[Eng Sub]Cinderella's Love after Fake Marriage [Part.2]

  • 2 months ago
Cinderella fell in Love with her Boss after a Fake Marriage with him
00:00:00for lose was all ye man's work those high chain projects I heard that land
00:00:03there is worth its weight in gold what could a secretary possibly understand I
00:00:08think she probably copied it from somewhere just to make a good
00:00:11impression in front of brother Hanson
00:00:15the overall framework of the proposal is good but there are many shortcomings in
00:00:20detail solely pursuing innovation and creativity ignoring cost and feasibility
00:00:25it's not practical enough speaking nonsense but sounding quite convincing
00:00:31our views align so are you saying I'm making this up too no that's not what I
00:00:36I didn't mean that brother Hanson this contract has too many loopholes take it
00:00:40back and redo it
00:00:48I didn't expect your insights into the proposal to be so on point having you as
00:00:52a secretary is really under utilizing your skills being able to serve mr. Liu
00:00:56up close is my honor hmm making climbing the social ladder
00:01:01sounds so noble I miss you I have disliked you for a long time you man
00:01:16Han Chen big brother I've seen this type of woman before she's totally not right
00:01:21for you she's just after your money oh really I just love it when people can't
00:01:26stand me yet can't do anything about it you joy done ye
00:01:31Han Chen big brother I didn't do anything wrong how could you be harsh
00:01:36with me because of her besides aren't you married you'd do this for her get
00:01:51mr. Liu the way you defended me just now kind of makes me feel like you care
00:01:57about me I just can't stand her it's not about you I do the same for anyone
00:02:11what are you doing I'm afraid of messing up my makeup you wipe it
00:02:22observing this man up close he's quite charming actually especially when he's
00:02:26being protective why is your face so hot is your fever not gone yet maybe
00:02:32there's a rest area in the office you go sleep there first in your rest area I'm
00:02:38not sure that's appropriate
00:02:46how come you're still giving me the cold shoulder oh not at all not at all it's
00:02:51just some misunderstanding by others misunderstanding what well they might
00:02:58misunderstand the nature of our relationship that there's something you
00:03:02know since when have we not had that kind of relationship I'm just afraid
00:03:06it'll go from one person to ten then spread to a hundred and eventually
00:03:10reach the ears of mrs. Liu after all miss you just reminded me that I am your
00:03:14wildflower can't compare to their precious daughter weren't you always
00:03:18fearless what's there to worry about it's just that your illness hasn't been
00:03:21cured if you weren't sick you'd be at work now go hey hold on this
00:03:28chance to get paid for sleeping I wouldn't miss it for the world
00:03:33mr. Liu care to join me for a rest aren't you afraid of misunderstandings
00:03:37now you change faces faster than a Sichuan opera performer get inside and
00:03:45then mr. Liu I'll go warm the bed for you even if yes sooks in and I lack
00:03:49affection I have never planned to be labeled a scumbag in this manner
00:03:56hey you and bro do you think there's something going on between man man and
00:04:00mr. Liu ever since secretary yeah arrived I've been gradually losing
00:04:04favor what do you think that explains it mr. Liu was so protective of her just
00:04:09now totally badass their relationship has progressed so quickly plus the young
00:04:15madam's constant absence mr. Liu's marriage is doomed sooner or later
00:04:19should I suck up to secretary yeah what's this not working and gossiping
00:04:27Hanshin long time no see
00:04:37mr. Xue hunch and I heard you're not quite satisfied with our design
00:04:42proposal so I hasten to revise it and personally brought it over to you
00:04:47let's talk in my office
00:04:51brother Han Chen this proposal was adjusted according to your feedback
00:04:58mr. Liu your restroom bed is really comfortable to sleep on you a secretary
00:05:04dare to secretly sleep in the CEO's office secretly mr. Liu gave me
00:05:07permission I slept there openly and rightfully you guys secretary yeah since
00:05:13you're awake go make us two cups of coffee okay brother Han Chen isn't it
00:05:19inappropriate for her a secretary to sleep in your restroom
00:05:23besides if miss Yi from the yeah family hears about this my personal affairs
00:05:27are none of your business Han Chen this really isn't appropriate that woman is
00:05:32clearly aiming for a higher position I heard you're already married this really
00:05:37doesn't look good mr. Xue if you're not interested in discussing our
00:05:43please leave wait wait let's talk about the proposal
00:06:00it's so hot can't you do anything right you burned my hand
00:06:04Zhang Don Yi brother Hanshin she burned me oh my dear daughter how did you get
00:06:10such a big burn dad well it's car I'll take you to the best hospital it won't
00:06:15leave a scar how can you be so clumsy can't even hold a cup of coffee steady
00:06:19it's not like I've never held a cup of coffee before or is someone playing
00:06:22dirty tricks what do you mean by that a secretary who can't handle such a small
00:06:27thing why keep her around fire her right away you man you're just a secretary how
00:06:32can you compare to our Zhang family I'd advise you better pack up and scram
00:06:43you think hiding it for me makes it invisible brother Hanshin didn't you see
00:06:47she did it on purpose brother Hanshin aren't you going to fire her this made
00:06:51me get hurt watch your mouth you know very well how
00:06:56the coffee was spilled you know in your heart just a secretary dares to hit my
00:07:00daughter you dare
00:07:09brother Hanshin what are you doing Han Chen have you lost your mind to actually
00:07:14protect such a servant people should not be judged by their social status besides
00:07:18secretary a works for my company her stay or departure is none of your
00:07:22concern what kind of spell has she put on you to be so biased towards her Han
00:07:26Chen I don't care about whatever personal matters you have with this
00:07:28secretary she has hurt my precious daughter that's inexcusable you owe me
00:07:33an explanation today have her fired immediately mr. Zhuo did you see me hurt
00:07:39her which eye of yours saw it clearly she hurt herself to frame me such a low
00:07:44tactic you're talking nonsense it was you who splashed me with coffee for the
00:07:48sake of framing me you actually resorted to harming yourself I've really
00:07:53underestimated you stop spouting nonsense wait on you do you really think
00:07:59I'm blind what are you talking about brother Han Chen I didn't do anything it
00:08:04was the secretary who deliberately splashed me enough stop making a scene
00:08:08get out Han Chen are you really willing to turn against the Xue family for this
00:08:12woman mr. Xue our Lu family is the foremost among the four big families
00:08:17your Xue family I hardly take seriously you brother Han Chen if you don't fire
00:08:21ye man I'll tell this things to grandpa Lu and the Ye family's lady I hate being
00:08:25threatened the most stop using my grandpa to pressure me if you don't mind
