The Traitors NZ S02E02

  • 2 months ago
The Traitors NZ S02E02


00:00Previously, on The Traitors, 22 players descended on my stately southern manor to play the ultimate
00:10murder mystery game, in the hope of winning up to $100,000 in solid silver.
00:17But concealed among them are my strategically selected traitors, out to secretly murder
00:23their fellow players under the cover of darkness.
00:26So it falls to the faithful to expose the traitors, and banish them from the game.
00:34But, there were more surprises, and a plan was conceived.
00:43We bring someone in as bait, this means a little bit more mayhem, so the real question
00:51is, who's going to be the first person we murder?
01:08We're very happy to have you here.
01:10You want all the help we can get?
01:12Yeah, that's it.
01:14Guys, I'm first murder.
01:16This is exciting.
01:18Yeah, okay.
01:20Who are we thinking of?
01:21I want to stir it up.
01:24I'm going to put the name Brittany out there.
01:28She asks some really good questions.
01:29She does.
01:30She's very inquisitive.
01:30She's like a real game face.
01:35Another name I'd like to suggest is Noel.
01:38Ah, Noel.
01:39He's very intelligent, and he's very quiet.
01:42Going forward, you might struggle to have him banished.
01:46I think Janaye, she's a fighter, she's super focused, she is up there, she is here to win.
01:55Okay, so we've got Janaye, Brittany, and Noel.
02:03Who wants to write it down?
02:10Last night, the traitors committed their first murder.
02:16But which faithful didn't make it through the night?
02:24Oh my gosh.
02:25Look at this.
02:27That's crazy.
02:32I woke up this morning, and initially I thought I was going home.
02:36Oh my goodness, this breakfast looks amazing.
02:42But then to see the other contestants, I was like, oh sweet, oh well, I've made it.
02:47I can play the game another day.
02:50Oh wow, look at my face.
02:55Do we have any ideas on who's not going to turn up?
02:59I reckon they would have just picked someone just to cause chaos.
03:03Anything's going to happen today?
03:04Yeah, I don't know.
03:06Today, I need to read the room better.
03:10I need to get around everyone and have a conversation with them.
03:14I am determined to find those traitors.
03:20Whitney's got like a really nervous smile in her portrait.
03:25Yeah, I am.
03:31We're coming.
03:33Yeah, we're coming.
03:35Morning, good morning.
03:40This is nice.
03:42I walked into breakfast, and how delicious is it to be a traitor?
03:47To be in control, it's rather nice.
03:52Girl, I just hope when I die I'm fabulous still, because I need to look the part.
03:57I love it.
03:59We committed our first murder last night, and it felt so good.
04:05The feeling in my body that I had was just indescribable.
04:11How are you feeling? How did you sleep?
04:13I was like trying to drift off, but I could just keep thinking of everyone's like
04:16faces, and I was trying to put names to them, trying to be like,
04:19you know, your brain's like creating connections.
04:22I know it's only been one day, but it was pretty easy
04:27to build relationship and rapport with a lot of people in this group.
04:32Trying to get like at least a suspect, but I've got nothing.
04:36It's too early.
04:37Yeah, it's just too early.
04:54Faithful traitor, I want to be the person that I am,
04:58and the person I am is outgoing, I'm quite extrovert,
05:01I'm chatty, I like to have a laugh.
05:11Breakfast was good for me, because it made me think,
05:14OK, just be yourself, and what will be will be.
05:18We were just saying Wirrimu's not here.
05:20Yeah, we were just going through as well.
05:22And Yuta.
05:23Yuta and Bree.
05:29Oh, I hope Andrew has one.
05:32I don't feel anyone suspects me as being a traitor.
05:35If they do, Andrew, know I'm leaving.
05:41I'm the pensioner in the corner.
05:56Oh, I'm glad to see them.
05:57I was having conversations with Wirrimu yesterday,
05:59and I'm just like, right, you're 100% faithful.
06:01I just need to stick with you.
06:04As far as how I'm finding the game at the moment.
06:08There's no Janaye.
06:09No Janaye.
06:10What I'm finding easier is building trust.
06:14I actually thought I was going to have to really work on that.
06:17Who's Bree?
06:19And is Mike here?
06:20Bree's the banzai.
06:21But it seems like I've had three different people tell me that they think I'm,
06:25you know, the most trusted person in the game,
06:27or they've been in conversations with people that said that.
06:31So who do we reckon?
06:32It's either Mike, Janaye, Bree, or Noel.
07:04So who do we reckon?
