Surah Al Fajr | Tilawat quran pak | quran recitation |learn quran |

  • 2 months ago
In this video, Surah Al-Fajr is recited in a beautiful voice .

00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:05In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:09By the dawn
00:11And the ten nights
00:14And the intercession, and the rest
00:17And the night when it passes
00:20Is there in that an oath for one who is on his knees?
00:25Did you not see how your Lord dealt with Aad?
00:29A ram with horns
00:32Who was not created like her in the land
00:37And Thamud who brought the rock in the valley
00:42And Pharaoh with the stakes
00:46Who transgressed in the land
00:50And caused much corruption therein
00:54So your Lord poured upon them a scourge of torment
00:59Verily, your Lord is the Watcher
01:03As for man, when his Lord tests him
01:09And has honoured him and favoured him
01:12Then he says, My Lord has honoured me
01:16And when He tests him and has measured his provision
01:23Then he says, My Lord has humiliated me
01:27Nay, but you do not honour the orphan
01:32And you do not go against the food of the needy
01:40And you devour the inheritance in abundance
01:45And you love wealth with great love
01:51Nay, but when the earth is crushed into pieces
01:58And your Lord comes with the angels in rows
02:05And on that Day He will bring Hell
02:11On that Day man will remember
02:16And how can he remember?
02:19He will say, Oh, I wish I had given precedence to my life
02:24On that Day no one will punish him for his torment
02:31And no one will bind him to his covenant
02:36O you soul at peace
02:42Return to your Lord, well-pleased and well-pleasing
02:49Then enter among My servants
02:52And enter My Paradise
