The Shamrock Spitfire (2024)

  • 2 months ago
قصة الطيار المقاتل الأيرلندي بريندان "بادي" فينوكين، الذي أصبح في سن 21 عامًا أصغر قائد جناح على الإطلاق في سلاح الجو الملكي، وأحد أعظم المقاتلين وأكثرهم شهرة خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية.
00:00:00Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next video.
00:00:30Bye for now.
00:04:31Then I saw a flame come out of his machine.
00:04:36It grew bigger and bigger.
00:04:38Mick was no longer kicking his rudder.
00:04:41His nose dropped slightly,
00:04:43and he went into a slow right-hand turn
00:04:46and hit the ground in a burst of flame.
00:04:49Poor Mick.
00:04:51Those Huns had shot my major down in flames.
00:04:55What happened then?
00:04:57What the devil are you two reading?
00:05:00We've just been reading about Mick Manack.
00:05:05He died unbeaten in the sky.
00:05:07Proved them all wrong he did.
00:05:09All those who said he would never be a fighter pilot.
00:05:12So, what happened to him?
00:05:14He broke one of his own rules.
00:05:16Followed a kill down behind enemy lines.
00:05:18A German ground fryer got him.
00:05:22He just got lucky that day, that was all.
00:05:25They say every man has a bullet with his name on it, don't they?
00:05:28That's what they say.
00:05:30Tell us the story, Mum.
00:05:32Tell us about the bullet that almost got Brent.
00:05:35You must have heard that story a thousand times already.
00:05:39Haven't you two had enough stories for one night?
00:05:44They were dangerous times then in Dublin.
00:05:49You were just a baby.
00:05:51Not yet twelve months old.
00:05:54I remember it was a cold day.
00:05:57Especially cold for that time of year.
00:06:01You were tucked up in that old pram all snug and cosy.
00:06:06We weren't.
00:06:08You were tucked up in that old pram all snug and cosy.
00:06:13We were on our way home.
00:06:15We'd just been out shopping.
00:06:18And as we approached the house, all of a sudden,
00:06:23I heard a crack of gunfire and all hell broke loose.
00:06:28A fierce battle was being fought between the Irish rebels and the English soldiers
00:06:32and we were right in the middle of it all.
00:06:35Right outside our front door.
00:06:37Bullets flying in all directions.
00:06:41I grabbed you up out of that pram and threw myself on top of you.
00:06:45It's a wonder I didn't crush you.
00:06:48And of course, being pregnant with you,
00:06:51I nearly had you there and then.
00:06:54Our front door seemed so far away.
00:06:59So I crawled to the only bit of shelter I could find.
00:07:05That old pram.
00:07:08It was then I saw the bullet hole.
00:07:14It must have missed you by less than an inch.
00:07:18And do you know what the chances were of that bullet missing you by less than an inch?
00:07:25A million to one.
00:07:26Yes. A million to one.
00:07:31So it might be true that every man has a bullet with his name on.
00:07:37But it's the fickle winds of fate that guide that bullet.
00:07:43Now go to sleep.
00:08:01Okay, let go.
00:08:13Are you sure?
00:08:14Just let go.
00:08:15But you can't ride a bicycle, Brent.
00:08:17You know they say that learning to fly is just like learning to ride a bike.
00:08:20Yeah, but much harder.
00:08:22Go, William.
00:08:33Meow, meow, meow.
00:08:52Jesus, Marion, don't hit Brent.
00:08:57I'm okay.
00:08:58I think you've broken my new bicycle.
00:09:00Dad's going to kill me.
00:09:11Your mother tells me you pair her after getting into another fight in school.
00:09:14Where'd you take Ray's bike?
00:09:21Well, did you give as good as you got?
00:09:29Now listen, we Finucans, we don't go looking for a fight.
00:09:34But if one comes knocking on our door, then by God we give them a fight to remember.
00:09:40It's the way it's always been.
00:09:43Come on.
00:09:47Oh, and I might as well tell you this now.
00:09:50I'm off to get into promotion and work, so we'll be moving.
00:09:54To London.
00:10:14Mr. Finucan.
00:10:19Mr. Finucan.
00:10:21It's Finucan, Mr. Atkins.
00:10:24Yes, well, I pay you to do accounts, not to daydream.
00:10:29Yes, sir.
00:10:31Oh, dear, I'm late.
00:10:32Opera tonight.
00:10:34Mrs. Atkins has been looking forward to this for weeks.
00:10:38Lock up after you.
00:10:40On your go, William.
00:10:42Yes, sir.
00:10:44Have a good night.
00:10:59Tickets, please.
00:11:01Tickets, please.
00:11:02Tickets, gentlemen.
00:11:03Thank you.
00:11:04Thank you, sir.
00:11:05Thank you.
00:11:06Tickets, sir.
00:11:07Tickets, please, sir.
00:11:09Thank you very much.
00:11:10Thank you.
00:11:14Next stop, St. Paul's.
00:11:17Excuse me.
00:11:36So you want your mother doing your dirty work for you now.
00:11:39My son to be a big, strong, proud Irishman.
00:11:42To stand on his own two feet.
00:11:44Not hide behind my skirts.
00:11:46Ma'am, come on.
00:11:48You know how things have been between me and him recently.
00:11:51It might just be easier coming from you.
00:11:53Nothing worth having has ever come easy.
00:11:56You're too much alike.
00:11:57That's always been a problem.
00:12:01A good smack is what the pair of you need.
00:12:03He's squabbling all the time.
00:12:09Have they let him know about the job yet?
00:12:13And you let me go on there about joining the RAF,
00:12:15knowing that I'm the only person in the house now with a paying job.
00:12:18It was a crazy idea anyway.
00:12:21I'll go get changed.
00:12:22Do you know, I'll always remember taking you to that air show,
00:12:27that Bal Donald.
00:12:29And Bob, I watched you go up in that plane.
00:12:33You were so excited.
00:12:35And when you landed, you came running right up to me
00:12:39and you grabbed hold of my hand and you said to me this.
00:12:43This is what I want to do.
00:12:48Don't you worry about us.
00:12:50We'll manage.
00:12:51We always do.
00:13:00Brent has something to tell you.
00:13:08I want to join the RAF, Dad.
00:13:11If they'll have me.
00:13:14I see.
