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00:30Santos, I've been looking for you
00:39Justly, I also wanted to talk to you
00:46I've been thinking about us
00:52I've realized that I've been wrong
00:56Very bad
00:59I've been a bastard and you don't deserve a treatment as despicable and miserable as mine
01:10I don't know very well what to say. You don't have to say anything
01:17I just want you to forgive me
01:20I need you to forgive me
01:23I want to change, okay? I want to do things right
01:35I've talked to Mr. Baeza and he helped me to open my eyes
01:42Now I see things in a completely different way
01:47I've also talked to my father and we've decided to leave our grudges behind. That's very good
01:58We want to try to fix our relationship
02:03And I would love to do the same with ours
02:08I promise you that I will not force you to do anything you don't want
02:14And your secret is safe with me. I'm not going to tell you or threaten you to do it
02:22But I beg you, I beg you to give me a second chance in love
02:38I don't understand Hanna the bad taste joke that is this
02:43You don't understand what I feel when I come here and without even giving me any explanation
02:57Can't be. Mrs. Ria?
03:00Hi Maria
03:10But are you really a ghost?
03:13Well, if you want you can give me a hug to prove that I'm flesh and bone
03:32I can't even imagine
03:38But what are you doing here? Has something happened?
03:41Actually, yes, Mrs. Ria
03:46Gloria is back
03:49Of course, that's why you're here, right?
03:53Because you're running away from that demon
03:56That's why you asked for his death
03:59Well, Maria, why don't we explain it to you now?
04:02We're going to lie about everything we've brought, right?
04:05Yes, go, go
04:07Then it's better
04:38Santos, I don't know, no, it's not that I don't believe you
04:42It's just that it's complicated for me to believe that you're going to change in a Santiame
04:45I assure you that I am no longer the same, that I have changed
04:49I am ashamed of the old Santos who threatened you and treated you badly
04:54Well, but you have to understand that for me it is not so easy to forget everything like this, without further
05:00I understand that you have repairs
05:05I have been a miserable and a bastard with you
05:11Santos, you have blackmailed me, you have harassed me
05:15I know, I know
05:21But I have done it on purpose
05:24I promise you that I will never force you again
05:30That I will do everything possible to be worthy of your love
05:35I beg you, Vera, I beg you
05:41You need a second chance
05:45Santos, I can't give a chance to a love I've never felt
05:50And I prefer to be honest with you and not lie to you so that you don't have false hopes
05:57I beg you, please, Vera, forgive me, really, please, I beg you
06:04Santos, please
06:07I even feel sorry for you
06:12But that means you care
06:22I understand that you can't forget everything I've done to you
06:28I just ask you to be friends
06:36Please, Vera, just that, be friends
06:56Now I have to go
07:07Really? Are they both okay?
07:10And they don't lack anything? They have both arms and legs
07:13Candela, don't be a fool
07:15Both Mr. Curro and Mr. Manuel come from a party
07:19Of course, they don't look the best, but they both enjoy good health
07:23It's a happy day for this house
07:25Yes, there is a reason to celebrate
07:27I prefer to see the gentlemen with my own eyes
07:30You are always so distrustful
07:32I don't see it, I don't believe it
07:34And they arrived so suddenly, Mr. Pellicer?
07:36Nobody expected them
07:37And how did they arrive? In a plane? Like Mr. Manuel's?
07:40No, because we would have felt it, that those engines mount a scandal that for what?
07:45Well, I'm a little blind
07:46I haven't heard anything either
07:48They haven't arrived by air, they have arrived in a locomotive
07:50Ah, sure, to see if they are going to survive the war and then they are going to hit a chestnut in the airplane
07:56Of course, it must have been a long and painful trip
07:59The important thing is that they are already at home
08:01I'm glad to see that Mr. Manuel and Mr. Curro are back
08:06Really? And they are fine?
