War Thunder - Proposed French and Italian Tech Tree

  • 3 months ago
In this last episode of the future tech analysis series, I look at the various aircraft that could be added for the French and Italians, nations that currently do not, but in my opinion should have their own tech trees.

Update: France and Italy have since recieved their own air, tank and naval tech trees, a great result for these 2 nations!

WWII: The Directory of Weapons. Author: Chris Bishop
Weapons of World War II

Photo sources/citations⬇️
P 108

MS 406

By Airwolfhound from Hertfordshire, UK [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

MC 205
By Cirimbillo (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Fiat G 55

RE 2005
By MLWatts (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

BA 65

BR 20
By Flight Global (Flight Global 9 June 1938, p. 565 [1]) [CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

CANT Z 1007

CANT Z.506

Amiot 143
By Pannage (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Bloch MB 151/152

Breguet 693
By Kaboldy (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

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Game: War Thunder ⬅️

#warthunder #france #french #italy #italian
00:00Hello everyone and welcome to what is hopefully the last episode of the Future Tech Tree Analysis series.
00:06The last episode will be looking at the French and Italian Air Forces, who don't have their own tech trees and actually didn't get any aircraft at all.
00:15Probably my only real big disappointment.
00:19I was kind of looking forward to some of the Italian aircraft such as the Me 205, the Piaggio P-108,
00:28and some French aircraft. I'm not as familiar with the French aircraft, but I know they had some quite big bombers, they had some OK fighter aircraft.
00:37We have got the D-510, or was it the D-520, in game, but unfortunately it's a gift aircraft, which you can only get from buying a special pack,
00:47so they don't really have any presence within the game.
00:51This episode is just to inform people on what aircraft they could have had.
00:56Give people ideas if they're thinking of doing their own tech tree episodes or going on the forums to ask for aircraft.
01:03If it helps people, this video will have done its job.
01:07First of all, we'll get started probably with the Italians, because they've already got a few aircraft,
01:13so their list will probably be a bit smaller than the French may be.
01:19The French, of course, surrendered in 1940, so that kind of curbs development of their tech tree a little bit.
01:27They'll probably get quite a few allied aircraft, like British and American aircraft,
01:32and they're mid-tiers, and then they sort of pick up again for the higher tiers,
01:36because as France was liberated and they started putting out more designs,
01:41I think they were actually designing some aircraft during the occupation, but obviously couldn't produce them.
01:46The Italians obviously stayed in the war a bit longer, but because they surrendered or switched sides in 1943,
01:54that'll sort of curtail development from 1943 to about 1945,
02:00and then once they start getting to their event again, they'll probably get some more aircraft.
02:05But enough of me babbling, let's get started with the Italians.
02:10Now, the first plane we'll look at is the Reggiani RE-2005 Secretario.
02:15My apologies if I mispronounced that.
02:18There was a few aircraft in the RE-2000 series.
02:22This is obviously the 2005 series.
02:25Now, this is described in my book as one of the best air fighters produced in Italy during World War II,
02:33and it has an impressive speed, 391 miles an hour at 7,000 metres.
02:39It could climb to 2,000 metres in 1.58 minutes, so quite a good climber, quite fast,
02:46and it had an armament of three 20mm cannons and two 12.7mm machine guns,
02:52and could carry 630 kilograms worth of bombs.
02:56Now, that would be quite good for the Italians, because at the moment,
03:00I think the best sort of armament they get is a few machine guns.
03:05The MC-202, two 12.7mm machine guns and a 7.7mm machine gun,
