Sultan Ruknuddin Baibars Ep11 - Roman Attack on Damascus & First Battle of Rukan ud din Baibars

  • 2 months ago
Sultan Ruknuddin Baibars Ep11 - Roman Attack on Damascus & First Battle of Rukan ud din Baibars


00:00You really don't know anything about him.
00:02Nuruddin is the ruler of this kingdom.
00:05He is Bato Khan's younger brother.
00:07If he has told you that he will bring your son with him,
00:10then you should return home with peace of mind.
00:13Now it was Nuruddin's turn to be surprised.
00:15He was looking at him as if he had really said something wrong.
00:19Kunai Khan himself got up this time and patted his shoulder and encouraged him.
00:23His style had changed.
00:25Nuruddin was surprised, believed in Allah and returned home.
00:30Abu Khawalud shook Najmuddin Ayub's shoulder and woke him up.
00:34Najmuddin Ayub sat up on the bed with his eyes closed.
00:37He was surprised to see Abu Khawalud's face.
00:40He had never done such a thing before.
00:43No doubt he was his most trusted and loyal slave,
00:46but he was not in his right mind to do such a thing.
00:50Abu Khawalud's face was deeply troubled.
00:53What is the matter Abu Khawalud?
00:54Master, there is a lot of dirt in my mouth.
00:56The matter is such that I had to take the responsibility of this insolence.
01:00Abu Khawalud's tone was humble.
01:02Yes, tell me, what happened?
01:03Ismail Ayubi has raised the flag of rebellion along with other Umrahs.
01:08Just now, the informant has informed that they are planning to leave Damascus
01:13and attack nearby cities and target them for looting.
01:16Okay, you arrange for my departure immediately.
01:19I will go there myself and see them.
01:21Najmuddin Ayub said while getting out of bed.
01:23Even after hearing a bad news in the morning,
01:25his face was clear of the impression of worry.
01:28He had heard this news as if it was not a big deal.
01:32As soon as Abu Khawalud got the order, he left quickly.
01:35Najmuddin Ayub was thinking about his elected governor Ismail Ayubi
01:40that why did he need to do such a thing.
01:43He shook the whispers and went into the bathroom to take a bath.
01:47As it has been said before,
01:49when Mulkul Kamil had conquered all the territories of Syria, Palestine and Egypt,
01:54some of the territories of Jerusalem and Palestine were given to Frederick II,
01:59including the territories of Baitul Maqdis, Baitul Lahm, Nasiriyah and Jaffa.
02:04The central cities of Akka were also given to him.
02:07The basic purpose of all this was to strengthen Mulkul Kamil's vast and powerful government.
02:14When it was time for his death, he divided his empire into four parts.
02:18Egypt gave its nine-year-old son, Saifuddin Abu Bakr,
02:22Syria and its adjacent region, Mulkul Jawad.
02:26Najmuddin Ayub had made Ismail Ayubi his governor in Damascus.
02:30In the areas of Basra, Wasit and Nablus,
02:33a very loyal Turkish slave was in charge of his duties.
02:37The rebellion of Ismail Ayubi was extremely worrisome
02:40because in this way it could break out in other parts of the empire
02:43and the Crusaders could get a golden opportunity to attack the Muslims.
02:47On the same day, preparations were completed in Ujlat
02:50and Najmuddin Ayub left for Damascus with a large number of his slaves.
02:54He was on his way when he received another information
02:57that the king of Rome, Qaibad bin Khosrow bin Qaleej Arsalan
03:01had attacked Damascus with his army.
03:04Ismail Ayubi has been killed and taken over Damascus.
03:08The Roman army is looting Damascus and are busy occupying it.
03:14Najmuddin Ayubi met his brother Mulkul Jawad in Nablus and asked him for help.
03:19Both of them attacked the Roman army.
03:22Damascus was surrounded from the outside.
03:25The right arm of the Roman army was under the watch of the mercenaries.
