Snow White and the Seven Samurai (2024)

  • last month
بعد أن تركتها زوجة أبيها الغنية والقوية لتموت، يقع على عاتق فريق من القتلة - الساموراي السبعة - مهمة اصطحابها إلى هناك وتدريبها على طرق القتال.
00:00:00I've had enough.
00:00:15It's happening everywhere I go.
00:00:16Today at a store, I heard some girls whispering, there goes Snow White, heir to her daddy's
00:00:20cocaine empire.
00:00:23Cannot control what other people say, Anya.
00:00:29It's not about the nickname, Dad.
00:00:31I know you don't want me to be involved in what you do, but I need you to level with
00:00:35It's just not safe, Anya.
00:00:36What do you want me to do?
00:00:38Something else.
00:00:39Anything else.
00:00:40I want you to be safe, too.
00:00:42It's not that easy.
00:00:43If I leave the Four Pillars, it would put us all in danger, especially you and Quinn.
00:00:48Come on, darling, she's been nothing but nice to you.
00:00:51She wouldn't be a very good gold digger if she alienated the kid.
00:00:55I know she's not your mom.
00:00:56Damn right she's not.
00:00:57But she is my wife, and you will treat her with respect.
00:00:59Do you hear me?
00:01:00Will you just try, Dad?
00:01:04We have enough money.
00:01:05Let's figure out something else for you to do that doesn't involve drugs and people getting
00:01:12You can retire.
00:01:19Everyone does, I suppose, retire at some point.
00:01:22We'll talk about this tomorrow, though, okay?
00:01:27Safe room.
00:01:29Go now.
00:01:32Go, go, go, go, go!
00:01:38All right, all right, get in there.
00:01:44I'll go after him.
00:01:49You stay here.
00:01:53I'll go after him. You stay here.
00:01:55Don't leave.
00:02:20It's okay.
00:02:22He can't, he can't, he can't get in.
00:02:26Where are the guards?
00:02:28I guess, I guess, I guess he got,
00:02:30he got them first.
00:02:32Reinforcements will be on their way.
00:02:36They'll be here any minute.
00:02:38Now if you have to leave,
00:02:40I want you to punch in this number.
00:02:42It's the code.
00:02:46My birthday.
00:02:48I love you, babe.
00:02:50No, Dad.
00:02:52No. No, Dad, no, no, no.
00:02:54Please, please, please, Dad.
00:02:56Please, no.
00:03:02No, Dad, no, no, no.
00:03:06Dad, please.
00:03:20It's time.
00:03:32Thank you, Seth.
00:03:34You've been my only comfort
00:03:36through all this.
00:03:38I worked with your family
00:03:40for a long time.
00:03:42I'm glad to be able to help you
00:03:44through this.
00:03:46My instructions were to
00:03:48keep the will sealed
00:03:50until the reading.
00:03:52But as the only child,
00:03:54your life's about to change considerably.
00:03:56Just know that
00:03:58I'm here for you.
00:04:18Goodbye, Dad.
00:04:40Welcome, everyone.
00:04:42For those I haven't met,
00:04:44I'm Seth Thibodeau,
00:04:46here to deliver the will
00:04:48of Joseph Voight.
00:04:52I, Joseph Voight,
00:04:54being of sound mind,
00:04:56not under duress or undue influence,
00:04:58do hereby make, publish,
00:05:00and declare this document
00:05:02to be my last will and testament.
00:05:04I hereby authorize
00:05:06my personal representative,
00:05:08Seth Thibodeau, herein appointed
00:05:10to settle and discharge
00:05:12any claims against my estate.
00:05:14I hereby declare my personal
00:05:16wherever situated as follows.
00:05:18First beneficiaries,
00:05:20to Bruno Muller, Carl Braun,
00:05:22and Johanna Schultz,
00:05:24I leave the following,
00:05:26lump-sum cash amount
00:05:28of $1 million each
00:05:30as a gesture of goodwill
00:05:32for our many years of cooperation.
00:05:34Second beneficiary,
00:05:36my wife, Quinn Voight,
00:05:38I leave the following,
00:05:40$20 million lump-sum cash
00:05:42so you may live a happy
00:05:44and comfortable life.
00:05:46Third beneficiary, for my daughter,
00:05:48my love, my Anya,
00:05:50I leave the rest of my fortune,
00:05:52assets, and businesses
00:05:54in their entirety.
00:05:56What? With one caveat.
00:05:58We are disbanding
00:06:00our East Los Angeles warehouse
00:06:02effective immediately. We will be closing
00:06:04all accounts at Swiss National.
00:06:06The company, which will be managed
00:06:08by Anya, will be legally transformed
00:06:10in any way Anya sees fit.
00:06:12I don't believe this. This is insane!
00:06:14She'll squander the entire fortune!
00:06:16Mrs. Voight,
00:06:18your interruptions must stop.
00:06:24I know you always thought it was just
00:06:26talk, but it makes me
00:06:28happy to know that you'll live a long
00:06:30and safe life far away from
00:06:32the crime and violence you grew accustomed
00:06:36Everyone knows this should all be mine.
00:06:38She'll run the entire business
00:06:40to the ground.
00:06:42There's one more thing.
00:06:44If any beneficiary under this will
00:06:46contests or attacks this will
00:06:48or any of its provisions,
00:06:50any share or interest in my estate
00:06:52given to that contesting
00:06:54beneficiary is revoked
00:06:58That is all.
00:07:00Copies will be delivered
00:07:02by messenger with instructions
00:07:04for collection.
00:07:06Thank you for all coming.