07:05It's either Mike, Janaye, Bree, or Noel.
07:14Who's not here?
07:29Who's not here?
07:30It's Janaye.
07:34She was so good.
07:35I feel like crying.
07:42I think she's a real danger to us.
07:44She's a fighter, super focused.
07:46She's very competitive, and her worst fear is failure.
07:50She's an all-round threat.
07:52And a later romance, the group of young ones.
07:55Yeah, absolutely.
07:57Let's put her name down.
07:58All right, our first murder.
08:02Sorry, Janaye.
08:08It's bad news.
08:14Dear Janaye, you're here by me, murdered.
08:22Yours faithfully, the Traitors.
08:27I had a small feeling that I did too much yesterday.
08:40But who did she upset?
08:41That's the only thing I want.
08:45That's not a random, like, they want to get gone, though.
08:49We've got to get rid of her.
08:51I think they would kill Janaye because she was talking strategy to a lot of people fast.
08:58I would have said a quieter one would have gone.
09:01It'd be disappointing for her, for sure.
09:04At breakfast, the reaction to Janaye's murder was exactly what we wanted.
09:08And I'm like, why?
09:09Why would you?
09:10Maybe she had, like, a really strong theory today.
09:12She earned us $5,000 yesterday.
09:16Who does she talk to?
09:17I just feel like they take out strong players, but I didn't think it would be books.
09:21The conversations were wild.
09:24It was beautiful to see.
09:26Her and Brett were always talking.
09:28Yeah, OK, because that's our clue.
09:36Good morning, my faithfuls and traitors.
09:47There you go.
09:49That was hideous.
09:51Not so lucky for lovely Janaye.
09:59And forgotten.
10:01Didn't see a single sunrise.
10:06What a shame.
10:07Anyway, enough of that thing.
10:10Bravo, traitors.
10:12Faithfuls, you'll get your chance at revenge at tonight's first
10:16banishment ceremony at the round table, where one of you will be ousted from the game.
10:23Like a subpar deckhand jettisoned from my superyacht.
10:30So for today's mission, it's going to go off.
10:34I'd watch my step if I'm you.
10:41So Jackie said something really interesting to me.
10:59Good morning.
11:01I said that if you went, I was leaving.
11:06I'm so glad you didn't.
11:08It's like he's...
11:13Shall we just join them?
11:14After she said that to me, I realised that the most probable place that she could have
11:20had that conversation was when the traitors were actually deciding who they were going to murder.
11:27We do have quite a citizenship, you know, we have the funeral director, the horoscope writer.
11:33What do you do?
11:34I'm a public servant.
11:36I mean, that's cool.
11:37I was certain that I was going to be the first murder.
11:40I was certain.
11:41And I think if it wasn't for Jackie, I probably would have.
11:46After that comment that she said to me, I realised she was my guardian angel.
11:57Good morning.
11:59My strategy today is to talk to people, to observe.
12:03So what do you think about Janaye?
12:05I think I'd feel for anyone being the first person, like I think it would suck.
12:09I want to get to know the faithfuls.
12:14It's hard to judge people so quickly though, isn't it?
12:17But yet we have to judge, don't we?
12:19I know, that's the hard part.
12:20But I've been observing.
12:23And there's one or two that I go, oh, hang on a minute.
12:27Especially ones who get out little notebooks and pencils.
12:33Knowing what he does for a living, the Dungeons and Dragons.
12:37I know those people.
12:39And I know how they think.
12:46I find Jackie highly irritating.
12:49And what I reckon he will do is assign characters to us all.
12:54So she keeps talking about Mark being a Dungeons and Dragons manager thing.
13:01Except he thinks he's the only Dungeon Master, but hello.
13:05Do you play that?
13:06I play.
13:08I haven't played for a very long time.
13:11And then she's like, but I'm one too.
13:13And I just find that really annoying.
13:17I look at the game and I'm looking at him and I'm thinking,
13:20I know exactly what you're doing, mate.
13:22I know it.
13:25I also think that she thinks that she's never wrong.
13:28And that is real annoying.
13:31Oh, yeah, I don't think it's you guys.
13:32I'm in the wrong space.
13:37I had a great conversation with Mike.
13:39Oh, yeah.
13:39So I really suspected him yesterday.
13:42Yeah, me too.
13:42But today I'm like, oh, I don't know.
13:45That's fine.
13:46I think a lot of us really just don't have a clue who the traitors are.
13:53Hey, we were just talking about how lovely you are.
13:58I wouldn't say we're necessarily doing bad.
