Lady Gangster (1942) - Film-Noir - Faye Emerson, Julie Bishop, Frank Wilcox - Full Movie

  • hace 3 meses
00:04:31I'll call the police.
00:04:32You'll be all right in a minute.
00:04:34Oh, I'm all right now.
00:04:36Wait a minute.
00:04:37I've got to catch a train.
00:04:38I'm sorry, lady.
00:04:39You'll have to wait till the officers get here.
00:04:48Well, Jordan, what have you got to say?
00:04:50What were you doing when they pushed in?
00:04:52Well, I was here helping this lady make out her deposit slip and, uh,
00:04:55and holding her dog.
00:04:56What dog?
00:04:57Well, he was here, but he ran away.
00:05:01How come that you were in here so early?
00:05:04Well, I came to deposit some money.
00:05:06This gentleman let me in.
00:05:08And he let that mob out.
00:05:10How did they get in here in the first place?
00:05:12Why, I...
00:05:13Well, I guess the door was left unlocked when she came.
00:05:18What's your name?
00:05:20Mrs. Burton.
00:05:21Mrs. Dorothy Burton.
00:05:22How long have you been a depositor here?
00:05:23Well, about a month, I'd say.
00:05:25I see.
00:05:26Do you usually do your banking before banking hours?
00:05:29No, my maid usually does it for me.
00:05:31Well, why didn't she do it today?
00:05:33I let her go because I was expecting to leave town this morning.
00:05:36In fact, I came to deposit the money to cover the check I gave for my ticket.
00:05:40Have you got the ticket?
00:05:47Here's the money I came to deposit.
00:05:52Well, there's your dog, anyhow. You better call him.
00:05:55Come here, Tiny.
00:05:59Tiny, come here.
00:06:03He, uh...
00:06:04He doesn't seem to mind very well.
00:06:30That's a nice little dog.
00:06:33How old is he?
00:06:34Well, I don't know. I haven't had him very long.
00:06:36I just got him from the pound last week.
00:06:38That's funny.
00:06:39You didn't mention that you got him from the Oakdale Pound.
00:06:43No, I didn't.
00:06:44But you did call him Tiny.
00:06:47You know, the name on the back of this tag is Boots.
00:06:52I don't know what his real name is or where he came from.
00:06:55The friend who gave him to me just said he got him at the pound.
00:06:57What friend?
00:07:00My boyfriend. It doesn't make any difference who.
00:07:02Maybe it does, and maybe it doesn't.
00:07:04Anyway, I'm going to have a little talk with that poundmaster,
00:07:06and you're going down to headquarters and answer an awful lot of questions.
00:07:22Mrs. Burton, I can assure you that if you'll help us in this case and become a state's witness,
00:07:27I'll see that you get every possible consideration.
00:07:30But I've already told you, I don't know anything about it.
00:07:33But I know that you do.
00:07:34And I'm going to keep on asking you these questions until I get the truth out of you, if it takes all summer.
00:07:39Now, who were the men you were working with?
00:07:42Well, I never worked with any men.
00:07:44Who was the man in the car?
00:07:46What car?
00:07:47The getaway car, of course.
00:07:49I don't know.
00:07:50You don't know, eh?
00:07:54Where did you get the dog?
00:07:56It was given to me.
00:07:57I've told you a thousand times, it was given to me.
00:08:00Why don't you let me see my lawyer?
00:08:02I demand to see my lawyer.
00:08:03Where did you get the dog?
00:08:05It was given to me.
00:08:06I've told you before, it was given to me.
00:08:26Doc Herod Beauty, held as accomplice of bank robbers.
00:08:29There you have it, another hold up.
00:08:31All our high-powered district attorney's been able to do is arrest one lone, helpless little girl.
00:08:35She's not so helpless, she's doing all right.
00:08:37How long can he hold her?
00:08:40Unless she's smart enough to get a lawyer who knows her rights.
00:08:43All Sitton's trying to do is grab himself some cheap publicity.
00:08:46All that gang that put him in, fattened up on the big stuff.
00:08:48Money rackets.
00:08:49There hasn't been an important case in a long time.
00:08:52That gang that put him in, fattened up on the big stuff.
00:08:54Money rackets.
00:08:55There hasn't been an important conviction since he took office.
00:08:58She's not bad looking either.
00:08:59She looks kind of familiar to me.
00:09:01Well, maybe she won a beauty contest sometime.
00:09:03Miss American Bank Bandit.
00:09:04She doesn't look the type.
00:09:06Maybe she's not even guilty.
00:09:07Well, why don't you throw the might of your broadcasting company behind her?
00:09:10I'd be more inclined to throw it against Sitton.
00:09:12Yeah, but he's already in.
00:09:13I might be able to stop his re-election this fall.
00:09:15You mean you'd really start a political campaign just to help one little gal?
00:09:19Not to help anyone necessarily.
00:09:21Get that chiseler out of office.
00:09:25You know what I think I'll do?
00:09:27I'm going to start a series of broadcasts.
00:09:29Ten or a dozen.
00:09:30I'm going to expose Sitton and that entire setup behind him.
00:09:33Okay, Chief. When do we start?
00:09:35I'll switch programs and take the 8 o'clock hour myself.
00:09:37You better get to the newspaper and see that we've got a break.
00:09:39Okay, again. I'm on my way.
00:09:41From the first day Lois Sitton took office,
00:09:43criminals have been flocking here in droves.
00:09:46We have had four bank robberies within the last two months.
00:09:49And our esteemed district attorney has made just one arrest.
00:09:52A girl whose picture you probably saw in today's paper.
00:09:54They call her the dark-haired bandit to build up the story for publicity purposes.
00:09:58But all they have against her actually is that she had a dog she didn't own.
00:10:02I think Mr. Sitton should be our dog catcher instead of our district attorney.
00:10:06I've heard enough of that drivel.
00:10:08You're not going to let him get away with this.
00:10:10I can't stop him from broadcasting.
00:10:12Well, then play it the other way.
00:10:14Offer to cooperate.
00:10:15Ask his advice.
00:10:16Tell the newspapers that we're going to work with him.
00:10:18And if he thinks we're holding the Burton girl without reason,
00:10:21invite him to investigate.
00:10:24That's a good idea.
00:10:28He's through.
00:10:29I'll give him a buzz right now.
