Heavy Fire Afghanistan SR

  • 2 months ago
00:30No hostile activity so far. Over.
00:34Copy, Alpha 1. Proceed with caution.
00:37Eyes wide open now, guys.
00:50Move that bus! I said move that bus!
00:53Enemy contact!
00:58Alpha 3 is hit! I repeat, Alpha 3 is hit!
01:00We had a big explosion here, under heavy fire. Over.
01:04Get that gunner! Get that gunner!
01:06What's the situation there?
01:08Alpha 1, do you read me?
01:10Enemy, 6 o'clock!
01:12Alpha 1, we have two men wounded and we're receiving a lot of small arms fire from the northeast building.
01:18Can you pull the cover or fire?
01:20Hold on, Alpha 3. We're coming.
01:22Target's neutralized!
01:24Watch out!
01:27Go, go!
01:29C2, this is Alpha 3. We have two heavily wounded here. Requesting a medic back.
01:35Copy, Alpha 3. We're sending choppers. Secure the perimeter and clear the LZ. Over.
01:42Out of ammo!
01:46We need a medic!
01:506 o'clock!
01:52Fill him up!
02:02We need a medic!
02:04Get behind that car! Get cover!
02:31Enemy, 10 o'clock!
02:42Enemy pickup! Get cover!
03:07Under heavy fire!
03:22Command, this is Alpha 1. We are at 3-5-5-6-8, Sector 3, near Plaza Hotel.
03:29There's a real hunt for us. We have several wounded soldiers and need a medivac. Over.
03:34Copy that, Alpha 1.
03:38Jerry, secure the perimeter and wait here for the birds.
03:42We're proceeding up the street. Over.
03:52Alpha 3, secure the perimeter and wait here for the medivac.
03:56We are proceeding up the street. Over.
03:59Alpha 1, proceed with caution.
04:01We have multiple targets heading your way from the west. Over.
04:05Copy that.
04:10Enemy down!
04:13Enemy, 10 o'clock!
04:15Enemy down!
04:18Enemy, 10 o'clock!
04:24Watch out for the roofs!
04:326 o'clock!
04:38Let's go!
04:41Enemy contact! Balcony, 12 o'clock!
04:4510 o'clock!
05:06Get down!
05:09Target neutralized!
05:11Blow up that car! Take them down!
05:16We need a medivac!
05:31All disembark! We need to go through those alleys!
05:35We need a medivac! We need to go through those alleys!
05:38Alpha 1, follow my lead.
05:40Alpha 2, proceed south down the street. Over.
05:43Copy, Alpha 1.
05:47Watch out for the roofs!
05:50Get down!
05:58Nice shot!
06:01Command, this is Alpha 2. We have visual contact at the convoy.
06:06The troops are wasted, and we can't see our troops there. Over.
06:10Copy, Alpha 2. Secure the convoy and hold position. Over.
06:26Under heavy fire!
06:30Let's go!
06:32Out of ammo!
06:34Enemy contact! Open fire!
06:40Out of ammo!
06:45Move! Move!
06:50Enemy contact! Balcony, 12 o'clock!
06:55Out of ammo!
07:01Six o'clock!
07:03Check the backyard, guys!
07:05Get down!
07:08Command, this is Alpha 1. We have visual contact at the convoy.
07:13And we're receiving heavy fire from our 12 o'clock. Over.
07:16Alpha 2, what is your position? Over.
07:18This is Alpha 2. We're north-east of the convoy.
07:22Still under fire! Over.
07:31Target's neutralized!
07:36Target down!
07:44Command, this is Alpha 1. We have the convoy secured.
07:48No sight of our troops so far, and still no radio contact with them. Over.
07:53Good job, Alpha 1. Hold this position. Air support is on the way.
07:57We need to find our guys. Over.
08:01We found the convoy, but our situation wasn't any better.
08:05Our trucks were in flame. The air was waving from the heat.
08:09It was clear they were ambushed. Just like us.
08:14Command, Alpha 1. What's the situation? Over.
08:17We're at the scene. The convoy is destroyed.
08:20Still no radio contact with our missing troops.
08:23No hostile units in sight. Over.
08:26Still no radio contact with our missing troops.
08:29No hostile units in sight. Over.
08:31Copy, Alpha 1. Wait for air support and proceed with the rescue operation.
08:35We need to find our guys. Over.
08:4064, reporting at scene. Over.
08:43Good to have you here, 64. Out.
08:47I have a visual contact of armed units moving in your direction.
08:5212 o'clock. 100. Over.
08:55Copy, 64. Take positions.
09:0664, engaging. Multiple target hits confirmed. Over.
09:13Enemy target. 2 o'clock.
09:1565, engaging.
09:19Command, we have a car at the river canal. They fell off the bridge. Over.
09:23Check for survivors, Alpha 1. Retreat and clear. Over.
09:31Go, go, go!
09:33We're going over the bridge. Over.
09:47The car is empty. No survivors there. Over.
09:50Copy. Keep searching, Alpha 1. Over.
09:53Tango, you're caught here! Move to that bridge!
09:57Watch out!
10:02Enemy down!
10:04Enemy pickup! Cover!
10:09Out of ammo!
10:16More enemy!
10:2112 o'clock high!
10:26Clear! Go, go, go!
10:36Go, go, go!
10:40Get cover and pick up that ammo!
10:51Move behind that car! Keep cover!
10:58It's hot here! Move to that bridge!
11:04Target down!
11:0812 o'clock high!
11:13Tango, down!
11:16Go, go, go!
11:23Get down!
11:43We need some cover now!
11:58We need some cover! Use your grenades, Will! Blow them up! Blow them up!
12:04Get down!
12:21Get down!
12:23Out of ammo!
12:29Target's neutralized!
12:32Multiple kills confirmed. Over.
12:34Command, this is Alpha 1. I can see the green smoke, but the road is blocked. We need to go around. Over.
12:41Copy, Alpha 1. Make it as quick as possible. Over.
12:46Get down!
12:4812 o'clock high!
12:49Tanks everywhere!
12:59Cooler is clear! Move out!
13:03Go, go, go!
13:07We need a medic!
13:18We need a medic!
13:2764, 65. Take up an overhead pattern to provide air cover. Over.
13:38Watch the roof, Alpha 1! Over.
13:46We've got to move out! Go!
14:01Enemy pickup inbound! Get that gunner! Get that gunner!
14:10Friendly! Friendly! Watch your fire!
14:14Good to see you alive, Mike. What's your status? Any wounded?
14:17Yeah, we've got two wounded. Jackson and Foley were hit, but they'll make it.
14:20Rebels are shooting at us from those buildings across the street.
14:23All right. We'll clear the street and provide you cover.
14:28Alpha 1! We are moving to that building at 12 o'clock! We need to clear it! Move!
14:34Shoot the red barrels! Blow them up!
14:37We need a medic!
14:46Look out! Free to talk!
14:51Extra careful now, guys!
14:57Enemy contact! Open fire!
14:59Break down that door!
15:18Under heavy fire!
15:28Watch out!
15:33Go! Go! Go!
15:45Need a medic!
15:47Clear! Command, this is Alpha 1. We've cleared the backyard.
15:50Great job, Alpha 1. Protect Charlie. Proceed to the cars and get the hell out of there. Over.