08:08A little weak, but fine
08:11But come on, with rest and good food, I'm sure they will regain their energy in a while
08:16Lope, we will have to think about the menus for the next few days, that they have strong dishes to help them return to their being
08:22What a great joy, really
08:24I suppose the one who is most happy will be the lady with the return of her son
08:28She was radiant, Mr. Manuel appeared through the door and she lit up his face and swung over him
08:33How nice, a reunion between mother and son
08:35It was a very emotional hug
08:37Well, Mrs. Marquesa only had eyes for Mr. Manuel, she didn't even realize that her nephew was there
08:42A son is a son
08:44I don't even want to think about the horrors that those boys will have seen on the front
08:48One day today I wake up many days with nightmares of the war in Africa
08:53I know perfectly well that these images will accompany them all their lives, unfortunately
08:58But hey, with the return home and the affection of their loved ones, they will recover, you supported me a lot
09:03The best balm is love
09:05And also a good rest, I have ordered them to prepare a very warm bath for each of them
09:10You will see them in glory
09:12That's how the wrinkles are removed and also the bad memories
09:16The man will look like new
09:18It was the first thing that Mr. Manuel asked as soon as he arrived at the house, a bath
09:22He asked me to ask Mrs. Darrio
09:26And you have told him the truth
09:29No, it was not Mr. Marques
09:31And both Mr. Manuel and Mr. Itocurro were shocked by the news of Mrs. Pia's death
09:36Poor thing, staying at home after so long
09:39And first of all, find out about such a terrible news
09:43Well, they will have to get used to it because there is no other
09:45I haven't gotten it today
09:48He has left a very deep mark on the service
09:55I'm sorry
10:06You don't know how much human contact is appreciated
10:09And being able to talk to someone
10:12Days here are eternal
10:14I could imagine
10:17Unfortunately, I don't need to imagine it because I know it very well
10:21Maria, forgive me, forgive me
10:24Forgive me because at least I have food, I have water
10:27And someone who cares about me from the outside
10:30Yours must be a hell, forgive me
10:32Well, to be a hell, Mrs. Pia, you have to be dead
10:36The truth is that I was chained here
10:38Waiting to die
10:41It had to be horrible
10:44Well, it was horrible, Hanna
10:46For nothing in the world I would have come back here
10:49Maria, I'm very sorry to make you relive all this
10:52Really, it was the only place I could think of for Mrs. Pia to be safe
10:57Don't worry
11:00Besides, the place that caused me the most anguish now
11:03Has given me one of the greatest joys of my life
11:07Maria, I know you have felt my death a lot
11:09Hanna has told me everything and ...
11:12And I'm really sorry to have caused you that pain
11:17Well, when I come back, everyone will understand how I understood it
11:22That it was necessary to mislead that monster
11:26Well, we have not misled him very well
11:29Because he has reappeared
11:31He has returned because Petra has warned him
11:33But the plan goes ahead
11:35If Petra has spoken to him, it is because she suspects something, Hanna
11:37Well, let her suspect whatever she wants, Mrs. Pia
11:40The plan is very well tied
11:42And the only thing that man can discover is that you died in your town, nothing more
11:46Well, I hope so
11:48Because it has taken a lot of risk for us to get here
11:51Well, soon it will end as a nightmare
11:53You will see
11:55You have to do it because the truth is that you are ...
11:59You are getting better
12:01Yes, well, I'm not in my best moment, Maria Fernández
12:06That's because you are alone and locked up here
12:10But that's why we came to take care of you
12:18We will stay here with you for a few days
12:20So that you are not alone and until everything is fixed, to see how it evolves
12:25Thank you very much
12:39A few days later
12:54I see you eating with a lot of appetite, Manuel
12:57Like a hungry beast, mother
12:59My voracity has no limits
13:01Mine neither
13:03In fact, it is to see so many delicious snacks that I even get nervous
13:06Let's see if you are going to get sick from eating so much
13:09I doubt it a lot
13:11I think I get everything that is on the table, even more
13:13No, no cousin, share that not only for you
13:16Well, I think you are filling the eye before the gut
13:19Well, you look better after a night of rest
13:22There is nothing like ten hours of repairing sleep
13:25I don't know better medicine
13:27Here we bring more sweets in case you like
13:29I thought you would be hungry
13:31Have you thought about it well, Romulo?