03:30Najmuddin Ayubi increased the intensity of the attacks from this side.
03:34His Turkish, Georgian and African slaves were also fighting side by side.
03:40This was the first military experience of Baibars.
03:46Baibars had fought his first battle with a large Roman army.
03:51The Romans also had great crusader knights.
03:54Baibars had troubled the Roman army with his special Turkish and Mongolian wisdom.
03:59Najmuddin Ayubi saw the way Baibars fought.
04:03Many times, his lips would come out of his mouth,
04:07This battle of truth and falsehood continued all day long.
04:11Some of the crusader knights were with the Roman army,
04:14but they did not participate in the battle directly.
04:17This was the effect of the agreement made with Mulkul Kamil,
04:20or they had already agreed that they would not be able to survive here.
04:23The battle was decided before dusk.
04:26The Roman army fled leaving the booty.
04:29Mulkul Jawad and Najmuddin Ayubi chased them for a long time.
04:33Both of them entered Damascus at the time of Hamkinar and Maghrib.
04:38The situation in Damascus was again under control.
04:41When the peace and security was established, Najmuddin Ayubi thought of returning to Egypt.
04:46This was the first time that he did not bring the Egyptian army with him.
04:50He thought that he would take care of Ismail Ayubi and the rebels with the army of slaves.
04:55He did not care about the attack of the Roman army.
04:59Najmuddin Ayubi gave up his intention to return to Egypt and decided to take care of the leadership of the East.
05:06This advice was given to him by Mulkul Jawad.
05:09He made Damascus his capital while making it the capital of Zaili province.
05:13He went to Basra with his slaves Ittaba and Umara.
05:17Here he built the first court in his life.
05:20In this court, Baibars was seated with Umara and the responsibility of the high office was entrusted to him.
05:26In addition to Baibars, other slaves were also given governmental powers.
05:30This was the first time in Islamic history that such a large number of slaves were included in the affairs of the Sultanate.
05:38In Cairo, the capital of Egypt, there were some people in a private room of the royal palace.
05:44They were all busy in consultation on an important issue.
05:47This assembly was criticized by the royal court.
05:51The new ruler of the country of Egypt, Sultan Saifuddin Abu Bakr was Mulkul Adil Sani.
05:57He was accompanied by a group of Qahira's chaploos and far-sighted Umara and a special guardian and loyal slave.
06:04Jamaluddin Marahi and Ghazi Abdullah Shafai were participating in Umara.
06:09The Sultan respected Ghazi Abdullah Shafai said,
06:13Your brother Najmuddin Ayyub has reconciled the Roman army with defeat and has regained his hold on the Middle East.
06:21And this matter is no less than a threat to your rule.
06:24In Cairo, he was only on a few greedy Umara against you.
06:28But after the complete reconciliation of the Middle East, he now has a large army.
06:34As soon as he gets the opportunity, he can head for Egypt at any time.
06:37You should pay full attention to your security ahead of time.
06:41Especially those Umara who are cooperating with him should be put in prison.
06:47If this step is not taken immediately, you will have to face an external threat as well as an internal conspiracy.
06:53You should not take any precautions in this regard.
06:56Jamaluddin Al Marahi, the respected Sultan, completed his words and said,
07:01I had already warned you that Najmuddin Ayyub's intentions are not good.
07:06He wants to take advantage of your young age.
07:09His primary goal is to gain power.
07:11Relationships do not hold any importance in his eyes.
07:14By the way, in the affairs of the Sultanate, no one is someone's brother or son.
07:18You should take a practical step immediately, lest it be too late.
07:22Ibn Muqsankar, Saifuddin Abu Bakr, looking at his loyal and loyal slave, asked,
07:28What do you say about this?
07:30Master, he said in a polite manner,
07:32Your welcome is great.
07:34What can I say in the presence of the Umara of Egypt?
07:38In my humble opinion, it would be appropriate to involve Najmuddin Ayyub in such a problem
07:43that he gets entangled and forgets to head for the country of Egypt.
