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Do You Know The Only Language That Will Be Spoken For Eternity? Do you think it will be English? Maybe Latin? How about Hebrew? Watch to find out the true language that will be spoken in the coming Kingdom.

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00:00I want to give a message today on Yahweh's pure language.
00:07Because we just heard in the Torah portion that there will be,
00:14the Bible says, a clear lip or pure language that will be taught in the Kingdom.
00:22And I wondered for the longest time, what is that language?
00:27I used to think it was Hebrew, but I realized it's not Hebrew anymore.
00:31So today I want to share that language.
00:37I said this in the class about the problem with trying to just be a positive person.
00:46The problem with trying to be positive is that you have to think about it.
00:50It's not automatically.
00:52So if you have to think about being positive, it's not good enough.
00:55You have to condition yourself to automatically do something a certain way,
01:00through your nervous system, to automatically see every situation through the eyes of Yahweh.
01:06And I realized, trying to learn different languages, that really language is the same way.
01:11You can't try when you're learning a language to translate.
01:19So I can't hear something in one language and then think in my mind to translate in another language,
01:24because by the time you do it, it's too late.
01:26And if you're a translator, forget about it.
01:28You'll never get anything done.
01:30So you can't learn a language by interpreting what you hear from one language to the other,
01:36but you must memorize the words and phrases of a language,
01:39and think in that language to truly understand it.
01:42And I thought about this because, as you know, you can go to college,
01:45and you could learn any language, French or whatever.
01:48And then I thought, well, little kids that are one and two and three years old,
01:52you know, they're not learning language on a college level.
01:55They're basically just memorizing.
01:57They're memorizing what's taught to you, and it doesn't matter what language it is.
02:00It's all the same way.
02:01Anywhere you go in the world, a child learns a language simply by memorization.
02:10So it is the same with the true language of Yahweh.
02:16We need to train ourselves to automatically think in the language of agape.
02:23That is Yahweh's pure language, the language of agape,
02:27and not to translate it from our natural language of our human nature.
02:32So the same way that I can't think of, you know, I see a Hebrew person,
02:40and manishma, how are you?
02:43You can't take it and translate it.
02:45It's the same thing that's going to work in Yahweh's pure language.
02:49You can't take it from your human nature
02:52and try to translate it into the language of agape because it's not going to work.
02:57It's got to be part of you.
02:58You have to make it a part of you.
03:00We're the same way.
03:01When you know a language, like now, I'm speaking,
03:05and my mind is going as fast as my brain,
03:10and I'm not sitting here thinking how to say each word
03:13or what sentence is going to come out.
03:15It just automatically happens.
03:17So this is what has to happen.
03:19We have to train ourselves to speak Yahweh's language.
03:23We have to train ourselves to have it as part of us,
03:27part of our nervous system, part of our breath, part of our life,
03:31that when any situation comes up and you have to speak it,
03:34it's not going to be a thing where you're going to think about it.
03:37You're not going to think, well, how do I say this in Yahweh's language?
03:40It'll just be automatic, the same as with any other language.
03:43So we know that if you look at the word love in scripture,
03:49there's basically three types of love.
03:55One is a romantic love, the way a man and a woman, they come together and they get married.
04:01One is a friendship type love, the congregation of Philadelphia that we're trying to be like.
04:09That's a friendship type love.
04:11But the third type of love, the agape, that I'm going to talk about,
04:15Yahweh's language, it's literally His language, is an unconditional love.
04:20It's a love that in your human flesh, without the Holy Spirit, you can't even understand it.
04:26It's a love that is absolutely unhuman to even have.
04:30It's only by the rakakodesh that can help us to learn this language.
04:35And again, it's got to transform your human body in order to learn this language,
04:41or you're not going to learn it.
04:43Because now we're speaking the language of human nature, not the language of agape.
04:48So 1 John 4 and 7 and 8 says,
04:53Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of Yahweh,
04:58and everyone who loves has been generated from Elohim and knows Elohim.
05:03The one who does not love has not known Elohim, because Yahweh is love.
05:09Yahweh is agape.
05:11So it's not just an emotion that He has, that is literally what He has manifested in.
05:18So when you look at what makes the father and the son ikad, it's the ruach.
05:28And that ruach is what makes Him love.
05:31It's a ruach of love. It literally is what He is.
05:34It's not just what He exhibits, it's not an emotion that He does, it's what He is.
05:40So anything He does, any action He does, any judgment He does,
05:44anything that He does is in agape.
05:48From the creating of the earth, to everything we see in the Bible, to the great kingdom that's coming.
05:55Because that's just what He is.
06:00Yahweh is love and that is what His spirit is made up of.
06:03Every word He speaks, every action He takes, every thought He makes,
06:09automatically comes from His spirit or His mind of agape.
06:14And that's why we never have to question it.
06:17Because His motive or His action will never be anything but agape.
06:26Psalm 19, 7 and 8, says,
06:31The Torah of Yahweh is perfect, converting the soul.
06:34The testimony of Yahweh is sure, making the why simple.
06:39The precepts of Yahweh are right, rejoicing the heart.
06:43The commandments of Yahweh are clear, giving light to the eyes.
06:49So that's why, how can His Torah ever be done away with?
06:52Because the Torah is part of His character.
06:55It's a Torah of agape.
06:58Every law is made from Yahweh's character and His language.
07:02His language of agape.
07:05Yahweh's language is not Hebrew or Aramaic or in any form of spoken language.
07:13Spoken language is inanimate.
07:15But Yahweh's language is not.
07:19It is a language in faith, in deed, in righteousness and truth.
07:24So that's what His language is.
07:26A language of faith, in deed, in righteousness and truth.
07:301 John 3, verse 16.
