fallen to my divorce lawyer-finale

  • 2 months ago
00:00Oh God, I don't think we're going to get in again. I don't know why you keep dragging me down here. It's impossible.
00:12Don't waste my time. We don't let in desperate trash.
00:20Um, leave. Shoot.
00:23Well, my boyfriend has a reservation.
00:26No, I don't think so.
00:28Can you check again? It's Hunter Ambrose.
00:31You expect me to believe that you're with Hunter Ambrose?
00:36You have a problem with that?
00:46Oh my God, that's Hunter Ambrose.
00:50I'm so sorry.
00:52Yeah, I'm sure you are. You can pick up your last paycheck tomorrow. I'll let the owner know.
01:07So, spill it you two. I have a feeling this isn't a casual dinner.
01:15You're going to be a grandma.
01:19Well, that is big news.
01:22Darling, this is for you.
01:31Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful.
01:37Evie, how do you know that this baby is my son's?
01:42How many men have you slept with? I'm going to need a paternity test.
01:46Mother, stop!
01:55Look, I took you to dinner out of courtesy.
01:57If you don't start treating Evie here like a decent human being,
02:01then you don't have to see me again either.
02:08Hunter, sit down now!
02:19Just a few more days. Just let me enjoy this for a few more days.
02:34I gotta get up. I have to go visit my mom in the hospital before work.
02:40I'm afraid you're going to have to tell your boss. You're going to be late.
02:48Turn sideways. I want to see that pregnant belly of yours.
02:52Mom, I'm not even showing yet.
02:55That bitch got pregnant just to get my money.
02:59She'll learn though.
03:04Turn to the side. I want to see that pregnant belly of yours.
03:08Mom, I'm not even showing yet.
03:11It's Hunter's baby. I know it is.
03:14Are you sure that's not just what you want to believe?
03:17Mom, you've got to tell Hunter.
03:21I will.
03:22I will. I'll try. I promise.
03:27I gotta go to work.
03:32I love you.
03:36Hey, are you almost here? I had a question about a client.
03:40Almost. I thought you were visiting your mom.
03:43I left early.
03:45Is something wrong?
03:52Um, no. I'm being paranoid.
04:03Let me go.
04:05You little bitch. Did you really think getting pregnant would get more money out of me?
04:11Don't play dumb. I've done everything.
04:13It's not your baby.
04:15I know all your little games.
04:18But I know how to fix them.
04:30Get the hell away from her!
04:35What's a pussy like you gonna do about it?
04:42Are you okay?
04:48I'm fine.
04:50But he punched me.
04:53That bastard!
04:58Officer, there's been an attack.
05:01He's getting away!
05:03Hey, the police will find him.
05:06Okay, when they do, there's no way he's getting out again.
05:11But he punched me. He could have...
05:15My baby.
05:17Hey, you're okay.
05:19Okay, you're both okay.
05:22No, we're not okay.
05:25What is it?
05:27I have something to tell you.
05:29You're gonna hate me.
05:37Hey, I'm supposed to be the one taking care of you.
05:40At least that's what the doctor said.
05:42Do we need to make sure you're back to the ER?
05:44I'm fine.
05:46But you might not be after you hear what I have to say.
05:54I'm listening.
05:58The divorce is gonna be harder now.
06:01I'll deal with that as soon as the police have Jerry in custody.
06:05He knows I'm pregnant.
06:09The baby might be Jerry's.
06:11I didn't, um...
06:13I didn't know you guys were still sleeping together.
06:16I mean, with all your problems.
06:18I thought a baby would fix our marriage.
06:20I was so wrong.
06:24Are you mad?
06:26What are you asking, Evie?
06:28If I'm mad that you jumped from his bed into mine?
06:30Or if I'm mad that you led me to believe this is my kid?
06:43I've already asked about a paternity test.
06:46I can find out soon.
06:48You let me tell my mother!
06:51I'm so sorry.
06:53I was, I didn't know what to say.
06:56I was just so scared I'd lose you.
07:06And I guess I already have.
07:28You're the only man I ever loved.
07:37Where do we go, little one?
07:55Don't go.
07:57I'm so sorry.
07:59I ruined everything.
08:03Look, I didn't.
08:04I should have told you.
08:06I don't care who this baby's father is.
08:09In fact, I don't even want him.
08:13This baby's mine no matter what.
08:15You don't have to say that.
08:18You're right.
08:20I don't have to.
08:22I want to.
08:25Evie, I love you.
08:29Marry me.
08:32Marry me.
08:35Do you mean that?
08:45Yes, I mean that.
08:48Just, please say yes.
08:54A hundred times yes!
09:17What the hell were you thinking?
09:20Do you want to spoil everything?
09:22It's a hiccup.
09:24A respected doctor, it'll blow over.
09:26Are you sure about that?
09:28Because the law says something else.
09:30The police are literally looking for you.
09:32Who's the judge gonna believe?