00:10:34Hello, get me Kenneth Phillips at the Commodore Broadcasting Company and make it snappy.
00:10:48Oh, just a minute, please.
00:10:50Well, that's getting action quick.
00:10:52Sitton wants to talk to you.
00:10:56Hello, Sitton, this is Phillips.
00:10:58So I'm willing and anxious to cooperate in every way.
00:11:02And as for that Burton girl, I'd like to have you talk to her yourself.
00:11:06All right, when can I see her?
00:11:08Anytime you say.
00:11:10I'll call you in the morning.
00:11:14Well, that's that.
00:11:15Maybe I'm being played for a chump, John,
00:11:17but Sitton talked to me like a kid brother.
00:11:19He wants my advice, my help, everything.
00:11:21Particularly your support in the coming election.
00:11:23So go easy.
00:11:31Well, what do you want this time?
00:11:33I've told you everything I know.
00:11:34Why don't you let me go home?
00:11:35I'm afraid you're in for more questioning, Mrs. Burton.
00:11:38There's a gentleman in there who wants to talk to you.
00:11:40Will you follow me, please?
00:11:48Well, what do you want?
00:11:58Well, I'm glad to see you.
00:12:00Wait a minute.
00:12:01Are you the one who wants to ask me some questions?
00:12:03Don't worry.
00:12:04I'm not going to put you through any third degree.
00:12:06I came down here to talk to Mrs. Burton.
00:12:08I had no idea it was Dorothy Drew.
00:12:10Oh, I've had an awful time of it, Ken.
00:12:12All I've done is answer questions one after another.
00:12:15A million times they've asked me.
00:12:17Where did I get the dog?
00:12:18Where are the men that pull the hold-up?
00:12:20Where's the money?
00:12:21Here, let me take a good look at you.
00:12:22No wonder your picture looked familiar.
00:12:28I just took that name when I left home.
00:12:30Added the Mrs. for protection.
00:12:32It seems silly now, but I thought I needed a stage name.
00:12:35I even thought I could act.
00:12:36We all used to think so.
00:12:38I remember during my last year in school how good you were in that comedy part.
00:12:41What happened to me here was tragedy.
00:12:43As bad as all that?
00:12:44Well, not all the time, of course.
00:12:46I had one summer in stock in New Jersey,
00:12:48and last season I had a swell spot in a show in New York,
00:12:51but after a couple of weeks it folded.
00:12:53Then it was one agent's office after another
00:12:55until finally it came to an occasional week in a nightclub.
00:12:59It's the same old story, Ken.
00:13:01Small town girl goes to city, comes the dawn,
00:13:04and all she's got left is her grouch money.
00:13:06Her what?
00:13:07Her grouch money.
00:13:08That's what show people call their savings for a really rainy day.
00:13:12To me it was money to go home on.
00:13:14So you want to go back?
00:13:15Do I want to go back?
00:13:17Listen, Ken.
00:13:18I used to think I hated that place,
00:13:20but now that's all I do want.
00:13:22It was money for my ticket I was putting in the bank when they arrested me.
00:13:25That was tough.
00:13:27It's only because these people here needed a scapegoat that they picked on me.
00:13:31Maybe I can help you.
00:13:33Do you mean that, Ken?
00:13:34Let's see.
00:13:42Sutton, will you release Mrs. Burton in my custody?
00:13:46I'll be responsible for her appearance any time you say.
00:13:49Phillips, I think she's a member of that gang.
00:13:52I don't.
00:13:53All right.
00:13:54In any event, she can't leave town.
00:13:56She won't.
00:13:57She'll be at my home with my sister.
00:13:58When can she go?
00:14:00Any time you say.
00:14:01Get her discharge papers, Nick.
00:14:03What do you want to do first?
00:14:04Well, I guess I'd better get my things.
00:14:06You want me to sign a surety for her appearance, I suppose.
00:14:08I'll have the papers and everything ready by the time she gets back.
00:14:11Then I'll meet you here in about an hour.
00:14:12Is that all right?
00:14:14I'll do anything you say from now on.
00:14:19Swell, Burton.
00:14:21I can't understand how you failed on the stage.
00:14:24It's because I wasn't acting with Mr. Phillips.
00:14:26I meant every word.
00:14:28Okay, Mrs. Burton.
00:14:29Have it your own way, but I still don't believe you.
00:14:34There you are.
00:14:36Don't thank me.
00:14:37Thank Phillips.
00:14:38That's exactly what I'm going to do.
00:14:40Who is it?
00:14:54It's Doc Burton, Ma.
00:14:59What are you doing here, kid?
00:15:01Come in.
00:15:02Thanks, Ma.
00:15:03You didn't jump the fence, did you?
00:15:05Believe it or not, Ma, I finally met a man who had faith in me.
00:15:08He's not the only one.
00:15:09Who else?
00:15:11I always said you had no business running around with a lot of lugs like the mob upstairs.
00:15:15Well, I had to live and they staked me.
00:15:17But you're quitting them now, aren't you?
00:15:19I'll say I am.
00:15:20For keeps.
00:15:21Then I feel better.
00:15:22When I introduced you to Carrie and his friends, I never dreamed they were as bad as they are.
00:15:35Dot, there's a police car passing the house and it's going very slow.
00:15:39Well, I'm sure they didn't follow me here.
00:15:41Maybe they're watching for Carrie and the boys.
00:15:44I don't think they even suspect them.
00:15:47By the way, did Carrie leave a package here for me?
00:15:49No, he didn't.
00:15:50I haven't seen them lately, but I understand they're fixing to leave town.
00:15:56I think I better have a little talk with him.
00:15:58Now, you said you were through with them.
00:16:00Well, I will be.
00:16:02Say, Ma, will you pack some things for me?
00:16:04I'll be away for a few days.
00:16:09The car's parked at Smitty's.
00:16:11Okay, as soon as we get to Louie's, we'll split the dough three ways.
00:16:15What about Dot's cut?
00:16:16I said we were going to split three ways.
00:16:18Don't worry about the girl.
00:16:19She's liable to be on ice for a long time.
00:16:22Yeah, but I still think she ought to get a cut.
00:16:34How'd you get here?
00:16:35Took a squad car from the DA's to a fake address, then taxis here.
00:16:38Two of them so I wouldn't be followed.