00:07:08You're out of your little mind if you think you're
00:07:10getting away with this. I sat with him
00:07:12as he wrote this will, and this is not
00:07:16Your father
00:07:36also wanted me to give you this.
00:07:40four pillars ring.
00:07:42Yeah, just be glad that he didn't give it
00:07:44to someone else. That ring
00:07:46represents tremendous power.
00:07:50Voight family and the four pillars.
00:07:52I guess they're meant to be together forever.
00:07:54That's up to you now.
00:07:56I'm gonna try to get all this
00:07:58paperwork done right away.
00:08:00Can you come to my office tonight? Sure.
00:08:02I'll give you a call when everything's in order.
00:08:14I deserve
00:08:30that inheritance, not that
00:08:34You know what to do.
00:08:36Now be careful. If this gets
00:08:38back to me in any way, you're
00:08:40a dead man. Understand?
00:08:42I understand.
00:08:52That fortune and control
00:08:54over the four pillars would be mine
00:08:56unless you somehow mess
00:08:58it up. Now go.
00:09:00Tell me when it's done.
00:09:04going to get in my way.
00:09:12God bless.
00:09:16He's getting away.
00:09:24What the hell?
00:09:36What the hell?
00:10:06What the hell?
00:10:36Thank you for coming at such an hour. Of course.
00:10:38You said it was important to get this done.
00:10:40It is. I want to get this whole
00:10:42process finished as quickly as I can.
00:10:46Is something wrong?
00:10:48It hasn't been 12 hours and already
00:10:50I'm getting threats. People following
00:10:52my wife and kid.
00:10:54I just want to wash my hands of this whole ordeal.
00:10:56Is there anything I can do?
00:10:58Should we call the cops?
00:11:00I just...
00:11:02I just...
00:11:04want this all to get wrapped up.
00:11:0612 years ago.
00:11:08No, 20 years ago.
00:11:10Debbie warned me about getting involved
00:11:12with the four pillars in any way.
00:11:14Even then, she knew that they were
00:11:16nothing more than a modern-day
00:11:18ring bride. Mob families
00:11:20working together to cover
00:11:22criminal activity.
00:11:24I shouldn't have got involved.
00:11:26But when they ask,
00:11:28you don't say no.
00:11:30Trust me. I know.
00:11:34Your father and you have always
00:11:36been so good to me.
00:11:38Meanwhile, now that he's gone,
00:11:40it seems that the protections
00:11:42from working with him have gone too.
00:11:44I'm so
00:11:46sorry, Seth.
00:11:48So, if you could
00:11:50sign these, I'll submit
00:11:52them first thing in the morning.
00:11:54Hopefully, when things are
00:11:56finalized, all this will finally stop.
00:11:58Where do I sign?
00:12:00Right here.
00:12:06And here.
00:12:10An initial
00:12:12here and here.
00:12:16And finally, here.
00:12:22Thank you again for coming,
00:12:24Anya. Of course. Thank you.
00:12:26Now get back to the house as fast as you can, Anya.
00:12:28I'll call you first thing in the morning.
00:13:22Help someone!
00:14:02Wake up.
00:14:08Come on.
00:14:10Come on, get up.
00:14:40I'll keep that.
00:14:42It's of no use to me now.
00:14:48What happened to you?
00:14:50I'm okay. It's done.
00:14:52Oh. The little girl hurt you.
00:14:54I said I'm okay.
00:14:56Well done.
00:15:00With Anya gone,
00:15:02the fortune is all
00:15:06I have these two.
00:15:08Thibodeau's papers.
00:15:20If Thibodeau is stashing
00:15:22all of this,
00:15:24I'm surprised it's all he had on him of value.
00:15:34Hmm. Extra credit.
00:15:38Hmm. We all make mistakes.
00:15:40Consider it a bonus.
00:15:42You did well.
00:15:44Now don't go too far.
00:15:46I have a meeting with the rest of the Four Pillars tomorrow.
00:15:48I have a feeling I'm not quite done
00:15:50with your assistance yet.
00:16:24Where am I?
00:16:28Who are you?
00:16:30It's okay. You were attacked,
00:16:32but you're safe now. I'm just cleaning you up a little.
00:16:36Thank you.
00:16:38Just noticed you're a Gemini.
00:16:40Your birthday is a month after mine.
00:16:42Here, eat.
00:16:48Oh, it hurts.
00:16:50Let me get you some soup.
00:16:54Who are you,
00:16:56and why are you helping me?
00:16:58I'm Luna,
00:17:00and we'll talk all about that once you've recuperated a little, okay?
00:17:02You rest now.
00:17:04I'll get you some soup.
00:17:18We've received confirmation
00:17:20that a shipment will be arriving in a couple of weeks.
00:17:24We can't let this Forked family business interfere
00:17:26with what's really important.
00:17:28Of course we can't.
00:17:30This is the biggest shipment we've ever gotten.
00:17:34But we need to deal with this Anya Voight situation.
00:17:38I know it's stipulated
00:17:40it's a business change in the will,
00:17:42but we need to find out
00:17:44if Anya's staying involved
00:17:46in the sentence and getting out of our hair.
00:17:48She's never shown any interest in the business.
00:17:50I don't see why that's gonna change now.
00:17:52Even if she gets out,
00:17:54she still knows too much.
00:17:56We don't need this little girl
00:17:58running her mouth to the wrong person.
00:18:00I don't think we need to worry
00:18:02about her running her mouth.
00:18:04Hello, Quinn.
00:18:08I just received the terrible,
00:18:10shocking news
00:18:13that Anya Voight was murdered.
