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00:00Over the last few months there has been a lot of talk in the news and excitement about
00:08possibly a red heifer sacrifice going on by the rabbis in Jerusalem.
00:16And for anybody that doesn't understand what that means, what it means is there's a institute
00:25in Jerusalem called the Temple Institute.
00:27We've been there many, many times.
00:29They've been around for at least 30 years.
00:32And they are recreating all the things to build a third temple.
00:37So when you go there you get to see the clothes of the priests and the, you know, the labor
00:42that would be used, you know, on the altar and all kinds of stuff that would be there.
00:49Even actually the altar of sacrifice itself that they made.
00:56One thing in order to start doing the sacrifices is, as we're going to see here in a second
01:00in Numbers 19, they need the ashes of the red heifer because the red heifer has to be
01:08burned completely and then the ashes are used for purification.
01:10Without the purification the priests wouldn't be able to do any of the ceremonies, you know,
01:16at the, you know, the temple that would be there.
01:22So let me first, I'll read here Numbers 19 and then we'll take it from there.
01:28And Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron saying, this is the statute of the law which Yahweh
01:32has commanded saying, speak to the sons of Israel that they bring you a red heifer without
01:36blemish in which there is no blemish on which no yoke ever came.
01:40And you shall give her to Eleazar the priest and she shall be brought forth outside the
01:44camp and she will be slaughtered before his face.
01:47And Eleazar the priest shall take of her blood with his finger and shall sprinkle of her
01:51blood toward the front of the tent of the meeting seven times.
01:55And the heifer shall be burned before his eyes, her skin and her flesh and her blood
01:58and her tongue, she shall be burned.
02:02So this sacrifice was not done at the altar in front of the temple or the sanctuary of
02:10Yahweh but was done across the Kidron Valley at the, they called the Midfah altar which
02:17was right where Yeshua was crucified, we'll talk about that in a little bit here.
02:22And this is where, you know, the red heifer was sacrificed and then also all the ashes
02:29of all the sacrifices were brought out to this altar that was there.
02:33So it's kind of interesting when Yeshua is being crucified, he's crucified not only
02:37where the red heifer was burned but all the sin offerings of every offering that was ever
02:42there was put there below that altar.
02:47Interesting enough, from the time of Moses all the way up until the end of the second
02:53temple period, only nine of these red heifers were burned because you only need a little
02:59bit of the ashes and a lot of water for the purifying of it.
03:03So only nine have been sacrificed and one of the most famous rabbis writes, you know,
03:10from like a thousand years ago that, you know, when the tenth one is sacrificed then
03:15the Messiah will appear.
03:17So you can understand the, maybe some of the excitement for people thinking, wow, this
03:22could mean, you know, the return of the Messiah and whatnot.
03:26But what really has me kind of shocked is why anybody that's a true believer would be
03:33happy about animal sacrifices being started again.
03:36So we're going to talk about that today, that for a believer, not only doesn't it have
03:40any virtue to us whatsoever, you know, in this day and age, but it is actually blasphemy
03:47and probably part of the abomination of desolation, you know, that's going to happen by this happening.
03:55So let's go into the whole subject and let's now from Numbers 19, let's go to Hebrews 13
04:05and show you about a scripture in the Bible that most people miss telling us exactly where
04:11Yeshua was crucified.
04:13So Hebrews 13 verse 11 says, for the animals whose blood is brought by the high priest
04:17into the holy of holies concerning sins, of these the bodies are burned outside the camp.
04:22I just talked about that and we're going to read more here in Numbers 19 in a minute.
04:27But that's the point of it, that there was a certain altar, this mikvah altar that was
04:32across the Kidron Valley and not only, like I said, the red heifer was sacrificed there,
04:38but beside that all of the ashes of these other sacrifices were brought there.
04:43It says, indeed because of this in order that he might sanctify the people by his own blood,
04:47Yeshua suffered outside the gate.
04:50So very clearly it's saying where he was crucified, so let us go forth to him outside the camp
04:56bearing his reproach.
04:58So we know, you know, some of the places where they're saying like the church of the sepulchre,
05:03you know, which was by Constantine's mother made inside the old city, he certainly wouldn't
05:08have been crucified within the old city, we know that, that crucifixion had to happen
05:13outside of the old city walls.
05:16So it wouldn't have happened there.
05:19And it tells us right here, it's at that mikvah altar across the Kidron Valley where Yeshua
05:23was crucified.
05:24Back to Numbers 19, now if we go to verse 9, it says, a man that is clean shall gather
05:31up the ashes of the heifer and shall lay them up outside the camp in a clean place and it
05:36shall be kept for the congregation and the son of Israel for a water of impurity, right?
05:40This was for the ceremonial washing.
05:42It is a sin offering.
05:44Drop down to verse 11.
05:48He that touches the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days, right?
05:52This is the ceremonial law that's going on.
05:55He shall cleanse himself for it on the third day and on the seventh day he shall be clean.
06:00If he does not cleanse himself on the third day, then on the seventh day he shall not
06:03be clean.
06:04Isn't that kind of interesting?
06:06When was the crucifixion?
06:07Or the resurrection, rather.
06:08The resurrection was on the third day.
06:10When is the millennium?
06:11On the seventh day.
06:12So if you're not clean on the third day, meaning if you don't have, not a ceremonial washing,
06:19but if you don't have a baptismal washing, if you're not baptized for the third day for
06:24the resurrection, then you're not going to be a first fruit on the seventh day.
06:30Anyone who touches the dead body, the body of a man who dies and does not cleanse himself,
06:34he shall have defiled the tabernacle of Yahweh.
06:37And that person shall be cut off from Israel.
06:39The water of impurity shall not be sprinkled upon him.
06:42He shall be unclean.
06:43His uncleanness shall be on him.
06:49And then verse 19, and the clean person shall sprinkle on the unclean on the third day and
06:53on the seventh day.
06:54And on the seventh day he shall purify himself and he shall wash his clothes and bathe himself
06:59in water and shall be clean at evening.
07:02So this sacrifice symbolized Yeshua, like I said, dying on the third day or being resurrected
07:08on the third day, accepting that, and then you will be cleansed for the seventh day of
07:14the millennium.
07:16Of course, after being purified by the water of baptism.
07:20So this has all been fulfilled.
07:22There's no reason for a believer to do it anymore.
07:25There's no reason even, as I'll show you here in Hebrews chapter 9, for the ceremonial law.
07:30That's all been fulfilled.
07:32It's all part of the sacrifice system.
07:35So a believer, if a believer comes near a dead body, if somebody in your family died
07:39and you went to the wake or the funeral, you would not have to ceremonially be unclean
07:44until evening and then take waters from the red heifer and purify yourself in those waters.