03:11which obviously is okay, but for a tier 2, I mean, well, it's good for tier 2,
03:18but that's where it ends, that's the best they get.
03:21This could probably go on possibly tier 3, possibly high tier 2, low tier 3.
03:31It would help boost the Italians up a little bit.
03:34These planes were quite good.
03:35I think the Germans actually used a lot of them after the Italians surrendered
03:41and sort of switched to the Allies.
03:43I've got listed on the Wikipedia that some were actually still operating in December 1944,
03:49so obviously they must have been quite good for the Germans to still be using them.
03:55I mean, obviously they needed as many aircraft as they could get then,
03:58but yeah, they still kept using them.
04:02Only 48 of these were made and delivered before the armistice,
04:05so obviously they weren't built in that great numbers.
04:11I've actually got it listed as possible.
04:13My book actually says some of them were flying above Berlin,
04:16so possibly they were used as bomber interceptors as well.
04:19I'm not entirely sure.
04:21But yeah, I think this would be a good aircraft for the Italians.
04:25So yeah, definitely a good choice for the Italians, in my opinion.
04:31Now the next aircraft we're looking at is the Fiat G55 Centauro.
04:35I possibly got that wrong.
04:38Hopefully not.
04:39But again, also described as one of the best fighter aircraft Italy produced.
04:44It seems that the MC205 is also described as one of the best.
04:47Oh, maybe they were all just very good aircraft.
04:50But before I get sidetracked, this one was capable of 391 miles an hour.
04:57It could climb to 6,000 meters in 7 minutes 12 seconds.
05:01And it was armed with one 20mm Mauser MG151, so a German cannon,
05:08two similar wing-mounted cannons, so three cannons,
05:11and two fuselage-mounted 12.7mm machine guns.
05:15And it could carry two 160kg bombs under the wing.
05:20So again, another fast aircraft.
05:24Possibly, where it would go tiering battle rating-wise,
05:28probably similar to the RE-2005, probably higher tier 2, low tier 3,
05:35or possibly higher tier 3.
05:38It could possibly, because it has quite a similar armament to,
05:41well actually more armament than some of the Bf 109Gs,
05:44and it has similar speed.
05:49It was also, I think if I'm reading this right,
05:52it was also considered by, it was analysed by the Luftwaffe.
05:57They wanted to possibly build the aircraft themselves with the DB-603 engines.
06:04Now in the end, they decided not to,
06:06because the G55 required 15,000 man-hours to produce,
06:11while they could get it down to 9,000 possibly,
06:15but a Bf 109 only took 5,000.
06:18So again, they used the DB-603 engines in the TA-152C,
06:23which unless I'm mistaken, we should be getting in War Thunder soon-ish.
06:29So obviously the Germans felt it was quite good.
06:33And yeah, I think again, it would be another good choice
06:35for an Italian fighter to be added into the game.
06:39Now this next aircraft is the MC-205 Veltro,
06:43also known as the Greyhound.
06:45Now my book actually has this listed the second best fighter
06:48Italy produced after the G55.
06:50So I'm guessing if this book is right, it goes G55 MC-205 RE-2005,
06:58if this book is correct.
06:59But it could reach speeds of up to, I believe, 398 miles an hour.
07:05So quite a bit faster than the other ones, I believe,
07:08or faster than the RE-2005 at least.
07:13And it was armed with two 12.7mm machine guns
07:17and two 7.7mm machine guns,
07:19but later models had 20mm cannons to replace the 7.7mm machine guns.
07:27Now again, only a few of these were produced.
07:3066 were produced, 6 were put into service.
07:33The Germans produced another 20,
07:36or another 20 were manufactured under German supervision.
07:40So again, could be a good choice for the Italians.
07:47Possibly, again, it would probably be a high tier 2, low tier 3,
07:55or possibly middle tier 3.
07:58Again, it has a decent amount of armour and quite good speed.
08:03Not too sure about the manoeuvrability,
08:06but I'm able to use the MC-202 in-game,
08:11so this with a more powerful engine, the DB-605,
