War Thunder Future Tech Tree Analysis - Luftwaffe Attackers and Bombers

  • 3 months ago
In the second part of my German tech tree analysis, I will be looking at the Luftwaffe attackers and bombers that are slated for future release in War Thunder, as well as discussing and analysing them.

Future German tech tree: http://warthunder.com/en/devblog/current/618

Planes in this episode:
Introduction: 00:00
Hs 123 A-1 (Added in Update 1.59 "Flaming Arrows"): 00:37
Ju-88 P-1: 02:23
Ju-88 P-4: 02:57
Focke Wulf-190 G-3: 04:52
Dornier 17 E (Added in Update 1.51 "Cold Steel"): 07:22
Dornier 17 F: 09:20
Do-17 M: 07:22
Do-17 Z2 (Added in Update 1.53 "Firestorm"): 10:22
Junkers 86: 11:59
FW-200 C-3: 13:54
FW-200 C-4: 14:32
Ju-188 A-2 (Added in Update 1.97 "Viking Fury"): 16:12
Ju-188 E-1: 17:08
Heinkel-177 A-5 (Added in Update 1.77 "Advancing Storm"): 18:43
Arado 234-C3 (Added in Update 1.49 "Weapons of Victory"): 21:18
Ju-287: 22:53
Conclusion: 25:51

German Future Tech Tree Analysis ( Fighters): https://youtu.be/L-fgFbVspyg

WWII: The Directory of Weapons
Weapons of World War II
X-planes: German Luftwaffe Prototypes 1930-1945

Photo sources/citations
HS 123:
Ju 88:
Fw 190: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focke-Wulf_Fw_190
Do 17: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dornier_Do_17
Ju 86: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junkers_Ju_86
Ju 188: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AJunkers_Ju_188_E-1_on_ground_1943.jpg
This is photograph 205070673 from the collections of the Imperial War Museums
Ar 234 C: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arado_Ar_234
Ju 287: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junkers_Ju_287

Social Media ⬇️
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/toreno.bsky.social
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Toreno4
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Game: War Thunder ⬅️

#warthunder #german #germany #luftwaffe #analysis
00:00Hello everybody and welcome to the next episode of my future tech tree analysis series.
00:05In this episode we'll be looking at the Luftwaffe Attackers and Bombers.
00:09First of all before we start though I'd like to apologise for this video being uploaded,
00:13well delaying uploading this episode. As I explained with the Luftwaffe Fighters episode,
00:19I've been a bit busy, haven't had a chance to record. I'm hoping, well this will be recorded
00:24in one go so it shouldn't be inconsistent, hopefully. Like I said we'll be looking at
00:31the Luftwaffe Bombers and Attackers and well without further delay let's get started.
00:36Now the first plane we're looking at is the Henschel HS-123 which was an attacker,
00:42well it was a biplane attacker as you can see, and it could carry up to 450kg of bombs,
00:47usually 1-250 plus 450kg, which is actually quite a lot. I think that's the load the Junkers
00:56Ju-87B2 carries in game. So it can carry, and it has 27.92mm machine guns, but it can carry as
01:04much as the Ju-87, or at least the early models. This was meant to be replaced quite early,
01:121937 because of the Ju-87, but it actually served until 1944, and at one point they actually
01:19wanted to start reproducing these aircraft, because they'd all been produced in the 30s,
01:24but the production lines had all been shut down, all the machines and tools needed for it had been
01:31destroyed or got rid of, so they just couldn't actually make any more. So probably a lower tier
01:40aircraft, below the Ju-87, because I don't think it can dive-bomb, I might be wrong, but I can't
01:46see any mention of it being able to dive-bomb. Speed-wise it goes about 211mph, so compared to
01:54the Ju-87, which goes about 255, so a lot slower. Definitely, I'd put this probably around the same
02:02category as the Swordfish, couldn't carry any torpedoes, but like the Swordfish, fairly decent
02:08bomb load, stayed around for a long time. This would definitely be good for the lower tiers,
02:13because Germany doesn't really have any bombers for the lower tiers, other than the Stuka, so yeah,
02:18definitely be a good addition for the lower tiers. Now the next aircraft on our list are the Junkers
02:24Ju-88 variants being added, the Ju-88P1, the Ju-88P4. Now the P1 has a 75mm cannon, so a bit
