The Stork Club (1945)

  • 2 months ago
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A hat-check girl at the Stork Club (Hutton) saves the life of a drowning man (Fitzgerald). A rich man, he decides to repay her by anonymously giving her a bank account, a luxury apartment and a charge account at a department store. When her boyfriend (DeFore) returns from overseas, he thinks she is a kept woman.

The failure of the original copyright holder to renew the film's copyright resulted in it falling into public domain, meaning that virtually anyone could duplicate and sell a VHS/DVD copy of the film. Therefore, many of the versions of this film available on the market are either severely (and usually badly) edited and/or of extremely poor quality, having been duped from second- or third-generation (or more) copies of the film.

The Stork Club is a 1945 American film directed by Hal Walker.
Plot summary

Judy Peabody saves an old man from drowning. He turns out to be Jerry Bates, "J.B." to his lawyer Curtis, "Pop" to Judy, who mistakenly believes the wealthy old-timer to be poor.
Pop instructs his lawyer to reward Judy with everything her heart desires, anonymously. A hat check girl at New York's popular Stork Club nightclub, Judy's dream is for her bandleader boyfriend Danny to return home from the Marines so she can sing with his band.
A letter from Curtis informs the young lady that she now has a brand new apartment, free of charge, and a line of credit at a fashionable department store, no strings attached. She promptly buys dresses and furs, without knowing the identity of her benefactor.
Pop comes to the Stork Club to keep an eye on her. She lands him a job as a busboy, but that doesn't work out, so she invites Pop to share her apartment. Danny comes home, excited to see her until he sees the apartment, the clothes and the old man. Believing her to be a "kept" woman, he falls out of love with Judy.
Billingsley is invited by Judy to hear the band. Impressed, he gives them a job at the club. Judy finally discovers that Pop is responsible for her new riches and is able to win back Danny's love.
Betty Hutton as Judy Peabody
Barry Fitzgerald as Jerry B. 'J.B.' / 'Pop' Bates
Don DeFore as Sgt. Danny Wilton
Andy Russell (singer) as Jimmy 'Jim' Jones
Robert Benchley as Tom P. Curtis
Bill Goodwin as Sherman Billingsley
Iris Adrian as Gwen
Mary Young (actress) as Mrs. Edith Bates
Charles Coleman (actor) as MacFiske
Perc Launders as Tom, Saxophone Player
Mikhail Rasumny as Mr. Coretti
Catherine Craig as Louella Parsons
Audrey Young as Jenny
00:12:11Tell me, Miss Peabody,
00:12:13what do you think of the Stork Club?
00:12:15Oh, it's swell.
00:12:16That was a nice tour we had just now.
00:12:18I operate this club along my own original idea.
00:12:21Yes, sir.
00:12:22Particularly when you say no check.
00:12:24You see, the Stork Club is the mecca
00:12:26for celebrities from all over the world.
00:12:28They come here to eat, see, and be seen.
00:12:31As part of our audience, they attract an audience.
00:12:33Get it?
00:12:34Oh, now I do.
00:12:36I want the right people here,
00:12:37in the club and on my staff.
00:12:39And one thing I demand of my staff is punctuality,
00:12:42a fact you continue to ignore.
00:12:44Mr. Billingsley, I'm sorry.
00:12:45It's like this.
00:12:46I'm not interested in excuses.
00:12:47You always have excellent ones.
00:12:49But the things that happen to me,
00:12:50they're just fantastic.
00:12:51Now, the fact you...
00:12:52Now, never mind.
00:12:53You understand, don't you?
00:12:55I think I do.
00:12:57Well, sure you do.
00:12:58You're smart.
00:12:59That's why I hired you.
00:13:01A girl like you is an asset to the Stork Club.
00:13:05Why should I lie to you?
00:13:06Could I run it by myself?
00:13:09I need plenty of help.
00:13:10Good help.
00:13:11People who think of me once in a while.
00:13:13Like you.
00:13:14I've had my eye on you for a long time, Judy.
00:13:16You don't want to be a hat check girl all your life, do you?
00:13:19Oh, certainly not.
00:13:20Well, then use your head.
00:13:21Be on time.
00:13:22I like to see you around.
00:13:24Go along now.
00:13:26And I'm not fined for being late?
00:13:27No, but don't let it happen again.
00:13:29Oh, gee, thanks.
00:13:30It won't.
00:13:31I want you, above all, to set a good example
00:13:33for the rest of the girls.
00:13:39Uh, did he tie the can to you?
00:13:42You don't hear it rattling, do you?
00:13:44Good evening, sir.
00:13:45Good evening.
00:13:46Hey, it's can team night again tonight.
00:13:48The boss has furnished him the food.
00:13:49You want to go?
00:13:51Do you know if he's going?
00:13:52I don't know, but I bet he does.
00:13:53Gee, I wish I could get on so he could hear me sing.
00:13:56Good evening, sir.
00:13:57Good evening.
00:13:58You know, that Billingsby is the most generous guy I ever knew.
00:14:01He was wonderful to me.
00:14:03Oh, my, he's a husband you've got in the room.
00:14:06Well, I'm afraid he's ugly.
00:14:07wonderful to me yeah yeah but I hate to say this I think he's a little bit screwy
00:14:14screwy why well he thinks that barbara stanwick is a girl named ruby stephens cracking up definitely
00:14:21say this ain't bad no but I'll bet it looks that way I don't the music get you he's had me my
00:14:40boyfriend's a band leader yeah what does he play he doesn't he's a marine in the pacific I get
00:14:47you I was all set to sing with this band but I guess that's out for the duration see by the way
00:15:00I haven't heard from in a couple of months does that mean anything anything hey billings he just
00:15:05came in where is he over by the door attention everybody in this canteen we entertain ourselves
00:15:14any volunteers put me down that's the boss of faith I want to know how I did good night
00:15:21of course you can see I came totally unprepared how about a little help from my quartet we'll be
00:15:36right oh okay fellas hit it there's a doctor living in your town there's a lawyer and an
00:15:49indian too neither doctor lawyer nor engine chief could love you any more than I do there's a barrel
00:15:57of fish in the ocean there's a lot of little birds in the blue and neither fish nor false
00:16:03as a wise old owl could love you any more than I do no no no it couldn't be true
00:16:11that anyone else could love you like I do I'm gonna warn all the dead I did that you're the
00:16:21chick with the flicker strips and every tick of my ticker ticks for you follow through tell the
00:16:29doc to stick to his practice tell the lawyer to settle his case send the engine chief and his
00:16:35tommy hawk back to little rain in the face cause you know no no it couldn't be true
00:16:45that anyone else could love you like I do
00:16:56no no no it couldn't be true that anyone else could love you like I do
00:17:05and confidentially I confess I sent a note to the local press
00:17:11that I'll be changing my home address for you follow through tell the doc to stick to his
00:17:17practice tell the lawyer to settle his case send the engine chief and his tommy hawk back to little
00:17:24rain in the face cause you know no no it couldn't be true that anyone else could love you like I
00:17:35do no no no it couldn't be true that anyone else could love you like I do
00:17:47I'm gonna send a hot time you'll need to warn the boys down a crippled creep
00:17:52that every dimple of your dimple cheek is mine so to speak tell the doc to stick to his practice
00:18:00tell the lawyer to settle his case
00:18:09cause you know no no it couldn't be true
00:18:14that anyone else could love you like I do like I do
00:18:21like I do
00:18:36these kids were wonderful did you watch his face how could I he took it with him
00:18:43the laundry's hadn't what they used to be but for comfort I'll go with them
00:18:54I assured you you'll get the letter at two o'clock sure I'm sending it by special messenger
00:18:57good good I got to be there I got to see your face when she gets it you see I'm a
00:19:02nosy kind of a Santa Claus you know what's crazy J.B. putting on those little rags
00:19:07rags are they here feel that material you won't get that quality nowadays I don't think
00:19:13play something you jump out and bite you exactly now look you want to be anonymous
00:19:18if you hang around she's going to smell a rat nonsense she thinks I'm a poor man
00:19:24she wants to get me a job what do you do if she does never give it a thought
00:19:31that's a nasty complication well I'll cross that bridge when I cross it
00:19:40how do I look you look like a tramp who couldn't think it possible look at the head
00:19:46nothing you can say can annoy me today come on drive into town
00:19:49I wouldn't walk to the corner will you
00:19:57excuse me I wonder would you be kind enough there you are
00:20:00and don't tell me you're going to spend it on food why how dare you oh yeah are you awesome
00:20:05there it is sure enough
00:20:39is he oh Gwen this is pop I pulled him out of the ocean