00:16:40Is everything all right?
00:16:41Yeah, just perfect.
00:16:43So you didn't squeal to get out, did you?
00:16:44Listen, I got out clean and came here for my share, that's all.
00:16:47Where is it?
00:16:48You'll get it, just take your time.
00:16:57I just want to give you a tip.
00:16:58There's a police car outside watching the front.
00:17:06Police car?
00:17:11Ma's right, you did leave him here, didn't you?
00:17:13I didn't mean to, Kerry.
00:17:14Honest, I didn't.
00:17:16But we can't take any chances now if they catch us with this money.
00:17:18We're all in for a long vacation.
00:17:21Yeah, she's right, we better blow.
00:17:22I'll stash this.
00:17:29Don't let them cheat you, Dot.
00:17:30You deserve even more than they promised you.
00:17:32Thanks, Wilson.
00:17:33You were always okay and if you ever need a favor, just ask.
00:17:46Come on, let's go out over the roof and come back to that stuff when we're not so hot.
00:17:49I'll go out the way I came, they got nothing on me.
00:17:51Okay, Dot, I'll get in touch with you in a few days.
00:18:26Say, Ma, will you do something for me?
00:18:27Anything that doesn't cost me money, dearie.
00:18:29Then keep this briefcase and don't give it to anyone unless they give you the other half of this dollar bill.
00:18:35You understand?
00:18:38Say, that reminds me of a drama I was in.
00:18:41The Erring Bride's Earrings, it was called.
00:18:44And in the second...
00:18:45Gosh, I had...
00:18:46It was wonderful.
00:18:47Now take good care of it, Ma, because it doesn't belong to me.
00:18:49I'll do anything you say, dearie.
00:18:51So long, Ma.
00:18:52So long.
00:18:53So long.
00:18:58Sorry to keep you waiting, Ken, but there was something very important I had to attend to.
00:19:01That's all right.
00:19:02Sentence is still out and I haven't signed for you yet.
00:19:04Sit down.
00:19:05Sounds like I was a telegram or a registered letter.
00:19:10But seriously, Ken, there's something I want to tell you.
00:19:12About some money that...
00:19:14Don't worry about money and you don't have to tell me anything.
00:19:16Bygones are bygones.
00:19:18I know, Ken, and that's very nice of you to say that.
00:19:20But still, there's something I must explain.
00:19:22Well, there's plenty of time for that after you get out of here.
00:19:24All I want to hear you say now is that from this moment on you're going to forget everything you've been through and start all over again.
00:19:33And that gives me courage.
00:19:35The courage to tell you what you must know before we go any further.
00:19:38What do you mean?
00:19:40I mean that up to now I haven't been on the level with you.
00:19:44When I realized what influence you had and that you could get me out of here, I...
00:19:49Well, I played up to you.
00:19:51I even lied to you.
00:19:53Lied about what?
00:19:55Well, I was mixed up in that bank robbery.
00:19:59You mean...
00:20:00That's what I'm trying to tell you.
00:20:02But I want to square it and I'm going to do it.
00:20:04Now, wait a minute. You can't square anything like that.
00:20:09Well, here we are, all ready to sign.
00:20:14Oh, what's the matter? What's happened?
00:20:16I'm sorry, Sinton, but you've been right all along.
00:20:19Right about what?
00:20:21I just told him something he didn't know.
00:20:24About bygones.
00:20:29Bygones that he promised to forget.
00:20:32As long as he didn't mean it.
00:20:34And I'll tell you the truth.
00:20:36I was in on that bank robbery.
00:20:39Well, that's fine. Congratulations, Phillips. Good work.
00:20:42Now let's have the rest of it.
00:20:45Who were the men, what are their names, and where's the money?
00:20:48I'm afraid you'll have to find out those details for yourself.
00:20:52I confess to save him the trouble.
00:20:55And may I add my compliments, Mr. Phillips?
00:21:07So, the quicker you realize that this is neither a country club nor a concentration camp, the better.
00:21:12It's up to the women themselves how they're treated.
00:21:15If you behave yourself, we'll meet you more than halfway.
00:21:18But if you want to be tough, we can be tough with you.
00:21:22Now, is that clear?
00:21:25Yes, what?
00:21:27Yes, ma'am.
00:21:29Tell her the rules and see that she understands them.
00:21:32And she won't have that for an alibi for breaking them.
00:21:35Come on, Burton.
00:21:56I feel rotten.
00:21:58After all I did, tell her bygones are bygones.
00:22:00Well, what of it? She's just another crook.
00:22:04Not exactly.
00:22:06And don't forget I've known her ever since she was a little kid.
00:22:09I don't think she ever had a decent chance.
00:22:12Well, she's in the state prison now, so what are you going to do?
00:22:15I'm still going to try to help her, if she'll let me.
00:22:26Everything okay, Burton?
00:22:28Just perfect, thank you.
00:22:30Got a private room with absolutely every convenience.
00:22:33Except, of course, a radio and a writing desk.
00:22:35There's a radio in the big room and a writing desk, too.
00:22:36But you won't be allowed to send letters the first month.
00:22:39Then I'll have plenty of time to think what I have to say before I write.
00:22:42Come on into the big room.
00:22:44It'll do you good to meet some of the others and talk to them a bit.
00:22:59Hey, girl!
00:23:01Look, you missed!
00:23:02Hey, girl!
00:23:04Look, you missed!
00:23:23It works.
00:23:25And why should Lewis Sinton take credit for Dot Burton's conviction?
00:23:28Employing his usual bullying tactics,
00:23:29he could never have secured her confession in a thousand years.
00:23:32Yet she responded readily to kindness and reason,
00:23:35and in so doing proved that, despite this one mistake,
00:23:38she nevertheless possesses a basically sound sense of honor
00:23:41and a high sense of duty towards society.
00:23:43Turn that off.
00:23:45Dot Burton confessed of her own accord.
00:23:47Turn that off, I said! Who wants to listen to a mealy mouth?
00:23:49What right you've got telling me what to do?
00:23:51This is my night to play the radio, and I'll play what I want.
00:23:54Lucy's right.
00:23:56The girls take turns on the radio, and this is her night.
00:23:57And tomorrow's my night.
00:23:59Then you can hear music that's hot and sweet.
00:24:02Say, I never saw you before.
