Bandbudh Aur bhudhvak s

  • 2 months ago
Bandbudh Aur bhudhvak s
00:11What are you doing, you stupid?
00:14I've got to score 5 on each of your balls!
00:17Now, it's your turn to catch those balls!
00:23I don't know where the ball's gone.
00:25It was here somewhere before.
00:27Here it is!
00:31Oh! A thousand rupee note!
00:35Did you find the ball?
00:37Look at this! A thousand rupee note!
00:40A thousand rupee note! Where did you get this from?
00:43It was lying with the ball. I don't know whose it is.
00:47There is no one here. I mean, it's ours.
00:50What happened?
00:54Friend, do you know how many zeroes are there in a thousand?
00:58There must be a thousand zeroes.
01:01No, there are only three zeroes.
01:03What are you saying? We get more zeroes than this in our exams.
01:08Yes, but think what we should do with it.
01:12Why don't we buy a helicopter with a thousand rupee note?
01:16Yes, that's a great idea, partner.
01:30Wow! It's so much fun!
01:37Hey, what's happening?
01:40Friend, look there. There is a mountain ahead.
01:43Move to the side. Move to the side.
01:45Hey, how can I move the mountain to the side?
01:47Not to the mountain, to the helicopter.
01:50Hey, who has put so many buttons here?
01:57This helicopter is very dangerous, partner.
02:01Yes, let's think of some other idea.
02:04Why don't we buy a ship?
02:06As big as the Titanic.
02:26There is so much water.
02:28Think, what if we were in the sea?
02:31Yes, the ship will also be cancelled.
02:35Friend, more money means more problems.
02:39Yes, we have to think a lot to spend so much money.
02:45Handal's note?
02:47With these two?
02:49Hey, give me that note.
02:54This is my note, which you guys took.
02:56Hey, this note has Gandhi's photo printed on it.
02:59That means, this cannot be Jeeva's.
03:02Give me my note, or else I won't spare you both.
03:06Hey, Jeeva's note is lying there, behind.
03:09Where is the note?
03:11Now, let's cheat.
03:32Friend, Jeeva is lying behind our note.
03:36What should we do now?
03:37First, let's eat something.
03:39Then, let's think.
03:41Yes, now we have become rich.
03:44So, we can eat whatever we want.
03:47Then, let's party.
03:58Uncle, give me two chocolates.
04:00For two chocolates, you don't get 1000 rupees discount.
04:03Uncle, listen to me first.
04:05Yes, two plates of jalebi, four plates of samosa, six packets of chips, two pizzas and one kilo of ladoos.
04:12You will eat ice cream, right?
04:14Yes, yes.
04:16And four butterscotch ice cream.
04:18120 and 240 and 325.
04:26You cheat people by showing fake notes?
04:29Fake note?
04:31Yes, fake note. What do you think? You think you can fool me?
04:33Uncle, I think you have held the note upside down.
04:36I will make you both upside down, if you both stay here for one more minute.
04:40Come on, run away from here.
04:48It's good that we ran away from there.
04:51Otherwise, that shopkeeper uncle would have handed us over to the police.
04:54Yes, friend. We had so many dreams.
04:57But, we got caught in this note.
05:04Hey, stop.
05:14No one can escape from me.
05:19Come on, give me my note.
05:21Your note?
05:23Yes, partner. His note.
05:25Yes, that 1000 rupee note.
05:27Yes, this 1000 rupee note. Come on, keep it here.
05:30We will give you this note, but on one condition.
05:33What condition?
05:35You will give us a party in return of this note.
05:38No, I got this money. I won't give a party to anyone.
05:41Hey, we are not asking for a party in a big restaurant.
05:44Give us something to eat in the school canteen.
05:47Yes, even after giving a party, you will have a lot of money left.
05:50We gave you a 1000 rupee note for friendship.
05:54And you can't give a party for friendship?
05:57Hey, forget it. Jeeva has a big body.
06:00But, his heart is still small.
06:01Come on, let's go.
06:07Okay, I will give you a party.
06:09What will you remember?
06:11Take this note. Let's go to the canteen.
06:17Where are you going?
06:19Canteen. Don't you know? Jeeva is giving a party.
06:22What are you saying?
06:24I am giving a party to both of you.
06:26Knowledge is ours.
06:27And think, when we get stuck in our homework,
06:31then only he helps us.
06:34Okay, no problem.
06:36Because, I have a lot of money today.
06:43Hey, Karan, aren't you coming to Jeeva's party?
06:46Party? Wow!
06:48You people told me again.
06:50Jeeva, Karan is also our own.
06:53Whenever his dad brings something from London,
06:55he shows it to all of us.
06:58Yes, he shows but doesn't feed us.
07:01If you feed him today, tomorrow Karan will feed you.
07:05And his chocolates are imported.
07:09Okay, no problem.
07:11Because, I have a lot of money today.
07:20Jeeva, let's go out and eat.
07:22Let's go out and eat.
07:24Why? Should we eat here?
07:26No, we enjoy sitting on the tree and eating.
07:33What are you looking at?
07:35Because, I have a lot of money today.
07:42This note is fake.
07:44How can it be fake? Look properly.
07:46I have seen it properly.
07:48Let's go to the principal.
07:50Badly mood.
07:52Let's go.
08:05Did you see my friend?
08:07This is called friendship.
08:09Yes, my friend.
08:11We are eating pizza.
08:13And Hazam is making our friend Jeeva.
08:15Why won't he?