13:33No, but leave them here
13:36They are delicious. I think that as promised, you don't have breakfast anywhere in the world
13:40I'm glad they are to your liking, sir
13:42I will transmit your good wishes to the kitchen
13:44And Mr. Baeza, also transmit our deepest condolences for Mrs. Pia's death
13:50Last night, the news left us completely surprised
13:56Yes, I also join the condolences
13:59I feel my heart so easily lost
14:02I would do so, gentlemen
14:05Romulo, ask them to bring more fruit
14:07I'm sure they haven't seen it in a long time
14:11Yes, and it would be better if we eat something healthier
14:13We can't be eating cakes all the time
14:16Yes, the last fruit I remember was those blackberries we picked in the bushes
14:21In Ibgez, in Belgium, do you remember?
14:24How can I forget it, cousin?
14:26It was the night before one of the worst battles we have been part of
14:30Yes, I have read about it
14:32That's where the Germans used a terrible gas against the allied troops, isn't it?
14:37Of course
14:39And that we were lucky enough to block our airways with damp cloths
14:44Because otherwise we would have died there without a doubt
14:47Thank God you were able to soak those cloths in water
14:51Well, actually we couldn't
14:54We had to do it with our own urine
14:58Was it really necessary to give that information at the table?
15:01Romulo, it would be better if you bring that fruit
15:05And a little more coffee, if you can, it's delicious
15:09What a Swiss guy
15:12By the way, how long will it take Martín to come down for breakfast?
15:16I know he loves it
15:22What's going on?
15:28Is something going on with my cousin?
15:31Martina is not in the palace
15:34And where is she?
15:35Traveling, with some friends
15:37She will be back in a few days
15:45And my sister Catalina?
15:47She hasn't had breakfast yet, she's usually very early
15:50Catalina is in the hangar
15:53In my hangar?
15:57And what is she doing there?
16:01I don't know
16:21Good morning
16:24It's time to go to bed
16:27Last night I slept very tired
16:32We both slept very tired
16:40Are you okay?
16:42Are you going to keep treating me with so much formalism?
16:45After last night
16:47Yeah, it's weird, isn't it?
16:49A lot
16:51A lot
16:55I think it's been one of the best wake-up calls of my life
16:59If not the best
17:02And the morning is good
17:05Because the night has been wonderful
17:10I love you
17:18Maria is kissing you all day
17:22Now you start doing other things, don't you?
17:28I guess so
17:31You know
17:33I don't know how the clouds have dissipated so quickly
17:37A few days ago I was in the worst stage of my life
17:40In a dead end
17:44And you arrive
17:46And you change everything
17:52Yes, that bank loan
17:54I was very worried about you
17:58You know for sure it's not that
18:02My heart was stopped, Catalina
18:05And you revived it
18:08Do you feel the same as me?
18:10Of course
18:14And it's been a while since I slept so well
18:21I don't know if that answers my question but
18:26You slept well
18:28I guess
18:30I guess you were happy
18:32I am
18:36If it were up to me
18:39You would have stayed in bed
18:44Feeling your body next to mine
18:53We'll have to pick up the dinner
18:56Before someone comes and surprises us
19:00But if no one is coming
19:02Everyone knows they don't like visits
19:04But in the end, someone always comes by surprise
19:09I hope some surprise is pleasant, right?
19:17I'm going to start picking up
19:20Everything is wasted and on my shoulders
19:29I'm sorry
19:49What did they tell you at the San Antonio?
19:51They were very kind to accept the telephone conference
19:54But how is Martina?
19:56Martina is fine, Margarita
19:58Don't worry, she's evolving
20:00Have you been able to talk to her?
20:02No, no
20:03You know it would be counterproductive for her recovery
20:06But the director of the center has reassured me a lot
20:09So you should calm down too
20:11And about what they told you yesterday?
20:13What about the fight?
20:15It's true that Martina had an altercation with another patient
20:19But nothing serious
20:20Really, Margarita, trust me
20:22They are in good hands
20:23What was the altercation about?
