Movies 2024 MA Andromeda Ep8, Poorly animated aliens in a Distant Galaxy

  • 3 months ago


00:00:00We're on a collision course with unknown objects!
00:00:15Make corrections!
00:00:16Sam, are you on?
00:00:17Collision is imminent.
00:00:18All stop, now!
00:00:19Well, shit.
00:00:20So, if I may, I would like to bend over, grab my ankles, and kiss my ass goodbye.
00:00:41Those are some very big guns.
00:00:43They've got us pinned against the Scourge!
00:00:46They are scanning us.
00:00:47I'll find out.
00:00:48Well, scan them back!
00:00:49You fucking moron!
00:00:55Where is the one who activated the remnant?
00:01:00Their DNA signature is there.
00:01:02They've got a gun against our heads!
00:01:04Quickly, take hostile actions!
00:01:07Motherfucking what?
00:01:10Yes, no, they've got a massive fuck-off cannon pointed at our skulls.
00:01:15What the fuck is wrong with you two?
00:01:19What the fuck is this?
00:01:24I don't know why, but this is just so fucking hilarious.
00:01:29Their locking eyes are just like, meh.
00:01:36My crew are fucking autists, literally.
00:01:39I'm Ryder, captain of this ship and Pathfinder with the Initiative.
00:01:44You'll come with me.
00:01:46Yeah, I'm thinking I don't really have that much in the way of a choice, honestly.
00:01:50They've lost navigation.
00:01:51We're being steered into their ship.
00:01:53Just tell me what you want.
00:01:56I won't explain what you can't understand.
00:01:59Ryder, I have almost regained control of the ship.
00:02:02I need a few more seconds.
00:02:04Okay, in which case, I'm just gonna...
00:02:06One, two, three, four, five...
00:02:13Oh, you mean I need to talk with them.
00:02:19Now I'm mad.
00:02:21My tiny little boat will get obliterated by your much bigger boat.
00:02:24But still, I will angry.
00:02:27I actually know a lot about the Remnant.
00:02:29We should compare notes.
00:02:32Your defiance is naive and reckless.
00:02:34Yes, yes it is.
00:02:35This day marks the beginning of your greatness.
00:02:42Sam, I have plotted a potential course through the Scourge.
00:02:45Potential course, lovely.
00:02:57Enemy destroyed.
00:02:58Damage to aft sensors.
00:03:00Scourge got it?
00:03:02Get us out of here.
00:03:07Well, at the very least, now that we know that they're after me personally, we also know that they can't shoot me.
00:03:15Seeing as I'm important and everything.
00:03:25And the magical space fungus saved the day once again.
00:03:31But who the hell was that guy?
00:03:33Ryder, we've got trouble down here.
00:03:35You need to find a support now.
00:03:38Where'd we end up anyway?
00:03:40Sensors are damaged, but I think we're at the vault's coordinates.
00:03:43You think?
00:03:46Gil, give it what you can.
00:03:47We're setting down.
00:03:54Sam is essentially this storyline's magical MacGuffin that gets us out of any and all trouble, isn't he?
00:03:59We're being contacted.
00:04:01Why do Asaris have belly buttons?
00:04:04We have to land.
00:04:06Open a comm.
00:04:08Tove Jagalesto.
00:04:12Tove Jagalesto.
00:04:16That probably means fuck off, unknown ship or something.
00:04:20We come in peace.
00:04:23We come to buttfuck your daughters.
00:04:25Prepare yourselves.
00:04:27Listen, sorry to just show up like this, but I swear, we're the Galactic Gloop guys.
00:04:32Efanola. Farhan and Ghassad Regara.
00:04:37They're forcing us to land.
00:04:39Just speak to it in English, I'm sure it'll understand.
00:04:47Right, well this looks like a night... what the fuck?
00:04:50Yes. Ha, look at that.
00:04:53It's beautiful.
00:04:54Yes, but surrounded by cunting lava somehow.
00:04:59Well, that's an interesting ecosystem. Lava on one side, greenery on the other.
00:05:11See, these aliens actually make sense.
00:05:14Please, you're not really going out there on your own.
