• 2 months ago
00:00Last week, Luna Ray and Joe were in the bottom, and Luna lost the quick paint challenge.
00:12Hi, Luna.
00:14Hi, Raven. How are you?
00:17Where did you get the name Luna?
00:19From one of the anime shows that is out there. I combined two of my favorite characters, and that's how I ended up being me.
00:27Well, you seem to be smiling and in good spirits. Are you feeling okay?
00:31I'm doing as best as I can to handle all these feelings that come up with being the lowest scorer in Painted with Raven.
00:38I want you to realize that maybe you faltered, but you made it here. You just have to keep showing yourself your best.
00:46So, we know what you can do. It's now time to show yourself.
00:51It sucks that someone has to get muted every week, but that's just the way that the chips fall.
00:58Everything in life, good and bad, is an experience to learn from. That's exactly what I'm going to do.
01:04I hope that everybody can see me bounce back and do even better and win next week.
01:09I will see you back in the competition next week.
01:15Now, for this week's homework assignment, brought to you by the House of Love.
01:21The artists were asked to come in a geometric pattern. Let's see how they shaped up.
01:26First up, Elena.
01:28Picasso knows she better dance.
01:36Forgive me, Father, for I had to mute you last week.
01:44Fine China.
01:47This is Ari's blue period.
01:50Next up, Lauren.
01:53Don't box Lauren in.
01:57Next up, Joe.
01:59Oh, Joe's polished.
02:00Send Joe directly to Prism.
02:04Ooh, Nicky Nick.
02:06Nicky Nick's going to put a hexagon on you.
02:10Here comes Tucker.
02:13Serving up thirst trapezoid.
02:16Tucker sometimes can be so obtuse.
02:19You all look fabulous.
02:23Most of you served up all the angles, but only one of you will get the point.
02:31I've been sitting for too long, and I am ready to be in the game.
02:36I really need to rack up these points.
02:38Congratulations, Q.
02:41You are the winner of this week's House of Love homework assignment.
02:45That means you get one point toward your total score.
02:47I am on cloud nine.
02:50It feels, like, so amazing.
02:52Such a great take on geometric shapes to go with the stained glass.
02:59Raven says that Q is the winner.
03:01I just felt like I really had it in the bag because I really went out of the box.
03:05It's so much more than competition because Raven's opinion really matters to me.
03:10What was your inspiration for this look?
03:12When I think geometric, I automatically, like, go to stained glass.
03:15So I was like, I want to do something that has a stained glass effect to it.
03:18It's beautiful.
03:20Good job.
03:21Thank you.
03:23I'm kind of excited.
03:25Two points now.
03:29To hear Raven talk about it was like, man, you said I belonged here, and I'm delivering, finally.
03:37All right, artists.
03:38This week's main challenge is glam rock.
03:42In the 1970s, the glam rock of David Bowie, Kiss, and Elton John broke barriers
03:47and ushered in a whole new wave of androgyny.
03:51I'm connecting to this heavily because I still feel like people don't like me out in the real world.
03:56I have to step my non-binary cooch up and make sure that self-expression is key.
04:01Today, you must come up with your own glam rock look and be prepared to rock it.
04:08You have three hours and 45 minutes to complete your look.
04:10All right, artists.
04:11Game on, faces off.
04:13Your painted challenge starts now.
04:19Let's start wiping down, y'all.
04:21All right, let's take this off.
04:23So does anybody have any inspirational glam rock people that they like?
04:28An actually interesting fact.
04:30When I was, like, 15, I discovered Queen, and I got obsessed.
04:35So I got a lyrics book, and I learned a lot of English from Queen's lyrics.
04:39I had a book with the lyrics so I could sit there and translate every word with a dictionary,
04:45and I learned a lot of English from that.
04:47But before that, it was only, like, Russian pop music, pretty much.
04:51I think everybody looked amazing.
04:53My eyes were, like, on everyone.
04:55It's hard to tell whose game it is.
04:57So far, my critiques have been really positive,
05:00but I feel like Raven thinks that I'm constantly doing the same thing.