00:18:18By who?
00:18:20Oh, there are no suspects yet.
00:18:22But we can only assume
00:18:24it was someone in this room.
00:18:28That's outrageous.
00:18:30If it were one of us, we'd all know it by now.
00:18:32Well, who else would have as much to gain?
00:18:36Unless it was you
00:18:38who murdered Joseph as well.
00:18:40We all had a strong relationship
00:18:42with Joseph for years
00:18:44and wouldn't think of killing him.
00:18:46I don't care if you're wearing his ring.
00:18:48You can't just barge in here
00:18:50and accuse us.
00:18:56Well, I think I could do whatever I want.
00:19:00As Joseph's only living beneficiary,
00:19:02I'll now be taking control
00:19:04over the Voight family business dealings.
00:19:06You're not even a blood member of the Voight family.
00:19:08Well, Johanna
00:19:10wasn't a member of the Schultz family,
00:19:12but here we all are,
00:19:14aren't we?
00:19:16The will clearly stated that the inheritance
00:19:18was reliant on
00:19:20transferring to legit business.
00:19:22We were all there. We all heard it.
00:19:26The will did stipulate that Anya must
00:19:28go legit to receive it.
00:19:30But Anya's not receiving it.
00:19:32I am.
00:19:34My inheritance had no stipulations.
00:19:36But you have no experience.
00:19:38Johanna had at least some preview
00:19:40into the business before she took it over.
00:19:42You don't know what the hell you're doing.
00:19:44None of that matters now because it's all mine
00:19:46and there's nothing you can do about it.
00:20:00Let's discuss this upcoming shipment.
00:20:02Shall we?
00:20:06Let's go.
00:20:28Oh, honey, you shouldn't see this.
00:20:30This man,
00:20:32he broke in and attacked.
00:20:34You take care of it. I've got to call the police.
00:20:42I didn't want to kill him,
00:20:44but I couldn't risk him hurting you.
00:20:46But we're safe now. Go back to your room, baby.
00:20:48It's under control.
00:21:34Hey, you're up.
00:21:36Oh, sorry, I'll just...
00:21:38No, no, it's okay.
00:21:40Don't be offended. Heidi's shy.
00:21:42Doesn't talk.
00:21:46do you know what happened to me?
00:21:48Last thing I remember,
00:21:50I was at my lawyer's office.
00:21:52I was walking home.
00:21:54Someone grabbed me.
00:21:56Now I'm here.
00:21:58Yeah, so I saw you being attacked.
00:22:00By the time I could get to you, I thought you were dead.
00:22:02The guy who attacked you, he ran away.
00:22:04He had a necklace in his hand.
00:22:08Did you get to go look at him?
00:22:10No, he had a hood on his face.
00:22:12Just like the guy who killed my father.
00:22:14Now they're after me.
00:22:16He was
00:22:18associated with some pretty
00:22:20dangerous people.
00:22:22The Four Pillars?
00:22:24Are you with them? No.
00:22:26I don't want anything to do with them or what they stand for.
00:22:30how did you know it was them?
00:22:32They have their hands
00:22:34in everything around here, and if someone
00:22:36gets killed, it's a pretty good guess
00:22:38they had something to do with it.
00:22:40So, you're familiar.
00:22:42To say
00:22:44the least.
00:22:50I'm an Onimusha.
00:22:54We're an elite group of female samurai.
00:23:00in Japan,
00:23:02in times of war,
00:23:04we protected our households,
00:23:06and in modern times, we've spread out around the globe
00:23:08to protect our communities.
00:23:10Just a few years ago, there were
00:23:12over a hundred Onimusha
00:23:14just in Los Angeles.
00:23:16What did the Onimusha have to do
00:23:18with the Four Pillars?
00:23:20They didn't like our interference with their criminal
00:23:22activity, so they tried to wipe us out.
00:23:24We fought
00:23:26back, but
00:23:28there were too many of them,
00:23:30and only seven of us survived.
00:23:34We live here now, in hiding.
00:23:36The significance of seven
00:23:38remaining is not lost on us.
00:23:40Japanese Buddhists celebrate the
00:23:42birth of a newborn baby on the seventh day,
00:23:44and mourn
00:23:46on the seventh day when someone passes away.
00:23:48What do
00:23:50you do now with only seven of you remaining?
00:23:52As long as one
00:23:54remains, we still stand. We protect our community
00:23:56and the remaining Onimusha.
00:23:58It's our lot in life.
00:24:00We just have to do it
00:24:02from the shadows now.
00:24:04One of the Four Pillars must be
00:24:06responsible for killing my father.
00:24:08I have to do something.
00:24:10I have to stop them from taking...
00:24:14You need to get better before we do anything.
00:24:16It's best you stay
00:24:18here where it's safe.
00:24:20Don't let whoever tried to kill you
00:24:22think you're actually dead. Otherwise,
00:24:24they might try again.
00:24:34Hey, how'd it go?
00:24:36Went good.
00:24:38For us, at least.
00:24:40I'm gonna go lay down.
00:24:42Glad to see you're finally among the living.
00:24:46Skylar, your arm!
00:24:50This will help keep it clean
00:24:52and is good for the pain.
00:24:54What is that?
00:24:56A little antiseptic I concocted.
00:24:58Great for wounds.
00:25:00Luna is an ace at chemistry.
00:25:02Practical chemistry. Antidotes, antiseptics.
00:25:04She can pretty much cure anything.
00:25:06Good night.
00:25:14You'll have plenty of time to get to know them.
