The city mouse and the country Mouse cartoon

  • 2 months ago
It's amazing cartoon series
00:00The city mouse and the country mouse.
00:07A version of the tale by
00:13This is a city mouse.
00:16He lives in a big city with tall buildings and lots of shops and restaurants.
00:22But today he is visiting his friend, a country mouse.
00:27The country mouse lives in a cozy nest at the bottom of a tree.
00:33Her home is small, but it is warm and comfortable.
00:39The country mouse cooks a dinner of food from her garden.
00:44Corn, carrots, acorns and a cold glass of water from the stream.
00:52Meanwhile, the city mouse talks and talks.
00:58The city is amazing. I go to the theatre and the museum.
01:05My house has 20 rooms. You absolutely must visit.
01:11Have you ever tried Chinese food?
01:14That night, the country mouse dreams that she lives in the city.
01:19She dreams that she eats at fancy restaurants, says fancy things and buys fancy hats from fancy stores.
01:28She dreams about eating Chinese food.
01:32How wonderful, she thinks. I want to live in the city too.
01:38The next morning, the country mouse agrees to visit the city mouse.
01:43She packs her bag and follows the city mouse back to his big house in the city.
01:49The house is enormous.
01:53There are 20 rooms full of beautiful furniture.
01:58The country mouse is amazed.
02:00There are 20 rooms full of beautiful furniture.
02:05The country mouse is amazed.
02:08Which room is mine, she asks.
02:12Um, we actually live down here, says the city mouse.
02:17He leads her down some stairs to the basement.
02:20In the darkness, the country mouse sees many families of mice.
02:25These are my housemates, explains the city mouse.
02:28The city mouse leads the country mouse back upstairs for dinner.
02:33In the dining room, there is a feast of delicious foods on the table.
02:38Cheese, bread, cookies, cakes and lemonade.
02:43There is also Chinese food.
02:47But just as they start to eat...
02:52A cat with sharp teeth and sharp claws jumps up on the table.
02:58The city cat chases the two mice off the table and across the floor.
03:03The mice hide in a hole in the wall.
03:06They are trapped!
03:09They wait silently until the cat leaves.
03:13Then they quietly creep back to the dining room.
03:17But all the food is gone!
03:20The city humans ate everything!
03:22The country mouse hurries back to the basement and packs her bag.
03:27Where are you going? asks the city mouse.
03:31Home, she says. I want to go back to the country.
03:36Your city life isn't so wonderful after all.
03:40Now please help me call a taxi.
03:43Moral. Sometimes other people's lives are not as great as they make you believe.