05:04I'm still trying to look out for myself and make sure that I'm doing the best that I can
05:08when it comes to my artistry.
05:09I don't want to branch out completely and do something that's, like, not what I love
05:13because I came on the show to create things that I'm proud of
05:16and that, like, I want to show the world.
05:18So I'm really hoping that I can take, like, a different route this week
05:21and maybe, like, show Raven something new and different that she hasn't seen before.
05:26So now it's, like, episode three.
05:28Is everybody getting more comfortable?
05:30I'm just glad that I can talk again.
05:33Now, I just feel like every time we come up with a look,
05:37it has to be even more special.
05:39It's like we need to erase the bar every single time.
05:42I'm so excited for this challenge.
05:44This is going to be so much fun.
05:47Aw, thank you, Luna.
05:51Hi, Lauren.
05:52Hi, Raven. How are you?
05:54I'm fabulous.
05:56So, are you very familiar with glam rock?
05:58I am.
06:00My dad is actually in, like, an 80s glam rock cover band.
06:04I love glam rock with all my heart.
06:06The spandex, the leopard print, the big hair.
06:09I love big hair so much.
06:11I'm so excited for this challenge.
06:13It's going to be so much fun.
06:15Aw, thank you, Luna.
06:20Thank you so much.
06:22I'm excited to see your glam rock look.
06:25Please, make it glam.
06:28Hi, Q.
06:29Welcome back to the competition.
06:31Now, you are a musician.
06:33I played the saxophone.
06:34I actually ended up learning to play the flute
06:36and the piccolo as well.
06:38So you know how to blow.
06:40I'm pretty all right.
06:42Look at that eyebrow.
06:44Hopefully, I can turn out something cute for you, girl.
06:47What am I going to do?
06:49I don't want to paint like Kiss.
06:50That's going to be expected.
06:51I don't want to paint like, you know, the lightning bolt.
06:54It's been done on the show.
06:55It's always done.
06:56It's overdone.
06:57I don't want to do a big star.
06:58I'm kind of, like, freaking out about what to do.
07:02Thank you, Q.
07:03All right, next up, Jo.
07:05Hi, Jo.
07:07Hi, Raven.
07:08Oh, my gosh.
07:11So you are going full red.
07:14I don't know why, but when I think of rock,
07:16three colors come to mind instantaneously,
07:18black, red, and white.
07:19I just don't see rockers wearing bright-ass colors
07:22like pink and yellow.
07:25It's rock.
07:26It's not gumdrop candy land, like, all that bullshit.
07:29It's rock.
07:31So rock it the fuck out.
07:33I'm not going to, like, add any more red.
07:35I'm going to throw some black and some red in there.
07:37Right on.
07:38Next up, Ari.
07:40Hello, beautiful.
07:41How are you doing, gorgeous?
07:44I feel really good today.
07:45I am loving these two different eyebrows.
07:47I feel like glam rock, half of it
07:49is, like, black and white scale, like Kiss and Alice Cooper.
07:52And then the other half is really loud, like David Bowie.
07:54So I want to morph the two.
07:56Very graphic.
07:58Thank you, Ari.
07:59See you soon.
08:00All right, next up, Tucker.
08:01Hi, Tucker.
08:03Hi, Raven.
08:05So you're 19.
08:06I am.
08:07Are you familiar with glam rock?
08:09A little bit.
08:10I haven't gotten crazy in-depth with the history
08:14behind glam rock too much.
08:16I like the idea of it.
08:18I started going on my gender expression journey
08:21around my senior year of high school.
08:23I've always had the feeling that I'm
08:25trans ever since I was a kid.
08:27I remember playing in my backyard
08:29and wishing that I would wake up and become
08:31a girl with long, blonde, curly hair
08:34and would just live as a girl.
08:36If you don't live your truth, then you're
08:39losing your own destiny.
08:42Glam rock was that way for people
08:45in the public eye to say, screw you, society.
08:48You are saying that this is for this gender
08:52or this is for this type of person.
08:54Androgyny was a way for people to start saying
08:58screw the man and doing their own thing.