20:25Well, he didn't specify, but it could be anything
20:29Think that there are also people with different problems than Martina's
20:32I mean, it is up to a certain point normal that there is some friction
20:35No, no Ignacio
20:36There has to be a cause, I know
20:38Don't turn it around, Margarita
20:40It was an unimportant altercation
20:42Well, my daughter is supposed to be admitted to that place
20:45So that her spirit calms down
20:47And not to get into fights
20:49I can't even imagine that my daughter is living in fear in that sanatorium
20:53No, no, sit down, please
21:01What can I do to make you tremble?
21:03I have spoken with the director of the center
21:05He told me that he will take extreme care of Martina
21:08And that he will be especially vigilant
21:10As for the people who can approach her
21:12I don't know, Ignacio, I don't know
21:14Let's see the positive part
21:16Thanks to this unfortunate episode
21:20Martina will have an even better treatment
21:22And a more personalized attention
21:29Why don't we stop talking about this matter?
21:31And let's change the subject
21:37You and I have something important pending
21:42Do you mean getting married?
21:44No, no
21:45I mean getting married
21:50I don't know, Ignacio
21:52I really don't know
21:53Should I start worrying about this lack of hope?
21:56No, of course I have hope
21:58But with these circumstances it is very complicated
22:00Precisely, the circumstances are immeasurable
22:02Now we can fix our situation while Martina heals
22:07We can focus our attention on preparing that ceremony
22:11I can't wait any longer
22:13I want to be with you
22:16I love you, Margarita
22:20I love you too
22:24I like it
22:25With a smile on your face
22:28You know, I haven't told my sisters yet
22:30Angelines and Pilar
22:31But as soon as they find out
22:32They will go crazy knowing that I finally feel head
22:36You look good
22:38You have caught a single man in bed
22:42Well, Ignacio, anyway
22:44I prefer that we don't tell anyone yet
22:46Until we have it closed
22:48But Margarita, my love
22:50I promise I want to marry you
22:52But you know I can't do it behind Martina's back
22:54And I need you to understand
22:58So if you agree
22:59Let's leave this issue aside
23:00And give the lead role to Manuel and Curro
23:02Who have just returned from the war
23:06Besides, think about it
23:08What you do to wait
23:10Then you enjoy it more intensely
23:14Ignacio, I want to thank you for calling the sanatorium
23:17Because, even if it doesn't seem like it
23:20It has left me much calmer
23:48What are you doing?
24:00What's going on?
24:01What's going on?
24:02No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
24:05No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
24:08Please don't do anything to me, please!
24:10Don't worry, everything will be fine
24:12No, no, no.
24:13Don't worry, everything will be fine.
24:15No, no, no, I'm begging you, please.
24:17Let's go.
24:18Please, no!
24:20Please, let me go.
24:22Let's go.
24:23No, no, no, no.
24:24No, no, no, no.
24:31Let me out of here!
24:32Let me out of here, please.
24:33Let me out, please.
24:39Oh my god!
24:41Oh my god!
25:40Manuel, is that you?
25:42I'm not dreaming, am I?
25:44It's me, flesh and bone.
25:46I don't know what you're all up to with thinking I'm a dream.
25:48What a surprise! I didn't know you were back!
25:50Yesterday we came back, Curro and I, after several days of travel.
25:54And is Curro okay?
25:55Yes, yes, yes, yes. This morning he had breakfast for ten.
26:00You don't look well.
26:02Well, somehow I had to justify that I come from the war, don't you think?
26:06I see you haven't lost your good mood.
26:12I'm here. And I'm alive. What more can I ask for?
26:16You're right.
26:18Sometimes we get distressed by insubstantial things and forget the fundamental.
26:23Health, money and love.
26:25Although we've never lacked money.
26:32Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend, sister?
26:35Yes, yes, of course.
26:37It's Adriano.
26:39A farm worker.
26:41Ah, Adriano.
26:44Manuel de Luján, at your service.
26:46Pleased to meet you, sir.
26:49Well, I'm leaving. I guess you have a lot to talk about.
26:55It's not necessary.
26:57Thank you, Adriano.
27:04You don't know how much I missed you.
27:08I want to thank you for your effort.