00:20:42why young lady what kind of a question is that have you no freedom for your fellow man
00:20:46not a threat don't pay attention to her pop listen you stick around I'm going to see what
00:20:51I can do about getting you a job no hurry no hurry at all it's digital don't want to work huh
00:20:57I'm beginning not to like you don't encourage it
00:21:01look pop you want to make something out of yourself don't you he already has look at him
00:21:05you do want to work don't you well not if I can possibly escape it I'm no easy place to have
00:21:10limitations what do I do with him throw him back in the ocean oh I can't do that oh thanks
00:21:17but I am going to get him a job
00:21:21hey pop pull up take a powder I wonder what your mother was saying
00:21:30Mr Coretti how are you fixed for help how do you mean there's somebody who wants to work
00:21:36well I think he'll be talked into it Judy for a good way that I would give both of my right eye
00:21:42oh he's more the busboy type then I'll give only one well
00:21:57this is pop Mr Coretti pop Mr Coretti is it come with me good luck pop
00:22:06what happened Coretti snapped him up like that I'll bet he hasn't worked since thing thing
00:22:12I remember what I said don't file too many dishes on one plate
00:22:16be careful to the waiter to the waiter yeah we can get all the customers we want on your way
00:22:44there are these dishes
00:23:06I'm not finished with this yet boy
00:23:10all right as far as I'm what's the matter with
00:23:30hey boy right over here
00:23:44well pop when do you start I've already finished what short hours it's the union I belong to now
00:23:50pop come clean I'm sorry and I hope you think nonetheless of me for being the kind of man I am
00:23:57it's not that I'm not grateful to you because I am that's okay pop I'll think of something else
00:24:03oh no you won't you go over there sit down I'll be off in a few minutes and we'll talk about it
00:24:07well we can talk about it I guess why don't you give him a couple of bucks and let him go
00:24:12no I like him I think I'll adopt him now Judy you don't know anything about his parents
00:24:18where can I find Miss Judy Peabody I'm Judy Peabody
00:24:52oh this is a gag not to me it isn't what have you been up to nothing why that line you have
00:24:59been most accommodating that's a lie I wouldn't take that too seriously somebody thinks very
00:25:03highly of you I'll say they do nothing like that ever happens to me do you think it could be on
00:25:08the level it's a fix to find out that's right locksmith avenue's the biggest store in New York
00:25:13they sell everything from a baseball bat to a diamond lavalier who needs a diamond lavalier
00:25:20if that letter means what I think it does you'll need a baseball bat
00:25:24I'll try it out on pop on me we'll take you to the men's department
00:25:28and get you outfitted from head to foot if it works we'll buy out the joint
00:25:40there a complete metamorphosis well thank you to keep a simple tongue in your head we'll take two
00:25:45more a blue and a gray oh gee pop you look wonderful I'm proud of you I wish I could
00:25:51share your joy uh is this cash or a charge miss um charge thank you Mr. Hanson Mr. Hanson
00:26:02but that's a house detective your name please Judy Peabody your address the store club
00:26:10you live there what fun shall we send this Mr. Peabody no we'll take him with us handsome
00:26:16credit manager Miss Peabody why of course Miss Peabody it's a pleasure to welcome you to locks
00:26:24I'm glad to meet you too we've been expecting you everything's all right perfectly in order
00:26:35where are the mink coats
00:26:37genuine Labrador mink Miss Peabody minks most unhealthy little animals how much is it six
00:26:43thousand dollars feel it sir I can feel it from here oh it's beautiful and the price is right
00:26:50but Judy wouldn't it be better if you first looked at some nice cloth coats oh pop you have no idea
00:26:56what mink means to a woman I'll take two two two two two two two two two two two two two two two
00:27:04two my coming out present for you oh Judy I couldn't think of it what do you mean you've
00:27:11been thinking of it for years we'll wear them today in all this heat wouldn't you uh yes Miss
00:27:19Peabody Miss Peabody is the young lady in white but Judy it's August and one of the hottest days
00:27:25in the year so what you're nasty in a fur coat yeah but I look awful good doing it Miss Peabody
00:27:33yes I'm Higgins you're a chauffeur yeah your car's at the north entrance my car yes
00:27:44well why weren't you at the store club to pick me up sorry miss but I was instructed to move
00:27:48your things to the York Tower oh well see that it doesn't happen again I can stand it no longer
00:27:56you may go Hawkins uh Higgins miss Higgins shmiggins you may go anyway
00:28:09Curtis what are you trying to do to me that girl is here buying fur coats and in bunches like
00:28:16like bananas well you wanted to make her happy didn't you sure I wanted to make her happy but
00:28:21not a circle car chauffeurs your tell us the gun will break me well JB if she does you can
00:28:31always come and stay with me I don't want to stay with you I keep them out of the sun as much as
00:28:41possible we'll get a couple of parasols that's a good idea call again Miss Peabody we will if
00:28:47we're in town where have you been uh getting me second wind and now for the dresses
00:29:26there ought to be a better word for it than that
00:29:35so we take them off I'll die first
00:29:58Judy for Pete's sake buy something let's get out of here all right
00:30:02Miss yes Miss Peabody I don't know if they're also beautiful but um I'll take that one and
00:30:11that one and um and that one and and that one I'll take that one and that one and that one
00:30:19and that one why don't you take them all all right Pop I'll take them all
00:30:38there are only two apartments to a floor up this high who has the other apartment it's
00:30:43making the present why don't you protect yourself would you be having an aspirin on you no sir I'm
00:30:48sorry this way Miss Peabody
00:31:01this is the living room
00:31:08shall I take you through the rest of the apartment no we'll do that later
00:31:13if there's anything I can do just call me thank you I will
00:31:21here honey I did a little shopping on my own what is this a persuader
00:31:27you shouldn't have done it I'm liable to maim somebody for life
00:31:32when it's got me down I can't stand it all this is enough to drive me out of my mind
00:31:38take it easy Judy relax I have so why can't you take what's freely given to you Providence
00:31:46works its wonders in mysterious ways Providence doesn't go around opening charge accounts for
00:31:51a hat check girl well I'd be running along oh no Pop don't go I need your moral support
00:31:58do you know besides where'd you go oh I'll be all right sure curled up on a park bench
00:32:05somewhere well not exactly have you anyone pop you're close to not anymore what happened
00:32:14my wife left me six months ago why I told her there was a slight complication
00:32:23another man Karen's Baskin was Baskin younger than you no 65 oh he had money
00:32:31not as much as I she left you for another bomb I don't get it pop a man 65 is harmless
00:32:38I'm 65 and I'm not harmless so far as my wife is concerned I mean
00:32:45that's a picture
00:32:48isn't she lovely yes pop I think the whole thing must have been your fault
00:32:54why does everyone say it with ease if I now now pop till you get yourself straightened out you
00:32:59better stay here with me all right only I'll have to leave you from time to time now pop you gotta
00:33:05give up all that panhandling from now on I'm taking care of you I'll go pick yourself out
00:33:09Gwen I'm scared what are you gonna do move out I am not I'm gonna find out who the wolf is well
00:33:17whoever he is he sure how old's pretty well I won't do him any good I'm saving myself for Danny
00:33:22suppose Danny finds out oh how's he gonna find out way out there in the pacific you know I gotta
00:33:28hunt there's a nice place out there in the Pacific and I'm gonna find out who the wolf is
00:33:34oh how's he gonna find out way out there in the pacific you know I gotta hunt there's another
00:33:39Judy Peabody say I never thought of that I wonder who she is I wonder what she does
00:33:47wait a minute Judy that letter was sent to the stork club think back have any of the
00:33:52customers been particularly nice to you lately I can't think of anybody
00:33:56I've got it what who is the most generous man in the world who gives away more than anybody else
00:34:05Sherman Billingsley Billingsley oh no I've been there over three years and I've never even seen
00:34:10him look sideways at anybody just the same he's around 40 and that's a dangerous age
00:34:16you know he was awful nice to me in his office yesterday well there you are I'm awful glad you