02:33like the PBJ-B25 variant that was added recently. I don't think it had any other armament other than,
02:41well it had the defensive armament, I've got 6 7.92mm machine guns listed, probably would have
02:49been quite a bit slower. These proved very cumbersome from what I understand, and didn't do
02:54all that great. So they introduced the P4, which was a, it was sort of the same but it had a 50mm
03:02cannon instead. I don't have the speeds exactly for these, I've got the P3 speed, which had two
03:0937mm guns, that was listed as 224mph. Actually, I'm not entirely sure why they haven't added the P3,
03:18it seems a bit odd to add a, because the P1 and the P4 are quite similar, it's just the P4's got a
03:23slightly worse gun. But we already have Me410s with the 50mm guns, so I don't know why they,
03:30well, why we don't really have any heavy bombers with the 37mm guns. I mean we've got the Stukas,
03:35but not any bombers with them. So I'm a bit disappointed they didn't go for the P3 if I'm
03:40honest. But yeah, I'm not sure where these would go tiering wise, I mean, like I said already,
03:46we've already got aircraft that have these guns, I believe the HS129 also has the 75mm gun,
03:53should just be seeing the P3 popping up on screen now along with the P4.
04:00So where these would go tiering, probably a bit higher than the Me410s, because,
04:06well no, probably a bit lower actually, because they haven't got really, well I'm not really sure,
04:11they're not actually sure where they could go, because they've got better defensive armament,
04:16they are quite cumbersome. So battle rating wise, tiering wise, probably, couldn't be,
04:24well probably a bit lower than the Me410s maybe, because the Me410s can defend themselves,
04:29at least, at least the 50mm variants. So, not particularly looking forward to these aircraft,
04:38if I'm honest, it does seem like it's just sort of duplicating the aircraft that are already in
04:41the game, but again it would be a welcome addition and definitely be more helpful in
04:47the ground strike missions, especially with the addition of tanks in the game.
04:51Now the last attacker we'll be looking at on our list is the Focke-Wulf 190 G3.
04:56Now before we get started, I'm not actually sure if this photo is of a G3, there aren't really
05:01photos saying this is definitely a G3, also because of copyright reasons I don't want to
05:06take, I don't want to get the video content ID'd and taken down, so I'm just sort of using a
05:13standard photo of a Focke-Wulf 190 with a bomb, it might well be a G3, but I'm not really an expert
05:19on the Focke-Wulf 190s, so just so you know, I don't want to deliberately mislead people into
05:26thinking it is a G3. But the G3 was based on the Focke-Wulf 190 A6, which we don't actually
05:33have in the game at the moment, but basically all the armament's been removed except for two
05:4020mm cannons. Based on the G1 it'll probably be able to carry, I think it carried one 500kg bomb
05:47on the centre of the aircraft and could carry two 250kg bombs on each wing. Speed, I'm not
05:54entirely sure how fast it went, my books don't specifically list this variant. The D9 could go
05:59426mph as a fighter bomber, but obviously that was a lot lower in, or it's a lot, that was sort of
06:06preceded it by quite a bit probably, it's a few variants before it. Whether the G will be faster
06:13or slower I don't know, because I think it had some armour on it so it'll probably be a bit slower,
06:19plus it carried a bit more bombs. Some of these aircraft did have their machine guns re-added on,
06:25but I don't know if Gaijin will go down that route. This plane will probably be forced to
06:30be used as a fighter bomber because with the lack of armour it won't be that good as a fighter
06:34anymore obviously. Whether players will use it that much, in my experience I don't really see
06:41the players with fighters using them as bombers or attack aircraft that much. It'll probably be
06:47used a bit more as an attacker than some other aircraft that can carry bombs, but really I don't
06:53think this plane's going to be used that much. It'll probably be a higher tier aircraft as well,
06:56so obviously its bombs won't be all that effective against the heavy tanks, which you need to be
07:03pretty accurate to actually do any damage to them. So I'm not looking forward to this aircraft that
