OMG! You're My Baby Daddy

  • 2 months ago
OMG! You're My Baby Daddy
00:00:00He shook his head, I saw no sharks, and no one here admits to having used the computer.
00:00:04Mommy, you came!
00:00:05I'm not your mommy.
00:00:07Who are you?
00:00:10Leo, go to your room now.
00:00:11It's you.
00:00:12The guy that saved me.
00:00:14I'm Casper.
00:00:16I'm Aria Teter.
00:00:18I wasn't ready to be a father.
00:00:20It doesn't mean beautiful things can't come from me.
00:00:23Like Leo.
00:00:24Like you.
00:00:27It's not just about Leo.
00:00:30I like you too, Aria.
00:00:33My last relationship ended badly.
00:00:36I've been fighting my whole life.
00:00:38I don't want to get hurt anymore.
00:00:40I don't have a wife.
00:00:42Leo needs a mom.
00:00:44So does Tether.
00:00:46Will you marry me?
00:00:59We have to get you out of here.
00:01:11Oh my god, it's you.
00:01:13I can't believe I found you.
00:01:15Come on, we gotta go.
00:01:19Oh thank god, you're okay.
00:01:21I was so worried about you.
00:01:22Aria, with the fire and everything, I couldn't find you.
00:01:26You were so worried about me.
00:01:28That's why you left me in a burning building.
00:01:30I know you were with my sister on our engagement night.
00:01:32Aria, we were just talking about the wedding.
00:01:35You left me to die.
00:01:37Some stranger saved me and all you could care about is my sister.
00:01:41Then cancel the engagement.
00:01:43Chloe's a better match for Julian anyway.
00:01:47You can go get some lunch for Aria.
00:01:54You don't deserve Julian or the company.
00:01:56We've got a great deal on the table to relieve you of your responsibilities to the company.
00:02:02Don't be a fool, Aria.
00:02:04Sign these.
00:02:09Your mother thought it would be a good idea to leave you the company in her will.
00:02:13But you've been running it into the ground.
00:02:15Because of the audit?
00:02:16It's a great deal, Aria.
00:02:17You'll be set for life.
00:02:19Just take the deal, Aria, and go back to Canada.
00:02:22Or wherever you were.
00:02:23Shut up, Chloe.
00:02:24Get out, both of you.
00:02:26Wow, losing your baby sure did make you better.
00:02:28Maybe you can go somewhere and finally start a family.
00:02:39Glad you came to your senses.
00:02:46Mom? Mommy, is that you?
00:02:48Uh, I'm not your mommy.
00:02:51Who are you?
00:02:54Leo Bennett, leave this nice lady alone.
00:02:56But, she looks just like the mommy from my dreams.
00:02:59Leo Bennett, go to your room.
00:03:04It's you.
00:03:05You're the guy that saved me.
00:03:06It's the least I could do.
00:03:08Sorry about Leo.
00:03:09His mother.
00:03:11Never mind.
00:03:12How are you feeling?
00:03:13I've had better days.
00:03:15I'm sorry.
00:03:16I'm sorry.
00:03:17I'm sorry.
00:03:18I'm sorry.
00:03:19I'm sorry.
00:03:20I'm sorry.
00:03:21I'm sorry.
00:03:22I'm sorry.
00:03:23I've had better days.
00:03:25Thanks again for saving me.
00:03:26I didn't get your name.
00:03:27I'm Aria Taylor.
00:03:31Casper Bennett, the CEO of Luxury Hotels and Resorts?
00:03:35Yeah, I own the hotel where you have your engagement party.
00:03:37We're still investigating the cause of the fire, but we're going to take care of all your medical bills.
00:03:41Oh, that's okay, Mr. Bennett.
00:03:46Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:03:47Why don't you just take it easy?
00:03:50What are you doing with my fiance?
00:03:58Hey, get your hands off my fiance.
00:04:01Julian, our engagement is over.
00:04:03We're done.
00:04:05You're breaking up with me?
00:04:08For this guy?
00:04:09I'm breaking up with you because you're a liar and a cheater.
00:04:12Fine, but this is your fault, Aria.
00:04:14All you ever cared about was work.
00:04:16I'm a man with needs.
00:04:18Oh, I'm glad Chloe can make you feel like a man.
00:04:21You better watch out for this one.
00:04:23She'll make you feel small and weak and worthless.
00:04:27I happen to believe when a man feels small, it's because of his own insecurities.
00:04:31And impotence.
00:04:40Sorry, I didn't see that.
00:04:41No, it's not your fault.
00:04:43You can't make him something he's not.
00:04:46Feel better?
00:04:57I did it.
00:04:58I broke up with Aria.
00:04:59Chloe, we can finally be together.
00:05:02I'm so happy.
00:05:09I love you.
00:05:10I love you, too.
00:05:11Julian, if you don't mind, can we talk?
00:05:14Julian, if you don't mind, I have some things I need to discuss with my daughter.
00:05:18No problem.
00:05:19I've got business of my own to take care of.
00:05:25I see, Daddy.
00:05:26I told you she's no match for me.
00:05:27Of course.
00:05:28I taught you well.
00:05:30Hey, listen.
00:05:31The CEO of Benet Group just flew back into the United States.
00:05:34You should go meet him.
00:05:35Casper Benet.
00:05:36Yeah, he's building a huge hotel downtown.
00:05:39Go introduce yourself as the new CEO of Galactic.
00:05:42Do whatever you have to do to encourage him to put one of our stores in every one of his hotels.
00:05:47Daddy, you already know Aria's the designated CEO of the company.
00:05:50Not anymore, princess.
00:05:52Everything she had belongs to you now.
00:05:57Aria, I'm going to steal your fiancé and your company.
00:06:01Everything you have will be mine.
00:06:10Don't worry about it.
00:06:11I'll deal with it when I get back to the office.
00:06:13I have to go.
00:06:16Come in.
00:06:19Um, who are you?
00:06:20I'm William, an associate of Mr. Benet's.
00:06:23Casper thought you might enjoy something better than hospital food for dinner.
00:06:30I'm actually allergic to carrots.
00:06:35So is Leo.
00:06:37He shook his head. I saw no sharks and no one here admits to having used the canoe.
00:06:42Mommy, you came!
00:06:43Leo, call her.
00:06:44But she looks just like the mommy from my dreams.
00:06:47Leo, what have I told you about dreams?
00:06:49I just wanted to come by and say thank you for dinner.
