• 3 months ago
Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.


00:00The Thomas Way.
00:03Montague is a little green tank engine, but everyone calls him Duck because the other engines used to say he waddled.
00:15Before Duck came to the island of Sodor, he worked on the mainland, on the Great Western Railway.
00:25Duck always works hard, and he always does things the Great Western Way.
00:32One morning, Harold the Helicopter was rescuing some climbers from the rocks near Callan Castle.
00:54Hang on, chaps! I'll have you down in no time!
01:00He picked up the climbers and flew them to safety.
01:12But when he went to take off again...
01:20Oh, no! My rotors are jammed! I can't take off!
01:27So, Duck was called to Callan Castle. The Fat Controller was waiting for him.
01:38Duck, you are to take Harold to the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre to be repaired.
01:44Yes, sir.
01:45But, sir, I'm so tall and my floats are so wide. How can I travel by rail? I don't want to bash into things.
01:55Don't worry, Harold. Thomas will be Duck's back engine. He'll keep an eye out to make sure you will fit through any low or narrow gaps.
02:05Now, don't be sad, Harold. We'll get you there in no time.
02:10I know, Duck. I just like being up in the sky. You'll see things differently up there.
02:19As they were travelling along, an idea flew into Thomas' funnel.
02:25Duck, I know how we can make Harold feel better. We can show him all the sights of Sodor from the ground.
02:34That sounds like fun!
02:36But Duck wasn't so keen.
02:39There's only two ways to do things, Thomas. The Great Western Way and the wrong way.
02:45The Great Western Way is to go directly and promptly to the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre without dilly-dallying.
02:53And without any fun.
02:58Thomas! Narrow bridge!
03:00Okay. You're clear.
03:08Maybe we could take you past the Animal Park, Harold. You could see all the animals close up.
03:14That would be nice.
03:16Sorry, Harold, but the Animal Park is not on our way.
03:20I know. We could take Harold across the Sodor Suspension Bridge.
03:26I must say, that sounds very exciting.
03:31But it's still not on our way. We must take you directly and promptly to the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre.
03:39It's the Great Western Way.
03:42Duck was sticking to the Great Western Way and that was that. This made Thomas cross.
03:49Harold, I really want to show you Knapford Station, but I don't think Duck will let me.
03:55Then Thomas had another idea.
03:59Duck, I forgot to tell you. We need to go to Knapford Station.
04:04We have to collect the engineer who's going to fix Harold.
04:07Alright, Thomas. If we need to go to Knapford Station, we must go there directly and promptly.
04:15So Duck headed toward Knapford Station.
04:20Oh, my! Look at that!
04:24Just wait till you see inside. It's... Stop!
04:28What's the matter?
04:29Just stop!
04:37Sorry, but Harold's too tall to go into the station.
04:41Express coming through!
04:48Helicopter on the line? Harold's too wide to let me come out. Now I'll never be on time.
04:57The Fat Controller couldn't believe his eyes.
05:00Duck, Thomas, what are you doing here?
05:04We have to collect the engineer who's going to fix Harold, sir.
05:07What nonsense! The engineer is waiting for Harold at the Search and Rescue Centre.
05:23Now, Duck was cross with Thomas.
05:26You tricked me, Thomas!
05:28But from now on, we will be sticking to the Great Western way of doing things.
05:33We will be going...
05:35Directly and promptly to the Search and Rescue Centre.
05:39I wish I could have shown you more things, Harold.
05:42Don't worry, Thomas. You tried.
05:45Thomas looked up ahead. He could see the engineer.
05:50Stop, Duck. We need to go the other way.
05:53I'm not falling for another one of your tricks, Thomas.
05:57But, Duck, look out!
06:02Duck, stop!
06:09Oh, no!
06:11Oh, no!
06:13Oh, no!
06:15Oh, no!
06:17Oh, no!
06:22Harold's blades were wedged against the tunnel walls.
06:26The engines knew they couldn't move Harold any further without help.
06:31Soon, engineers arrived to free Harold.
06:35Then, the Fat Controller arrived as well.
06:38He was very cross.
06:41Oh, Harold needs even more repair.
06:45You two have caused confusion and delay twice in one day.
06:51I hope you have learned your lesson now.
06:54Yes, sir.
06:56We have, sir.
06:58Well, then, you must both get Harold to the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre now.
07:05It wasn't long before the engineers managed to free Harold.
07:09Thomas and Duck pulled him out of the tunnel.
07:13I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, Thomas. This was all my fault.
07:17It was my fault, too. I shouldn't have tricked you in the first place.
07:22Now, let's get Harold to the Search and Rescue Centre.
07:26But how do we get to the Search and Rescue Centre without going through any tunnels?
07:33I know a route we can take. We can go the Thomas Way.
07:38What's the Thomas Way?
07:40Let me go in front and I'll show you.
07:44So the two engines swapped jobs.
07:47Duck checked that there was nothing too narrow for Harold to get through.
07:51And Thomas led them on a special route to the Search and Rescue Centre.
07:56It wasn't as prompt or direct, but it didn't go through any tunnels.
08:02Thomas and Duck arrived at the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre.
08:07The engineer was waiting to repair Harold.
08:10Bye, Thomas. Bye, Duck. And thank you.
08:14You're welcome, Harold.
08:19You know something, Thomas? I think there might be three ways of doing things.
08:26The Great Western Way, the Wrong Way and the Thomas Way.
08:33But the Great Western Way is usually the best.