07:51That is no longer binding on us.
07:53That was all part of the ceremonial law that was fulfilled in Messiah, and I'll read you
07:57right here.
07:58Hebrews 9, verse 8 says, the rock Hakodes, signifying by this, that the way of the holy
08:05of holies has not been made manifest.
08:07The first tabernacles still haven't been standing.
08:10And it was a symbol for that time, during which oblation and sacrifices were offered
08:15that could not make perfect the conscience of him who offered them.
08:19We've said this before as we're going over in Hebrew.
08:21You can't go out and rob or kill or do something really bad and then just sacrifice an animal
08:25and it's going to clear your conscience.
08:27But only in food and drink, right, it was just a ceremonial law.
08:31And various washings, as we just talked about, and fleshly ordinances until the time of reformation
08:37has been imposed.
08:40So until the changing from the first covenant to the new covenant.
08:45But Messiah, having appeared as a high priest of the coming good things through the greater
08:49and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is not of this creation, nor through
08:54the blood of goats and calves, but through his own blood, he entered once for all into
09:00the holy of holies, having obtained for us everlasting salvation.
09:04For if the blood of bulls and goats and the sprinkling of ashes of the heifer, we were
09:08just reading that, right, Numbers 19, on those having been defiled sanctifies them to the
09:14purity of the flesh, right, ceremonial law, by how much more the blood of Messiah, who
09:19through the eternal spirit offered himself without blemish to Yahweh, will purify your
09:23conscience from dead works to serve the living Elohim.
09:27And for this reason he became the mediator of the new covenant, that he might by his
09:32death be redemption to them who had transgressed the first covenant, so that they who are called
09:37to the eternal inheritance might receive the promise.
09:40So very, very clear that this has been fulfilled, and again, for Judah, who's still in that
09:47first covenant, it may be exciting and important for them to do it because of their misunderstanding,
09:53but for true believers in Messiah, it has no bearing on us whatsoever.
09:58Hebrews 10, one through four.
10:00For the Levitical law had in it a shadow of the good things to come, but not the substance
10:06of those things themselves, appearing year by year with the same sacrifices which they
10:10offer continually.
10:12They never are able to perfect those who offered them.
10:16We're going to read it here.
10:17Otherwise, if they had been perfected, they would have ceased to be offered, right?
10:21Why would you keep offering them if you're already perfected?
10:25For from henceforth their minds would not have driven them into sins from which they
10:29had once been cleansed.
10:32But in those sacrifices they remembered their sins year by year, for it is not possible
10:37for the blood of bulls and goats to take away the penalty of sins, right?
10:40Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life, and the life of an animal does not equal the
10:45life of a human.
10:46So it is not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away the penalty of sins.
10:51That simple.
10:52Very, very simple.
10:54Animal sacrifices cannot take away sins.
10:57That's why in Yom Kippur, right, the day of covering, they would just cover the sins
11:03from year to year, but they would never take those sins away.
11:07And the sins are only taken away, what?
11:09In the New Covenant, by the true sacrifice of Yeshua.
11:11Let's read it here.
11:12Hebrews 8 in verse 6, Hebrews 8 in verse 6.
11:27But now Yeshua the Messiah has received a ministry which is greater than that, also
11:31by which much more he is the mediator of a better covenant, and so are the promises greater
11:36than the first covenant.
11:38For if the first was faultless, there would have been no need for a second, right?
11:41It's not the same covenant.
11:43It's not the renewed covenant.
11:45It's the first covenant and the New Covenant.
11:47They are not the same.
11:48The same way the father and the son are not the same beings, there's a father and there's
11:51a son.
11:52They're not the same being.
11:53They're made one by the rakakodesh, they do have one spirit, but it's the same with
11:58the covenants.
11:59For finding fault with them, the problem was not the Torah, but the problem was the people's
12:03inability to keep it right because it doesn't change the conscience.
12:07He said to them, Behold, days are coming, says Yahweh, that I will make a new covenant
12:12with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not according to the covenant which
12:15I made with their fathers in the day of my taking hold of their hand to lead them out
12:19of the land of Egypt, because they did not continue in my covenant and I rejected them.
12:25Because this is the covenant which I will covenant with the house of Israel after those
12:29days, says Yahweh.
12:31I will put my Torah into their mind and I will inscribe it on their hearts and I will
12:36be their Elohim and they will be my people.
12:38And they shall no more teach each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying,
12:42No, Yahweh, because all will know me from the least of them to the great ones.
12:46For I will be merciful to their righteousness and I will not at all remember their sins
12:51and their lawless deeds.
12:52And saying, No, he has made the first old, and the thing being made old and obsolete
12:59is near disappearing.
13:01So it's still there and that's why I said, for our brother Judah, for them to want to
13:06rebuild a temple and for them to want to start sacrifices again, they're in the first covenant.
13:10So for them, they have no understanding that what they're doing is meaningless to Yahweh
13:17at this point.
13:18But for believers, after the book of Hebrews, why would any believer in the world be excited
13:25about a temple being rebuilt and sacrifices, trying to make sacrifice for sin that is not
13:32the blood of Yeshua, which is the only sacrifice for sin.
13:36It just comes again, it comes from misunderstanding, it comes from a lot of fake news that's out
13:42there and it comes from people going to the wrong sources for their information and thinking
13:48that, like I said, that some kind of temple would be something that Yahweh would be pleased
13:52in and we're going to see it very clearly from scripture, he is not.
13:57So first of all, the first thing I want to say is why Yahweh would not be pleased with
14:03a temple that Judah would build now is they have no authority to do it.
14:07And a matter of fact, nobody ever had an authority to build a temple to Yahweh, right?
14:12What did Yahweh say to David when David wanted to build it?
14:15He said, all the years in the wilderness, right?
14:17All the years when I dwelled in the temple, did I ever ask for you to build me a house
14:23of cedar?
14:25But Yahweh did allow it, right?
14:26He allowed it.
14:28He allowed it because of the heart of David, that Yahweh allowed him to build it.
14:32But unless Yahweh gives the permission from scripture, you know, someone, I just can't
14:38go out in my backyard and start building, you know, a temple to Yahweh.
14:44It's something that is not proper.
14:46And a matter of fact, if you look, before Israel went out in the wilderness, and we're
14:50going to see here in a minute, that Yahweh commanded Moses to make the tabernacle.
14:55If you look at the ancient fathers, right?
14:57You look at Abraham and you look at Isaac and you look at Jacob.
15:00They never thought to build some kind of temple to Yahweh.
15:03Did they do sacrifices?
15:04Of course they did, because it was part of that system.
15:07But never to build, you know, some kind of temple, that was never even in their mind.
