MEDI1TV Afrique : Midi infos - 06/07/2024
00:00Thank you for joining us for this round of news, here are the headlines.
00:19The fight against terrorism, the Spanish Civil Guard announced the dismantling of a terrorist
00:24camp and the arrest of nine people for their involvement in crimes against human rights,
00:31a detail to be followed in this newspaper.
00:35This is a legislative weekend on historical issues, the French are also starting to vote
00:41today, rarely an election will have so much passion and hope.
00:49The Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso meet for the first time this Saturday in Niamey,
00:55as part of a summit of the Alliance of States of the Sahel, a meeting that takes place
00:59the day before a summit of the CDAO in Abuja.
01:02We meet again right away for the development.
01:07With the high approval of His Majesty King Mohammed VI Amir al-Mu'minin, the Superior
01:13Council of Zulema started yesterday in Rabat the work of its 33rd Ordinary Session.
01:19During this two-day session, marked by the presence of the Minister of Habeas and Islamic
01:25Affairs, Armé de Taufir, the Secretary-General of the Superior Council of Zulema, Said Chabar,
01:32indicated that this 33rd session coincides with the beginning within the Council of the
01:39the implementation of the Tableer communication plan, which intervenes in the drafting of
01:45its missions and roles, among other things, in the promotion of the values of religion
01:51and its commitment to the work of societal reform.
01:57The notion of the title of the fight against terrorism this Monday, the Spanish Civil Guard,
02:03the Moroccan DGST, dismantled a terrorist structure, activating in several localities
02:09in Spain. This joint operation, carried out by the Civil Guard and DGST intelligence service,
02:15allowed the identification and neutralization of a group of young people who had been subjected
02:21to a process of radicalization in the most violent postulates of the Daesh terrorist organization.
02:27Nine people were arrested during a home-bombing in Melilla, Madrid, and Malaga.
02:41Let us go to Darla, where the work of the 7th edition of the Morocco Today Forum began,
02:47with the participation of many national and international personalities, initiated by the
02:53group Le Matin, in partnership with the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation, and
02:59the Council of the region of Darla, where the meetings aim, among other things, to discuss
03:05the potentialities and challenges to be raised in order to realize the royal vision of the
03:11development of the Atlantic front of Africa and the access of the Sahel countries to it.
03:17The Republican Front, formed to counter the National Assembly, will it function in the
03:23overseas and in America? The French are beginning to give the answer for a weekend of legislative
03:29elections on the historical issues of metropolitan France. It will vote on Sunday in elections
03:35that will rarely have so much passion and hope.
03:41France is holding its breath on the eve of an already historic scrutiny, which could
03:47see, for the first time, a far-right party taking power since the Second World War.
03:53And if there is no absolute majority in this second round, what could the scenarios be?
03:59Answer with the political analyst, Moustapha Tosa.
04:05In fact, on the evening of the first round, there was great enthusiasm on the part of the National
04:13Assembly to have the absolute majority, namely 289 seats in the future parliament. But between
04:21the two rounds, the logic of the Republican Front seems to have worked. The legislation,
04:27whether left or right, in favor of a candidate who fights against the National Assembly,
04:33seems to have worked since all unanimous polls announce a relative majority for the National
04:39Assembly. So the hope of an absolute majority is fading. And so that pushes the country to
04:47jump into an unknown jump. Because if no party can have the majority, we are heading towards
04:53a blockade of institutions. We are heading towards hypotheses that are not discussed at all
04:59at the moment. So the one that seems to be discussed, the presidential majority, was formulated
05:05by Gabriel Attal when he spoke of a possible plural majority, namely trying to bring together
05:11all the parties, with the exception of France Insoumise, of the National Assembly, and trying
05:17to form a majority in parliament. But will these parties achieve results that are sufficiently
05:23important and sufficiently present to constitute this majority? There is a lot of doubt.
