BPK Selamatkan Uang Negara Rp55,9 Triliun

  • 2 months ago
Dalam Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat, Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan atau BPK menyampaikan, terus mendukung upaya pemberantasan korupsi melalui pemeriksaan investigatif. Tercatat dari tahun 2015 sampai 2023, BPK berhasil menyelamatkan keuangan negara sebesar Rp55,97 triliun.


00:00The Central Government Financial Report, or BPK,
00:04continues to support the effort to eradicate corruption through investigative investigation.
00:10It was recorded that from 2015 to 2023,
00:13BPK managed to save the country's financial system by 55.97 trillion rupiah.
00:20Central Government Financial Report, or LHP-LKPP,
00:23The Ministry of Finance delivers the report on the Central Government Financial Report, or LHP-LKPP,
00:31to President Joko Widodo in 2023.
00:35The result is that the government financial report obtained a reasonable opinion without exception, or WTP,
00:40the eighth since LKPP in 2016.
00:45BPK also stated that from the results of the investigation,
00:48one of the positive impacts of this effort is the country's financial safety of 55.97 trillion rupiah
00:56from 2015 to 2023.
00:59This also shows a strong commitment in the effort to prevent corruption.
01:03BPK Chairman Ismail Yatun emphasized that the country's finances are used in accordance with the provisions of the law
01:10and avoid the loss of the country.
01:12In addition, BPK also continues to support the effort to eradicate corruption through investigative investigation.
01:19In the midst of challenges and disruptions,
01:21we need effective and collaborative multi-stakeholder engagement.
01:29For that, we would like to thank the President and the Vice President,
01:37as well as the government officials who have committed and made strong efforts to strengthen the Accountability Foundation
01:47in managing the state's financial system for the last 10 years
01:54as a strong foundation for the next government.
02:01Furthermore, Ismail emphasized the government's ability to face difficult situations
02:04when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020-2022.
02:09BPK notes the government's commitment and efforts to manage the APN as optimally as possible
02:14as a shock absorber to overcome the impact of the pandemic.
02:17According to the government's synergy and resilience with stakeholders,
02:22it has brought Indonesia's economic conditions relatively better during the pandemic
02:26compared to other countries.
02:34Thank you for watching!