00:24:05Just who do you think you are?
00:24:07My name's Dot Burton.
00:24:09That mean anything to you?
00:24:11I'll say it does.
00:24:13You're the bandit beauty that Phillips went after.
00:24:18Take a look at her, girls.
00:24:20The oddlose bride.
00:24:22The white boys rob banks.
00:24:23Maybe she'll give us a lowdown
00:24:25on how to keep out of jail, huh?
00:24:29Shut up, Lucy.
00:24:31You know it's against the rules
00:24:33to remind inmates what they're here for.
00:24:35Get back to your places, girls.
00:24:39Oh, sure, Miss Jenkins, I'm sorry.
00:24:42I never meant to break no rules.
00:24:44I never do.
00:24:46You know that.
00:24:48All right, Fenton.
00:24:50And don't you start any more brawls
00:24:51or you'll find yourself in solitary.
00:25:03You've got nerve, Burton, haven't you?
00:25:08I like women who ain't all sawdust inside.
00:25:13Home was never like this.
00:25:16Oh, most of the girls ain't so bad.
00:25:18I've been here over 30 years.
00:25:19And I can call just about everybody's number.
00:25:21Who was that little pixie I had the run-in with?
00:25:24Lucy Fenton, president of the Bird Club.
00:25:27Membership limited to stool pigeons only.
00:25:34How about that battle-scarred zombie with her?
00:25:37That's Def Annie, a lifer.
00:25:39She's got nothing to gain by playing stooge
00:25:41because she can't hear anything worthwhile anyhow.
00:25:43So why Lucy hooked up with her is anybody's guess.
00:25:46They make a great team, all right.
00:25:50Let's ease out of here and go over to my cell.
00:25:52I've got a couple of cigarettes tucked under the mattress.
00:26:01So outside of working for parole,
00:26:03the other reason for behaving good
00:26:05is to get sent to the farm.
00:26:07That's open in summer for trustees and A-conduct girls.
00:26:10Well, parole's too far off for me to think about now.
00:26:13So all I can shoot for is the farm.
00:26:14I guess.
00:26:16Of course, it ain't exactly Central Park.
00:26:19But at least it's away from here
00:26:21and Mrs. Stoner, the head matron.
00:26:23Yeah, she's hard as flint.
00:26:25We struck sparks the first time we met.
00:26:34How about Jenkins?
00:26:36Tough on the routine.
00:26:38She's okay.
00:26:40Say, if you ever want to get a letter out
00:26:41or get anything sent in from the outside,
00:26:43I've got a friend who's a trustee.
00:26:47Well, I guess that's about enough
00:26:49for tonight's lesson.
00:26:51Yeah, that's enough for tonight.
00:26:53But there'll be tomorrow and the day after that
00:26:55and the day after that.
00:26:57Years of them.
00:27:02Hey, Carrie, when are we gonna get some action?
00:27:04We're just about out of dough.
00:27:06Yeah, thanks to a little playmate,
00:27:08we're just about out 40 Gs.
00:27:09Maybe it was somebody else.
00:27:11You don't even know if it was her.
00:27:13No, but I'm gonna find out mighty soon.
00:27:15What do you mean?
00:27:17I think I'll go up and see her.
00:27:21As a visitor.
00:27:23A visitor?
00:27:35Quick on the snake, ain't she?
00:27:37First conversation,
00:27:39then served.
00:27:41You're gonna get served, all right.
00:27:43And I'll cook the dish.
00:27:45You wouldn't put poison in it, would you?
00:27:47Poison? Who told you about that?
00:27:49A little bird.
00:27:51And not a stool pigeon, either.
00:27:53Where's that Myrtle?
00:27:55I'll twist her tongue out.
00:27:59Miss Jenkins, come here, please.
00:28:01Miss Jenkins, she's taunting me.
00:28:03She called me a poisoner.
00:28:05Trying to hurt me and humiliate me
00:28:07before everybody.
00:28:09Nothing, Miss Jenkins.
00:28:11I just beat her to the ironing board
00:28:13and she got a little nasty.
00:28:15That's a lie.
00:28:17Fenton, you know the rules
00:28:19about that kind of talk.
00:28:21Miss Jenkins, I didn't mean to call her a liar.
00:28:23I only meant I never did
00:28:25what they accused me of.
00:28:27I never poisoned nobody.
00:28:29I was framed.
00:28:31All right, all right.
00:28:33Everybody in this place was framed.
00:28:35Now you leave Burton alone
00:28:37until she finishes
00:28:39shooting cracks like that, too.
00:28:41Well, I didn't do it deliberately.
00:28:43I didn't even know why she was in here.
00:28:45Just a shot in the dark.
00:28:47Well, it hit home,
00:28:49so don't shoot wild again.
00:28:51By the way, Burton,
00:28:53you have permission to receive
00:28:55a visitor tomorrow.
00:28:57A visitor?
00:28:59Well, who's coming to see me?
00:29:01Listen, if it's that Phillips,
00:29:03you tell him to stay away.
00:29:05That dirty double crosser,
00:29:07I wouldn't even...
00:29:09Well, if it says that, I...
00:29:11What's the matter with you, Burton?
00:29:15I just thought that after all that had happened,
00:29:17she wouldn't want to see me.
00:29:19Time heals all wounds, dearie.
00:29:21It'll be nice to see her
00:29:23and know that she's forgiven you anyway.
00:29:25What's the matter, kid?
00:29:27Your sister ain't a vampire, is she?
00:29:29I don't know.
00:29:31I haven't got a sister.
00:29:33Well, now, ain't that something?
00:29:36Time's up, Johnson.
00:29:37Goodbye, Bill.
00:29:39I'll see you next visiting day.
00:29:42All right, Burton.
00:29:44All right, Burton.
00:30:07Surprised to see me?
00:30:09Just wondering why you're here, that's all.
00:30:11To find out about the briefcase, of course.
00:30:14Sure, I might have guessed that.
00:30:17But you won't find out.
00:30:19Have they got it?
00:30:21They didn't get anything, but me.
00:30:23Where is it?
00:30:26Say, we've got a right to our cut, haven't we?
00:30:28You weren't giving me my cut.
00:30:30You were leaving town with that money when I came back.
00:30:32Oh, now, listen, Dad, you know I...