08:15should be quite easy to use and quite a good aircraft.
08:19And I think it would, again, be a good choice for the Italians to have in-game.
08:24Now the next aircraft we're looking at is the Breeder BA-65.
08:28Now this aircraft wasn't that great,
08:30but not awful, but it wasn't exactly the best aircraft ever.
08:34It was armed with two 12.7mm machine guns and two 7.7mm machine guns,
08:40and could carry up to 300kg of bombs in the fuselage,
08:44or 200kg of bombs on the underwing racks.
08:49I've got a picture of it with a turret.
08:52I'm just trying to see if there's any more information on it.
08:56I can't find any information on the turret.
08:59Seems not all of them really used the turret.
09:01Maybe it was a one-off version with the turret.
09:05I don't know. It wasn't commonly used. I'm not entirely sure.
09:08But yeah, it could go 267mph of maximum speed,
09:13so quite slow, but reasonably well-armed.
09:17I don't know how much armour it has.
09:19I think Italy does kind of need a single-seat bomber,
09:24or a single-engine bomber.
09:26Most nations do have them,
09:28because Russia's got their R-2s and SU-2s.
09:32I don't think Britain has one, actually.
09:35But I don't think Britain really used them, particularly.
09:38Japan has its D-3A1s.
09:44Germany's got its Stukas, and America's got its SBDs and its Dauntless and the Avengers.
09:55They were carrier aircraft, but Italy doesn't really have anything that fulfils that role.
10:00I think this would be probably a good candidate for it.
10:04Now the next aircraft on our list is the Fiat BR-20,
10:07which was used during the Spanish Civil War and up to World War II.
10:11It was overshadowed by the SM-79 Sparavario that we have in-game.
10:16For a few reasons, like could it have more engines, the Sparavario was faster.
10:22It did better in aerial races.
10:24Just sort of things like that.
10:27Now for stats, I've got for the BR-20M.
10:31It could go 273 miles an hour, carry 1,600 kilograms or 3,500 pounds of bombs,
10:38and was armed with three 12.7mm machine guns.
10:43There was a few other variants.
10:45There was an experimental variant with a gunship with a 37mm cannon in the nose.
10:52There was another one, a radio-commanded unmanned plane with explosives,
10:58but that was never used.
11:00So not exactly the best plane, I suppose,
11:03but again, Italy doesn't really have any twin-engine bombers.
11:07It has one, the SM-79B, and it's got a lot of Sparavarios.
11:12If I'm honest, it probably doesn't need that many tactical bombers,
11:16just to sort of cover all of the aircraft that could be added.
11:20I thought I'd talk about this one quickly.
11:24Before I go on to the next aircraft quickly,
11:27I should just mention Japan also had some of these.
11:30I believe they ordered them from Italy,
11:33and they were used during the war against China.
11:37A few of them were actually used in Khalkhin Gol,
11:39which was the battle between the Japanese and the Soviet Union
11:43on the Mongolian-Manchurian border,
11:46and it was sort of replaced about that time.
11:48It was given an Allied reporting name, Ruf.
11:51Obviously, they seemed to not get that it had been taken out of service, perhaps.
11:56So it could be used as maybe a premium aircraft for the Japanese as well.
12:00I just thought I'd put that out there before I went on to the next aircraft.
12:04We've also got the Kant Z1007.
12:12Again, another medium bomber, a three-engine bomber.
12:15I don't really think Italy needs any more three-engine bombers,
12:18but there's a very large thread on the forums with a lot of votes for it to be put in,
12:23so I'd better cover it just to be sure.
12:27It's got listed here as a maximum speed of 285 miles an hour.
12:31It could carry 1,200 kilograms or 2,500 pounds of bombs internally,
12:361,000 kilograms or 2,000 pounds externally on the wing hardpoints,
12:42or a combined load of 2,200 kilograms or 5,000 pounds internally and on external hardpoints.
12:49It could also carry two torpedoes.
12:51It was armed with two 7.7-millimeter machine guns and two 12.7-millimeter machine guns.
12:57It seems like a reasonably good aircraft.