05:29So we are on the eve of scenarios that all lead to either an institutional blockade, or an
05:37assembly where there is no majority to govern. The National Assembly had said,
05:45by the voice of Jordan Bardella, that if it does not have the 289 seats, it will not accept
05:50to be prime minister. But many voices today push it to accept, even with a relative majority,
05:56because it cannot be the head of the party, the first party in France to win these elections,
06:02and refuse power. So we are heading towards the possibility that Jordan Bardella can change
06:08his mind and accept to manage France, even with a relative majority.
06:13Another election on November 69, Massoud Peskian was elected president of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
06:19The reformer pleads for a more tolerant Iran, and more open to the West.
06:25This election was held in a context of popular discontent with the state of the economy,
06:30hit by international sanctions. According to the first official results, Peskian has
06:36gathered more than 16 million votes, against more than 13 million for his opponent, the ultra-conservative
06:42Saeed Jalili.
06:49The conservative's page turns to the United Kingdom, where the new Prime Minister,
06:53working class Keir Starmer, revealed yesterday the composition of his government,
06:58after promising to rebuild the country. Atypical personality, from the field,
07:04and a woman with the highest responsibilities. The new team in power is in the image
07:10of the change that Starmer will embody. Back to the journey and the expectations
07:15on the British Prime Minister, with Sheyma Fikri.
07:21The desire for change of the British triumphs, putting an end to 14 years of conservative government.
07:27Keir Starmer is the new British Prime Minister. In 2015, the former 61-year-old lawyer,
07:33specialized in human rights, is elected for the first time.
07:38Five years later, Starmer finds himself at the head of Labour. A well-designed destiny,
07:44since his parents named him in tribute to the founder of this same party, Keir Hardy.
07:49But Starmer does not limit himself to politics and law. The left-wing worker is also
07:54a flutist and violinist. The third Prime Minister in less than two years is aware
07:59that the British are waiting for him to turn.
08:02Changing a country is not like...
08:32We will focus on a clean British energy.
08:35We will work for a definitive reduction of your energy bills.
08:41And little by little, we will rebuild the infrastructure of opportunities.
08:48To accompany him in this new adventure, the new British Prime Minister has officialized
08:53the composition of his government, a few hours after being formally commissioned
08:58by King Charles III. From a very disadvantaged background, having left school at the age of 16,
09:03Angela Rayner now holds the post of Deputy Prime Minister, as well as that of Minister
09:08of Housing and Territorial Rebalance. The former economist of the Bank of England,
09:13Rachel Reeves, becomes the first female finance minister.
09:17On her side, the 51-year-old lawyer, David Lamy, takes the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
09:22Labour MP Yvette Cooper is named inside, and West Streeting,
09:27Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom since 2015, holds the title of new Secretary
09:32of Health and Social Affairs. Shabana Mahmood, former lawyer, is appointed to Justice.
09:37Bridget Philipson, in Education, is Ed Miliband, head of the Labour Party between 2010 and 2015,
09:43in Energy Security and Carbon Neutrality.
09:46No one is more qualified than me to win the election.
09:50This is Joe Biden's reply to his detractors.
09:53The American president has obstinately and sometimes laboriously defended his mental
09:58acuity and his ability to govern the country for a second term.
10:03During one of the most important interviews of his political career yesterday on ABC,
10:09the current Democrat candidate, in a bad position in the polls,
10:14tried to defend his candidacy after failing his debate with Donald Trump.
10:20You know, the next president of the United States, it's not just about whether...
10:50The Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso meet for the first time this Saturday in Niamey,
11:08as part of a summit of the United States of Israel that they created last September.
11:14This meeting will take place on the eve of a summit of the CEDEAO,
11:19in which the three countries announced their withdrawal last January and are calling for their reintegration.
11:25General Abdelrahman Tiani welcomed his Burkina Faso counterpart, Ibrahim Traoré, yesterday.
11:31Colonel Hassimi Goita, from Mali, is also taking part.