00:13:17They're offering short service commissions for successful applicants.
00:13:21I'll get to fly planes and be paid for it.
00:13:28Have you any idea what they'd say back home if they found out
00:13:30that one of Andy Finucane's boys was thinking of joining the British?
00:13:33Joining the RAF won't make me some kind of a deserter.
00:13:37But the Irish and English aren't fighting anymore.
00:13:39These are different times now.
00:13:42Dad, this is what I want to do.
00:13:47I want to fly.
00:13:50And what happens if they turn you down?
00:13:53You think Mr. Reagan is just going to take you back?
00:13:55If I fail the course, I'll not come home.
00:13:59So you needn't worry.
00:14:05You're always one with your head in the clouds.
00:14:12I suppose you're with him on this.
00:14:13I'm old enough to make my own decision.
00:14:20I suppose you are.
00:14:46I was wondering when you'd show up.
00:14:58Your father was in here earlier.
00:15:00Same look on his face too.
00:15:04Told me all about you.
00:15:06Wanted to join the British Air Force.
00:15:09Royal Air Force.
00:15:12Sorry, it's just the Royal Air Force.
00:15:18Anyhow, I'll tell you what I told your father when he was sitting there.
00:15:25You know, for the life of me, I can't remember who it was.
00:15:29Anyway, someone once said that the cost of not following your heart
00:15:34is to spend the rest of your life wishing that you had.
00:15:40Anyway, and he should know more than most,
00:15:42what with him one moment, the big freedom fighter,
00:15:45leading the charge against the English,
00:15:47with De Valera himself by his side.
00:15:51Then suddenly decided he was going to go and marry an English woman.
00:15:56What I wouldn't give to fly on the wall when he told his father that.
00:16:03But you know, I think maybe he's worried about you too.
00:16:09What with the paper saying that we might be at war with Germany soon.
00:16:14But I told him, I'm sure Olsen, Kevin will be looking after you.
00:16:18Aye, him for sure.
00:16:20Having a soft spot for the boards and the creatures of the air.
00:16:26I'm sure he'd be very proud of our Dublin flyer.
00:16:33Anyway, I have the Lord's work to do.
00:16:37And he can be a very impatient man.
00:17:04Heard you were leaving us today.
00:17:06Oh, Jean.
00:17:09I was going to pop round just after I finish packing.
00:17:20Oh, here.
00:17:23Well, I'm glad you were going to say goodbye.
00:17:26We are neighbours.
00:17:27Yes, of course.
00:17:29I've just been busy sorting things out and packing, you know.
00:17:37You look nice.
00:17:42But I always dress like this for work, so...
00:17:50Well, I have to go or I'll be late.
00:17:54I just wanted to wish you good luck.
00:18:01Can I...
00:18:07Would it be alright if I wrote to you?
00:18:14I'd like that.
00:18:21I'd better go.
00:18:23I'm trying to catch...
00:18:25Oh, just a moment.
00:18:29There. That's better.
00:18:33This is to make sure that nothing happens to you.
00:18:38What's going to happen to me?
00:18:42I have to go or I'll be late.
00:18:48I have to go or I'll be late.
00:18:59You'll be off then.
00:19:06You take care now, son.
00:19:08And write to us as soon as you can.
00:19:26You'll be a good boy now, OK?
00:19:29You too.
00:19:31Mam's going to be keeping me updated on those dancing lessons of yours.
00:19:34So I'll be wanting to dance when I get back.
00:19:36Keep at it, OK?
00:19:47I like riding the bike, flying those things.
00:19:49Let me try landing this time.
00:20:05Good luck, boy.
00:20:07And remember...
00:20:08I know, Dad.
00:20:10Failure is unknown in the Finucane household.
00:20:15And I meant what I said if I do.
00:20:46Look! Flying Finucane!
00:21:04Excuse me, do you mind telling me...
00:21:07what you intend to do about that hedge that's coming towards us?
00:21:12What you intend to do about that hedge that's coming towards us?
00:21:43Oh, my God!
00:21:55Switch the engine off, please.
00:22:04Well, Mr Finucane, I can tell you this.
00:22:08You certainly are not the next best thing.
00:22:13No, indeed.
00:22:17You're the original.
00:22:35Why don't you just give up, Paddy? Eh?
00:22:38Let's face it, God never intended Irishmen to fly, did he?
00:22:41Oh, don't look so sad!
00:22:52Oi, oi, oi! Steady on, lads.
00:22:55What's all this about, then, eh?
00:22:57Now, listen, my little four-leaf clover.
00:23:00I know that blockhead of yours likes to take a little knock or two, doesn't he?
00:23:05But trust me, you do not want to get into it with him.
00:23:09See this? This is Roy Battler Lane.
00:23:14Worcester Amateur Boxing Club's champion.
00:23:17How many years is it now, Roy? Two?
00:23:23Come on, Bren.
00:23:30Let's go, Roy. Come on, you got it, Roy.
00:23:32It's in, it's in, it's...
00:23:44Come on, Roy. Swing it, swing it, swing it.
00:23:49Come on, Roy.
00:24:14All right, Joe Lewis.
00:24:16The commander would like to see you in his office.
00:24:19Now, Mr Finnegan.
00:24:23Pilot abilities, 400 out of 750.
00:24:27Officer qualities, 450 out of 750.
00:24:35In navigation, you managed to achieve 77%.
00:24:39These scores are indicative of a pilot officer who's average at best.
00:24:49And some of the flight instructors tell me you're a bit of a loner.
00:24:53Keep to yourself a bit.
00:24:57I'll be frank with you, Finnegan.
00:24:59The only reason you're still here is because you're so bloody determined to succeed.
00:25:04You're a fighter.
00:25:06We're at war now.
00:25:08We're going to need fighters.
00:25:14You're to be posted to an operational training unit in Harroden
00:25:17for a two-week conversion course on Spitfires.
00:25:20Let's see how you do in a fighter aircraft.
00:25:23But first, I want you to take a few days' leave.
00:25:28Go home.
00:25:30Take a few days' leave.
00:25:32Go home.
00:25:34See the family.
00:25:36Take some time for yourself.
00:25:39Get some rest.
00:25:41All right?
00:25:44There's no plane in the world like a Spitfire.
00:25:49A thing of beauty to look at.
00:25:51She really is.