09:00And you've already been doing that.
09:02I'm hoping to bring out that inner savage in me
09:05and rebel in me, this challenge.
09:07And hopefully, it will be the perfect personification.
09:10Well, I know you can.
09:11I'm excited.
09:12Hi, Nicky Nick.
09:13Hi, Raven.
09:14So are you familiar with glam rock?
09:16A little bit.
09:17I know about Bowie, Queen era.
09:21So that's pretty much my schtick to it,
09:24I guess, that I know of.
09:25Yeah, it was all about very heavy makeup, glitter,
09:30sequin, rhinestones.
09:32So I mean, you're a smart bitch.
09:34I'm sure you can come up with a glam rock look.
09:36My thought process when it comes to this glam rock challenge,
09:40I kind of want to twist it and make it a little bit my own.
09:43My parents immigrated from the Philippines.
09:45I wanted to incorporate more of, like,
09:46the Filipino sun that's on the flag
09:48instead of, like, the lightning bolt route.
09:50So this is the Filipino sun.
09:51I'm using that as the focal point
09:53and adding all different types of dimension.
09:57Hi, Raven.
09:58Wow, look at this.
09:59Hi, Elena.
10:00It looks almost like a butterfly.
10:02I wanted to create something star-like, but not full.
10:05Because stars are too common, like everybody does stars.
10:08So I just wanted to create something spiky.
10:12This is not where I'm going to at all.
10:15This is like a child face painting.
10:17I don't want to look like a child drawing something.
10:20I can't wait to see it all done.
10:23I need to change something.
10:25Thank you, Elena.
10:29Everyone looks so good.
10:31I'm so glad I did not do the star around my head
10:33because I was going to do that.
10:34I was going to do exactly that.
10:36I was playing with shapes, and I was like,
10:38I really want to do a star.
10:40It's iconic.
10:41I love it.
10:43I gave it to him because just stars just wouldn't fly.
10:47Lauren, I see that the first thing that came to mind
10:50was Kiss, and she stuck with that.
10:51I don't know.
10:52I felt like she could have went a different route
10:54because a star in the eye was just a little bit,
10:58I don't know.
11:00How's everybody feeling?
11:02I feel free-flowing.
11:03I'm just doing what I do.
11:05How are you feeling, Q?
11:06Try out.
11:07Stress out.
11:09I'm losing time because I'm sitting here
11:11debating what the frick to do.
11:13We're fine.
11:17Hi, artists.
11:18You've each received a special delivery.
11:22What's happening?
11:23This is not how the program normally works.
11:26Open it.
11:27I'll wait, but hurry up.
11:30We're on your time.
11:36Wait, is it that?
11:38It's makeup wipes.
11:40Do I have to start over?
11:42Like, what's happening here?
11:43I thought these might come in handy
11:45since you will all have to upgrade your looks.
11:49Glam Rock was the future in the 1970s,
11:52but I want you to consider what it will look like in the 2070s.
11:57How will we be breaking barriers then,
11:59and what technology and mediums will we be using?
12:02Consider this as you adapt your new looks to Glam-
12:06Amiton and NFTs.
12:10I'll just fuck up.
12:13I'm not switching up shit.
12:14Hold on, bitch. Hold on.
12:16You do not have to take your makeup off.
12:18You just need to adapt, embellish it.
12:21I ain't switching shit. I don't have the time.
12:24Was not expecting that news.
12:26Good luck, everybody.
12:29I only have to. I removed everything.
12:32Butterfly gone.
12:35Joining me this week is our extra special guest judge,
12:37the insanely talented Alan Avendano.
12:40His clients include MJ Rodriguez, Camila Cabello,
12:43and Vanessa Hudgens.
12:45And that's just to name a few.
12:46Hi, Alan.
12:47Hi. I'm so freaking excited to be here.
12:50I can't wait.
12:51Now you get to actually use your expertise
12:54to give some critiques.
12:55You know what? I'm so honored.
12:57I'm such a huge fan of yours.
