Jesse Watters- Bidens final humiliation is coming soon || FOX NEW TV

  • 3 months ago
Fox News host Jesse Watters gives his take on President Biden's reaction to calls for him to drop out of the 2024 race on 'Jesse Watters Primetime.' #foxnews #fox #jessewattersprimetime
00:00Tonight Washington's in the middle of a hostage crisis after Joe Biden took the
00:04entire Democratic Party captive. This morning he sent a ransom note I mean a
00:09letter with a list of demands telling the Democrats he's firmly committed to
00:14staying in this race whether they like it or not. Stick with me and no one gets
00:19hurt. While Democrats are looking around saying if we stick with you we all get
00:24hurt. If they lose they're gonna lose with him not with anybody else. It
00:29wouldn't be fair to the Democrats who have already voted Joe says as if the
00:33party cares about voter integrity. Like all hostage negotiations you bring a
00:38family member in to talk the hostage taker down. This morning morning Joe
00:42tried to talk to the president into releasing the hostages and resigning. It
00:48didn't go well. I am NOT going anywhere. I wouldn't be running if I didn't
00:53absolutely believe that I am the best candidate to beat down someone 2024. I'm
00:58here for two reasons pal. One to rebuild the economy for hard-working middle-class
01:03people give everybody a shot. Just a straight shot. Everybody gets a fair
01:08chance. Number one. Number two. Remember all this talk about how I don't have the
01:12black support. Come on give me a break. Come with me. Watch. Watch. I'm getting so
01:19frustrated by the elites. Now I'm not talking about you guys but about the
01:22elites in the party who they know so much more. If any of these guys don't
01:28think I should let them run against me. Go ahead announce to announce the
01:32president. Challenge me at the convention. Biden's bunkered up with
01:36Hunter holding the party hostage screaming at morning show about the
01:40elites. The very people who put Joe in the White House and have been covering
01:44for him. Biden would still be a Delaware senator if it wasn't for the CIA, Obama
01:49donors, FBI and the media who parachuted him into the presidency during COVID and
01:55hid his condition. Biden wanted to be Abe Lincoln so badly he got himself into
02:00a civil war. Like a bunch of Arab spring breakers, Democrats are gnashing their
02:04teeth at the gates of the White House demanding Joe come out with his hands up.
02:10It's more likely that he'll lose by a landslide than win narrowly this race.
02:16And if the stakes are as large as he says and I believe they are then he
02:20really needs to consider what what the right thing to do here is. I think he
02:25should step aside. I think it's become clear that he's not the best person to
02:28carry the Democratic message. The need for him to step aside is more urgent
02:32tonight than when I first called for it on Tuesday. And every day he delays it
02:36makes it more difficult for a new person to come on board who can defeat Donald
02:41Trump. Mr. President, your legacy is set. We owe you the greatest debt of
02:46gratitude. The only thing that you can do now to cement that for all time and
02:52prevent utter catastrophe is to step down and let someone else do this.
02:57Biden's facing calls to step down from congressional leaders tied to the
03:01intelligence community. Top Democrats on Intel, Judiciary and Armed Services are
03:06calling for Biden's head. The CIA made Biden and they're about to break him.
03:11The president knows what a coup looks like and he's left his fate up to the
03:16Lord Almighty.
03:19Look, I mean, if the Lord Almighty came out and said, Joe, get out of the race
03:23and get out of the race, the Lord Almighty is not coming down in politics.
03:26There's something more powerful than the Lord Almighty and it's the Almighty
03:30dollar. And just like he can't win without Intel, he can't win without
03:34donors. Top Hollywood Biden donors have alligator arms. Suddenly, they can't
03:40find their wallets. They feel deceived by Biden. Actor Rob Reiner says, quote,
03:45it's time to stop effing around. It's time for Joe Biden to step down. The
03:50Disney heiress, Abigail Disney, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, media mogul Barry
03:56Diller and others aren't going to be held hostage by a president with a 37
04:01approval rating. They're all vowing to pull all donations from Biden and from
04:06House and Senate Democrats until Joe's off the ticket. Joe's losing Intel, the
04:13donors. So what about the media?
04:16Binder had a rough one.
04:19Hold on a second. There's no reason to get back and go back and forth and be in
04:22this aggressive way.
04:23Mr. Around here about how information's been shared with the press. What do you
04:27miss about? Oh, what do you think he just asked about? What do you? And then
04:31every time I come back and I answer the question that you guys asked correctly,
04:35you don't have to come back and clean. I never answered the question incorrectly.
04:38That is not true. I was asked about a medical exam. I was asked about a
04:41physical. That was in the line of question that I answered. And I said, no,
04:45he did not have a medical exam. And I still stand that by that. In fact, the
04:48president still stands by that. He had a verbal check in. That is something that
04:51the president has a couple times a week, a couple times a week.
04:55Don't buy for a second that the media is upset that they've been misled by
04:59Biden's condition. They've been in on the cover up. They see what you and I
05:03do. They've never raised his age before. You've seen Biden hold his note cards
05:09at press conferences where he gets the questions ahead of time. We've seen
05:12that. CNN's top doctor, Sanjay Gupta, has been saying for years Biden seems
05:18fit. No need to take a cognitive test. Suddenly now he wants a test. I think
05:23that the question really being raised is, have we been looking at episodes,
05:27intermittent episodes, or is this reflective of some sort of deeper
05:31underlying condition? If he were my dad, frankly, I would want to get more
05:37testing done, cognitive testing and more detailed movement disorder testing
05:41as well. This morning, the media said, Mr President, everything will be okay.