00:25:54That Rolls-Royce Merlin engine of hers.
00:25:571,040 horsepower it is.
00:26:00That means her top speed is 374 miles per hour.
00:26:05And she can go as high as 37,000 feet.
00:26:10The way you talk about that plane makes me jealous.
00:26:21It must look so beautiful from up there.
00:26:27It is.
00:26:43Look at these.
00:26:49I've never seen yellow roses in the wild before.
00:26:58It's such a perfect day.
00:27:00Take a look.
00:27:04It's like a grand old soft day in Ireland.
00:27:18You can keep your grand soft days, thank you very much.
00:27:21It's nice and cosy in here.
00:27:28Well, it's drier than it is out there.
00:27:32And we do have the place all to ourselves.
00:27:58They say that the yellow rose is the flower for newlyweds.
00:28:05That it symbolises friendship.
00:28:21You're as old as I am.
00:28:24You are staying the whole week, aren't you, Brent?
00:28:30I'm afraid not.
00:28:33I have to get back.
00:28:37I'm staying for the weekend, though.
00:28:40Only the weekend? I thought that you...
00:28:42We need trained fighter pilots.
00:28:45We have to be ready, you know?
00:28:48These yellow roses...
00:28:51They're worth fighting for, aren't they?
00:28:54I mean...
00:28:56It's all worth fighting for.
00:28:58Isn't it?
00:29:10What's it like, Brent?
00:29:13What's it like, Brent?
00:29:15To fly?
00:29:21It's like...
00:29:25I don't know.
00:29:27It's like...
00:29:30It's like something's pulling you up...
00:29:33Off the earth, into the sky, and...
00:29:41You're so high up that...
00:29:45There's nothing above you anymore.
00:29:51You're so far below that...
00:29:55It's like you're not a part of it anymore.
00:30:04It's like...
00:30:06It's like you've been set free.
00:30:36It's like you've been set free.
00:30:58Dammit, Pinocchio!
00:31:00You're coming in too fast!
00:31:50The ground's never quite where you expect it to be, is it, Finucane?
00:31:53And dammit!
00:31:55If you're not satisfied with the approach and landing,
00:31:57you bloody well go round again.
00:32:00I don't care how many attempts at landing a pilot makes.
00:32:04Could be ten, could be a hundred.
00:32:06I don't bloody well care.
00:32:08As long as he gets the plane down in one piece.
00:32:25France has fallen.
00:32:27The Battle of Britain has begun.
00:32:32What are you waiting for, man?
00:32:34Get back up there.
00:33:00Get down on the ground!
00:33:30Oh, I'm sorry.
00:33:32Stay out of my way!
00:33:56I've got two enemies on my tail.
00:34:00They're all over me.
00:34:02They're all over me.
00:34:10I can do it!
00:34:12I can do it!
00:34:14I can do it!
00:34:30I can do it!
00:35:00I can do it!
00:35:02I can do it!
00:35:31You come back from a show and find it very hard to remember what happened.
00:35:40Maybe you have a clear impression of three or four incidents.
00:35:44Some tiny link in the forgotten chain of events comes back.
00:36:00The reason is, everything happened so quick.
00:36:03A tremendous amount of thinking, action, emotion.
00:36:08On my last flight, I shot down two MEs.
00:36:11And the next day, one more.
00:36:14Our guns are being kept nice and clean under some fine Irish linen.
00:36:18So they're always ready to shoot true and straight.
00:36:31I'm now a bona fide flying officer.
00:36:34And I've put it all down to that Irish linen for sure.
00:36:39It's a grand life, and I know I'm lucky to be among the squadrons that are carrying out the sweeps.
00:36:47I have just heard about Ray being recalled back from leave.
00:36:51I thought it was pretty tough on him, as he was only home for a few days.
00:36:56All my love to everyone, your loving son, Bren.
00:37:04I do hope he's finding some time to relax.
00:37:10As back to their billets they go
00:37:14They'll feed on the promotions each side of the ocean
00:37:17Each side of the ocean
00:37:19So cheer up my lads
00:37:22So cheer up my lads
00:37:29So, Trixie, what is a girl like you doing in a war like this, innit?
00:37:35I don't know. Why are any of us here?
00:37:42Maybe deep down there is a piece of me that hates enough to want to be a part of it.
00:37:49But is that the same for all of us?
00:37:52Isn't it?
00:37:55I just wanted to fly.
00:37:58There was a lecture in my school all about the RAF.
00:38:02And he said something, and I'll never forget it.
00:38:05It's always been in my mind.
00:38:08He said...
00:38:11He said, I often think that those who fly are the greatest people on earth.
00:38:18There he is, the man of the hour.
00:38:21How many is that now, Bren?
00:38:22Five. Six?
00:38:24No, hang on, don't tell me, don't tell me.
00:38:25Six kills and two probables.
00:38:29Who'd have thought he'd have it in you, eh?
00:38:32You know what they say?
00:38:34It's the quietest ones who always hate the most.
00:38:38Oh, come on, eh, eh, there's nothing wrong with that, yeah?
00:38:41It's good honest emotion. Nothing wrong with it.
00:38:43I don't hate them.
00:38:46When I'm up there, I'm aiming at the machines.
00:38:49Not the lads inside.
00:38:53It's just a game.
00:38:55That's all.
00:38:58Oh, yeah.
00:39:00Pit yourself against him.
00:39:02Beat him to the position so that he's your target.
00:39:04Get him before he gets you.
00:39:07It's my skill against his.
00:39:09That's how it is for me.
00:39:11I'll tell you this for nothing.
00:39:12I'll tell you this for nothing.
00:39:13This man is living proof that even the most ham-fisted pilots can make the best fighters, eh?
00:39:22Ain't that the truth?
00:39:24Well, fighter always comes before pilot, doesn't it?
00:39:27It does.
00:39:29To us, the gladiators of the sky.
00:39:33The knights of the air.
00:39:35To us, the knights of the air.
00:39:37Knights of the air?
00:39:38Knights of the air.
00:39:40It's German bombers.
00:39:50Didn't you say your family in Southampton wants bread?
00:39:53My aunt and uncle.
00:39:56I'll get my car.
00:40:09Let's go.
00:40:40How can you see all this and not feel hate?
00:40:44I do feel hate.
00:40:45I do.