07:341 John 3, verse 16 says,
07:36By this we have known His love toward us, His agape,
07:40because that one laid down His life for us.
07:43And on behalf of the brethren, we ought to lay down our lives.
07:47But whoever has worldly possessions and sees his brother in need and shuts up his mercy on him,
07:53how is the agape of Elohim in him?
07:55My little children, let us not love in word or tongue, but in deed and in truth.
08:01So if we are speaking this language of agape,
08:05this would never happen.
08:07We would never.
08:08If automatically it would be,
08:10I have two cloaks, my brother has none, give him one.
08:13You know, it would automatically be this kind of thing.
08:17The language speaks in what we do and not what we say.
08:21It's a language of faith.
08:23It's a language of deeds, not the language of words.
08:29And it is the purest caring for our brother as ourself.
08:33Remember the two greatest commandments?
08:35Love Yahweh with all your heart, mind, soul and strength,
08:38and love your neighbor as yourself.
08:40So you can't do that without speaking Yahweh's language.
08:43Because again, the love of the world is not the love of Yahweh.
08:47It's a different type.
08:48It's a totally different type.
08:51Only through Yahweh's rock can we start to understand His language, His pure language.
08:59Language is simply an avenue for communication.
09:04You know, that's basically all it is.
09:06It helps us to communicate.
09:08In agape, everything is communicated by true righteousness of the spirit of Yahweh,
09:14rejecting our human nature corrupted by Satan.
09:17So I find it pretty neat as we have congregations all over the world.
09:21You know, like I said, just in this tiny little room,
09:23we have people from the north, south, east and west from all over the place.
09:28And yet people can't understand how I could travel to east, you know, to Thailand or Philippines,
09:38or I can travel down south to Africa, you know, to Kenya or Ethiopia,
09:45or I can travel north, you know, up to the nations up in Europe and these other places,
09:52or I can travel all the way to the west, to United States, to Nicaragua, South America.
09:59And I know and I don't speak the language of any of these people.
10:03And yet we do speak the same language.
10:06We speak the language of agape.
10:09So people can't understand it.
10:13You're an American, how are you like this with these people?
10:17You know, why is there so much warmth?
10:19Why is there so much feeling there?
10:22And it's because we are speaking the same language.
10:25We're speaking the language of agape.
10:27Language is an avenue for communication and we're doing that through that.
10:32Everything is communicated by true righteousness of the spirit of Yahweh,
10:36rejecting our human nature that's corrupted by Satan.
10:39So that's the key.
10:40You can't speak two languages at the same time.
10:43And actually, as we'll see, when the kingdom comes, there is no translation.
10:46Either you speak agape or you're not there.
10:49Everybody there will be speaking the same language.
10:52Everybody will be one as we read here in the Torah reading over here.
10:57Matthew 5 in verse 38.
11:01And Yeshua actually taught this language to his disciples.
11:07And it's a very unconventional language.
11:10It doesn't have the syntax and the rules like you see with normal languages.
11:15But it has more power than any spoken language in the world.
11:20So here Yeshua is teaching this language.
11:23Matthew 5 starting in verse 38.
11:24He says,
11:25You have heard that it was said,
11:26An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
11:28But I say to you,
11:29Do not stand against the evil.
11:31But whoever strikes you on the right cheek,
11:33turn the other to him also.
11:35And to him desiring to sue you and take your coat,
11:38allow him also to have the cloak.
11:40And whoever shall compel you to go one mile,
11:43go with him to the other.
11:45And to him desiring to sue you and take your coat,
11:48allow him also to have the cloak.
11:50And whoever shall compel you to go one mile,
11:52go with him two miles.
11:54He asking you to give and he wishing to borrow from you,
11:57do not turn away.
11:59You have heard that it was said,
12:00You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
12:02But I say to you,
12:03Love your enemies.
12:04Bless those cursing you.
12:05Do well to those hating you.
12:07And pray for those who take you by force and persecute you.
12:10So that you may become sons of your father in heaven.
12:14Because he causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good.
12:17And he sends rain on the just and the unjust.
12:19For if you love those loving you,
12:22what reward do you have?
12:24Do not even the tax collectors do the same?
12:26And if you only treat your brothers,
12:28what exceptional thing do you do?
12:29Do not the tax collectors do the same?
12:31Therefore you become perfect, complete,
12:36even as your father in heaven is complete.
12:40So this is why he's trying to teach us his language.
12:42Because you can't become like him unless you know his language.
12:45How many people are you very close with?
12:48How many people do you have a great relationship with?
12:50How many people do you have a wonderful conversation with
12:52if you can't speak the language with?
12:55So if we're going to communicate with him,
12:57we have to learn the language that he speaks.
13:02We have to learn the language that he speaks.
13:04The language of Agape.
13:06To become like him.
13:07To think like him.
13:08To feel like him.
13:09To love like him.
13:11Luke 23 and verse 13.
13:15Luke 23 and verse 13.
13:21And let's see language here that is of human nature.
13:29Luke 23 and verse 13.
13:35And Abbie called together the chief priests and the rulers and the people.
13:38Pilate said to them,
13:39You brought this man to me as perverting the people.
13:42And behold, examining him before you,
13:44I found nothing blameable in this man regarding that which you charged against him.
13:52But neither did Herod, for I sent him up to him.
13:55And behold, nothing worthy of death is done by him.
13:58Then chastising him, I will release him.
14:00And he had to release to them one at the feast.
14:03And they all together shouted, saying,
14:05Take this one and release Barabbas to us.
14:08He who was thrown into prison due to some revolt and murder occurring in the city.
14:13Then Pilate again called out desiring to release Yeshua.
14:16But they shouted, saying,
14:18Crucify, crucify him.