00:05:18We can't afford a repeat of last time.
00:05:21I'm the Pathfinder.
00:05:23First contact is on me.
00:05:25Most important thing ever. No pressure.
00:05:28Yes, Toto. You're not coming along, because you'll scare them.
00:05:33If this goes badly, if I get eaten alive, even if it's hilarious, please destroy the vids.
00:05:39See, occasionally I really like my Pathfinder.
00:05:50More fucking humanoids? No.
00:05:57In this civilization, hands up is a sign of aggression and imminent butt rape.
00:06:01Tosco, do you hear me?
00:06:03Yes, Tosco, I'm here.
00:06:05Need me to take my shoes off?
00:06:09Okay, that's funny.
00:06:11I'm here.
00:06:20Well, they haven't shot me yet, which I suppose is probably a good thing.
00:06:24Maybe. Potentially. Perhaps.
00:06:27Wow, you are creepy looking.
00:06:33May I ask why the fuck you're speaking English?
00:06:43Ephra saw this ship come in and sent me to find out what's going on.
00:06:49He's a human from another galaxy.
00:06:52How do you know what the fuck I am?
00:06:55Aya is hidden. Protected.
00:06:59What do you want?
00:07:01Right now to poke your face to see if it's, you know, squishy and wishy or if it's hard or whatever.
00:07:06I really want to just poke it just to go like, meh.
00:07:10You have a vault. We would like to take it from you.
00:07:13I'm sorry.
00:07:16Yeah, that's probably the most diplomatic option.
00:07:19We come with a spirit of cooperation and to live in harmony.
00:07:23We've heard that before.
00:07:27I come to create Lebensraum.
00:07:30He'll be waiting for you in his office at the Resistance headquarters.
00:07:33I'll meet you there.
00:07:35If you're good Slavs, we will let you live outside of our Lebensraum.
00:07:38Your crew will stay on your ship. Follow me.
00:07:51Follow closely.
00:07:53Do not try to explore the city or interact with anyone.
00:07:56I say.
00:07:58Why are you hunched over in such a creepy way?
00:08:02Is it okay to ask you questions?
00:08:04I suppose.
00:08:08Right. I guess we'll end it there then.
00:08:11I've dressed for the occasion. Beautiful Emperor's children, gobs.
00:08:16That'll be just perfect.
00:08:18The Emperor's children were really good diplomats until they went just a little bit crazy.
00:08:22But hey, minor details.
00:08:24Oh, wait.
00:08:26Will it not let me save?
00:08:28No. Of course it fucking won't.
00:08:32Okay, okay.
00:08:34If you're the governor, why do I need to see this Ephra?
00:08:38He's leader of the Resistance.
00:08:39What's that?
00:08:41They fight for Kett and protect us.
00:08:44I see.
00:08:46Why do you speak English?
00:08:48Well, something like that.
00:08:50Why do all of you speak English?
00:08:53We should lock it up.
00:08:55I detect unusual levels of electrostatic energy in the Angara.
00:08:59Really? Is that where they're glowing?
00:09:02It belongs in a containment cell.
00:09:04I probably do, yes.
00:09:06You don't know what you're doing.
00:09:08I mean, if I found an alien...
00:09:10Am I that intimidating?
00:09:12You're an outsider who invaded our home.
00:09:15We know nothing about you.
00:09:17This is an adorable place, though.
00:09:18I'm not here to cause trouble.
00:09:20Then keep moving.
00:09:22I mean, if an alien came to my planet, I'd probably want to see it in a containment cell, just in case.
00:09:28He, not it.
00:09:30And stop staring.
00:09:33I can't see.
00:09:34I mean...
00:09:35None of the local flora register in my data files.
00:09:38We've encountered an undiscovered ecosystem.
00:09:41Yes, Sam. I can tell.
00:09:42Your city is beautiful.
00:09:44Thank you.
00:09:46You're the first outsider to see it.
00:09:48You really would like to contain the alien, wouldn't you?
00:09:51I mean, I might eat babies for a living. You don't know that.
00:09:54In fact, I might eat Angoran babies.