13:01We could keep going on and on and on,
13:03but we have a job to do.
13:04I gave our artists a challenge to create 1970s glam rock.
13:09But then decided, hmm, that's been done.
13:13So now they're creating 2070s glam rock.
13:17Because why not?
13:18This is gonna be amazing.
13:20All right. Are you ready to meet our glamatrons?
13:22I'm so excited. You have no idea.
13:24Oh, my gosh. Let's download them now.
13:30First up, Lauren.
13:34The tin girl.
13:39I'm really trying to channel that rock star in the future,
13:42so I really want to take it, like, inspirations from Kiss
13:45and kind of transform my demon idea
13:47into, like, this really cool robotic character.
13:50Mm, serving metropolis.
13:54Nicky Nick.
13:57Mm, tasting the rainbows.
13:59Is that the Filipino sun from the flag?
14:04I am your Filipino rock star.
14:06Serving up some color, some edge,
14:09and you're gonna rock out with your cock out.
14:19Ooh, red-hot robot.
14:21That's, like, some X-Men realness.
14:23I'm serving you glam-bot, pussy-cunt rock star
14:29It's red, it's punk, it's rock, it's glam.
14:32Go ahead, compliment me, bitch,
14:33because you know it looks good.
14:37There's a glitch in the matrix.
14:39Next up, Elena.
14:46Little 80s girls just want to have fun meets, like...
14:49Gem in the hologram.
14:51Blink twice if you're okay.
14:55Next up, Tucker.
14:59Tucker always seems a bit horny.
15:02We got this fierce eye going on,
15:04looking like kiss-gone-magenta.
15:06We got the trumpet glaring out a fat, bedazzled,
15:10rhinestone lightning bolt on the side of my face.
15:13Wow. Yeah.
15:15I turned it.
15:17Talk about a blowjob.
15:21Up next, Q.
15:23Rhythm Nation 2070.
15:25In 2070, glam rock is an infectious virus,
15:28and when it takes over you,
15:29it turns you into this whole, like,
15:31glitz glam kind of whatever.
15:33I got all the things on,
15:34trying to give the best glam rock I can,
15:36and hopefully she bags.
15:38And finally, Ari.
15:42Some fun textures.
15:44Truella's great-great-granddaughter.
15:46I am bringing you hypnotic.
15:49She's loud, she's in your face.
15:51She is the future.
15:52That's how you wear white mascara,
15:54with a white contact.
15:57Hi, my glamatron.
16:01Hi, everyone.
16:02You all look super futuristic.
16:06Hi, guys.
16:08We're hypnotic.
16:10She hypnotizes all the bitches with her beauty.
16:12Naughty, naughty Ari.
16:14When I think about the future,
16:15I think about, like, creating trends.
16:17So I wanted to do something different.
16:19I didn't want to do the typical, like,
16:20cyborg or star or, you know,
16:23like, what we already have seen.
16:26So I just want you to look at me
16:28and just be like, oh, my God.
16:29I feel like it's definitely a nod to Truella DeVille,
16:32which is awesome.
16:33I love the two-tone lip,
16:34that fluorescent green in your hair.
16:36When I look at you, I'm like,
16:37I'm not really sure what I'm looking at,
16:39but I like it.
16:40Thank you so much.
16:41Thank you, Ariana.
16:42Thank you.
16:43Hi, Nicky Nick.
16:44Hi, Raven.
16:45Hi, Ellen.
16:46Is that the Filipino sun on the...
16:49Yes, it is.
16:52I immediately felt very drawn to it
16:54because I am Filipino,
16:56but it's just so pretty.
16:57I'm going for, like, more alien-esque
16:59and, of course, the glam rock to it.
17:02Thank you, Nicky Nick.
17:04Hi, Joe.
17:05Hi, Raven.
17:06You look so beautiful.
17:08I know when I gave you a little bit of a twist,
17:11you looked like, hell no.
17:14Like, uh-uh.
17:15And you really went for it.
17:17You kept what you were doing
17:18and you made it futuristic-looking.
17:21All the extra detail and red,
17:23like, it's so cool.