00:25:16They just took out a huge methamphetamine
00:25:20If just the seven of you are able to
00:25:22take out an entire meth ring,
00:25:24imagine what you could do if you got your numbers back up.
00:25:26That's the goal.
00:25:28You should go get some rest, and tomorrow
00:25:30we can talk about what we can do about the Four Pillars.
00:25:32I want to join you.
00:25:34I could help you guys defeat them.
00:25:36Tomorrow. For now, please go get some rest.
00:25:46I will not be pushed around by this woman.
00:25:48None of us will.
00:25:50This is not the way we do things.
00:25:52She must be stopped,
00:25:54or she will ruin everything we've worked for.
00:25:56The answer is simple.
00:25:58We were going to take out Tanya anyway,
00:26:00just to make sure the business
00:26:02was running smoothly.
00:26:04So now we do the same thing to Queen.
00:26:06I mean, what has Joseph left behind
00:26:08but a family in shambles?
00:26:10The timing is perfect.
00:26:12I mean, what is Joseph left behind
00:26:14but a family in shambles?
00:26:16The timing of this makes me sick.
00:26:18Couldn't Joseph have gotten himself killed
00:26:20after we received the largest shipment
00:26:22of the year?
00:26:24This shipment's going forward as planned.
00:26:26And we're going to split it evenly
00:26:28among the three of us.
00:26:32I will send my guy right now.
00:26:40Bring us Queen Ford's head
00:26:42in a bug.
00:26:44Right away.
00:26:52I've never felt so dismissed in my life.
00:26:54It was like they were speaking in code the whole time.
00:26:56Acting all high and mighty.
00:26:58Especially that damned Johanna.
00:27:00She and I are no different.
00:27:02You're right.
00:27:04This situation with the Four Pillars is never going to work.
00:27:06We both know that.
00:27:08They can't be trusted.
00:27:12We need to strike first.
00:27:14Kill them
00:27:16before they kill me.
00:27:18I don't think we have a choice
00:27:20in the matter.
00:27:22And if we take down
00:27:24the Four Pillars and consolidate,
00:27:26I'll be untouchable
00:27:28and take what's rightfully mine.
00:27:32What can I do to help?
00:27:34Formulate a plan.
00:27:36Get some intel.
00:27:38We need to act fast.
00:27:40And your loyalty
00:27:44will be rewarded handsomely.
00:27:46No go.
00:27:48Contact me when your men
00:27:50are assembled.
00:28:10Yes, sir.
00:28:40Echo ready?
00:29:10Echo ready?
00:29:40Didn't think you'd end up here today, huh?
00:30:10I need you to get back here.
00:30:58Some of us have been doing this training
00:31:00our entire lives.
00:31:02Others just began a few years ago.
00:31:04Will you teach me?
00:31:06I don't think that's a good idea right now.
00:31:08Look, I'd like to help you take down
00:31:10the Four Pillars.
00:31:12If you train me, I can do that.
00:31:14What we do is very dangerous, Anya.
00:31:16And doing it to cross the Four Pillars...
00:31:20I don't think so.
00:31:22Aren't you trying to rebuild
00:31:24your numbers?
00:31:26Just give me a chance.
00:31:28If you still don't think I can do it, you can stop
00:31:30and I'll leave.
00:31:32Well, it's not just up to me.
00:31:34I'd have to vote.
00:31:36Thank you.
00:31:38I know I can do this.
00:31:40We'll see.
00:31:48Okay, so, the votes are in.
00:31:56Seven to zero.
00:31:58It was unanimous.
00:32:00We will train you
00:32:02as an Onimusha.
00:32:04You've got a lot of fire
00:32:06and a lot of potential.
00:32:08Are you sure this is something you want to do?
00:32:10I'd like to help defeat the Four Pillars.
00:32:12So, yes.
00:32:14Thank you.
00:32:18You'll have to learn
00:32:20several styles of self-defense
00:32:22and work with the katana
00:32:24just to get started.
00:32:26As well as firearms and military
00:32:28strategy to complete your training.
00:32:30It won't be easy.
00:32:32I'm ready.
00:32:48Well, is everything okay?
00:32:50Fine. Thank you for getting here so quickly.
00:32:52Isn't it?
00:32:54He belongs to Joanna Schultz.
00:32:56She sent him here to kill me.
00:32:58What should we do with him?
00:33:00Torture him
00:33:02until he tells us what the Four Pillars are planning.
00:33:10Before you begin,
00:33:12there are a list of rules
00:33:14we always abide by.
00:33:18never kill an unarmed person.
00:33:20If they have no means of defense,
00:33:22you should be able to subdue them.
00:33:26if you do kill someone,
00:33:28you owe a fight to anyone
00:33:30who wants to avenge them.
00:33:32A life for a life.
00:33:34It's part of the code
00:33:36because we focus on honor.
00:33:38Number three,
00:33:40we're better together.
00:33:46One wolf can be dangerous,
00:33:48but a whole pack of wolves
00:33:50is a death sentence.
00:33:52Now, let's begin.
00:34:00I've taken fencing since I was a kid.
00:34:06It's heavy.
00:34:16Good attack,
00:34:18but this is way different from fencing,
00:34:20so I'll teach you how.
00:34:22Okay. First hold.
00:34:24I'm going to do kesa first.
00:34:32That's good,
00:34:34but kind of off balance.
00:34:36Let's put the chest up.
00:34:38One more time.
00:34:42Like that.
00:34:54One more time.
00:35:02Fighting stance.
00:35:04Fighting stance.
00:35:06Do you fix it up?
00:35:08I'm going to go here.
00:35:10Here we go.