07:46Amirul Hajib, what is your opinion?
07:49I fully agree with your slave.
07:51This is the only and safe way to entangle Najmuddin Ayyub in other matters.
07:56But this process should continue steadily so that he gets worried and gets entangled in these problems.
08:02In this way, your status will also be hidden and he will not have any doubt that what you have done.
08:08Ghazi, what do you say?
08:10Sultan, Ghazi Abdullah Shafai said in a thoughtful tone,
08:14This suggestion is not bad, but it is not so easy.
08:18Najmuddin Ayyub is not a child that he does not know who has created this game of circumstances
08:24and he is being deliberately trapped in a trap.
08:28In my opinion, the king of Rome should be encouraged to fight again
08:31and the complete cooperation with the Egyptian troops should be ensured.
08:34In this way, you will get two benefits.
08:36One is that your friendship with the king of Rome will be strengthened
08:42because of which he will not try to attack the country of Egypt
08:46and secondly, Najmuddin Ayyub's defeat in Damascus will also be consoled.
08:52It is possible that Najmuddin Ayyub is killed in this war
08:55or else he will be arrested and imprisoned
08:59and a great threat to your future will break forever.
09:03You are right.
09:05Sultan Abu Bakr said with a frown on his face,
09:07But what guarantee is there that the king of Rome will never turn to the country of Egypt
09:12after capturing the country of East?
09:14Rather, if he succeeds in capturing the country of East,
09:17then he will also try to conquer all the surrounding states.
09:21Have you forgotten the examples of the past?
09:23Christians have always been against promises.
09:26I can't trust the king of Rome in any way.
09:29If you have any other solution in your mind, then state it.
09:32Sultan, the Ameer sitting in the background spoke in a low tone.
09:36All eyes were on him.
09:39The Ameer remained silent in all conversations.
09:42If you get help from your uncle Amaduddin,
09:45he will be the most suitable.
09:47Tell me openly what you want to say.
09:49Sultan, my humble opinion is that you should send a message to your uncle Amaduddin Ismail
09:55in which the situation of the previous conspiracies of Najmuddin Ayyub is present in detail.
10:00Ask him to attack the areas of Najmuddin Ayyub and capture them
10:04and arrest him and put him in the dungeon.
10:07We are not interested in the country of East.
10:09Amaduddin Ismail is your real uncle.
10:12You will certainly not be in any kind of danger from him.
10:15As far as I know, he has a special affection for the country of East.
10:19He will consider the direction of the country of Egypt to be against nature.
10:22Very good.
10:23Sultan Seyfuddin Abu Bakr sat in his place and stuttered helplessly.
10:27Your opinion is the most reasonable.
10:30I will arrange for uncle Amaduddin Ismail to conduct an interrogation.
10:34Sultan Seyfuddin Abu Bakr was particularly impressed by this suggestion.
10:39Keeping in mind the temperament of the Sultan,
10:42the newly-arrived Umara also showed a lot of tenacity
10:45and on this final decision began to shake the earth and the sky.
10:49At the same time, the newly-arrived Sultan asked for a writer
10:52and with the mutual advice and advice of those Umara,
10:55he wrote the name of uncle Amaduddin Ismail,
10:58in which on Najmuddin Ayyub,
11:00in addition to conspiring against the Sultan of the palace,
11:03many other harsh accusations had been made.
11:06He was called the harrier of the rise of power.
11:09In the evening, he was sent to Amaduddin Ismail.
11:13On the other hand, a horse-riding horseman from the Dar-ul-Hukumat
11:16of Urdu-e-Zarri was sent to the east.
11:20He was wearing a black dress and he had hidden his face with a black mask.
11:25His speed was showing that he was in a hurry to reach his destination.
11:29After completing the tiring journey of half a day,
11:33he reached a settlement known as Qarnaqa.
11:37It was a small city where the special tribe of the Mongols was Azqai Abad.