00:08:31I can let your Xue family get a taste of being oppressed first
00:08:34Lu Han Chen you
00:08:43if we don't leave now
00:08:47it's going to turn into a tragedy don't get too smug ye man let me tell you
00:08:51you're nothing but a way for Han Chen to kill time you'll never become this Lu
00:08:55president Lu I didn't expect you to be so attentive even noticing her little
00:09:08schemes I'll go get you some medicine
00:09:17secretary yeah it seems is reluctant to suffer any loss daring to strike the
00:09:23Xue family's daughter without fearing trouble well it's not like this trouble
00:09:26came out of nowhere
00:09:31secretary yeah have you forgotten it was you who provoked me first
00:09:36what's wrong feeling wronged no why would I show this demure damsel act I've
00:09:43been too relaxed lately
00:09:47president Lu are we still having the meeting today get out oh wait a second
00:09:52any other orders president Lu cancel the cooperation with show corporation
00:09:57switch to partnering with Hong Hwa instead
00:10:14what's going on inside the Xue family father and daughter were actually kicked
00:10:19out and that's not all mr. Lu even personally applied medicine to secretary
00:10:23yeah I've been with mr. Lu for so many years oh based on this progress doesn't
00:10:29that mean secretary yes about to become the CEO's wife that all depends on what
00:10:34mr. Lu thinks after all there is a legitimate mrs. Lu still in the picture
00:10:38though that mrs. Lu has no idea how many times she's made mr. Lu wear a green hat
00:10:43hey when do you maybe know some insider information tell me about it ah let's
00:10:48not talk about that I still need to go to Hong Hwa group
00:10:55assistant you has invited secretary yeah why are you here Oh assistant Chen mr.
00:11:03Lu asked me to come here you should go and report to mr. Lu now
00:11:08all right then
00:11:13haven't seen you around these days you and your makeshift husband
00:11:19there are too many people and too much gossip here if others hear about it what
00:11:24are you talking about could it be you have some unspeakable identity
00:11:38mr. Lu you sure have a lot of secrets Oh mr. Lu what secrets could I possibly
00:11:42have if we're talking about my identity it's that my relationship with mr. Lu is
00:11:48quite special
00:11:51mr. Lu man man is just worried that the company might be filled with gossip she
00:11:55specifically told me so deputy director you you and secretary yet know each
00:11:59other we've been good friends for many years
00:12:03let's go
00:12:08president yet didn't come herself president yeah is quite busy such a big
00:12:13cooperation and president yeah doesn't show up in person is she looking down
00:12:16on the Lu corporation I'm really sorry mr. Lu president yeah said she would
00:12:20come and apologize personally another day apologize for what I never said that
00:12:24Oh mr. Lu here's our plan please have a look
00:12:30sit down and take a look
00:12:34this deputy director you you'll get used to it this progress is actually pretty
00:12:38good quietly what do you think mr. Lu this plan looks great
00:12:55mr. Lu this plan is much better than the terms offered by the joy family much
00:12:59better well let's settle on this then are you sure you don't want to review it
00:13:04once more after all it's not a small amount I've looked it over besides
00:13:09secretary yeah also thinks it's good her insights on this matter are on point
00:13:13then it's a pleasure doing business mr. Lu I'll go see vice president you out
00:13:25there's definitely no special favor here your progress seems impressive how can
00:13:30you tell there's been good progress isn't it obvious such a major
00:13:33cooperation plan and you were consulted you're practically playing the role of
00:13:37the CEO's wife what I'm actually get a salary but working too I found he's not
00:13:42as cold as he seems what do you mean once when we went on a business trip
00:13:46together he saved me in a life-or-death situation and took care of me all night
00:13:49when I had a fever when the Shua family's daughter came to bother me he
00:13:52helped me out he even applied medicine for me stop stop sucks in you're not
00:13:57falling for him are you
00:14:05what are you even talking about how could I possibly fall for that jerk the
00:14:10way you were talking just now I was merely stating the objective truth
00:14:13objectively speaking Lu Han Chen is someone who still has a shred of
00:14:16humanity but that doesn't change the fact that he's a jerk I'm just worried
00:14:20you'd get lost in the occasional kindness of a jerk you know don't worry
00:14:23Ying I know what I'm doing it's getting late you should head home
00:14:27all right I'll take off then
00:14:34why do I feel like things are veering off the plan
00:14:39you boss Lu if there's no issue I'll go draft the contract then hmm right
00:14:47what's the deal with that Yi family heiress lately such a big collaboration
00:14:51and she as the CEO hasn't shown her face is she too busy or just doesn't want to
00:14:55come madam Lu has been elusive but what's
00:14:57certain is she hasn't visited Hong Hwa group for quite a while
00:15:03seems like she doesn't even want to bother with the company must have
00:15:05fallen into another young hunk's trap again don't call her madam
00:15:11seems like it's time to talk to her about divorce
00:15:17boss Lu regarding manager you I've already seen her out
00:15:21I'm calling my wife why is your phone ringing
00:15:34why is Lu Hanshan calling me out of the blue
00:15:39tell me about it I've been getting those telemarketing calls non-stop lately
00:15:43someone's got quite the temper daring to hang up on me this is what they call the
00:15:49silent treatment she's out all day messing around and has the nerve to give
00:15:53me the cold shoulder boss Lu so what now you can leave first
00:15:58all right boss Lu
00:16:01so boss Lu I'll be off then aren't you
00:16:06going to say something or do something like what
00:16:14secretary yeah with your personality shouldn't you seize the chance to stir
00:16:19things between me and my wife and then seduce me oh so boss Lu is missing me
00:16:23huh with her treating me like that why should I remain virtuous with a
00:16:28temptress like you around why wouldn't I indulge
00:16:34I thought you missed me turns out I'm just an emotional outlet for you count
00:16:39me out
00:16:56how could I be so impulsive
00:17:02no matter the reason if he wants to be close to me wouldn't that benefit my
00:17:06plans why did I start getting all moody instead lately in front of him I've been
00:17:11increasingly unable to control my emotions man-man
00:17:16what's going on you didn't have a fight with director Lu did you I'm fine
00:17:21director Lu is my boss how could I dare to fight with him director Lu seriously
00:17:26playing it cool even in front of his girlfriend he and I are not like that I
00:17:30get it I understand these things shouldn't be
00:17:34flaunted the aloof CEO the glamorous secretary it's like a plot from a novel
00:17:38quite exciting I hmm go on
00:17:49shin-shin your dad's company went bankrupt and he's fallen ill and been
00:17:54hospitalized what all right I'll make time to visit him
00:18:04should I apologize to her