00:06:55I can take that.
00:06:56I can read too.
00:06:57I'll be right back.
00:07:02Hey, where were we?
00:07:06Did you get me a reason through that mansiest?
00:07:09What's up, Dan?
00:07:10I heard your hotel got lit on fire last night.
00:07:13Want to come out and drink it off?
00:07:14Got some hot girls with me.
00:07:17Your hotel got lit on fire last night.
00:07:19Want to come out and drink it off?
00:07:21Got some hot girls with me.
00:07:22Actually, I'm in the hospital right now. Leo got appendicitis.
00:07:26Sorry to hear that.
00:07:28He's good now.
00:07:29It's actually been a blessing in disguise.
00:07:32Did you hurt your head in the fire?
00:07:34Speaking of which, I need you to look into something for me.
00:07:36I think someone set the fire.
00:07:38You got it. I'll take care of it.
00:07:40Alright, thanks.
00:07:45He fell asleep fast.
00:07:46Yeah, he was waiting for you.
00:07:48It was way past his bedtime.
00:07:50He must really like you.
00:07:52His mom, your wife, I mean.
00:07:54I'm not a wife.
00:07:55Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to.
00:07:57But Leo needs a mom.
00:08:00So, Miss Taylor, will you marry me?
00:08:05Excuse me? I don't think I follow.
00:08:08I mean, you don't have to give me an answer right now.
00:08:10Just give me a chance to pursue you.
00:08:12You don't ask a woman to marry you just because your son has dreams about her.
00:08:16It's not just about Leo.
00:08:18I like you too, Aria.
00:08:21I barely know you.
00:08:22So let's get to know each other.
00:08:24Give me a chance.
00:08:27I'm incredibly flattered, but I'm having a crisis at work, so...
00:08:31I'll change my mind.
00:08:33Good night, Casper.
00:08:35It was nice meeting you.
00:08:38Good night.
00:08:44Thank you.
00:08:55Please don't go, Mommy.
00:08:58Leo, someday you're going to have a new mommy, and she's going to love you very much.
00:09:03But why can't you be one?
00:09:05Leo, the nurse is in your room to give you your medicine.
00:09:07I'm going to take Aria home.
00:09:09Okay, but please promise you'll come visit me.
00:09:17Come on, let me drive you home.
00:09:19That won't be necessary.
00:09:21I don't know what you're afraid of. I won't bite.
00:09:25Okay, but I need to change first.
00:09:28Then you can take me to the office.
00:09:35I'm not supposed to be getting more shapes, less boring shapes and colors.
00:09:40I don't care what color it is, as long as it makes us more green.
00:09:44Get out of my chair.
00:09:47It's not your chair anymore, Aria.
00:09:50I look familiar to you.
00:09:52You just signed your company away in the hospital without even reading the contract.
00:09:56Heartbreak is a scary thing, isn't it, Aria?
00:10:00Not as scary as stupidity.
00:10:02You think I'd really sign something you handed over to me?
00:10:08It's not my name, is it?
00:10:11Now get the fuck out of my office before I call security.
00:10:16You're going to regret this, Aria.
00:10:23Chloe, you stay.
00:10:28What do you want, Aria?
00:10:31I want you to stay in the company.
00:10:33Of course, if you have another better design position available, you're free to resign.
00:10:40I think you forgot something.
00:10:45Can you share this with me?
00:10:59Mr. Taylor!
00:11:01Who are you?
00:11:02I think it's best we have a chat, Mr. Taylor.
00:11:13So I met up with a friend for some business.
00:11:16What's wrong with that?
00:11:17What's wrong with that, Mr. Taylor,
00:11:19is that your little rendezvous was in the parking lot of the Hotel Bennett,
00:11:22exactly ten minutes before a fire broke out.
00:11:24That's just a coincidence.
00:11:26I knew you'd say that.
00:11:29So I reached out to this friend of yours.
00:11:31Now he was generous enough to let me know that you paid him to set a fire
00:11:35to disrupt your daughter's engagement?
00:11:38I'm an associate of Casper Bennett,
00:11:40and he's not happy with the damage to his property.
00:11:43This is crazy.
00:11:44I'm calling the police, and I'm suing you for defamation and intimidation.
00:11:48Go ahead.
00:11:49Just know that I have some pretty powerful connections in that world as well.
00:11:52If you're a lawyer, steer clear of Casper Bennett.
00:11:55Your little friend in the hospital will have a new roommate.
00:11:58Good day.
00:12:04I have my points, too.
00:12:08I need you to meet with Casper Bennett.
00:12:12Hey, it's Casper.
00:12:13I just wanted to let you know that Leo's out of the hospital.
00:12:16He misses you, so I was thinking we could get dinner tonight?
00:12:21Casper, I'm glad to hear that, but...
00:12:25I don't think it's a good idea.
00:12:28I don't want him to get attached.
00:12:31I don't want to hurt him like that.
00:12:34I'm sorry.
00:12:36I'm sorry.
00:12:37I don't want to hurt him like that.
00:12:41I'm really busy. I should probably go.
00:12:44Okay. Have a good day.
00:13:07Sir, Julian Brown is here.
00:13:10How long is this going to take?
00:13:12Don't want to see him?
00:13:14Actually, hold that thought.
00:13:19Mr. Brown?
00:13:21Mr. Bennett had to step out for a minute.
00:13:23It's you. You're the guy.
00:13:25I'm here to see your boss.
00:13:26Would you mind waiting a bit?
00:13:28And don't tell my boss what happened earlier.
00:13:31Please take Mr. Brown to the waiting room.
00:13:33Give him some champagne and caviar.
00:13:35As much as he wants. It's more like it.
00:13:49Sir, did he really think I was...
00:13:51Don't get yourself away, Mr. Bennett.
00:14:01Come on.
00:14:09Don't worry. I didn't bring Leo with me.
00:14:11Then why are you here?
00:14:12Because Leo isn't the only one who misses you.
00:14:15So, this is your new boy toy Julian saw at the hospital.
00:14:19Yeah, I replaced that handed out trash that you took off her hands.
00:14:22You take that back right now.
00:14:24Actually, speaking of which, Ms. Taylor, I have some questions for you.
00:14:27Right on time.
00:14:32Are we still going for others?
00:14:35What did you do to him?
00:14:37He simply had too many drinks with Mr. Bennett.
00:14:42I'll leave him in your capable hands, Ms. Taylor.