00:34:22bought this baseball bat why Sherman Billingsley's gonna look pretty silly with no teeth are you
00:34:27quitting the job no I'm not but I'm gonna play sick tonight I gotta have time to think this
00:34:33thing over you want me to tell him no I'll phone
00:34:45check your hat marine I'm looking for Judy Peabody she's not on till nine tonight
00:34:49still works here huh oh that's great I like you to stay the same makes you guys feel like
00:34:54he's really home again that's right how'd you know oh she talks a lot about you still
00:35:00there are 12 of us here we all know you stork club punk room Molly speaking
00:35:04who Judy hold on a minute Judy shall I tell you you're here no no I want to surprise him
00:35:11yeah Judy yeah yeah okay where are you York Towers oh uh-huh so long she's at York Towers
00:35:20332a York Towers what is she doing there nothing you gotta worry about yeah that's right you're
00:35:27still head man sure I know that I'm just thinking I just see her right away you know how it is
00:35:34you know how it is well get going you want to see what I brought her sure
00:35:43April look you probably think I got in China well didn't you no fresco
00:35:47oh you'll love it I hope so well I gotta be running along I'll see you later
00:36:24hello kid
00:36:30Danny Danny are you all right sure sure I'm all right move Danny move do something
00:36:41well I maybe how I've waited for this
00:36:45maybe how I've waited for this
00:36:58wow again Danny oh I can't talk yet for a while
00:37:06talking would make sense now we can talk later oh I just want to look at you
00:37:11make sure it's you but you still feel the same you do don't you yes Danny oh sure sure I can see
00:37:19in your eyes your eyes talk Judy I see what you're thinking I always did oh I knew you wouldn't change
00:37:29so I've got some good news for you honey you're good news to me yeah but wait I got a band all
00:37:35set to go so soon oh wait did you hear a pick of the country top man I organized them in
00:37:41Maryland hospital while we were waiting to be discharged oh gee Danny it sounds great
00:37:46yeah but I got to work fast if I don't get us a job I'll lose them you can't hold guys like
00:37:50these together without dough I can't hold guys like these together without dough
00:37:54how would you like to work at the store club well is there a chance I think it can be fixed
00:37:58I'll talk to the boss oh the same old judy
00:38:05you're gonna sing with the band you know that don't you am I Danny
00:38:08nothing but the best for me I'll say I brought you a little something did you darling
00:38:24oh Danny it's beautiful try it on I had to guess at the size as if you didn't know
00:38:41that's a pretty nifty looking dress you got on turn around Judy
00:38:45yeah very nifty do you like it yeah business must be good in the checkroom
00:39:04where are we Judy uh let's try the jacket on whose apartment is this
00:39:10uh in a way it's mine Danny in a way uh yes what kind of a way in a perfectly innocent way
00:39:16you live here alone well well practically well I picked myself out a fine room
00:39:25who is that the butler butler I'm a Mr. Butler this is Mr. Wilton
00:39:31Danny Wilton can it be Danny the young man you're nervous
00:39:36oh how long who you two trying to kid oh honest Danny Mr. Butler knows all about you
00:39:41yeah well I'd like to know all about Mr. Butler oh that's easy and this apartment well that's not so
00:39:48hard either not for you I guess all right I'll tell you I inherited some money
00:39:57I see from an uncle who's an oil of course the income's only temporary
00:40:04uh the will's being contested in Tulsa Oklahoma by whom some Indians relatives only on my father's
00:40:11side stop it Judy you're being ridiculous all right do you want to hear the honest truth
00:40:18yeah she has to go on well it's like this it's him
00:40:26you see I saved his life and he was so grateful so grateful that he bought you
00:40:29extravagant clothes expensive apartments that's right he isn't it of course it is
00:40:36fair why don't you stop lying I've heard of things like this happening to other guys while they're
00:40:40away but I didn't think it could happen to me I kept thinking you were different day after day
00:40:47and night after night was the one thought that kept me going Danny please listen to me I can
00:40:52no thanks I've heard enough
00:41:06how did you make up that story about it being me how could I tell him the truth when I don't even
00:41:11know it myself why didn't you show him the letter oh fine then he'd think the worst the letter says
00:41:16I've been very accommodating oh if only he'd come home yesterday I'm sorry this happened
00:41:24maybe I could help you to find out who he is oh but you don't understand pop
00:41:28you see I think I know who it is oh you do yes my boss Bill Ainsley and the worst of it is I have
00:41:36to go to him tomorrow see that Danny gets the job at the stork no Judy promise me you won't do
00:41:41anything we'll both be sorry for what do you think I am don't answer that
00:41:51any calls Judy at the cloakroom is here to see you oh well okay tell her to come in
00:41:57sit down Judy I'll be right with you
00:42:27is anything wrong not yet what's the matter with you nothing everything's fine you've been very
00:42:44nice to me and I appreciate it it's nothing oh no certainly not look sure Mr. Billingsley
00:42:55that's right about my being under no obligation isn't it your only obligation to me is to be on
00:42:59time and do your work properly I don't get it there is one thing however what
00:43:13we'll get along much better without these surprise visits
00:43:18I get it oh I almost forgot what I came here to tell you
00:43:22what's that I have a little suggestion well is it about the check room no it's about don't
00:43:27bother then I want to make a deal with you you take care of the check room and let me
00:43:32run the stork club if you mind come in miss Peck
00:43:46well miss Peabody when is my band open at the start it doesn't I mean no well the way you two
00:43:52came out just now I thought we were all set oh Danny don't jump at the conclusion
00:43:56are you serious well there are some circumstances I'll say there are but you're not going to involve
00:44:01me in them I come back and find you at the York Towers dressed like something out of vogue in the
00:44:05company of an old man you can't explain and now I see you with the boss's arm around you
00:44:09in the company of an old man you can't explain and now I see you with the boss's arm around you
00:44:13some circumstances this looks kind of funny doesn't it not to me it doesn't Danny you're
00:44:19walking out on a girl who's no different than she ever was there'll come a time when you'll
00:44:22find that out then how would you feel when I find that out I'll let you know thank you
00:44:32no matter how I figure it out I always come back to the same thing
00:44:36what's that I love him I gathered that I just can't let him lose his band me and the bargain
00:44:43well how's he gonna keep the guys if he can't get a job maybe he can't keep them but I can
00:44:48how's that again you wait and see when we knock off here we're going over where he's rehearsing
00:44:52well I was hoping we could go shopping again I could use a new girdle who couldn't
00:45:31gee what a band that's Jimmy Jones on the drum
00:46:23okay take five
00:46:26Jimmy when you stood me up the last time we had a date that was three years ago
00:46:32what happened well I'll tell you I was standing on the corner a military band went by and the
00:46:36next thing I knew I was in Camp Robert oh I'll give you one more chance meet me tonight on the
00:46:41same corner you got a deal Danny can I see you a minute okay
00:46:48the band is swell Danny thanks and if you open in a good spot your fortune is made
00:46:54that's right you like rich guys don't you what kind of a crack is that this is a waste of time
00:46:58Judy but I'm in a spot to help you keep the band together thanks I'll find a way to do that now
00:47:03you run along will you no I won't I'm gonna get sore in a minute I'm sore now this is very
00:47:10embarrassing don't blush so easy you ought to get smart I'm loaded like a transport will you
00:47:16blow it's Lend-Lease don't be a chump no well thanks Judy I should have been dropped in on us
00:47:21don't mention it Danny well fellas you're all set from now on you have nothing to worry about
00:47:27you're all moving in the York Towers as my guests so you get in the right spot
00:47:31hey now wait a minute oh Danny thought maybe you fellas wouldn't like it why not tell us more
00:47:36nothing doing I won't stand for it can you make us a better offer well no but we'll get started
00:47:41eventually and then never mind that I'm all for it what do you guys say
00:48:01pop we're going to have company oh put me shoes on