14:01Just not like amazing.
14:04Just in the conversation I've been having out there.
14:06With who?
14:07With Jackie, Jace, Kat.
14:12The names that have been thrown out.
14:14Obviously, Mark.
14:17Jackie's a very strong opinion.
14:20She just doesn't like him, though.
14:21She just doesn't.
14:23You do not go into a game like this and openly take a notebook out of your pocket
14:28and start writing down names.
14:31I think Jackie has an inability to keep her mouth shut.
14:35I don't think that Paul would make Mark a traitor because that's too easy.
14:39Like he's very traitor-y vibes.
14:43So I don't I don't know.
14:45I think she's going to end up having herself banished
14:49because she can't sink into the background.
14:53It couldn't be any easier at this point.
14:56That's a traitorous skill.
15:03You all right?
15:04Yeah, I'm still very confused.
15:06Yeah, I know.
15:08It's such a stress.
15:09Uh-oh, uh-oh.
15:11That's a really bad omen.
15:13Well, it did just die.
15:16It just pooed on the table.
15:18Uh-oh, someone's going to die.
15:23In our world, when a fantail comes inside the house,
15:26it's a messenger of either good or bad.
15:28Oh, really?
15:30But when she starts singing...
15:31It's good.
15:32No, it's bad.
15:33Oh, it's bad.
15:34Oh, right.
15:36Janaye? Janaye, is it you?
15:45Our players are heading off to another mission.
15:48They have no idea what's in store for them.
15:52Let's go.
15:54They must work together, traitors and faithful,
15:57to win silver for the final prize pool.
16:01Can we all promise each other that we're faithful?
16:03Absolutely, yeah.
16:04Because I need to know some people to trust.
16:06I know, so you've got to trust someone.
16:10Honestly, it never crossed my mind that Janaye would be going.
16:13Same, same, not once.
16:16Well, then they're very clever, aren't they?
16:19We've got such a limited amount of time to try and...
16:22Work it out, eh?
16:23Imagine, imagine banishing a traitor.
16:25I know.
16:30Van, what do you think of Jane?
16:33I really like Jane, so I really struggle because her name has come up.
16:37Terry brings her up.
16:38Terry brings her up a lot.
16:43Do you have any suspicion?
16:45Yeah, like five or six.
16:46Five or six, that's good numbers.
16:48See, I've got one 100%.
16:51That's Jane.
16:54Getting a traitor out in the first banishment is the key to my long-term gain.
16:59And the more I can convince people that Jane is the vote, even better.
17:06Me and you just looked at each other and went, oh my gosh.
17:09And that was her what, her reaction after taking the mask off?
17:12Just big, deep swallows.
17:14Really deep swallows.
17:17Walking into the mission, I'm pretty pumped.
17:37It looks epic.
17:40We see barbed wire.
17:41We see dirt and mud.
17:44It's cold and, yeah, pretty nervous as to what's about to come and hit us.
17:51Goodness, we're going to get dirty, aren't we?
17:58Yeah, I saw a field of mines.
18:00This is something I'm familiar with, especially explosives.
18:05Players, welcome to my lower field.
18:08At my manor, you're a welcome guest until you're not.
18:13Barbed wire, mud, and landmines.
18:16Yes, landmines.
18:18My deadly deterrent to keep errant visitors from straying into no-go zones,
18:23of which there are many around the manor.
18:26Today, this is exactly where you will all stray,
18:30in search of silver bars to add to the prize pool.
18:33So how good are you at knowing fact from fiction?
18:38In teams of two, you'll have 45 seconds to scramble through the barbed wire mud maze,
18:46enter the minefield, and choose a mine with a statement you believe to be true.
18:52If you're correct, your mine will contain two silver bars.
18:56If you're wrong, kaboom.
18:59You earn nothing but a smoky surprise and a possible personal infarction.
19:05One last thing, one mine each round holds shields
19:09that will protect the team who choose it from murder tonight.
19:14There were shields in play.
19:17I would love that security blanket, you know,
19:19so you can go to bed and have a good sleep and know that you're safe from murder.
19:22But I really want to build that prize fund.
19:28Utah, secretly under his breath, said to me,
19:30I was like, oh, okay.
19:33Yeah, let's do it.
19:36Stand by for my starting pistol.
19:42All right, players, the first five teams,
19:45you have 45 seconds to find the mine you want to select at my gun.
19:51And your time starts...
19:54I'm planking my way, army crawling across the mud
19:58while trying to stay as relatively clean as possible.