11:34After several bilateral meetings, this is the first time the three men have met since they took office.
11:45And live from Bamako, we meet Bakary Samb, regional director of the Temuktu Institute.
11:51Hello to you.
11:55So, Mr. Samb, two presidential summits are taking place this weekend in West Africa,
12:01the first today in the Nigerian capital, Niamey, and the second on Sunday in Abuja, Nigeria.
12:07What do you think are the issues of these two meetings?
12:11Yes, the summit of the CEDEAO, which was announced for Abuja this Sunday, is an extraordinary summit.
12:17And the summit of the IAEA, which was announced only two days before, is an extraordinary summit.
12:25And this is the first time that the heads of state of these three countries have met
12:29after putting together a cooperative system through the UBTACO-Gurma Charter.
12:35But if we stick to the recent statements, in particular of the president of Mali,
12:39who said that they now had their destinies linked and that there was a way back,
12:46this shows a crystallization of this separation and this fragmentation in the region,
12:50with on the one hand the CEDEAO and the heads of state of these member countries,
12:55and on the other hand the heads of state of the states of Sahel, Central, Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso.
13:03And also, after several bilateral meetings,
13:06this is the first time that the leaders of the IAEA have met in a summit since their arrival in power.
13:13What can we expect from this first summit, knowing, of course, that in early March,
13:18Mali, Burkina Faso and Nigeria had announced the creation of an anti-terrorist joint force,
13:24of which the outlines and the effects have not yet been specified.
13:32It is true that the force has been announced, operations have been carried out,
13:36especially in the region of the three borders of the UBTACO-Gurma,
13:39but today what is at stake is what will happen to the partnership of these countries as a whole,
13:44and at least we may announce the creation of a currency,
13:48but it is certain that the heads of state in this region will go much further in integration,
13:53perhaps announcing what could be called a confederation of the states of Sahel,
13:58which will mark a superior stage compared to this group of states,
14:05which have all experienced coups d'état,
14:07but whose regimes come together to, they say, come to the end of terrorism,
14:13but also go towards prosperity and the conjunction of their efforts
14:18to get out of the sub-region of insecurity and go towards a prosperous Sahel,
14:23as stated in the declaration.
14:25On Sunday, the heads of state of the CDAO must hold a summit in Abuja,
14:31where the question of relations with the OSCE will be on the table.
14:35Will there be a decision concerning these three countries,
14:37which will, last January, leave the economic community of the states of West Africa?
14:44Apparently, on a strategic level, the OSCE has placed its meeting and its summit
14:49one day before the summit in Abuja.
14:52This is, on the one hand, to put the CDAO in a position of reaction,
14:56but also to learn a little more about the intentions of the regional organization
15:00in relation to these three countries.
15:02But I think that today the atmosphere in the region, as shown by
15:05the move of President Bassir Oumai Pai to Burkina Faso and Mali,
15:09I think that the context is more of a search for solutions,
15:13even if some announce a path for our return.
15:16And I believe that the negotiations will continue.
15:19And I don't think that the CDAO will go in the direction of exclusion,
15:23or in any case of a position that will distance the path of the reunion
15:28between these African states, which have an architecture
15:31that dates back more than 50 years and which have so many things to do together.
15:34But the reality is that the region is still moving towards a form of fragmentation
15:38with these two organizations that have trouble cohabiting,
15:41or that will be forced, in all cases, to collaborate for the good of the region.
15:45Bakaryissan, thank you.
15:47I remind you that you are Regional Director of the Timbuktu Institute
15:51and you were in charge of Bamako.
15:54Thank you for your invitation.
15:56Thank you as well.
15:57Direction now Tunisia, where the presidential election will take place on October 6th.
16:03Will President Aqaïssa Saïd take part in it?
16:07A question for the moment without an answer.
