The Adventures of Tintin - S02E02 The Broken Ear Part 1

  • 3 months ago


02:33The idol!
02:38Knees bent, arms tall, stretch.
02:42Up, down.
02:44Up, down.
02:46Come on, Snowy.
02:48This is the way to wake up in the morning.
02:53Now for a bath.
02:59And now here is the 8 o'clock news.
03:01Details are just in of a robbery at the Museum of Ethnography.
03:06A fetish, a sacred tribal object, disappeared during the night.
03:10No evidence of a break-in has been found.
03:12And it is believed the thief hid in the building at closing time.
03:15Police are investigating further.
03:19The idol really has no intrinsic value,
03:23but historically it seemed valuable.
03:26Thompson and Thompson.
03:28Ah, Tintin.
03:29Hot on the trail of a story, are you?
03:31Sure am. Got anything for me?
03:34Not much.
03:35The idol was there at 8.05 and not there at 8.06.
03:41Tell me, with all these priceless artifacts around,
03:44why would somebody steal a worthless idol?
03:46Why, the same reason anyone commits a crime.
03:49What reason is that?
03:50Because they're criminals.
03:52You mustn't overlook the obvious, Tintin.
03:55Help! Help! The idol! It's bewitched!
04:00There it is! It's back!
04:04It's bewitched, I tell you.
04:09How mysterious.
04:12What's this?
04:14Stole your idol on a bet.
04:16I won the bet, so here's your idol back.
04:19Signed, X.
04:21Well, Thompson, case closed.
04:24That was simple.
04:25Simple and direct.
04:27Simple and direct, to the point.
04:30Right you are, Thompson.
04:31An open and shut case.
04:33All neatly wrapped up and done.
04:38Here, why don't you watch where you're going?
04:41For I was following you.
04:51Maybe I am overlooking the obvious.
05:00The Arumbayan idol.
05:05Wait a minute.
05:07In the original sketch, the ear is broken.
05:09But the ear of the returned idol is whole.
05:12The idol in the museum's a fake.
05:15This just in.
05:17A local artist famed for his primitive wood carvings
05:20has just been found dead.
05:22Last night, Jacob Althusser was overcome in his loft
05:25by leaking gas fumes.
05:27Police are investigating further.
05:29Foul play is not suspected.
05:31Not yet, anyway.
05:36Afternoon, ma'am.
05:37Is this where Jacob Althusser lived?
05:39Oh, dear, yes.
05:42He was my best tenant.
05:44Are you family?
05:46Just a reporter.
05:47Would it be okay if I had a look around his room?
05:50I don't see why not.
05:52I'll take you up.
06:05Is that Mr. Balthusser?
06:07Yes, he was such a lovely man.
06:10Lovely man? Lovely man?
06:13That's a beautiful parrot.
06:15Beautiful parrot?
06:17People, shh!
06:19He's had such a day.
06:22What with all the police and the firemen checking the gas.
06:26You mean the parrot was here the whole time the gas was leaking?
06:32I guess he's lucky to be alive.
06:37The open skylight probably saved him.
06:39Oh, no.
06:41The firemen opened that to let out the gas.
06:44Let out the gas.
06:46Great greedy guts.
06:49I don't suppose you'd like to own a parrot?
06:52I mean, he's really a friendly little guy.
06:55Takes care of himself.
06:57Doesn't eat much.
06:58Is a wonderful conversation.
07:00That looks like the idol from the museum.
07:02Take him.
07:04Oh, no.
07:05I'd love to, but I travel a lot.
07:07Well, if you know of anyone.
07:11Thanks for your help, ma'am.
07:13Come on, Snowy.
07:15Great greedy guts.
07:22First a primitive idol is stolen.
07:25Then a sculptor famous for his primitive carvings dies.
07:28Come on, Tintin, think.
07:30Why would the gas kill Balthazar and not his parrot?
07:36Pardon me, sir.
07:38That's it.
07:41Jacob Balthazar was murdered to keep him quiet about the idol he carved.
07:45Then the killer turned on the gas to make it look like an accident.
07:48If only I had proof.
07:51A witness.
07:52A witness!
07:56You gave the parrot away?
07:58Just a moment ago.
08:00To a Spanish gentleman with a long black coat.
08:04I didn't get his name.
08:06He was in a hurry to catch a bus.
08:11Great greedy guts.
08:12I beg your pardon?
08:14I say nothing, senor.
08:17Great greedy guts.
08:22I hope I'm not too late.
08:26You button, senor.
08:28I say nothing.
08:31Great greedy guts.
08:33Oh, no.
08:34The parrot.
08:40Great greedy guts.
08:43Great, there goes my witness.
08:45Great greedy guts.
08:47Look, my beautiful parrot is perdido.
08:53Excuse me, are you all right?
08:56Si, gracias.
08:58About that parrot.
09:00Ah, si, my beautiful parrot.
09:03A present from my grandfather.
09:05He will be most sad.
09:10But that was Balthazar's parrot.
09:13Why wouldn't he tell me the truth?
09:18One green and gold parrot.
09:20If found, please return to Tintin, 26 Labrador Road.
09:24It will be in the evening edition, sir.
09:26Great, thanks.
09:30One green and gold parrot.
09:32If found...
09:35Are you sure it was the same kid?
09:38He placed the ad un momento before me.
09:43Maybe the senor Tintin wants the parrot for the same reason we do.
09:48Maybe he too is looking for the name of Balthazar's killer.
09:52There is only one way to find out.
09:55I will pay him a little visit.
10:05You ran an ad about a parrot?
10:07I hope this is the right bird.
10:09Great gritty guts.
10:11It sure is.
10:15Great gritty guts.