14:20And a third time he said to them,
14:22For what evil did he do?
14:24Did this one do?
14:26I found no cause of death in him.
14:27Therefore, chastising him, I will release him.
14:29But with loud voices they insisted,
14:33Asking for him to be crucified.
14:36And their voices and that of the chief priest prevailed.
14:39More people spoke that language than spoke Yahweh's language.
14:43And Pilate commanded their request to be granted.
14:46And they released to them the one thrown into prison due to revolt and murder,
14:49whom they said,
14:50But he delivered Yeshua to their will.
14:53So we have to understand we're living in a world
14:56where people speak the language of the G.O.D. of this world.
15:00They're not speaking Yahweh's language.
15:02And what was Yeshua's response?
15:04He spoke to them in his own language.
15:06Verse 33 and verse 34.
15:08And when they came to a certain place which is called Skull,
15:11they crucified him there,
15:13and those doers of evil,
15:14one at his right and one at his left,
15:16and Yeshua said,
15:17Father, forgive them,
15:19for they know not what they are doing.
15:21And dividing his garments they cast a lot.
15:23So even as he's being crucified,
15:26and even as they are spewing hatred
15:30in their language of human nature,
15:33of Satan, the devil,
15:34Yeshua answers still in agape.
15:36Everything he said was in agape.
15:38Because that's the only language that him and the Father know.
15:41They don't know any other language.
15:42And that's the language we have to learn.
15:44If you're going to communicate with Yahweh,
15:46if you're going to pray to Yahweh,
15:48if you're going to have a relationship with him,
15:50if you're going to have conversation,
15:52you have to learn his language.
15:54You have to learn his language.
15:56Matthew 12 and verse 34.
16:04It says, generation of vipers,
16:05how can you being evil speak good things?
16:08Because they're speaking Satan's language, human nature.
16:11For out of the abundance of the heart,
16:13the mouth speaks.
16:15Out of the abundance of the heart,
16:18the mouth speaks.
16:24What is our language?
16:26Is our language human nature,
16:28or is our language agape?
16:31So, the New Testament was written totally in agape.
16:35The New Testament was written totally in agape.
16:39Not written in Greek, Aramaic, or Hebrew.
16:42It's written in agape.
16:44All the rest are translations.
16:46The pure language is the language of agape.
16:49Let's look.
16:50Ephesians 4 and verse 17.
17:02Ephesians 4 and verse 17.
17:08And we will read it in the original agape.
17:11Therefore I say to you and testify in Yahweh,
17:14that you no longer walk even as the rest of the nations walk
17:17in vanity of their mind,
17:19having been darkened by their intellect,
17:21being alienated from the life of Elohim,
17:24because they have no knowledge,
17:26which is because of the hardness of their heart.
17:28Who having cast off all feeling,
17:30surrendered themselves up to lust,
17:32not to agape, not to the spirit of Yahweh,
17:35but they surrendered themselves up to lust.
17:39And to the practice of all uncleanness
17:41with a desire for more and more.
17:43That's the language of human nature.
17:45But that is not what you have been taught in Messiah.
17:48If indeed you heard him and were taught in him,
17:51as the truth is in Yeshua,
17:53lay aside all former practices
17:55and put off the old man.
17:57Stop speaking the old language.
17:59Having been degenerated with deceitful lust
18:02and be renewed in the spirit of your mind.
18:05We'll be going over this in the class this week.
18:07This is going to be one of our classes, right?
18:10Being renewed in the spirit of mind
18:12and to put on the new man who is created by Elohim
18:15in righteousness and true holiness, in agape.
18:17Therefore put away from you lying
18:19and speak the truth, each with his neighbor,
18:22for we are members of one another.
18:24Be angry but do not sin.
18:26Do not let the sun go down on your anger
18:28and do not give the devil a chance.
18:30The one stealing, let him steal no more
18:32but rather let him labor,
18:34working what is good with the hands
18:36that he may have something to give
18:38to the one who has need.
18:40So it's not enough just not to do bad.
18:42In Yahweh's language you have to do good.
18:44That's what the language is.
18:46It's not enough just not to do something bad.
18:48It's doing something proactive, something good.
18:50Let not any evil word go out from your mouth.
18:53Why? Because the importance of words.
18:55But words that are good and useful for edification
18:58that it may impart a blessing to those who hear them.
19:01This is what we were saying.
19:03Our words give life.
19:05Or, in human nature, your words can take life.
19:09Your words can give life or your words can take life.
19:14Like with Adam.
19:16Adam became a living soul.
19:18Do you want to just suck the life out of the air you're breathing?
19:22Or do you want to become like Yeshua, a life-giving spirit?
19:28And do not grieve the rakakodesh of Elohim
19:30by whom you were sealed to the day of redemption.
19:33Let all bitterness and anger and wrath and turmoil
19:36and evil speaking be put away from you
19:38along with all malice.
19:40It's not in Yahweh's language.
19:42They don't even have words for that.
19:43It's not even there.
19:45And be kind to one another, tenderhearted,
19:47forgiving one another, even as Elohim has forgiven us
19:50through Messiah.
19:52So, in other words, he's saying speak his language of agape.
19:56That's what he's telling us.
19:58Speak his language of agape.
20:00We must not speak in the language of our human nature any longer
20:04but the language of agape.
20:06In Hebrew, every word comes from a two or three-letter root word
20:11and that's why there's not a whole lot of words in Hebrew
20:14compared to other languages
20:16because those two or three-letter root words
20:18will make like 30 words concerning the same thing.
20:21So whether it's the word for school, schoolbook, teacher, student,
20:26all of them come from the same root.