17:25I didn't really focus too much on the pressure.
17:27I just wanted to feel how I feel when I paint.
17:30When you get out of your head
17:31and you just go, you know what?
17:32I'm doing this the way I want to do it
17:34is when you go, oh, look where I'm at.
17:36It's beautiful.
17:37Thank you, Joe.
17:38Next up, Elena.
17:40Hi, Raven.
17:41Hi, Ellen.
17:42Now, when I saw you during the pop-in,
17:43you had a full butterfly star,
17:45and then the second you got those wipes,
17:46you took it off.
17:47I wasn't feeling it,
17:48and when you said butterfly,
17:50I'm like, butterfly doesn't have to remind me
17:52of a rock star.
17:53I decided to create a character.
17:55She got drunk.
17:56She cut into his face,
17:57and she woke up like this
17:59with front eyelash on the chest.
18:01I love that there's a story created
18:04with this makeup look.
18:05The lashes on your chest just crack me up.
18:08Thank you, Elena.
18:09Thank you, Raven.
18:10Next up, Tucker.
18:11Hi, Tucker.
18:13The colors in this are just like, aw.
18:19Why the addition of the horn?
18:20I mean, you can't have rock without music,
18:23and I am a musician as well,
18:25and I thought it'd be important
18:27to show off my horn, you know?
18:29And I thought it would add an extra element
18:32of star-ness and extra-ness,
18:34and I think the future people
18:35will be wearing their instruments.
18:38Is there texture
18:39to what's coming out of the trumpet?
18:41Yeah, a sheet of rhinestones
18:43that I made sure to, like,
18:45plug through to make sure
18:46they were precise, though.
18:47Got it.
18:49All right, next up, Q.
18:50Hi, Q.
18:51Good morning.
18:52What was your idea behind this look?
18:54When I think about glam rock,
18:55I kind of feel like the music,
18:57the artistry, all of it
18:58was kind of infectious,
18:59and I feel like in 2070,
19:01what better would it be
19:02than, like, you catch it,
19:03and it just starts to gradually take over,
19:06and the glitz and the glam
19:08and all of those things.
19:10I-I want that virus.
19:11Yeah, I'll take two, please.
19:13All I'm thinking is, girl,
19:15you better serve.
19:16You're already not confident.
19:17If nothing you can do
19:18is pretend like you are.
19:19So, bitch, I got this hair toss
19:21to the side, honey.
19:22I got all the things on,
19:23trying to give the best glam rock I can,
19:25and hopefully she buy it.
19:27Please buy it.
19:28And then this whole, like,
19:29raven neck, like,
19:30it looks like a raven bird.
19:32It's kind of cool.
19:33Like, feathered?
19:34Yeah, like, feathered.
19:35No, no feathers.
19:36No feathers?
19:37No, oh, no, no, no.
19:38No feathers.
19:39No, no, no.
19:40Well, welcome back to the competition.
19:41Thank you.
19:42Last but not least, Ty Loren.
19:43Hi, guys.
19:44Now, you were already
19:45on a path,
19:46and you kept it,
19:47and then just worked around it.
19:49At first, I was going
19:50for more of, like,
19:51a demon-esque rocker
19:53from the late 70s and 80s,
19:55and then I had to twist that
19:56in order to meet the prompt,
19:58so I just made it
19:59more into a futuristic
20:01member of KISS.
20:02You shaded areas
20:04where there would be shadow
20:05with the pink,
20:06and there's just so much
20:07attention to detail.
20:08I'm really just into it.
20:10It's so beautiful.
20:12My critiques are
20:13super incredible.
20:15Some of the other contestants
20:16mentioned that they didn't
20:17want to go down
20:18the basic robotic look,
20:20and, like, create
20:21some basic robot look.
20:23I feel like my look
20:24stands out,
20:25and I'm gonna stand by
20:26my makeup look
20:27because I'm very proud of it.
20:28Thank you.
20:29All right, artists,
20:30thank you so much.
20:31Now, while you pop off
20:33to the chat room,
20:35Ellen and I will be
20:36discussing your futures.