00:30:34Oh, I know you're all a bunch of cheap welchers.
00:30:36You were all set to cut me out,
00:30:38only I beat you to it.
00:30:40You're going to keep it all to yourself, eh?
00:30:42That's right.
00:30:44A whole 40,000.
00:30:47That's what you think.
00:30:49Listen, sister,
00:30:51you'll be waiting.
00:30:54Well, don't hold your breath,
00:30:56because it'll be a long time,
00:30:58and it's ten to one you'll all be in your cells
00:31:00before I get out.
00:31:04Now beat it
00:31:06before I pull off that trick wig and turn you in.
00:31:09Now beat it.
00:31:40See your brother?
00:31:42I saw my brother.
00:31:44I saw something else, too.
00:31:46The Burton girl saw her sister,
00:31:49but her sister was a man.
00:31:52A man?
00:31:54He came to find some money.
00:31:59Only Burton knows what it is.
00:32:02You sure?
00:32:04I'm sure.
00:32:06A rich man,
00:32:07I'm sure.
00:32:09I read their lips
00:32:11just as I read yours.
00:32:13You're going to tell the matron?
00:32:15Nothing I could tell anyone would help me.
00:32:19Then it's a secret?
00:32:21Your secret.
00:32:23Maybe it'll help you.
00:32:25I'll say it will.
00:32:27Did she tell the man where it was?
00:32:33Then I can tell Mrs. Turner
00:32:35whenever it'll do the most good.
00:32:38See you later.
00:32:52So that's who my sister was.
00:32:54Carrie Wells,
00:32:56the guy who was glad to see me take the rap
00:32:58so he could get my share of the money.
00:33:00Was it a lot?
00:33:04But it's where it won't do anybody any good now.
00:33:05I'm sorry.
00:33:07So am I.
00:33:09No, I don't mean only about that.
00:33:11I was hoping your visitor might have been
00:33:13someone sent by Kenneth Phillips.
00:33:17Say, I hate him worse than I do Carrie.
00:33:19Maybe so.
00:33:21But he can help you.
00:33:23He already helped me once
00:33:25to get in here.
00:33:27Yeah, but you don't know how he feels about that now.
00:33:29You haven't even read his letters.
00:33:31I got a hunch he's sorry.
00:33:32Well, it's too late for that now.
00:33:34I don't think so.
00:33:36He's a big shot.
00:33:38He's got a drag.
00:33:40If he wanted,
00:33:42he could help you even in here.
00:33:44See, I never thought of that.
00:33:46Well, then think about it now.
00:33:48Write him, see him,
00:33:50find out what's on his mind.
00:33:52Say, I'd play ball with anybody
00:33:54but Hitler to get out of this hole.
00:34:02I don't think so.
00:34:33Why the big smile?
00:34:35Good news?
00:34:37You said it, John.
00:34:39Dot Burton wants to see me.
00:34:41I thought you sent back all your letters.
00:34:43She did.
00:34:45She must have had a change of heart.
00:34:47Now you just can't wait to see her
00:34:49and give her your love and regrets.
00:34:51More than that, John,
00:34:53I want to give her a little hope.
00:34:55A hope that I can get her
00:34:57the chance she wanted before.
00:34:59The chance to go straight.
00:35:01Because now you're paying your debt to society.
00:35:04You've earned the right to a new life.
00:35:06Yes, I know that, Ken.
00:35:08And I've learned my lesson at last.
00:35:10So if we can just let bygones be bygones
00:35:13like we talked about before, well...
00:35:15That's swell, Dot.
00:35:17I'm going to tell you something else.
00:35:19No more advice, please.
00:35:21I'm afraid I couldn't stand it.
00:35:23Very well, then I'll give my advice
00:35:25to someone that will appreciate it.
00:35:27I'm going to ask the board to consider your parole.
00:35:28Oh, Ken, that's wonderful.
00:35:30I never dreamed that you'd ever have faith
00:35:32enough in me again to do anything like that.
00:35:34But I have, Dot.
00:35:36All the faith in the world.
00:35:38That's big and fine and generous of you.
00:35:42And I love you for it, Ken.
00:35:49So you kissed and made up, huh?
00:35:52Well, when I told him I loved him,
00:35:54he beamed like a Brooklyn school kid
00:35:56with a ticket to the World Series.
00:35:58Men are all the same.
00:36:00They believe what they want to believe.
00:36:02So then he said he'd check with the district attorney
00:36:04and have a talk with Mrs. Stoner here.
00:36:06He was almost sure the board would parole me
00:36:08at their next meeting.
00:36:10Well, you're practically out.
00:36:12With Phillips going to bat for you,
00:36:14how can you miss?
00:36:16Mert, I feel kind of cheap promoting Ken like this.
00:36:18You know, he always liked me when I was a kid.
00:36:21Now, listen, honey.
00:36:23You're not going to weaken.
00:36:25Not exactly,
00:36:26but I'm beginning to see his angle.
00:36:29Just like he said, I made a mistake
00:36:31and I've got to pay for it.
00:36:36if you feel that way about it,
00:36:38you love the guy.
00:36:40But don't let love make you forget the 40 G's.
00:36:43Don't breathe a word about that money again.
00:36:45If anyone here even suspects,
00:36:47I'll really be cooked.
00:36:51Scram, you stupid.
00:36:57I have news.
00:36:59Her friend's coming up for parole.
00:37:02What friend?
00:37:04Dot Burton.
00:37:08She'll be up next month.
00:37:10Phillips is helping her.
00:37:14She saw him today.
00:37:16Then I'll see the matron.
00:37:18And tell her?
00:37:20All about the money.
00:37:22Tell her what?
00:37:23And tell her?
00:37:25All about the money.
00:37:27That will help me with the matron and fix Burton
00:37:29so she'll never get out, understand?
00:37:31Not so fast.
00:37:33Fix Burton so she'll never get out, never.
00:37:35Never get out?
00:37:37That's what I said.
00:37:39She won't get a chance to spend that money.
00:37:42When will you tell?
00:37:48No, I'll wait.
00:37:50I'll wait until the day of the meeting.
00:37:51I'll let Burton build her home sky high.
00:37:54Then watch him tumble.
00:38:09Well, it won't be long now, Burton.
00:38:11I hope you make it.
00:38:13Thanks, Miss Jenkins.