20:28And just a matter of what, you know, prefix you put on
20:32or suffix you put on is where the word comes from.
20:38The new language, though, only has one root.
20:41Love. Agape.
20:43That's the only root.
20:44There's one root.
20:45And every word, every action, every thought stems from it.
20:47So it's a really easy language to learn
20:50because there's only one root
20:52if you want to really learn it.
20:56All it takes is surrender.
20:58Surrender of your corrupted language that you're speaking now
21:04to learn Yahweh's language.
21:06Zephaniah 3 and verse 9.
21:08We just had this, right?
21:10For then I will give a clear lip or pure language to the people
21:15to call all of them by the name of Yahweh
21:18to serve him with one shoulder.
21:20What is he talking about?
21:21Because your head you can turn,
21:23your knees you can turn,
21:24your arms you can turn,
21:25but your shoulders is where you're going.
21:28Shoulders you don't turn.
21:29They go straight where you're going to.
21:31And that's why he's saying everybody is going to be going on the same path.
21:34Everybody is going to be speaking the same language.
21:37And this is the language he's talking about.
21:40Everybody will be speaking the language of agape.
21:43The language of agape has only light.
21:46There's no darkness in the language.
21:48There's nothing of that.
21:49It has only faith.
21:50There's no fear.
21:51There's no fear.
21:52No word for fear in this language.
21:54It has only love.
21:55There's no words for hate, for revenge, or bitterness.
22:00So this is the language we have to learn.
22:03And I want to go over what we went over in our class for a couple of minutes
22:07for the benefit of the brethren who were not here with us.
22:14And it's from Dr. Emoto's scientific experiment that he did,
22:21which is really amazing when you think about this.
22:27I hope you get a copy of this.
22:30I'm happy to send it to you.
22:31And really, really think about this.
22:34Because this is powerful.
22:36Like we think of words just as inanimate.
22:39You say a word and okay.
22:41But to think of what words really do.
22:44To think of that words change the universe.
22:48They change our being.
22:50Like I said, look at Lucifer who became Satan by words.
22:55He went from the light giver, this beautiful creature,
22:58into this ugly, ugly gargoyle thing because of words.
23:03Because the thought becomes a word, the word becomes an action,
23:07and then we give that.
23:09So what was Dr. Emoto's scientific experiment?
23:14Revealing the astonishing response of water to positive words.
23:19So what he did was,
23:23he took water and crystallized it, you know, froze it.
23:30And by taking a container of water like this
23:34and putting on it the word love or the word thank you,
23:38the water comes out in beautiful crystals.
23:42How beautiful it is.
23:44But when they put words on there like hate and whatever,
23:48what happened?
23:49They came out all distorted.
23:51They came out all corrupted.
23:53Water from clear mountain springs and streams
23:56had beautifully formed crystal structures
23:59while the crystals of polluted or stagnant water were deformed and distorted.
24:04Distilled water exposed to classical music
24:07took delicate, symmetrical crystalline shapes.
24:10When the words thank you were taped to a bottle of distilled water,
24:14the frozen crystals had a similar shape to the crystals formed by the water
24:18that had been exposed to Bach's Goldberg Variation.
24:21Music composed out of gratitude to the man it was named for.
24:25How important music is, we're going to talk a lot about that this week
24:28with Neuroassociations.
24:31Water samples so that were bombarded with heavy metal
24:34and labeled with negative words, even words like Adolf Hitler,
24:38the water did not form crystals at all
24:41and displayed chaotic fragmented structures.
24:47So what we see is from his experiment
24:50that even the thought of failure itself
24:54becomes represented in the physical objects that surround us.
24:57And that's why when you have a child, you don't say,
25:00don't spill the milk, don't spill the milk, don't spill the milk
25:03because the mind has to think of spilling the milk before thinking of not spilling it.
25:07What you say is be careful, be careful.
25:11So we see that words can bring the thought of failure itself
25:15becomes represented in the physical objects that are around us.
25:22Now that we have seen this, perhaps we can begin to realize
25:26that even when immediate results are invisible to the unaided human eye,
25:30they're still there.
25:32When we send love, it responds back to us.
25:36When you send love, it responds back.
25:39We can begin to really understand the awesome power that we possess
25:43through choosing our thoughts and intentions
25:47and even the process of healing if we only believe.
25:52Here we had a miracle last night and it shows us that.
25:56How important are our words?
25:59If this can be done to water, and it's a scientific experiment,
26:04it's a fact, then what does it do to us who are 60-70% water?
26:12So to me, this is groundbreaking, but this is only the beginning.
26:17Because we see that Yahweh is in everything in the universe.
26:22Everything in the universe has consequences and everything in the universe is from him.
26:26And as long as you are speaking his language,
26:29your life is going to be formed in spirits of appreciation,
26:35spirits of faith, spirits of spiritual growth.
26:39All these things are going to come, but if not,
26:42if you have all these things that bring disruption,
26:46doubt and fear and all the other things, what's going to happen?
26:50You're going to look like those distorted crystals because we are water.
26:54And literally, it will make you sick.
26:57The experiment suggests that water is not merely a passive element,
27:01but a responsive to the energy and intentions directed toward it.
27:05It implies that our words and thoughts can have a tangible impact on the world around us,
27:09even on something as fundamental as water, which to me is only the beginning.
27:14It challenges us to consider the power of our words and the intentions we carry in our hearts,
27:21not only in how we communicate with each other,
27:24but also in how we interact with the environment.
27:29Because again, we are destroying the environment as human beings,
27:33the ecosystems and all the things that Yahweh has.
27:37So, words of power.
27:40When Yeshua came up to somebody and said,
27:43your faith has healed you.
27:45When he said to a cripple, walk,
27:49and they walked. These are words, the words that gave life.