00:09:56Maybe Angoran babies are delicious.
00:09:58But you need to earn his trust.
00:10:00I don't know.
00:10:01He's responsible for everyone's safety.
00:10:02I know what that's like.
00:10:04I haven't tried eating an Angoran baby before.
00:10:06Trying to be.
00:10:08Don't know if I'd want to, either.
00:10:09But, you know, just saying.
00:10:11It's possible.
00:10:12This is the Resistance headquarters.
00:10:14Efra is waiting inside.
00:10:16Kawaii. May I save now?
00:10:18No, I may not.
00:10:24They are bullies.
00:10:25But this situation is now your fault.
00:10:27Don't get kicked out, Moran.
00:10:28Not because of them.
00:10:30But you're telling me to be weak.
00:10:33I'm telling you to be strong.
00:10:35Through your cunning and heart.
00:10:49It really is the best one in the Resistance.
00:10:52I know.
00:11:08You know, I'll probably cut this into a next episode.
00:11:10Because this is going to take a while, apparently.
00:11:14You can trust us.
00:11:16By the way, would you like some blankets?
00:11:31Because you were weak.
00:12:03Kadara be damned.
00:12:05I won't lose fold.
00:12:09This is one of the aliens from the Milky Way.
00:12:11A Pathfinder.
00:12:17It's an aggressive move coming to Aya.
00:12:21I had no idea you were fucking here.
00:12:23My people from the Milky Way were bold enough to come to Andromeda.
00:12:27I need to be at least that bold to save them.
00:12:31So Pathfinder, never mind how you even found us.
00:12:34Why are you here?
00:12:36To create an evidence file.
00:12:37I'm a host of a planet we call Eos.
00:12:39I explored an ancient structure, a vault, and brought it back online.
00:12:43It stabilized that planet's environment.
00:12:46And now we intend to live in it.
00:12:48Recent intelligence supports that claim.
00:12:51If I'm right, there's a vault on Aya that's different.
00:12:55I need to look inside.
00:12:57There's a good chance it might irrevocably change your ecosystem, but hey.
00:13:01There's a vault out there.
00:13:03But it was shut years ago, and the entrance hidden.
00:13:08Can't help you.
00:13:10The Moshai could.
00:13:12She's our most revered scientist and elder.
00:13:15She knows this vault.
00:13:17But now the Kett have her.
00:13:19And our rescue attempts failed.
00:13:21She's lost to us.
00:13:23And you.
00:13:24Is that a plot hook I smell so thick and heavy in my ears?
00:13:28Because I'm pretty sure it is.
00:13:31There must be another way.
00:13:33How can I convince you?
00:13:34Can I offer help?
00:13:38I don't know you, let alone trust you.
00:13:40Why would I want your help?
00:13:42Because you were just begging me for it.
00:13:46I feel...
00:13:49Ephra, what is this?
00:13:51I'm not sure.
00:13:52Ephra, what this alien says is extraordinary.
00:13:58The Moshai would want us to be brave, and not let this chance pass.
00:14:02Joel, you talk too much.
00:14:05Let me assess this...
00:14:09I'll be your eyes.
00:14:11I know you can spare me.
00:14:13Go if you want.
00:14:15But when he tries to kill you, be prepared to strike first.
00:14:19The jellyfish aliens are remarkably trusty.
00:14:23I'll be your envoy, through Ungaran space.
00:14:27So, hostage, basically. Good.
00:14:31Thank you for trusting me.
00:14:33I don't.
00:14:35But, I can always kill you in your sleep.
00:14:38Good to know.
00:14:40No, you're going to be locked up in a cell, trust me.
00:14:42I've organized my analysis of Aya.
00:14:45Shall I relay it to the Nexus?
00:14:49Yes, prioritize ways to bash their little jellyfish heads in, should it be necessary.
00:14:54You know I will.
00:14:56Do you really think the Moshai is alive?
00:14:59What is a Moshai?
00:15:01I'm sure of it.
00:15:03Don't kill yourself bringing her home.
00:15:05Is it delicious?
00:15:07No promises.
00:15:09Is it?