00:18:08enter director Lu I have some personal matters and would like to ask for some
00:18:12time off to go home okay wait you don't look too well how about you take a few
00:18:16more days off no need thank you for your concern director Lu I just was a bit
00:18:22emotionally unstable and I was disrespectful to you I'm truly sorry
00:18:25yeah man do you really have to talk to me like this
00:18:35was there something wrong with the way I just spoke is there a problem forget it
00:18:39you should leave for now
00:18:46grandpa take it easy it's actually grandpa yeah who decides whether I can
00:18:50return to the Ye family or not I need to win him over grandpa let me help
00:18:56Suxin my dear granddaughter did you hurt yourself when you fell grandpa I'm fine
00:19:01you girl are really ill-mannered if Suxin gets hurt I won't let it go old
00:19:08man grandpa I was just trying to help I don't have a granddaughter like you nor
00:19:12do I need your help
00:19:17this damn old man why won't he just die already
00:19:25dad sucks in your hair chin chin hurry up and pour grandpa a glass of water
00:19:34you leave first I have something to discuss with your dad then what about
00:19:39yes Suxin she doesn't have to leave why not then I'm not leaving either
00:19:52seems like I really am getting old my words don't carry weight anymore
00:19:58grandpa that's not fair I'm your granddaughter too what can't I hear
00:20:01that's only for me chin chin
00:20:06go help dad buy some fruit hurry
00:20:11dad I have something to say to no need to say I know it's just about having
00:20:16yet chin recognized by the family let me tell you it's not happening now I am out
00:20:22of money and my health is failing but yet chin is still young I can't let her
00:20:25suffer with me
00:20:29when you left me and my mom back then did you ever think we would suffer
00:20:34at that time it was my fault but chin chin is innocent she's innocent
00:20:42do you think she deserves to go back to the yeah family ever since your company
00:20:46went bankrupt her mom ran off without stopping yet chin spends her days in
00:20:49bars and barely sees you once a week those two mother and daughter are
00:20:52utterly selfish you're going way when will you realize what's in the hearts
00:20:57of that mother and daughter I misjudged people back then but chin chin is still
00:21:02young a lot of bad habits can be changed now I only have one wish that is to have
00:21:09yet chin returned to the Yi family I'm begging you you if today I was the one
00:21:15kicked out homeless would you let me come back would you treat me like you do
00:21:21you chin chin chin chin chin is still young please forgive her mr. Liu the
00:21:27young madam's father has been hospitalized drive to the hospital
00:21:40your bias has always been so blatant in your heart have you ever considered me
00:21:46your daughter you rebellious child nothing gets through to you let me tell
00:21:52you the Yi family will never acknowledge an illegitimate daughter
00:22:00please plea with dad for me after all yet chin is also your sister I don't
00:22:05have such an unrighteous and disobedient sister
00:22:10sook-shin dad owes you an apology no need to say more if you really feel
00:22:15sorry for me in these 20 years you had countless opportunities to make it up to
00:22:19me but you didn't because in your heart you don't think you were wrong at all
00:22:26the way you are now is just for that woman and her daughter
00:22:41oh you've cried huh those tear stains are still there knowing dad loves and
00:22:46dotes on me the most I feel so sad you think I care now his company has gone
00:22:52bankrupt you're both homeless I am the true heir of the Yi family you two have
00:22:57no relation to the Yi family at all
00:23:02stop my dad supported you for three years I've never seen you show any
00:23:11fine then I'll give three million for his medical expenses
00:23:17for raising me
00:23:20but if you think you can enter the Yi family no way
00:23:25you dare to stop me from coming home fine then I will teach you a lesson
00:23:29first dare to lay a hand on my people did you get my permission
00:23:40who the heck are you why are you meddling in other people's business the
00:23:44person who hit me are you looking for trouble Wow sister where did you find
00:23:50this wild man you sure talk big
00:23:56he's not some wild man he's my husband you got married
00:24:02having a man to back you up really makes a difference but let me tell you just
00:24:09like your mom you can't hold on to a man's heart if your husband will leave
00:24:13you sooner or later
00:24:24secretary yeah are you trying to break my arm or something sorry
00:24:30how come I didn't know you had an older sister looks like mr. Lu has done his
00:24:36homework on me your resume looked so clean I guess you
00:24:40were prepared she's not my sister seems like secretary
00:24:45yeah has been keeping quite a few secrets aren't I your husband why keep
00:24:49secrets from your husband mr. Lu please stop teasing me thanks for
00:24:55stepping in to help just now so you're just going to use me and throw
00:25:00me away
00:25:03could it be mr. Lu that you are actually looking forward to being my husband
00:25:16yeah man you sure are ambitious my aim haven't you always known it you're
00:25:22playing with fire then let the flames burn even brighter a love story of a
00:25:29moth to a flame how spectacular
00:25:33what are you doing at the hospital visiting family yeah why are you here
00:25:39president Lu I'm here to see my father-in-law what he's actually going
00:25:43to visit ye guanghui hopefully yet chin hasn't returned to her room who are you
00:25:47thinking about I'm here out of familial obligation I have no feelings for that
00:25:51ye family's daughter none at all are you explaining yourself to me president
00:25:59why does everything sound strange coming from you I've got to go
00:26:06you totally bizarre
00:26:14I only asked you this one time grandpa isn't this Hanshin didn't expect you'd
00:26:23come to visit grandpa is very pleased the Lu family's
00:26:28descendants are truly outstanding grandpa is sushi in here sushi in has
00:26:34been here she's already left why didn't you come together ah I've just finished
00:26:39a meeting
00:26:42as long as you're not arguing it's good payment successful here's your receipt
00:26:47and medical records thank you what a coincidence president Lu where do you
00:26:52stay I'll give you a lift no that's okay I drove here is there a family member of
00:26:57ye guanghui please wait a moment
00:27:06ye guanghui isn't that my father-in-law oh no didn't expect this kind of
00:27:12situation what should we do
00:27:17you must be ye guanghui's family right about the patient's condition I need to
00:27:22discuss it with you what's your relationship with ye guanghui
00:27:26no no relationship miss nurse you must have mistaken me for someone else I
00:27:30don't even know that yeah yeah what's his name but just now the fees were
00:27:35clearly paid by ah with so many people in this hospital it's normal to remember
00:27:40wrong you have the family's phone number right just call it you're right hello
00:27:44are you ye guanghui's family member I'm a nurse at the hospital
00:27:49we need you to come over thought it was something big why does it sound like mr.