15:13So let's go first to Exodus 25, and let's see that each, starting from the tabernacle
15:21and the two temples, there was a mandate that was given.
15:24Yahweh had given permission for that.
15:28So, Exodus 25, 1-9, Exodus 25, 1-9,
15:37And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the sons of Israel, and let them take a heave
15:42offering for me.
15:43And from every man whose heart impels him, let them take my offering.
15:47And this is the offering which you shall take from them, gold, silver, and copper, and blue
15:51and purple and crimson and fine linen and goat hair, and ram's skin dyed red.
15:57And takish skins and acacia wood.
16:01What are hatish skins, takish?
16:04To be honest, we're not sure.
16:06I'll read our note here, it says, This Hebrew word is somewhat archaic, but the root can
16:10mean a blue color, and the verb form means to move quickly, such as an antelope, which
16:16brings the ambiguity of the meaning.
16:18So we're not really sure if it's some kind of form of blue or not.
16:23So we just left it in the original word there.
16:27Number six, oil for the lamp, spices for the oil of anointing and for the incense of perfumes,
16:31onyx stones and stones for setting, for the ephah, for the breast pocket.
16:35And let them make a sanctuary for me, that I may dwell in their midst.
16:39So Yahweh is commanding them to make this sanctuary, according to all which I am going
16:43to reveal to you, the plan of the tabernacle and the plan of all its vessels, even so you
16:49shall do.
16:50And they shall make an ark of acacia wood, two and a half cubits long and a cubic and
16:55a half wide and a cubic and a half high.
16:59Drop down to verse 40.
17:01And see that they are made by their patterns, which you have been shown in the mountains.
17:07So this whole, I could have read the whole chapter for time reasons, I'm not going to.
17:11But Yahweh told them exactly how to make everything, how to make the tent, how to put it together,
17:19how to make all the vessels for service, because it was a pattern of something from
17:26So He didn't just say to Moses, you know, yeah, you know, it's a good idea to make a,
17:30you know, a tabernacle, go ahead, go out, you know, do the best you can and, you know,
17:35we'll just take it from there.
17:36Of course not.
17:37He told them exactly how to make every single, to the cubic, right, to the inch to it, you
17:44know, or centimeter that Yahweh told him how to do it.
17:50So Yahweh gave a mandate to him.
17:52If we go to 2 Samuel 7, and verse 6, Go and you shall say to my servant David, so this
18:19is, he's getting this from Nathan the prophet, so says Yahweh, will you build a house for
18:24me from my dwelling?
18:25For I have not dwelt in a house from, even from the day of my bringing the sons of Israel
18:29out of Egypt, even to this day.
18:31But I have been moving about in a tent, even in a shepherd's tent.
18:35So he's, first of all, Yahweh didn't ask him, but his attitude was right, and then look
18:40what Yahweh says in verse 8.
18:42And now, so you shall say to my servant David, so says Yahweh of hosts, I have taken you
18:46from the good pasture, from following the flock, to be ruler over my people over Israel.
18:51And I have been with you wherever you have gone, and have cut off all your enemies from
18:54before you, and have made you a great name, like the name of the great men who are on
18:59the earth.
19:00And I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them that they may dwell in
19:03their own place, nor not to be made to tremble anymore, nor shall the sons of evil afflict
19:09them again as the first.
19:14Even from the day I commanded judges to be over my people Israel, and I will cause you
19:17to rest from all your enemies, and Yahweh declares to you that Yahweh will build you
19:21a house, right?
19:22He will build him a dynasty, an everlasting dynasty, and tells him his house will be sure
19:28for that.
19:29So Yahweh allowed David to build, but he said not you though, because the blood on your
19:36hands he'll allow your son to do it.
19:38But overall, that was not really Yahweh's plan to begin with, and overall we know that
19:44Yahweh says, I'll build a house for you.
19:46So the real temple, as we're going to see here in a few minutes, is coming from the
19:51It's not coming from a man.
19:52But Yahweh did sanction this.
19:53Not only did he sanction it, he said he will dwell in there.
19:56And on the Ark of the Covenant, Yahweh dwelt there in this place.
20:00And then we see, if we go to Haggai 1, Haggai 1, and verse 13 and 14, and Haggai the messenger
20:14of Yahweh spoke the message of Yahweh to the people saying, I am with you, says Yahweh.
20:19So this is what?
20:20This is after the Babylonian captivity, when the people are going to come back to Jerusalem,
20:26and what are they going to have to do?
20:27They're going to have to rebuild the temple when they come back, right?
20:30So do they have a mandate from Yahweh?
20:32We'll see here.
20:33In verse 14, Yahweh stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel, and the son of Sheetal, governor
20:40of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua, the son of Jehoshadak, the high priest, and the spirit
20:44of all the remnant of the people, and they came and worked on the house of Yahweh, a
20:47host there of Elohim.
20:49So Yahweh actually stirred their spirit up to do this, right?
20:53So did they have a mandate?
20:54Yes, they had a mandate.
20:56They had a mandate to restore and rebuild Solomon's temple that was destroyed by the
21:05But since that time, right, and then we know in 70 AD the Romans came in and destroyed
21:10that place, and there has been no mandate since then.
21:14There has been nobody in authority, like we see over here, that Joshua the high priest
21:18and Zerubbabel, you know, were particularly even named in scripture, and Yahweh gave them
21:23the authority to rebuild Solomon's temple.
21:29But we never see that from there.
21:31Like I said, from the first century, the sanctuary of Yahweh, or the temple, was destroyed in
21:3770 AD, right?
21:38And then the book of Hebrews, a couple of years before that, told us that the sacrifices
21:43are completed through Messiah, they're done, and there is no mandate anymore.
21:49There is a third temple that will be built, but it's not going to be built by modern day
21:54Judaism, which has thousands of different sects anyway, so when you're talking about
21:58it, who has the authority, even between themselves, they don't agree with it.
22:02There's Jews in New York, millions of them, that don't even agree with Israel being a
22:08They say only the Messiah can make the nation.
22:09So let's go to Zechariah 3, and let's look who will build this third temple.
22:16For behold, I will bring forth my servant, the branch, the branch, who is the branch?
22:20The branch of Jesse, from Isaiah 11, right, meaningly, it has to be an offspring of David,
22:26because what did I just read you?
22:28In 2 Samuel 7, right, that Yahweh says to David, I will build a house for you.
22:33Okay, I'll let you build this one now, as a prototype, but the real one, I'm going to
22:38build for you.
22:39And who's going to build it?
22:40The one who's going to come from your loins, the Messiah.
22:43That's why the Messiah had to be a son of David.
22:48For behold, I will bring forth my servant, the branch.