00:40:47And I will until every last German has been shot out of the sky.
00:40:51Out of the sky.
00:41:06Ireland may have declared itself neutral in this war, but by God, the Irish are the most belligerent neutrals I ever saw.
00:41:15I'm recommending you for a DFC.
00:41:18Congratulations, acting flight lieutenant.
00:41:21You're also to be given command of A flight in 452 squadron.
00:41:27They're Australian.
00:41:29Decent fellows.
00:41:30A little green around the gills.
00:41:32But I think you'll be the man to whip them into shape.
00:41:36Come on, boys!
00:41:50All I did was try to explain the rules of rugby, sir.
00:41:58He's down! I've got him!
00:42:07Where's me hat?
00:42:23Welcome to 452.
00:42:28I trust God's name, but everyone calls me Bluey.
00:42:32And I know it's not strictly uniform protocol, sir, but do you mind?
00:42:40Cricket man, are you?
00:42:46I was captain of the high school team.
00:42:49A bit more of a football man these days.
00:42:55Career going well, then?
00:43:01The red-headed bullet, they called him.
00:43:03He was a half-forward flanker for Melbourne, and I will never forget.
00:43:07Hey, you remember the grand final against Collingwood?
00:43:10Of course you do, because you were getting a bit of a thrashing that day, weren't you?
00:43:14Right up until the third quarter, where he bloody well goes and kicks the greatest goal I've ever bloody seen.
00:43:24I mean, that must have been a hundred-yard kick at least.
00:43:27You're in your glory there, mate.
00:43:29And you should have heard the crowd.
00:43:31There must have been a hundred thousand people, you reckon?
00:43:33Something like that.
00:43:35You showed some guts that day.
00:43:37Yeah, guts and sheer bloody-minded determination.
00:43:40That's what took the day.
00:43:42The meek may inherit the earth, my friends, but they'll never win a game of football.
00:43:45Too bloody right.
00:43:47Well, theirs might be the earth, but ours is the sky.
00:43:53I'll drink to that.
00:43:57It's true you shot down the Gerry's number one, Gallant.
00:44:01Some of the boys were saying it was the Polish fella, Drobinski.
00:44:05Yeah, he fights with real heart, that one.
00:44:07Doesn't take any prisoners.
00:44:09He'd have made a bloody good football player.
00:44:12He fights like a Pole.
00:44:14We're lucky to have them on our side.
00:44:16Well, there's hope for you yet then, Kaminski, eh?
00:44:19Let's throw a beer.
00:44:22Hey, what did they give you that DFC for?
00:44:24Oh, come on, Mick, he's just a little slow.
00:44:27You don't give up with the war much, do you, mate?
00:44:30They'd have been going home for a bloody year before you'd even know it was happening.
00:44:33A whole year?
00:44:35Well, you see, Mick is from a little place called Tibimburra.
00:44:38Where's that?
00:44:40It's in the middle of bloody nowhere.
00:44:42And they don't have newspapers there?
00:44:44They've got them, but his mum and dad were hiding them.
00:44:46Broke the wireless, too.
00:44:48He only found out when he went into town and saw the posters to join the Air Force.
00:44:51Ain't that right?
00:44:54Yeah, well, I'm sure you're going to be a real asset to the Air Force, mate.
00:44:58Your parents will be proud.
00:45:00Thank you, sir.
00:45:02I'm sure I've got a lot of catching up to do yet, though.
00:45:12I'll see you boys at 0600 hours.
00:45:15What are we doing that for?
00:45:17I'd like to get a couple of hours' practice in before breakfast.
00:45:19Besides, some of us have some catching up to do.
00:45:23Oh, bloody hell, Mick!
00:45:39But 109's on your tail.
00:45:41You won't see him until he's opening fire on your arse.
00:45:50So if you ever get left behind in a formation, you better weave like hell.
00:46:00I'm with 452 Squadron.
00:46:03They're a bunch of Australians and my first impression of them is, what a bunch.
00:46:08They're all lads, willing to put their backs into it.
00:46:11But they seem to like to do things their own way.
00:46:14Ah, come on, Finny, you can't be serious.
00:46:17Every time we walk past their flag, we got a flaming whale salute?
00:46:22There are two things we expect you to understand in the Royal Air Force.
00:46:27The first is the English language.
00:46:30And the second is discipline.
00:46:34Now, I think you all have a fairly good grasp of the first.
00:46:37And the second, you will learn.
00:46:41I think it's better to pull the bloody finger out.
00:46:45All right, lads, you heard the Squadron Leader.
00:46:48Let's show him how we bloody well salute.
00:47:03Now, that flag might not mean anything to you.
00:47:06Now, that flag might not mean anything to you.
00:47:12But I will have discipline in my squadron.
00:47:16Am I clear?
00:47:19Permission to speak, sir?
00:47:21What is it, Trescott?
00:47:24Most of us joined this squadron because we knew that sooner or later the war was going to come knocking at our doors too.
00:47:32And by standing here, we'd stand a better chance of winning.
00:47:34But even if that wasn't the case, I think most of us would still be standing here.
00:47:41Because of that bloody flag.
00:47:48All right, you're dismissed.
00:48:05That bloody Finney's becoming a right royal pain in the arse.
00:48:10Nah, Finney's all right. He's just been spending too much time with those bloody POM officers.
00:48:16Poor sod's starting to think he's one of them.
00:48:19Look at the state of those buttons. Have you not ironed that shirt and those shoes?
00:48:24Have you no self-respect, man?
00:48:26You may think that the RAF has a reputation for not looking after their uniforms, but by God, I will have clean shoes in my squadron!
00:48:32That's pretty good, mate.
00:48:35Yeah, maybe if he got a little whistled once in a while, he'd loosen up a bit.
00:48:39Now boys, drink clouds the mind. You need to stay sharp and focused all you do, or I'll not have anyone getting pissed at you.
00:48:47What do you think he means when he says, pull your finger out? Like, pull it out from where?
00:48:54I don't know, Mick, but I can tell you where he can bloody well shove it.
00:49:02For the rise of night, the lips is brightest place.
00:49:07Tangerines, when she dances by.
00:49:13I think now might be a good time to discuss battle tactics. Don't you?
00:49:20And I sing.
00:49:22Over a few beers, maybe.
00:49:25You're playing, sir?