00:27:54Lu seems a bit disappointed
00:27:58let's get you home ah really no need I drove here and it's not on the way I can
00:28:03make it on the way what are you trying to say mr. Lu
00:28:08since a family member is ill why don't you take a couple of days off
00:28:13and next time you can tell me about these things
00:28:21how is this jerk Lu become so strange lately recently he's surprisingly
00:28:25understanding I'm not used to it
00:28:29oh you're back is Su Xin alright by the time I got there she had already left
00:28:37I didn't tell you Su Xin and her dad don't get along well
00:28:50this is a family matter of the year family they never let it out
00:28:55when Su Xin was three her dad brought another woman home old master year was
00:29:00furious gave him a choice her or the other woman in the end he abandoned his
00:29:06wife and daughter and left the Yi family can you believe that I had no idea
00:29:12nowadays when Su Xin sees her dad it must be hard on her
00:29:20this here I brought it back from abroad it's a rare treasure heart of the rose
00:29:25give it to Su Xin to make her feel a bit better
00:29:34I got it grandpa
00:29:46mr. Lu you need to sign off on this document
00:29:50didn't you take a vacation just sitting at home gets boring might as well come
00:29:56to work don't push yourself why has he gotten so
00:30:00easygoing lately
00:30:09mr. Lu what's the matter with you it's nothing just the usual issues
00:30:29maybe you should take a break
00:30:34no need I'm fine
00:30:39take a little rest or you'll wear yourself out
00:30:44secretary yeah are you showing concern for me
00:30:57mr. Lu you really are the backbone of the Lu corporation if you were to wear
00:31:02yourself out that would be terrible moreover if you were to really exhaust
00:31:08yourself that'd be so boring you're always thinking about this kind of stuff
00:31:12huh I'm just telling it like it is you think I'm boring when I talk mr. Lu
00:31:19let's go
00:31:35I actually hope to wake up and see you like this every day
00:31:46how did you end up falling asleep here wasn't I just worried mr. Lu might need
00:31:52me and that I should always be on standby feeling any better
00:31:56much better just a stomachache I heard from assistant Chen that when you're
00:32:01busy with work you don't eat all day if this goes on year after year it's no
00:32:05wonder your health would suffer from now on I'll have to make sure you eat
00:32:10what's your angle this time is caring for you considered scheming now
00:32:20mr. Lu why are you back to work after just a short break
00:32:24have something to eat first all right
00:32:29can I open this box on your desk
00:32:41this was designed by a world-renowned designer the heart of the rose do you
00:32:45like it it's for you
00:32:54give it to me this thing is so precious I really can't
00:32:59accept it
00:33:08Lu Han Chen
00:33:11hmm it's nothing you go ahead and eat mr. Lu I'll head back first wait
00:33:18my sister just got back from abroad we're throwing her a welcome home party
00:33:22come with me me what role would I be there what if I run into your wife what
00:33:28then my marriage is kept secret to avoid
00:33:32suspicion she wasn't invited so mr. Lu and I don't need to avoid
00:33:40isn't this kind of wrong to mrs. Lu secretary yeah
00:33:46realizing your mistake now
00:33:50you wanted to get close to me right wanted to reach the higher-ups here's
00:33:54your chance don't want it
00:33:57then thank you for your kindness mr. Lu mr. Lu
00:34:12it's brother Han Chen
00:34:24you man
00:34:32she's just a little secretary what gives her the right to attend such a high-end
00:34:41Han Chen brother you're here
00:34:46miss Sui don't block the way
00:34:51this vixen Don you don't lose your composure the you family leads the four
00:34:56great families of the city that kind of shameless woman will end up as nothing
00:35:00more than a discarded plaything
00:35:03right let's go dad
00:35:08who's that lady with young master Lu she looks so familiar so beautiful and
00:35:14elegant clearly a daughter from a prestigious family and she and young
00:35:18master Lu are quite the match mr. Lu they seem to be saying that we make a
00:35:22good couple seems like secretary yes quite pleased
00:35:27looks like shin-shin's plan is going smoothly they're even whispering sweet
00:35:47president Lu the commercial street project do you think our company is a
00:35:52good fit clearly our company is a better fit we still need to discuss this matter
00:35:57both of you are very good partners of mine absolutely absolutely my respects
00:36:03to you president Lu
00:36:11bro new on new on welcome back home you've grown taller ah brother is this
00:36:19beautiful lady my sister-in-law she
00:36:25nice to meet you my name is Yaman I am your brother's secretary ah secretary
00:36:30but sister you are so beautiful you two look so good together like a married
00:36:34couple miss Lu you seem to have a knack for reading faces man man sister you can
00:36:39just call me new on new on come on I'll take you to eat something delicious go
00:36:48I wasn't wrong was I man man sister this cake is really delicious
00:36:54new on new on welcome home
00:37:04it's Donnie sister new on new and how come you seem so distant after only a
00:37:09few days I still remember you as a kid you used to always cling to me and your
00:37:13brother to play with you really maybe it's because I've been abroad for too
00:37:17long I don't even remember stuff from when I was little Oh new on new in this
00:37:21is your favorite the cake you used to eat right for your birthday when you
00:37:24were little your brother and I specifically went to this bakery to buy
00:37:27it for you this I remember my brother would even tease you calling you an
00:37:31uninvited guest brother Hanshin really loves his jokes
00:37:34Luna one when you fool not giving me face when it matters ah this must be
00:37:40mr. lose secretary miss yeah right I'm sorry miss yeah I didn't even notice you
00:37:44there I was too busy catching up with new and new and it's okay after all my
00:37:49main task today is to accompany mr. Lu as his date to attend with him actually
00:37:56brother Hanshin invited me to it's just I really couldn't make it I had to
00:38:01accompany my father so I had to politely decline oh is that so I actually think
00:38:05it's great that sister man man was my brother's dance partner you two together