07:08much, but again any attacker aircraft is good to be added, and I'm sure it'll be used by some
07:16players, but yeah not really looking forward to it that much if I'm honest. Now the first bombers
07:22we'll be looking at are the Dornier 17s, the E, F and Z versions. Now the F was very hard to find
07:30information for, for reasons I'll explain in a minute, but we start off with the E. It had two
07:357.92mm machine guns in the rear cockpit, so not that much in the defensive armament already as
07:42we can see, and it carried a 500kg bomb externally on the aircraft. In the bomb bay it was divided
07:51into two compartments. There was five bomb racks and they could carry 50kg each, so 250kg, I don't
07:59know if that's five bomb racks in each compartment, or all together, I assume it would be in each
08:07compartment. Now could 500kg inside the bomb bay, that's quite a big, it was an okay
08:15bomb load, but unless it means you can't carry the 500kg bomb externally as well,
08:22you'd probably end up with two bomb loads, the internal and the external. The
08:30internal being quite good for lower tiers, being able to destroy the light tanks, and
08:36the external being good for higher tiers, being able to destroy the heavier stuff like heavy tanks
08:42and pillboxes. But yeah, not that great from what I can understand. It could go about 205 miles an
08:50hour, which isn't that great. You know, when you think other aircraft could go quite a bit faster
08:57than that, the Junkers could go about 280, so yeah, quite a slow aircraft. I mean it had won
09:04lots of awards for being fast before in the Zurich to Dubendorf Air Race. It had done actually better
09:12than many fighter planes, but obviously technology advanced, military equipment added, and that all
09:17made it suffer. Now the F-3 is very hard to find information for, because it was a long-range
09:24reconnaissance aircraft. That's what it says online, that's what it says in my books. I don't
09:30know why we've got a reconnaissance aircraft that, as far as I could tell, couldn't carry any bombs.
09:36It had two machine guns, one in the rear of the cockpit again, one in the lower gun emplacement,
09:44and it carried cameras, because obviously it was a reconnaissance aircraft. I'm not really sure
09:49what to say about this aircraft. I'm not sure why we've got it in game. I mean, it can't be a fighter
09:55bomber, because it doesn't carry bombs. It can't be a fighter, because it doesn't carry any armament.
10:01And it can't be a pure bomber, because it doesn't carry any bombs. I'm not sure why we're getting it,
10:06but maybe Gaijin's made a mistake, maybe they've just did the wrong aircraft, maybe I've missed
10:11something very obvious, maybe some obscure variant of the F-3. I'm not really sure what to say
10:18about it, if I'm honest. Thankfully the Z-2 was actually quite easy to find information on.
10:25This was the main variant used during the war, the Z-variant, but we're looking at Z-2
10:30specifically. This could carry four, although if my book is correct, later up to eight 7.92mm
10:37machine guns, in the windscreen, nose beam, ventral and dorsal stations, plus a bomb load of a thousand
10:43kilograms. This could go 255 miles an hour, so obviously a lot faster than the E and F variants.
10:51These ended up being phased out quite early in the war. I mean,
10:57they were used in the Blitz, and I think they ended up being quite vulnerable to enemy fighters,
11:03and they were kept on during the war, but in the lower fighting intensity areas.
11:11So they were actually withdrawn by November 1942. As I've mentioned in the last episode,
11:18the Dornier 215 was based on this, and it was meant to be an export version. That was
11:23also used in fighting during the war. But yeah, this will probably be a fairly low-tier aircraft
11:31for most of them, or for all of them, all of the variants. The E being lower than the Z,
11:38of course. Not sure where the F will go, because I have no idea what its role is going to be.
11:42I don't know if they're guiding or adding reconnaissance roles into the game. If I find
11:47any information about the F, I will try and add it into the video as an annotation or note. But yeah,
11:52these will probably be lower-tier bombers, if I'm honest. Maybe a bit lower than the Ju-88.