09:34Or the daughter of some crook?
09:37Hunter saw you in the parking lot attacking her.
09:40Hunter's sleeping with her. He's compromised.
09:42Well, then I am too.
09:45I'm pregnant.
09:49It's yours, if you're wondering.
09:52Get rid of it.
09:57You can't mean that.
09:58I can't mean that.
10:02I have enough bitches trying to get after my money.
10:16Good morning.
10:20I could get used to this.
10:23Well, you deserve it.
10:29What's this?
10:32Belonged to my grandmother.
10:47Now our engagement's official.
10:50It's stunning.
11:01I'll be there in a second.
11:07What's going on?
11:09The doctor didn't say.
11:11That's because I wanted to tell you the news in person.
11:14Well, how are you feeling?
11:18The meds are working.
11:19I can go home.
11:21I said you could go home if you don't strain yourself.
11:24Oh, Poop, you sound so dramatic.
11:26Are you sure she's well enough to leave?
11:29Her blood clots have cleared. She shouldn't have another stroke.
11:32You're free to go.
11:36What's this?
11:39Oh, Hunter proposed last night.
11:43And yes, he knows about the baby and he's fine with it.
11:46Hunter, you proposed to my daughter without even asking my permission?
11:50Yes, ma'am.
11:52And I'd do it a thousand times again.
11:54I love Evie more than anything.
11:57Well, you have found a defiant one, haven't you?
12:02Mrs. Sheldon?
12:04Do I have your permission to marry your daughter?
12:16Of course.
12:19I'm so excited for both of you.
12:22I'll be fine here.
12:24Oh, you two run off and have some fun.
12:37Well, I told the office we aren't coming in, so what do you want to do today?
12:50We're not going to need that. We're having a baby girl.
12:53You seem very sure of that.
12:55I am.
12:57And she's going to have your eyes.
13:00And do you have a name for this baby girl we're having?
13:04I'm torn between either Gertrude or Ethel.
13:10Over my dead body?
13:15I like that one.
14:14That's no way to greet your husband.
14:17Hunter is on his way home. He won't want you here.
14:20Good thing neither of us will be here.
14:24Just breathe.
14:26Just breathe, just like you were the last time we talked.
14:43Security cam. Back door.
14:52Don't worry, baby. I'm coming.
15:02Where am I?
15:06Where you should be.
15:08Jerry, let me go.
15:12Oh, how I always liked it when you begged.
15:16Please, I'll give you your divorce. I'll sign the papers. I don't need any money.
15:20No, no, no, no, no, no!
15:23It's gone way beyond money now!
15:25You ruined my life!
15:30This has gone too far! Let's just move on!
15:34Let's just move on.
15:36There's no moving on.
15:38Until you and that fucking baby are dead!
15:42Please, you're a doctor. You swore to heal, not hurt people.
15:48You were the cancer of my life.
15:50Now, I'm gonna cut it out.
15:53For good.
15:59What is that?
16:02A test.
16:06It'll make it look like a heart attack. Natural causes. So nobody can tie it back to me.
16:14No! No! No! No!
16:21This is where the necklace tracker shows she is.
16:24Are you sure?
16:25Here it is. I can guarantee she'll never find the tracker, Mr. Andrews.
16:29A hundred percent.
16:31Let's move on.
16:38Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
16:40Hey, right there!
16:42You have the right to remain silent!
16:45Are you okay?
16:48That bastard's gonna rot in jail.
16:56She's a bit shaken up, but she'll be fine.
17:04Hey, there's an officer here. Do you mind if I go talk to him?
17:11Doc, I need a paternity test.
17:14Hunter says he doesn't want to know, but I need to know if I'm having that monster's baby.
17:19What will you do if you are?
17:21I don't know.
17:26You're gonna feel a little pangy.
17:29Just do it.
17:34Jerry's in the jail being processed right now.
17:37And you should know, they're assigning extra guards to him.
17:40He's probably gonna slime his way out of any charges.
17:44Don't you forget, I'm the best lawyer in the country.
17:48Trust me, I'm putting him away for good.
17:52You just don't know Jerry, though.
17:55You've never seen me in court.
18:06Get down to the police station now if you want your divorce.
18:14Look, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go in there alone with Jerry.
18:18He'll be handcuffed. He can't hurt me.
18:21I don't care. I don't like it.
18:23I have to do this.
18:28He's waiting for you.
18:41You called? I'm here.
18:44What do you want?
18:46Ashley insists that if I sign the divorce papers, the judge will go easier on me.
18:53You seriously think a judge is gonna excuse two murder attempts because you gave me a divorce?
19:01Don't complain. It's what you wanted.
19:05Give me the damn paper.
19:13It's more than you deserve. Ten percent. That's my final offer.
19:23I would have paid you to get out of this marriage, you asshole.
19:46You know, Jerry, orange suits you.
19:49I'm glad you're gonna be wearing it permanently.
19:53This isn't over, slut!