11:42This tribe had an excellent status among the Mongols.
11:45In addition to patriotism,
11:47what was found in them was respect for human dignity.
11:51Even while living in the army of Genghis Khan,
11:53those people had possibly avoided murder and treason.
11:57He played a major role in occupying the ruined cities
12:00and eliminating fear and hostility among the people.
12:04The horse-riding horseman quickly entered their settlement
12:07and went straight to the settlement.
12:09Many people turned around and looked at him and then got busy with their work.
12:14Perhaps the arrival of such people was not a strange thing for them.
12:18The horse-riding horseman stopped in front of a large fortified house.
12:21There were only a few fortified houses in that settlement.
12:24Most of the people lived in tents.
12:26This fortified house belonged to their leader Manji Khan.
12:29The guard standing outside the house stepped forward and held the reins of the horse.
12:33The horse-riding horseman came down to the ground.
12:36When he shook his neck, the guard took the horse and walked towards him.
12:40The horse-riding horseman looked at him for a moment
12:43and then he stepped towards the main door of the house.
12:47After a few moments, the leader was in front of Manji Khan.
12:51Manji Khan was looking at him with strange eyes.
12:54There were many questions in his eyes.
12:58As soon as the horse-riding horseman lifted the reins from his face,
13:01Manji Khan changed his direction.
13:03She was a very beautiful Mongolian lady.
13:06Who are you and what do you want?
13:08Manji Khan had not yet understood anything.
13:11Sardar Manji Khan shook his delicate lips.
13:14I have come to ask you for help in the name of Javed Ani Asman.
13:18It is not important to you who I am.
13:20Just understand that I am in trouble.
13:23How can I help you?
13:25My father had entrusted a Muslim family.
13:28In this way, they were our respected guests.
13:30According to Mongolian traditions, we had to protect them completely.
13:34The leader of that Muslim family had a fight with a powerful tribe
13:38on which he agreed to kill him.
13:40Coincidentally, a member of that tribe was killed by the Muslims.
13:44This was enough to instigate their anger.
13:47They attacked that family, leaving everything behind.
13:51For the sake of their protection, my father and brother
13:54were killed in a bloody battle.
13:57That tribe brutally killed the elders of that Muslim family.
14:02Women were raped and my father and brother were killed
14:06for helping them.
14:08That fairy Pekar stopped talking.
14:10She got a little ticklish.
14:12The death of Shabnam began to flash in her eyes.
14:15I have understood everything.
14:17Do not worry at all.
14:18I am ready to help you in every way.
14:20You tell me what you want now.
14:22I have come to you now because a young man of this Muslim family
14:26is still in the custody of those people and I have learned
14:29that he will be killed in a few days.
14:31I want the family that my father had entrusted
14:34to at least save his last glimmer of hope.
14:37She began to try to wipe her tears with her veil.
14:40I will try my best to save him.
14:43But you have not told anything about those people
14:46who have committed this atrocity.
14:48They were people of the Surkh tribe.
14:50I do not know which tribe they belonged to.
14:53Surkh tribe.
14:54Maji Khan said with contempt.
14:56If this tribe is wiped out from the Mongols,
14:58the bloodshed will stop forever.
15:01Bloodthirsty, ferocious beasts.
15:03His tone had a deep hatred for them.
15:06Look, I do not like bloodshed,
15:09but I appreciate a good man.
15:12I will save that young man at all costs
15:14with the passion of human compassion.
15:16You stay here without worry.
15:18I will arrange for his departure today.
15:21And yes, you must know the traditions of the Azqai tribe.
15:24We do not help anyone without compensation.
15:27Sardar Maji, I know.
15:29That is why I have come to you.
15:31Here is your compensation.
15:32He took the small bag tied in the corner
15:34to his side.
15:35Sardar Maji Khan quickly held the bag
15:38and turned it over on his hand.
15:40There were large amounts of gold coins in it.