11:58Now, the next plane on our list, the Ju-86, is actually quite unusual. We're probably getting
12:03the Ju-86R, the bomber version, but this was designed as a high-speed airliner for
12:08German airline Lufthansa, and the medium bomber for the Luftwaffe. Now, it was used in Spain
12:15during the Civil War, but it didn't do all that great. A few got shot down. It was used a little
12:22bit in the invasion of Poland, but retired pretty much afterwards. But its main use was actually as
12:29a reconnaissance aircraft. The P version was a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, and I think
12:37one of them could carry bombs, if I'm correct. But yeah, these were used over Britain,
12:44Soviet Union, North Africa. As I mentioned in my previous video on the British tech tree,
12:51the Westland Welkin was actually produced to try and stop these aircraft, because they could fly
12:55something like 12,000 meters, which is obviously very high, about 39,000 feet. But getting back
13:03to the bomber version, this could carry 1,000 kilograms worth of bombs and three machine guns.
13:09I'm not entirely sure the position of the machine guns, but probably going to be, I think it was
13:14the front, the back, and possibly the rear, the ventral, the bottom bit of the plane.
13:23Probably going to be a lower-tier aircraft, because obviously it wasn't even barely used up
13:27until, well, it was retired about the time of the invasion of Poland, or not long after even.
13:33So a lower-tier aircraft, probably not going to be all that great. It'd be probably a starting-off
13:39bomber for the German Air Force, for the Luftwaffe, before moving on to the HE-111 or the Dorniers.
13:48Not expecting great things out of it, if I'm honest.
13:53Now the next plane on our list should be quite easy to deal with, the Focke-Wulf 200
14:00Condor. This would actually be the first four-engine bomber the Germans get, I believe.
14:05It wasn't really designed as a bomber, it was more of a maritime reconnaissance bomber.
14:11As we've got listed here, I'm going by Gaijin's description, because that's probably the version
14:16they were at. It could carry, well, it was armed with one 20mm cannon and three machine guns,
14:22and could carry 1,250kg worth of bombs. Now that's more or less what I've read about,
14:31with regards to the Focke-Wulf 200 C3. But then we've got the Focke-Wulf 200 C4.
14:37Now I've looked up at this aircraft in my books and online, and the only thing that
14:42seems to be different about it is that some were used as passenger aircraft,
14:46with no bomb bays, so we're probably not going to get them. But the main variant
14:51was the only different thing about it was that it had a search radar for looking for
14:58ships and aircraft. Now radar doesn't actually have any use in the game at the moment, so
15:05maybe their radar's going to be added into the game, maybe. Maybe it's just going to be like
15:13some of the B-17s or the SB-2Ms, the Soviet bombers, maybe where they'll just have slightly
15:20different armament, slightly different turrets, or the addition of radar that doesn't actually
15:26do anything. I'm not sure what to actually make of it. I hope they're adding radar in. It would
15:32help explain it and make it worthwhile. I hope they're not just adding it to pad out the Focke-Wulf
15:39200 line. Yeah, looking forward to this plane. It'll definitely be a fairly high tier aircraft,
15:45because it's got four engines, decent armament, carrying a fairly decent amount of bombs.
15:52I can't remember if it carried torpedoes or not. I know some of them carried the HS-293A
15:59guided missiles. I don't want to get them if I'm honest. But yeah, definitely looking forward to
16:04this aircraft, especially since it'll be the first time Germany has a decent bomber in its
16:09lineup. Now the next aircraft on our list are the Junkers Ju-188 variants, the E-1 and the A-2.