00:48:03the Wall Street Journal pop you slay me you seem in mighty good spirits in a way I am
00:48:10I'd like to speak to the manager Mr. Gray you made it up with the young man no pop that's all
00:48:17that's it Mr. Gray this is Miss Peabody is the apartment next to mine still vacant
00:48:22it is how many rooms has it 12 that's fine I'll take it
00:48:29how many rooms has it 12 that's fine I'll take it you can charge it to my account
00:48:37or in about an hour
00:48:43operator will you connect me with locksmith avenue now what are you up to I'm going to ruin
00:48:48Billingsley or somebody locks mint department please I'll show him I'll smoke him out I'll
00:48:55spend every cent he's got but why he ruined my love affair that's why mint department this is
00:49:02Miss Judy Peabody at the York Towers could you send a representative up to my apartment to measure
00:49:0712 men for dinner jackets tropicals and a half dozen business suits a piece then there'll be
00:49:14shoes shirts and collars and ties besides that's fine thank you very much what have I done pop did
00:49:22you hurt yourself what when you bumped into the wall just now did I bump into the wall well what
00:49:28do you think Judy I must tell you something I am a bad don't tell me you're leaving again
00:49:35I think both of us should leave not me I'm after somebody's scalp and I won't rest till I get it
00:49:40but Judy is my scalp you must have hit your head why don't you go lie down Judy you must believe me
00:49:46I'm a rich man I hope to bring a little happiness into your life because you saved mine
00:49:51but me good girl your kind of happiness is more than I can afford well why don't you stop it pop
00:49:56I thought of that one ahead of you called Curtis find out for yourself yeah he would know I want
00:50:02to talk to him anyway his number is rector 21098 you read that on his letter to me call him call him
00:50:15get me rector 21098 please
00:50:17well oh yeah put her on
00:50:26hello miss Peabody how are you
00:50:29yes uh-huh of course all right I'll be right up
00:50:36now either you're crazy or I'm going to be we'll soon find out come in
00:50:41sorry to intrude you're not intruding I have the key and we're all set there's only one thing
00:50:48I'd like to make clear to you I'm accepting your hospitality because I have to but I want you to
00:50:53know that you're going to get every cent back every cent do you understand yes Danny young man I like
00:51:00you I like your ideas I like the way you talk I like everything about you I wish I could return
00:51:06the compliment goodbye
00:51:10fine lad yes that's one of the things that's the matter with him
00:51:19I'll get it pop
00:51:26are you Mr Curtis yes Miss Peabody come in
00:51:30well it took you long enough to get here now sir tell this young lady who I am
00:51:35now sir tell this young lady who I am well I never saw you before in my life
00:51:39huh is he annoying you yes he is he told me a terrible lie I told her who I was I speak you
00:51:44to confirm it I think the poor old chap's demented come on you better get out of here old man oh no
00:51:49I don't mind if he stays here I just wish he'd behave himself what did he do will you or will
00:51:54you not tell her who I am please if you're not sure who you are don't advertise the fact oh
00:52:01Mr Curtis I'm trying to find out who's keeping me but you mustn't do that your benefactor is a
00:52:05very generous man but he wants to stay unknown I'll find out who he is some way I don't think
00:52:10you will Miss Peabody is it you I pay the bills though and you go right ahead and do anything
00:52:15that's going to make you happy oh um well whoever he is I'll break him if it's the last thing I do
00:52:24well that will take quite a bit of doing Miss Peabody goodbye goodbye
00:52:32Curtis hiya J.B. oh you know me now how dare you say you didn't know me well you told me not to
00:52:39let her know who you are never mind what I tell you to do you do what I tell you I'll try to
00:52:44remember that girl's out to break me how can she J.B. she's organized look you're a solvent what can
00:52:50it cost you two or three hundred thousand dollars and of course the gift tax gift tax what's that
00:52:56well if you'd ever given anything away before you'd know every time you give anyone over
00:53:01three thousand dollars you have to hand the government another 30 percent Coolidge oh for
00:53:06another Coolidge after you J.B. I wouldn't ride in the same car with you I'll walk down
00:53:21well enjoy your stroll J.B. well at any rate it gave me time to think things over you know you're
00:53:39going to walk down one flight and take in the elevator at the next floor I was so mad I never
00:53:44thought of it well I'm glad you're feeling better anyway Tom I love that girl Judy dearly
00:53:49she reminds me of Edith when I was caught now but I can't bear to see money spent foolishly
00:53:57particularly mine well I thought you wanted to make her happy that's it make no miserable oh
00:54:03she has a heart set on a horn tutor what kind of fella is he an independent kind of chap I like
00:54:09him well get them married then you're off the hook Curtis much as I hate to admit it I think
00:54:15you're right but it's not going to be easy why not it's jealous of me
00:54:20Yeah, I'd use the elevator if you want to get there tonight.
00:54:31Judy? Yes. I want to ask your forgiveness. I don't know whatever possessed me to act like I did.
00:54:58Neither do I. How could you make up such a lie? What was the point?
00:55:02I guess my poor old brain isn't what it used to be.
00:55:06Pop, I'm sorry. But I still have my lucid moments
00:55:10and if you let me stay around with you I'll help to bring Danny back to his senses.
00:55:14Pop, if we only could. I beg your pardon. Don't let me interrupt you.
00:55:20Oh, Pop. Well, that's the way things stand, Danny. I can't place you for at least two weeks.
00:55:33But I'm willing to stake you and the boys in the meantime. We're being staked now. The guys are
00:55:38getting other offers from bands that are working. I can't hold them together two weeks longer.
00:55:43That's a tough break. Keep in touch with me though. You never can tell. Yeah, I will. So long.
00:55:49Thanks, Bonnie. Hey, fellas, let's give this number a quick going over before Danny gets back.
00:56:01He'll never know the difference. I suppose he does. He'd get sore. Well,
00:56:05aren't you going to sing with the band? No, that's all off. He told you?
00:56:08Well, not in so many words. He just acts that way. Well, go ahead and sing, Judy. I'd like to hear
00:56:12you myself. Maybe he's a reason you don't suspect. What do you mean? I'll tell you after I hear you
00:56:18sing. Okay, fellas, hit it.
00:56:29When I was young, I found it grim to gurgle in the social swim. The do's and don'ts and la-di-da
00:56:37to me were just a lot of blah. I used my silver spoon at birth for throwing meatballs at my nerve.
00:56:47I always chose to thumb my nose at smarty clothes and party pose.
00:56:53I've ditched the wretched table set to join the kitchen table set.
00:57:04I used the wrong fork at the Stork of New York where manners ain't fit for a goop.
00:57:10I'm just a square in social circles who put that fly in my soup.
00:57:16I'd rather go out with the loud to about than sleep in a symphony hall.
00:57:22I'm just a square in social circles who knocked my gum off that wall.
00:57:28When the odderly udder flows like butter, I want to start pitching a curve. With the silly old
00:57:35blighter on a first nighter, I feel like a pickled hors d'oeuvre. No verve. I never felt gay in the
00:57:42fancy beret. I'm just a square in social circles. Fingerballs hurt me the worst.
00:57:59Mrs. Vanderhorse will greet me with a 14-carat shout. My dear, you've simply got to come to my
00:58:06daughter's coming out. Her daughter is a Frankenstein, a Dracula and mink. When she
00:58:12comes out, each snag will shout, good Brooks, I need a drink. I've dined and clubbed, I've elbow
00:58:19rubbed from Yonkers to Cheyenne. Boo to you, but take your blue blood and stick it in your mountain pen.
00:58:27I want to brush all the plush and the gush. I'd rather get left than be right.
00:58:37I'm just a square in social circles. Anyone here want to fight? None of me fits with the wits at the
00:58:44wrist. I'd rather relax on a stool. I'm just a square in social circles. Anyone want to shoot
00:58:53when a cookie with cabbage gets too savvy to wrestle him three out of four? I would rather a
00:59:00sailor hop in my trailer and show me his nautical lore. Why sure, the ladies and frills only fill
00:59:07me with chills. They're soft as a ball of chenille. I'm just a square in the social circle. I got a muscle of feel.
00:59:17Anyone here want to feel? I'm a square as a pear in a boutonniere. Fancy silk won't stay on. I'm designed for rayon, but I just don't seem to care. I'm a square.