10:19Watch him while I find a cage.
10:21Okay, Snowy?
10:22Okay, Snowy.
10:25Okay, Snowy.
10:28Okay, Snowy.
10:30Okay, Snowy.
10:31Okay, Snowy.
10:32Okay, Snowy.
10:44Great gritty guts.
10:55I thought there was an old cage in the basement.
11:01Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.
11:04Oh no, they're fighting.
11:10Oh no.
11:12Quack, quack, quack, quack.
11:14Not again.
11:16Great gritty guts.
11:17Great gritty guts.
11:19Great gritty guts.
11:32Great gritty guts.
12:02What's all that racket?
12:05Oh, it's raining.
12:12No, it's coming from Mr. Balthazar's room.
12:16Oh dear, I must have left the skylight open.
12:22Poor Mr. Balthazar.
12:25What I wouldn't give just to hear him say...
12:28Leave me alone.
12:32Colonel Barker!
12:37It's Jacob Balthazar's ghost.
12:40Ghost? Nonsense.
12:42Come on, chaps. Let's get to the bottom of this.
12:56Leave me alone.
12:57Great gritty guts.
13:02The strike of the dock workers at the French port of Le Havre
13:06has spread to other ports, delaying more than a dozen ships.
13:10And locally, we've all heard of homing pigeons.
13:13But now, there's a homing parrot.
13:16A day after being given away,
13:18the parrot of the late Jacob Balthazar has returned to his roost.
13:25Come on, Snowy.
13:27Bark, bark.
13:29Oh, you really are unlucky.
13:33I miss the parrot again?
13:35I'm afraid so.
13:37The same gentleman from yesterday picked him up a few moments ago.
13:45Great gritty guts.
13:47It's Tintin.
13:51He must want the parrot for the same reason I do.
14:03Look out, Snowy!
14:13We got them now, Snowy.
14:23Obviously the wrong number.
14:26Or they used fake plates.
14:44Missed again.
14:46Missed again.
14:48Shut up, stupid bird.
14:51Right now, that stupid bird is smarter than you, Ramon.
14:55If he's so smart, why hasn't he told us who killed Balthazar?
14:59Sooner or later, he will.
15:04Missed again.
15:06Shut up!
15:10Missed again.
15:12Fool! That parrot means a fortune to us.
15:15Without it, we will never find the real idol.
15:19Right, my little amigo.
15:21You will tell us who killed...
15:25I'll kill you!
15:27Rodrigo Lopez!
15:28Leave me alone!
15:37Global Travel?
15:40I need information about passage to San Teodoro.
15:43Are you sure Lopez will return there?
15:45He must, if his story is true.
15:52The SS Ville de Leon is the only ship bound for San Teodoro this month?
16:00Passage for two, please.
16:02Won't our old sailmate be surprised to see us again?
16:19Lopez could be hiding anywhere.
16:22This ship is mucho grande.
16:24Patience, Ramon.
16:28Ramon, look at him.
16:31What about him?
16:35Couldn't that be Tintin in disguise?
16:41It is possible.
16:47Oh dear!
16:48Oh dear!
16:50He wears a wig!
16:52It must be Tintin!
17:16Missed again!
17:18Good thing too, it wasn't Tintin.
17:29No sign of Lopez anywhere.
17:31Patience, Ramon.
17:32There is plenty of time.
17:40That dog.
17:42It is Tintin.
17:43Are you positive?
17:48The fool.
17:50He has disguised himself but forgot to disguise his dog.
17:55If you are right, it is his fatal mistake.
18:00Good boy.
18:05First call for dinner.
18:09First service for dinner.
18:11Bark! Bark!
18:13Bark! Bark!
18:29First we make sure it is a disguise.
18:37One dog should reveal the truth.
18:52I thought for positive that was Tintin's dog.
18:55When will you learn to leave the thinking to me?
18:58Okay, big thinker.
19:00How do we find Lopez?
19:02There are over 300 cabins he could hide in.
19:14Let's face it.
19:15All he has to do is stay in his cabin and we'll never find him.
19:20Evening, gentlemen.
19:21Pretty brisk night to be out on deck.
19:24Oh, we love the sea.
19:26The sea.
19:28Well, you're certainly not like others I could mention.
19:32Oh, really?
19:33Take that chap in cabin 17, for instance.
19:36Lopez, I think his name is.
19:40What about him?
19:42Never sticks his nose outside his door.
19:45Oh, really?
19:47Guess he doesn't have a nose for the sea like you do.
19:57Isn't that interesting?
20:00We must pay a visit to Mr. Lopez.
20:12The passenger list.
20:14Lopez, Lopez.
20:20Lopez, Lopez.
20:22Cabin 17.
20:24Gotta hurry.
20:26No, no.
20:36Mr. Lopez?
20:38Mr. Lopez?
20:41Too late.
20:43He's gone.
20:49A few more minutes and we're home free.
20:52Say, chaps, have you heard?
20:54That Lopez fellow I was telling you about last night.
20:57He's disappeared.
21:04There'd been a struggle in his cabin.
21:07They suspect foul play.
21:11Do they suspect anyone?
21:14They do indeed, gentlemen.
21:21Game over.
21:26As captain of this vessel,
21:28I'm placing you under arrest for murder.
21:31Keep a close watch on them until the police arrive.
21:36I know these two well.
21:38They are dangerous crooks wanted by our police.
21:42Why did they kill Lopez?
21:44Because Lopez killed Balthazar,
21:46who helped smuggle this.
21:49The Arumbayan idol.
21:51There must be something special about this idol.
21:54Maybe the museum will find out after I return.
21:57Well, Tintin, looks like your job's finished.
22:00Somehow, I'm not too sure about that.