00:38:09are really quite a sight sister man man let me take you around over there see
00:38:13you sister Donnie
00:38:18he man you vixen you really have a way with people even winning over Lu new and
00:38:21new one
00:38:37no way I've got to figure something out I need to make that vixen you man leave
00:38:41the party
00:38:59man man you look beautiful don't you think beautiful but I feel you don't
00:39:04seem to like that mr. very much I don't like her she's always hot and cold with
00:39:08me she's very nice to me when my brother is around and distant when he's not I
00:39:12didn't understand when I was young but after growing up I realized she actually
00:39:16likes my brother she's just using me as a tool to get close to my brother that
00:39:20does sound like something she would do but man man don't worry my brother he
00:39:26doesn't like her I actually think my brother likes you well you should tell
00:39:29me why do you think your brother likes me my brother you see has always been
00:39:33cold by nature he's like a mountain of ice devoid of warmth or emotion but I
00:39:38feel he looks at you differently there's a light in his eyes
00:39:41Luhan Chen likes me then I should be happy that my plan is working but why is
00:39:46there a weird emotion here excited but also heartbroken
00:39:50man-man your phone is ringing
00:40:03what's wrong oh nothing much let's keep shopping
00:40:11you two seem to be having a great time chatting
00:40:25didn't expect you to be so popular with kids bro I'm already an adult not a
00:40:30child anymore new on new on is really adorable I really like her yeah man man
00:40:34sis and I really hit it off sister man man is both gentle and beautiful I want
00:40:39her to be my sister-in-law don't talk nonsense I'm not talking nonsense I mean
00:40:43it sincerely well bro I'll leave you two alone then
00:40:51unexpectedly despite new on new on being born into the leading Lu family among
00:40:55the four major families she retains such innocence it's truly enviable wouldn't
00:41:01have guessed secretary yeah you'd be sentimental like this maybe it's because
00:41:06the wind is too gentle today I can see my sister really likes you but
00:41:11she has high standards for a sister-in-law she likes you a lot so does
00:41:15director Lu like me
00:41:20secretary yes shouldn't you already have the answer in your heart
00:41:27I'm not a mind reader how would I know what you're thinking plus I'm not new on
00:41:31new on sister-in-law director Lu it's best to keep things in check I'm going
00:41:37to the restroom
00:41:45calm down yes succeed you can't let yourself fall into this miss you has
00:41:49quite the tactics
00:42:00she's the apple of the Lu family's eye so you deliberately got close to her in
00:42:06hopes that she would put in a good word for you with brother Han Chen right
00:42:10pretty scheming that's your interpretation don't project it onto me
00:42:15plus new on new on and I just clicked no hidden agendas the Lu family is the
00:42:22leader among the four big families and the year family it's also one of the top
00:42:26four I advise miss yeah not to disgrace
00:42:30herself stop clinging to brother Han Chen the only person who has the right
00:42:34to say this to me is Lu Han Chen's wife the Ye family's daughter excuse me and
00:42:39what identity are you using come and say that to me what's so great about her the
00:42:43Ye heiress Han Chen brother is just toying with you and with her it's merely
00:42:48to deal with family pressure only someone like me his childhood friend is
00:42:52truly suitable so you see only I am truly worthy of being mrs. Lu so what
00:42:58the Ye heiress might have secured his marriage but I've got his heart you have
00:43:03neither his heart nor the title of mrs. Lu
00:43:15is there anything else mr. I this is loose position will be mine sooner or
00:43:30hey man man sister
00:43:42Donnie you're so close to young master Lu do you know who that woman is could she
00:43:47be some hidden young lady from a respectable family surely not a
00:43:50distinguished young lady her a distinguished young lady
00:43:55she's nothing but a vixen but young master Lu brought her tonight as his
00:43:59companion just now miss Lu even greeted her warmly that's just her pulling some
00:44:06tricks just wait and see in a bit brother Han Chen
00:44:12we'll soon see her true colors
00:44:29you mean that brooch
00:44:39so that was to a Donnie's game all along
00:45:17sorry about that I had a bit too much to drink just now
00:45:23oh never mind her let's keep the conversation going
00:45:29you man just wait to be kicked out of the party Han Chen will surely never
00:45:33want you back
00:45:42new on new on you're already following brother Han Chen around and meeting all
00:45:46the CEOs quite the achiever aren't you new on new on where did your brooch go
00:46:03how come it's missing
00:46:06what's going on here it seems miss Lu's brooch is missing
00:46:11Chen Yuan president Lu search the entire banquet hall we must find it that
00:46:17brooch yes I've been wearing it this whole time how could it disappear it was
00:46:23a coming-of-age gift from grandpa it's so important to me
00:46:25new on new one don't cry think carefully did you take it off and leave it
00:46:29somewhere forgetting to pick it up
00:46:33I remember now it was when I was changing my dress I took it off it might
00:46:39be in the changing room I'll go check
00:46:50the brooch isn't in the changing room president Lu we've searched everywhere
00:46:55we didn't find the brooch how could I lose something so important it's just
00:47:01brother Han Chen new on new ones brooch obviously looks very valuable do you
00:47:06think someone might have taken it why are you looking at me I didn't take
00:47:11it the real drama starts now are you suggesting you already have a suspect in
00:47:17mind new on new and seem to spend a lot of time
00:47:21alone with miss yeah today right
00:47:28are you saying I took it
00:47:37Danny what are you talking about man man is not that kind of person new on new on
00:47:42you're just too naive I'm telling you she had an ulterior motive from the start
00:47:46getting close to you brother don't you believe in man man either what are you
00:47:50implying that I Lu Han Chen can't afford a brooch brother Han Chen is really
00:47:54defending her yeah man I'll make sure you lose face today brother Han Chen I'm
00:47:58not doubting miss yeah but the best way to prove her innocence is to search her