05:46Just come out, take a cognitive test. Once we get the results, we can all go
05:51home safely like nothing happened. Have you been tested for any age related
05:56illnesses, pre Parkinson's or anything like that? That might explain sort of
06:01having a night like that where you couldn't finish sentences. Look, I had
06:08a bad night, but the fact of the matter is, look at what I'm doing. I mean, let
06:13me put this way. If there was something that was wrong that night, it's not
06:18like it comes and that's one night it goes away. That's why I've been out. I've
06:23been testing myself and testing everywhere I go, going out and making
06:27the case. The night of that debate, I went out. I was out till two o'clock in
06:32the morning. That very night, that very night, it drives me nuts. People talking
06:37about this. Are you gonna take a cognitive test? You're driving me nuts.
06:42Lady, I'm testing myself. How staying up until two a.m. That's not a cognitive
06:49test. Charles Manson pulls all nighters. They called Trump unfit for staying up
06:54until two a.m. Now Biden's saying it means you're qualified. Biden's trying
06:59to do something he's never done before. Win the election without any help. The
07:05New York Times says having the media and the intelligentsia turn fully against
07:10you is more devastating for a Democratic president because the
07:13Democrats generally see themselves as the party that trusts the mainstream
07:17press and academic expertise and respectable opinion. Unlike Republicans,
07:23the Democrats listen to the elites take orders from them. Democrats who disobey
07:28orders from the elites don't last long. Biden's trying to mimic Trump in 2016
07:33who ran without establishment support. But Joe already needs special shoes,
07:39short stairs and cheat sheets. You think he can pull a general election
07:43off alone? The only reason he's been nominated back to back was because he
07:48was the only one who can beat Trump. But that was never true. He only beat
07:52Trump with the help of the China virus, the media, Hollywood and the
07:56intelligence agencies. Now he thinks he can win without anybody pulling his
08:00strings. Even if he had their help, 72% of the country thinks he's physically
08:06or mentally not fit to be president. Peggy Noonan says the image of a
08:11debilitated president has burned its way into the American brain and there's no
08:16erasing it. Doing more unscripted events isn't the answer. Even when I was
08:24running for Senate, each time I ran, quite frankly, not a joke. Philadelphia
08:30particular got me across the line. Philly got you elected senator in
08:35Delaware. Does Biden know Philly doesn't vote in Delaware elections or is he
08:39admitting to voter fraud? He can't do unscripted or scripted interviews. He
08:45called into Morning Joe and couldn't even read the joke someone wrote for him.
08:49He hasn't done a damn thing since the debate. He's been riding around the golf
08:54cart for 10 days without a Mar-a-Lago talking with his wealthy friends. Biden's
09:00so bad that he gets a script and the media gets a script. A Philly radio host
09:04admitted the White House sent her a list of questions to ask the president.
09:09Were those questions given to you by the White House or did you have for the
09:14campaign or did you have to submit questions ahead of this interview? The
09:21questions were sent to me for approval. I approved of them. Okay, so the White House
09:26sent the questions to you ahead of the interview? Yes. Okay. I got several
09:32questions, eight of them, and the four that were chosen were the ones that I
09:35approved. Even when Biden knows the questions, he can't answer. By the way, I'm
09:42proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman to serve
09:48with a black president. Identifying as a black female might be Joe's best shot.
09:53That host was fired, by the way, for outing the White House. The cover-up
09:58continues. But insiders are leaking like crazy. Operation Bubble Wrap Joe is
10:04worse than we ever imagined. His staffers say he gets briefed before
10:09events on how to walk to the podium, including photos that show a path to the
10:14stage with a note that says, Walk to podium. They're leaking about Biden's
10:20light schedule, saying he's only really with it from 10 to 4. And he told a
10:25group of Democrat governors that he just needs more sleep. Not something
10:29Democrats wanted to hear. Everyone's known Biden's been incapacitated. But as
10:34Peggy Noonan says, no one spoke out because no one wanted to be the one who
10:37kills the king. This is a party afraid of itself, literally afraid of its own
10:43groups and component parts. They're afraid of their own delegates. Party
10:47professionals think letting the convention decide would reveal how
10:51fatally shattered and divided the party is, how wild it is. But that's how
10:56the party looks now, with its leaders in Washington frozen and incapable and no
11:01one in charge. Jill and Hunter Biden are in charge. Hunter's been embedded with
11:07his dad since the debate, acting as the president's official gatekeeper, the
11:11real chief of staff, whispering in Joe's ear that he has to stay in the race, not
11:17only because he needs a pardon, but because the family's broke. And Biden,
11:22let's face it, not going to make millions on the lecture circuit and
11:26can't write a book that people will read. So the Biden family's legacy is
11:30on the line politically and financially. They're probably negotiating a golden
11:35parachute with power brokers who know all about the Biden family dirt. Here's
11:41some money, Joe. Do the right thing. Resign with dignity, and we won't hit
11:45Hunter with a racketeering charge that can lead straight to the big guy. Dr.
11:50Jill, who we wished was a medical doctor, is urging her husband to stay
11:54in fight. But the queen of the castle's rattled. Watch.
11:58Do you have any message to House Democrats who are calling for your
12:01husband to drop out of the race?
12:04How are you feeling about the state of the race?
12:06All right, lady.
12:13We're dealing with a dysfunctional family that's always put themselves
12:16above the country to why they sold America out to the Chinese for
12:20millions. And now Biden's caught in a Chinese finger trap. The more he pulls,
12:25the tighter the elites are going to squeeze him.
12:28The final humiliation comes Thursday in front of the world. We're after
12:33meeting in Washington with our NATO allies. The president is planning a
12:38solo news conference without a teleprompter, hopefully without
12:42scripted questions in one of his last chances to negotiate the release of the
12:47Democrat Party hostages. Just like Carter to another hostage crisis that
12:53ends in a landslide. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page
12:58to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You won't get
13:02it anywhere else.