00:14:44Oh, no.
00:14:51God, I'm so sorry.
00:14:53I love you.
00:15:01I wish you could see how beautiful you are.
00:15:06I wish you could see how beautiful you are.
00:15:16You don't know what I've done.
00:15:20I thought about sending Leo away.
00:15:25It was an accident.
00:15:28I wasn't ready to be a father.
00:15:31I was a mess.
00:15:32Oh, yeah?
00:15:33I wasn't this close to signing the document.
00:15:37We've all done things we're not proud of.
00:15:40There's lots of new beautiful things that can't come from it.
00:15:43Like Leo.
00:15:45Like you.
00:15:49Thanks for the ride.
00:15:51But you should get out.
00:15:56Can I pick you up for lunch tomorrow?
00:15:59I'll think about it.
00:16:18None of this is original.
00:16:20I saw this in New York Fashion Week last week.
00:16:22Hermes used this in their spring collection.
00:16:24I've seen ten of these at the Oscars.
00:16:26Did you approve all these jobs?
00:16:28Aria, I've been doing this for years.
00:16:30I think I know what I'm talking about.
00:16:31A position our father gave you with no training or credentials?
00:16:34Well, you know nothing about fashion designing.
00:16:36So if you think you can do a better job than me, then be my guest.
00:16:39You know what?
00:16:40I think I will.
00:16:41From now on, I will be taking over the design department.
00:16:45As for Ms. Taylor,
00:16:48I have the perfect job for you.
00:16:53Ms. Taylor will be the new Senior Vice President of Galactic.
00:16:56Effective immediately.
00:17:05It's fine, Chloe.
00:17:06It might be the biggest promotion you ever have.
00:17:20I don't know if you paid William X to make all this food.
00:17:24I made all this myself.
00:17:26I might be rich, Aria, but I'm a single dad.
00:17:29It's a job you can't have your assistant do for you.
00:17:33You're a good dad, Casper.
00:17:36Thank you.
00:17:43What's so funny?
00:17:50The sweetest cake I ever had.
00:17:57Casper Bennett's grandfather is having a birthday banquet in two days.
00:18:01You're going to that party, and you're going to get close to him.
00:18:04Daddy, don't you find it weird that Aria just promoted me out of nowhere like that?
00:18:09Who cares? Focus!
00:18:11We need to make this deal happen.
00:18:13It could be worth millions.
00:18:14I understand.
00:18:20My grandfather's having a birthday party.
00:18:23I'd love for you to come.
00:18:25Where do I fit into this party full of celebrities and rich people?
00:18:29I'm a nobody.
00:18:30You're not a nobody.
00:18:31You're my plus one.
00:18:33Also, I have a dress custom made for you.
00:18:35At least try it on.
00:18:42I have a feeling, Julian, this is the place I'm going to find the perfect dress for the banquet.
00:18:47You don't need any fancy dresses.
00:18:49It's a waste of money.
00:18:50You are perfect to me already.
00:18:52Well, this isn't about you.
00:18:54I mean, this is about me.
00:18:56I want to extend it to me.
00:19:00Let me try that one on.
00:19:02Oh, I'm afraid this dress is customized for a VIP.
00:19:07A VIP?
00:19:09Save it.
00:19:10I know people like you, and the only VIP you can see is this little guy right here in my wallet.
00:19:16Now, let me try it on.
00:19:20It's not about the money, miss.
00:19:22The dress has a particular fit, and you probably...
00:19:26Probably what?
00:19:27Stop bullying her, Chloe.
00:19:31The what? You're the VIP?
00:19:33How about we make a bet?
00:19:35If you can guess the maker of my dress, you can have it.
00:19:38If you can't...
00:19:39Then you'll pay for it.
00:19:42If you can guess the maker of my dress, you can have it.
00:19:46If you can't...
00:19:47Then you'll pay for it.
00:19:48Alright, it's on.
00:19:50It's an artisan sweetie.
00:19:53But I'll give you another guess.
00:19:55It's a Wanda Paul.
00:19:57I thought you were the expert in the design world.
00:20:02Try again, and it's yours.
00:20:04Delana de Caprice.
00:20:06Can you please tell her who designed the dress?
00:20:11The Casper Bennett.
00:20:17So, how would you like to pay? Cash or credit?
00:20:19I'm not paying for your dress.
00:20:21I'll pay for it.
00:20:27You have 30k.
00:20:30You're just assistant to Casper Bennett.
00:20:32What, he's paying for your dress?
00:20:34She's worth it.
00:20:42I hope you find the dress you're looking for, Chloe.
00:20:49Thanks again for the dress.
00:20:57So, what should we do now?
00:20:59Maybe we can go back to your place?
00:21:35Let's see this mysterious Casper Bennett.
00:21:37Julian, are you sure about this?
00:21:39The last time you had drinks with Mr. Bennett.
00:21:41Yes, I had a glass too much. Who hasn't?
00:21:44Don't worry, I'll introduce you when he comes.
00:21:46Don't look with the cat dragged in.
00:21:49With Casper's secretary.
00:21:54Mr. Bennett, great to see you again.
00:21:57Please wish your grandfather a happy birthday for me.
00:22:04Thank you all for coming.
00:22:07I'd like to introduce you to my grandson who just got back to the U.S.
00:22:12The heir to the Bennett family.
00:22:15Everyone, Casper Bennett.
00:22:27I look forward to bringing Bennett Enterprises to our great city and building our new downtown hotel location.
00:22:35Thank you all for your love and support.
00:22:44You said you had drinks with Casper Bennett?
00:22:47I... but he...
00:22:52You didn't know me, but I know all about you.
00:22:55So please, trust me when I say, stay away from Mario or I'll fucking destroy you.
00:23:02Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to invite my date to dance.
00:23:10You never cease to be an embarrassment.
00:23:17Not gonna lie, that was awesome.
00:23:21Glad you liked my surprise.
00:23:42Sorry to interrupt, sir.
00:23:44Is Fabian's here?
00:23:47Sorry, give me a moment.
00:24:10Hey, oh my gosh! I'm so happy you're here.
00:24:13I missed you so much, hi!
00:24:15Missed you too, look at you.
00:24:22That's Vivian fucking Nolan.
00:24:24I heard she just got done shooting a film in Paris.
00:24:27Looks like you're just a side piece after all.
00:25:02I don't have to ride or die, I keep what I'm about to say.
00:25:05I don't have to ride or die, I keep what I'm about to say.