22:50For behold, the stone which I have given before Joshua, on the one stone are seven eyes.
22:55I will engrave its engraving, says Yahweh of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of
22:58that land in one day.
23:00In that day, says Yahweh of hosts, you shall invite each man to his neighbor to sit under
23:05the vine and under the fig tree, right?
23:08When does that happen?
23:09During the millennium, when the Messiah returns.
23:11Can we even get clearer?
23:14Go to Zechariah 6, in verse 12.
23:15And speak to him saying, so says Yahweh of hosts saying, behold.
23:19What happens?
23:22What does that mean?
23:23It means it's millennial.
23:24It's end time.
23:25The man whose name is the branch, we just went over that, the Messiah, and he will spring
23:29up out of his place, and he will build the sanctuary of Yahweh.
23:35Only the Messiah can build it.
23:36Even he will build the sanctuary of Yahweh, and he will bear the majesty, and he will
23:40sit and rule on his throne, and he shall be a priest on his throne, and the counsel
23:44of peace will be between the two of them, because he will be king and priest, right?
23:49We know because of Israel's disobedience, there was a king through the line of David,
23:53and there was a priest through the line of Levi.
23:56But in the kingdom, the Messiah, who is Melchizedek, Melchizedek, right, the king of righteousness,
24:03and the king of Salem, the king of Jerusalem, who is Yeshua, and we get this from Hebrews
24:07chapter 7, right, that he will be both king and priest at that time.
24:14So no man has that authority.
24:16So what are they going to do?
24:17How are they going to build the temple?
24:20Right now, and they're serious about it, this is no joke to them, for the last at least
24:2510 to 15 years, they've built a replica of the temple in the Judean wilderness, and they
24:31have separated, quote unquote, suppose it, Levi's children from birth so that they can't
24:38be unclean for this temple they want to build.
24:41Will Yahweh allow it?
24:42We'll see.
24:43We'll talk about that a little later when we get into Daniel 9.
24:49But I don't believe necessarily there has to be a temple anyway.
24:53It looks like there definitely will be sacrifices that will be done, but you could do sacrifices
24:58without a temple.
24:59They did it before when they were in Shiloh.
25:01They did it in the wilderness.
25:02They did it in Medina.
25:03As a matter of fact, with that red heifer, because it would be very problematic to do
25:09a red heifer sacrifice on the Mount of Olives, number one, the Mount of Olives is almost
25:14completely Arab-owned except for a little bit of land that one of these Jewish priests,
25:20I don't know how he was able to do it, to buy it, but he does have that land, and that's
25:24where supposedly they want to kill this red heifer, and I mean, you can't do it in the
25:31middle of the night, I doubt it.
25:33I guess you could try, but like just to pass over now, they tried to do it.
25:38They were going to try to kill a lamb, and they brought it in a baby carriage.
25:42You imagine?
25:43These Orthodox were dressed up, they had the lamb in the baby carriage, and as if the police
25:46ain't going to know, and instead of hearing, wah, wah, they hear, bah, bah.
25:51Come on.
25:52And it didn't work.
25:53So it doesn't mean they're not going to try, they've tried before, but now what they're
25:58saying is, realizing it might be impossible because of the Jewish police there and the
26:03military, they might just kill this red heifer in Shiloh, which they own Shiloh, they control
26:09it there.
26:10I've been there many times, you know.
26:11So Shiloh was the first place where the Ark of the Covenant was, right, and where the
26:16sacrifices were.
26:17So they may do it there in Shiloh, but we will see, but it has nothing to do with the
26:23It doesn't matter where they do it, as we're going to see, it's abomination to Yahweh.
26:26We have one sacrifice, and that's what it says in the book of Hebrews, that Yeshua's
26:32sacrifice is ongoing, it's one sacrifice, and it is in perpetuity, and we don't need
26:38another sacrifice.
26:40But we see very clearly here, only the Messiah has the mandate, the authority, from Scripture
26:45to do this.
26:47So John chapter 2, John chapter 2, and in the New Testament it couldn't be clearer from
26:54Yeshua himself.
26:55Yeshua was not a Levite, Yeshua didn't do sacrifices, you know, on the replica altar,
27:03you know, where Yahweh said to, right, make it as, you know, like to Moses, make it was
27:08a pattern of what was in the heaven.
27:11It wasn't the real thing.
27:12The replica Moses made wasn't the real thing, the replica that, you know, Solomon made wasn't
27:17the real thing, and certainly it wasn't the real thing that Zerubbabel and Joshua the
27:21High Priest made.
27:22They were replicas.
27:23The real one is in heaven, that is where the real one is.
27:26But look what Yeshua says about the temple when he's around.
27:31John 2 and verse 13, And Passover of the Jews was near, and Yeshua went up to Jerusalem.
27:36And he found those selling oxen and sheep and doves in the sanctuary, and the money
27:39changers sitting.
27:41And making a whip out of ropes, he threw all out of the sanctuary, both the sheep and the
27:45oxen and the money changers, pouring out the money and overturning the tables.
27:51And to the one selling the doves, he said, Take these things from here.
27:54Do not make my father's house a house of merchandise, right?
27:57So we could say the same thing today to all the Christian pastors that are selling, selling,
28:02selling everything they can get their hands on, even in Israel.
28:06You know, everywhere you go, they take you, you know, every Christian's stop.
28:11There's these gift stores, and they're not selling stuff for a few dollars.
28:15Everything is way, way, way overpriced.
28:18And I'm sure today Yeshua would do the same thing to not only the ones here, the money
28:26changers, but also the Christian pastors.
28:29Do not make my father's house a house of merchandise.
28:31And his disciples remembered it was written, The zeal of your house has consumed me.
28:36Then the Jews answered and said to him, What sign do you show us since you do these things?
28:42Yeshua said to him, Tear down the sanctuary, and in three days I will raise it up, right?
28:47So that's the point.
28:49At his resurrection, that sanctuary was basically torn down, meaning it was useless.
28:54It had no bearing anymore, because the type was already fulfilled now, and it never forgave
28:59sin anyway.
29:00It was only a type to lead the people to remind them that they were sins.
29:04We just read it.
29:05Remind them that they were sinners.
29:07So once Yeshua came and did away with sin, once and for all, what's the purpose of a
29:12Then the Jews said, This sanctuary was 46 years being built, and do you raise it up
29:15in three days?
29:17But he spoke about the sanctuary of his body.
29:21Then when he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled that he said this to them,
29:25and they believed the scripture, even the word that Yeshua had spoke.
29:29So very, very clearly, like we see here, Yahweh gave exactly 40 years from the time
29:36of his resurrection in 30 A.D., you know, on the Feast of First Fruits, he gave exactly
29:4340 years until 70 A.D. on the 9th of Av, you know, which was August, not sure what day
29:50of August it was that year, because it's always different, but it was the 9th of Av.
