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Aired (July 8, 2024): Doble ingat, mga SuKi! Usap-usap ngayon online ang isang video kung saan nakuhanan ang pagsalisi ng isang lalaki sa dalagang naglalaro sa arcade. Ano-ano nga ba ang dapat tandaan para maiwasan ang madukutan. Alamin ‘yan sa video.


00:00But do you like to go to the mall or other places where there's a lot of people?
00:04Oh my! Be extra careful, especially when it comes to your belongings.
00:08A viral scene on social media is a man's phone was broken by a woman playing in an arcade.
00:17The man took the woman's phone while she was sitting on the chair.
00:21Fortunately, the woman left and immediately returned her phone.
00:25They immediately reported the incident to the management of the arcade and to the police.
00:29The Korean pro football player, Yiyoung Park, was also not saved.
00:34From the hands of the robbers in a street in Taguig,
00:38according to her post, a group of women took her wallet and quickly split up.
00:44Park followed the women until they took the video.
00:47The wallet was returned, but the money was not enough.
00:51How can we avoid being a victim of a robbery if it's in the area?
00:55To talk about that, we have with us the safety and security expert, Mr. Galahad Lagahit.
01:01Good evening to you, Mr. Lagahit. Welcome to Dapat Alam.
01:05Good evening.
01:06Sir, there are two types of pickpockets here. What are those two types?
01:11This is what we call a criminal type and the other one is what we call a theatrical type.
01:19Theatrical type.
01:20What's the difference? Please explain.
01:21The theatrical type is what we entertain our victims.
01:27Oh, to confuse them.
01:29And the criminal type?
01:30Yes, the criminal type is what we intentionally took.
01:35Even if we know that we are aware of what we are doing.
01:40Even if we saw it, we will continue.
01:42Yes, we will continue.
01:43One of the things that is often overlooked are wallets like the one in the video.
01:46What is the tip that you can give to avoid this situation?
01:49This is for all of us to know.
01:52For example, this sling bag, most of the time, traditionally for us Filipinos,
02:00our sling bag is very long.
02:02Very long?
02:04Here, we just need to put it in front of us.
02:07And it's very low.
02:08So that at least we are all aware.
02:11So here, no one can approach us.
02:15And another thing, this wallet is just a DIY.
02:20This is what we will use so that when we go out, we will just put it in our wallet.
02:27So it won't get wet easily because this is our DIY rubber band.
02:31This is what we will use and it won't get wet easily.
02:33It will stick.
02:35It will stick.
02:36There will be more traction.
02:38It will be sticky.
02:39What else?
02:40For our wallet, we also have a DIY here because we will choose,
02:44for example, when we withdraw money from ATM,
02:49we usually just buy.
02:51So we can just get the money that we need to withdraw
02:57if we have an intention to buy.
03:00And another thing, this is what we call a funny bag or sling bag.
03:06This is just appropriate because it is always in front of us.
03:09Not behind.
03:10Not behind.
03:11For our safety.
03:14Not even on the side.
03:16Not even.
03:17We wanted to ask so many questions, sir.
03:20You will just have to go back.
03:21Thank you very much.
03:22Thank you very much.
03:23Thank you very much.
03:24Thank you very much, Galahad Lagahit for the fun discussion to avoid the cold from the cold.
03:29Just keep up with the news and make sure to watch.
03:32And for more funny and true stories,
03:37Thank you.
