Vanessa Vega on Getting G_ngb_nged on Her Honeymoon & More interview / Podcast

  • 2 months ago
Vanessa Vega on Getting G_ngb_nged on Her Honeymoon & More interview / Podcast
00:00so okay you're you've done this whole
00:02stripping tour of america and then you
00:04land in vegas you're doing that
00:09that that
00:10that whole thing lasted like six or
00:12seven years and then as every story goes
00:13i met a
00:14boy um
00:16i don't know how deep you want to go
00:17because i was like engaged this guy like
00:19lived in belize on this island with him
00:21for a while to move back
00:24i've i'm old i feel like um how old are
00:26you i'm 20 turning 29 in four days i'm
00:29older than you it's okay
00:30i lived a lot like 10 years of adulthood
00:33but i met this guy that i then got
00:35married to
00:36and it was my first time being in like
00:37an open population relationship and it
00:40took me like a year
00:41of like throwing shoes at his head
00:44when he like wouldn't get out of bed
00:45with the girl to like finally get
00:47comfortable where we like it was like
00:49second nature so he'd be just hanging
00:51out in the bed with the girl like it's
00:52not supposed to be a big deal i was
00:54freaking out right this specific girl
00:56was not cute and so i wasn't expecting
00:58her to bother me and something about the
01:01way she [ __ ] him really [ __ ]
01:03bothered me
01:06and she slept when i came home and i was
01:07in bed with a girl she didn't think was
01:16i was like let's go and he's like no i'm
01:18sleeping and i was like no we're [ __ ]
01:20leaving and he was like no and i was
01:22like oh really
01:24i threw a [ __ ] shoe i just said i'm
01:25not proud of it but i threw a [ __ ]
01:26shoe at his head but my point is i'm
01:29saying that to show you that i've made
01:30so much progress well i've been hitting
01:32the head with a few shoes in my dad i
01:33think i'm pretty scared i'm not throwing
01:35anything at you not you okay good like
01:38do not start this rumor because i've
01:39never thrown anything at you but like so
01:41you're saying that you got better at
01:43being in a poly relationship so like it
01:44stopped bothering you when girls were
01:46just cuddling in the bed with your dude
01:47not that okay because i feel like that
01:50would never stop bothering me i think we
01:52have to acknowledge like he was
01:53definitely a piece of [ __ ] like he
01:54wasn't doing it correctly okay but like
01:57i was just getting more comfortable
01:59comfortable on my own and like we were
02:01like kind of amping it up so like the
02:02next year after we met we got married
02:04our honeymoon we were in italy for a
02:06month and we had like a gang bang like
02:08an italian game we had like a sex party
02:10there a sex a sex club you
02:12got ran through by this guy and how many
02:14others he was not involved he watched he
02:16just watched wow it was like five to six
02:18italian dudes and it was really really
02:20fun um wait is there like a company that
02:22you just hit up and you're like looking
02:24for a gang bang like how did how did you
02:25make this happen that's a great idea we
02:27gotta start that because i'm imagining
02:29that most of them probably didn't speak
02:30english really well like
02:32no i don't know great you never get
02:34come on you guys what is this teacher
02:37you're in vegas it's like a sex club
02:38you've never been to a sex club we've
02:40never been to a sex party together
02:41besides the [ __ ] sex club no no you
02:44pay at the door it's like a business
02:46like you pay to go in for a couple of
02:48singles there's like themed rooms like a
02:51pony a gynecologist's office
02:54you guys oh my god okay writing it down
02:56green door okay that's so we made a
02:59habit of anywhere we would travel we'd
03:02go on yelp and find a sex club so that
03:04one was in milan specifically there was
03:06a few we went to in italy
03:08that guy though that specific instance
03:10for the orgy i met
03:12a club promoter for that specific sex
03:14club on tinder and he met us at the club
03:17and he taught me the italian phrase
03:19veniqua which means come here so i'm
03:22[ __ ] him anytime a guy would come in
03:24the room i thought was hot i'd go
03:25venicua and then it just slowly started
03:29and your dude just watched that's all he
03:31wanted to do he didn't do anything all
03:33night until the end of the night when
03:35i'm sucking his dick on this like little
03:37bed and this italian woman just comes
03:40over and pushes me off mid-dick suck and
03:43starts sucking his dick and i just go to
03:46the other side because i was like i
03:47[ __ ] everybody that night basically so
03:49i was like okay like let him like get
03:50his [ __ ]
03:51mouth and yeah whatever so i just like
03:53went to the other side of the room and
03:54then watched and then you watched
03:56was this like is it like a really happy
03:58experience for you or yeah so was your
04:00whole relationship with him driven by
04:01just sex because that's what it sounds
04:03like he had a lot of sex
04:05what what was the ultimate demise of
04:06your relationship
04:08him lying this is the thing that
04:12so you can get gang banged by a whole
04:14room full of people you can't even tell