20:42Everyone looks so good.
20:44Adi, I like how you played
20:45with those colors,
20:46and you brought the black
20:47to the white and the white
20:48to the black.
20:49When I see Joe's look,
20:50I instantly think of the devil.
20:52I don't see Rockstar.
20:54Just by looking,
20:55I'm not really getting it.
20:56Q, this blue and pink moment.
20:58She is not feeling it, honey.
21:00I'm here for it!
21:01The glitter and the crack,
21:03the color story, the hair.
21:05Child, you can have
21:06this thing, honey.
21:07What do you not like?
21:08Having to think in the spot
21:09for me is just, like,
21:11literally maddening to me
21:12because I'm such
21:13a calculating person.
21:14I like to plan things.
21:15If I could offer advice,
21:17I've been analyzing that shit
21:19all since last week.
21:20And remind yourself
21:21that the real purpose
21:22is for you to just paint.
21:24That's where I'm at now.
21:26I'm just gonna paint.
21:27Thank you for that.
21:28I'm still not completely certain
21:30that I'm out on the hot box
21:31right now.
21:32I might still be
21:33in the hot seat.
21:34So looking around the room,
21:35Elena's look,
21:36I understand where
21:37she's coming from.
21:38But when I look at it,
21:40it doesn't look as excellent
21:41as I thought
21:42Elena would go.
21:43So a part of me is like,
21:45it could be Elena's time.
21:46If she doesn't kill
21:47this challenge,
21:48it's all mine to gain.
21:49I think Lauren's
21:50winning this one.
21:51Thank you.
21:53Thank you.
21:54I like this look,
21:55and I'm really proud of it.
21:56And we'll see.
21:57This is kind of an example
21:58of the look
21:59that I personally
22:00didn't want to go for
22:01because I just felt like
22:02it was just a little bit safe,
22:03but you never know.
22:05Everyone is just
22:06so fucking good.
22:07I'm hoping I ain't
22:08in the bottom.
22:09I'm just going to say.
22:10Because the face charts
22:11are the devil.
22:12I can't.
22:14What do we think?
22:15Let's start with Elena.
22:17I think she definitely
22:19looked like
22:20that misfit rock star.
22:22But I also don't know
22:23how much, like,
22:24work it took
22:26compared to, like,
22:27a couple of the other people.
22:29Yeah, it was messy.
22:30I want to see glam.
22:32All right.
22:33Next up, Lauren.
22:34Ah, ah, ah.
22:36Now, I feel like
22:37some of the artists
22:38were throwing
22:39a little shade at her
22:40by saying, like,
22:41I didn't want to do robot.
22:42I didn't want to do Android.
22:44I wanted to do
22:45something different.
22:46I didn't want to do
22:47the typical, like,
22:48cyborg or star
22:49or, you know,
22:50like, what we already have seen.
22:51But, I mean,
22:52sometimes there is a time
22:53to go that route
22:54and to say,
22:55oh, you wanted
22:58There is nothing
22:59negative about this look.
23:01Okay, next up, Joe.
23:02It's just so beautiful.
23:03I think it's glam.
23:04I think it's rock.
23:05I think it's so androgynous.
23:08And then to hear Joe say,
23:09oh, well,
23:10I was just painting today.
23:12Kind of like,
23:13hmm, I just showed up.
23:14And then this.
23:16I know.
23:17Now, Q was muted last week.
23:19Q did not get to compete
23:20last week.
23:21Q was very upset
23:22because it was a challenge
23:23I think he wanted to do.
23:24But Q came back
23:25and made it work.
23:27The work and the glitter,
23:28super cool.
23:30I definitely see futuristic.
23:32Not positive
23:33that I see a rock star.
23:35Next up, Ariana.
23:37I wasn't sure
23:38what I was looking at.
23:39And then when she explained it,
23:40I kind of got it.
23:41And look,
23:42she looks like she could be
23:43a rock star currently.
23:45I don't know.
23:46I can't put my finger on it.
23:47I don't really care
23:48for the wig.