29:56Exactly 40 years for the temple to stand to allow the Jews in that day to move from
30:00the first covenant to the second covenant, which couldn't have been easy for them, you
30:05Like I said in the message I gave not that long ago on theory to reality, would you have
30:12It had to be tough in the first century when they don't understand Yeshua's coming saying,
30:15unless you eat my body and drink my blood, you have no place in me, you know.
30:19They're thinking it's cannibalism.
30:20They didn't understand he's talking about Passover symbols at the time.
30:24So the same way here, when that temple was still standing for the apostle Paul to go
30:29there and say, you know, that this has all been filled with any of the apostles for that
30:33matter, you know, it couldn't have been easy in the mind, the same way to a lot of people
30:39today not understanding what, how circumcision could not be required, what, because it was
30:45only a sign of the covenant.
30:47It's only a law of the covenant to children eight days old, babies, you know, but to adult
30:52males it was only a sign of the first covenant and it's not the sign of the new covenant.
30:58But we understand this, but Yahweh can't change the signs.
31:02But he gave forty full years for them to understand the changing over, right, and forty the number
31:07either a trial or overcoming, and the ones who understood it overcame and joined the
31:12new covenant, the ones who didn't, didn't.
31:15And then he allowed the Romans to destroy it and it fulfilled its purpose and was no
31:19longer necessary and there hasn't been one since then.
31:22So there's no reason.
31:23So now let's go to Hebrews 10 and let's see why, why is a believer in Yeshua, why since
31:30we renew our covenant every year at Passover by taking the symbols of the bread and the
31:35wine, why on earth would a true believer want a sacrificial system to start again and start
31:46killing goats and lambs?
31:48So Hebrews 10, starting in verse four, for it is not possible for the blood of bulls
31:56and goats to take away the penalty of sins.
31:59Very clear.
32:00For this reason, coming into the world, he says, sacrifice an offering you did not desire,
32:04but you prepared a body for me.
32:06From Psalm 40, right, this is the Messiah talking.
32:09You did not delight in burnt offering and sin offerings, then I said, lo, I come.
32:13As it is written about me in the beginning of the books, I delight to do your will, O
32:18Above when he said, you did not desire nor were pleased with sacrifice and offering and
32:24burnt offering and sacrifices concerning sins, which are offered according to the Levitical
32:29law, not the Melchizedek one.
32:31Then he said, lo, I come to do your will, O Elohim.
32:35He takes away the first in order to set up the second, right?
32:38The first covenant is completed as far as believers are concerned.
32:43By which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Yeshua Messiah once
32:49and for all.
32:50And indeed, every priest stands day by day ministering and often offering the same sacrifices,
32:55which can never take away the penalty of sins.
32:58But he, Yeshua, offering but one sacrifice for sins, sat down in perpetuity, his sacrifice
33:04is ongoing, past, present, and future, and sat down in perpetuity at the right hand of
33:12From then on, expecting until his enemies are placed as a footstool of his feet, right?
33:15Psalm 110.
33:16For by one offering he is perfected in perpetuity, the ones being sanctified.
33:22And like it says earlier on, if the first covenant, if the killing of goats and lambs
33:29and bulls really forgives sin, then why do they keep doing it over and over again, right?
33:33Why would they keep doing it if they were really cleansed?
33:36Verse 15.
33:37And the Holy Spirit witnesses to us, witnesses to us also, for after having said before,
33:44this is the covenant which I will covenant to them after those days, says Yahweh, giving
33:48my Torah in their hearts and I will write them on their minds, and he adds, I will not
33:52at all still remember their sins and their lawless deeds.
33:54But where remission of these is, right, where sin is forgiven, there is no longer offering
34:00concerning sins.
34:01Why would you do an offering for something that you've been forgiven of?
34:05So Hebrews makes it very, very clear, the Jews have no authority to build a third temple.
34:12None whatsoever.
34:14It's not the will of Yahweh, and only the Messiah has the authority to do that.
34:20Let me prove this dogmatically now from scripture.
34:23Let's go to Isaiah 66, and we know Isaiah is a Bible within a Bible, right?
34:30The beginning of Isaiah talk a lot, there's, except for maybe Psalms, there's more messianic
34:35scriptures in Isaiah than any other book in the Tanakh, and from Isaiah 40 through 66,
34:43it's all messianic in end time.
34:46So the very last chapter in Isaiah 66, which talks about the new heavens and the new earth
34:52and all these things that are going to happen, right?
34:55Look what Yahweh says in our time we're living in now.
34:58So says Yahweh, heaven is my throne, in earth the footstool of my feet.
35:04Where then is the house that you will build for me, right?
35:08Heaven is his throne, earth is his footstool, who are you that you're going to build some
35:11house for him without him telling you to do this?
35:13And where then is the place of my rest?
35:17And my hand has made all these things.
35:19Even all these things exist, declared Yahweh, right?
35:23And it wasn't just Yahweh who made it all, it was Yeshua, nothing was made without him,
35:29But I will look toward this one, to the humbled one, to the one of contrite of spirit, even
35:33the one trembling at my word.
35:35He doesn't need you killing a lamb to prove how much you love him, right?
35:38And that's not what is going to forgive your sins.
35:41And look what he says for the ones that aren't going to listen, like our brother Judah.
35:45And if they could, they will build this temple.
35:48And they will start sacrificing animals.
35:49Look what he says, he who slaughters an ox, is it something good?
35:54Is as if he struck a man.
35:56He who sacrifices a lamb, is it something good?
36:00Is as if he broke a dog's neck.
36:05Comparing a sacrifice of a lamb to a dog, you couldn't get worse than that.
36:10He who offers a present, right?
36:13All these sacrificial presents and all these things, right?
36:17Look what he says, he who offers a presence as if it were swine's blood, pig blood.
36:23You can't get more, more worse than that.
36:32He making mention of incense as if he blessed an idol.
36:35Yea, they have chosen their way and their soul delights in their abominations.
36:40This is an abomination to Yahweh.
36:43If Judah goes out with no mandate from him and no authority from him to build some temple
36:47that they're going to start doing sacrifices, and as we're going to see, it's going to be
36:51used for the end of Messiah.
36:52It's not going to be used for Yahweh.
36:56I also will choose their vexations and I will bring their fears to them because I called
37:00and no one answered.
37:01I spoke and they did not hear, but they did the evil in my eyes and chose that which I
37:06had no pleasure.
37:08Hear the word of Yahweh, those who tremble at his word.
37:11Your brothers who hate you, right?