00:15:10Is it?
00:15:12I'm here to assist you, Pathfinder.
00:15:15Are you? Why?
00:15:19I am Enro Bosan, assistant to Governor Paranshi.
00:15:22You're free to explore this area, but the city is off limits.
00:15:26Until that changes, I'll be your liaison.
00:15:29How may I help you, Pathfinder?
00:15:31Um, any particular weaknesses you guys have?
00:15:35You know, where your heart is, brain stem, spinal cord, stuff like that?
00:15:40Not really. Bye. Fuck you though.
00:15:42Thanks for your time, Enro.
00:15:44Of course.
00:15:46People in this galaxy are awesomely blasé about brand new alien species
00:15:51just kind of wandering out of nowhere and sitting down on their planets.
00:15:55I mean, these fuckers are barely reacting.
00:15:58They're just like, oh look, a completely unknown alien.
00:16:00I mean, the last completely unknown aliens we ever met
00:16:03tried to murder us and kill every last one of us and eat our babies.
00:16:06But this one, this one looks trustworthy.
00:16:09Oh, well, hello.
00:16:12The stars above. It's you.
00:16:16I was hoping to get a chance to speak with you.
00:16:19You left your home to cross dark space.
00:16:22Is it true you can never go back?
00:16:25Yeah. This is home now.
00:16:27To take such a risk and give up your old life.
00:16:30Why did you do it?
00:16:32Stupidity, I'm assuming.
00:16:35I couldn't resist the adventure of a lifetime.
00:16:37I know the feeling.
00:16:39There's a rush in taking a chance and hoping for the best.
00:16:42My turn for a question.
00:16:44Do I get to know your name?
00:16:46Oh, of course.
00:16:48I'm Avela Kajar, curator for the Repository of History.
00:16:51We study relics of our past.
00:16:53Try to piece together what we lost in the Scourge.
00:16:55And, the truth is, there was something I wanted to talk to you about.
00:17:00Pathfinder, how much do you know about our history?
00:17:03Precisely, dick.
00:17:05The Cat hit your people pretty hard, right?
00:17:08They did. But long before that, the Scourge destroyed our technology, first targeting our ships.
00:17:14Many of those ships went down over Havaral.
00:17:16The wilds of that planet are filled with history.
00:17:19A scientist on Havaral just contacted me with a new nav point of an intact crash site.
00:17:24A huge opportunity.
00:17:26But with Remnant patrolling the area, we can't get close enough.
00:17:29Not like you can.
00:17:31How do you know about me and the Remnant?
00:17:33I have friends in the Resistance.
00:17:35I enjoyed your conversation with Ephra.
00:17:37I know it's a lot to ask, but you have a ship and the means to get past the Remnant.
00:17:42Without your help, I'm stuck.
00:17:45Plus, I would love to have a look at their technology so I could know how to destroy it later.
00:17:51I've always wanted to give archaeology a try.
00:17:53I was hoping you'd say that.
00:17:55If you find anything, I'll be here.
00:17:58Thank you, Pathfinder.
00:18:00I wonder why I'm not allowed to ask the simple question,
00:18:04why do you jellyfish speak English?
00:18:07I'm assuming it's because of Sam just brain-fucking me.
00:18:11He's like, yep, this means go away.
00:18:14This means fuck you.
00:18:16And this means other things.
00:18:18Why he wouldn't then translate words like Moshad into the closest approximation, I don't know.
00:18:25But I guess that's just for flavor.
00:18:27Oh, hello.
00:18:28Oh, they even write in English, why not?
00:18:34Who sent the human?
00:18:36Right, if you don't mind, I'd like to scan your technology, if you please.
00:18:42Vanguard shuttle.
00:18:47Extended interstellar voyages in this thing, huh?
00:18:51That's pretty impressive.
00:18:53Don't worry about it, don't worry about it.
00:18:56I'm just scanning for stuff I could maybe abuse later.
00:18:59It's fine, it's not a problem.
00:19:02Not like I would like to figure out the emissions patterns on your craft or anything,
00:19:06so that I could design a missile to seek for that specific emission pattern or anything.