00:25:09Permission to record?
00:25:27Where am I?
00:25:30You're safe at home.
00:25:34I had a lot to drink last night.
00:25:37I'd agree with that.
00:25:41I'm not exactly great in relationships.
00:25:49There's probably something you should know about me.
00:25:52Before Julian, my last relationship ended badly.
00:25:57I got into the party scene, and after one party, I met this guy.
00:26:05Never saw him again.
00:26:08But I found out I was pregnant.
00:26:13So my mom and I got pregnant.
00:26:16But I found out I was pregnant.
00:26:21So my dad locked me away until the baby was born, and then sent me to Canada to live.
00:26:30What happened to the child?
00:26:32They said he died minutes after he was born.
00:26:35I never saw him.
00:26:39It's just been so many years, and I'm so alone, I had nobody.
00:26:47I'm sorry I was late.
00:26:49You were just in time.
00:27:13It's me.
00:27:14It's me.
00:27:15I'm gonna send you a name.
00:27:17You need to run a background check on this woman.
00:27:19Get back to me in the morning.
00:27:41Why did you lie to me?
00:27:43You didn't want your dad to know I got stood up that day.
00:27:45I was embarrassed.
00:27:46Oh, you were embarrassed?
00:27:48What about me?
00:27:49We should announce our engagement.
00:27:52The only leverage we have now is the alliance between our families.
00:27:56Otherwise, how are we going to compete with Aria, having Casper fitted on her side?
00:27:59I wouldn't worry about that too much.
00:28:03They'll break up soon, anyway.
00:28:06How can you be so sure of that?
00:28:07I saw Casper and Vivian Nolan at the party together, and I have a plan.
00:28:25Remember you wanted me to look for a new brand rep?
00:28:28I contacted Vivian Nolan's agent and scheduled an afternoon meeting for you both.
00:28:32You know Vivian Nolan is way out of the budget for me.
00:28:35She has a big movie coming out next month.
00:28:38Imagine the buzz we'd get with her walking down the red carpet in your dress.
00:28:42You're not really going to say no to that as the CEO of Galactic, are you?
00:28:51This is nice, man.
00:28:52Told you, man. Let's cheers to that.
00:28:55Sorry about the strip club.
00:28:57Bro, I agree no strip club because you've got a girlfriend, but this night can't be all business.
00:29:01Let's have some fun.
00:29:06Daniel, how do you apologize for something so wrong that you can never make right?
00:29:13You're in New York, and you didn't even send me a text.
00:29:18If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you were hiding from your fiance, Casper.
00:29:25How have you been?
00:29:27Making small talk with me?
00:29:29Because I really am a stranger to you now.
00:29:31Okay, guys. Hot girl at the bar. Enjoy your small talk.
00:29:37Jasmine, we grew up together.
00:29:42I've always seen you as a morbid sister.
00:29:46You should know I've met someone.
00:29:49I know. I've seen the pictures, Cas.
00:29:52But I'm not taking this ring off, and I'm not waiting anymore.
00:29:57It's time for you to come back to Earth.
00:30:02Come back to Earth, or come back to you?
00:30:06Is there a difference?
00:30:32Well, it took you long enough.
00:30:34Ms. Rowan, it's a pleasure.
00:30:39We both know why we're here, Ms. Taylor.
00:30:41Let's just cut to the chase, shall we?
00:30:46Let's just cut to the chase, shall we?
00:30:51I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm totally messing with you.
00:30:54I'm so excited to finally meet you.
00:30:57I love your latest collection.
00:30:59Thank you. That means the world to me.
00:31:01From a movie star like Ms. Nolan?
00:31:03Oh, please. Call me Vivian.
00:31:05Ms. Nolan makes me feel like I'm 700 years old.
00:31:09And plus, you're Cas' friend, right?
00:31:11That means you're my friend.
00:31:21What are you still doing here?
00:31:23I was worried about you.
00:31:25I know talking deals with celebrities can be nerve-wracking.
00:31:28Well, you might like to know that Vivian Nolan is our new brand rep.
00:31:32And she agreed to half off the fees.
00:31:38I have a job for you.
00:31:46This is proof our father has been sending money to a factory in India that doesn't exist.
00:31:51While I was gone, he was stealing from the company.
00:31:55I don't know what you're talking about.
00:31:58He is our father, so I've kept him on the payroll.
00:32:00But this ends today.
00:32:02I need you to fire him.
00:32:03I'm not doing that.
00:32:04He's a fraud and a thief.
00:32:06As the new Senior Vice President of Galactic, do you want to say anything about Chloe?
00:32:10It's you or him.
00:32:14Excuse me.
00:32:35Chloe, is that you?
00:32:55Who the hell are you?
00:32:58Let's just say I'm a client of Galactic.
00:33:01And an associate of your Board of Operations.
00:33:08My father's been relieved of his duties.
00:33:10Your father is an integral part of this company.
00:33:14I don't care what Simon's promised you.
00:33:16He's not getting another penny from my company.
00:33:19I don't know, Miss Taylor.
00:33:21I don't know, Miss Taylor.
00:33:23I think you and I are going to find an agreement.
00:33:37Fucking bitch!
00:33:38Don't worry, it's a surprise. I hope you're hungry.
00:33:45That's her! He has a knife!
00:33:58No, Casper!
00:34:02Don't. No!
00:34:20Thank God you're okay.
00:34:22You're crazy.
00:34:24I was so scared.
00:34:27The idea of you getting hurt scared me more, so let's call it a tie.
00:34:35Aria, I've got to tell you something.
00:34:39Daddy, I love you. Are you okay?
00:34:42I'm okay. I love you too.
00:34:51What do you want?
00:34:53This is kidnapping!
00:34:58Fear is an ugly look on you.
00:35:04You stole millions from Ari's couple
00:35:07to feature stray dog friends,
00:35:10and now you hurt Casper.
00:35:12I had nothing to do with this.
00:35:14I'm sorry.
00:35:16And now you hurt Casper.
00:35:18I had nothing to do with this.
00:35:21How dare you, Simon Taylor!
00:35:25Never, ever think about touching Casper or his son again.
00:35:45Hello, who's this?
00:35:47Ms. Taylor? I'm Jasmine Murphy.
00:35:50The heiress of the...
00:35:52Murphy family in New York, yes.
00:35:54I know something about you two. We have some common interests.
00:35:57I just arrived in LA. Would you care to meet up?