27:54And are our words every day giving life?
27:58You'll be judged by every idle word, right?
28:02You'll be judged by every useless word.
28:04Are we taking that serious enough?
28:07Are we thinking about how our words can heal?
28:11Or how our words can make somebody sick?
28:15This is the language of agape.
28:19It highlights the potential for positive change and healing
28:22that lies within our capacity to use language and intentions wisely and with love.
28:29So, as we reflect on this experiment,
28:32it encourages us to cultivate a greater awareness
28:36of the energy we project into the world
28:39and the impact it can have on interconnected web of life.
28:43It underscores the power of positivity
28:46and the potential for transformation through consciousness and loving communication.
28:51So, every word we give is either giving life or taking life.
28:57Are we thinking about that?
28:59Are we thinking about it daily?
29:00Are we thinking about it?
29:01Because we're not just another human being.
29:04We are human beings that have the spirit of Yahweh in us.
29:07And he has given us the power to change this world.
29:11That's what we're going to be doing when he returns.
29:13We're going to be kings and priests.
29:14So, are we developing into that by developing the language of agape?
29:20Because, again, in the kingdom, that's the only language.
29:23You won't have to worry.
29:24There'll be a lot of things to learn in the kingdom,
29:25but you're not going to have to worry about learning a language.
29:27Either you're going to know that language of agape and be there or not.
29:33So, if you don't know the language,
29:36you're not going to be there in the kingdom.
29:40The human mind is greater than any computer ever made.
29:43Your body is a printout of your thoughts.
29:47And, like I said, I could, or not me or anybody,
29:50they could hypnotize somebody and put an ice cube in your hand
29:55and tell you that it's fire and literally your hand will burn.
29:58That's the power of positive thinking.
30:02Just the power of belief that's there.
30:06The power of belief that Yahweh has given us
30:09that Satan has corrupted by his human nature.
30:12And that's all the what-ifs.
30:14That's all the buts that he tries to bring in.
30:19Satan has corrupted by his human nature,
30:22teaching us not a pure language,
30:24but a language of pride, a language of doubt,
30:27a language of fear, a language of selfishness, a language of greed.
30:32But, again, none of those words are in Yahweh's language.
30:36They don't exist.
30:37They're not there.
30:39It's like we said, even in Hebrew.
30:41There's black in his wife, there's no gray.
30:43There's no gray in Hebrew.
30:47These words do not exist in Yahweh's language.
30:49And if you have these words in your mind,
30:52they will manifest in your life.
30:54The same way, look at that water, look at those crystals,
30:57that is a reality that if you have in your mind
31:02pride, doubt, fear, selfishness, greed,
31:04it's going to manifest in your life.
31:06That's what your life will become.
31:08You will become the words you speak
31:10and the thoughts of your mind.
31:12And that's why we have to take
31:14every thought into captivity,
31:16the obedience of Messiah.
31:18We'll be going over it this week.
31:20You have to take every thought into captivity
31:22because you have to stop speaking Satan's language
31:25and you have to keep speaking only the language of agape.
31:33Yeshua healed the sick.
31:35He cleansed the leper.
31:37He made the blind see.
31:39He raised the dead by the power of belief.
31:44Hebrews 11.6, which has become our motto
31:49for our class here this year.
31:53But without faith it is impossible to please Yahweh.
31:56For it is right that the one drawing near to Yahweh
31:59should believe that He is
32:01and He's a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.
32:06And when you really believe,
32:08when you have faith,
32:10then you're going to know there's a reward there.
32:12You're going to do it.
32:13Everything in life is pain and pleasure.
32:15So if you're not doing something,
32:17you have to say to yourself,
32:19maybe I'm really not believing enough.
32:25Why is it impossible to please Yahweh without faith?
32:28Because you can't communicate with Yahweh without it.
32:31You have to speak agape.
32:33And that's what agape is.
32:35It's a language of faith.
32:38Doubt, fear, that's not in this language.
32:40If you say it, Yahweh won't know what you're talking about.
32:44But faith is the core.
32:47That is the root
32:50in that language.
32:54So it's impossible to please Him without it
32:56because you can't communicate.
32:58You can't speak His language without it.
33:00Luke 8 and verse 43.
33:23Luke 8
33:26and verse 43.
33:30And a woman being in a flow of blood
33:32for twelve years,
33:34who had spent her whole living on physicians,
33:36and could not be cured by anyone.
33:39So it's pretty interesting, right?
33:41Not that she's just had this for twelve years,
33:43but spent all her money
33:46on physicians.
33:49And couldn't be cured.
33:51Nobody could cure her.
33:52And coming up behind,
33:54she touched the tassel of Yeshua's garment.
33:57And instantly the flow of her blood stopped.
34:00And Yeshua said,
34:01Who was touching me?
34:03And all denying it,
34:04Peter and those with him said,
34:05Master, the crowds press and push on you.
34:07And you say,
34:08Who was touching me?
34:09But Yeshua said,
34:10Someone touched me,
34:12for I knew power went out from me.
34:15And seeing that she was not hidden,
34:17the woman came trembling
34:19and kneeled down before Him
34:22and told Him before all the people
34:24for what reason she touched Him
34:26and how she was instantly cured.
34:28And look at His answer.
34:29And He said to her,
34:30Daughter, be comforted.
34:31Your faith has given you life.
34:33Go in peace.
34:35Your faith has given you life.
34:38Faith is what gives us life.
34:40Because Yahweh is life, right?
34:42And we have to believe that.
34:47And again, I really, I pray
34:49that we're learning the difference of hope and faith.
34:52You know, like I said,
34:53because faith will always bring an action.
34:57We must live by the language of love and faith
35:00in every thought we have.
