The Scooby-Doo episode 1 Eng sub

  • 2 months ago
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The Scooby-Doo episode 1 #Eng #sub
00:00We've got it all together for a brand-new show Scooby-Doo is here again, away we go
00:22A Scooby-Doo in one and from a spooky ghost Shaggy is a-doin' what he does the most
00:28Hey, come on, get involved, till the mystery is solved Hang around for Scooby-Doo
00:34Hey, come on, get involved, till the mystery is solved Hang around for Scooby-Doo
00:56That's my pal, Scooby-Dooby-Doo
01:04Keep at it, men, we're way behind schedule
01:13It's the Spectre again
01:19It's the Spectre!
01:35Like my favorite indoor sport, eating
01:38Like mine, too
01:46Jinkies, a flying pizza
01:49A runaway pizza
02:01Hey, listen to this, another in a rash of mysterious safe burglaries
02:07Investigators are baffled as none of the safes were broken into
02:11All were done as though the burglars knew the combinations
02:14Well, I'm more interested in getting the combination to a job
02:18Good idea, Shag, we're running out of money
02:21See anything in the help-wanted columns?
02:23Here's one, construction workers needed, no experience necessary
02:28Apply anytime
02:30That's for us, come on, Scoob, we've got a job
02:33Yeah, like we gotta earn some dough before we can buy any more bread
02:49Hey, Scooby, here's a slice of pizza for you
02:54Guess he's not hungry
02:56Can't let it go to waste, people are starving, namely me
03:03Well, there should be plenty of work here
03:05Right, all they have up so far is the skeleton
03:09Skeleton? Where? Where?
03:11Relax, Shag, Velma's talking about the building
03:16Yep, I've got jobs for you, too
03:18Are you willing to work night shift?
03:20We sure are
03:21Be glad to
03:22Can't seem to keep any men on the night shift
03:25Why not?
03:26It's kind of that spectre that's been creeping around here
03:30That's a new one, a building being haunted before it's even built
03:35There used to be an old, old house here that folks said was haunted
03:40Yep, but we moved it away
03:42I guess somebody forgot to tell the spectre, huh?
03:48Well, are you fellas still game to work the night shift?
03:53Uh-uh, like it's been nice knowing you, Mr. Doherty, so long
03:59So long?
04:05Hold it, Shag
04:06Don't let that spooky spectre be a spoil sport
04:09We need a job, remember?
04:11Besides, there's a mystery here that needs to be solved
04:14Yeah, you're right, I mean right
04:17Listen, Velma, while Shag and I are working
04:20you and Daphne get down to the newspaper library
04:22and find out all you can about this building site
04:25Look for clues that might explain why it's being haunted
04:27We're on our way
04:32This is Jim Rivets, one of the few men brave enough to stay on the job
04:36He'll tell you what to do
04:38Come on, boys, I'll show you around
04:40Thanks, Mr. Rivets
04:41Uh, where will we be working, sir?
04:43You'll be working on the 19th and 20th floors
04:48And 20th floor?
04:52What, up there?
04:53Yeah, Scoob, way up there
04:58Oh, I don't feel so good
05:02Uh, Mr. Rivets, sir
05:04Maybe there's something we could do a little lower down?
05:07Like what?
05:08Like dig a basement?
05:16I hope you boys don't scare easy
05:18That spectre has cost us a lot of good men
05:21Oh, don't worry, sir
05:22While we're working, Shag and I will keep our eyes open for him
05:25Whose eyes are open?
05:28Not mine
05:30Fred, you get off here
05:32Okay, Mr. Rivets
05:33See you later, Shag
05:35Hold it, you're working at the top
05:37The top?
05:38I thought when you're new on the job, you started at the bottom
05:42Top floor, all out
05:44Red Sparks is your foreman
05:46He'll tell you what to do
05:47Where is he?
05:48Over there
05:50And double go?
05:52Come on, fellas, get a move on
05:54Right now?
05:55Right now
05:56Yes, sir
05:58The things we have to do to solve a mystery
06:07You got the hang of it now?
06:09Yes, sir, Mr. Sparks
06:11All right, you're on your own
06:20This is hard work
06:22Give me a towel, Scooby
06:28Got it
06:31Thanks, Scoob
06:32You're welcome
06:37Yes, Mr. Sparks?
06:38What's the matter?
06:39I can't see
06:40I can't see
06:41I can't see
06:42I can't see
06:43I can't see
06:44I can't see
06:45I can't see
06:46I can't see
06:47I can't see
06:48Scooby, how did you get there?
06:50When you were just there?
06:52I don't know
06:54Oh, probably just my imagination
06:56Yeah, imagination
07:04I'm running out of rivets, Scoob
07:06Get me a bucket full
07:15Spectre, spectre, spectre
07:17Louder, Scooby
07:19I can't hear you
07:21Spectre, spectre
07:25That's funny
07:26I thought I heard him say spectre
07:28Did you say spectre, Scoob?