00:19:10No, no, no, no.
00:19:42Show them up your ass.
00:19:51I don't know.
00:19:53What do you want?
00:19:54Your ship?
00:19:55Not for sale.
00:19:57Worth a try.
00:19:58Is there something else I can do for you?
00:20:02Call me Sokka.
00:20:04I run cargo between Aya and other worlds.
00:20:06Good work.
00:20:07Good at it.
00:20:08What other worlds?
00:20:09I'm here to help my people.
00:20:10Prove it.
00:20:11I need help.
00:20:13One of my suppliers off-world stopped checking in.
00:20:16Has things I need.
00:20:17There could be trouble.
00:20:20If you're willing to give me a chance, I'll take it.
00:20:23You have a ship?
00:20:25I have my supplier's navpoint.
00:20:27His name is Kovu.
00:20:29These people are awfully trusting.
00:20:31Come back and prove you're helpful.
00:20:33Then maybe we trade.
00:20:35I mean, okay, think about this.
00:20:37First and foremost, they let me into their city.
00:20:41Now they're going to let me leave their city, knowing exactly where it is, their exact location,
00:20:47their fucking command structure, where their boss man is, and everything.
00:20:52And they're just going to let me fucking wander away from this.
00:20:54I have the ship fixed up and ready to fly.
00:20:57Your ship is...
00:21:02We have nothing like it.
00:21:05Get to know.
00:21:08It gets better?
00:21:09Oh yeah.
00:21:11You ready to go?
00:21:14I'll introduce you to the rest of my crew.
00:21:17Furthermore, they have allowed me to scan their goddamn ships.
00:21:22They've let me have a look at their weapon systems.
00:21:25And now...
00:21:27Now they're going to get me to go, one, look at their interstellar ship technology,
00:21:33and two, fuck with their trade routes.
00:21:40Best hope I'm not literally Hitler, huh?
00:21:42I'm just saying, as far as first contact goes, at least that went better than the last one.
00:21:47Not much of a metric.
00:21:48Only slightly.
00:21:49Yeah, what happened?
00:21:51I wanted to look around.
00:21:53And now we have another mouth to feed, whatever he is.
00:21:57Krogan babies.
00:22:02Did the translators not work?
00:22:04They work.
00:22:09I know we're improvising as we go, but let's remember that there is Pathfinder Team Protocol.
00:22:14Don't think I got that handbook.
00:22:15No, because you're not really...
00:22:19Cora, shut up.
00:22:20Jal has offered to do what he can to help us access the vault on Aya.
00:22:24How do we do that when we're leaving the planet it's on?
00:22:27That's... a fair point, Jal.
00:22:32Settle down.
00:22:34Ryder's right.
00:22:35There's an Angara right here.
00:22:36Let's hear from the new guy.
00:22:42Come on, jellyfish.
00:22:43Speak up.
00:22:45One day, about 80 years ago, the Archon and the Kett arrived in Helios.
00:22:55And the horror began.
00:22:57They declared war?
00:22:59Nothing so easy to define.
00:23:01Or fight.
00:23:03The Kett kidnap Angara.
00:23:05Their people disappear without a trace.
00:23:07What if they were us?
00:23:09Sure, I'll fight Kett all day long, but that's no plan.
00:23:13I agree.
00:23:15We need to get into that vault, Ryder.
00:23:17Surprisingly, I'm with PB.
00:23:19Our own mission has to take priority.
00:23:22We have a plan.
00:23:24Kind of.
00:23:26Pretty solid, Jal.
00:23:28The resistance is stretched thin.
00:23:30I was tasked with traveling to two of our worlds at our briefing this morning.
00:23:36And you'll accompany me.
00:23:42Because then, Ephra will see you as trustworthy.
00:23:46You want that.
00:23:48Jal's told me about these two worlds.
00:23:50Havarl and Vold.
00:23:52Before the Scourge disaster, Vold was a thriving planet of billions.
00:23:58A shining center of technology and life.
00:24:02And now?
00:24:04It's the center of our ground war against the Kett.
00:24:08Our resistance base is fighting Kett Command for control of the planet.