00:49:28Only if you're getting the second round.
00:49:31Yeah, sounds good to me, boys.
00:49:34Oh, just one more thing, Rafe.
00:49:38For Christ's sake, just call me Paddy. Everyone else in this bloody country does.
00:49:45It's just like being in the ring, you know. Some pilots are all better to their left than their right.
00:49:51But you always have to take your play off the other fella. You know, don't hang around, just bam bam and out.
00:49:57Now don't just take a happy swing at anyone who comes by. You'll find yourself out of position within ten seconds.
00:50:04And remember, an over-enthusiastic right thumb can lead to a short-circuit.
00:50:09And remember, an over-enthusiastic right thumb can lead to a shortage of ammo.
00:50:15And a shortage of ammo when you're surrounded by a dozen 109s can lead to acute embarrassment, gentlemen.
00:50:22And never let anyone harmonise your sights. It's a simple job. And if your sighting's out, your next victory is out.
00:50:29Now, according to the Met Office, we're keeping the weather.
00:50:34So an early start tomorrow, gents. Up at a sparrow's fart.
00:50:45You alright?
00:50:50I just... had this dream last night.
00:50:56That I pranged the control tower.
00:51:00That wasn't a dream, mate. That was a bloody premonition.
00:51:05One of us is bound to do it at some point.
00:51:08Now this bit, she's just like a turret bird racehorse. No different.
00:51:30A little skittish and hard to handle on the ground.
00:51:35And occasionally, she has a mind to try and take you somewhere you didn't want to go.
00:51:50Practice makes perfect. No more so when it comes to target practice.
00:51:56After all, what's of more value against the Huns? The crack flyer or the crack shot?
00:52:04Well, I guess we all better be bloody crack shots then.
00:52:08Well, at least the crack shot can deal effectively with anything he can lure within range.
00:52:13I'm sure all the other fella can do is take evasive action.
00:52:16It is no use being a skilful pilot if you are not a successful fighter.
00:52:20The hard, vital core of that Spitfire is in its guns.
00:52:26It's what she's made for, lads.
00:52:29Likewise for you, Egypts.
00:52:39The whole of a fighter pilot's training is directed towards that one moment.
00:52:46When he has his enemy in his sights.
00:52:48Mandates, seven o'clock.
00:52:51Now you fellas are going to see just what this war is all about.
00:53:06In selecting your target, it is a bone of rule to choose one and go for it.
00:53:19Wait until his wingtips overlap the horizontal graticule lines.
00:53:24Aim for the centre of the fuselage.
00:53:27Don't look up to see the result. Keep perfectly still and do it again.
00:53:38And believe it or not, things will start happening.
00:53:42Oh, come on!
00:54:05Keep together. Keep together.
00:54:12About three o'clock.
00:54:14Keyhole squadron, break right.
00:54:19It's in control. Keep turning and work your way down the deck.
00:54:24Whatever happens, we have to stick together.
00:54:29Lone wolves make for easy targets.
00:54:33They're always the ones who get it first.
00:54:38These 109s are fast.
00:54:42When you take them up to 18,000 feet, the Spit can turn twice as fast.
00:54:48It's in control.
00:54:50Oh, no!
00:54:51It's in control.
00:54:53It's in control.
00:55:16Seven calling Keyhole Red Leader.
00:55:18Bandit spotted, Angels 2-0, heading north-wield.
00:55:22Bandit spotted, Angels 2-0, heading north-wield.
00:55:53It's in control.
00:56:19Bloody hell!
00:56:21We've got a bit of a prang, I'm afraid.
00:56:23By Christ, sir, you must have some luck with you.
00:56:25No wonder they call him the lucky one.
00:56:27What the feckin' say, Chiefie?
00:56:28I saw you get a squirt at that bugger, sir.
00:56:30Bloody great.
00:56:31How did you manage to shoot at that angle?
00:56:33You must have been at the top of your climbing till when you fired those cannons.
00:56:36I was fired more in hope than anything else.
00:56:38That was 500 yards, I reckon.
00:56:39Had he?
00:56:40He lucky butt.
00:56:41Did you get one blue?
00:56:43One certain, one probable.
00:56:45Anyone see me land?
00:56:46What'd it look like?
00:56:47Blimey, no wonder they call him the demolition squad.
00:57:17You're exaggerating.
00:57:33Just giving it a little spit and polish, sir.
00:57:38Some man, Chiefie.
00:57:40In every squadron there is a plane that is something more than a pattern of steel and wood.
00:58:01More than instruments and mechanism.
00:58:04It's a living, graceful thing.
00:58:06It's a living, graceful thing that carries the spirit of the squadron.
00:58:21The 452 Squadron.
00:58:23It's the flying shaman.
00:58:36Fire at will.
00:59:06Fire at will.
00:59:22Look at that, boys.
00:59:23They're all going home for lunch.
00:59:56Mick, come on.
00:59:57No, no, it's my lighter.
00:59:58I can't find it.
00:59:59Bloody leave it.
01:00:00It's my lucky lighter.
01:00:01Come on.
01:00:06Come on.
01:00:36Come on.
01:01:06It was under his bed.
01:01:14It was under his bloody bed.
01:01:37BELL RINGS
01:01:42Show on, chaps.
01:01:43See you all be here in five minutes.
01:01:45Briefing in twenty.
01:01:46Luke, you're my number two.
01:01:48Chisa, tell Chiefie I want those aircraft ready for take-off at 1450 hours.
01:02:01Is everything alright?
01:02:09Yeah, absolutely.
01:02:18Alright, mate?
01:02:20Yeah, no, I'm still smoking.
01:02:57Red Leader to base.
01:02:58No sign of enemy fighter escort.
01:03:00Requesting permission to engage.
01:03:02Red Leader, you are clear to engage.
01:03:05Keep on hunting.
01:03:18Keep those eyes peeled, man.
01:03:27OK, Paddy, I've got him.
01:04:13I see him, Paddy.
01:04:14Christ's sake.
01:04:15All you want is to shut up and give the rest of them a chance.
01:04:40They're all locked, Paddy.
01:05:22Alright, boys.
01:05:23Let's go home.
01:05:41Just look at that view, boys.
01:05:43Now that's something worth fighting for.
01:06:53Off to fight Shadrach!