27:10Mr. Curro and Mr. Manuel showed up all of a sudden.
27:13And I know you had to prepare the rooms in a hurry and in a hurry.
27:19Can you tell me where Juan and María Fernández have gone before?
27:23Do you think these are ways to enter the office, Mrs. Arcos?
27:27Do you know or don't you know?
27:30You can withdraw and continue with your obligations.
27:34Thank you.
27:39No. No, I don't know.
27:41I don't even have the most remote idea where they might be.
27:44I don't believe you.
27:46Well, you better look around the palace before accusing me of being a liar without any basis.
27:50Those two young ladies should be working.
27:53And they have disappeared.
27:55Well, I say that two young ladies will not be lost like the one who loses two buttons.
27:59They will be somewhere.
28:01Without permission.
28:02It's weird.
28:03Because they are unconscious and crazy heads.
28:06But not stupid to finish off.
28:09And what do you want me to do?
28:11If I haven't given you permission,
28:13I can only imagine that you have given it to Mr. Baeza.
28:17You accuse me again.
28:19I don't know anything about this matter.
28:21So leave me alone.
28:23Not all of us are as twisted as you.
28:26You are not acting behind my back, are you?
28:28And you have been given permission to leave without my knowledge.
28:31Are you able to get out of here at the earliest?
28:33I was alone.
28:35Mrs. Alcos, excuse me, but your voices can be heard from the corridor.
28:39I was the one who authorized those young ladies to leave the palace.
28:43Without consulting me first, Mr. Baeza?
28:46Because I remind you that I am responsible for those two young ladies.
28:49This is all urgent.
28:51I received an order from Mr. Marquis at the last minute.
28:54I didn't have time to notify anyone.
28:56I assure you that I did not know about that order from the Marquis.
29:00And why did he need them so urgently?
29:04A friend of Mr. Marquis received an unexpected visit and needed a couple of young ladies as soon as possible.
29:10Can you tell me who that friend is?
29:15Don Gabriel López Cardillo, Duke of San Rafael.
29:19Colonel of the Honorable Spanish Army, for more information.
29:23Do you want any more information?
29:43Look how many hours I have spent in this hangar.
29:46And I never imagined that it could become a home.
29:49Here I lead the life I want, without anyone's intervention.
29:54You know?
29:56When I was at the front, I longed to return to the promise and meet the routines again.
30:02What I didn't know is that the routines had jumped through the air.
30:07I understand that it is difficult for you to accept so many changes at once.
30:11Especially if it sounds worse.
30:24What has pushed you to join the hangar, sister?
30:30It has something to do with my mother.
30:32Am I wrong?
30:35You are not wrong.
30:38And you're not going to tell me?
30:40I think you should ask your mother.
30:42Yes, when I have the least chance.
30:53Listen to me.
30:56I'm going to do everything I can to fix the problem you both have.
31:00Whatever it is.
31:02There are unsolvable issues, Manuel.
31:06I come from the front.
31:09From being with hundreds of people agonizing around me, Catalina.
31:14When you come from a war, any dispute ...
31:17It becomes almost a children's game.
31:21You may be right.
31:25And that you have a vision that I am not able to adopt.
31:29Trust me.
31:37And as for this man who was here ...
31:40His name is Adriano, right?
31:42That's right.
31:43That's right.
31:45I didn't have the pleasure of meeting him.
31:48He is Jesus' son.
31:50One of the landlords of La Promesa who died recently.
31:57It seemed that you were quite close.
32:00Tadeo encouraged me to ...
32:02To help him because he was going through a rough patch.
32:07That you will help him.
32:09Well, yes.
32:10Yes, it is true that I am away from the farm but ...
32:13But I could give him advice on how to take care of his land.
32:18He is a good boy.
32:20Only he has no experience because his father was in charge of everything.
32:24And he asked for a loan from the bank but he was not able to pay it, so ...
32:27Come on, Catalina.
32:29Don't worry.
32:31You don't need to tell me everything.
32:35From what I see, you are unable to forget your obligations, whatever happens.
32:40That's me.
32:59Maria Antonia!