15:43Sardar Maji smiled, shook his head
15:45and said,
15:46According to the Azqai traditions,
15:48you can get shelter here.
15:49If you want, you can stay here permanently.
15:52I will not be able to live here.
15:54I have two sisters and a mother alone in my house.
15:57I have to go back to them before it gets dark.
16:00You just do me a favor
16:02and release that young man.
16:04He will come to me himself.
16:06He nodded and said,
16:08As you wish.
16:10If you want, you can come here permanently
16:12next to your well.
16:14I will decide what to do
16:16when the time comes.
16:18First, do something about this young man.
16:20He should not be killed.
16:22I will always be grateful for your help.
16:25The souls of my father and brother
16:27will send you peace.
16:28If someone makes a promise,
16:30Maji Khan fulfills it at all costs,
16:32even if his own life is lost in it.
16:35You go home without worry.
16:37Soon that young man will walk on his feet
16:39and reach you.
16:40Maji Khan was emotional.
16:43He stood up,
16:45straightened his clothes
16:47and covered his face again.
16:49When he asked for permission to leave,
16:51Maji Khan said,
16:53What is your name?
16:55What will I tell that young man
16:57about your freedom?
16:59Just tell him that
17:01he did whatever he could.
17:03Maji Khan stood there like a fool.
17:06He quickly turned to the outside
17:08and as soon as he saw,
17:10he went away from the settlement.
17:12She was Gul Waqaus,
17:14the lover who sacrificed her life
17:16for Qaunai Khan's daughter and Muti Uddin.
17:18She had this unique idea in her mind.
17:20She had obviously worked with lies,
17:22but her lies could have saved
17:24Muti Uddin's life.
17:26Maji Khan was used to making
17:28hidden attacks instead of direct attacks.
17:30He was very proud of his methods
17:32that he works in a unique way
17:34to save human life.
17:36Gul Waqaus also wanted
17:38Muti Uddin to sacrifice his life
17:40to save Qaunai Khan's life.
17:42Muti Uddin returned home
17:44without Zia's sacrifice.
17:46The Shurkh tribe was also
17:48the home of his stepmother.
17:50She knew very well that
17:52they hated the Muslims
17:54and they did not hesitate
17:56to kill them.
17:58Her clever mind
18:00encouraged her
18:02and she reached here
18:04far away from her home.
18:06While living in Basra,
18:08Muti Uddin was so busy
18:10that he did not even know
18:12about her arrival.
18:14When the time was right,
18:16he was excited.
18:18Fatima's face started
18:20revolving in front of his eyes.
18:22Damascus was a little far from here.
18:24He wanted to go to Damascus.
18:26He was so overconfident
18:28that he could have left
18:30without informing anyone,
18:32but he was not disobedient
18:34and rebellious.
18:36He went straight to Najm-ud-Din-Ayyub.
18:38Najm-ud-Din-Ayyub was present
18:40at the top floor of his palace.
18:42He was busy with some work
18:44and he calmed down
18:46after seeing the face of Baibars.
18:48Baibars started to arrange
18:50the words.
18:52I want to go to Damascus for
18:54two days.
18:58Najm-ud-Din-Ayyub was surprised
19:00at his sudden and unexpected
19:04Baibars looked down
19:06and said,
19:08He was stunned at Fatima's
19:12Najm-ud-Din-Ayyub was
19:14shocked at his answer.
19:16He looked at her with
19:18strange eyes.
19:20But you told me that
19:22you have no idea
19:24if any of your relatives
19:26are alive or not.
19:28It is true that I cannot
19:30say anything about
19:34Najm-ud-Din-Ayyub replied
19:38Perhaps he did not care
19:40whether Baibars would return
19:42or not.
19:44I am very grateful to you.
19:46Baibars's face turned red.
19:48He left quickly and
19:50reached his private room
19:52in the palace.
19:54He took necessary things
19:56and went straight to the
19:58market of Basra.
20:00To be continued...
