Yankees Vs. Red Sox: Cole's Performance and Game Prediction

  • 3 months ago
00:00And a half strikeouts against the Boston Red Sox over is plus
00:10120. The under is minus 154. I know you love matchups like
00:16this. Georgia Yankees Red Sox. Who you got today? Do you got
00:18Cole going over or under? Just about how far into the game is
00:23he going to go, right? Last night, another devastating loss
00:27for the Yankees. Just they're finding new and fun ways to
00:30lose games and really drive me completely insane. Had somebody
00:34on Twitter last night actually make a joke about calling the
00:37local police to check on me to make sure I was okay. Probably
00:41a good thing. I think it was out my backyard muttering to
00:44myself there. Muttering is a nice little word for you. I have
00:50a bad feeling about this. Maybe it's the Yankee fan of me.
00:53Maybe it's that I just don't think he's going to get it. I
00:56just don't know. I just I think they're going to run a little
00:58bit Trevino today because I think he's going to be the
01:00catcher because I well started last night digging into our
01:02night game thing. I think it's going to drive his pitch count
01:05way up there. I'm not feeling good things about today's game.
01:08I'm just not. So, I'm going to say no.