33:00Maria Antonia!
33:02Are you feeling better this morning?
33:04Yes, thank you.
33:06I guess you just needed rest and sound sleep.
33:09It seems so, yes.
33:11So we can ...
33:13resume our pending conversation.
33:17I guess you must have rested too, right?
33:20You must feel a great peace with the return of your son Curro's war.
33:24Yes, yes, although ...
33:26Peace ...
33:27Maybe it's not the word that best describes my state.
33:32Let's get to the important thing.
33:33Do you agree?
33:36I was stunned when you confessed to me last night that my brother-in-law Alonso kissed you.
33:43Did I say that exactly?
33:45Well, I don't know.
33:46I think maybe you misinterpreted my words.
33:49Maria Antonia, in the phrase, Alonso kissed me,
33:52there is no possible double interpretation.
33:54Either it happened or it didn't.
33:57And I have the feeling that it did happen.
33:59That last night you wanted to vent and today you are retreating.
34:02Is that so or not?
34:04Honestly, it's a topic I prefer to talk about.
34:06I should never have told you anything, I missed it, I'm sorry.
34:09You can't throw the stone and hide your hand.
34:12What's going on between my brother-in-law and you?
34:14Really, no?
34:15Maria Antonia, please.
34:21Let's say that for a while this part ...
34:25was showing an excessive interest in me.
34:30Excessive and inappropriate.
34:31He is a married man, for God's sake.
34:33You can't imagine what a violent situation,
34:35because for me he is the husband of my best friend.
34:38It is very hard for me to pretend in front of Cruz that nothing is wrong.
34:41I don't know if you've done it with her.
34:43I was perfectly aware of what was happening to you.
34:45Do you understand me now?
34:47How could he do something like that?
34:50Well, these are things that happen.
34:53Really, I prefer not to stir them up.
34:55It is unacceptable.
34:57Please, let's let it go.
34:58You would never have imagined something so scandalous.
35:00I had my brother-in-law for an impeccable moral man
35:03and now it turns out that he lets himself be carried away by his low passions.
35:07I ask you, please, to be discreet, Lorenzo.
35:10A grave.
35:11For nothing in the world I would like Cruz to find out.
35:13It would be a terrible disappointment for her.
35:16Don't worry, it's a disappointment for everyone.
35:19Can I trust you, Lorenzo?
35:21Maria Antonia, not all men are the same.
35:24I've seen it with my own eyes.
35:27You haven't answered my question yet.
35:30Can I or can't I trust you?
35:59Have you spoken to Santos?
36:01Shall we continue later?
36:06Well, what?
36:07Have you managed to put an end to the pressure you are being subjected to or not?
36:10Yes, I did it yesterday,
36:11before Mr. Pellicer announced the return of the warlords.
36:15Why haven't you told me anything? I've been all day.
36:17I know, I know, I'm sorry.
36:19Well, tell me, what did he say? How did he react?
36:21Fine, fine.
36:23Are you sure?
36:25Because it doesn't seem like it from your appearance.
36:28Vera, don't lie to me, did he force you again?
36:29No, Lope, no, calm down.
36:30Are you sure?
36:31Yes, quite the opposite.
36:35Well, I don't understand, what's going on?
36:38I don't know, it was a delicate and painful conversation.
36:44Yes, especially for him.
36:46He was very affected by the words I said to him.
36:48Well, I don't feel any pity.
36:54I don't know, Lope.
36:55He told me he regretted his behavior, he apologized to me.
37:00Yes, you should have seen him.
37:02And he wouldn't be pretending his forgiveness?
37:04I doubt Santo is such a good actor.
37:07And what did you tell him?
37:08Well, at first I was tough.
37:10I couldn't forget all the horrible things he had done to me.
37:13Abnormal, illogical.
37:15Vera has been blackmailing and forcing you.
37:17Yeah, I know, but ...
37:18No, there are no buts. There aren't.
37:21Lope, my soul broke when I saw him so vulnerable, so broken.
37:25Listen to me, you can't be so good to him, he doesn't deserve it.
37:28Yeah, I know.