04:15a lie
04:17that's not even it though
04:18[ __ ] whoever you want to [ __ ] okay but
04:21the rule that we had is be honest okay
04:24[ __ ] tell me what you're [ __ ] but
04:25what would he lie about
04:27he would he'd be like i'd catch like i
04:28go through his phone and i'd be like who
04:30the [ __ ] is this girl he'll be like oh i
04:31told you about her
04:33oh that's annoying i'm not [ __ ]
04:37so that would happen so many times over
04:39and over again or like he would start
04:41hanging out with someone and it was like
04:42clear that they're like low-key starting
04:43to date but like he wouldn't let me meet
04:46them so i'd have to hit up the girl on
04:47the side and i'd be like oh i had
04:49i had lunch with that girl today but
04:51were you dating a bunch of dudes on your
04:53own at this point in your life dating is
04:54a loose term i was [ __ ] a ton of
04:56people but he sounds like he was dating
04:59it sounds like he was dude and that was
05:00your rule no emotional attachment no you
05:02could do it just [ __ ] beyonce oh so
05:04you could have an actual emotional and
05:06physical relationship with someone yeah
05:07just focus would you be in this kind of
05:08relationship again it sounds kind of
05:10stressful really it was just him
05:12like the deceitfulness like and i think
05:15that's what bothers me is like i'm such
05:16an honest person and i know that
05:18i can [ __ ] the entire world and still
05:21come home and love you
05:23and like none of that even matters
05:25and so i remember the night that
05:27everything it was during quarantine i
05:29was a little bit drunk which i never get
05:30drunk so i was like amped up
05:32and i caught another girl on his phone
05:34and he did the i told you about her and
05:36i just slammed my fist on the table and
05:38i was like five years i've known you
05:40five years you've lied to me i'm done
05:43and that was really the end you didn't
05:44know that that was it we have i mean
05:46like we still have to talk but like
05:48that was it i just i'm so [ __ ] done
05:51i don't want to be lied to him yeah i
05:52think life just sucks
05:54especially because he was like i gave
05:56you the world and he's telling you like
05:58oh yeah i told you about that girl that
05:59would be so annoying to me i'd be so
06:00pissed because i don't remember anything
06:02and she remembers everything so it would
06:04be such [ __ ] you told me like oh
06:06yeah i told you i'd be like no the [ __ ]
06:08you didn't
06:09oh i'd be like so mad i get it if it's
06:11like the girl is like a [ __ ] [ __ ] or
06:14like doesn't let you do [ __ ] but he
06:15could literally do it yeah and that's
06:17more annoying he's like you're spitting
06:18on my like what the privilege exactly
06:22exactly no that'd be super would you
06:24like to be in a committed relationship
06:25or would do you think that's the kind of
06:27relationship that works for you it could
06:28never be monogamous ever really no no no
06:31no no
06:32what is it about it just you need those
06:39perfect world
06:41if the guy that i was dating could [ __ ]
06:43me like four or five times a day for
06:45like in
06:47a total of like a couple hours at a time
06:50he could like make me [ __ ] come like
06:54potentially but then that would mean i
06:55have to quit my job and i love my job
06:58right well porn's acting
07:03then that person's probably not going to
07:04let you do porn yeah
07:07i just think and maybe you guys can
07:09attest to this
07:11like i've never felt closer to someone
07:13than in those moments with him
07:15where you feel what is the word
07:18i don't remember the word it's like just
07:20the happiness that
07:22you know that they're experiencing
07:24pleasure no yeah i totally know what the
07:26i i there's a word for it that someone
07:27has yes that's
07:32can we get the definition on the screen
07:33what the [ __ ] does that mean it's like i
07:35love you so much
07:37that i want to watch you have this joy i
07:39want you to experience everything and
07:41anything that you want right and there's
07:44like there's such a there's like this
07:45different level of love i feel like it's
07:47the joy you experience from watching
07:49someone else experience sexual like
07:51whatever the lack of jealousy yeah
07:53that's true just just being a very pure
07:55thing like watching you get your dick
07:57sucked and knowing that like i feel like
07:59you're so happy with it and that he's
08:01probably thinking about like she looks
08:02so pretty doing it but like when i was
08:04watching you getting eaten out and you
08:05came sitting on this couch with kieran
08:10was happy for you feeling good but then
08:12i was also happy for myself because i
08:14was like wow i really like watching this
08:16yeah so i thought you're gonna say you
08:18were jealous yeah no no i was waiting
08:20for the jealousy i wasn't jealous
08:21because i mean she's a woman you know i
08:23just feel like i'll come home and i'll
08:25be like oh she was so good at eating
08:26[ __ ] and you'd be like
08:28but the part that i feel like you're
08:29missing is like there's the confidence
08:31that you have that she's never gonna
08:33leave you she's not going anywhere she's