00:48:03don't you think wait on you
00:48:08don't go too far fine go ahead and search me but miss way you should be
00:48:13searched as well after all it's not rare for the thief to cry catch the thief
00:48:18miss you what do you say brother Han Chen what does she mean by that new on
00:48:25new on you search them both I believe man man is not that type of person well
00:48:29that's not a certainty if you won't search I will how come the brooch isn't
00:48:36here miss you a now it's your turn as the
00:48:42dignified eldest daughter of the shoe a family how could I possibly steal your
00:48:46brooch I'll leave you with one thought you never know
00:48:56that brooch is mine
00:49:04how could this happen new on new on take a closer look is this your brooch this
00:49:09is the brooch grandpa gave me I could never mistake it sister Dan Yi why would
00:49:12you do this oh my god miss you was right after all it's a case of the thief crying
00:49:17catch the thief how could this be I clearly clearly put it in my bag right
00:49:22I check the surveillance yes Dan Yi is the eldest daughter of the shoe a family
00:49:29she wouldn't do such a thing must be someone with ulterior motives framing my
00:49:33daughter does mr. Zhuo mean could it be miss yeah is framing her deliberately it
00:49:39was you you deliberately put the brooch in my bag
00:49:41miss you I'll play the thief calling out the thief once how come there's a second
00:49:45act though I don't know why sister Dan Yi would take my brooch I am more
00:49:51convinced that this act was definitely not sister man man's doing you little
00:49:56girl what do you know she's just trying to steal brother Han Chen away brother
00:50:01Han Chen we grew up together you believe me right I only believe in the truth mr.
00:50:06Lu we got the surveillance footage from outside the changing room the footage
00:50:09shows miss Lu taking off the brooch and placing it outside then this show sneaked
00:50:16into the outside room and took the brooch this
00:50:26it looks like mr. I didn't expect that there'd be surveillance outside the
00:50:30changing room mr. Zhuo now your daughter isn't being falsely accused is she dad I
00:50:35so what Lu Han Chen done you grew up with you are you really going to
00:50:40embarrass her like this can't you let her save some face like father like
00:50:44daughter the whole family's shameless this whole farce today first made the
00:50:49pearl of the Lu family cry and second it's clear to everyone who miss Zhuo
00:50:53wanted to slander everyone's well aware right I didn't try to slander anyone
00:50:58it's her slandering me from now on the Lu family will cut off all ties with the
00:51:02Zhu family anyone who dares to collaborate with the Xue family will be
00:51:07opposing me the Lu family is looking to blacklist the Xue family my goodness
00:51:13they've been family friends for generations Lu Xiao is doing this not
00:51:17just for his sister but also because of his secretary it seems miss Yaman is no
00:51:24ordinary person Lu Han Chen you brother Han Chen how could you do this to us Lu
00:51:31Han Chen you're ruining the Xue family you dad dad calm down let's go home
00:51:46warm warm sorry even though I didn't steal the brooch this matter indeed
00:51:52started because of me sister man man it's not your fault it's sister Dan Yi
00:51:55who lost her reason to jealousy that's why she did it but you really should
00:52:00thank my brother he's been protecting you all along then I must thank
00:52:03president Lu you knew all along that she would set you up thanks to Xiao Ying for
00:52:08telling me just now in the restroom miss Xue deliberately provoked me grabbed my
00:52:12hand I just felt something was very off quick on the uptake I see that's all
00:52:17because president Lu you're so charming otherwise why would miss you consider me
00:52:22a thorn in her side so what compensation do you want oh my
00:52:27not suitable for children and you are a child now
00:52:32where are you off to of course I'm going to thank my great benefactor why
00:52:36can't president Lu bared apart with me then be careful on your own sister man
00:52:40man bye-bye
00:52:44brother seriously let sister man man become my
00:52:52my great benefactor why are you hiding in the corner alone
00:53:04I'm just worried with so many people around at the party if someone sees us
00:53:08together and they uncover your identity that wouldn't be good
00:53:12but you know I saw the whole thing earlier
00:53:15Xue Danyi really shot herself in the foot it was so satisfying this time I
00:53:20really owe you for the heads up with the brains we have you would have
00:53:23noticed something was off even without me telling you but earlier with mr. Lu
00:53:28around without any proof he was so sure it wasn't you that was really surprising
00:53:32his reaction surprised me too that means our previous plan was a success mr. Lu is
00:53:38definitely into you Oh sucks and stop moving around what's
00:53:43wrong let me see isn't this the star of Rose
00:53:48from the international auction not too long ago worth a fortune why are you
00:53:53wearing such an expensive bracelet aren't you afraid mr. Lu will find out
00:53:57your real identity Lou hunch and gave it to me he gave you such an expensive gift
00:54:00yeah I said I liked it and he just gave it to me sucks in the way you looked
00:54:05just now you looked like a young girl in love did I
00:54:10sucks in you haven't fallen for him have you
00:54:19are you kidding me you know me
00:54:23shin-shin I'm just worried you'll get in too deep now that president Lou is
00:54:27treating you so well it's time we backed off it's not enough yet
00:54:33I need to make sure he's completely in love with me before I dump him don't
00:54:37worry I won't get myself too involved president Lou here's the document you
00:54:42asked for
00:54:46all right accompany me to show is later to discuss the acquisition okay
00:54:53president Lou there's an urgent meeting they need you to negotiate now president
00:54:58Lou about the shoes I can handle it on my own ever since they were ostracized
00:55:03it's been a steep fall the acquisition is just a formality this little thing I
00:55:07can manage by myself that's true with secretary yes capabilities handling this
00:55:12small matter should be more than adequate how could brother Hansen
00:55:16possibly be so ruthless things have come to this we can't compete with the Lou
00:55:20family once Lou Hansen acquires the company I'll take you abroad to live