07:30Yeah, yeah
07:33There, there
07:34Oh, you're seeing things, Scooby
07:37Nothing there but a bucket of rivets
07:40Now, let me have the bucket and hoist up another one
07:53Spectre, spectre
07:57Scooby's right, it's the spectre
08:09Scooby, do something
08:21Scooby, do something
08:35Sadie, I thought you were a goner
08:38I thought you were a goner, too, Scoob
08:45Zoinks, now let's both be long goners
09:19What? Are you guys goofing off?
09:21No, we're taking a ten-minute fright break
09:24That speedy spectre's been chasing us all over the building
09:27Spectre? Where is he?
09:32Zoinks, he's gone
09:37Oh, boy
09:38I hope the girls are doing better at solving this mystery than we are
09:42I wonder if they've found anything
09:45Jinkies, I think I've found something, Daphne
09:50Listen to this
09:51The house that was removed from the haunted house site was built in 1820 by a young man named Ebenezer Crab
09:59His neighbor suspected him of practicing witchcraft because during the next 50 years he never seemed to grow older
10:07Wow, he would have made a fortune in the cosmetic business
10:11So what happened to him?
10:13He disappeared about 60 years ago, and get this
10:17Legend has it that Ebenezer is still alive and returns to his home every 20 years to make himself young again
10:25Why, that would mean that he's about 180 years old
10:29Right, we better get back and tell Fred about this
10:34180 years old?
10:37Zoinks, Ebenezer sure moves fast for a guy that old
10:41Huh? Did you see him?
10:43Did we see him? Tell her, Scoob
10:54We know where they moved the original house to, and I'm for checking it out
10:58Any volunteers?
10:59I'll go with you
11:00Me too
11:01Okay, you three investigate the old house while Daphne and I look for clues around here
11:06Smart move, eh, Scoob? Nothing could be scarier than this place, right?
11:18That's Ebenezer's house?
11:21It's worse. Let's go back to the other place
11:24Oh, Shaggy, this is no time to get scared
11:27Any time is a good time to get scared
11:30Are you two going to sit there while I go in my cell?
11:33Now, you know we won't just sit here, Velma
11:36We're gonna hide!
11:38In that case, I'll leave you both out there alone
11:43We decided you couldn't handle it by yourself, Velma
11:52Yikes! It's that old geezer, Ebenezer!
11:55Oh, I'm not Ebenezer. I'm his great-great-great-granddaughter
12:02Nettie Crabb. Do come in
12:06Thank you
12:10We're interested in your great-great-great-grandfather, Miss Crabb
12:14May we have a look around this, uh, lovely old home?
12:18Why, we'd be delighted
12:22Ebenezer and I
12:24He comes back every twenty years, you know
12:28He may show up any minute now
12:31Any minute?
12:33His room is upstairs. You're welcome to look around
12:39Thanks, Miss Crabb. Ebenezer's hobby was black magic, you know
12:45Black magic?
12:47I'm sure you'll find his room full of surprises
12:55Uh-uh. Not me
12:58I guess his room is down this hallway
13:12Help! It's that geezer, Ebenezer!
13:15Oh, Shaggy, that's only a statue
13:18Statue? Hey, you're right
13:21Now come in Ebenezer's room and let's look for clues
13:27Hey, here's old Eb's black magic book, Scoob
13:30Listen to this, Mombo Jumbo
13:32It's supposed to turn people into monsters
13:35A crow goes caw, a toad goes beep, hocus pocus, you're a creep
13:50Isn't that ridiculous?
13:52Yeah, ridiculous
13:54The antidote is even kookier
13:56Listen, lemonade in the cellar, cookies on the shelf
14:00Come on, feller, turn back to yourself
14:06Boy, only a real dumbbell would believe that
14:10Yeah, a real dumbbell
14:14Well, nothing in this old closet
14:18Nothing up here either
14:20You chickens can come down off the roost now
14:23And help me look through this old trunk
14:26What's in the box?
14:28Beats me, it's locked
14:30Let me try
14:32Maybe this button will open it
14:38Oh, Shaggy, they're only paper bats
14:41You can come down again if you're not too scared
14:44Us? Scared? That's ridiculous
14:49Hey, I think I found a clue
14:51What is it?
14:52It's a... shh, someone's coming
14:55It's almost time for Ebenezer to show up
14:59Would you care for a cup of tea while we wait?
15:02No thanks, we're just leaving
15:07Any luck?
15:08You bet, we looked around Ebenezer's old house
15:11And talked to his great-great-great-granddaughter, Nettie
15:15But that's impossible
15:17Impossible? Why?
15:19Nettie Crabbe has been dead for 50 years
15:22Maybe we ought to go back and tell her
15:26You mean Nettie is a ghost?
15:28Wow, what a family
15:30We also found this in an old trunk in Ebenezer's room
15:34What is it?
15:35It's a receipt for a very expensive telescopic lens
15:39Let's have a look, Velma
15:40Why, this was made out to Ebenezer Crabbe only a couple of months ago
15:44Right, I wonder why he bought it
15:47There's only one place to find out
15:49Optical Lens Company, here we come
16:09Could we talk to you a moment, sir, about a telescopic lens?