01:07:11...ceaselessly, from dawn to dusk,
01:07:13over-occupied France,
01:07:15despite the German resistance.
01:07:17I was listening to that.
01:07:19A woman like you should be out,
01:07:21having fun,
01:07:22meeting new people.
01:07:24Not stuck in here every weekend,
01:07:26listening to that thing.
01:07:27Father, please, just...
01:07:28don't start again.
01:07:30What your father is trying to say
01:07:32is, yes,
01:07:33we understand.
01:07:35You have feelings for the boy.
01:07:38But look,
01:07:39you're still so young.
01:07:41The both of you.
01:07:43Far too young to be so in love
01:07:45when the...
01:07:46Well, we are in love, Mother,
01:07:47so you're just going to have to deal with it.
01:07:49You're too young to know what love is.
01:07:52And as for that Finucane boy,
01:07:54well, he's more in love with flying round
01:07:55and being a war hero
01:07:56than he is in love with you, Jean.
01:08:01I mean,
01:08:03I like the boy of course, Jean.
01:08:05What do you know about being in love anyway?
01:08:07No, no, wait.
01:08:08You have never looked at Mother
01:08:10the way he looks at me.
01:08:19You know Mrs. Baxter down the road?
01:08:22She had a telegram this morning.
01:08:24It was her son,
01:08:28You know, he's only just got married.
01:08:31That poor girl.
01:08:33A widow at 22.
01:08:36Don't you see?
01:08:38We're only trying to stop the heartache.
01:08:40Or was it that Tennyson said?
01:08:44Better to have loved and lost
01:08:49than never to have loved at all.
01:09:00I can't see them.
01:09:30Oh my God!
01:10:00Oh my God!
01:10:31Shh, shh, shh.
01:10:49Little birdie told me today is your birthday.
01:10:52Happy birthday, Squadron Leader.
01:10:56Oh, congratulations.
01:10:58I read in the newspaper
01:10:59that you are to be awarded a second bar to your DFC
01:11:03and the Distinguished Service Order.
01:11:08Oh, it must be wonderful to have so many people write to you
01:11:11from all over the world too.
01:11:14Most of them are marriage proposals.
01:11:20Happy birthday to you.
01:11:24Happy birthday to you.
01:11:27Happy birthday, you little Irish bastard.
01:11:31Happy birthday to you.
01:11:36I'm sorry, sister.
01:11:38We've missed him is all.
01:11:40No, it's quite all right.
01:11:44I'll come back later and I'll check up on you.
01:11:52Thank you.
01:11:57Feast your eyes on that.
01:11:59A lovely two-page spread on the RAF's finest.
01:12:03A bunch of crazy Aussies led by an even crazier Irish fella.
01:12:07Couldn't make it up.
01:12:09How's the leg?
01:12:11Ah, hardly gives me any bother.
01:12:13How you managed to land without a crack up, Paddy, I'll never know.
01:12:17You certainly did have all the luck of the Irish on your side that night.
01:12:19Yeah, anyway, how are you lads?
01:12:22Yeah, yeah, we're all right.
01:12:28Chisser got himself shot down three days ago.
01:12:31Yeah, I know.
01:12:34Well, yesterday Jimbo's luck ran out.
01:12:37On a bloody training exercise.
01:12:39With that replacement Sergeant William's mid-air collision.
01:12:43Can't think of a worse way to go.
01:12:47Yeah, what's all this?
01:12:50Oh, from a land girl.
01:12:53Somewhere among the turnips.
01:12:55My dearest Brendan.
01:12:58I want to feel your breath on my shoulders and hear your laugh.
01:13:03You can't imagine how much I want you at this present moment.
01:13:06I can't wait to feel your touch.
01:13:09There's more.
01:13:12Oh, this one is from a blonde admirer.
01:13:15I don't suppose there's one from a Miss Rita Hayworth in here, is there?
01:13:18No, he's not that lucky.
01:13:21You know you're going to break a million hearts
01:13:23when you finally pop the question of that Sheila of yours, don't you?
01:13:27Oh, come on.
01:13:28For some reason she thinks you're the ant's pants, mate.
01:13:38What's that?
01:13:40Right, we'll be off then, mate.
01:13:42We should be back by six.
01:13:43I'll be seeing you by soon.
01:13:45Look after yourself.
01:13:46Right. Come on, boys.
01:13:58How are you feeling, Paddy?
01:14:00Don't worry, sir.
01:14:01I'll be up and out of this bed in no time at all.
01:14:05Well, the doctor seems to think that leg of yours
01:14:07might need some time to heal.
01:14:10Well, if Bader can fly with no legs, I think I can manage with one.
01:14:20Spitfire Paddy.
01:14:26You know, even the Americans are asking to borrow some of our Spitfires.
01:14:30And the Prime Minister.
01:14:32Well, the old boy's pushing the Air Ministry to form a whole shamrock wing.
01:14:39And I think we'll get one, too.
01:14:42But in the meantime,
01:14:44you're to be given command of the Hornchurch wing.
01:14:49Happy birthday, Wing Commander.
01:14:57Well done, Wing Commander. That's two laps today.
01:15:00Ah, yeah.
01:15:02All he had to do was give me a pair of wings.
01:15:05All he had to do was give me a pair of wings.
01:15:12I'll be flying out of here by the end of next week.
01:15:19Mr Passion Pants.
01:15:21He's quite the ladies' man.
01:15:23Though his charms don't seem to work on Matron.
01:15:26She doesn't approve of our Mr Passion Pants.
01:15:29This is a hospital.
01:15:31It's not a country house, we can't.
01:15:33That's what she's always saying.
01:15:42How's your tea?
01:15:48It's lovely.
01:15:51You're a terrible liar.
01:15:54It's perfectly dreadful.
01:15:56I'm sorry. It's the best that we have.
01:16:02You know, it's rather wonderful what we can do today.
01:16:06With surgery.
01:16:08Things have come a long way in the last couple of years.
01:16:11You wouldn't believe some of the treatments that we're able to do now.
01:16:16It's quite remarkable.
01:16:32Good Lord, what a great dream.
01:16:35I longed and I smiled.
01:16:39How I would weep.
01:16:46Well done, boys. Well done.
01:16:48That's it. We are done for today.
01:16:56Up the shamrock.
01:16:57Now, now, boys, remember where you are.