00:35:12We're going to do it with the right hook.
00:35:14Left hook.
00:35:16Left hook.
00:35:18Low hook.
00:35:24Right hook.
00:35:46Bring this back.
00:35:48Tilt it up.
00:36:10Come on, Snow White.
00:36:12You can do this. Concentrate.
00:36:14Don't call me that.
00:36:34Remember, it's all in the wrist.
00:36:40Here's another one. If someone's attacking you high,
00:36:42you go low.
00:36:44Now you try.
00:36:51Not bad.
00:37:04Can we go again?
00:37:06Let's go.
00:37:20You look tired.
00:37:22You won't always get to rest during battle.
00:37:24Sometimes your opponent will be bigger, stronger,
00:37:26and more rested than you are.
00:37:28Now's the perfect time to learn.
00:37:30When you're fighting an enemy that's larger than you,
00:37:32the most important thing to remember
00:37:34is to stay focused.
00:37:36That's all.
00:37:38Do you need any help?
00:37:42Tween the legs.
00:37:44So an oversized brute has you pinned down?
00:37:46Bring your knees straight up
00:37:48and watch him fold in half.
00:37:50Is that a samurai move?
00:37:52No. Basic self-defense.
00:37:54Works every time.
00:38:00What's their next move?
00:38:02Don't want no one to do something so rash
00:38:04without the approval of the rest of the Pillars.
00:38:06That means they all want me out of the picture,
00:38:08if we're certain.
00:38:09We don't have more time.
00:38:11I don't want to be caught with my guard down again.
00:38:14We strike tonight.
00:38:57Okay, hit me with that punch.
00:38:59Grab, around, hit.
00:39:02Up, drop, hit.
00:39:05Around, and hold that wrist.
00:39:08All right, let's do it again.
00:39:11And punch.
00:39:13Around, elbow.
00:39:14Up, hit, around, wrist.
00:39:51Not bad.
00:39:56You just grab your arm with your other hand
00:39:58and squeeze until they stop fighting.
00:40:01Does it kill them?
00:40:02Keep squeezing, it does.
00:40:04Another one, if you want to play for keeps.
00:40:06Grab their chin.
00:40:07Lift, twist, yank.
00:40:11Lift, twist, yank.
00:40:15Snub their neck.
00:40:16You got it.
00:40:24Anya, come on inside.
00:40:25We have to tell you something.
00:40:29I was patrolling your house
00:40:31when I saw a group of shady-looking people enter.
00:40:33What were they doing?
00:40:34Anya, with everyone thinking you're dead,
00:40:37Quinn has seized control of your father's business dealings.
00:40:40I knew it.
00:40:41Do you have any idea what she might be planning?
00:40:43According to June, she's planning to kill
00:40:45the other three heads of the Four Pillars tonight,
00:40:48consolidate the power for herself.
00:40:50I always knew she was awful, but this?
00:40:53I don't think anyone could have predicted she'd go this far.
00:40:56She seems determined to kill as many people as possible.
00:40:59There's just one more thing.
00:41:01There was a man, an assassin.
00:41:04He seemed to be her second in command.
00:41:07That's the same man who tried to kill me.
00:41:10Now, we can't be 100% certain,
00:41:13but the very presence of that assassin
00:41:15leads us to believe it was Quinn who tried to have you killed.
00:41:18We have to stop her.
00:41:30Hey, stop it!
00:41:32Hey, stop it!
00:42:30What's going on out there?
00:42:32Let's get out of here.
00:42:34Come on. I'll guide you.
00:43:10Get us out of here now.
00:43:12I didn't think she had a dinner. Come on, let's go.
00:43:14If Quinn wants to play rough, let's play rough.
00:44:47I told you if we didn't keep pressure on our suppliers,
00:44:49they would take advantage of you.
00:44:51No one is being taken advantage of.
00:44:53This is the fourth straight shipment that didn't show up.
00:44:56You asked to be included, so I included you.
00:44:58But this is my business.
00:45:00I appreciate being questioned.
00:45:04So that's it?
00:45:05We'll discuss this further when the time's right.
00:45:10When will that be?
00:45:11I tell you what, you let me finish my work,
00:45:14and I will take you out for a nice-ass dinner.
00:45:19Sure, Joseph.
00:45:21Whatever you want.
00:45:22I'll meet you at the car in an hour.
00:45:27You drive me crazy, you bitch.
00:45:36Looking good out there.
00:45:38I'm trying.
00:45:39We're very proud of your dedication.
00:45:45You're memorizing the exact moves that we ask of you here
00:45:49when the reality is a fight is fluid.
00:45:52Combat is unpredictable.
00:45:54A target doesn't move, but someone you're fighting will.
00:45:58I just can't get Quinn out of my head.
00:46:02If she consolidates the four pillars, she'll be untouchable.
00:46:05I have to go after her at the house, get revenge for my father.
00:46:09At this stage of your training, that is a death wish.
00:46:12No, it's not.
00:46:14I know that house like the back of my hand.
00:46:17You're just not ready yet.
00:46:19You're not ready for an actual fight,
00:46:21and you're definitely not ready to kill a person.
00:46:23I'm ready to kill her.
00:46:24Onion, your judgment is being clouded by this hatred.
00:46:29Have patience. You'll get your chance.
00:46:31Yeah, but by the time I do, it'll be too late.
00:46:33Okay, what about all the guys in there?
00:46:35The ones that June saw?
00:46:37You can't take on all of them.
00:46:39I thought you would come with me.
00:46:42Every move the Onamusha make
00:46:44is a precise decision with expert planning.
