

  • 2 months ago
We kinda love these rom-com villains. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for romantic comedy antagonists who we actually really adore.


00:00Who are you?
00:01Who am I? I counsellor and fun.
00:04Welcome to Ms Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for romantic
00:08comedy antagonists who we actually really adore.
00:12I'm not really looking for anything serious.
00:18Number 10, Warner Huntington III, Legally Blonde
00:24You're breaking up with me? I thought you were proposing.
00:28Proposing? Elle, if I'm going to be a senator, well I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.
00:36Audiences may have wanted to literally bend and snap Warner Huntington III in half
00:41for breaking poor Elle Woods' heart, but there is actually a lot we have to thank him for.
00:46Think about it, if he had never ended things with Elle,
00:49then she never would have made it her goal to get into Harvard.
00:52Do you remember when we spent those four amazing hours in the hot tub after winter formal?
00:58Yeah, no.
01:01This is so much better than that.
01:03Now, we don't want to give him full credit for indirectly pushing her towards her full potential
01:08because Miss Woods did that on her own.
01:11However, we will throw him a little appreciation for being the catalyst.
01:15I love you.
01:18Oh, Warner, I've waited so long to hear you say that.
01:25But if I'm going to be a partner in a law firm by the time I'm 30,
01:27I need a boyfriend who's not such a complete bonehead.
01:30Number nine, Marianne Bryant, easy A.
01:33I hope for your sake that God has a sense of humor.
01:36Oh, I have 17 years worth of anecdotal proof he does.
01:39We wouldn't want to go to high school with her, but we definitely love Marianne Bryant.
01:44She is in the business of saving others through faith and has some ultra-conservative views,
01:49but she's comedy gold.
01:51When it comes to classmate Olive Pendergast,
01:53she'll stop at nothing to take her down after attempting to recruit her to join her youth group.
01:58You're going to hell.
01:59Just as long as you won't be there.
02:01I can assure you, I won't.
02:05She uses lies and gossip to fuel the fire, which is obviously terrible.
02:09But when it comes to being a villain, she is a fun watch
02:13and a testament to Amanda Bynes' comedic talents.
02:16Plus, imagine watching a boring antagonist.
02:19No thank you.
02:20Wait, why are you even being so nice to me?
02:25I didn't.
02:28I got through to you.
02:33Number 8. Genevieve Jen Mitchell
02:35To all the boys I've loved before.
02:37We used to be best friends, but post-middle school,
02:40for reasons having to do with her popularity and my lack thereof,
02:44we are now decidedly not.
02:47Genevieve Mitchell might seem like a stereotypical mean girl on the outside,
02:51but deep down there's more to her.
02:53Rewind back to the 7th grade, where her best friend, Lara Jean Covey,
02:57broke her trust by kissing her crush, Peter Kavinsky, during a game of Spin the Bottle.
03:02Are you talking about middle school?
03:04You knew that I liked him, and you kissed him anyway.
03:06It was Spin the Bottle, you psycho, and it was tongueless.
03:09Okay, well it wasn't tongueless to me.
03:10Scorned and hurt by the betrayal, Jen becomes a not-so-nice person,
03:14making Lara Jean's life way more challenging.
03:17Now there's no defending her actions, but at least we can see where her anger is coming from.
03:22In the end, the two are able to start repairing their broken friendship,
03:26which proves that Jen is maturing.
03:28Who doesn't love some character development?
03:30Hey, if you do decide to go to NYU, just let me know.
03:37Number 7, Helen Harris, Bridesmaids
03:40It's a Fritz Bernays.
03:41Ladies, I just don't think we can do any better.
03:44This is, this is beautiful.
03:47It's unique, it's special, it's couture, this is made in France.
03:50This is, um, this is $800.
03:53Are you kidding? It's on sale!
03:54Sure, Helen Harris is a little annoying and very pretentious, but hear us out.
03:59She really is trying to be a good friend and bridesmaid to Lillian, the only way she knows how.
04:05I think people just ask me to their weddings because I'm good at organizing parties.
04:10She goes above and beyond, much to the irritation of fellow bridesmaid Annie Walker,
04:14but she is compensating for the fact that she doesn't have many friends.
04:18Plus, in the end, she shows genuine concern for Lillian when she goes MIA.
04:23Maybe she needs to tone things down a notch, but at the end of the day, she is a true friend.
04:29Maybe sometime the three of us could go to Rockin' Sushi together.
04:35Thank you, Annie. I, I would love that.
04:40Number 6, Joey Donner, 10 Things I Hate About You
04:43Hey, where are you going?
04:46Your sister here?
04:47Stay away from my sister.
04:49Oh, I'll stay away from your sister, but I can't guarantee she'll stay away from me.
04:54Yes, Joey Donner serves up major ick.
04:56He's a player, a jerk, and arrogant beyond belief.
05:00But is he the true villain in this story?
05:03What is it, asshole day?
05:05New lines?
05:07Not at all.
05:07Cameron James and Michael Ekman are just as complicit when it comes to manipulating sisters
05:13Bianca and Kat Stratford.
05:15In fact, they are the ones who concocted the plan to get Patrick Verona to woo Kat.