00:55:27president sure miss where why are you here alone where's brother Hansen
00:55:31president Lou is tied up with some urgent business today
00:55:36this is the acquisition contract
00:55:48sorry about that I need to step out to take a call dad
00:55:53all I wanted was to see brother Hansen one more time before going abroad is
00:55:58that really so difficult tell me is he deliberately avoiding me honey stop
00:56:02worrying about all that romantic stuff I've got an idea right now that might
00:56:05just persuade Lou Hansen to go easy on the shoe a family what's the plan
00:56:13dad is that really okay what if he seeks revenge later we're cornered it's time
00:56:18to go for broke all right
00:56:24mr. Zhu a is there an issue with this contract I'll take another close look
00:56:29Danny why don't you get secretary yeah a cup of coffee sure thing dad
00:56:35you mean you're bringing this upon yourself
00:56:40secretary yeah regarding this point we still need to hammer it out dad
00:56:49secretary yeah we've discussed so much you must be thirsty by now this is
00:56:54brewed from premium coffee beans thanks for the hospitality mr. Zhu a
00:57:00oh by the way mr. Zhu a about that contract thing you mentioned
00:57:10you man if it weren't for you this vixen seducing brother Hansen and causing
00:57:14trouble for our shoe a family we wouldn't have to resort to this if
00:57:17anyone's to blame it's yourself oh no there's something wrong with the coffee
00:57:20Lou Hansen save me
00:57:31mr. Lu I've summarized the main analysis points genuine
00:57:39has secretary yeah returned yet not yet signing the contract is taking so long
00:57:47hello the number you have dialed is turned off
00:57:52why isn't she answering the phone the meetings over get the car ready we're
00:57:57going to choose yes
00:58:02can Hansen really forgive the shoe a family because of her is this woman
00:58:06really so important to him that much important ha she is quite attractive I
00:58:11think before we use her to threaten Lujan why not have a little fun with her
00:58:20dad you well it's also good I want to record it and post it online to let her
00:58:29feel the taste of humiliation wait Donnie what are you doing have you
00:58:36lost your mind man you vixen seducing brother Hansen
00:58:40deserves to be played by other men tomorrow this video will spread all over
00:58:43do I'm warning you don't come any closer if you can serve
00:58:48Lujan chin why can't you serve me you old pervert let me go Lujan chin where
00:58:53are you yeah man
00:59:04Lujan chin how could you jerk dad you even dared to touch my people isn't that
00:59:09so Lujan chin I I'm your elder don't go too far
00:59:14elder buff you disgraceful thing brother Hansen please don't fight dad
00:59:20hand it over what give me the phone
00:59:27Lujan chin it's fine
00:59:34boss Lou you ran too fast what's what's going on here
00:59:38Lujan chin go call the police fast yes sir brother Hansen you can't call the
00:59:44police considering all these years how much I've liked you you can't send me to
00:59:47jail please I'm begging you I don't want to go to prison get lost disgusting
00:59:58Lujan chin wait for me at the door okay
01:00:03then be careful
01:00:06actually this is my real ID what
01:00:18if you make a sound the consequences will be severe impossible
01:00:25how can it be the year family's daughter I'm going to lose to be my husband's
01:00:29secretary it's just a little fun between us as a couple and you in my
01:00:37eyes how can this be absolutely impossible
01:00:48always trying to act tough
01:00:52aren't you curious about what I told Shwedani looks like you had the upper
01:00:58hand that's enough then
01:01:12who's there it's me Lou Hansen wait hold on
01:01:25why did Lou Hansen suddenly come back to the bridal chamber what for
01:01:35cough cough cough honey why are you here is miss you always this frail or do you
01:01:40just not want to see me you've got it all wrong it's alright I came here to
01:01:46divorce you divorce me why
01:01:56I've fallen for someone Lu Xiao you're really forthright aren't you is it yeah
01:02:00man yes after the divorce I'll leave this marriage apartment to you plus I'll
01:02:04give you a subsidy of 1 billion if you're unsatisfied feel free to come to
01:02:08me no need I'm quite satisfied
01:02:16so then congratulations to you my ex-husband goodbye
01:02:22Lou Hansen you finally fallen for you man my plan worked why am I not happy
01:02:31boss Lou what is it this is from secretary yeah she asked me to give this
01:02:35to you yeah man what's she up to now a resignation letter
01:02:43and she wants to return her bracelet to where is she she's gone
01:02:50hello the number you have dialed is not in service go find her dig up the earth
01:02:55if you must but find her for me yes ye man you dare play disappearing
01:03:01acts on me
01:03:12hello shin-shin how much longer are you going to hide abroad
01:03:16Lou Hansen is practically going insane looking for you let him look no need to
01:03:19inform me shin-shin I really think he loves you a lot he loves you man not me
01:03:36Yemen where in the world are you
01:03:42what about tomorrow it's the 80th birthday of Yemen's grandpa what about
01:03:46the gift I've prepared it for you I'm not going he's your wife's grandpa how
01:03:50can you not go lately you've been out of sorts is there another woman on the
01:03:54outside grandpa actually we have already this birthday party you must attend
01:04:04grandpa I'm back you girl thought about coming back grandpa I just went out to
01:04:11clear my head your birthday how could I not come back how come did you and
01:04:16Hansen have a fight why isn't he here with you he is busy with something and
01:04:21couldn't make it grandpa just now Sook-sin said you were busy and couldn't
01:04:25come you managed to make time I'm really happy
01:04:28grandpa I wish you fortune as vast as the Eastern Seas and life as long as the
01:04:33Southern Mountains good good child please take a seat
01:04:38Sook-sin what's wrong where are you off to grandpa I want to go to the bathroom
01:04:45hold on I figured it out you two definitely had a tiff as the saying goes
01:04:50husband and wife fight at the head of the bed but make up at the foot what's
01:04:55insurmountable about that see isn't it all good now Yemen
01:05:09you guys even have nicknames for each other ha ha ha go on chatting