16:09In the meantime, the agency in charge of the organization of the scrutiny
16:13has spoken about the conditions of candidacy and sponsorship
16:17and she is far from being unanimous.
16:19From Tunisia, Najwa Bechat gives us the point.
16:24After the revelation of the presidential election calendar,
16:27reactions began, in particular from those who considered
16:31presenting themselves to the presidential elections.
16:34Among them, the head of the Estorian Libre party, Abir Moussi,
16:37imprisoned for 10 months.
16:39The members of his party held a press conference
16:42during which they confirmed that their candidate, Abir Moussi,
16:46is facing great difficulties
16:49due to certain conditions set by the electoral commission
16:53that could prevent him from presenting himself to the presidency.
16:57Abir Moussi has all the conditions to participate in the presidential elections.
17:05Except that there are conditions that are subject to the absolute power of the Tunisian administration,
17:14such as bulletin number 3,
17:16as long as the procurement that we have prescribed,
17:20that only the officer of the civil state who must sign it,
17:26so that is a condition of exclusion.
17:33Some political analysts believe that the conditions of candidacy
17:37for the presidential elections set by the electoral commission
17:40do not guarantee pluralism,
17:43unless they are applied correctly, transparently and fairly.
17:52In general, the conditions announced by the ISI
17:55are conditions that are likely to guarantee pluralism
17:58during the presidential elections.
18:00But the question remains related to the ability of the electoral authority
18:04to coordinate with the executive authorities,
18:07in particular with the Ministry of the Interior,
18:10to facilitate the procedures that could prevent the candidate
18:14from obtaining his bulletin number 3 from the judiciary.
18:20Abir Moussi, the figure of a historian and unfortunate candidate
18:23at the 2019 scrutiny,
18:25has never hidden his chances of breaking a mandate in Carthage.
18:29She has always been very clear about her desire
18:32to declare herself a candidate for the 2024 presidential election.
18:36Even if the list of presidential candidates is slowly growing,
18:40the rules of the game are not yet defined.
18:43Several questions remain around this scrutiny.
18:48Gabon wants to increase its electricity production capacity.
18:52The authorities want to minimize environmental risks
18:56by opting for solar energy in rural areas.
18:59The details with our correspondent Kevin Oswald of Loukaga.
19:03Building hydroelectric power plants or solar power plants,
19:07these Gabonese experts assess all possible risks,
19:10but also the potential sites before the implementation of the project.
19:14What we are doing today is really an exercise
19:17that allows Gabon to achieve the development goals
19:21that it has set itself,
19:23while minimizing the impacts on the environment.
19:26Minimize the impact on the environment
19:28while providing energy to rural populations.
19:31The experts are called on to make choices
19:33that take into account the reality on the ground.
19:35Already in the experimental phase,
19:37five localities in the country benefit from solar power plants.
19:40If we try to integrate solar power in different localities like this,
19:43it's a test market.
19:45And then there will be nine other plants that will be born during 2025.
19:48About 40% of the electricity distributed in the country
19:52comes from hydroelectric and gas power plants.
19:55Gabon's ambition is to protect 30% of its land,
19:58sea and freshwater resources.
20:03Back in the kingdom,
20:05Made in Morocco is in the spotlight.
20:07This Wednesday, the 4th edition of the Bazaar Solidaire was opened.
20:11The theme is the promotion of local products made in Morocco.
20:16Organized by the Centre Mamey de Cisse,
20:18supported by Microfinance Solidaire,
20:21in collaboration with the prefecture of Mdir Finiderc,
20:24this event constitutes an essential pillar
20:26of economic and social development.
20:28Chema Fikri will tell you more.
20:33The Bazaar Solidaire aims to offer new opportunities
20:37to micro and very small businesses, as well as to cooperatives,
20:41by helping them promote and market their products and services.
20:45This event is an opportunity to discover the richness
20:48and diversity of Moroccan local products,
20:50support local entrepreneurs
20:52and contribute to the establishment of a model of development.