00:46:47I will not ask these samurai
00:46:49to race thoughtlessly into a house full of guns.
00:46:52I need a plan.
00:46:55I guess I'm on my own then.
00:46:56Onion, wait.
00:47:06You work for me now.
00:47:08You forget that even for a moment,
00:47:09and you get a bullet in your head.
00:47:11Got it?
00:47:14This is good.
00:47:16But I want more.
00:47:18I always want more.
00:47:35We tried your guys, Johanna.
00:47:37Now we're gonna do something a little more sophisticated.
00:47:40Gentlemen, you know your orders.
00:47:43Pick off everyone in the house.
00:47:47Don't just sit there.
00:47:49Stand outside and keep guard.
00:47:53I'm gonna take those four pillars
00:47:55and ring right off her filthy hand myself.
00:47:59I'm gonna take those four pillars
00:48:01and ring right off her filthy hand myself.
00:48:20They're here.
00:48:21Suit the house for any four-pillars goons.
00:48:29Come on.
00:49:00Gentlemen, let us know when the job is done.
00:49:03Yes, boss.
00:49:13Where are the rest of you?
00:49:14It's not enough that I have to deal
00:49:15with all of this incompetence,
00:49:17but now I have to wonder where everyone has gone.
00:49:19I need to know these things.
00:49:29Find those other guards and get them back here.
00:50:17Where are they?
00:50:20There. Who's that?
00:50:22It's Anya.
00:50:24You lied to me!
00:50:26You said she was dead!
00:50:28She was. She was.
00:50:37I've had enough of this.
00:50:39Wait here.
00:50:41I said wait here!
00:50:43And if you ever lie to me again, you're dead.
00:50:58Sniper team, what's your status?
00:51:59Listen up.
00:52:01Your bosses are all dead,
00:52:03and you work for me now.
00:52:05So grab your weapons and tell your friends
00:52:07that your new hideout is the Void House.
00:52:10Anyone who isn't here in thirty minutes
00:52:12will be hunted down.
00:52:23The four pillars are no more.
00:52:26The four pillars are no more.
00:52:28That's amazing.
00:52:30Not really.
00:52:31The other three have been killed.
00:52:33Quinn has taken complete control.
00:52:35It looks like she's using your house as headquarters,
00:52:37and she's brought in every henchman and thug that's working.
00:52:44Will you all help me now?
00:52:46We're better together, right?
00:52:49Looks like we have to.
00:52:56We need to stay vigilant.
00:52:58Anya's dangerous.
00:53:00And if she's able to get that close before I know it,
00:53:02she'll be trying again.
00:53:04Tell the others we'll be on around-the-clock guard duty,
00:53:06and let them know whoever can get me Anya Void's head in a bag
00:53:09gets a million bucks.
00:53:12I'll burn the city to the ground to find her.
00:53:16I'll burn the city to the ground to find her.
00:53:19I'll burn the city to the ground to find her.
00:53:22I'll burn the city to the ground to find her.
00:53:25And then come meet me in my office.
00:53:27If she plans to come back with reinforcements,
00:53:29I want to have a little surprise waiting for them.
00:53:34We need to act immediately.
00:53:36Nothing will get in the way of my shipment tonight.
00:53:40What's so special about this shipment?
00:53:43It's enough heroin and cocaine for me to run the supply chain
00:53:45to the entire city,
00:53:47and enough weapons for me to take out anyone
00:53:49who tries to get in my way.
00:53:55Okay, we may be outnumbered,
00:53:57but according to June, they're pretty well spread out.
00:54:00Stay hidden. Rely on your training.
00:54:03They're prepared to kill, so we need to be as well.
00:54:06If anyone finds Quinn before I do, don't kill her.
00:54:08I want to do it myself.
00:54:10No way. We're all risking our lives now.
00:54:13Whoever gets a shot at Quinn, take it without hesitation.
00:54:16We'll attack after the sun goes down.
00:54:19We'll attack after the sun goes down.
00:55:14I got this one.
00:55:17Nice shot.
00:55:21This one's mine.
00:55:30They're here. Take your stations.
00:55:59I think the code is still good.
00:56:31Ambush! Take cover!
00:57:04I got him.
00:57:34All right, we'll come back for her.
00:57:36We gotta keep moving.
00:57:38Okay. Heidi, Skylar, Kiki, get the lights back on.
00:57:41We're gonna keep looking for Quinn.
00:58:13We gotta hurry.
00:58:23It's locked.
00:59:03Stand back!
00:59:32Looks clear.
00:59:34Someone's coming.
00:59:46There's two to the far corner.
00:59:49And one off to each side of the door.
01:00:16I need more backup on my position now.
01:01:02Come on. We can't quit now.
01:01:17We need to get that power back on.
01:01:20I'll draw them away from here, and you flip that lever, okay?
01:01:23What do you mean, no?
01:01:25I know you're faster, but I don't want you to risk it.
01:01:35This room looks clear.
01:01:39Haven't seen you since the funeral.
01:01:43I bet you thought you'd never have to see me again.
01:01:46I hoped.
01:02:07Looks like we're both out.
01:03:09This is for my father.
01:03:11You think I killed your father, you naive little idiot?
01:03:14It was your assassin!
01:03:16It wasn't my assassin.
01:03:18I knew I had to get somebody who can go completely undetected.
01:03:21Who was it?
01:03:24Tell me!
01:03:26Your new best friend.
01:03:32Luna killed your father.
01:03:41Anya, open the door!
01:04:00Are you okay?
01:04:02Where did Quinn go?
01:04:04I couldn't see where she went.