35:02And it must be the only language we know.
35:06And we have to be convicted
35:08with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.
35:11Can't speak two languages, right?
35:14Can't serve two masters.
35:16So we have to make sure
35:17that we're only speaking Yahweh's language.
35:21We have to be convicted
35:23with our heart, mind, soul and strength.
35:262 Corinthians 10 in verse 3.
35:362 Corinthians 10 in verse 3 says,
35:38For though we do live an earthly life,
35:41yet we do not serve worldly things.
35:44I love that scripture.
35:46For though we do live an earthly life,
35:49we do not serve worldly things.
35:51For the weapons of our warfare
35:53are not fleshly,
35:55but of the power of Elohim
35:57to the demolition of strongholds, right?
36:00What is the stronghold in your life?
36:02This is what we're coming to break down.
36:05Casting down imaginations
36:07and every false thing,
36:08lifting itself up against the knowledge of Elohim
36:11and bringing into captivity
36:13every thought into the obedience of Messiah.
36:16Like I said, we will be getting into that deeply
36:18in our class this week.
36:21Casting down imaginations
36:22and every false thing,
36:23lifting up itself against the knowledge of Elohim
36:26and bringing into captivity
36:27every thought into the obedience of Messiah.
36:32You have to not only know the language of Agape,
36:36you've got to master it, right?
36:38You've got to be a master at that language.
36:40You have to know it from the inside out.
36:44You don't only want to be able to communicate by it,
36:46you want to be a master of it.
36:49We have to purify our language
36:50and remove from it all thoughts
36:54of pride, vanity, selfishness,
36:57and fully surrender to the Ra-Kakodesh
37:01and you will have the greatest transformation of your life.
37:06We must rebuke any thought
37:08that Satan tries to send, right?
37:10All the what-ifs?
37:11You've got to rebuke it
37:12and only speak Agape.
37:15It has to be your only thoughts.
37:18Galatians 5, verse 22.
37:28Galatians 5, verse 22 says,
37:31But the fruit of the Spirit
37:35is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith,
37:41meekness, self-control.
37:44Against such things there is no instruction, right?
37:47There is no instruction against any of that.
37:49We should be growing in it.
37:50But the ones belonging to Messiah
37:53crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.
37:57Let us therefore live by the Spirit
37:59and surrender to the Spirit.
38:02And what is it?
38:03A Spirit of Agape.
38:04That's what Yahweh is.
38:05It's not just the language He speaks.
38:07It's what He is.
38:09It's what He is.
38:11And it's what He wants us to become.
38:13Just like learning any new language,
38:15we have to take the time to practice.
38:18Let us live by the Spirit and surrender to the Spirit.
38:21But like with learning a new language,
38:22you don't learn it overnight.
38:24But you've got to practice it.
38:26You know?
38:28They don't have Agape on Duolingo.
38:35You've got to practice it, though, every day.
38:38Maybe we'll make our own.
38:40We'll call it Trelingo.
38:42And we'll have PowerPoints and all that
38:45for the Agape language.
38:48Philippians 4.
38:56Let's take a look at Yahweh's language of Agape.
39:01Like I said, you've got to practice it.
39:04No other way.
39:07Philippians 4, verse 4.
39:09Rejoice in Yahweh always.
39:11Again, I say rejoice.
39:13Praise Yahweh.
39:14We'll be doing praise and worship after this.
39:16And we'll be rejoicing.
39:20Let your humility be known to all men.
39:23Our Master is at hand.
39:25But also, there's no pride in this language.
39:28Because when you really realize what you are,
39:31and you can see Yahweh for what He is,
39:33it brings the greatest form of humility
39:35you could ever have in your life.
39:37And that's why Paul said,
39:38where is the boasting?
39:39There is no boasting.
39:40There's nothing you think you're doing is of you.
39:42Because you know it's all Him.
39:44It's all from His Spirit and His language.
39:47Do not worry about anything.
39:49But in everything, by prayer and by petition,
39:51with thanksgiving,
39:53let your requests be made known to Elohim.
39:56So even during the trials,
39:57we have to be thanking Him during these trials,
40:00because we're always learning something from them.
40:02And the trials are the greatest form of a gift
40:05that He's giving us.
40:06Because without the trials,
40:07what are we really learning?
40:10Do not worry about anything.
40:11But in everything, by prayer and by petition,
40:13with thanksgiving,
40:14let your requests be made known to Elohim.
40:17And the peace of Yahweh,
40:19which surpasses all understanding,
40:22will give your hearts and your minds
40:24through Messiah Yeshua.
40:25The peace of Yahweh,
40:26which surpasses all understanding,
40:28and His language of agape,
40:30passes all understanding.
40:31Loving your enemies?
40:33Praying for those who despitefully use you?
40:36Here it is, Yeshua,
40:37after what He just went through?
40:39You know, in His mind,
40:40you think He's thinking,
40:41boy, I can't wait for that white throne judgment.
40:43I'm remembering this guy.
40:45I'll remember Him.
40:48He's up there speaking agape.
40:50Father, forgive them,
40:51for they know not what they do.
40:53No revenge.
40:54No revenge in Yahweh's language.
40:57And the peace of Yahweh,
40:58which surpasses all understanding,
40:59will keep your hearts and your minds
41:01through Yeshua Messiah.
41:04finally, my brethren,
41:05whatever is true,
41:07whatever is honest,
41:09whatever is just,
41:10whatever is pure,
41:12whatever is lovely,
41:14whatever of good report,
41:17if there is any virtue,
41:19if there is any praise,
41:21think on these things.
41:24No reviling for reviling.
41:26No gossip.
41:27No speaking back.