20:01You all ready for tomorrow?
20:03I think so. I'm not looking forward to the actual trial, but I'll be so happy to be able to move on with my life.
20:10Soon enough, darling.
20:12Do you want to go over the notes for testifying again?
20:14I think I have something that's gonna blow this whole case wide open.
20:19What are you planning?
20:21What are you planning?
20:25You'll see.
20:29You're perfect.
20:33Look, we're gonna nail him tomorrow.
20:36I hope so.
20:38Do you remember last time we worked late like this?
20:43If I recall correctly, not much actual work I've done.
21:13I'm here. He can't hurt you.
21:17All rise.
21:21Mr. Ambrose, call up your first witness.
21:36By the way, I quit.
21:44Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no, she can't do this.
21:47Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no, she can't do this.
21:50Order. I will have order.
21:53But, Your Honor, there's nothing illegal about it.
21:55I should have you disbarred, Ashley Gibbons.
21:58Your Honor, it is my right to call upon anyone I believe would be the best possible witness for my client's case.
22:04Ashley is Jerry's lawyer.
22:06But you heard her. She just quit.
22:08And she can't fucking do that!
22:10Despite what you may think, Mr. Graves, she's not under your control.
22:14It is unorthodox, but she is allowed to quit.
22:17Unless it violates client-lawyer confidentiality.
22:20I suppose she is allowed to testify against you.
22:25Hunter, swear you witness it.
22:27Thank you, Judge.
22:28This is fucking bullshit!
22:30One more outburst like that and I'll hold you in contempt.
22:33Ms. Gibbons, is it true you were having a personal relationship with Mr. Graves?
22:38Yes. I'm pregnant with his baby.
22:40And what caused you to take such drastic action to testify against him?
22:44He threatened me and our baby. He needs to be stopped.
22:48And why did you wait until just now to quit?
22:54I finally came to my senses.
22:56Oh, fuck you!
22:58Jerry! This is your final warning.
23:01I have irrefutable proof that he caused the gas leak.
23:08I have irrefutable proof that he caused the gas leak.
23:11I have checked your owner on the grounds that she's a vicious liar who's just pissed she got herself pregnant.
23:16Your Honor, I'd like to put these photos into evidence.
23:21Hmm. I have enough to make my ruling.
23:25Jerry Graves, you're guilty on all charges.
23:29Judge, there's just one more matter at hand.
23:33We haven't had a judge sign the divorce papers yet.
23:35We were hoping you'd make it official.
23:38As you can see, they're not exactly fair.
23:42You're right. And I'm going to make an adjustment based on pain and suffering.
23:47Evie, I'm awarding you 100% of his assets.
23:51It'll save you a lawsuit.
23:53What? Really?
23:54Are you fucking kidding me? You can't do that!
23:57I'm the judge and I just did, asshole!
24:00Make sure these get processed today.
24:02Yes, Your Honor.
24:04This is bullshit!
24:06I can't believe you did that.
24:11Aren't you going to get in trouble if you kiss me in public like this?
24:14You're not my client anymore.
24:16Just my fiancé.
24:22Hey, thanks for doing that.
24:25That was incredible.
24:28It's the least I could have done.
24:30I've been a total bitch to you, so...
24:33You have.
24:36But honestly, if it weren't for you, I never would have got away from Jerry.
24:41I know what you mean.
24:43He has a way of sucking you so deep into his world that it's hard to find your way out.
24:48Yeah, exactly.
24:56You two getting along? I never thought I'd see the day.
24:59Me neither.
25:01How'd you convince her to testify?
25:03She came to me.
25:04I'm just surprised you followed through with it.
25:07Come on.
25:08Let's go get these divorce papers processed.
25:13Oh, Ms. Shelton, Ms. Shelton.
25:14Rumors have been flying that you're broke.
25:15How have you been affording your lawyer?
25:17You don't get to question my fiancé.
25:19Your fiancé?
25:20Hunter Ambrose is getting married?
25:23Take a picture.
25:34So, where do you want to go on our honeymoon?
25:37I can't even think about that until after the bar exam.
25:41You've been studying like crazy.
25:43Okay, you'll pass.
25:45You're ready.
25:47I hope so.
25:49I only have one more day.
26:06How'd it go?
26:07I passed!
26:11I knew you would.
26:13And we got an email from our doctor.
26:16He knows the sex of the baby and who the father is.
26:19It's a girl, right?
26:21You're so cocky about that.
26:23Open it.
26:24Let's see.
26:34I can't believe it.
26:37It's a girl!
26:45Don't you want to know who the father is?
26:47Okay, I don't need to know what the DNA says.
26:50Little Lucy's mine.
26:54Do you want to name her after my mom?
26:58And I think I need to get back on her good side
27:00after proposing before asking her.
27:03My mom loves you.
27:05I know.
27:06But I think the name is perfect.
27:11Come on.
27:12Let's go to lunch.
27:30I love you.
27:32I love you.