00:36:00I'll text you an address.
00:36:13Something wrong?
00:36:15Nope. Everything's great.
00:36:18You're blushing.
00:36:23Sorry I'm late.
00:36:25Aria, that dress you had me wear today was fabulous.
00:36:28I can't wait to see what you have for me for the rest of my premieres.
00:36:31Thanks, Vivian. I'll let you two catch up.
00:36:42I am telling you, she is so much better than Jasmine.
00:36:46I take it you haven't told Grandpa that you're in love with her yet?
00:37:03Galactic sales grew 300% after Vivian Nolan showed up in a galactic dress.
00:37:10You were supposed to be sabotaging, Aria, not making her look like a genius.
00:37:13This isn't a bad thing, okay? It hurts more falling from heaven, you know?
00:37:17Don't worry, I've got more cards up my sleeve.
00:37:21Where are you going?
00:37:22I have a date.
00:37:29These were taken while she was engaged to Julian.
00:37:33I've heard your father has a connection in the media.
00:37:36I've loaded the gun, Ms. Murphy. All you have to do is pull the trigger.
00:37:45Photos have surfaced showing Aria Taylor, CEO of the company,
00:37:49and her fiancé, Julian Nolan.
00:37:53Photos have surfaced showing Aria Taylor, CEO of Fashion Brain Galactic,
00:37:58allegedly at the home of Harris Chapman, attending one of his infamous sex parties.
00:38:08Casper, I...
00:38:10Are you okay? You don't have to explain anything.
00:38:13Tell me about your past. We've all done things we're not exactly proud of.
00:38:18Thank you.
00:38:20Thank you.
00:38:21So, what's your plan now?
00:38:26I... I can take care of it, but I need your help.
00:38:31Of course, whatever you need.
00:38:42Are you a sex addict? Is that why you called off your engagement, Ms. Taylor?
00:38:45Thank you for all coming today.
00:38:47It appears some photos from my past have come to light.
00:38:51In reality, we were all kids once, just having fun.
00:38:56But it seems my sister wants to use that against me.
00:39:00She is the one who planted the photos in the media.
00:39:03She's been having an affair with my ex-fiancé,
00:39:06and she's been using my company to receive bribes from pommel enterprises.
00:39:10You're lying. You're just trying to frame me in front of all these people.
00:39:13I think unmasked is the word you're looking for.
00:39:16From now on, I will not be associated with Chloe Taylor.
00:39:19She will not be receiving anything from me or Galactic Fashion.
00:39:23I'll be taking legal action to make sure of it.
00:39:26I won't be taking any questions today. Thank you.
00:39:28Chloe, Chloe, is it true you ran away with Julianne Hummel,
00:39:31who cheated on your own sister with you?
00:39:33How much in bribes have you taken while at the SVP role at Galactic?
00:39:38No comment.
00:39:47You all right?
00:39:48Yeah. Thanks for the info.
00:39:51I don't know. Julianne has his ways.
00:39:54I don't get it, though. All the press took Chloe's side in their coverage.
00:39:58You get a call, all you get is news.
00:40:00It's almost like they were told to go against you.
00:40:02Let's just forget all this. Go back to your place.
00:40:05I don't want to go back to my place.
00:40:07I don't want to go back to my place.
00:40:09I don't want to go back to my place.
00:40:11I don't want to go back to my place.
00:40:13Let's just forget all this. Go back to your place.
00:40:21She is the one who planted the photos in the media.
00:40:24She's been having an affair with my ex-fiancé,
00:40:27and she's been using my company to receive bribes from Hummel Enterprises.
00:40:31From now on, I will not be associated with Chloe Taylor.
00:40:34You'll see, Maria Taylor.
00:40:35She will not be receiving anything from me on Galactic Invasion.
00:40:37I don't care what it takes.
00:40:39I'm going to get Casper back.
00:40:41I won't be taking any questions tonight.
00:40:43Chloe, Chloe, is it true you ran away with Julian Hummel?
00:40:46You cheated on your ex-boyfriend?
00:40:50You will not come to us again.
00:40:52Oh, happy birthday!
00:40:54Are you alright?
00:40:55I was so worried.
00:40:57I'm okay now.
00:40:58You didn't tell me it was your birthday.
00:41:00You had enough in your mind today.
00:41:02Besides, birthdays are for kids.
00:41:04Well, just for that, you're not getting your gift.
00:41:10You guys, cheers. Thank you for this.
00:41:19So, yeah.
00:41:20I mean, whatever you finish that project, I just come to New York.
00:41:25It's a beautiful view.
00:41:27I know.
00:41:29It's even kind of quiet.
00:41:33Let's just end this right here and right now, Casper.
00:41:39Don't make me say it.
00:41:43I never thought you would be in love with me so much,
00:41:46but I don't want to hurt her,
00:41:48and I respect your relationship,
00:41:50and I'm not going to take you away from her.
00:41:54Do you mean it?
00:41:55No, actually, can we just end this right now?
00:41:58She's the reason why you're acting so weird tonight?
00:42:01I'm glad you think this is so funny.
00:42:03She's the reason why you're acting so weird tonight?
00:42:05I'm glad you think this is so funny.
00:42:07I'm just going to excuse myself.
00:42:09Come on, you guys. Get a room.
00:42:11Vivian, can you please explain to Aria that we're not together?
00:42:15Oh, ew, are you crazy?
00:42:17You know that's illegal between cousins, right?
00:42:20Not in Georgia, but...
00:42:26I did not know you were cousins.
00:42:28Yeah, and Vivian's famous.
00:42:30I thought you knew that she was part of the Bennett family.
00:42:32I didn't. I thought you were dating.
00:42:34And you really think I would date two women at the same time?
00:42:38What kind of person do you think I am?
00:42:40I guess I just didn't believe that you really liked me.
00:42:45Like, really liked me.
00:42:51Well, you better believe it now.
00:42:53At least I know you like me.
00:43:03Why are you staring at me like that?
00:43:06It just occurred to me that you haven't given me my birthday present yet.
00:43:09What makes you think you deserve a birthday present?
00:43:12I deserve a birthday present.
00:43:16Everybody deserves a birthday present.
00:43:30You're still here?
00:43:32Of course I am, Aria.
00:43:36After all this time, Aria, why are you so scared that I'll suddenly stop liking you?
00:43:42I guess I just didn't realize how broken I really was.
00:43:47I didn't want to trust someone again.