37:13So they want to build this temple for Yahweh when he says not to do it, and yet what do
37:18they do with believers?
37:19They hate them.
37:20They absolutely hate believers.
37:22The rabbis.
37:25Your brothers who hate you, who drive you out from my namesake have said, Yahweh is
37:30No, he's not glorified by what they're doing.
37:32But he shall appear in your joy and they shall be ashamed.
37:36A roaring sound from the city, a sound from the sanctuary, it is the sound of Yahweh repaying
37:41retribution to his enemies.
37:45So isn't it kind of interesting that Yahweh very clearly says he's not going to accept
37:49this temple.
37:50And very clearly we know it's the anti-Messiah who's going to sit there.
37:53And what chapter is it in, in Isaiah chapter 66, one through six, 666.
38:00That's where it comes through and that's who it's for.
38:03Yahweh will reject any temple the rabbis will build.
38:08This is the last chapter in the book of Isaiah, all for end times, and it's very clear.
38:13So at that point, why on earth would a believer still do it?
38:16Because they're not a true believer.
38:18They're not a true believer because people are looking for lying signs and wonders.
38:21That's what they're looking for in the end time.
38:22And if this big grandeur temple is built, they'll go up there and compare it to Solomon's
38:29and they'll be blowing the horns and doing all these things.
38:32And unfortunately, there'll be Christians and there'll be fake believers that will go
38:36up there thinking how wonderful it is and probably even do an animal sacrifice.
38:40You know, they'll probably even do something like that.
38:43But that's for Yahweh to judge as we see he judges from his word.
38:47John 11, John 11, because let's look at these people who are going to do it, right?
38:52Because modern Judaism today are the leftovers from the people who rejected Yeshua.
38:59And let's look in Yeshua's day what they did.
39:03Number one, John 3, John 3, did the rabbis know, were they in ignorance when they did
39:09to Yeshua?
39:10Were they in ignorance?
39:11You know, Yeshua said about the Romans when they crucified, Father forgive them for they
39:14know not what they do.
39:15And the Romans didn't know what they did.
39:17They didn't understand it.
39:18Even the centurion standing there said, truly, this is the son of Elohim.
39:22But the rabbis did know.
39:24Yeshua never said that to the rabbis.
39:25He didn't say, Father, forgive them for they don't know what they do.
39:28You know what he said to the rabbis?
39:29When you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom and you yourself being thrust
39:33out to the lake of fire when he returns.
39:36That's what he said.
39:37That's what he said because they knew.
39:38And look at John 3.
39:40But there was a man from the Pharisees, right?
39:42The Pharisees.
39:43And Nicodemus is named a ruler of the Jews.
39:45So this is coming from the Pharisees and look what it says.
39:48This one came to Yeshua by night and said, Rabbi, we know that you have come as a teacher
39:52from Elohim for no one is able to do these miraculous signs which you do except Elohim
39:57be with you.
39:59We know.
40:01The Pharisees, the rabbis.
40:02They knew he was from Yeshua, that Yeshua was from Yahweh.
40:05They knew it.
40:06He said it right here.
40:08And why then?
40:09If they knew that he was from Yahweh, why then did they want to get rid of him?
40:14Well, let's take a look.
40:15Go to John 11 in verse 39.
40:16John 11 in verse 39.
40:17And this is after Yeshua raises Lazarus from the dead, can you imagine?
40:30He raised Lazarus from the dead, just an amazing, amazing thing that happens.
40:35Yahweh, look at what they say.
40:40Verse 39, John 11.
40:41And Yeshua said, take away the stone.
40:43Martha, the sister of the dead man, said to him, to Yeshua, my master is the fourth day.
40:48He stinks already.
40:50Remember where Psalm 16 in verse 10, that he would not let his holy one see corruption.
40:54That's why Yeshua had to be resurrected by before the end of the third day.
40:58It was on the third day, not after.
41:00Because after the third day, a physical body would start to corrode.
41:04So that's what he said here.
41:05It's the fourth day, his body stinks already.
41:07Yeshua said to her, did I not say to you that if you would believe, you will see the glory
41:11of Yahweh?
41:12Then they took away the stone where the dead one was laid, and Yeshua lifted his eyes upward
41:16and said, father, I thank you that you heard me.
41:19And I know that you always hear me, but because the crowd that stands here, I said it, that
41:24they might believe that you sent me.
41:25And saying these things, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.
41:31And that dead man came out while his hands and his feet were bound in bandages and his
41:35face bound in a head cloth.
41:37Yeshua said to him, untie him and allow him to go.
41:41Four days dead and Yeshua calls him to come alive and he comes alive.
41:47Then many of the Jews, those coming to Miriam and having seen what Yeshua did, believed
41:51into him.
41:52Who wouldn't at that point, right?
41:54But some of them went away to the Pharisees and told them what Yeshua did.
41:58So now, what do you think, right?
42:00They're going to tell the Pharisees, he actually raised the dead.
42:03And the Pharisees are going to say, well, you know, we knew he was from Elohim.
42:07Nobody could do that except Elohim be with him.
42:09You know what?
42:10We were wrong.
42:11We got to start believing into him.
42:12Is that what they said?
42:13No way.
42:14Look at what the Pharisees, right?
42:16The forefathers, the same ones who want to build a temple today, look at what they did.
42:20Then the chief priests and the Pharisees assembled to St. Hedron and said, what are we doing?
42:25For this man does many miracles.
42:27If we let him alone this way, all will believe into him and the Romans will come and take
42:31away from us both our land and our nation.
42:34But a certain one of them, Caiaphas, being high priest of that year, said to him, you
42:38know nothing.
42:39And you do not realize that it is better that one man should die for the sake of the nation
42:43than all the nation should perish.
42:47But he did not say this from himself, but being high priest that year, he prophesied
42:50that Yeshua was about to die on behalf of the nation.
42:52And not only for the sake of the nation, but also for the sons of Elohim were scattered
42:57that he might gather into one nation.
42:59So they didn't know that.
43:00He's saying this.
43:01But why are they saying it?
43:02They're saying it because they were jealous and they didn't want to lose their position.
43:05Then from that day, they decided to kill him.
43:08So this is where Yahweh does this miracle that nobody can deny.
43:12Lazarus is dead for four days and Yeshua simply calls him out of the grave and he comes out
43:18in a great cloth alive.
43:21And their answer is, well, you know what?
43:24This is going to take away from us.
43:26We better kill him.
43:28And these are the people you want to follow to build the temple today?
43:32The people that absolutely hate Yeshua, you know, I mean, that lie about him, that read
43:37the Talmud, that say Yeshua, all the evil things that they say about Yeshua in the Talmud,
43:42I don't understand it.