37:29And I made him see that I was not going to give him a second chance at a relationship that had never existed.
37:34That's right.
37:35And don't forget that if you were with him, it was because he was blackmailing you.
37:38And I'm not doing it, I assure you.
37:41I made him see that there was not going to be a relationship between us.
37:44I don't want to feed false hopes.
37:49And did he take it well?
37:52He told me he was satisfied with a simple friendship.
37:56I don't know, Lope. I'm going to be as cruel as not to forgive him.
38:02And besides, Santos is no longer going to be an obstacle in our relationship.
38:07That's the important thing, right?
38:12Yes, yes, of course.
38:16You have been the bravest woman in the world.
38:18It wasn't easy to have Agalles to face that man.
38:21Well, in the end it didn't turn out to be as bad as it seemed.
38:25It doesn't take away your merit either.
38:43Come in.
38:45I warn you that whatever you ask of me, you will have to wait.
38:50Mrs. Petra has overloaded me with tasks and has ordered me to finish them before dinner.
38:54Don't worry, I won't bother you too much.
38:56Take a seat.
39:01Is it because of the way I cool the floors? Have I made a mistake?
39:05No, it's not a work matter.
39:10It's about your visit to Lujan when you told me to bring the ink and the dry paper.
39:15Wasn't it the ink you wanted?
39:17According to what you told me, you met with Don Fermin to talk about your work, right?
39:21That's right, I did.
39:23Why did you lie to me then and lie to me again now?
39:27Me? Lie to you?
39:29I know for a fact that Don Fermin has not been in town for several days,
39:32so it is impossible for him to meet with you.
39:35Why did you lie?
39:37Well ...
39:38Precisely, my idea was to go talk to Don Fermin about the job,
39:42but once I got to Elysium, I found out that he was not there
39:46and I ended up talking about the matter with Mrs. Felipa, the woman who takes care of him,
39:49and precisely I am going to replace him.
39:52But you told me that you met with the parish priest and it was not like that.
39:55Well ...
39:56That's what you call lying.
39:58Let's see ...
39:59What I meant was that I had talked about the subject of my job.
40:03The truth is that I did it with Mrs. Felipa and not with Don Fermin as planned,
40:07but I promise you that I had no intention of cheating him.
40:11Maybe if he takes it to heart, then yes.
40:14But nothing further from my soul.
40:19Well ...
40:22You can go back to your work.
40:24I don't want you to get carried away by entertaining her too much.
40:28Don't worry, Mr. Pellicer.
40:31I have assumed that I will still be angry.
40:34And ... thank you very much.
40:48Manuel and Curro have gone for a ride around the farm.
40:52Blessed youth.
40:54The truth is that they have an enviable energy.
40:57I am not surprised that after so long in a trench,
41:01listening to the bullets whistling around them,
41:03they want to feel freedom and fresh air.
41:05Yes, with the tranquility of knowing that you don't have someone stalking you who wants to kill you.
41:09Yes, of course.
41:11The truth is that since Manuel and Curro have returned,
41:14another environment is being breathed, the promise.
41:17What do you mean?
41:19Well, just that there is more serenity, more joy.
41:22Yes, I agree. And that has come in handy for all of us.
41:25Because we were already very distressed.
41:28I was desperate, thinking that the boys could have fallen into that bombing of Alsacia and Lorena.
41:36Yes, the truth is that we all had bad moments.
41:38But they have completely dissipated.
41:40And I can't get my smile out of my mouth even if I want to.
41:43What a pair of big heads!
41:45What's up, Lorenzo?
41:47It's my son and my son-in-law who have insisted on going horseback riding, disobeying my recommendations.
41:51What's wrong with that?
41:53It's too soon, they have to recover.
41:56In my opinion, they will recover before feeling the fresh air on their face riding on their mounts.
42:02You've never been in a war, have you?
42:04I know what I'm talking about.
42:08Well, I still don't understand what's wrong with going horseback riding.
42:11Nothing, brother-in-law. There's nothing wrong with it.
42:15You don't have to rush a recovery when you arrive from such a terrible place.
42:18You never come back unharmed from a war.