00:43:50I didn't want to fall for someone again.
00:43:54Until I met you.
00:44:00What would you do, Aria, if you saw that man from seven years ago?
00:44:06I don't even remember his face.
00:44:08They call it disassociative amnesia.
00:44:11You forget traumatic memories.
00:44:14He came into my life, and the next minute he was gone.
00:44:18I'll never know who he was.
00:44:21At least I have you now.
00:44:30Aria's accusation about our affair hit the Hamo Enterprise pad.
00:44:35If we don't have funding in three days, the board might pull their money.
00:44:38Can't your father help you out?
00:44:40Can't your father help you out?
00:44:46My father is currently unwell.
00:44:50So the rumors about the bribes and scandals is true, then.
00:44:59Fine. I'll help you.
00:45:02But only if you help me break up Casper and your sister once and for all.
00:45:10All right, then.
00:45:20And you thought Casper and I...
00:45:23I'm sorry, it's too disgusting to even say out loud.
00:45:26Can we just not talk about it? Ever?
00:45:28Aw, but you looked so cute when you were jealous, Aria.
00:45:33No, but seriously.
00:45:35Cas gave everything he had to Leo and work.
00:45:38You're the first woman to make him happy in a really long time.
00:45:43Vivian, have you ever met Leo's mom?
00:45:46No one has.
00:45:47Casper didn't even know he had a son until Grandpa brought him back.
00:45:51Leo's mom just left him at the hospital and then disappeared.
00:45:57Aria, are you all right?
00:46:00Yeah, I... I just can't help but think...
00:46:04If my kid were still alive, they'd be the same age as Leo.
00:46:13So, our design was accepted into LA Fashion Fest!
00:46:17I am so proud of us.
00:46:20Our work not only represents us as designers, but also Galactic as a whole.
00:46:26I have faith that we are going to prove Galactic is the leading brand in top fashion.
00:46:30Cheers to us!
00:46:35It's impossible. She's supposed to be failing without me!
00:46:38Don't worry. There are 12 people in the final, and you'll take her out. I know it.
00:46:41No. I have to take precaution. I cannot let Aria take the last thing I have from me.
00:46:46I won't.
00:46:51So, next week my grandfather's having a party to celebrate the 60-year anniversary of our family business.
00:46:58And I want you there so I can introduce you as my girlfriend.
00:47:03Are you sure?
00:47:06I've never been so sure about anything.
00:47:27Yeah, I like that. That looks good.
00:47:33Hi, Aria. Just wanted to say good luck before the runway.
00:47:37I believe you. If I believe in Santa and Bigfoot.
00:47:40How's Casper? Still having fun playing this little make-pretend with you?
00:47:43Probably more fun than Juliet. How's he doing, by the way?
00:47:46Patching up his collapsing company. I'm sure he'll find his way out.
00:47:49But speaking of patching up, I can't wait to see your design on the runway, sis.
00:47:54Aria? Aria? There's something wrong.
00:47:58What's the dress?
00:48:01Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this year's L.A. Fashion Contest!
00:48:07Let the runway begin!
00:48:19The next piece is from Chloe Taylor, currently financed by Julianne Hamill.
00:48:31And let's see the score from our judges.
00:48:35The dress score is 25, the highest score of the night so far.
00:48:41And there's only one contestant to go. Things are looking good for Miss Taylor.
00:48:46The last dress we have is from Aria Taylor, current CEO and designing director of Galactic Fashion.
00:48:54The dress will be worn by a beautifully famous actress, Vivian Nolan, who has recently become Galactic's brand rep.
00:49:05What is going on back there?
00:49:07Give it up for Vivian Nolan!
00:49:16Magnificent work from Aria Taylor.
00:49:25And it looks like the crowd has decided the winner, but what say the judges?
00:49:33And it looks like the crowd has decided the winner, but what say the judges?
00:49:41The dress score is 27, a record-breaking score in this contest.
00:49:46But let's hear it for our winner!
00:49:55Thank you so much, judges. This means the world.
00:49:59I want to thank Vivian and everyone that believed in Galactic, but I also want to thank my sister Chloe.
00:50:05I can always count on you to make me stronger, smarter, and better.
00:50:10I can always count on you to make me stronger, smarter, and better.
00:50:29What the fuck? Let go of me!
00:50:31Do you really think I'd be stupid enough to leave my design in a room where you could get your hands on it?
00:50:35What are you doing?
00:50:38Stay away from me and my company, Chloe.
00:50:41You really think Casper Bennet loves you, Aria?
00:50:44You just wait until the Bennet party.
00:50:46That is when your fucking fairytale ends!
00:50:56The day was saved, and the prince and princess lived happily ever after.
00:51:02I like that story, Aria.
00:51:04Me too, sweetie.
00:51:06Leo, before your daddy came back, did you have another mommy?
00:51:16Leo, before your daddy came back, did you have another mommy?
00:51:20Well, great-grandpa told me to call another lady mommy, but I didn't.
00:51:24Why not?
00:51:26Because daddy didn't like her, and I didn't like her.
00:51:29Are you afraid of that lady?
00:51:31Don't worry, mommy. I'll protect you.
00:51:33Thank you. You're my little prince.
00:51:36Sweet dreams.
00:51:49I got a gift for you.
00:51:53Congratulations on your contest!
00:51:55It's beautiful.
00:51:57It'll look even more beautiful on you.
00:52:04Don't lie to me, Casper.
00:52:06This is real, right? You and me?
00:52:11I've never felt anything more real than this.
00:52:33Thank you.
00:52:42That was his most favorite piece of jewelry. I can't believe he gave it to her.
00:52:49She won't be smiling for long.
00:52:52Thank you all for coming and celebrating this very special day for the Bennett family.
00:52:57Now that I have your attention, I'd like to introduce you to someone special,
00:53:01who will be joining our family.
00:53:03My grandson Casper's fiancée,
00:53:07Miss Jasmine Murphy.
00:53:32I don't want your explanation.
00:53:34Are you?
00:53:36What do you want?
00:53:38It's gonna be okay.
00:53:42Come on.
00:53:44Come on, all right? Hey, hey, hey!
00:53:46All right, let me go!
00:53:48Stop it! Now!
00:53:52You coward!
00:53:54You didn't even tell grandpa, did you?
00:53:56I didn't know he was coming.
00:53:58You coward!
00:53:59You didn't even tell grandpa, did you?