43:44And you know what?
43:45Not only that, what did they want to do to Lazarus, right?
43:47Lazarus was just raised from the dead.
43:50And look what they say in the next chapter, chapter 12 in verse 10, but the chief priests
43:53were also thinking they might kill Lazarus because through him, many of the Jews were
43:57leaving and believing into Yeshua.
43:59So not only should they kill Yeshua, raised from the dead, let's kill the guy who Yahweh
44:03raised from the dead.
44:04Let's kill him a second time.
44:05I mean, what kind of sick, evil, demented people could these be?
44:10And unfortunately, it's the same today.
44:12Rabbi Akiva in the second century, the one who started modern Judaism, actually, not
44:16only did he have thousands of our believers, Jewish believers, murdered back then because
44:23they wouldn't join the Bar Kokhba revolt, you know, but he also, he also put the Levitical
44:31priesthood out of business.
44:33He's the one that started, why today are the rabbis the ones in charge of everything?
44:36You don't see that in scripture.
44:38You don't even see the word rabbi in the Tanakh once.
44:41So where did they come from?
44:42This is where they come from.
44:44This is where they come from.
44:45They're not priests, you know, but they are people who are trying to push their own way.
44:51And to be honest, even in Israel, you know, 80 to 90% of Jews living in Israel, secular
44:58and not religious, and they're tired of it.
45:00They're tired of the rabbis and the religious that soak all the money from the government.
45:05They just go to yeshiva, they just, you know, read the Bible all day.
45:09They don't work.
45:10They don't do anything.
45:11They don't go into the military.
45:12So here it is, while all the Jewish brothers are out there dying for their nation, trying
45:16to protect them against terrorists, what are the rabbis and the Orthodox doing?
45:22Nothing to help.
45:23And it's been a big problem.
45:24Before this war came up, this was a major problem that was there.
45:27People were protesting it, you know, because of that.
45:30So this is where we're at.
45:35These same rabbis under Rabbi Akiva killed, like I said, thousands of our brothers, Jews
45:40believing at that time.
45:42And the rabbis say they're their offspring.
45:44And they hate yeshiva just as much as their forefathers did.
45:47And I can say that firsthand, from being there, from hearing it, from being with them.
45:52So will Yahweh allow animal sacrifices to start again?
45:55Let's go to Daniel 9, Daniel 9 and verse 24.
46:00And let's read the prophecy on this.
46:03Seventy weeks are decreed as to your people and as to your holy city to finish transgression,
46:08to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness,
46:12and to seal up the vision of prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy.
46:17Know then and understand that from the issuing of the word to restore and rebuild Jerusalem
46:21to Messiah the Prince will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks, right?
46:25And this is a prophecy of seventy shavuim, seventy-sevenths.
46:30So he's saying after sixty-nine weeks, which is 483 years, right, 69 times seven, that
46:38the Messiah would come.
46:39And amazingly, one of the most amazing prophecies proving Yeshua's the Messiah, because it's
46:45a historical fact, when this decree went out, right, in the year 457 B.C., you know, under
46:57the Persian king, exactly 483 years later was 27 A.D., when Yeshua came and started
47:07his ministry.
47:09So wow, talk about a perfect prophecy coming about.
47:14And then verse 26, and after sixty-two weeks Messiah will be cut off, literally he'll be
47:18killed, that's what the word means, but not for himself, right, he died for others.
47:24And the people of a coming ruler shall destroy the city and the sanctuary, who's the coming
47:29The Romans.
47:30And its end will be with the flood and the runes are determined and war shall be until
47:34the end.
47:35And that's exactly what happened.
47:37And he, this coming prince, you know, and they're talking now it's not Yeshua in verse
47:4227, but this is the anti-Messiah, this is the one who's coming, and he shall confirm
47:46a covenant with the many for one week.
47:49So the last week of this 70 weeks prophecy is going to be confirmed in the end time.
47:55And in the middle of the week he will cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease.
48:00And on the most outer corners abominations by a desolator, even until the end, and that
48:05which was decreed shall be poured on the desolator.
48:07So it seems to be that animal sacrifices will start again, but you don't have to have a
48:14There were sacrifices before there was a temple, there were sacrifices, like I said, at Shiloh.
48:18So will a temple be built?
48:20We don't know.
48:22We don't know.
48:23It may or may not.
48:24But if they do, it's certainly not something that we should support.
48:27It will not be used for anything good.
48:30Because if it is, who will sit in it?
48:32Let's go to 2 Thessalonians 2, 2 Thessalonians 2.
48:38Any way you look at it, it has nothing to do with us if they build some kind of temple
48:442 Thessalonians 2, it says, and brothers, we entreat you by the coming of our master
48:47Yeshua Messiah, and of our gathering together to him, that you not let your mind be hastily
48:53excited or troubled, neither by word nor by spirit, nor by prophecy of the Spirit, nor
48:58by an epistle supposedly coming from us, stating that the day of our master is at hand.
49:03So again, there were some fake epistles going out at this time.
49:06This is in 51, 52 AD, when Paul's writing this.
49:09And they're saying that the day of Yahweh was already there.
49:13Do not let anyone deceive you in any way, because that day, the day of Yahweh, will
49:18not come unless there comes first a great rebellion, right, a falling away from the
49:25And when that sin is revealed, the son of perdition, the anti-Messiah, the one opposing
49:29and exalting himself over everything being called Elohim, or object of reverence, so
49:34as for him to sit in the sanctuary of Elohim as an El, and sets himself forth as he is
49:40an Elohim.
49:41So he sits in the sanctuary of Elohim.
49:45Now, this can mean physically, that there's a physical temple built, and he's going to
49:49sit there on the throne claiming to be an El, or like Yeshua said, he destroyed that
49:54temple in three days built it up, talking about the temple of his body.
49:57Or it could be somebody sitting in the body of Messiah, who's claiming to be, you know,
50:02some kind of Elohim over everything, which you've seen a lot of false prophets for the
50:06last 2,000 years, even till today.
50:09People claiming to be the two witnesses, people claiming to be apostles, people claiming to
50:14be all this stuff.
50:15So we don't know for sure which it will be, whether it will be a physical temple he's
50:18sitting in, or the spiritual temple, but at the same rate, it doesn't make a difference.
50:24Either way, we want nothing to do with the Antimessite.
50:29Do, verse 5, do you not remember that I told you these things when I was with you, and
50:33now you know what has prevented him from being revealed in this time.
50:37For the mystery of lawlessness is already working, right?
50:40It's been in Christianity since the beginning of the second century, end of the first century.
50:46The mystery of lawlessness is already working until he who is now the obstacle is taken
50:51out of the way.