05:20Joey was really just the ATM.
05:22He is by no means a good guy, but what he really is is a well-constructed antagonist
05:27that is really interesting to watch and analyze.
05:30I think I like the white shirt better.
05:33Yeah, it's, it's more...
05:37Damn, I was going for thoughtful.
05:39Number 5, Meredith Blake, The Parent Trap
05:42Your father underestimates you.
05:44But you won't.
05:46Will you, Meredith?
05:48Being young and beautiful is not a crime, you know.
05:51Labeled as a gold digger, Meredith Blake is the most misunderstood character in The Parent Trap.
05:57First of all, she has a successful career in public relations and doesn't need her fiancé Nick Parker's money.
06:03Second, he lied to her about the fact that he had another daughter, which is messed up.
06:08No, I'm afraid you forgot that little detail.
06:11Don't feel bad, Mary. He never mentioned it to me either.
06:14Sure, she speaks with a sharp tongue and threatens to send twins Annie and Hallie off to boarding school,
06:19but they also torment her.
06:21On the surface, she might fit the evil stepmother mold,
06:24but Miss Blake is a style icon who goes after what she wants, and who can fault her for that?
06:30Oof, ice woman.
06:32Proud of it, babe.
06:33Number 4, Summer Finn, 500 Days of Summer
06:36For years, rom-com aficionados have argued over whether or not Summer Finn deserves her so-called villain title.
06:43Either she's an evil, emotionless, miserable human being, or she's a robot.
06:54Unhappy in her relationship with Tom Hanson, she breaks things off with him and he spirals down a path of sadness.
07:00But really, what was Summer supposed to do? Stay with him just to make him happy?
07:04She never cheated on you?
07:06No, never.
07:07She ever take advantage of you in any way?
07:12And she told you up front that she didn't want a boyfriend?
07:16She is simply a woman who knows what she wants, and more importantly, doesn't want out of life.
07:21And Tom, to be honest, is a lot to handle.
07:24Sure, heartbreak sucks, but she's far from being a villain.
07:27Consider this our official announcement of the Justice for Summer Finn campaign.
07:31Tom was right.
07:33Yeah, I did.
07:37I did.
07:44It just wasn't me that you were right about.
07:47Number 3. Darcy, Something Borrowed
07:50Dare. Ask Rachel out on a real date instead of whatever this is.
07:57Darcy, we're just friends.
08:03Fine then, ask me out.
08:04Darcy, Darcy, Darcy.
08:06We're not saying we could be friends with her in real life, but we need to give her some credit.
08:11Aside from her pushy nature and the fact that she's full of herself, Darcy is still being betrayed by her BFF, Rachel,
08:18who is having an affair with her fiancé, Dex.
08:21But Darcy isn't so innocent either.
08:23Marcus and I have an extremely powerful connection.
08:27It's like, genetic.
08:37Whatever. I'm not a word person.
08:39When it's revealed that she's also been sneaking around and expecting a child with Dex's pal, Marcus, it's a total shock.
08:46In the end, both secrets neutralise and cancel each other out.
08:49Darcy is no better than Rachel, and vice versa.
08:52So, can we really call her a villain?
08:54You know, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life.
08:57So, whatever.
09:00Number two. Mark. Love, actually.
09:04Who is it?
09:09It's carol singers!
09:11Mark has been dragged through the mud for his grand and arguably romantic gesture that, quite frankly, is swoon-worthy.
09:18Cold towards his friend's new wife, Juliet, it's revealed that it's all an act because he's actually in love with her.
09:24You never talk to me.
09:27You always talk to Peter.
09:32You don't like me.
09:34On a cold winter night, he arrives at her doorstep with poster boards expressing his true feelings.
09:40It's a bold move, but it's clear that Mark is not trying to break them up.
09:44He just wants to be honest.
09:46It's closure for him, and afterwards, it's apparent that he's ready to move on.
09:50We gotta hand it to him for being so brave and also giving us an iconic cinematic moment.
09:59Enough now.
10:00Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
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10:16Number one. Viola Fields. Monster-in-law.
10:19Is Viola Fields the worst mother-in-law ever or a woman who is just fearful of change?
10:25When we first meet her, she lost her career and now her beloved son, Kevin, is engaged to a woman named Charlie.
10:31These two big shifts in her life are enough to push her over the edge.
10:41I need something stronger than this.
10:44The truth is, she doesn't hate Charlie as a person.
10:46She hates what she represents, which is change.
10:49However, she takes it way too far when she tries to serve her future daughter-in-law nuts, which she is allergic to.
10:55In the end, Viola is able to conquer her fears, allowing her son to live happily ever after and embrace change, and we love her for that.
11:03You know, I have raised one wonderful boy, and my advice could be great.
11:06We'll be solicited when needed.
11:09As long as one kid is named after me.
11:11Middle name.
11:13Which one of the rom-com villains do you love the most?
11:16Make sure to share in the comments.
11:18I am a...
11:24A shimmering, glowing star in the cinema firmament.
11:28It says so.
11:30Right there.
11:32Do you agree with our picks?
11:34Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
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11:42Thanks for watching.