00:54:01I didn't know he was going to make that announcement.
00:54:03Go after her.
00:54:12God, no!
00:54:13All right, get your hands off my fiancée, you disgusting bitch.
00:54:17Oh, yeah. I'm sure everybody's going to believe you over this photo.
00:54:20I can already see the headline.
00:54:22Mistress crawling back to her ex after being abandoned by Casper Bennett.
00:54:26Who says I'm going to abandon her?
00:54:28What are you two doing here?
00:54:30Get him the fuck out of here.
00:54:32Hey, call the cops.
00:54:34The cops? Billy Casper? The cops?
00:54:39Give me your phone.
00:54:42Get the fuck out of here and do it.
00:54:44And if I see your face again, I promise I'll make your life a living hell.
00:54:47Julian's going to go to jail for a really long time.
00:54:50He's going to get arrested.
00:54:52You won't have to worry about him and Chloe ever again.
00:54:56What about your engagement?
00:54:58That was my grandfather's idea, not mine.
00:55:01I don't want her in my life.
00:55:03I want you. I love you.
00:55:05Please, just give me a chance.
00:55:07Trust me.
00:55:09I don't want you.
00:55:11I don't want you.
00:55:13I don't want you.
00:55:15Trust me.
00:55:17I'm not sure I can do this.
00:55:19I've got to get out of here.
00:55:35I have to admit,
00:55:37I never thought you'd see me like this.
00:55:41Chloe gave up all the evidence behind your insider trading,
00:55:43so she wouldn't be charged as an accomplice.
00:55:45And now your board members have pulled the money from your company.
00:55:49You're bankrupt.
00:55:51You can't even pay your own bail.
00:55:53And you're just enjoying this from the front row, are you?
00:55:57I built this company with you.
00:55:59And to see you burn it to the ground
00:56:01is the last thing I want.
00:56:06I'm not here for you.
00:56:08I'm here for myself.
00:56:10And to tell you,
00:56:12we will never see each other again.
00:56:17I'm sorry, Maria.
00:56:21It's too late for that.
00:56:26You didn't love me.
00:56:30I spent three years fighting beside you
00:56:32when you had nothing to win.
00:56:34And I wouldn't do that for someone I didn't love.
00:56:37I love you.
00:56:53These are the chocolates I brought back from Belgium.
00:56:55It was on the name of Suze.
00:56:57I asked you to come here today
00:56:59because I want to settle on you and Casper's wedding date.
00:57:02But I need you to confirm that you're going to marry him
00:57:04despite all these recent surprises.
00:57:06I love Casper, Grandpa.
00:57:09And I believe he loves me too.
00:57:11I would feel better
00:57:13if there were some way
00:57:15to make sure that this woman stays away forever.
00:57:19I'll see what I can do.
00:57:23Thank you so much, Grandpa.
00:57:33Are you all right?
00:57:45Look, Aria.
00:57:48Jasmine grew up with us.
00:57:50My grandpa arranged their marriage with her parents
00:57:53when they were 18.
00:57:55But Casper loves you.
00:57:58And he'll fight for you.
00:58:00Just don't give up on him.
00:58:03I've been fighting my whole life.
00:58:06I don't want to get hurt anymore.
00:58:26All right.
00:58:28Okay, I will.
00:58:32My grandpa wants to talk to you.
00:58:41Thank you, Mr. Bennett, for having me in your home.
00:58:44Have a seat, Ms. Taylor.
00:58:48I've heard much about you.
00:58:50You're smart.
00:58:51You're hardworking.
00:58:53You're good at business.
00:58:54On paper, you're a good match for my grandson,
00:58:57but the girl that marries Casper?
00:59:01She's going to have to come from a good family
00:59:04with wealth.
00:59:06This is more than just about Casper.
00:59:08This is about our whole family business.
00:59:10You don't have to worry, Mr. Bennett.
00:59:12Whatever me and Casper had, it's over.
00:59:14Well, I know that.
00:59:16But the rest of the world needs to know that, too.
00:59:18This is a statement that says
00:59:20that you have no relationship with Casper.
00:59:23Sign it.
00:59:25This whole thing ends today.
00:59:30Sign it.
00:59:32This whole thing ends today.
00:59:44Of course, sir.
00:59:46I'll tell her the child is dead and send her abroad.
00:59:48You'll never see her again.
01:00:03I'll sign it,
01:00:05but I need you to answer my questions.
01:00:08Very well.
01:00:12Seven years ago,
01:00:14when you brought Leo home from the hospital,
01:00:16what was the name of the hospital,
01:00:18and what's his birthday?
01:00:20You know, seven years ago was a different time.
01:00:23How would Casper know where you live?
01:00:26Who the hell are you?
01:00:28You're nothing.
01:00:30You're nothing.
01:00:32You're nothing.
01:01:05Are you sure you want me?
01:01:07Yes, I want you.
01:01:09Do you want me?
01:01:31Aria, you're awake.
01:01:33Doctor said it was just a little blood pressure, thank God.
01:01:36You didn't hurt your head.
01:01:48I'm not gonna hurt you.
01:01:56I sleep with my son.
01:02:01Is Leo my son?
01:02:10I wanted to look for you,
01:02:12but my parents died in a car accident shortly after that,
01:02:14and my grandfather sent me away.
01:02:16After that, he brought Leo home from the hospital
01:02:18and said that his mother abandoned him.
01:02:20I didn't.
01:02:22My dad said he died after he was born
01:02:24and then forced me to leave the country.
01:02:26I never thought I'd see you again
01:02:28until I got you from the fire.
01:02:30I realized you didn't remember me.
01:02:34I wanted to tell you the truth.
01:02:36I was just afraid that if I told you about our past,
01:02:38you wouldn't want to have a future.
01:02:40Well, maybe we weren't meant to have a future, Casper.
01:02:42Don't say that.
01:02:44Aria, don't say that.
01:02:46I can make things right, I promise.
01:02:48I love you.
01:02:57She signed it.
01:02:59She fucking did it.
01:03:01Statement signed, wedding date picked.
01:03:03You're one step away from becoming Mrs. Bennett.
01:03:06I've waited long enough for it.
01:03:08After we're married,
01:03:10I'll have both businesses in my hands.
01:03:12We're going to live like princesses.
01:03:16Oh, speak of the devil.
01:03:21Hey, can we meet up? I want to talk to you.
01:03:23I could never say no to my fiancé.
01:03:28You know what that's about.