00:59:35Well, I never in all my life seen the like of it. Well, what's the verdict, Pop? Well, you're all finished
00:59:47up together, anyhow. A couple of times there, I thought the musicians were going to get away from
00:59:52you, but they really didn't. Thanks, Pop. These fellas, you were great. I'll say you were. And
00:59:59you'll sing with the band or else? No, no, no. We gotta keep peace in the family. Danny's the boss
01:00:04and what he says goes. I'm doing all right, but you guys are just getting started. I wonder,
01:00:08would the young men know a song I'm a little more familiar with? What's that, Pop? In the shade of
01:00:13the old apple tree. We can fake it. Fake it? Well, he means they can make it up as they go along.
01:00:19That's not necessary. The song's already written. Well, would you like to hear it, Pop? I would very
01:00:25much indeed. Do you know the words, darling? I think so. Would you mind singing it for me? Sure.
01:00:30It takes me back to the time when I was caught and eaten. That was the song of the day then,
01:00:35and we danced to it together many times. Okay, fellas, hit it. Okay, let's go.
01:00:43In the shade of the old apple tree. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What in the name of goodness is that?
01:00:51Well, that's in the shade of the old apple tree. Glory be, what happened to it? Well, that's jive,
01:00:57Pop. Oh, is it? Would you mind saying it in my words? How's that? Well, sure, yeah. Only this time,
01:01:03don't hit it. Kind of caress it. No.
01:01:07In the shade of the old apple tree. Where the love in your eyes I could see.
01:01:33When the voice that I heard, like the song of a bird, seemed to whisper sweet music to me.
01:01:53I could hear the double of the beat. In the shadows, as you said to me.
01:02:07With a heart that is true, I'll be waiting for you. In the shade of the old apple tree.
01:02:37What a torch he's carrying. What? His wife left him for another guy.
01:02:43Well, let's get his mind off her. Take the chorus of your song again, Judy. One, two.
01:02:51I want to brush all the plush and the gush. I'd rather get left than be right.
01:02:57I'm just square in social circles. Anyone here want to fight?
01:03:02I'm sorry, Danny. We were just killing time till you got here.
01:03:07No, that's all right. You should rehearse. If the band went to work, you'd have to.
01:03:11Am I your singer? You were going to be.
01:03:13But it looks like all bets are off, fellas. There isn't a chance of us getting a job for two weeks.
01:03:17Two weeks? I want you guys to realize that I appreciate your willingness to swing along with me.
01:03:26I was wishing you a lot of luck, wherever you go.
01:03:28I'll see you later.
01:03:31Wait a minute. You fellas believe in this band?
01:03:33Sure we do, Judy, but we've got to work.
01:03:35Well, will you give me 24 hours to make a deal for you?
01:03:38Well, what are you going to do? Quiet. I've got a thought.
01:03:41Well, what do you say? Okay, Judy.
01:03:44Wonderful, but don't say anything to Danny. Just go next door and keep him there till you hear from me.
01:03:48Come on, Gwen.
01:03:51What's the don't? Billingsley. He's coming here to an audition.
01:03:55When's the audition?
01:03:56Billingsley. He's coming here to an audition.
01:03:58When'd you fix that?
01:03:59I haven't. I'm going to.
01:04:00Can you?
01:04:01Get me the store club, please.
01:04:02I can try.
01:04:03He'll never come up here for you.
01:04:05Nobody will for Walter Winchell.
01:04:06Walter Winchell?
01:04:07Sure, they're pals. Billingsley will do anything he says.
01:04:10Give me Mr. Billingsley's office, please.
01:04:12What makes you think Winchell's going to ask the boss up here?
01:04:14Wait and see.
01:04:15Hello, Sally. Give me your boss.
01:04:17How am I doing?
01:04:19You'll get 20 years.
01:04:21Hi, Sherman.
01:04:22Get this. It's hot off the press.
01:04:24No, no, Sherman.
01:04:26Get the store club off your mind for a second.
01:04:28I want you to meet me at the York Towers, apartment 32A, in a half hour.
01:04:32You're going to hear one of the greatest bands in the country.
01:04:35OK, don't fail to be here.
01:04:38He's coming over.
01:04:39Now, go next door and tell Danny to get the boys ready in their tuxedos to audition in 20 minutes.
01:04:43I've got to change and instruct Pop what to do when Billingsley gets here.
01:04:45Now, hurry.
01:04:52Are you nervous, young man?
01:04:54No, but I'm puzzled.
01:04:56I can't understand how Judy arranged this.
01:04:58Oh, she has a way with her.
01:05:06Mr. Billingsley?
01:05:07Come in.
01:05:12Where's Mr. Winchell?
01:05:13He had to leave, but he'd be in touch with you.
01:05:15Is that so?
01:05:16Mr. Wilton, Mr. Billingsley.
01:05:18Well, how are you, Sam?
01:05:19Very glad to meet you, sir.
01:05:20Walter Winchell tells me you've got a great band.
01:05:22He did?
01:05:24Well, I didn't know he knew.
01:05:25Any time he doesn't know about anything, I want to hear it.
01:05:27Well, yeah, but he's never...
01:05:29I'll take Winchell's opinion any time.
01:05:39Go ahead, give out with the tunes.
01:05:41Yes, sir.
01:05:42Sit down.
01:05:43Thank you.
01:05:50Okay, boys.
01:05:59What do you think of it?
01:06:03Do you mean it?
01:06:05Of course I do.
01:06:12I can't understand it.
01:06:15You're annoying me.
01:06:20I'm beginning to like it myself.
01:06:50And if you only knew
01:06:56If I had a dozen eyes
01:07:00I would love you twelve times, wow
01:07:06If I had a dozen lips I would say
01:07:12Twelve times a day
01:07:18If not, darling, I love you
01:07:26If I had a dozen hearts
01:07:30They would all be holding you
01:07:36If I had a dozen dreams
01:07:40In my arms they would all come true
01:07:47Although I know a dozen hearts
01:07:53Are far away
01:07:57I couldn't love you much more than I do
01:08:03With one
01:08:09Twelve times, wow
01:08:16Live with me
01:08:19I love you
01:08:34Well done, Mr. Wilton.
01:08:36Thank you very much.
01:08:37But you, Judy, you were great.
01:08:40And I'm not too surprised either.
01:08:42I always knew you were tops,
01:08:43but I didn't think you had all that talent.
01:08:45Besides, it's a terrific kick for me
01:08:46to have Judy come through like that.
01:08:48It just goes to prove you can get so used to a person
01:08:51doing one thing that you fail to realize
01:08:53they can do anything else.
01:08:55Can you understand that, Mr. Wilton?
01:08:57Oh, sure, sure, I understand it very well.
01:09:00I'm proud of you, Judy.
01:09:01Thank you, Mr. Billingsley.
01:09:04You haven't heard the best yet.
01:09:06Sing the waltz for him, Judy.
01:09:07Nothing doing.
01:09:08No waltzes.
01:09:09There's never been a waltz played in the store club.
01:09:12Can't be much of a place.
01:09:14The store club was built on soft, peppy music,
01:09:17and it never stops.
01:09:18That's why I have three orchestras, understand?
01:09:21Oh, he understands.
01:09:23You open tomorrow night.
01:09:24So come and see me in the morning, Mr. Wilton.
01:09:26We'll make a deal and sign the contract.
01:09:29He'll be there, Mr. Billingsley.
01:09:32Oh, and by the way, Judy,
01:09:35I'd know that voice of yours anywhere.
01:09:37Besides, I was sitting with Mr. Winchell when you phoned.
01:09:41Good night, all.
01:09:43Danny, we're in.
01:09:47Oh, Danny, isn't it wonderful?
01:09:49I don't think so.
01:09:51That's what you wanted, isn't it?
01:09:52Yeah, but I don't like the way I got it.
01:09:54Why not?
01:09:54What's wrong with it, son?
01:09:56Well, I don't think a band was ever engaged
01:09:57under such circumstances before.
01:09:59An expensive apartment to rehearse in,
01:10:01all the food we want to eat.
01:10:02The boss arrives for a nice, cozy audition,
01:10:04and we're hired.
01:10:05Well, what could be sweeter?
01:10:07I don't want any part of it.
01:10:08Now, look, Danny, you can't let personal feelings
01:10:11do us out of the best job in town.
01:10:12That's right, Danny.
01:10:13No, I won't let him.
01:10:15I know how Danny feels and maybe has a right to.
01:10:18Maybe he hasn't.
01:10:21That's between us.
01:10:22These guys have nothing to do with it.
01:10:24You and the band have to stick together.
