Post-race interview - Stage 8 - Tour de France 2024

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00:00Remco, another stage ticked off. How did it go for you, because today you had to adapt to new circumstances,
00:08the weather, the rain, the cold, the stress?
00:11Yeah, I think a pretty good day for us. Always well in front.
00:18Pretty tough start actually, with still a bit of the lactate in the legs after yesterday's TT.
00:25I think the first three climbs did me well to get into the rhythm again.
00:29Always united with my teammates, well in the front.
00:33Also in the last kilometres, 3km to go, we were still there, then we dropped a bit back.
00:38I just moved up to not leave any gap or get into a time gap.
00:45In the end I finished 10th, which is pretty special on a bunch sprint.
00:50I think we did a good race today and we have to be ready for tomorrow.
00:57Are you excited, are you stressed about tomorrow's gravel stage?
01:01It's a bit of everything actually. Excited to have a race experience in the Chemin Blanc here in France.
01:09A bit stressed because things can go wrong, but let's hope everything goes well,
01:17everything goes in a good direction for us and that we get out of tomorrow's stage without any problems.
01:23But of course, it can go every way.
01:27So we'll have to be focused from kilometre zero till after the finish line.
01:32Do you like the gravel sectors or is it a bit of an unknown?
01:36No, actually I know them. I really like them.
01:42They're not the most technical ones, they're just quite straightforward, pretty tough ones.
01:47It will all depend on the breakaway, who is in the breakaway, how big the breakaway is.
01:53Then we will see about the GC battle, but I think every GC guy just wants to get through safe
01:58and without any time loss or problems on critical moments.
02:02It's going to be a special day and I think everybody is excited to watch.
02:08I already said a few times that maybe the stage of tomorrow will be one of the most viewed sports events of this year.
02:16We will see, but I'm excited and I'm looking forward to it.
02:21Bonne soirée.
02:22Thank you.
