Analisis Saham Pilihan: SMGR, BUKA, BMRI, ITMG

  • 2 months ago
"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program 2nd Session Closing, Jumat (08/07/2024) dengan Tema Analisis Saham Pilihan: SMGR, BUKA, BMRI, ITMG".


00:00Omir Shah is still at IDX, Samsung Closing, and we are still inviting you to participate in our interactive WhatsApp at 0812 8788 3723, as shown on the TV screen later.
00:13And before we continue the discussion, we will just see first what are the recommendations and maybe it can be a reference for you, Omir Shah, in dealing with trade in this week.
00:25Let's just go straight to the selection graph, the first one comes from the basic industry, there is production cement, SMGR, recommended by, with support at 3740 to 3900, the second support, resistance up to 4410, and the second resistance at 4680, where during today's trade, SMGR experienced a significant increase.
00:49Then from technology, there is Buka, also recommended by, 130 to 170 from the support and resistance side, in the last few weeks, Buka, the share movement is also quite attractive when the share of Gotoh is stable or not moving in the 50s.
01:06BMRI, we also reviewed earlier, also recommended by, 5650, the resistance is quite wide up to 7000 shares, from Batubara, there is also ITMG, also recommended by, 24650 to 28700.
01:21SMGR, Buka, BMRI, and ITMG, and again, the investment decision is still in the hands of the shareholders of IDX Channel.
01:28We will continue our discussion with Mr. Danica Augustasari, Financial Educator, Securities Support.
01:34Mr. Danica, we will continue again, sir, the four choices that you recommended, the first one for SMGR, Mr. Danica, this is quite interesting, during today's trade, SMGR was able to strengthen by more than 6%, sir, the analysis for SMGR.
01:49Okay, for SMGR, today it is breaking out the double bottom neckline at 4150, this is very interesting for reversal trading, because the potential is still a lot up to level 4680, and the volume is also supporting today.
02:10If tomorrow we still try to test again, back again to 4150 to 4100, this can start to accumulate, and for the target, the first one was at 4400, then the second target at 4680 with a cut loss below 4900, like that, sir.
02:34Okay, is there any connection, sir, with the strengthening of Samsung Construction today, also related to the strengthening of SMGR?
02:42Yes, there is also, for SMGR, especially with the acceleration of the construction of SMGR, plus the price of coal is also going down, so the cost of SMGR production is actually going down, so it is beneficial for SMGR, like that, sir, for the fundamentals, more or less.
03:04Okay, today's closing at 4200, significantly strengthened at 6.33% in the last 6 months, and year-to-date, SMGR shares have undergone a sufficient correction in the analysis, and again, the investment decision is still in the hands of the IDX General analysis.
03:19We move on to the second choice, the second choice of technology, there is Buka, also recommended, quite attractive, Buka, in the last few trades, the strength is still continuing, when from Goto moving to Stagnant, Mr. Danica, then Emtek, also Buka, both are speeding up.
03:40Your analysis for Buka, is it recommended at what level?
03:43Okay, for Buka, it's the same, like SMGR, it's in the form of a reversal, a reversal double bottom, if tomorrow it can break through at level 142, above 142, it can be bought, with the first target at level 158, the second target is at level 170, this is the second resistance.
04:05With the cut loss, it's below level 136, with a ratio of 1 to 3, so it's pretty big, it's pretty interesting for Buka, like that, sir.
04:18The pressure is already deep enough for Buka, Mr. Danica, is there any strength in the last few trades, a sign of revival, at least for the short term, sir?
04:25Yes, on this date, at the end of June yesterday, it was already testing the strong support, it was already at the bottom, it was already discounted, so the buying pressure is now starting to rise, sir.
04:41So for the short term, this is interesting.
04:44Okay, from Buka, we move on to the third option, a breakthrough from the BMRI pick-up, we actually had a chance to review it earlier, today it weakened quite deeply.
04:52But what's interesting is, from your resistance, Mr. Danica, it's quite wide, up to 7,000, is there a chance for BMRI to break through to the new all-time high level again, until the end of 2024, Mr. Danica?
05:05Well, if we look at it from a macro-global point of view, the FEDS has already, even though it only happened once, three times, but there is hope there, in September it will go down, it can attract the attention of foreign investors.
05:27If a foreign investor enters, usually the first thing to do is to sell, sell big caps.
05:34Now for Mr. Mandir himself, technically, yesterday he tried to break out, back to the double bottom, in the end there were a lot of reversal patterns.
05:44Today he is testing the Moving Average 21, the Smooth Moving Average 21, the probability is still low.
05:52If it can go down, if it can go down at level 6,100, it can start to be pinched again, and later it can go in more if it can break out at level 6,350.