08:35gonna die um no but but even if the sex
08:38is better even if kiara noir eats
08:40surprised you better it doesn't [ __ ]
08:41matter at the end of the day i love you
08:43i mean you gotta i mean at a certain
08:45point yeah i could just accept that no
08:47but the most jealous i think i've ever
08:49felt with her and the most i would like
08:50[ __ ] the [ __ ] out of her to get a little
08:52bit of revenge was when i used to come
08:54home from work and you would be upstairs
08:56in your room camming back in the day at
08:58the old apartment and i would hear her
09:01smacking her ass for [ __ ] two dollar
09:03tips up there on cam and meanwhile i'm
09:06sitting down there trying to smoke my
09:07blood trying to watch tv trying to
09:08[ __ ] chill and i'm just hearing that
09:10big old ass get smacked and just knowing
09:13that it's perfect
09:14with my own hands for these fools and i
09:17just like that that was where i would be
09:18like she would get done and i'd be like
09:20let's go your is getting reamed out here
09:23yeah i don't know i'm jealous yeah but i
09:25felt jealousy not to any specific dude
09:28ownership just the entirety of it is
09:30like i don't like hearing her [ __ ]
09:32doing that i was performing for other
09:34men yeah which i'm totally okay if but
09:36i'm doing that right now if i walked in
09:38and you were making a video masturbating
09:40and i know you're gonna sell that only
09:42fans or whatever i don't [ __ ] care i
09:43mean that's just that that wasn't that
09:45it was live that bothered you just a
09:47little bit yeah it was just a little too
09:48personal i don't know interesting that
09:50is interesting
09:51i feel like part of it is that like when
09:53he comes home from work and he's smoking
09:54weed and he's watching tv he wants to
09:56just completely turn everything off and
09:58just chill and and that moment i'm
10:00making you think about sex the last
10:01thing is i want is these little [ __ ]
10:03up there paying you to smack your ass
10:05maybe and we did afterwards yes after i
10:08tore up your [ __ ] i am so fascinated
10:10by her i feel like you're talking to her
10:11i i'm very interested in your life i'm
10:14like you had a gangbang in italy while
10:16your dude watches you what's that's
10:18where i was going okay it's how it got
10:20me into porn
10:21oh yes okay so
10:24like i [ __ ] watch porn i [ __ ] love
10:27watched you [ __ ] not you guys were
10:29[ __ ] cool and so
10:31obviously i thought about it i was in
10:33porn for a long like i was in strip like
10:35i was already kind of in the business
10:38it wasn't until him and we started doing
10:41that stuff and he was like why aren't
10:42you doing it and i was like
10:45i don't know it just seemed like very
10:47like final
10:49and like i felt in a weird way like
10:52oh well i'm so comfortable doing what
10:53i'm doing now and like there's this the
10:55like level of like
10:57a non and non nim
11:00that is what strippers have that porn
11:02stars don't even if they're potentially
11:04doing the same yeah and so it just
11:05seemed kind of like final i think
11:08but the funny thing is like i get in
11:10august 2019 okay and i'm like just
11:14getting things going and then pandemic
11:17and so it completely changed the [ __ ]
11:19entire landscape of the building yes
11:21and so
11:22i'm i feel like i'm lucky that i got in
11:24when i did because i'm kind of riding
11:27this wave with everyone else of like
11:30okay only fans is huge now yeah okay
11:33studio work is interesting now because
11:34like all the big girls are gone
11:37so it's like this whole new landscape
11:39did you already have an only fence
11:40before you decided that you were going
11:42to do sex work no no we did mini vids me
11:44and my ex okay but then the second
11:47the second that i started doing poor and
11:48he's like well i really just wanted to
11:50like see you get [ __ ] like once or
11:53twice so i could like watch it on my
11:54phone like you can leave now and i was
11:56like no
11:58oh he was just kidding when he said you
11:59should do porn he just wanted you to
12:00make a few tapes for his pleasure i
12:02think it became very real for him okay
12:04and he didn't know if he could actually
12:05handle it and i think it was like
12:08i wasn't i don't want to give words to
12:11you but it was like an ownership thing
12:13like oh she's not mine anymore she's
12:16everyone's she belongs to the streets
12:18it's like a different thing and then
12:20especially like after we would start
12:23shooting content once i started porn he
12:24was like i feel like you're using me
12:26and i'm like you don't understand
12:28how porn works yeah yeah we're using
12:30each other we have yeah we have to open
12:32up yeah it's not like we're
12:34normally having sex so i think he
12:37i think he thought that i got cold but i
12:39in reality i feel like i like not to
12:41sound cheesy but i feel like i filmed
12:43myself would it be fair to say that
12:44you're excited to hook up with my fiance
12:46here i think it would be fair to say i'm
12:48really excited to go with her would it
12:49be fair to say that you're not so
12:50opposed to getting me in there as well i
12:52mean it's like it's like whatever it's