00:38:15I hope so too.
00:38:22Excuse me, Mrs. Stoner,
00:38:24but could I speak to you a minute, please?
00:38:26I'm busy now, Fenton.
00:38:28I have a parole board meeting at 10.
00:38:30Yes, I know.
00:38:32That's what I wanted to talk about.
00:38:34Well, you're not eligible for that
00:38:36for several months yet.
00:38:38No, ma'am.
00:38:40But Dr. Burton is.
00:38:42Today is the day.
00:38:44I'm going to meet him.
00:38:46I'm going to meet him.
00:38:48I'm going to meet him.
00:38:49But Dr. Burton is today.
00:38:51What have you to do with that?
00:38:53Well, um,
00:38:55nothing directly,
00:38:57but, uh, you know I'm always anxious
00:38:59to help whenever I can.
00:39:01Even if the girls do think I tell
00:39:03and I shouldn't.
00:39:05I know you understand that I'm only doing it
00:39:07for the general good.
00:39:09Oh, come to the point.
00:39:11If you've anything worthwhile to tell me,
00:39:13you know I never forget.
00:39:15It's about the money that was stolen from the bank
00:39:17that Dr. Burton's mob stuck up.
00:39:21the bank wants it back, don't they?
00:39:23They'll pay a reward, won't they?
00:39:25Certainly, so what?
00:39:27Mrs. Stoner,
00:39:29if you approve Dr. Burton's parole
00:39:31and she gets out,
00:39:33you'll be freeing the only person in the world
00:39:35who knows where that money is hidden.
00:39:37How do you know?
00:39:39One of the gang came to see her
00:39:41dressed as a woman.
00:39:43She wouldn't even tell him where it was.
00:39:45I can't quite believe that.
00:39:47Oh, but ma'am, it's true.
00:39:49How do you know it?
00:39:51Well, there's a way to find out.
00:39:53And if it is...
00:39:55See what it is.
00:39:57Yes, ma'am.
00:40:00Mr. Phillips is here, ma'am.
00:40:02Oh, tell him I'll meet him in the boardroom
00:40:04in just a minute.
00:40:06But he said he wanted to see you before the meeting.
00:40:08Maybe it would be as well to see him first.
00:40:10Show him in, Mary.
00:40:12Yes, ma'am.
00:40:14Mr. Phillips, please.
00:40:17Morning, Mrs. Stoner.
00:40:19I thought I'd check with you
00:40:21before the proceedings start.
00:40:23I have Mr. Sinton's letter here
00:40:25approving the application for parole
00:40:27and I thought you might submit it
00:40:29with your own letter.
00:40:31Well, that would be the procedure
00:40:33if I were going to approve.
00:40:35If you were going to approve.
00:40:37But you agreed.
00:40:39That was before I learned certain new facts
00:40:41concerning the case, Mr. Phillips.
00:40:43You mean about Miss Burton?
00:40:45I do.
00:40:47Well, I don't know what you could have learned.
00:40:49She didn't have a bank until she was arrested.
00:40:51That's the same.
00:40:53I have reasons to believe that she,
00:40:55and she alone, knows where it is.
00:40:57That's absurd.
00:40:59If she knew where the money was,
00:41:01she'd have told the authorities long ago
00:41:03to help her own case.
00:41:05Not necessarily.
00:41:07What are a few months in jail
00:41:09compared to all that money?
00:41:11I still don't think she knows.
00:41:13Well, there's one very simple way to find out.
00:41:15Just make her a proposition.
00:41:17What kind of a proposition?
00:41:19Well, I wouldn't do a thing like that
00:41:21for a million dollars.
00:41:23Either she's entitled to an unconditional parole
00:41:25or she isn't.
00:41:27Just the same, I intend to find out
00:41:29where that money is,
00:41:31so I shall not approve her application
00:41:33at the present time.
00:41:35Well, that's not fair.
00:41:37That's my decision.
00:41:39May I see Miss Burton?
00:41:43Very well, then I'll see the district attorney.
00:41:45I'll see the governor.
00:41:47You may see anyone you want, Mr. Phillips,
00:41:49or you may tell Miss Jenkins
00:41:51that Burton is not to appear
00:41:53before the board today.
00:41:55Yes, ma'am, I will.
00:42:00Oh, Miss Jenkins!
00:42:02Tell Burton to wait!
00:42:04Miss Jenkins,
00:42:06Mrs. Stoner said for you to tell Burton
00:42:08that she's not to appear
00:42:10before the parole board today.
00:42:12Well, it seems to me like you've told her yourself.
00:42:14But why? Has the meeting been postponed?
00:42:16No, they just scratched your name off the list.
00:42:17I can't understand that.
00:42:19Mr. Phillips said that...
00:42:21Mr. Phillips said plenty.
00:42:23Oh, but I'm not supposed to tell what I heard.
00:42:25I'll find out what happened, dearie.
00:42:27Probably just some red tape that's got tangled.
00:42:29What did happen, Fenton?
00:42:31I can see you're just itching to gossip.
00:42:33Well, to tell the truth.
00:42:35If that's possible.
00:42:37Oh, but I am telling the truth.
00:42:39Mr. Phillips told Mrs. Stoner
00:42:41that you know where the money
00:42:43that was stolen from the bank is hidden.
00:42:45Ken Phillips said that?
00:42:47Before he'd approve your parole,
00:42:49you'd have to tell him where it is.
00:42:51So that's his game.
00:42:53All he wanted was the money.
00:42:55Wait a minute.
00:42:57If Phillips wanted to make such a deal,
00:42:59why didn't they send for Burton?
00:43:01Because Mrs. Stoner wouldn't go for it.
00:43:03She said parole shouldn't be bought or sold.
00:43:05And that either Burton deserved one
00:43:07unconditionally or not at all.
00:43:09That doesn't sound like Stoner.
00:43:11And she also said
00:43:13that she didn't think Burton knew
00:43:15where the money was hidden anyhow
00:43:17so she wouldn't tell me and to face that heel.
00:43:19No, because when Mrs. Stoner refused,
00:43:21Mr. Phillips didn't want you to know
00:43:23that he suspected you.
00:43:25Maybe he'll have you followed
00:43:27if you ever do get out.
00:43:29That's the dirtiest trick I ever heard of.
00:43:32Play it down, kid.