06:04That will confirm the reversal, the first resistance is at level 6,675, the second is at level 7,000.
06:15If it can break through, hopefully it can follow up to the all-time high again, breaking through 7,500.
06:20Okay, last for ETMG, Mr. Danica, just a brief analysis so that it can be included in the ETMG's selection.
06:29Okay, for ETMG, it's the same, there is also a reversal double bottom pattern, if it can break through 4,640 with the first target at level 4,900.
06:37For the second target, first it can break through, it can follow up to the all-time high, and above that it's still a bit long for the resistance at level 5,425.
06:53This can be very interesting.
06:55Okay, Mr. Sam, the choices recommended by the audience are SMBR, Buka, BMRI, and ETMG, and again, the investment decision is still in the hands of the audience.
07:04We still have one more segment, there are still some other questions on our WhatsApp interactive, and our audience will be right back after the break.
07:12We have arrived at the last segment, and thank you for joining us.
07:17Danica, when we were limited, I went straight to Mr. Hamzah from Jakarta, asking MTEL, sir, it's already at 6,78, is there still a potential increase?
07:26Today, MTEL has increased significantly above 7% and is already at level 700.
07:32Because previously, MTEL was quite difficult, sir, to reach this level, especially throughout 2024.
07:39What is your analysis of MTEL's significant jump today?
07:42Okay, for MTEL, there was already a reversal pattern in VTT and shoulders, and today it continues to break through the resistance at level 685.
07:57And this is still upside to level 735, if it can break through from 735, it can go up to 765.
08:05Actually, this is still interesting, if you want to buy it, you can buy it on breakout like that.
08:10With the cut loss below, there is only about 6% at level 660, like that, sir.
08:15Okay, by breaking through back to level 700, is this good news for MTEL, sir?
08:20There is room for improvement in the future, it will be more open, quite wide?
08:24Yes, that's right, sir. For MTEL today, 700, it also breaks through SMA 200.
08:30So it looks like in the long run, it will go back to bullish.
08:36Okay, Mr. Siaotang from Medan asks, is it safe, sir? Has it taken a position at 11,300?
08:43Okay, for safety, it looks like it will continue to correct, yes.
08:50Approximately to Fibonacci 0.5 level, back to level 10,500.
08:55So if tomorrow or this week it reaches that level, and there is a candle reversal pattern,
09:06for example, there is a bullish engulfing, and others can be bought again, can be averaged down.
09:10As long as it doesn't go back through level 10,300, not below that.
09:17If it's below that, you can just cut loss first.
09:21Next, there is Malvin Sihite from Depok, asking about VC shares, sir.
09:26Is it recommended for profit taking? No.
09:29What level can the target reach? But unfortunately, it doesn't mention that it has taken a position, which must have profited, maybe.
09:35Okay, for VC, it looks like it hasn't had a correction since the IPO.
09:42If I hold this position, it depends on where the price is.
09:47If I buy really low, I just take a profit, because it's already really low, it wants a correction.
09:58It's still not healthy to go up.
10:01Okay, just sell on strength, sir, if the profit is already quite maximum at today's closing level.
10:06Then from Bali, there is Shoba, thank you for joining.
10:08Asking about GEMS, sir.
10:11Has it gone up? Is it worth buying?
10:14Okay, for GEMS, it actually hit the target yesterday at level 7,300, but it turned out to have a breakout.
10:26The next target is at level 7,975.
10:30This is the highest in 2023, so there is still a chance.
10:36If you buy or not, I don't think it's too high to support at level 7,300.
10:43Okay, last, sir, does not mention the name and location, just the location, I mean.
10:49This is Bandung, Acra.
10:52In short, today there is a deep correction again.
10:54Analysis for Acra.
10:56Okay, Acra today has a fairly deep correction, but it meets support at level 1,500.
11:02Previously, there was support and there was a rejection.
11:06Today, the volume is also quite high for the sale, so be patient first.
11:14Maybe tomorrow it can still be corrected.
11:16This is already approaching the SMA 200, so be patient first.
11:20Okay, from Bandung there is Acra, it seems at the same time, our co-founder for this time.
11:27And again, the investment decision is still in the hands of the Adiak Channel.
11:29We would like to thank those who have participated and please join us again in time and in the program on the next day.
11:36Mr. Danica, thank you for joining us.
11:39Thank you, Mr. Deh.
11:41Okay, Mr. Danica Augusta Sari, Financial Educator at Securitas.
11:46And viewers, don't forget to watch the Market Headlines program which will air at 4.30 p.m. WEST INDONESIA time.
11:52And other than that, because of future affairs, we must move forward.
11:55I am Investor Sam, I am David Stanovel, see you again.
11:59Thank you.
12:29Thank you.
12:59Thank you.