50:53And then the lawless one will be exposed, whom our master, Yeshua, will consume by the
50:57spirit of his mouth and will destroy by the brightness of his presence.
51:01So Yeshua is going to come and destroy this person.
51:04His coming is due to working of Satan in all power and miraculous signs and lying wonders.
51:08That's what people are looking for.
51:09So he'll give false miracles, and the people will believe it, but it will be against the
51:13word of Yahweh.
51:15And in all deceit of unrighteousness, and those who will perish because they did not
51:19receive the love of the truth in order to be saved.
51:22So yeah, the ones saying the law is nailed to the cross and not worried about the Bible
51:25and going by lying signs and wonders, they're in trouble.
51:29And because of this, Elohim will send to them a working of deception for them to believe
51:34the lie.
51:35Believe the lie.
51:36And I believe part of that lie is even going to be that Yeshua is not the Messiah.
51:41That they're going to somehow think that his bones were found over here, they already tried
51:45this already, you know, several years back, they claimed where Yeshua was buried, which
51:50is not even in old Jerusalem, outside the city, that bones were found there, and that,
51:54you know, that would prove Yeshua wasn't resurrected.
51:56He'll have some kind of scheme there that's nonsense for them to believe the lie.
52:07That those not believing in the truth, but who have delighted in unrighteousness, all
52:11may be damned.
52:13But we ought to thank Elohim always concerning you, brothers, beloved by Yahweh, because
52:17Elohim chose you from the beginning to salvation and sanctification of the spirit and through
52:21a true faith, to which he called you through our preaching to the glory of our master Yeshua
52:27So then, brothers, stand firm and strongly hold the commandments you were taught, whether
52:32by word or by epistle.
52:34Is doctrine important?
52:35You better believe it's important, because in the times we're living in, it may be the
52:39only thing that can save your life from deception of the anti-Messiah.
52:44Luke 17 and verse 22, 25, and we're already seeing it, we're already seeing a great turning
52:51away from Yeshua.
52:54And we've seen for a long time the turning away from Yahweh's Torah.
52:57Luke 17 and verse 22 says, and he said to his disciples, days will come when you will
53:01long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it.
53:05And they will say to you, lo, hear, lo, hear, do not go away nor follow, for as flesh is
53:10lightning from heaven, and all that is under heaven is lit, such will be the Son of Man
53:16in his day.
53:17But first it is necessary that he, Yeshua, suffer many things and be rejected by that
53:24Here we are.
53:25We are that generation.
53:27This is all end time stuff.
53:28And he's saying he will be rejected by the generation.
53:32This is why it's so important in these end times to follow the truth of Yahweh and follow
53:38judicial orders, stay off bad religious websites, it's religious pornography.
53:44Stay away from the messianic movement that's following the rabbis.
53:49It's all there to deceive Yahweh's people.
53:52Matthew 16, 15 through 17, Matthew 16, 15 through 17.
53:59And he said to them, but whom do you say me to be?
54:02And answering, Simon Peter said, you are the Messiah, the Son of the living Elohim.
54:06And answering, Yeshua said to him, blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for flesh and
54:11blood did not reveal it to you, but my Father in heaven.
54:17Flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but my Father in heaven.
54:20It's Yahweh, no man can come to me unless the Father dwells in me, it is Yahweh who
54:24has opened up our mind and has drawn us to him through Yeshua's sacrifice into the new
54:33Yeshua started a congregation that he called his very body.
54:37We read it there in the book of John, 2,000 years ago.
54:40He started with 12 apostles, Mark 3, 14, he ordained 12 apostles, and he personally trained
54:47them and they ordained others who ordained others, and that remnant is still alive today.
54:54So the apostles went to the Polynesians and they were there in northeast Turkey and Armenia
55:01and all those areas over there, and then they wound up after, you know, the revolution
55:10of the Muslims came in and they moved toward Europe and they were there, France and Italy
55:16and Greece and all those areas there.
55:19And they went from the Polynesians to the Waldenses to the Sabbatai to the Anabaptists
55:29to the Mennonites coming to America to the Church of God and then where we are today,
55:35all the different break-offs.
55:37So that remnant is still here today.
55:40Don't be hoodwinked by Satan's lies, don't follow the very rabbis that had Yeshua killed
55:46and continue to fight against him today.
55:49Only follow the truth, the word of Yahweh and the elders.
55:52Yeshua has ordained for the remnant, he has chosen to reign with him when he returns.
55:57Hebrews 9 and verse 24, Hebrews 9 and verse 24.
56:06For Messiah did not enter into the holy of holies made by hands, which is a symbol, it's
56:11only a symbol of the true one, but into heaven itself, into the true one.
56:16Now to appear in the presence of Yahweh on our behalf, that's where he is, sitting at
56:20the right hand of the Father in heaven itself.
56:24Not that he should often offer himself even as the high priest enters the holy of holies
56:28year by year with blood of others, otherwise he would have been obliged to have suffered
56:34many times from the foundation of the world.
56:37But now once for all at the completion of the ages he did offer himself to abolish sin
56:42and as it is reserved to men once to die and after this judgment.
56:48So Messiah having been offered to bear the sins of many, Messiah shall appear a second
56:55time without our sins for the salvation of those who are waiting for him.
57:00We don't need any more sacrifices.
57:02Through his one eternal sacrifice which is in perpetuity and that's why every year we
57:06take the Passover and we're renewing our covenant and accepting that sacrifice that he did as
57:13our Passover lamb and that's where we are.
57:19We don't need any other sacrifice whatsoever because everything else past President Fugue
57:24was only a shadow before and now it's actually an abomination.
57:27Don't get hoodwinked, there is no need for any more animal sacrifices, Yeshua's sacrifice
57:32is ongoing.
57:33He is returning, not for sacrifice that was done, but to bring salvation to those who
57:38believe in him.
57:40May that day come soon.
57:43So I pray that this helps and again, as it's just being talked about, yeah, you could say
57:50it but believe me, if they started building that it would be in the news 24-7.
57:56It would be everywhere, you'd have all these rabbis and they'd be saying how, oh the holiness
58:00of Hashem and this and that and they would be lying and deceiving and unfortunately many
58:07Christians would follow and laying the groundwork, the golden road right to the end to Messiah.
58:15Don't be fooled, don't be fooled.
58:18A temple in Israel, Jerusalem or anywhere else on this earth for that matter has nothing
58:23to do with us, Yeshua body is the temple, we are the temple of Elohim, that's what scripture
58:31says very clearly also in Corinthians it says the same thing and we are one body, we are
58:37parts of that body of him and if we believe that in faith, there's no other sacrifice
58:42we need.
58:43Yahweh bless, Shabbat Shalom.