13:00Like I said, I'm not sure this is the priority for Italian aircraft,
13:05but, again, it would be a very good aircraft to have in the game,
13:08so it's always best to cover all of them.
13:12Almost at the end of the Italian aircraft, we've got the Kant Z506B Aero next,
13:19largest seaplane to be given widespread operational service during World War II.
13:25Although my book says the Ju 52 3M might pay claim to this achievement,
13:30this isn't to be confused with the BV 2222,
13:33which is the largest flying boat to be given operational service or large-scale production or production status.
13:42Now, this was a seaplane, obviously.
13:45It could go 217 miles an hour, armed with one 12.7-millimeter machine gun,
13:50three 7.7-millimeter machine guns in two beam and one ventral position.
13:56There are 12.7-millimeter machine guns in the dorsal position,
13:59plus a bomb load of 1,200 kilograms or 2,600 pounds, or one 800-kilogram torpedo.
14:08So, again, this would be quite good for Italy and allow them to take part in the floats events.
14:12I don't think they had any, like, fighter-y type float planes, like the HE-51 or the O2-SU,
14:21but, again, it would be a good addition for Italy.
14:25Again, another three-engine plane, possibly not the biggest priority,
14:29but because it's a seaplane, I think it could possibly be worth looking at.
14:34Now, this next aircraft is one that doesn't get talked about enough, in my opinion.
14:38You may not recognize it.
14:39It's the Piaggio P-108, a four-engine Italian bomber.
14:44First flew on 24th November 1939, so about the same time as the Heinkel 177.
14:51And, like I said, it was a four-engine bomber.
14:54People sort of assume the Italians didn't build all that great aircraft,
14:59but they were building four-engine bombers just after the war had started.
15:04They never built that many of them.
15:06They weren't that great a success.
15:07If I remember correctly, I think one of Mussolini's sons was actually killed while serving on one of these.
15:13I'll try and find out if that's true.
15:16It was armed with up to six 12.7-millimeter machine guns,
15:21and it could have another two 12.7-millimeter machine guns on the outer engine gondolas,
15:27and could carry an internal payload of 3,500 kilograms,
15:31so quite a lot of armament.
15:35That's actually quite similar to the American B-17s in armament.
15:40Max speed was, I'm just trying to find it now, 267 miles an hour,
15:46so, again, quite fast.
15:49Well, maybe not the fastest plane in the world, but a decent speed.
15:54I think this would be a very good aircraft to have in the game,
15:59because, well, the Axis Powers don't really have four-engine aircraft at the moment.
16:04We're getting the Heinkel 177, which is technically a four-engine aircraft,
16:09but it still has two propellers.
16:12The only other Axis Power that actually has them is, ironically, Japan,
16:16the one nation that, well, didn't really use them in the war, as far as I can tell.
16:22I think they were very little used, mainly relying on the twin-engine bombers.
16:27So for Italy to have a four-engine aircraft would be good,
16:30not just for Italy, but for the Axis Powers as a whole.
16:34I've just found out Bruno Mussolini was killed while flying one of these planes,
16:41so that could possibly explain why it wasn't produced in such great numbers.
16:46Only something like 30 to 35, and only 24 of them were bombers.
16:50They were also used as transport aircraft, including at Stalingrad, I think.
16:56So, yeah, I think this would be a very good aircraft to add to the game for Italy,
17:01and, well, for the game in general.
17:05So, having gone through the Italian aircraft,
17:07now it's time to check out the French aircraft that could be added.
17:10I'll try and keep this list a bit shorter,
17:12because obviously they haven't got their own tech tree,
17:15or they haven't got any aircraft, even in the British or Allied lines,
17:19other than the one or two premium aircraft.
17:23So I'll just try and outline a few basic aircraft they could get,
17:27just to sort of get them started off and all that.