41:29But whatever is honest,
41:35and good report,
41:36if any virtue,
41:37and any praise,
41:38think on these things.
41:39And what things you learned
41:40and received and heard
41:41and saw in me,
41:42practice these things,
41:44and the Elohim of peace
41:45will be with you.
41:46Practice these things.
41:48You can't learn
41:49the language of Agape
41:50without practice.
41:52You need to practice.
41:54You have to practice it.
41:57Repetition is the mother of skill.
42:03We must practice this language daily.
42:05Whatever you focus on
42:06becomes most real to you.
42:08We must rebuke
42:09pride and anger
42:11and embrace faith,
42:15and praise.
42:16And like I said,
42:17repetition is the mother of skill.
42:19So as you do this
42:20over and over and over,
42:21all of a sudden,
42:22it will be normal to you.
42:23Like I said,
42:24just like a language,
42:25you can't translate it.
42:26You can't take it from
42:28human nature,
42:29corrupted human nature language
42:30and try to translate it
42:31into Agape.
42:32It doesn't work like that.
42:33You're never learning.
42:34You have to just keep
42:38and then all of a sudden,
42:39it's a part of you.
42:41it's going to come out.
42:42You don't even think about it
42:43because it's the rock in you
42:44that's given to you.
42:48Last scripture,
42:501 John 3.
43:06What an amazing scripture.
43:09Because like I said,
43:11if you want a relationship
43:13with Yahweh,
43:14you've got to speak His language.
43:16And this is not only
43:17the language He speaks,
43:18it's what He is.
43:20It's His character.
43:21It's what His rock is.
43:23It's what He is.
43:25And now,
43:26look at what it says here,
43:28if this doesn't blow your mind.
43:321 John 3.
43:46Because it did not know Him.
43:49now we are the children of Yahweh
43:52and it was not yet revealed
43:55what we shall be.
43:57We look through a glass half darkened.
43:58We don't see exactly
43:59what we're going to be in that day.
44:03we now are the children of Yahweh
44:05and it is not yet revealed
44:06what we shall be.
44:08we know that if He is revealed,
44:10we shall be like Him
44:12because we will see Him
44:14as He is.
44:18So He is agape.
44:19That's what He is.
44:21And He wants to create us
44:23to be agape.
44:24We are His children.
44:26And think about this
44:27when you're thinking about
44:28the great human potential.
44:32we don't know so much about
44:33what Yeshua was for eternity.
44:35We know He was always there.
44:36There's many scriptures
44:37that say He wasn't created.
44:38He was there for eternity
44:39with the Father.
44:40But we have no idea
44:41in what aspect it was.
44:43We know He's Yahweh's messenger
44:45in the first covenant.
44:46We see scriptures of that.
44:47We see Him
44:48appearing to Manoah
44:49and to Manoah's wife.
44:51We see Him
44:52appearing to Gideon.
44:54But, again,
44:55these are all like mysteries
44:56that we see.
44:57It's all mysteries
44:58and He never gives His name.
44:59But we do know one thing.
45:01We do know
45:02that Philippians tells us
45:04He gave up
45:05that eternal divinity
45:08when He became a human being.
45:10That was it.
45:11That was it.
45:12Everything changed from Him.
45:14That eternal existence
45:15that He had with the Father
45:16forever changed.
45:20And He did it for one reason.
45:22He did it
45:23to be the first
45:25one of us.
45:28So it says in Hebrews.
45:31He didn't just become
45:32like the cherubs.
45:34But He became a seed of Adam
45:36to become one of us.
45:38So Yeshua changed
45:40His eternal existence
45:41that He had with the Father
45:43so that He could be
45:44the first one
45:46of the born of the dead.
45:47And here we are.
45:48And that's what Yahweh is saying.
45:49I want to create you
45:51in that same image.
45:53I want you.
45:54Look, you have your older brother.
45:55Look what he did.
45:56Look at his...
45:57I put him as a human being
45:58so that you could see
45:59what it is.
46:01So that we could learn
46:02that language.
46:04And now we will step
46:06in his footsteps.
46:09And we could become
46:11the spirit of agape
46:12like He is the spirit of agape.
46:16now we are the children of Yahweh
46:18and it was not yet revealed
46:20what we shall be.
46:21But we know that
46:22when He is revealed
46:23we shall be like Him
46:25because we will see Him
46:26as He is.
46:27And everyone having this hope
46:29on Him
46:30purifies himself
46:31as that one is pure.
46:33That is our hope.
46:35We will be
46:37like Yeshua.
46:38We will be sons of Elohim
46:40like it says in Psalm 82.
46:42Wow, what a great potential.
46:44And what...
46:45What a sacrifice
46:47that Yeshua did
46:49to change His eternal existence
46:51by putting His divinity
46:53on the other side
46:54and coming down to a human body
46:56for 32-33 years.
46:58And that's why Yahweh says
47:00forever now.
47:01Because of that sacrifice
47:03and because He became human
47:04and because He was sick
47:06and He suffered
47:07and all these things He did
47:08for 32-33 years.
47:10He got hungry.
47:11He got tired.
47:12He got cold.
47:13And then before His death
47:15He was abused
47:16and mocked
47:17and beaten
47:18and crucified.
47:19That's why Yahweh said
47:21from that sacrifice
47:22His name will always be
47:24the name above all names.
47:25And He only did it
47:26so that we could walk
47:27in His footsteps.
47:29So we don't know.
47:30We don't know exactly
47:31where we are going to be.
47:32But we know what Yeshua is
47:33and we know we are going to be like Him
47:35because we are going to see Him
47:36as He is.
47:38We are made in His image.
47:40And now we got to learn
47:41His language.
47:46We got to learn His language.
47:48He healed the blind.