23:49It's a makeup competition.
23:50I also feel like
23:51that wig is eating her up.
23:52I feel like the wig
23:53is kind of making
23:54a second guess
23:55or look at things differently.
23:56I feel like it's not
23:57a fully developed glam rock.
23:59There's just something missing.
24:01It wasn't dangerous
24:02or edgy.
24:03Next up,
24:04we have Tucker.
24:06Tucker is a trumpeteer.
24:07Not the route
24:08I would have gone
24:09for glam pop.
24:11there's no trumpets
24:13in glam rock!
24:15Although, you know,
24:16who am I to say
24:17in the future,
24:18glam rock isn't gonna
24:19include a trumpet?
24:20It's gonna include
24:21the whole horn section
24:22from your high school.
24:23The thing is this,
24:24if I do remove the trumpet,
24:25it's a beautiful glam rock look.
24:26Next up, Nicky Nick.
24:27Nicky Nick has
24:28that Filipino son
24:29from The Flash.
24:30The son from the flag
24:31on the side of their face.
24:32I was very excited
24:33to see that.
24:34Some Filipino representation.
24:36Is it glam rock?
24:38A little bit.
24:42More so.
24:43It's kind of like teetering.
24:44I love that there's glitter
24:45in all the little
24:49But it is kind of a stretch.
24:51All right.
24:52So do we think
24:53we've made our decision?
24:54Um, I think so.
24:55Let's beam our artists
24:56back in.
24:58today you learned
24:59that in makeup,
25:00sometimes you gotta
25:01switch up your game.
25:02And you took us
25:03back to the future
25:05by updating glam rock
25:07into glamatron
25:09and NFT.
25:11We wanted to download
25:13two of you
25:14while the rest of you
25:15were stuck on the blockchain.
25:23Amazing work.
25:24You are both
25:25the tops of the week.
25:26Thank you so much, Raven.
25:27Thank you.
25:28I am in the top with Joe,
25:30and I'm super excited
25:31to just even be considered
25:33for the top.
25:34I'm just really happy
25:35and honored to have
25:36my work recognized.
25:37The contestants mentioned
25:38that they don't want to take
25:39the robotic basic route,
25:41and I'm like, hey,
25:42I did a robot.
25:44Are you calling
25:45my makeup basic?
25:46Like, that's not very nice.
25:47A lot of the other
25:48makeup looks,
25:49they're not futuristic
25:50or glam rock.
25:51So my work shows
25:53that I put a lot
25:54of effort into it.
26:00We like big bots,
26:02and we cannot lie.
26:05You are safe
26:06and will receive three points
26:07toward your total score.
26:12Ground control to Major Joe.
26:16You are the winner
26:17of this week's main challenge
26:18and will receive four points
26:19toward your total score.
26:25I didn't know
26:26that I was gonna
26:27fuckin' do well.
26:28I didn't know
26:29that I was gonna win,
26:30but bitch,
26:31I fuckin' did win.
26:32Thank you.
26:33No, thank you, bitch.
26:34This is exactly
26:35what the fuck I needed.
26:36My morale is boosted,
26:37my confidence is back,
26:38and I want everybody
26:39to know that I didn't
26:40come here to play.
26:42Looks here are all about
26:43toots and boos,
26:44and this was a little
26:45bit about.
26:47color and design
26:48of your look are timeless,
26:50but we couldn't
26:51see the future.
26:58You're safe.
26:59Thank you so much.
27:00And you get two points
27:01toward your total score.
27:05I was getting my face chart
27:06ready for the
27:07quick paint challenge,
27:08but luckily I'm safe
27:10and I'm here
27:11to fight another day.
27:15I didn't get futuristic
27:17nor rock star with Nikki.
27:20Q, the asymmetry
27:22was beautiful,
27:24but your look left us
27:25a bit puzzled.
27:30You're safe.
27:32And we receive two points
27:33toward your total score.
27:36I am very surprised
27:37that Q is safe.
27:40I think Q went very safe
27:42with his concept.
27:43I don't really think
27:44there was a concept.