01:17:00You're in the house of the Lord and if there's any shouting to be done in here,
01:17:04it will be done by me.
01:17:20Those boys think you're going to be winning this war single-handed.
01:17:23Why wouldn't they?
01:17:25That's stuff they read about me.
01:17:27The finuc and scourge of the Luftwaffe.
01:17:30Tell you what they won't read in the papers.
01:17:33Most nights you wake up in a cold sweat.
01:17:36And there are days that you just feel like...
01:17:40like you're a walking graveyard.
01:17:45Tell you what, Tom.
01:17:47If I could end this muck single-handedly, I would.
01:17:51I swear to Christ, I would.
01:17:54I swear to Christ, I would.
01:18:00This war's been staged for the world to see.
01:18:03And I'm afraid before it's over, many more are going to have to take up the gauntlet.
01:18:08Some say it's a calling.
01:18:10A crusade, you might say.
01:18:15May welloneer its standard rear against the cause of freedom.
01:18:21Oh, the shamrock.
01:18:23The green, immortal shamrock.
01:18:27Chosen leaf of bard and chief.
01:18:33It's in your blood.
01:18:38Anyway, how's Jean? I haven't seen her for a while.
01:18:42Oh, she's... she's grand.
01:18:45Just... busy with work, I imagine.
01:18:49Yes, I should imagine so. I mean, the ministry's work is vital to the war effort.
01:18:55So, when are you two going to make it official?
01:19:02Now, normally I'd be here telling you that marriage isn't something you rush into.
01:19:06Isn't that what you both want?
01:19:08Of course it is.
01:19:12What good is it having a beautiful wife at home when there's a German sitting on my tail winging...
01:19:19The shamrock will only keep me safe for so long.
01:19:21Yeah, well, don't put your faith in lucky charms.
01:19:26It's not that I'm afraid to die. I'm not. It's just...
01:19:31I won't be a burden to anyone.
01:19:36It wouldn't be fair.
01:19:41Trust in tomorrow, Ian, as little as you may.
01:19:45But trust in love.
01:19:48For love, well, no...
01:19:50Love bears all things.
01:19:53Hopes all things.
01:20:05Blue skies, smiling at me.
01:20:09Nothing but blue skies do I see.
01:20:14Bluebirds, flying on high.
01:20:17Hey, Blue, you say those Japanese don't take no prisoners?
01:20:21Yeah, I can say the same thing about you, mate.
01:20:24Never saw the sun shining so bright.
01:20:26Never saw things going so right.
01:20:28Noticing the days hurrying by.
01:20:30When you're in love, my, oh, they fly.
01:20:33Blue days, all of them gone.
01:20:37Nothing but blue skies from now on.
01:20:42Blue skies, smiling at me.
01:20:46Nothing but blue skies do I see.
01:20:49I'm often thinking, aren't we being in my choir?
01:20:52Well, it'll never be the crack shop that it is.
01:20:55Oh, I remember all the times I'd catch him
01:20:58flicking those paper pellets down on some poor, unsuspecting member of my congregation.
01:21:03You was on that big hat Mrs. Blighton used to wear at the mass.
01:21:06Do you remember?
01:21:09Now, dear, remember?
01:21:12You promised you'd stay away from the punch this time.
01:21:15Yes, dear.
01:21:17Oh, Father, have you seen our notice board?
01:21:20We have an orchestra coming.
01:21:23Now, I must invite you to meet the founder, Nigel.
01:21:27I think I saw him over there.
01:21:29I'm sure he'll be so intrigued to hear about your choir
01:21:33if I could steal you away.
01:21:38I don't suppose you've seen my fiancé anywhere, have you?
01:21:42I think I saw him going into the hallway.
01:21:46Father, don't worry, I won't tell Mother.
01:21:51Oh, hello.
01:21:52Show us the ring.
01:21:53Oh, it's beautiful.
01:21:55It's gorgeous, isn't it?
01:21:56You look lovely in it.
01:22:04Anne, what are you looking so self-satisfied about?
01:22:07It doesn't matter.
01:22:08I'll tell you that I'll still end up getting married.
01:22:11Well, they certainly make a very grand couple, don't they?
01:22:16Grand, very grand.
01:22:19Where is the old bugger?
01:22:27Hey, what are you doing out here, mate?
01:22:30You know that party's for you, right?
01:22:32Or did you forget?
01:22:35I don't like all the fuss.
01:22:37Besides, I have to give my good dancing leg a rest now, don't I?
01:22:44Congratulations, squadron leader.
01:22:50I reckon those extra stripes will look good at the end of these arms, eh?
01:22:54I owe it all to you, mate.
01:22:58Well, good luck with the 602, squadron paddy.
01:23:03I imagine it's a bit rough around the edges.
01:23:05Ah, don't worry about that.
01:23:07I'll smooth them out.
01:23:09Well, I want you to take that.
01:23:20I'll be wanting it back, mate.
01:23:22Next time I see you.
01:23:24Yeah, I'll look after it for you.
01:23:30Well then, let's see how it looks.
01:23:39There we go.
01:23:41Now you look a fair dinkum, Aussie.
01:23:51Hello, ladies.
01:23:54Hello, handsome.
01:24:49It's a good turnout.
01:24:52It is.
01:24:55I was just...
01:24:58I was wondering what old Dave would think about all this.
01:25:02Andy Finucane's boy in the RAF.
01:25:06Well, apparently Churchill wants a whole shamrock wing now.
01:25:12My God.
01:25:14Is that right?
01:25:15There you are.
01:25:18I'd best be going back inside.
01:25:21I promised his mother a dance.
01:25:29You two seem to be getting on well.
01:25:34So he's finally warmed up to the idea of you being...
01:25:37Oh, turncoat.
01:25:45Such a beautiful night.
01:25:49That it is.
01:25:51I mean, all those stars.
01:25:55They don't hold a candle to the brightness of your cheeks.
01:26:01All right, Romeo.
01:26:03Oh, is that Shakespeare?
01:26:05I thought that was me.
01:26:07Oh, would you look?
01:26:09Even the moon's trying to hide her face now.
01:26:15You know...
01:26:17I hate to think that out there...
01:26:24someone's writing up orders that will take you away from me...
01:26:32You're sure about this?
01:26:35I mean...