42:22The worst wounds are the ones you don't see.
42:25The sequels of the mind.
42:27I have many companions who have still recovered from the anguish and fears they acquired on the front.
42:35Well, thank God, it seems that this is not the case with Curro and Manuel.
42:39No. They look active and excited.
42:43Don't be an agorist.
42:45I'm not an agorist. I'm cautious.
42:49By the way, Curro mentioned something about Martina being on a trip with some friends.
42:55Was it you who told her that lie?
42:58Well, at that moment I couldn't think of anything better to say.
43:05And what do you think, I don't know, having told her the truth?
43:09Yes. Why did you lie to her?
43:13I lied to Alonso because the fact that my daughter is locked up in a sanatorium makes me feel like a horrible mother.
43:20On the contrary. What you want is for her to recover.
43:25No. I don't feel that way.
43:27I feel a deep shame that Martina is locked up there.
43:43A month later
43:53Have you seen Alonso around here?
43:57Well, wait, girl, don't go.
44:01I would like you to have a digestive with me.
44:04Since I arrived, we haven't had time to talk to each other alone.
44:08Do you agree?
44:14You don't know how lucky I feel to be able to be back.
44:19In fact, this afternoon I was able to ride with Manuel on the farm there.
44:24This is how I imagine the age.
44:26Many trees, the wind, the sun ...
44:33Don't tell me that war has made you a poet.
44:36What happens is that when you return home, you realize ...
44:40The good thing is that you are in it.
44:42And if you like it so much, were you here?
44:44Why did you have to go to that damn war?
44:48I was ... confused.
44:51And at that moment I thought it was the best way out.
44:56Girl, this is not a time for reproaches.
44:59The important thing is that Manuel and I have returned safe and sound from that hell.
45:04Besides, after everything that has happened, it will not give me the slightest chance to get along moderately.
45:10I will not forgive you for dragging my son with you.
45:13Well, that's unfair. Because I didn't ask him to come with me.
45:16You know him perfectly well. You know that he would do anything to protect you.
45:20Well, like everyone here. Everyone treats you as if you were a little boy.
45:23Well, I thank the first ...
45:27I don't understand anything, girl.
45:29How can you be so calm?
45:31You are a spoiled brat.
45:33Everyone treats you with hot clothes and half-truths so as not to hurt you.
45:37And the truth is that you don't deserve any of those looks.
45:40Why are you saying that?
45:43I'm not a brat.
45:44Oh no?
45:45Then why did your aunt Margarita lie to you?
45:48Martina is not traveling. She is in a asylum.
46:07Do you know what María Fernández has done to the house of that friend of Marqués?
46:11No. I barely had time to say goodbye to her when she left with Hanna.
46:16And don't you think it's strange that they left at night, so suddenly?
46:22I don't have to cure myself of anything!
46:25I hope this is the last time she raises her voice to me.
46:31For the moment she will continue with the treatment.
46:33She will take the pills that are given to her and she will obey the nurses.
46:38That boy doesn't deserve you.
46:40And the way he has had to reject you, the only thing he has done is confirm it.
46:45Pera has been playing with you all this time.
46:50What do you know?
46:52If you left, it was because you wanted to. Nobody forced you.
46:54You weren't even defending our flag.
46:56Flags mean nothing to us.
46:58And why did you get ready?
47:01The next time, control your whims.
47:06Or at least assume the consequences of what you do.
47:11What can I do to give you back that smile I had?
47:16See? I've got it back.
47:20And how are you?
47:25There's something I'd like to tell you, but I don't know how to do it.
47:29I've called the palace and they've confirmed that our maids have never been there.
47:34But how dare you? Who do you think you are to bother the dukes?
47:38What matters is knowing where our maids are.
47:41What did Lujan do when he said he was going to talk to Mr. Fermin?
47:45I was with Niña Felipa, the woman in charge of taking care of the priest.
47:49When Mr. Pellicer told me his version, I impersonated Lujan myself.
47:57Don't hurt me, please. Don't take me anywhere. Don't hurt me.
48:02I'm not going to hurt you. I've got something for you.