20:02As I'm going through the barbed wire fence,
20:05I know that the time on the clock is ticking.
20:07I'm thinking to myself, just move fast.
20:11All good, all good, stretch it.
20:14Yeah, yeah, up, up, up.
20:15Yeah, you can hear it.
20:18Jane's first job was smart.
20:20I don't know that.
20:21The questions are just going in one ear and out the other.
20:24Oh, I think he has it, I think he has it.
20:26It's not the other side.
20:2735 seconds remaining.
20:30This one, eh?
20:31During a mission, traders and faithful are all working together
20:34to put silver into that pot.
20:37Oh, there's a shield.
20:38Oh, okay, well, we'll take the shield.
20:41Taking a shield takes away money from others
20:44and pays for the work you do.
20:46Taking a shield takes away money from others
20:49and pays the target on your back.
20:53Don't do that.
21:0025 seconds.
21:02There are five heroes in the group.
21:04Don't know that.
21:05Let's not get blown up in crap.
21:08Let's get a statement that we know is true
21:10so that we can get some silver.
21:12Five seconds to go.
21:15Let's do it.
21:16Time's up.
21:19So you have landed on the statements you believe are correct.
21:23Let us test them.
21:25Whittamu and Mike, what is the phrase that you believe to be correct?
21:30Some people here are not who they say they are.
21:34I think in a game like this, that's kind of a pretty obvious one.
21:39Let's find out.
21:46Perhaps the most predictable of all of the phrases.
21:50Good for you.
21:52So, Utah and Terry, what is your statement?
21:56It's a shield.
21:57It's a shield.
22:00You will both sleep well tonight, but at what personal cost?
22:06I'm sorry.
22:08People taking shields was genuinely pretty surprising to me.
22:12I have suspicions on Terry.
22:14Yeah, I do as well, actually.
22:16I just felt a bit selfish or maybe like a traitor tactic.
22:20It would be lovely to make some money now with Bree and Molly.
22:24What is the statement you both believe to be correct?
22:28Ten Marist brothers were once buried at the Claremont Cemetery.
22:32Let's find out.
22:41A thousand dollars.
22:45All right, Noel and Donna, it is your turn.
22:47What is the phrase that you believe to be correct?
22:51Paul has won a People's Choice Award at the New Zealand TV Awards.
22:56Which would be lovely if it were true.
22:58Would you like to find out?
23:04Congratulations, both of you.
23:06Two more silver bars.
23:09So, Jane and Ben, what is your statement?
23:12There are five parents among the group.
23:15Do you believe that to be true?
23:18Let's find out.
23:35Not five.
23:36There are actually seven.
23:38But you look charming, Ben.
23:39Absolutely charming.
23:41We didn't win money, but Airport's hilarious.
23:46The second set of teams are ready.
23:52There's barbed wire.
23:54There's mud everywhere.
23:56I signed up to hunt traitors.
24:00I went through a mud pit under barbed wire at 70 years old.
24:07If you're going to ask me if I enjoyed it, I'm going to say yes.
24:11No, I did not.
24:14Players in this game are related.
24:16These questions were so interesting.
24:19Somebody was using a false name, or that two people in here were related.
24:23This is our one opportunity that we have to figure out
24:26more about these people that we're playing with.
24:29He's 22 years old.
24:32Mark is a great big, big major.
24:3720 seconds to go.
24:39The youngest player is 22 years old.
24:43I think that's right.
24:48The dress looks green.
24:50I don't think they're green.
24:55What was the name?
24:56We're probably booking this breakfast for a hoodie.
25:02Find a statement you believe you can trust.
25:0410 seconds to go.
25:06That sounds likely.
25:07What do you think?
25:08Yeah, all right.
25:09Do we want to, do we want to shield her?
25:11Yeah, yeah, yeah.
25:14I decided to take the shield because, one, I wanted to feel safe tonight.
25:19But two, I wanted to see what Whitney was going to do.
25:22Her first instinct was to get a shield.
25:26It confirms with me that I think Whitney is a little bit on the edge.
25:31Five, four, three, two, one.
25:36Four, three, two, one.
25:39Stand by your mind.
25:44Brittany and Andrew, what is the statement that you believe to be correct?
25:48One player is hiding their first name.
25:52For better or worse, my first instinct is Whitney.
25:56Not because of anything she's done, but funeral director?
26:00Let's find out.
26:06It turns out that's true.
26:09One player is hiding their first name.
26:12And you have made $1,000, two silver bars for the prize pool.
26:17So, Jason, Kat, what is the statement that you believe to be true?