01:26:36No regrets, remember?
01:26:41No regrets.
01:26:46Tell me about Australia again.
01:26:50Well, I thought...
01:26:52a woman can change her mind, can't she?
01:26:59me and Bluey...
01:27:01we're going to start our own business.
01:27:03Chartered Flying.
01:27:05That's the one for us.
01:27:08Now Bluey's got it all worked out.
01:27:10Of course, we haven't decided on a name yet.
01:27:14Well, Bluey seems to think it's going to be called Trascott & Finucane.
01:27:18Oh, does he now?
01:27:20Don't worry. I set him straight.
01:27:23Finucane & Trascott is going to be the name.
01:27:26After all, I'm going to be a Finucane now, you know.
01:27:31It's going to be a good life...
01:27:33best part.
01:27:37So we'll have time.
01:27:51I love you.
01:28:12Can't we just go...
01:28:15on our way together?
01:28:19I wish we could.
01:28:23But, um...
01:28:25our guests...
01:28:27you know...
01:28:29they're depending on us.
01:28:31I know.
01:28:48Oh, look at you.
01:28:50Yeah, my bad leg and all.
01:28:52Oh, I like it.
01:28:58Shall we?
01:29:00Yeah, I'll...
01:29:02I'll follow you in. I'll just be a minute.
01:29:07don't be too long now, Mr Finucane.
01:29:42Heard you boys were on the graveyard shift last night.
01:29:45There you go, lad.
01:29:46Cheers, Sarge.
01:29:50Winko's up today, then, Bill.
01:29:52He's been testing her all morning.
01:29:54He just told me to take the crash pad out.
01:29:57What for?
01:29:58He's been testing those new Mark 9s.
01:30:00He said the first thing they did was remove the bloody headrests.
01:30:04So what's he going to have between his head and that armour plate behind Bill?
01:30:11Hey, Sarge.
01:30:13You reckon it's going to be a big show today?
01:30:17I don't know, lad.
01:30:20I don't know.
01:30:24The orders are in, gentlemen.
01:30:27Our target is a German army camp at Etab.
01:30:32This will be a fighter ramrod.
01:30:36Now, this is going to be a pretty big show, chaps.
01:30:39The largest of its kind.
01:30:41And the Hornchurch wing are leading it.
01:30:45Wing Commander.
01:30:50According to the latest weather reports,
01:30:53we can expect some light flak, I'm afraid.
01:30:56But the good news is,
01:30:58there should be some scattered clouds at 2,000 to 3,000 feet.
01:31:01So, perfect visibility over target.
01:31:0481 and 154 squadrons will take off at 11.50 hours.
01:31:09122 squadron will also be joining us.
01:31:12The route?
01:31:14East from the Thames to Pevensey Bay,
01:31:16heading out over the channel at 0 feet.
01:31:20Right on the deck, chaps.
01:31:23We'll be getting air support from the North Weald wing,
01:31:25and we should reach the target...
01:31:28Well, we should arrive just in time for lunch.
01:31:34Now, I want you all to study those photos.
01:31:37Take note of where the officer's mess is,
01:31:39because if anyone hits that target,
01:31:41there will be almighty hell to pay.
01:31:45Because I'm saving that target for myself.
01:31:48Make sure you serve him up a nice round of hot lead, sir.
01:31:51All right, all right.
01:31:54Any questions?
01:32:01We leave at 11.50.
01:32:08Okay, chaps.
01:32:10Remember, keep those eyes peeled now.
01:33:04We've got a spinhead!
01:33:07I see them!
01:33:08Two of them!
01:33:12Keep on course, lads.
01:33:14Keep on course.
01:33:18Is Serena here, sir?
01:33:22I know, yellow tube.
01:33:24But I can see she's...
01:33:26She's running a temperature.
01:33:32I'm turning out.
01:33:36I'm hot in the tail, sir.
01:33:38I've got him good for you, sir.
01:33:40Yeah, you better.
01:33:41But there'll be trouble when you get back.
01:33:51I killed the bastards!
01:33:57Come on, old girl.
01:33:59Come on.
01:34:05Come on.
01:34:33Get as high as you can.
01:34:36I'm gonna have to get you in the drink.
01:34:38Roger will come, sir.
01:34:40Things sink like a bloody stone.
01:34:52Okay, this is it, chaps.
01:35:02Come on.
01:35:32Come on.
01:35:45No regrets, remember?
01:35:48No regrets.
01:36:03I can't see him.
01:36:09I can't see him.
01:36:33Come on.
01:36:59Which one is it?
01:37:32Come on.
01:37:50Oh, Brad.
01:38:02Oh, Brad.
01:38:33Mr. and Mrs. Finucane, sir.
01:38:35Yes, thank you, Sergeant.
01:38:36Thank you, sir.
01:38:46Thank you.
01:38:49For coming.
01:38:51We have some photographers from the press waiting.
01:38:55I don't know.
01:38:56I don't know.
01:38:57I don't know.
01:38:58I don't know.
01:38:59I don't know.
01:39:00It's the press waiting.
01:39:03I just wanted to tell you both...
01:39:07how very sorry I am for your loss.
01:39:10It was all just...
01:39:11They said it was a million to one chance.
01:39:16The bullet that got him.
01:39:19That's what they said, isn't it?
01:39:22In the newspapers.
01:39:27He was a remarkable man, Mrs. Finucane.
01:39:31A remarkable man.
01:39:34You will be in his debt, always.
01:39:38Thank you.
01:39:46Mr. and Mrs. Finucane,
01:39:49have you anything to say to our readers?
01:40:11May Valor ne'er his standard rear
01:40:18against the cause of freedom.
01:40:22Oh, this shamrock.
01:40:31The green, amorphous shamrock.
01:40:51May Valor ne'er his standard rear
01:40:57against the cause of freedom.
01:42:47side of the ocean so clear of my glance. Bless them all. Bless them all. Bless them all.
01:42:57The long and the short and the tall. Bless all the sergeants and W-O-1s.
01:43:06Bless all the corporals and their blinking sons. Cause they're saying goodbye to them all.
01:43:14As back to their billets they crawl. You'll get no promotion this side of the ocean.
01:43:23So cheer up my lads. Bless them all. You'll get no promotion this side of the ocean.
01:43:32So cheer up my lads. Bless them all.