01:04:07Are you okay?
01:04:12What's your problem?
01:04:14It was you?
01:04:16You killed my father?
01:04:19She told you.
01:04:23How could you?
01:04:25Anya, I'm sorry.
01:04:29I did it as revenge for him, killing all those Onomusha.
01:04:32I couldn't rest until I avenged their deaths.
01:04:36When you found out it was me,
01:04:39why would you go through the trouble of helping me, training me?
01:04:42I had no choice.
01:04:44The Onomusha Code dictates it.
01:04:46I would have been excommunicated if I didn't give you the opportunity.
01:04:49Let's go then!
01:04:51Now isn't the time, Anya.
01:04:53If you two want to fight here, we're all going to get killed.
01:04:56To avenge your father's death, you need to kill Quinn,
01:04:59the new leader of the Four Pillars.
01:05:01She's been puppeting this whole thing.
01:05:03We have to find her.
01:05:05Should we get out of here and regroup?
01:05:07I get the personal reasons you two want to get Quinn,
01:05:09but this has not gone as planned.
01:05:11I hear you.
01:05:13But this is as good of a shot as we're ever going to get.
01:05:16We need to find the others and get Quinn.
01:05:19How can I trust that he won't just stab me in the back?
01:05:23I don't like it either, Anya.
01:05:25But neither of us has a choice right now.
01:05:27And if we don't work together,
01:05:29we're all dead.
01:05:32We're all dead.
01:05:53Don't shoot!
01:05:56Where are Skylar and Heidi?
01:05:58They're dead.
01:06:01Okay, it's the four of us now.
01:06:03What's the goal?
01:06:05There's no way we're leaving now.
01:06:07This ends tonight.
01:06:09Anya will settle things between us, you have my word.
01:06:12But for right now, we need to get Quinn
01:06:15and make sure the others didn't die for nothing.
01:06:24This way.
01:06:31Come on.
01:07:01Come on.
01:07:31Come on.
01:08:01Come on.
01:08:31Come on.
01:08:48Let's get her.
01:09:01Come on.
01:09:31Come on.
01:09:44Where are you?
01:09:46Hello, do you read?
01:09:57Let's go.
01:09:59Gather any who's left, there's still two more only we should take care of.
01:10:02And hurry.
01:10:04I cannot miss my shipment tonight.
01:10:07My empire depends on it.
01:10:13Stay alert.
01:10:14There are two of them left.
01:10:15If you don't kill them, they will kill you.
01:10:19She's right.
01:10:30Do you think she's alive?
01:10:32I don't know.
01:10:33She wasn't moving.
01:10:35You don't think she's dead, do you?
01:10:37I said I don't know.
01:10:39Now keep it down, they'll hear us.
01:10:41Fine, I just hope she's not dead.
01:10:43I hope she's not dead too.
01:10:45Right now we need to find Quinn, kill her,
01:10:47or all this loss was for nothing.
01:10:49Now keep it down.
01:10:59Come on.
01:11:19It's Anya's.
01:11:23It's the safe room.
01:11:26This is pointless.
01:11:28It's a six-digit code.
01:11:29That's millions of combinations.
01:11:31We'll have to find another way in.
01:11:33Wait, I've got it.
01:11:34What six digits would mean more to Anya's father than any others?
01:11:38You're a genius.
01:11:39Her birthday.
01:11:40It's May 25th, it's a month after mine.
01:11:42Isn't she about 21?
01:11:44Try 03 for the last digits.
01:11:46No, it's 0500 license.
01:11:50It worked.
01:11:53Oh no.
01:11:59There's barely a pulse.
01:12:01I think she's been poisoned.
01:12:03Can you cure her?
01:12:05I might have something.
01:12:08Anya, we're going to help you.
01:12:11Anya, was the poison injected or did you swallow it?
01:12:16Judging by her symptoms, it should be one of these two antidotes.
01:12:20Can't you just give her both?
01:12:22Giving her both could kill her instantly.
01:12:25These are for two very different poisons.
01:12:27If she takes both of these, they'll just attack each other.
01:12:30And if you just give one to her, but it's the wrong one?
01:12:32That could kill her too.
01:12:34These are very powerful, but if the poison isn't present in her body, it'll attack the body.
01:12:39We need to hurry.
01:12:41I don't know which one to pick.
01:12:44She needs it sooner or it won't matter.
01:12:46She's going into cardiovascular arrest.
01:12:49It's a symptom of BTX.
01:12:51BTX is the poison she used on me.
01:12:53Here's to hoping it's the same one.
01:12:58Quinn poisoned you?
01:13:00I know.
01:13:01Why didn't you tell us?
01:13:03She got me to assassinate Anya's father.
01:13:05She didn't want any loose ends.
01:13:07She slipped me some pretty nasty stuff.
01:13:09But you had an antidote?
01:13:11I had some things handy I mixed together.
01:13:14I didn't tell you guys because I didn't want you to worry.
01:13:17Next time, tell us.
01:13:21Oh no.
01:13:26Just wait.
01:13:27No, just wait.
01:13:29Damn it!
01:13:31This isn't how this was supposed to go.
01:13:37No, it wasn't.
01:13:40It wasn't supposed to end this way.
01:13:48We should go find Quinn, right?
01:13:51So it's all worth it.
01:13:55You're right.
01:14:04Oh God!
01:14:05We thought you were gone!
01:14:09So did I.
01:14:10We need to get her to safety.
01:14:14I almost died, but I'm not dead yet.
01:14:16We need to find Quinn and end this.
01:14:26This place is huge.