00:43:34You don't want everybody to hear this.
00:43:36No, and don't tell anyone I told you either.
00:43:38I'll get him wrong.
00:43:40You'll always be in wrong with me.
00:43:42And I know the kick you get out of telling me this.
00:43:44Come on, Dot, let's talk this over quietly.
00:43:45Something smells pretty sour
00:43:47about the whole setup to me.
00:44:00Whatever happened, I've got to hunch
00:44:02that Fenton dame was at the bottom of it.
00:44:04Well, I don't trust her either,
00:44:06but one thing makes me believe her this time.
00:44:08Ken Phillips said I had to pay for everything I did
00:44:10and if he thought I knew where the money was,
00:44:12he'd want it paid back.
00:44:13But how did he know?
00:44:15You told me.
00:44:17Oh, I never told a soul, but...
00:44:19Well, you talked about it
00:44:21in the visiting room too, didn't you?
00:44:23Oh, but we were whispering.
00:44:25Just the same, I'm giving 10 to 1,
00:44:27that's how it got out.
00:44:30That's it.
00:44:32I told Carrie and he told Ken.
00:44:34Is this Carrie screwy enough
00:44:36to pass up 40 G's just to get even with him?
00:44:39No, of course he wouldn't.
00:44:41Well, that's out.
00:44:44But I'd pass up a mint
00:44:46to get square with Mr. Phillips.
00:44:48Tough to do, I'd say, of being in here.
00:44:53But if I could play them one against the other...
00:44:57I saw Mrs. Stoner-Burton
00:44:59and the only thing I could learn
00:45:01was that she shelved your application.
00:45:03Well, I think I know why she did it, Miss Jenkins.
00:45:06Maybe she's right.
00:45:08That's the way to take it, dearie.
00:45:09It'll all work out for the best later, I'm sure.
00:45:13Miss Jenkins,
00:45:15will you tell Mrs. Stoner to get Mr. Phillips here?
00:45:17I'll tell him where the money is,
00:45:19if they approve my parole.
00:45:21Oh, so it's money you would give them.
00:45:24Well, if that's the way it is, I'll tell her.
00:45:27But it's no way for anyone to get a parole.
00:45:31Have you gone crazy?
00:45:33Not me.
00:45:35I'm gonna outsmart him.
00:45:37That is, if you can do what you said you could,
00:45:39what's that, get a letter out?
00:45:41It's easy.
00:45:43That settles it, then.
00:45:45When Ken Phillips gets that money,
00:45:47he'll think he was bombed by a flying fortress.
00:46:03All I want you to do is to see
00:46:05that he gets what he deserves for double-crossing me.
00:46:09I told you that.
00:46:11Ma must have had the dough all the time.
00:46:13I'm gonna shake it down for it right now.
00:46:15No, we ain't gonna do that.
00:46:17We're gonna do it just like Dad said.
00:46:19Then why didn't you tell me where it was when I saw it?
00:46:21Maybe she was figuring on buying out with it.
00:46:23Sure, then there's trick reform across there.
00:46:25We'll take care of Mr. Phillips.
00:46:40I'm told you admit knowing about the stolen money, Miss Burton.
00:46:43Is that right?
00:46:45Yes, I know where it is.
00:46:47Where is it?
00:46:49Wait a minute, we got something to settle first.
00:46:51Remember, I've been fooled before.
00:46:53But that's all been explained.
00:46:55I'm talking about the clever little deal you've made.
00:46:57But I never had...
00:46:59I don't bother to alibi. I know all about it.
00:47:01You know all about it?
00:47:03Who told you? If it was Lucy, I...
00:47:05Even if it was Lucy, I wouldn't snitch on her.
00:47:07But that's all I know.
00:47:09It's all past history now.
00:47:11How about my application?
00:47:13Have you approved it?
00:47:15The district attorney, Mr. Phillips, and my letters are in here.
00:47:18But you can hardly expect me to submit them yet.
00:47:23Is your letter in there?
00:47:25Yes, but I must admit I hated to write it under these circumstances.
00:47:28I'll bet you did.
00:47:30All I can say is that you'd have had the money a long time ago
00:47:33without writing anything.
00:47:35You'd have had half as much faith in me as you said you did.
00:47:37Well, that's pretty hard to believe in view of what you're doing now.
00:47:39I'm doing my freedom, that's all.
00:47:41I got that money as soon as I got out of jail.
00:47:43And I told you in sentence office I had something to give you.
00:47:46But you couldn't wait. You were in such a hurry to turn me in.
00:47:49Yes, I think I do remember you saying something of the sort.
00:47:52Mrs. Stoner, you've got to promise me one more thing.
00:47:55I haven't got to promise you anything.
00:47:57Oh, but this is for your benefit.
00:47:59I don't want anybody chiseling in on the credit that belongs to you.
00:48:03So I want Mr. Phillips to go for the money alone
00:48:06and bring you the reward.
00:48:08Well, Burton, that's very considerate of you, I'm sure.
00:48:14What do you say?
00:48:16All right with me.
00:48:18But you must promise to go by yourself.
00:48:21Here's the name and address of the person who has the money.
00:48:24And here's part of a dollar bill.
00:48:26You'll need it to prove that I sent you.
00:48:30It'll have to wait until after my broadcast tonight, though.
00:48:32Oh, that's all right.
00:48:34You can phone me in the morning that you have it and then I'll mail this.
00:48:36Yes, and be sure and phone as soon as you can.
00:48:38Naturally, I'll be anxious to know how you came out.
00:48:43Goodbye, Mrs. Stoner.
00:48:53Anything else, Mrs. Stoner?
00:48:57Except that...
00:48:59Well, I appreciated the way you handled everything.
00:49:03Thank you.
00:49:05I did a pretty good job myself.
00:49:13And this way I may still get my cut and get out of here, too.
00:49:16Not to mention getting square with your friend Phillips.
00:49:18Yeah, I can imagine that.
00:49:20If I know Wilson, he'll crash in on him like an army tank.
00:49:23Well, you played it smart all the way around.
00:49:25If Stoner's on the left.
00:49:27Of course she is.
00:49:29She thinks I'm her fairy godmother now.
00:49:36Look out, she's coming now.
00:49:44Oh, good evening, Burton.
00:49:46I just stopped by to thank you again.