26:23The youngest player is 22 years old.
26:25Let's find out if that is correct.
26:32And it is correct.
26:33The youngest player, 22 years old.
26:36Jason, Kat, congratulations.
26:37Thank you.
26:39Joe, what is the statement you believe to be true?
26:42We believe Paul is holding a book in his breakfast room portrait.
26:47Well, let's find out.
26:52Oh, how disappointing.
26:55It's true.
26:56But at least we've added some silver to the prize pool.
26:59What is the statement you believe to be true?
27:04We believe that Claremont Manor was built as a wedding gift.
27:09Let's find out whether that's true or not.
27:16No blast.
27:17It was built as a wedding gift.
27:20Another $1,000 to the prize pool.
27:23Mark and I got the silver.
27:26Very nicely done.
27:27Oh, we just felt fantastic.
27:30Right, Ciali, Whitney, what is your possible fact?
27:34We chose the shield.
27:35That is interesting.
27:37Oh, I'm not surprised that Whitney went for the shield.
27:40Whether it was her idea or otherwise, I thought it was selfish.
27:45And we'll see how this plays out.
27:48But you will at least sleep soundly tonight.
27:56Well done, players.
27:58Another mission complete.
28:00You've swept up $7,000 to add to the prize pool.
28:03And you've learnt a few lessons along the way.
28:07Of course, with shields, four of you will sleep soundly tonight
28:10if you survive the round table.
28:13I will meet you back at the estate very shortly.
28:16Farewell for now, ladies.
28:36Chin chin, Andrew.
28:40Yeah, so why did you choose the shield?
28:41Were you worried you'd become a target?
28:44Oh, yeah, I think everyone's a target.
28:46But I think if we've got a chance to get a shield,
28:48then I think everyone's going to get a turn with the shield.
28:50Might as well get yours while you can.
28:52Were you worried about murder?
28:59Getting a traitor out today in the first banishment
29:02is the key to my long-term gain.
29:04Today, I've laid the seeds around Jane.
29:07So maybe a shield will be quite important
29:10because if I take this big shot at Jane and I miss,
29:15probably murder for me.
29:18This round table is so important.
29:21If we fail tonight, we lose another faithful,
29:24and then we lose another faithful,
29:26and we'll be three down before we actually succeed at anything.
29:30Like, we're just going to get slaughtered if we don't get it right.
29:33The strongest indication we've had so far
29:35is definitely when we left the round table,
29:37when they decided the traitors.
29:38That first reaction was our best shot through this whole game
29:41to nab a traitor.
29:42Did you pick any?
29:43Yeah, 100%.
29:44Yeah, I told you.
29:46Her reaction just absolutely sold it down the river to her.
29:52She took a big glass of water,
29:53then when we were walking back in,
29:54someone was walking by, I can't even remember who it was,
29:57said, the traitors will try and distract their mind
30:01by doing an activity.
30:02And I walked straight in here,
30:03and she's playing game of pool.
30:06I'm chatting with Terry,
30:08and he's convincing me, Andrew, and a couple others
30:11that Jane's a traitor.
30:13Two or three people have mentioned her to me
30:16completely separately as well,
30:17so it's been backed up by multiple people.
30:19And honestly, he convinces me.
30:23So are you 100%?
30:24I'm 100%. That's my vote.
30:26Guys, I'm going to go get myself a drink,
30:27because I'm missing out.
30:31But my biggest game plan is to keep a traitor close.
30:36So I'm just going to go with my gut and play that game.
30:42That's quite a bit of size, isn't it?
30:44That's Harry.
30:50We're about to go into the round table,
30:52and I've been told that Terry's been
30:54throwing my name everywhere.
30:56Is he not given any reason or anything?
30:58So, round table,
31:00he's heard you've got,
31:01I've been told you've got,
31:03Round table, he's heard you've got,
31:06he's heard you do like a big callback.
31:09Obviously, now I'm super nervous.
31:11I could go tonight.
31:14Okay, round table's coming up.
31:15What do you think?
31:15People are saying Jane.
31:17Get real.
31:19I'm going to make sure at the round table
31:21I fight my corner 100%.
31:23I think we need to all vote for the same person.
31:26Yeah, do I? I agree.
31:27Otherwise, I think it'll be you.
31:29To the whole, I'm going to defend myself.
31:33I think there's enough votes for Jane.
31:39I think I've sown enough doubt.
31:42There's going to be an awful lot of love coming my way.
31:46So, yeah.
31:52Jane can hold her own.
31:53She's a very smart lady.