01:14:28Do you know which way she went?
01:14:30I think I know.
01:14:32Let's go.
01:15:03It's a dead end.
01:15:04She's not here.
01:15:05It's clear.
01:15:15I see Quinn!
01:15:30I didn't expect to see you here.
01:15:32Yes, you were.
01:15:34You should have stayed away.
01:15:36You shouldn't have gotten so greedy.
01:16:09Not good.
01:16:11We need to get you out of here.
01:16:13Go help Luna.
01:16:14I have to help you first.
01:16:43You're not as good as your last chance.
01:16:47I just have to be good enough to beat you.
01:16:49Oh, I don't think good enough is going to cut it this time.
01:17:07It's over.
01:17:08How are you still alive?
01:17:11You know, I already told you that she killed your father.
01:17:14Why are you barging out here to help her?
01:17:16She found out he was responsible for the deaths of all those Onimusha.
01:17:19That's why she did it.
01:17:22Did you know your father at all?
01:17:24He was the only one who wanted to keep the peace.
01:17:28It was you.
01:17:32Of course it was me!
01:17:33I told your father that the Onimusha were a grave threat.
01:17:39That they threatened to kill him, threatened to kill his family.
01:17:45He only ordered the strike because he thought he was keeping you safe.
01:17:49How did you even know they existed?
01:17:51Where to find them?
01:17:52Quinn used to be one of us.
01:17:54Oh, technically I still am.
01:17:56It is for life, isn't it?
01:17:58You are not one of us.
01:18:00She was excommunicated for attacking one of our elder leaders while she slept.
01:18:05I've always been ambitious.
01:18:08What does them kicking you out have to do with my dad?
01:18:12Well, I knew then I needed a different path to power.
01:18:15And that's when I met your father.
01:18:19Your father thought I loved him.
01:18:23He thought I was just in it for the money.
01:18:25You were both wrong.
01:18:28You piece of shit!
01:18:29I saw an opportunity.
01:18:32And I took it.
01:18:36And after I kill you, there will be no more loose ends.
01:18:50I'm sorry.
01:18:52I'm sorry.
01:18:53I'm sorry.
01:19:09You're dead, Snow White.
01:19:35Dad! Help!
01:19:36That's enough!
01:19:41Sorry to scare you.
01:19:44What was that, Dad? Why didn't you help me?
01:19:46It's good to face an opponent in a controlled space, but...
01:19:49you'll only achieve greatness by learning to think on your feet.
01:19:52That was a fencing lesson?
01:19:54How is getting bum-rushed by a giant gonna teach me how to fence?
01:19:57You need to learn to fence yourself, Anya.
01:19:59I won't always be here for you.
01:20:01What does that mean?
01:20:03Sometimes you will have to do whatever it takes to win,
01:20:06because no one will be coming to help you.
01:20:11Just a fact.
01:20:13So, what do I do?
01:20:15You channel that anger.
01:20:17You do whatever it takes to stay alive and keep fighting.
01:20:23you must keep fighting.
01:20:28You understand?
01:20:50Do it.
01:20:59I want to kill you the way my father was killed.
01:21:02Do it, you coward!
01:21:04And break the chief principle of the Onumusha and murder an unarmed woman.
01:21:18Choke out what's coming to you.
01:21:39We gotta get you up to a hospital.
01:21:42I'm not gonna make it, Anya.
01:21:44But you will.
01:21:45But you will.
01:21:46And that's what was so important to me.
01:21:51Luna, you saved me.
01:21:53A life for a life.
01:21:56I'm sorry I killed your father.
01:22:00But one day you can forgive me.
01:22:03I can.
01:22:05I will.
01:22:07Just stay with me, please.
01:22:09Stay with me.
01:22:10Stay with me.
01:22:15Stay with me.
01:22:31A life for a life.
01:22:33The Onumusha way.
01:22:41Let's go.
01:22:43I'm not losing you, too.
01:23:12Let's go.
01:23:36Are you ready for this?
01:23:38Training the next generation of Onumusha is a pretty tall order.
01:23:41I am.
01:23:42Are you?
01:23:43I think so.
01:23:44You were the first person I helped train.
01:23:46I'm good at it.
01:23:47You will be.
01:23:49What am I talking about?
01:23:50You already are.
01:23:51The things you taught me helped save my life more times than I could count.
01:23:54And now they won't call you Snow White anymore.
01:23:58What'll they call me now?
01:24:00They'll call you...
01:24:02a survivor.
01:24:04Here's to new beginnings.
01:24:06Thank you so much for your help with all of this.
01:24:09I couldn't have done it without you.
01:24:11It's my pleasure.
01:24:12Although you gave away so much of your inheritance,
01:24:14I'm amazed you have anything left over for the banner.
01:24:16Well, this is all I wanted.
01:24:18This and the house.
01:24:21Luna would be proud of this.
01:24:24They all would.
01:24:35To be continued...
01:25:05To be continued...
01:25:35To be continued...
01:26:05To be continued...
01:26:35To be continued...
01:26:38To be continued...
01:26:41To be continued...
01:26:44To be continued...
01:26:47To be continued...
01:26:50To be continued...
01:26:53To be continued...
01:26:56To be continued...
01:26:59To be continued...
01:27:02To be continued...
01:27:05To be continued...
01:27:08To be continued...
01:27:11To be continued...
01:27:14To be continued...
01:27:17To be continued...
01:27:20To be continued...
01:27:23To be continued...
01:27:26To be continued...
01:27:29To be continued...
01:27:32To be continued...
01:27:35To be continued...
01:27:38To be continued...