01:03:30Yes, ma'am.
01:03:36So, what's the emergency?
01:03:39I know what you did.
01:03:41You have to be more specific than I guess.
01:03:43I know you had Chloe and Julian set up Aria at the party.
01:03:47I know you convinced my grandfather to have her sign the statement.
01:03:50No, this is completely in your head, Casper.
01:03:52No, this is completely in your head, Casper.
01:03:54You have no proof against me.
01:03:58We'll have something better.
01:04:06You wouldn't.
01:04:11How did you get all of this?
01:04:13Tax evasion, collusion, bribes.
01:04:18All in order to become heiress of your family business.
01:04:20But I wonder why work so hard for something that's already yours anyway.
01:04:23I have no idea what you're talking about.
01:04:25Because you're not the Murphys' daughter.
01:04:27Your father, a distant cousin of the Murphys,
01:04:31sent you here to accompany them after their miscarriage.
01:04:33Oh, and the DNA test is the proof.
01:04:40But you're wrong, Jasmine.
01:04:42You can never replace someone's loved ones.
01:04:44And you can't force them to love you back.
01:04:47How did you find out?
01:04:49It was easy, really.
01:04:51All I did was talk to a couple of your ex-assistants in New York,
01:04:54had William do some digging for me,
01:04:56and since you like statements so much,
01:04:58I prepared one for you.
01:05:03I'm not calling off our wedding.
01:05:08It's your choice.
01:05:10But might I warn you,
01:05:12if you don't sign it,
01:05:14all of this will be on the front page tomorrow.
01:05:38And the ring?
01:05:45I can't believe you're doing this to me, Casper.
01:05:48This is nothing compared to what you did to Arnie.
01:05:53She's mine.
01:05:55And I'll do anything to protect her.
01:05:57If you go near her again, I promise what happened here today
01:06:00will be a fucking big thing.
01:06:04What was it you said to me?
01:06:06It's time for me to come back to Earth?
01:06:18Casper just forced me to break off the engagement.
01:06:20It's time.
01:06:22We have no choice.
01:06:24It's our only move.
01:06:26I don't care how we do it.
01:06:28I want Aria Taylor to disappear from this world.
01:06:48This will be our best one yet?
01:06:50I heard that Jasmine called off the engagement.
01:06:53You know, just because you're not marrying Jasmine
01:06:56doesn't mean you can be without Aria Taylor.
01:07:00I know what happened seven years ago, Grandpa.
01:07:02Aria didn't abandon Leo.
01:07:04You and her father took him away from her.
01:07:07You know, Dad always used to tell me how mad your father was
01:07:10when you insisted on marrying Grandma.
01:07:12I used to climb out the window,
01:07:14slide down the pipe
01:07:16so I wouldn't get caught sneaking out by one of the servants.
01:07:19But you still married her.
01:07:21She and your father
01:07:23are the best thing that ever happened in my life.
01:07:25We've made mistakes,
01:07:27but we can make things right,
01:07:29not just for Aria,
01:07:31but for Leo.
01:07:33Think about that.
01:07:36What do you want?
01:08:06What's going on? Are you okay?
01:08:08Hello, Aria.
01:08:09Don't hurt him, Chloe. He's just a kid.
01:08:11I'll send you an address.
01:08:13Come in 30 minutes if you want to see the kid alive.
01:08:16I promise you won't hurt him.
01:08:19Let me talk to him.
01:08:22Leo, I am your mommy, okay?
01:08:24And I know I haven't been around,
01:08:25but I will be now, I swear.
01:08:27I won't let anything happen to you.
01:08:29I love you.
01:08:32No police.
01:08:39Aria, hey gorgeous.
01:08:44Wait, what?
01:08:47Yeah, no, I got the GPS on you.
01:08:49All right, I'm coming now.
01:08:53Should I call the police?
01:08:54Aria, where's Leo?
01:08:56I have a gun, so don't try anything.
01:08:58Now give me your phone.
01:09:01All right.
01:09:02Now let's go see that little bastard of yours.
01:09:10Quiet, you little shit.
01:09:11Leo, you have me. Let him go.
01:09:14Of course I won't hurt the heir of the Bennett family.
01:09:19I'll keep him around.
01:09:21And after Casper and I are married,
01:09:22I'll adopt the little pain in the ass.
01:09:24But you?
01:09:25You, I have no use for.
01:09:28Boy, it sure will feel good ending it once and for all.
01:09:31Don't hurt my mommy.
01:09:38Aria, Leo, I'm coming.
01:09:41Don't hurt my mommy.
01:09:42Shut him up.
01:09:43Don't touch him.
01:09:44For my final plan, we're going to frame you
01:09:47for burning down Casper Bennett's new hotel.
01:09:50Surely he won't want to marry the woman who ruined his empire.
01:09:54Also, you won't be around
01:09:56because something went horribly awry
01:09:58and you burned in the fire you set.
01:10:00Then I'll take my place and marry Casper Bennett.
01:10:07Then I'll take my place and marry Casper Bennett.
01:10:14You little shit!
01:10:22Leo, Aria, I'm here.
01:10:26Nobody move or I burn this place to the ground.
01:10:29Jasmine, don't.
01:10:33I can't be with you and nobody can.
01:10:40This is exactly like in my dream.
01:10:45Oh my God, oh my God.
01:10:47I thought I lost you again.
01:10:49Now we can finally be a family.
01:10:51I love you.
01:10:52I love you too.
01:10:53I love you mommy and daddy.
01:10:55I love you.
01:11:00Thought you'd like to stay up to date on the latest trends?
01:11:04I'm more into prison couture.
01:11:07Yeah, the jumpsuit looks really good on you.
01:11:09Orange is your color.
01:11:11It's in my palette.
01:11:12I heard they're sending Jasmine to the mental hospital.
01:11:15If you're here to gloat or make small talk, you can save it.
01:11:19I'm here to say thank you.
01:11:21If it wasn't for you stealing my fiance
01:11:23setting fire to the hotel with dad
01:11:25me and Casper wouldn't have found each other.
01:11:28As for you, you'll be spending your future here
01:11:31thinking about every wrong you've done in the past.
01:11:35And I guarantee
01:11:36I'll make sure you stay here for a very long time.
01:11:44Have fun with that.
01:11:54What do you think?
01:11:55It's a Sofia Zaviano.
01:11:57Pretty fancy.
01:11:58I think that you will love it.
01:12:00I love it.