16:19These were actually quite similar aircraft, except the E-version was supposed to take
16:24BMW 801 radial engines, and the A-version was supposed to take Jumo 213. But because the
16:32A-versions were delayed, well the Jumo engines were delayed, the A-version was actually in
16:38service after the E-version, which is a bit confusing. The aircraft itself was basically
16:45a Ju-188 with a slightly different fuselage, bigger wingspan, and armament-wise it had
16:56one 20mm cannon in the nose, a 13mm machine gun in the rear of the cockpit, a 7.92mm machine gun
17:03in the ventral gondola, and could carry about 3000kg. Now the E-version, which was generally
17:09more successful from what I understand, could go about 310mph. The A-2 could go about 325,
17:17so a bit faster. I think it carried about the same armament and bomb load as the A-2,
17:23the stats I've got are for the E-1. It wasn't all that successful from what I understand,
17:30the A-version just never did that good. The E-version was built in some large numbers,
17:35but again, it was still based on a fairly old design, it didn't do all that great. Only 1000
17:42Ju-188s were built out of all of the variants, and I've got these variants right up to the R,
17:49I think. So obviously not a very large produced aircraft. Tiering-wise, I think this would be
17:58slightly above the Ju-188, but probably below the He-16. I'm not sure of the He-16's bomb load at
18:09the moment. I think the Ju-188 may have a slightly larger bomb load, but it probably
18:14won't get all of it. Bombers in the game generally don't get all of their bomb load
18:19for whatever reason. So probably going to be about roughly near the He-16, probably a bit lower.
18:26Not particularly looking forward to this aircraft that much, because it's just sort of based on an
18:31old design, doesn't seem to be doing it like it would do that great, but it's good to have
18:36more bombers in the game regardless, of course. Now the next aircraft on the list is actually
18:45fairly easy to deal with, the He-177A5, because Gaijin have left a little picture and description
18:51of the aircraft in the future tech tree. Now from the looks of it, it looks like a twin-engine
18:55aircraft, but it's actually a four-engine aircraft. For those of you who are confused,
19:00to reduce air resistance, the designers decided to get two DB-601 engines and sort of strap them
19:08together, producing the DB-606 engine. The He-177 had two of these. They never really worked out
19:20all that great, kept catching fire, overheating, wasn't all that successful of an aircraft from
19:27what I understand. The He-177A5 was slightly improved, it had DB-610 engines, which consisted of two
19:35DB-603 engines, but again still not entirely reliable. It was armed with, well this says
19:42six machine guns and two cannons. I've got four machine guns and two cannons, so not sure where
19:50Gaijin are getting their numbers from. I've also got the bomb loader 6,000 kilograms, while Gaijin
19:56have got 7,300 kilograms. Maybe they've got more documents, like I've said before, so they've
20:03got a better idea on it. I'm not sure what to think of this aircraft. I mean, it depends on the
20:09unreliability issues and the overheating that's going to be in the game. I mean, some aircraft
20:14overheat quite easily in the game, but in realistic battles, I don't know if we're going to have like,
20:19are we going to have to expect the plane just randomly burning its engines out halfway through
20:23the match? It seems to carry quite a lot of bombs. I'm not really sure what to think of this
20:31aircraft. Assuming it does get the six machine guns and two cannons, it'll probably be quite
20:35well defended, but I get a feeling this isn't going to be all that useful. I can't actually
20:42remember, but I think this is also designed to be able to do a little bit of dive bombing, not like
20:47full-on like a Stuka, but to at least come in at more of an angle than with more traditional
20:54bombers, which I think also made it a bit more unreliable. I'll have to try and look up if that.
21:02I'll have to find out if that's actually true or if it's just a sort of folklore around the aircraft.
21:08But yeah, I'm not looking forward to this aircraft too much. I mean, it's good to have more bombers,
21:12but I get a feeling this one isn't going to do all that great, if I'm honest.
21:17Now, the next aircraft on our list is the Arado 234C, which you can see it has a redesigned
21:23cockpit, but also four BMW engines rather than the two Jumo engines. This was because the ME262
21:29needed the Jumo engines, but it also improved the airspeed by about 20%. The B-series variant
21:36before goes about 460mph, so that's a lot of speed added onto it. This might make it a bit
21:44more useful in the game, because at the moment it's quite slow. I think some propeller aircraft
21:52can actually not keep up with it, but still be able to intercept it a lot easier than it should
22:00be. So this will make it a lot more useful. I think it carries the same amount of bomb load,
22:06so it's not going to be much better in that case. I don't know if it will be higher tier than the
22:13Arado 234B. Well, it probably will be, because it's obviously a bit faster. I've heard it had
22:20two 20mm cannons, but I haven't found this in my book, so I'm just going to rule that as unconfirmed.