08:17Because, he has a lot of money today.
08:23Let's go.
08:34Last night, I reached the level 7 of Megarobot.
08:38Me too.
08:40What a level! Danger everywhere.
08:44Every road has a dangerous animal.
08:47Like this elephant in front of us.
08:49Take it out from this side.
08:51The elephant will run away if you ring the bell.
08:54When we have fought with the monsters of Megarobot.
08:57Then what is this elephant?
09:03This is not an elephant.
09:05This is our buffalo.
09:07That's why I was wondering how come there is an elephant in our town.
09:09I haven't slept since I started playing Megarobot.
09:12Me too.
09:14Keep your eyes open and go to school.
09:16Everything will be fine.
09:17The handle of the circle has been stolen.
09:20Turn around.
09:22The handle is straight.
09:24The handle will be seen in front.
09:26Here is the handle.
09:28Where is the pedal?
09:30Near the feet.
09:32Here it is.
09:34Let's go.
09:36Don't sleep.
09:38It will be difficult to get up if you sleep.
09:41Look there.
09:43Mr. Rati is standing there.
09:45Let's go.
09:48Don't laugh.
09:50It's fun.
09:52Just like Megarobot game.
09:59Two Mr. Rati.
10:01Just like there are two Megarobots in the game.
10:04Leave it.
10:06What happened to you two?
10:10What happened to your eyes?
10:12They are turning red.
10:14Sir, we were studying all night.
10:15Exams are coming.
10:17We didn't sleep for a minute.
10:19What are you looking for?
10:21Sir, our favorite history book fell down.
10:24We are looking for it.
10:26That's good.
10:28Study well.
10:30But it's important to sleep.
10:32Sir, we sleep in all the classes.
10:34What did you say?
10:36He is saying that we sleep in all the classes.
10:38Still we study at night.
10:40That's good.
10:42Go to the class now.
10:43Did you study well?
10:45Yes, sir.
10:47Students, tell me.
10:49What did Akbar do when he got the throne?
10:52Tell me.
10:54Who will answer?
10:56You tell me.
10:58Badrinath or Buddha?
11:00When Akbar got the throne,
11:02he slept on it.
11:06He always thinks of jokes.
11:09What happened to your eyes?
11:11They are turning red.
11:13He hasn't slept for three days.
11:15He was studying, sir.
11:17I got to know that.
11:19I can't sleep now.
11:21Sir, he has insomnia.
11:23I know what's wrong with him.
11:25He has a megalobot.
11:27What's that?
11:29A new game of Megalobot has come.
11:31His players are playing day and night.
11:33This is their condition.
11:35This is very bad.
11:37Sleeping is very important for the body and mind.
11:39But he should have a brain for this.
11:41Sir, you scold us when we sleep in the class.
11:44And now you are saying that sleeping is important.
11:47You sleep today.
11:49Control. Alt. Delete. Enter. Control.
11:52What happened to him?
11:54My friend Munni is playing Megalobot.
11:56Try to put him to sleep.
11:58How does he look?
12:00So scary.
12:02Like zombies in a horror film.
12:04Why doesn't he do anything?
12:06He looks really scary.
12:08Let's try to put them to sleep.
12:10I am feeling sleepy.
12:12Your eyes are getting heavy.
12:15Go to sleep.
12:17Go to sleep.
12:22Who is it?
12:24I will sing a lullaby.
12:30Close your eyes.
12:41If we get scared, they will lose their sleep.
12:44Sir, when we get scared, we go to sleep quietly.
12:47Inside the blanket.
12:49Let's bring the blanket.
12:51Pillow and bed too.
12:54Both of you go to sleep.
12:56Keep quiet.
12:58I think both of them are asleep.
13:00No sir.
13:02We are still awake.
13:06Let's start the class.
13:08Let's take history class.
13:12King Ashoka said.
13:16They are asleep.
13:18King Ashoka said.
13:22I was saying.
13:26Shut up.
13:28King Ashoka snored.
13:31Save me.
13:37We can't let this happen.
13:40Wake them up.
13:56When did you come to my house?
13:58It's too late.
14:00Let's go to sleep.
14:02They are not sleeping.
14:04Now they are feeling sleepy.
14:06We will revise after lunch.
14:25Students, take out your history books.
14:31King Ashoka said.
14:32The war will end from today.
14:34There will be no war.
14:36Everyone will sleep.
14:41We have studied a lot today.
14:43Let's take rest.
14:45Everyone read chapter 7.
14:58The whole class is sleeping.
15:00Let's have fun.
15:03Why are you playing here?
15:06Why aren't you in the class?
15:08Sir, what should we do in the class?
15:10Everyone is sleeping.
15:12If we wake them up, they get angry.
15:15And they start scolding us.
15:17Is it?
15:19Show me who is sleeping in the class.
15:27Let me sleep.
15:29I won't go to school today.
15:30Yes, sir.
15:32This is how the soldiers used to sleep.
15:35Do you understand?
15:37I have seen everything.
15:39I am the principal.
15:41And everyone is sleeping in front of me.
15:43Sir, I got angry while studying.
15:45The students have studied a lot.
15:47So they were taking rest.
15:49Rest? And in the class?
15:51It's good that Badrinath and Budhadev told us everything.
15:54Otherwise we would have spent the night here.
15:56Badrinath and Budhadev.
15:58All this happened because of them.
16:00Dubey, they are children after all.
16:02They are honest.
16:04Come on, start the class.