17:30Now, for the French aircraft, I'll probably stick with early-tier aircraft.
17:34Obviously, we don't want to suggest high-tier aircraft
17:37if there's nothing to fill out the early tiers.
17:40So we'll start off with the Morane-Saulnier,
17:43I'll probably mispronounce that, MS-406.
17:47France's first fighter with an enclosed cockpit and retractable undercarriage,
17:52and it first flew in August 1938,
17:54which sounds a bit late, if I'm honest, but there we go.
17:59It was armed with one 20mm cannon,
18:02firing through the propeller hub,
18:04and two 7.7mm MAC-1934 machine guns in the wings.
18:09It could also reach speeds of up to 303 miles an hour, or maximum speed.
18:14Now, it was outclassed by the Bf 109,
18:17so obviously, it would probably maybe be able to go against the Bf 109E,
18:23other than that, probably lower tier or battle rating than the Bf 109s.
18:30Possibly going against the Heinkel 112s.
18:33It wasn't really used by the Germans after France surrendered,
18:37who gave it to their allies.
18:4068 to Finland, Croatia 48, 20 to Bulgaria, Finns 41 or more.
18:49They didn't do all that good.
18:51Switzerland also bought the rights to produce them, and built 82,
18:55when this was actually served as a flight instruction aircraft until 1959.
19:00So again, not that great an aircraft, but for the lower tiers,
19:03I think it could be a good starting point for France.
19:07Now, the next fighters I'm looking at are the MB-151 and MB-152.
19:12They're both variants of...
19:14Well, they're both the same aircraft, but different variants.
19:17The MB-152 being slightly faster.
19:21Now, they both carry two 20mm cannons and two 7.5mm machine guns,
19:27or just four 7.5mm machine guns.
19:31Now, apparently these weren't delivered in that great numbers,
19:35and they're a bit more effective than the last aircraft, the MS-406,
19:39but there weren't enough of them.
19:42They weren't delivered until really the last minute,
19:44so the pilots weren't acquainted with them, and they didn't do all that well.
19:48They were used by the FISCHI regime afterwards,
19:51and when they were occupied, the Wehrmacht gave them to Romania,
19:54or used them as training aircraft.
19:57MB-151 could be slightly lower battle rating than the MB-152.
20:02The MB-152 has a speed of...
20:05Let me find it...
20:07316 miles an hour.
20:09So, make the MB-151, which would probably be a bit slower, lower battle rating.
20:15Maybe the MB-152 can go against the MB-109s.
20:18Again, it would be a good aircraft for the French DRAV,
20:21because they should be able to hold their own against most of their other aircraft,
20:26at lower tiers at least.
20:28Quickly moving on to bombers,
20:31I'll do one light bomber, one heavy bomber,
20:34that way we've got a decent spread of bombers.
20:41For the light bomber, the one I'm looking at is the BR-693.
20:46Now, this is a twin-engine bomber.
20:49It could reach speeds of up to 304 miles an hour, at 5,000 meters.
20:55And it was armed with one 20mm cannon,
20:58and two 7.5mm machine guns in the nose,
21:02a 7.5mm machine gun in the cockpit,
21:05another one in the fuselage,
21:07and two additional ones in the fixed machine guns in the motor gondolas.
21:12And it could have an internal payload of 400kg.
21:15So, fairly fast aircraft, pretty well-armed,
21:19doesn't carry much of a bomb load,
21:21kind of reminds me of the R-10 in that respect.
21:24Obviously not as well-armed in cannon either,
21:27but most of its armament is based on its cannons and machine guns,
21:34rather than bomb load.
21:36It's actually quite good for lower tiers.
21:40Because at the moment, the Allies have...
21:42Well, you've got the Americans with their B-25s and A-20s,
21:45lots of machine guns, and carries a few bombs.
21:49And then you've got the British who rely on their bombs,
21:52don't really have any ground-attack aircraft.
21:55So this would fill in that role, I think.
21:59Best of both worlds, I suppose.
22:01Obviously not quite as good as either in their specific roles,
22:06but it'd be quite good at just attacking ground targets
22:09with its cannon and machine guns, I think.