31:56But hey, if it turns out that Jane's going to
31:58have to be the one to go,
32:01then so be it.
32:03So, yeah.
32:14Anytime I'm at that table, I'm having the best time.
32:20And I get a lot of enjoyment from
32:22just watching everybody's uncomfortable faces.
32:33And so it begins.
32:35Your first banishment.
32:38This is where accusations fly.
32:43And players fall.
32:46The prize pool is already at $27,000.
32:50There it is in front of you.
32:52Well done.
32:54And of course, four of you have a shield
32:57that protects you from murder tonight.
33:00But no one is protected here.
33:03You are all exposed.
33:08You must use this time wisely.
33:11It is limited.
33:13And for one of you tonight, very limited.
33:19Who would like to begin?
33:27I'd like to begin, please.
33:33Terry, you've been throwing my name around today.
33:36I've heard it from various people now.
33:40The reasons I've heard is you said that
33:43you thought I swallowed, I think, when the mask came off.
33:46And that I'd been quiet at the start
33:48and now suddenly was loud or chatty.
33:51I don't think I've changed behavior at all.
33:53I think I'm a very chatty person.
33:55As for swallowing at the table,
33:57I don't remember, certainly, if it might have been
34:00a sort of just a general swallowing.
34:02But certainly, I didn't display any behavior.
34:06What I would say is I'm going to put that back on you completely.
34:10Today, you went for a shield straight away.
34:14That is traitorous behavior to me.
34:21It doesn't come naturally for me to attack Terry.
34:26But it's a game and I had to do it.
34:29Yeah, look, Jane, I was pretty clear.
34:31The best chance to get a traitor in this game
34:34is that initial reaction.
34:37I was looking when the blindfolds came off.
34:40First thing I noticed, there was three really big swallows.
34:43And then you took a big glass of water
34:44as if your mouth was dry.
34:46I didn't drink any water at all, I can assure you.
34:49You had half a glass of water yesterday.
34:50That's a damn right lie.
34:52I did not take any water, I can assure you.
34:54And you are lying about that.
34:55The other thing I'd say is that Janaye went last night.
34:59So I believe I'm quite a strong woman.
35:03So is that the plan?
35:05The traitors are going to go for strong women?
35:12Whew, there's some heat in that room.
35:15I'm going to let other people talk
35:16and hope that some of the alliances and chats that I've had
35:19will come to my defense.
35:21Let's see.
35:26I have something to say to Terry as well.
35:30I've heard today that Terry has said
35:32that he is going for Bailey
35:35because she is a sweet, innocent young girl
35:38who no one would suspect.
35:40I didn't say that about Bailey.
35:42I actually said Bailey is the one person I trust the most.
35:44And the reason was when we had the reveal,
35:47me and Bailey had a little chat about Jane.
35:49We both saw the same thing.
35:51And so you didn't hear it from me.
35:52Who did you hear it from?
35:53That's the thing.
35:54And I want to play this game with integrity.
35:56And I didn't remember who said it.
35:59And I'm really sorry.
36:01I have the worst short-term memory.
36:03And I can't tell if someone actually said that to me
36:06or if I dreamed that.
36:09I've only thrown one name out.
36:10It's one name.
36:11And I've been clear with it from the start.
36:17Also, I want to say that Jane,
36:20there was one little weird moment
36:23that I thought might be something
36:25where we were talking about how we were feeling anxious
36:29about going to sleep last night,
36:30not knowing if the knock on the door
36:32would be someone telling us we'd been murdered.
36:38You kind of like raise your eyebrows.
36:39I'm like, oh, yeah.
36:40That is something that people would be feeling
36:43like it's something you hadn't considered before.
36:48I need to protect Jane.
36:50We take the traitor's oath.
36:52And the traitor's oath is you do what you can.
36:55But I would like to say that someone here, Mark,
36:58is a very brilliant strategist.
37:02Because you play Dungeons & Dragons
37:04and you're a dungeon master.
37:06I'm not saying you're a traitor.
37:08I'm just saying I understand the game
37:10because you're not the only dungeon master here.
37:14I don't doubt that.
37:20I'll have to be honest, like, your name came up, Mark,
37:24and I did stand up for you
37:25because I saw you put the effort in yesterday.
37:28Like, I know that you've got a walking stick in that,
37:31but you didn't once back off.
37:34But there has been a sway that was listening to Jackie
37:37about strategists.
37:40But I'm now and I don't know where I'm sitting.
37:46Mark, you're sitting there like the Shusha cat.