01:05:13yeah man yeah sucks in are you having fun teasing me it's fun I
01:05:19heard to find you man you literally moved heaven and earth I really feel for
01:05:23you your devotion it's touching why do this you photoshopped a wedding
01:05:32made Chen Yuan stand in for you at the registration neglected your new bride
01:05:37for half a year Lou hunch and why yes sucks in and not that easy to push
01:05:41around so you created the persona of Yemen made me fall in love with you and
01:05:45then dumped me right exactly got it now you can leave yes sucks in you've
01:05:49succeeded I miss you so much calm down I am you sucks and not you man
01:05:57you man doesn't even exist I can never act all sweet towards you like she would
01:06:01and everything you liked won't be found in you sucks in I am calm I don't care
01:06:07if you are ye man or you sucks in I just want you you
01:06:14isn't that the pretty boy from the clinic little sister you brought him to
01:06:20the birthday banquet pretty boy let me introduce myself I am sucks in
01:06:27husband my name is Lou hunch and
01:06:36the foremost among the four major families master Lu Han Chen of the Lu
01:06:41family the Ye family has actually arranged a marriage alliance with the
01:06:44Lu family hmm yeah sushin you really do have good fortune what are you all doing
01:06:54you of course we're here to attend grandpa's
01:06:58birthday banquet
01:07:07grandpa I don't welcome you all at my birthday feast
01:07:12sushin I've given up on treatment my days are numbered
01:07:22I just wanted to see you all one last time what you have isn't incurable
01:07:27moreover I just paid 30 million for your medical bills and here you are playing
01:07:30the martyr who do you think you're fooling my company has gone bankrupt
01:07:34there's no money for treatment whatever little is left should go to little chin
01:07:38no money I just paid 30 million for your medical
01:07:45yetin did you pocket the money I
01:07:52yes you shin I'm your sister and you dare to hit me all right all right I
01:07:56really don't want to know let the remaining 30 million stay with little
01:08:00chin I hope the ye family can recognize little chin again and give her a place
01:08:04to belong recognize such an unfilial descendant back into the ye family
01:08:10impossible you want to use your hair for a paternity test let me help you
01:08:18dad I'm begging you you are you trying to kill me with frustration grandpa
01:08:26today is grandpa's birthday celebration and you come here to make a scene what's
01:08:31your intention everyone leave now yes you shin since when is it your turn to
01:08:36call the shots dad
01:08:40why won't you let little chin come back to the F family because she's not truly
01:08:43a yeah to begin with
01:08:51who shall what do you mean by this this is a paternity test take a look for
01:08:58Shaukin and Sookson there's no blood relation what
01:09:02Xiaoqin you're not my biological daughter I knew it how could our year
01:09:08family have such an ungrateful descendant I told you so from the start
01:09:12about Xiaoqin's mother you just wouldn't believe it you even abandoned your wife
01:09:18and daughter just to take them with you this can't be how could this happen I'm
01:09:23not dad's biological daughter then whose daughter am I that question you'll have
01:09:27to ask your mom who took off with the money given her character chances are
01:09:33she doesn't even know who your father is now that the truth is out let's get a
01:09:36move on dad Xiaoqin even though she's not my own flesh and blood I've raised
01:09:42her with my own two hands I'm all alone in the world now she's
01:09:46the only family I have I'm begging you let her come back to the year family
01:09:50impossible she has no blood ties to our year family in your eyes
01:09:58I gave you 30 million enough for you to live out the rest of your life
01:10:02consider it repayment for three years of upbringing from now on the two of us
01:10:07no more have father-daughter relationship such and you guys can go
01:10:10Xiaoqin let's go why should I
01:10:18Lu Han Chen
01:10:26Lu Han Chen are you all right Han Chen hang in there
01:10:30why am I not considered a descendant of the Yi family why do you get to enjoy
01:10:34wealth and glory marrying into the Lu family why I was supposed to be the lady
01:10:39of the house too why Xiaoqin why calm down just calm down a bit
01:10:45someone quick call the police and get an ambulance
01:10:49Han Chen
01:10:54doctor how is he fortunately the vital parts were not hit he'll recover with
01:10:59some rest additionally miss sucks in the patient was calling your name while
01:11:04unconscious he was constantly calling for you
01:11:11sucks in I'm sorry Lu Han Chen how should I face you
01:11:19you're awake the doctor said you're not in any serious danger anymore
01:11:26won't you stay with me I'll hire a caretaker for you I got
01:11:31hurt because of you shouldn't you be taking care of me personally
01:11:36you're shameless man man sister
01:11:41nuan nuan you're here man man sister although I
01:11:47don't know what's between you and my brother but during the time you weren't
01:11:51here my brother really he's been eating poorly and hardly sleeping he really
01:11:54likes you a lot
01:12:05since it's a matter of saving a life I'll definitely take good care of him
01:12:10afterwards I'll pay you interest no need understood
01:12:15the more interest the better
01:12:24thank heavens you finally returned to the position of president at Hong Wa
01:12:28group come on have a seat my treasure you've
01:12:33worked hard during this time so I've posted a job listing for an assistant
01:12:37for you assistant
01:12:40heard you were hiring an assistant think I'm suitable
01:12:43Lu Han Chen I think he's pretty suitable I'll be off then
01:12:52mr. Lu is always so busy still got time to have fun at my place huh
01:12:56Suxin I'm sorry as your ex-husband I didn't fulfill my duties so now I
01:13:00formally apologize I'm sorry don't you think this apology is too late
01:13:06I know so I want to make amends
01:13:12let me
01:13:16I don't want it I'm serious I've thought it over carefully I really love you
01:13:22deeply it's you as a person that I love no matter what your personality is like
01:13:27I love you you this time can we start with dating is that okay you jerk who
01:13:33would want to date you then from starting with seducing miss yeah that
01:13:38works too secretary Lu hope you can handle the