22:29But apparently some of the aircraft had two 20mm cannons just put in the back of the aircraft,
22:36just fixed, mainly to scare off enemy fighters rather than actually shoot them down. But yeah,
22:42looking forward to this aircraft. It'll be quite a good addition to late-tier games,
22:45especially with the introduction of the new bombers like the Canberra and the R-28.
22:52Now the next plane on our list is the Ju-287, probably one of the aircraft I'm looking forward
22:57to the most, because it looks a very futuristic design. It has the swept-forward wings, which
23:03helps with low-speed instability and I think some other stuff at higher speed possibly allows it to
23:07achieve higher speeds. I'm not entirely sure, I'm not all that keyed up on the aerodynamics of
23:15advantages of the swept-forward design. It would have had four Jumo engines, although the V-2,
23:23which was built but never flew, had four BMW engines and two Jumo engines, so six engines,
23:31which would have been a lot, but that was never flown. I can't remember if the Russians captured
23:36it. I know the Russians captured one of them, but it would have been able to go about 347 miles an
23:43hour while carrying a bomb load of 4,000 kilograms and a gun armament in the tail, but I bet it
23:49doesn't say what that would have been. I'm guessing it would have been 20 millimeter cannons,
23:5313 millimeter machine guns. I can't actually see it in any of the pictures, such as the one in my
23:59book. The Russians, like I said, I think they captured one and sort of made their own version
24:05of it, but never really went along with the design. It was more of a to learn how to build
24:10their own jet bombers. The design of it is actually quite interesting, because they cancelled the
24:15design in 1944, because obviously they didn't need bombers, but the ROM, I'm quoting from a book,
24:21the ROM returned to a bombing philosophy in March 1945 and ordered the Ju-287 into production,
24:29at which point the other two, the Ju-287 V-2 and V-3 prototypes were constructed.
24:38Why they decided to go back to a bombing philosophy right at the end of the war, I have
24:42not a damn clue. The V-1 is actually quite interesting as well, because the prototype
24:48was built using, and I quote, the fuselage of a He-177, the tail unit from a Ju-388,
24:56main wheels from the Ju-352 and the nose wheels of a captured V-24 Liberator. So this was a bit of a
25:04hodgepodge of designs, or designs of parts, and I'm not sure how it would have been done in
25:12reality, like if they'd actually put it into production, considering they had to use all these
25:16different parts to put it together as some sort of Frankenstein jet bomber. But yeah, I'm looking
25:23forward to this one being in the game. 4,000 kilograms is actually, I've just read, I'm reading
25:29my book, it's for the V-3, which again, never flew, so it could be slightly different. Possibly
25:35it doesn't have the tail bar back, which would explain why I can't see it in any of the pictures.
25:40But yeah, it's definitely a very futuristic design, I don't think we really have anything
25:44like it. So yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to this aircraft.
25:52So we have finally got to the end of the Luftwaffe line of aircraft, future Tech Tree.
25:59Took a long time to record both of these episodes. What planes am I looking forward to the most?
26:05Probably, for the bombers, probably the Arado 234C and the Junkers 287. Probably the Focke-Wulf
26:13200s as well, it would be good for Germany to finally get a four engine bomber. We've actually
26:18got, Japan actually has more four engine bombers at the moment, which is a bit weird. Fighters,
26:24I think I've dealt with in my other episode, I won't go over them again here, but, well,
26:28probably the Dornier 335, if I had to pick one. So, I hope you enjoyed watching this episode,
26:36leave feedback, if I've put any, if you've got any information on this aircraft that I've
26:41not added, or that you think I should add, leave it in the comments and I'll try and
26:46add it into the video somehow. Subscribe if you like watching these videos,
26:50leave a like if you enjoyed it, and I'll see you next time.