01:10:27We don't.
01:10:29You see, Danny, I can leave with a clear conscience.
01:10:31You couldn't.
01:10:33Well, I've got everything I could ask for.
01:10:36Singing with your band would just be an anticlimax.
01:10:39I'm the one that's bowing out.
01:10:43Maybe this is beside the point,
01:10:45but if you ever really fall in love, you'll trust the girl.
01:11:02Oh, gee, honey, don't cry.
01:11:04Everything will be all right.
01:11:06Why do girls always have to go for some guys?
01:11:10Maybe it's because it makes us look smart.
01:11:13Well, I am smart.
01:11:15Maybe I've been acting like I'm dumb,
01:11:17but I've got a brain somewhere in my head,
01:11:19and I'm going to use it.
01:11:20Judy, what are you doing?
01:11:21I'm going to send these things back where they came from.
01:11:24Oh, why?
01:11:25Nobody can buy me.
01:11:26There isn't enough money to make me forget who I am.
01:11:28I've got character.
01:11:29I have.
01:11:30I'm not so easily tempted.
01:11:31I can't be bought by a few mean pretty...
01:11:34No, sir, I've got brains.
01:11:44Judy Peabody to see you.
01:11:46Oh, fine.
01:11:47Send her in.
01:11:52Well, good morning, Judy.
01:11:55I've got a little surprise for you.
01:11:56I don't want any more surprises.
01:11:59What's the matter with you?
01:12:00We can't go on like this, Mr. Billingsley.
01:12:03Like what?
01:12:03I'm in love with Danny.
01:12:05Well, that's all right with me.
01:12:06Well, it's not with him.
01:12:08You're all mixed up.
01:12:09I'm not in love with him.
01:12:11You're all mixed up.
01:12:12I know I am, and I don't want to be.
01:12:14He's as jealous as...
01:12:16Well, certainly.
01:12:17Who wouldn't be after all the things you've given me?
01:12:19I've given you?
01:12:21Oh, Sherman, don't be so anonymous.
01:12:24Say, listen.
01:12:25I'm a married man.
01:12:27That's why you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
01:12:30Oh, I've got to get you straightened up.
01:12:32Now, get this.
01:12:33I never gave you anything.
01:12:38Why should I?
01:12:38What are you in my life?
01:12:40Well, I don't know.
01:12:42But somebody's behind this.
01:12:46I know this fella, Curtis.
01:12:47He comes to the store a lot.
01:12:48If he won't talk, though, I've asked him to tell me.
01:12:51Well, don't worry about it too much, Judy.
01:12:53I've been in this town for years.
01:12:55Nobody ever gives anything away for long
01:12:56without letting you know why.
01:12:58You just sit tight.
01:12:59You're a clever girl.
01:13:00Stick to your singing.
01:13:01It's your real future.
01:13:02But I can't sing with the band the way things
01:13:04are between Danny and me.
01:13:05Well, either you do, or I don't want the band.
01:13:08Oh, I'll open tonight.
01:13:09Don't worry about that.
01:13:10That a girl.
01:13:14We'll be very happy together.
01:13:17I understand, Mr. Billingsley.
01:13:19No, you don't.
01:13:20But you will.
01:13:21Come in.
01:13:21I want to straighten you out, too.
01:13:24Don't lose your temper.
01:13:25Why not?
01:13:34Wilton, what do you think I am, a chump?
01:13:37Not exactly.
01:13:39Are you a chump?
01:13:40No, sir.
01:13:40Oh, you're sure about yourself.
01:13:42That's right.
01:13:42But not of me, huh?
01:13:44Well, Mr. Billingsley, my eyes have been opened.
01:13:46How would you like somebody to close them again?
01:13:48Can't we settle this like gentlemen?
01:13:50Well, now you're talking my language.
01:13:53I like you, Wilton.
01:13:54I like your band.
01:13:55And I like Judy.
01:13:57Yes, sir.
01:13:57Don't say yes, sir, like that.
01:14:02Come here.
01:14:07Look at those photographs.
01:14:09Take a good look at them.
01:14:11Those are the only women in my life.
01:14:15That one's pretty young, isn't she?
01:14:16That's my daughter.
01:14:19They all are, except my wife.
01:14:20And I'm married to her.
01:14:22Oh, I see.
01:14:23It's about time.
01:14:24Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Billingsley.
01:14:26That letter should have tipped you off.
01:14:27Tom Curtis isn't my lawyer.
01:14:29Tom Curtis?
01:14:30What letter?
01:14:31Oh, she didn't show you the letter.
01:14:33And I wonder why.
01:14:35Well, forget I mentioned it to you.
01:14:37Now, I've had enough of you two.
01:14:38Keep your personal affairs out of the store club.
01:14:41That's all.
01:14:42Yes, sir.
01:14:53Well, Mr. Billingsley, what would you do if you were in my spot?
01:15:00I'd stop bothering me.
01:15:14What happened?
01:15:16Nothing much.
01:15:16Billingsley's okay.
01:15:18I was wrong about you and him.
01:15:20You see?
01:15:21No, I don't.
01:15:23You don't?
01:15:24It's got to be somebody.
01:15:25Oh, you know who it is.
01:15:27I told you.
01:15:29Oh, how could it be?
01:15:31Well, he's the very rich man that I told you about.
01:15:33He's got a lot of money.
01:15:34He's got a lot of money.
01:15:35He's got a lot of money.
01:15:36Well, he's a very rich man.
01:15:37And a good man.
01:15:38Wait till you meet his wife.
01:15:40Have you?
01:15:43Why do you look at me like that, Danny?
01:15:45We're never going to get together if you don't believe in me.
01:15:48Oh, Judy.
01:15:49I wish I could.
01:15:50Oh, you've got it, Danny.
01:15:52It's the only way it'll work out.
01:15:53Hi, Judy.
01:15:54Oh, hello, Mr. Coretti.
01:15:56How's your friend Pop, the boss boy?
01:16:00Oh, that was a very funny gag, wasn't it?
01:16:02He breaks $32 worth of dishes, and she calls it a gag.
01:16:07Who was he?
01:16:08An old mick she brought around.
01:16:10He had a brogue that thick.
01:16:13Somebody owes me $32 for dishes.
01:16:18Oh, Danny, I can explain it.
01:16:20Sure you can.
01:16:21But break it in on somebody else.
01:16:27I want to speak with Mr. Curtis.
01:16:29He's not in yet?
01:16:30Why not?
01:16:32He's not at home either.
01:16:35Never mind who it is.
01:16:36I'll call again.
01:16:39Hi, Pop.
01:16:40What goes?
01:16:40I was calling your lawyer.
01:16:42My lawyer?
01:16:43That man Curtis.
01:16:44I was trying all morning.
01:16:45For what?
01:16:47I thought he might speak to Danny on your behalf.
01:16:49Well, that wouldn't do any good.
01:16:52It might.
01:16:54I'll go to me room and brush up a bit before I go out.
01:16:57Jealousy is a terrible thing.
01:17:00Love should be tolerant till truth breaks through the clouds of doubt.
01:17:05Gee, that's beautiful, Pop.
01:17:07Who said that?
01:17:09I did.
01:17:10I'm Mrs. Bates.
01:17:13Mrs. J.B. Bates.
01:17:17Are you Judy Peabody?
01:17:19That's me.
01:17:41Come in, Mrs. Bates.
01:17:52I know now I've lost him.
01:17:54Well, I'll be glad to help you look for him.
01:17:56A friend of mine in the building says he lives here.
01:17:59Well, a lot of guys live here.
01:18:01A lot?
01:18:01How many?
01:18:02Twelve or fourteen.
01:18:04You poor child.
01:18:06Well, what instrument does he play?
01:18:08He used to play the zither.
01:18:10Oh, well, he's not with these cats.
01:18:13Why don't you try the Salvation Army?
01:18:16I'm sure my husband wouldn't be there.
01:18:19Oh, oh, I'll bet you mean Pop.
01:18:21Oh, he lives here with me.
01:18:22You admit it.
01:18:25Oh, now, Mr. Bates, there's nothing wrong with it.
01:18:28Your husband was drowning and I saved his life and I've been trying to get him a job.
01:18:32He's down and out.
01:18:34Mr. Bates is a rich man.
01:18:36How's that again?