16:13Do come in
16:17Mr. Speck, owner of this company
16:20Now, what's this about a telescopic lens?
16:23Thank you for seeing us
16:25Will you take a look at this receipt?
16:28Ah, yes
16:30It's for an electronic spotter telescope lens
16:34Spotter telescope lens?
16:37There's one more like it in the shop
16:39May I see it?
16:40You may
16:42Hmm, doesn't look very unusual
16:47That's odd, it seemed to make the room brighter
16:50Try looking out the window
16:54Wow, it turned night into day
16:57Exactly, it's a special light gathering lens for seeing things in the dark
17:03I've got a feeling there's a connection between this lens and the trouble at the construction site
17:08Me too
17:09Could we borrow this lens to take it to the police, Mr. Speck?
17:12Certainly, if you won't sign this receipt
17:19What's the matter, Shaggy?
17:21I'm still feeling creepy, like that specter was still hanging around somehow
17:27It's all in your mind, Shag, relax
17:31You're probably right, Fred
17:38I just imagined I heard the specter growl
17:43That's funny, I just imagined it again, only louder
17:58Oh no, he's after Shaggy and Scooby
18:01Come on
18:03In here, Scoob
18:13Zoinks, it's him
18:15What's up?
18:16Trapped is right, us chickens are sitting ducks
18:20Keep shivering, Scoob, we're vibrating the door open
18:25Look, Scoob, a bakery
18:27Yeah, a bakery
18:30Uh-oh, he's still after us, we gotta do something
18:35I got it
18:41Happy birthday, old Ebeneezer
18:45Happy birthday to you
18:49Now blow out your candles and make a wish, Geezer
19:02He's gone, Scoob
19:04But look, so's the lens
19:07Shaggy, Scoob, are you guys all right?
19:10Yeah, we're okay
19:11What happened?
19:12Oh, plenty, like I'll tell you over a pizza
19:16And when he blew the candles out, he took off with the lens
19:20Didn't even eat a piece of his birthday cake
19:22But why would he want the lens?
19:24When we know that, we've got the mystery solved
19:27Wait a minute, gang, there's been another safe robbery
19:31And look at this
19:32The haunted building where Fred and Shaggy work
19:35is in the center of all the robbery locations
19:38Right, that must tie in with the mystery somehow
19:42And I bet we can untie it if we capture the Spectre
19:46Capture the Spectre?
19:48Uh-huh, that's what he said
19:53All right, gang, here's what we do
19:55Shaggy, you get the Spectre to chase you
19:58Chase me?
20:00Right, he'll follow you along that beam
20:02Trip over the nylon line
20:04causing that plastic bucket of quick-drying cement to fall on him
20:08Wow, that ought to slow him up
20:10Yeah, like freeze him in his tracks
20:13What do we do, Fred?
20:18Zoinks, it's him
20:19And he's on the wrong beam
20:21The plan won't work
20:24Shaggy, try to get him to run under the pail
20:30Blub blub blub blub!
20:35Oh, he didn't fall for it, Scoob
20:38He's after Fred and the girls
20:40Hold it
20:43Oh, no, they're trapped
20:45We gotta do something, Scooby
20:49The quick-drying cement
20:51Good thinking, Scoob
20:52We'll dump it on to the Spectre ourselves
20:55Hurry, Scoob, step on it
21:00He stepped on it, all right!
21:09So, you nosy kids set a trap for me, huh?
21:14And now I have you trapped!
21:21What the...?
21:23Hang on! We're headed for that pit!
21:28Hang on! We're headed for that penthouse!
21:37What? What's going on?
21:40Why, it's Neddy!
21:46Hey, look! They're trapped in the quick-drying cement!
21:50Now let's see who these two characters really are!
21:53First, we unmask the specter!
21:57It's Red Sparks! Hi, boss!
22:00Ah, meddling kids!
22:02Now to get the mask off old Neddy!
22:05Jim Rivets!
22:09Red Sparks and Jim Rivets?
22:12Safe burglars?
22:13That's right!
22:14Can you kids prove that?
22:16Yes, sir!
22:17You'll notice this penthouse faces all the buildings where the robberies took place.
22:21By using a powerful telescope with a special light-gathering lens,
22:25they were able to see the owner opening their safes.
22:28And copy down the combinations!
22:33What do you know?
22:35The Mahoney-Baloney Company!
22:37That's the safe that was robbed last night!
22:41But why did they haunt my building?
22:44Because it was high enough to obstruct their view.
22:47They had to slow down construction by scaring off the workers.
22:50Now if we could only find the stolen money!
22:53Yeah, where could it be?
22:58You mean stolen money!
23:00Good job, Scooby! You've wrapped up the case for us!
23:03Aw, it was nothing.
23:09The officers wanted you to have a special reward, Scooby.
23:14And here it comes now!
23:19Out of sight!
23:21It says, Honorary Police Dog.
23:24That's too pretty to eat, isn't it, Scooby?
23:34You wouldn't forget your old buddy, would you, Scoob?
23:40Thanks a lot.
23:42You're welcome.
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