37:50You've got the biggest smile on your face.
37:52This might be the last time I'm in this room.
37:55I'm loving it.
37:58I had a yarn with Janaye yesterday
38:00and before she was murdered, she mentioned three names.
38:04I'll just share them with the table.
38:05I think that'd be fair.
38:06She mentioned Noel, Mike and Mark.
38:11And today, Mark, you vehemently adamant
38:15like that sending her home would be a silly decision.
38:18It was so dumb.
38:19She bought us 5K.
38:20I know, and you said that,
38:22but I also can't help but think
38:24she was quite vocal about those three names.
38:27The time for talk is over.
38:32You must now write down on your slates
38:35the name of the player you want banished
38:38from the game for good.
39:19You must now write down on your slates
39:22the name of the player you want banished
39:25from the game for good.
39:26We'll start with you.
39:52Tell me who have you voted for and why.
39:56It's not my vote, it's for you, Bree.
40:03Putting words in Terry's mouth with no one else to back you up comes across as a pretty
40:08fray-twist thing to do, so I'm clear.
40:17Donna, who have you voted for and why?
40:22I hope you prove us wrong.
40:30Terry, I've put your name down.
40:38Brittany, it's your turn.
40:42Mark, I've voted for you.
40:48Yeah, like I said, we can only go off the puzzle pieces that we have.
40:52The only thing I can put together is Janay said Mark's name, so that just added up to
40:57Mark for me.
41:00So three votes for Mark, one vote for Bree, and one vote for Terry.
41:13Mark, you're my vote tonight.
41:20Unfortunately, Mark, I voted for you.
41:22I stuck up for you, but I listened to too many people and I think that probably will
41:28condemn me.
41:31Mark, I was kind of sold on you because although I really like your happy-go-lucky attitude
41:37and I understand it, right now I'm so stressed and flustered and exhausted more than I've
41:42been this entire experience, and you're still sitting there with this wide grin on your
41:47So if you are a faithful, I don't understand how you're doing it.
41:50So that's what made me vote for you.
41:56I'm so sorry, Jane.
41:57I truly hope we can talk about this tomorrow.
41:59Yeah, yeah, no, that's fine.
42:06I too have written your name down, Mark.
42:10I really do hope you prove us wrong.
42:15I have voted for Terry.
42:21Terry, you grabbing the shield today just kind of rocked my thinking a little bit.
42:27I'm really sorry.
42:32So, Mark, you have received seven votes.
42:36Three votes for you, Terry.
42:39One for Bree.
42:40And one for you, Jane.
42:44Terry, please reveal who you voted for and tell us why.
42:49I don't think it's a secret.
42:52Telling a few people, I think this is our best chance to get a trader.
42:56This is my surest theory at the moment, so it's Jane.
43:03Um, I'm really sorry, Terry, but I am going to be voting for you.
43:17Um, tonight I'm voting for Terry.
43:21I felt like there was an agenda when we chatted earlier,
43:24and you put yourself before the team, getting a shield.
43:32Terry, I'm sorry.
43:33You're really cool, but just because you were so focused on Jane,
43:37I just got a really bad feeling, and when you went for the shield today,
43:42it also kind of told me that it might have been for ulterior motives.
43:47Terry, I've gone for you, mate.
43:52So, Mark, you have received seven votes so far.
43:56Terry, you have also received seven votes.
44:00Jane, two votes.
44:02Bree, one vote.
44:05Mark, who have you voted for, and why?
44:09I was ready to listen, and I did.
44:12Jane came straight out of the gate with an accusation,
44:17and that's something that, if I was a trader,
44:21I'd be trying to throw other people's names out as fast as that.
44:25Jane, that is why I have voted for you as well.
44:30Yeah, my accusation was because I'd already been accused
44:33and various people had told me about Terry, so it's no surprise.
44:37Yes, I do think you're a traitor,
44:39obviously trying to turn people against me.
44:42So, yeah, sorry, Terry.
44:45I like you as a person, but I'll vote for you.
44:55I'll vote for you.
44:59Terry, I've gone with you.
45:03And finally, Joe, who have you voted for and why?
45:07OK, Terry, I'm voting for you on the basis that right now
45:10we need to be getting money.
45:12I don't know the traitors, but that's all I know.
45:14We need some money on that thing.
45:16And you've got a shield, so I don't know.
45:18That's why.
45:19I'm so sorry.
45:20And that's...
45:21So, Terry, you have received ten votes.
45:25Mark received seven votes.
45:28Jane, you received three votes.