01:18:38Mr. Bates is a very rich man.
01:18:42Oh, oh, then he's the one.
01:18:44Oh, it's too good to be true.
01:18:46Mrs. Bates, you've got to take your husband back.
01:18:48Don't you want him?
01:18:50No, and he doesn't want me.
01:18:53Why didn't he tell me who he was?
01:18:56He did.
01:18:57Then he denied it.
01:18:58I'm sorry, I can't follow this.
01:19:00Neither can I.
01:19:01He's practically ruined my life.
01:19:04Well, I got a boyfriend.
01:19:06I mean, I had a boyfriend.
01:19:08And Jerry cut him out?
01:19:09Oh, no.
01:19:10Pop loves you.
01:19:11You're all he ever talks about.
01:19:13See, Bobby, I can't believe it.
01:19:15I want to go to him.
01:19:16Oh, no, you don't.
01:19:16Not on your life.
01:19:17Our men don't trust us.
01:19:18We've got to teach him a lesson.
01:19:19I tried that and lost him.
01:19:21Well, this time you do it my way and you'll get him back.
01:19:25By the way, do you always dress like that?
01:19:27Yes, I do.
01:19:29You meet me in the Paris shop at Locks Fifth Avenue at two this afternoon.
01:19:32We're going to the Star Club tonight.
01:19:34The Star Club?
01:19:36Whatever for?
01:19:37You leave that to me.
01:19:38I can hardly contain myself.
01:19:40Oh, you've got to.
01:19:41Now, when Pop comes in, make believe you think the worst and walk out on him.
01:19:44Is he here now?
01:19:48Tell me, Mrs. Bates, is your slate clean?
01:19:50My slate clean?
01:19:52Yes, he seems terribly jealous of a Mr. Bascombe.
01:19:55Well, that's ridiculous.
01:19:56Clarence Bascombe is a harmless old bachelor.
01:19:59He courted me years ago and Jerry can't stand the sight of him.
01:20:02He's coming.
01:20:04Now, whatever you do, don't let on him.
01:20:06Be firm.
01:20:10Judy, where did you put me?
01:20:14Well, Mr. Bates, explain yourself.
01:20:18Now, Edith, take it easy.
01:20:20Are you going to believe me or what you see?
01:20:22Who could believe you?
01:20:24You scoundrel, you philanderer, you viper.
01:20:28You snake in the grass.
01:20:30Don't ever speak to me again.
01:20:32This is the end.
01:20:36The gods have drawn me in.
01:20:38They won't leave for me.
01:20:40I've lost the upper hand.
01:20:42Who was that?
01:20:44Me wife.
01:20:46Your wife?
01:20:48Couldn't you tell?
01:20:50Oh, well, relax, Pop.
01:20:52Remember, love should be tolerant till truth breaks through the clouds of doubt.
01:20:54And if you want to know who said that, you did.
01:20:57It's a very cheap book.
01:21:00Love Me
01:21:22Love me
01:21:24as only you
01:21:26can love me
01:21:29There's no one
01:21:31who can love me
01:21:35the way
01:21:37that you do
01:21:41Your kiss
01:21:43is as gentle
01:21:45as the falling
01:21:47summer rain
01:21:51Your sigh
01:21:53is the sentimental
01:21:58of our refrain
01:22:02I want you
01:22:04to thrill me
01:22:06as only you
01:22:08can thrill me
01:22:12There's no one
01:22:14who can thrill me
01:22:18What am I to do?
01:22:22I'm helpless
01:22:24so I'm content
01:22:26to be the fool
01:22:28that you
01:22:30make of me
01:22:32So love me
01:22:36the way that I
01:22:38love you
01:22:44Thrill me
01:22:46as only you
01:22:48can thrill me
01:22:52There's no one
01:22:55who can thrill me
01:22:59What am I to do?
01:23:03I'm helpless
01:23:07so I'm content
01:23:09to be the fool
01:23:13that you
01:23:15make of me
01:23:19So love me
01:23:22the way that I
01:23:40Julie, my heart
01:23:42isn't in coming here tonight
01:23:44Cheer up, Pop, you'll have the time of your life
01:23:48Mr. Coretti, do you have my reservation?
01:23:51Why, Judy!
01:23:53Yes, Miss Peabody
01:23:55This way, please
01:24:05What are you staring at?
01:24:07I never forget the face
01:24:09You've looked at mine long enough to remember it
01:24:11the next time you see it
01:24:13Yes, sir
01:24:21Thank you
01:24:41And just remember
01:24:43shall I put
01:24:45the $32 for the broken dishes
01:24:47on your bill, sir?
01:24:50Yes, and add $5 for yourself
01:24:52and forget you ever saw me
01:24:54It would be a pleasure, sir
01:24:56It is mutual
01:24:58Would you like to order now, Miss Peabody?
01:25:00Yes, I'll have some ginger ale, please
01:25:02And you, sir?
01:25:04The same, with about three fingers of bourbon
01:25:08Do you drink a lot, Pop?
01:25:10Well, I'll tell you
01:25:12I can't get a lot
01:25:20Glory be, she's beautiful
01:25:24Take it easy, Pop
01:25:36Why, hiya, J.B.
01:25:38What's going on here?
01:25:40Are you representing her?
01:25:42Who's representing me?
01:25:44I heard you were caught when you suspended her
01:25:46I forgot
01:25:50I'm an innocent man, a very innocent
01:25:52Yes, Jerry, so it appears
01:25:54Good evening, young lady
01:25:56Oh, Mrs. Bates, I hope you don't blame me
01:25:58Not at all, my dear
01:26:00But wasn't you to be somebody else?
01:26:02No, I wouldn't
01:26:04Ah, a love match
01:26:06I think I'll skip the next round of this battle
01:26:08Good riddance
01:26:12At least she'll talk to you
01:26:14She won't listen to me
01:26:19Tell her the facts
01:26:21She won't believe the facts any more than Danny does
01:26:23You can try
01:26:27You were great, you got him on a hook
01:26:29He's really squirming
01:26:31I don't think I'll be able to go through with this, Judy
01:26:33You've got to, if you nail him down right this time
01:26:35he's yours for life
01:26:37She says she's going to divorce you
01:26:39and marry somebody who appreciates her
01:26:41She can't
01:26:43I'll fight it, I'll take it to the Supreme Court
01:26:46If you carry it too far, leave it to me
01:26:50I think you've got a chance
01:26:52It's going to be tough, though
01:26:54I don't deserve it
01:26:56First, you've got to promise to count to ten before losing your temper
01:26:58I've always done that
01:27:00Then we'll make a twenty
01:27:02All right, all right
01:27:04Next, you can never take your shoes off in the living room
01:27:06A man can't live under those conditions
01:27:08Will you or won't you?
01:27:10All right, all right
01:27:15Ah, I see it all now
01:27:17She'd tie me hands behind me back for the rest of me life, wouldn't she?
01:27:19Oh, no, not if I know what she won't
01:27:21Oh, it's very slick of you
01:27:23Very slick of you indeed, Mrs. Bates
01:27:25You and your stipulations
01:27:27And me agreeing to them
01:27:29Now, calm yourself, Pop
01:27:31No, no, Judy, this goes deeper than your innocence eyes can see
01:27:33But Jerry
01:27:35Don't Jerry me
01:27:37You're not going to pull the wool over me eyes as you did in the past
01:27:39That isn't true
01:27:41And I'm going to arrest you
01:27:44Somebody bring me the check
01:27:46If you leave here, Jerry Bates, you'll never see me again
01:27:48That's what I had in mind
01:27:50I'm ashamed of you, Pop
01:27:52Well, I...
01:27:54Flip this to Danny, will you?
01:27:56That ought to get him
01:27:58Bring me the check. I'm not going to wait here any longer
01:28:00Pop, are you really leaving?
01:28:02Of course I am
01:28:04You'll be sorry someday
01:28:06Well, if I am, I'll be glad of it
01:28:08This is from one of your fans
01:28:14Hey, fellas
01:28:16The boss wants to hear an old apple tree
01:28:18We'll bake it in tea right after this chorus
01:28:20It was a lot different, too, wasn't it, Pop?
01:28:24Oh, I know you haven't forgotten
01:28:26Even though it was a long time ago
01:28:28Forty years
01:28:30You told me about it yourself
01:28:32You brought tears to your eyes when you did
01:28:36Look at her, Pop
01:28:38Isn't she beautiful?