27:45Ari, Elena,
27:48I'm sorry,
27:49but you two
27:50did not rock our world,
27:52and you are the bottom two
27:53artists of the week.
27:54And we'll face off
27:55in the quick paint challenge.
28:00I feel very
28:02shitty right now
28:03because I'm in the bottom
28:04and I can't believe
28:06that these two looks
28:07that were on the safer side
28:09are ranking higher
28:10than I'm ranking
28:11because I feel like
28:12I put so much
28:13into this today.
28:14And no, maybe it wasn't
28:15the top look,
28:16but I definitely don't agree
28:18with it being a bottom look.
28:21For this week's
28:22quick paint challenge,
28:23you will use
28:24the face sheets provided
28:25to create an 80s-inspired
28:26cheek contour.
28:27You have two minutes
28:28to show me what you got
28:29and save yourself
28:30from being muted next week.
28:33Two minutes on the clock,
28:38your quick paint challenge
28:39starts now.
28:44So I just won last week,
28:45and this week
28:46I'm in the bottom,
28:47and I'm almost feeling
28:48like it's self-fulfilling prophecy.
28:50I didn't sleep well at night
28:51and I was thinking like,
28:52and what if I land
28:53in the bottom?
28:54What if I don't live up
28:55to expectations?
28:56So I just feel embarrassed
28:58and I feel like,
29:00How did I do it to myself?
29:04Right now I'm going through
29:05an internal battle.
29:06I am not really understanding
29:08what it is
29:09that Raven wants fully.
29:10I'm just struggling right now.
29:13I don't know where to go.
29:14I don't know what to think.
29:15I don't know how to move forward.
29:18My heart is beating fast.
29:20One minute.
29:22she's a really strong competitor,
29:23but I already beat somebody
29:25with a face chart,
29:26so I guess I just have
29:28to beat her too.
29:2930 seconds.
29:3410 seconds.
29:42Brushes down.
29:45Let's see your fabulous
29:4880s-inspired cheeks.
29:55Mmm. Mmm.
29:59All right.
30:00The winner of this week's
30:01quick paint challenge is...
30:07Naughty Autie.
30:09Means I'm sorry, Elena.
30:10You will be muted next week.
30:12I'm just so upset.
30:14I want to show my heart
30:15and not, like,
30:16crap look that landed
30:17me in the bottom,
30:18so it's really, like,
30:19upsetting right now.
30:20Ari, you're becoming
30:21quite the quick paint assassin.
30:23You will be able
30:24to compete next week
30:25and earn points,
30:26which, Elena, I'm sorry,
30:28you will not.
30:29I don't know if I'm ever
30:30gonna make to the finale
30:32if I'm losing
30:33so many points quickly.
30:34Yeah, it's not good.
30:35It's really, really upsetting.
30:37For those of you
30:38keeping score at home,
30:39Tucker has nine points.
30:41Elena, Joe, Nicky Nick,
30:43and Lauren
30:44each have eight points.
30:45Ariana has five points.
30:47And Q and Luna Rae
30:48each have four points.
30:50Thank you, artists.
30:51Now, for next week's
30:52House of Love
30:53homework assignment,
30:54I challenge you
30:55to build a full look
30:57around big, beautiful brows.
30:59And bigger is always better.
31:01I'd raise mine if I had any.
31:03Or could move my eyebrows.
31:08Now mugs!
31:13Bye, guys.
31:17Thank y'all.
31:18Good, I can talk.
31:20Ariana's a quick-paint assassin.
31:22Being muted is not
31:23an option for me.
31:24This is getting in the way.
31:25This week's main challenge,
31:27you will mimic the mug
31:28of a celebrity
31:29in our celebrity
31:30lookalike challenge.
31:32This is gonna be fun.
31:34Who is one of the most
31:35ridiculous persons
31:36right now?
31:37No clue.
31:38You're looking crazy.
31:39I'm thinking my competition
31:40is Ariana.
31:41You feel like you have
31:42something to prove?
31:43A little bit.
31:44That's so shady.