47:49We have to have eyes to see.
47:52He healed the deaf.
47:53We have to be able to speak
47:54that language.
47:56We have to be able to walk it
47:57every day of our life.
47:59Everyone having this hope on Him
48:01purifies himself
48:02even as that one is pure.
48:04Everyone practicing sin
48:06also practices lawlessness
48:08and sin is the breaking of the Torah.
48:09So that's the language of Satan.
48:12That's the language of human nature.
48:14And you know that He was revealed
48:16that He might take away our sins
48:18and sin is not in Him.
48:20Talking about Yeshua of course.
48:21Everyone remaining in Him
48:23does not practice sin.
48:24Everyone practicing sin
48:26has not seen Him or known Him.
48:28Little children,
48:29let no one lead you astray.
48:31The one practicing righteousness
48:33is righteous
48:34even as that one is righteous.
48:36The one practicing sin
48:37is of the devil
48:38because the devil sins
48:40from the beginning.
48:41For this the Son of Yahweh
48:43was revealed
48:44that He might destroy
48:45the works of the devil.
48:47Everyone who has been begotten
48:49of Elohim
48:50does not practice sin
48:52because His seed abides in Him
48:55and He is not able to sin
48:56because He has been begotten
48:57of Elohim.
48:59By this the children of Yahweh
49:00are distinguished
49:02from the children of the devil
49:03because they speak
49:04two different languages.
49:05Whoever does not practice righteousness
49:07and does not love his brother
49:09doesn't speak agape
49:11does not belong to Elohim.
49:13Because this is the message
49:14which you heard from the beginning
49:16that we should love one another.
49:19That's the message He speaks.
49:21That's the message He's teaching us.
49:24Yahweh is agape.
49:26We are made in His image.
49:29We must grow in His likeness.
49:32Through the Ruach HaKodesh
49:34we can become agape
49:36as Yeshua is agape.
49:38We must practice though
49:39and focus on this
49:41every day of our lives
49:42as our body is a printout
49:43of our thoughts.
49:45Your body is a printout
49:46of your thoughts
49:47and that's why
49:48when we go into our
49:49Neuro-Associated Conditioning class
49:51we're going to talk about physiology.
49:53The way we stand,
49:54the way we look,
49:56the way our body is.
49:57It all tells.
49:58It all tells a story.
50:00Our body is a printout
50:01of our thoughts.
50:03We will see Him
50:04as He is
50:06and we will be
50:07akkad with Him
50:09because we will speak
50:10the same language
50:11that He speaks.
50:13We can't do this
50:14unless we practice
50:15that language every day.
50:18Yahweh is agape
50:20and we are growing
50:22to be agape.
50:24Are you moving
50:25in that direction?
50:28Are you learning
50:29another word
50:31of that language
50:32every day?
50:33Because that's the way
50:34you do it, you know.
50:35You start with a little basis
50:36and then every day
50:37you say
50:38I'm going to learn
50:39another word,
50:40I'm going to learn
50:41another word
50:42when you're learning
50:43a language, right?
50:44Are you learning
50:45another word
50:46of the language of agape
50:47every day?
50:48Yahweh bless.
50:49Shabbat shalom.
50:54So we have been talking
50:55about the language
50:56of agape
50:58and you can't talk
50:59about the language
51:00of agape
51:01without going
51:02to 1 Corinthians 13.
51:04So in 1 Corinthians 13,
51:06if I should speak
51:07in every language
51:08of men
51:10and with cherubs
51:11but I do not have agape,
51:13I have become
51:14as a sounding brass
51:15or clanging cymbal.
51:16So you could speak
51:17every language
51:18in the world
51:19and if you're not
51:20speaking the language
51:21of agape,
51:23you're not speaking
51:24any language.
51:25And if I have all prophecies
51:26and all mysteries
51:27and all knowledge
51:28and if I have all faith
51:29so as to move mountains
51:31but I do not have
51:32agape language,
51:35in my heart
51:36I am nothing.
51:37And if I give
51:38all my possessions
51:39to the poor
51:40and I surrender my body
51:41that I may boast
51:42but I do not have
51:43agape language
51:44in my heart,
51:45I am not profit
51:46in anything.
51:47Agape language
51:48has patience,
51:50is kind,
51:51is not envious,
51:53love does not make
51:54a vain display of itself,
51:56does not boast,
51:58it does not behave indecently,
51:59does not pursue
52:00its own things,
52:01is not easily provoked,
52:03thinks no evil,
52:04the word evil
52:05is not even in the language,
52:07does not rejoice
52:08in unrighteousness
52:09but rejoices in the truth.
52:11Agape love
52:12quietly covers all things,
52:13believes all things,
52:15it's the gateway to faith,
52:17hopes all things,
52:18endures all things.
52:19Agape never fails.
52:21But if there are prophecies,
52:23they will be caused to cease.
52:25If languages,
52:26they will cease.
52:27This is the only language
52:28that's going to be left.
52:29If knowledge
52:30it will be caused to cease.
52:32For we know in part
52:33and we prophesy in part,
52:35but when that
52:36which is perfect comes,
52:37then that which is imperfect
52:39will come to an end.
52:41When I was an infant,
52:42I spoke baby language, right?
52:44I spoke like an infant.
52:45I thought as an infant,
52:46I reasoned as an infant,
52:48but when I became a man,
52:50I put away childish things.
52:52For now we see
52:53through a mirror in dimness,
52:55but then we will see
52:56Yahweh face to face.
52:58Now I know in part,
53:00but then I will fully know
53:01even as I am fully known.
53:03And now,
53:06and agape.
53:07These three things remain,
53:09but the greatest of these
53:11is the language of agape.
53:13Yahweh bless.