01:28:40Did you think what she was then?
01:28:42Every boy on the block hoped she'd look his way
01:28:44But she only had eyes for one
01:28:46A young, wild Irishman
01:28:48He had a right to be jealous
01:28:50It was sweet
01:28:52And it got stupid
01:28:54In 1905, he was romantic
01:28:56Why, they danced to the same song
01:28:58they're playing now
01:29:00But I guess that's the trouble
01:29:02He just isn't romantic anymore
01:29:06Oh, but he is
01:29:14Will you dance with me once again
01:29:16to the tune of our song?
01:29:18I'd be pleased to, Jerry
01:29:22I know if I say I'm sorry
01:29:24Well, I am
01:29:26It comes from the bottom of my heart
01:29:42Well, I'm glad that's patched up
01:29:44Yes, isn't it wonderful?
01:30:12Are you ready?
01:30:14Is that a waltz?
01:30:16You've been at Vienna, has it?
01:30:20I'm here at Stork Club so long
01:30:22I can't remember
01:30:24No, it couldn't be a waltz
01:30:26It's a waltz
01:30:28It's a waltz
01:30:30It's a waltz
01:30:32It's a waltz
01:30:34It's a waltz
01:30:36It's a waltz
01:30:38It's a waltz
01:30:41It couldn't be a waltz
01:30:43They wouldn't dare
01:30:59It's a waltz, isn't it?
01:31:01Yes, sir
01:31:03What's the idea?
01:31:11Well, it's nothing
01:31:13like a good old-fashioned waltz
01:31:15By the way, Tom Curtis
01:31:17that fellow we were discussing
01:31:19is at the table next to Judy's
01:31:21Would you like to meet him?
01:31:23No, thanks
01:31:29Here, Tom
01:31:31Take over
01:31:33Do me a favor, will you, Gwen?
01:31:35Sure, why?
01:31:37Go and tell that guy Curtis
01:31:40Okay, darling
01:31:44Mr. Curtis, you're wound on the telephone
01:31:46on the first floor
01:31:48Thank you. Excuse me
01:31:54Oh, I'm sorry
01:31:56It's all right. Come in
01:31:58Mr. Curtis, I'm Danny Wilson
01:32:00How do you do?
01:32:02It's rather close in here
01:32:04I liked it that way
01:32:06Well, it's much more comfortable out at the bar
01:32:09God, I wish I'd been barred yesterday
01:32:11Look, Mr. Curtis, some time ago
01:32:13I was in a cave about this size with a Jap
01:32:15Well, as you gather, I'm here to tell a tale
01:32:17Uh, what happened to the Jap?
01:32:21I know I'm supposed to double over
01:32:23at this point, but there really isn't room
01:32:25Mr. Curtis, there's only one thing
01:32:27I want from you
01:32:29Well, I hope I've got it
01:32:31I want the truth about that letter you wrote to Judy Peabody
01:32:33and everything that's behind it
01:32:35Oh, is that all?
01:32:38Miss Peabody saved Mr. Bates from drowning
01:32:40He wanted to reward her and still remain anonymous
01:32:42It's all very innocent
01:32:44I assure you
01:32:46Oh, thanks, Mr. Curtis
01:32:48That's great. Say, can I buy you a drink?
01:32:50Yes, you can
01:32:52Unless you want to be sooner than an inch of your life
01:32:56But Judy, dear, you've given all your time to us
01:32:58What are you going to do about your young man?
01:33:00I'm just going to tell him the truth
01:33:02But Judy can't do that
01:33:04You've already told him the truth
01:33:06Pop, what can I do?
01:33:08Tell him another lie
01:33:10What lie? I haven't worked anything out
01:33:12I've seen you at work and I have every confidence in your ability
01:33:14All right, but you've got to back me up
01:33:16We'll do that
01:33:18in more ways than one
01:33:20While Edith and I were dancing
01:33:22we talked about a little surprise for him
01:33:24Oh, Danny
01:33:26You know Mr. and Mrs. Bates
01:33:28How do you do?
01:33:30Danny, I have to sing with the band or Mr. Billings is going to let us all go
01:33:32That's his privilege
01:33:35I won't till you believe in me
01:33:37and I know you won't let me till you know the truth
01:33:39That's right
01:33:41But Danny, you're going to hear it right now
01:33:43I'm listening
01:33:47It started many, many years ago
01:33:49in 1849, wasn't it Pop?
01:33:51Yes, yes, 1849
01:33:53That's right, in the summer
01:33:55It was the year of the gold rush
01:33:57Yeah, I saw the picture
01:33:59How'd you like Charlie in it?
01:34:01Stick to the subject
01:34:04He saved me, Pop, from drowning
01:34:06That's when he first discovered who I was
01:34:08I have a strawberry mark on my left thigh
01:34:10and my bathing suit doesn't cover it
01:34:12Pop noticed it
01:34:14You'll see it someday
01:34:16Well, Pop casually mentioned that his father
01:34:18knew a man in Alaska with the very same marking
01:34:20They shared a claim in the big yellow tail mine
01:34:26Oh, I mean the way Judy tells it
01:34:28I know the story well
01:34:30But I never get tired of hearing her relate it
01:34:35Well, right about here, I think I ought to mention
01:34:37my grandfather's map
01:34:39Oh, very good-looking man he was, too
01:34:41The map of the mine
01:34:43Yes, yes, pardon me, Judy
01:34:45Well, my grandfather was lost
01:34:47in the blizzard of 51
01:34:49and Pop and his father have been looking for me ever since
01:34:51Pop changed his name to Butler
01:34:53while searching for me
01:34:55Well, of course now you're very rich
01:34:57No, and this is the part you won't believe
01:34:59The man that Pop's father
01:35:01thought was my grandfather
01:35:03turned out to be no relation of mine at all
01:35:05Well, how did you find that out?
01:35:07My grandmother told me
01:35:11Well, now that makes sense
01:35:13Why didn't you tell me that in the first place?
01:35:17I didn't think you'd believe it
01:35:19Oh, Judy, you underestimate me
01:35:21You see, I do believe in you
01:35:23Now, doesn't that make you eligible
01:35:25to sing with a band?
01:35:31Hurry back, you haven't earned the surprise
01:35:49If I had a dozen hearts
01:35:53And a few had only one
01:35:57And a few had only one
01:36:01What a liar
01:36:03If I had a dozen hearts
01:36:05I would love you
01:36:07Twelve times one
01:36:09Yellow-tailed lion
01:36:11If I had a dozen lips
01:36:13I would say
01:36:17Grandfather's map
01:36:19Twelve times a day
01:36:21Strawberry mark
01:36:23Darling, I love you
01:36:27Well, seeing is believing
01:36:29If I had a dozen arms
01:36:33They would all be holding you
01:36:37But I forgive you
01:36:39If I had a dozen dreams
01:36:43In your arms they would all come true
01:36:47No, why?
01:36:49Because I love you
01:36:51I know a dozen hearts
01:36:55If I had a dozen arms
01:36:59I could love you
01:37:01Much more than I do with one
01:37:11I love you, Pie Face
01:37:13I'll be waiting for you over with Pop
01:37:15Okay, sweetie
01:37:17That was lovely, Judy
01:37:21Well, Pop, what's the big surprise?
01:37:23Judy, you saved me twice
01:37:25When I met you and tonight
01:37:27I can't repay you, but I have an idea
01:37:29I've discussed it with Edith
01:37:31And we hope you'll be pleased
01:37:33That I'm going to mention you in my will
01:37:35Oh, no, that's out, Pop
01:37:37Not that I don't appreciate the thought and all
01:37:39But, oh, I don't know
01:37:41I don't seem to be able to get along with money
01:37:43My happiness will come
01:37:45with Danny singing with the band
01:37:47On those one-night stands
01:37:49Bad hotel, bad food
01:37:51But we'll be together
01:37:53We'll be riding on cloud nine
01:37:55Just outside of heaven
01:37:57I see what you mean, and I think you're right
01:37:59Two young kids in love might get all mixed up
01:38:01With a million in the bank
01:38:03A million?
01:38:05Keep talking, Pop
01:38:07Maybe you can change my mind
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