45:31Brie received one vote.
45:34Terry, clearly you have received the most votes
45:37and you are banished permanently from the game.
45:40Please come and join me.
45:44Terry, please come in.
45:46Terry, before you leave the game for good,
45:49please reveal whether you're a traitor or a faithful.
45:55I came to play the game and I've had a blast.
45:58The one thing I would say is that I particularly love Strong Woman.
46:02I married to a police detective, the strongest woman anyone's ever met.
46:06I adore her.
46:10I'm a traitor's worst nightmare.
46:12I'm a traitor's worst nightmare.
46:18I'm a faithful hunting traitor.
46:26Thank you, Terry. Goodbye.
46:37Not the best start, Faithfuls.
46:40A promising player, carelessly jettisoned.
46:45And a shield gone to waste.
46:49It's a win for the traitors.
46:51And for those, Faithful, who don't have shields.
46:55It's a sleepless night ahead.
46:58Fare thee well, possums.
47:04That's crazy.
47:05I need to re-evaluate my entire list.
47:08I feel bad for Terry, but I think he shot himself in the foot, really.
47:13I don't think anyone trusted him.
47:15Oh, I need a drink after that.
47:26Yeah, you're right, Stephen.
47:28Yeah, that was horrible.
47:30Yeah, it's not a nice feeling at all.
47:32You defended yourself so much better than he did.
47:35He killed himself with words. He didn't do a good job.
47:38It's never nice to see your name come off on the board.
47:41It's not on my wish list, that's for sure.
47:44I think my baseline is comically obvious.
47:47I don't have a poker face,
47:49and I don't know how to contain my glee
47:51at having so many people talking about me.
47:54My name is coming up because...
47:58I'm a very expressive person.
48:00I'm having an amazing time.
48:02And all I need to do
48:04is ensure that I always get, you know,
48:06the second most amount of votes.
48:10And it's basically as good as a shield.
48:13That's that amount.
48:15Good night, I hope you have a good sleep.
48:17It's a nice feeling to send a faithful home, that's for sure.
48:24May the odds be ever in your favour.
48:26In your favour.
48:54Wow, what a day!
48:56What a day!
48:59You had a bit of heat...
49:02on you, Jane, but you did so well.
49:04You did.
49:06I only found out ten minutes before we went in
49:08that Terry was going to vote for me.
49:10So I had hardly any time to do anything.
49:13But I just think he was a bad faithful, wasn't he?
49:16He came in quite aggressive,
49:18so he shot himself in the foot there.
49:21Quite delightful.
49:24I really like Terry,
49:26but yeah, as soon as he came hard for me,
49:28I naturally defended myself.
49:30And luckily a lot of people followed suit.
49:33Do we keep pushing for Mark,
49:35or do we put him to the side?
49:37I think he's biding his time.
49:39I think he's formulating a plan.
49:41I mean, he got a lot of votes tonight.
49:43He did.
49:45I think Whittemoo's dangerous.
49:47So do I.
49:49So do I, yeah.
49:51I'm happy you said that,
49:53because I saw the two of you at the mission today.
49:55I sat with him at breakfast.
49:57He's not saying a lot,
49:59but he's observing a lot.
50:01And he's got a lot of ideas.
50:03He's incredibly intelligent.
50:05He's quiet, but he's calculated.
50:07And I believe he'll be a threat to us later in the game.
50:11I watched her today.
50:13I've actually spent a lot of time with her today.
50:15And she has integrated herself
50:17into many different groups.
50:19She's a smart cookie.
50:21And I'm worried about her.
50:25We've got to make sure that we are
50:27all on the same page.
50:29This is our second murder.
50:31We killed it with Janaye,
50:35So we need to be really smart.
50:37So we've got Whittemoo,
50:39Mark, and Brittany.
50:41I want
50:43the faithful to know
50:45that the traitors are
50:47thinking about the murders.
50:51Not just for the sake
50:53of murdering.
50:55We've got consensus.
50:57I think we do.
50:59It's the best decision for our game right now.
51:01I think it's going to cause quite a stir.
51:09It'd be quite nice to just sit back
51:11and watch what happens.
51:13Next time.
51:19The faithful step up their game.
51:21I think I have all three suspects.
51:23My love interest.
51:25It all starts and ends with Jackie for me.
51:27Players confront
51:29their mortality.
51:31And so we will always be with the law.
51:33As the accusations
51:37You went, watch your back, people are coming after you.
51:39I did not say, watch your back.
51:41Now I'm coming for you tonight
51:43and then you tomorrow.