00:49:48And to ask you if you remember just how much reward was offered.
00:49:51Oh, about $5,000, I believe.
00:49:53My, that's more than I expected.
00:49:55And to think that I almost let Mr. Phillips talk me out of making the deal.
00:50:00He tried to talk you out of it.
00:50:02But I thought it was his idea.
00:50:03The idea was solely mine.
00:50:05That's why I'm entitled to the reward, as you said.
00:50:09But wasn't he the one who told you I knew where the money was?
00:50:12He told me nothing of the sort.
00:50:14I found that out myself.
00:50:18That we'll not discuss.
00:50:20But I'm quite certain that he's not entitled to the reward in any way.
00:50:23I'm not worrying about the reward.
00:50:25I'm worrying how I've been tricked.
00:50:27What do you mean?
00:50:29I never tricked you.
00:50:31Well, whoever did it all adds up to $5,000.
00:50:33It's all the same.
00:50:35I made a terrible mistake.
00:50:39About Ken.
00:50:41He's innocent. He didn't cross me.
00:50:43And now he's walking into a trap.
00:50:45I don't understand.
00:50:47You don't have to.
00:50:49Only phone Ken not to go for that money.
00:50:51He's in danger.
00:50:53Of what?
00:50:55Why have you imagined all these things all of a sudden?
00:50:57I'm not imagining it. It's true.
00:50:59How do I know that this isn't just some scheme to keep us from getting the money at all?
00:51:01Mrs. Stoner, you've got to believe me.
00:51:03I shall do nothing of the sort.
00:51:06Well, I guess I'm sunk, that's all.
00:51:30Where are you going, Snoop?
00:51:31None of your business.
00:51:33Won't you come in and visit me for a while?
00:51:36You mean yes.
00:51:56You're nuts to do this.
00:51:58It's the only thing I can do. There's no other way.
00:51:59But you've ruined everything. You'll never get parole now.
00:52:01I'll never want a parole if anything happens to Ken.
00:52:30Escape! Sound the alarm!
00:52:33Get back to your places!
00:53:00Well, it looks like Dot's just giving us another run around.
00:53:03Dot don't give anybody a run around.
00:53:14Hey, Carey.
00:53:21What did I tell you?
00:53:26Come on, let's get going.
00:53:30Knock, knock, knock.
00:53:37Who is it?
00:53:38A friend of Miss Burton's. You wouldn't know my name.
00:53:42Well, he ain't an actor or you wouldn't admit that. What do you want?
00:53:46To give you this one half of a dollar bill.
00:53:50Oh, I remember now.
00:53:52She said if that matched your half, you'd have a package for me.
00:53:55Wait a minute. I'll see if it matches.
00:53:59It does.
00:54:24The two go together like a sister act.
00:54:27How is she getting along?
00:54:28Fine, thanks.
00:54:29She'll feel even better when I tell her I have this.
00:54:31You ain't gonna tell her anything, brother.
00:54:58Come on, Ken. I've got the money.
00:55:01Out the back, Ken. This way.
00:55:03What did he say, Coris?
00:55:05There's a break here at 920 Oak Street.
00:55:07Oh, please, hurry.
00:55:29Give me that gun.
00:55:39Come on, we've got to get out of here.
00:55:41I'll help you.
00:55:53Drop that bag!
00:55:55Drop that bag!
00:55:58Don't shoot her!
00:56:07Come on, Ken, we've got to get in the car.
00:56:24Come on, sister, you're coming for protection.
00:56:26Wait a minute, he's hurt. Let me go!
00:56:30Get him!
00:56:42They took our car. Come on, take mine.
00:56:44Phone headquarters and tell them car 23 has been stolen.
00:56:48Get in.
00:56:52Give me police headquarters.
00:57:00And the car they stole was number 23.
00:57:04Squad car 23 stolen.
00:57:06Broadcast full description.
00:57:14Step on it, Stu. We've got to shake them.
00:57:16Don't know if they're settling on the next turn.
00:57:17Best bet is to head for the waterfront.
00:57:19If we get on Bayshore Drive, we'll hit it straight away.
00:57:21Squad cars have hopped up plenty.
00:57:23Unlike traffic on the coast road, we're a stitch to lose them.
00:57:28Hello, Harbor Station.
00:57:30The gang has stolen car 23 around Central, headed for Bayshore.
00:57:33If you work fast, you can block them at the intersection.
00:57:36That's all.
00:57:47Let's go.
00:57:59You haven't got a chance.
00:58:01Ken Phillips will run you down if it takes a million dollars.
00:58:03Think you're worth that much?
00:58:05I'm not. Getting you is.
00:58:07Because you're a killer. You shot him and Wilson too.
00:58:18What are you doing?
00:58:20Freeing my hands so I can handle the rod.
00:58:22Okay, but don't try to free yourself with all that jack on you.
00:58:40If you could get a little closer, maybe I could plug one of their tires.
00:58:43Don't try it. You'll wreck the car and the girls in there.
00:58:48We're blocked!
00:59:01Look, there goes one of them.
00:59:18Dorothy. Dorothy, honey.
00:59:20Call an ambulance, Ed.
00:59:25Every morning I sing this song, so nothing with me can be wrong.
00:59:29I breakfast, lunch, and dine each day on nutty bread.
00:59:32So I'm okay.
00:59:36Very good.
00:59:39I'm sorry.
00:59:41I'm sorry.
00:59:43I'm sorry.
00:59:44Very good.
00:59:50Ken, were you listening?
00:59:52It sounded like you had your heart in it.
00:59:56Tired of lying in bed, but not tired of rehearsing.
00:59:59That is, if you think I really have a chance for a job.
01:00:01No, you have more than a chance. You have a sponsor.
01:00:04Oh, but Ken, that's not possible.
01:00:06Nobody's even heard me.
01:00:08I have. And I've assured the parole board that you have a job the moment they approve your application.
01:00:12Oh, Ken, that's swell.
01:00:14What's your job?
01:00:16My studio. What do you think?
01:00:18Well, will I be on as a regular commercial announcer?
01:00:20Well, you're going to be with me regularly anyway.
01:00:22And I hope one of the announcements won't be commercial at all, but more on the nature of a society item.
01:00:26Such as?
01:00:28Well, you'll have to write that yourself, but let's begin with yes.