22:12Now this next aircraft, the Amiok 143,
22:16looks a bit funny.
22:17I actually thought this was a heavy bomber based on this picture,
22:20but apparently it was a medium bomber.
22:22But that bit underneath the cockpit
22:25kind of reminds me of the gondola on Zeppelin.
22:29It just looks like a bit of a funny design.
22:32But anyway, getting on to the stats.
22:35It could go 183 miles an hour, top speed.
22:39It could get to 2,000 meters in 6.8 minutes,
22:42so a bit on the slow side.
22:45Could carry 800 kilograms internally,
22:47plus another 800 kilograms externally.
22:50So quite a decent bomb load.
22:53And it had four 7.5 millimeter machine guns,
22:56one each in the nose, dorsal, turret, forward gondola,
22:59and rear gondola.
23:01Again, it looks like it would be quite a good start
23:05for French bombers, perhaps.
23:06I mean, maybe it's a bit on the heavy side bomb-wise.
23:11Maybe it would have to be a bit higher tier-wise,
23:15because it does seem like it can carry quite a lot of bombs.
23:18I think that's actually more than some of the Japanese planes
23:21at the moment carry.
23:22But I think it would be quite good for France.
23:25Maybe have it as a tier 2 or 3 aircraft.
23:29Probably tier 3, if I'm honest.
23:31Although the H-6K is only tier 1,
23:35and that carries quite a big bomb load.
23:37That carries about two 800 kilograms bombs.
23:40Maybe tier 1 to 3, depending on how you're feeling.
23:44I suppose tier 1 or tier 2 would make most sense.
23:47Kind of reminds me of the TB-3 a little bit.
23:49It's a bit faster than the TB-3, I think.
23:53Yeah, I think it would be a very good addition
23:55for the French Air Force.
23:57And, yeah, it would just be an interesting plane in general.
24:00I mean, I still can't get over how it looks
24:02with that gondola on the bottom.
24:04I swear it looks like they've taken it off of a zeppelin.
24:08So that brings us to the end of the Italian and French tech trees.
24:12Like I said earlier, this was just meant to be
24:15looking at the basic low-tier levels.
24:17Also, it would be a bit difficult for...
24:19Well, if I start looking at the higher tiers,
24:21we'll end up in a massive video.
24:23Obviously, some of the nations, such as Italy and France,
24:26are both at limited higher tiers
24:29because of both countries' situations at that point in the war.
24:33Plus, I don't think they ever developed jet engines until...
24:37Well, they didn't develop jet aircraft properly
24:39until after the war.
24:41The Italians did actually develop one.
24:43It was called the Caproni Capini N1 CC-2.
24:49It was never actually armed, and apparently it wasn't very good.
24:52It used some sort of method that...
24:55It was a bit of a dead-end in jet design.
24:57Like I said, it was quite slow.
24:59It could only manage about 233 miles an hour.
25:02But this was one of the first jets to fly, actually.
25:05I think it was the second jet after the Germans.
25:11Yeah, the second nation after the Germans,
25:13before Britain and all that.
25:15They could have developed them, possibly,
25:17but they didn't,
25:19partly because the design was a bit of a dead-end
25:21and partly because of the war situation.
25:23France never developed it because, of course,
25:25they were under occupation.
25:27They worked on designs, but they never actually...
25:30Couldn't exactly build them while they were being occupied.
25:35So that would limit them.
25:37And I don't want to look too far in the tiers, obviously.
25:40I can leave that for another episode,
25:42probably sometime in the future.
25:45Maybe time to leave the Future Tech Tree series for a while.
25:50But yeah, thank you for watching.
25:52Hope you enjoyed this whole series.
25:54I know it took a long time and it was a bit exhausting at times,
25:59but I quite enjoyed making it.
26:02If you liked it, please leave a like.
26:04Leave feedback.
26:06Definitely could use some feedback the next time
26:09they announce the next lot of planes to be announced,
26:12or series on it, or episodes on it.
26:15Subscribe if you like these sort of videos,
26:17and, well, just thank you for watching.
26:19I'll see you next time.