00:24:14What about the other?
00:24:16Havarl is the birthplace of the Ankara.
00:24:20It's started to degrade to become wild and dangerous.
00:24:27We suspect remnant.
00:24:29Now we're talking.
00:24:31We've recently lost contact with our scientists.
00:24:36Still don't get how any of this helps us.
00:24:39I do.
00:24:41Help us, or rather, help me.
00:24:43And I'll vouch for you, right?
00:24:45Because Jal wants inside Aya's vault too.
00:24:48Pathfinder, it's your call.
00:24:50Who, me?
00:24:53Don't know yet.
00:24:55Just be ready to go at a moment's notice.
00:24:57Got it?
00:24:59You bet.
00:25:01Jal, give Kalo the nav points for both planets.
00:25:03Let's... do this.
00:25:05Do this.
00:25:10Give us the location of your homeworld.
00:25:13I can't see any way we would be able to misuse that particular information.
00:25:19Still compiling my first impressions.
00:25:21But even their body language is so... emotional.
00:25:25Strike team ready for deployment.
00:25:27I can't wait for my first session with Jal.
00:25:29Try not to scare him away, huh?
00:25:30Where have I heard that voice before?
00:25:35Saw we have a stowaway.
00:25:37You mean Peebee?
00:25:39She's decided to set up in one of the escape pods.
00:25:41You don't need a psychologist to tell you that one's got commitment issues.
00:25:47Where have I heard that fucking voice before?
00:25:53I swear to god I know that voice.
00:25:56I've heard it before.
00:25:57I swear to god I know that voice.
00:26:00How do you think the crew is holding up?
00:26:02I'm happy to share what I can without violating patient confidentiality.
00:26:06Anyone in particular?
00:26:08I sort them in their files and my brain by species.
00:26:12Have you ever had that feeling when you're like...
00:26:15Like you can almost picture the face.
00:26:18But it's like... you can't quite get there.
00:26:22Say something else.
00:26:24How do you think the human crew members are handling things?
00:26:26There's a lot of them.
00:26:28Ugh. More.
00:26:32I'd like to check in on the non-human crew.
00:26:35Ask away.
00:26:37Is Drack good?
00:26:39That old bastard's always good.
00:26:42I've never met anyone who can be so stubborn and so appreciative.
00:26:46Could you... look out for him, Ryder?
00:26:50Don't worry, Lexi. I'll keep an eye on him.
00:26:53Thank you.
00:26:54And... maybe don't mention I asked.
00:26:58How adorable. She's going to rape Drack. Lovely.
00:27:02Is Jarl doing okay?
00:27:04He's adjusting. The rest of us have at least some understanding of each other's cultures.
00:27:09But to Jarl, we're all outsiders. It's a lot to take in.
00:27:14I'd say he's doing pretty well.
00:27:16Ah, for fuck's sake. I can't... place it.
00:27:21How's our Salarian?
00:27:23He's quite the gossip. Tight-lipped about himself, though.
00:27:29Tell me about Vetra.
00:27:31Vetra's used to having someone depend on her.
00:27:34I think that's why she's so resourceful and likes providing for other people.
00:27:38That being said, I think she could use a little... me-time.
00:27:42Thanks for the insight.
00:27:49Say something else.
00:27:50How long have you and Harry been friends?
00:27:51I remember when he didn't complain about arthritis.
00:27:55We met at a medical convention on the Citadel.
00:27:58He was moderating a panel on neurosurgery in low-gravity environments.
00:28:03His name card was crooked.
00:28:05But he was so damn confident, I knew we'd be friends.
00:28:12Ah, for fuck's sake. I can't...
00:28:15I'll let you get back to it.
00:28:17I'll be here if you need me.
00:28:21Goddammit, that is frustrating.
00:28:24Right, fine.
00:28:28Let's go to the planets, then.
00:28:35The waterfalls.
00:28:48Adorable. Where is it?
00:28:49Where is it? Is it free loot? Is it free loot?
00:28:53Give me free loot.
00:28:55Tracking a huge mineral deposit.
00:28:58I wish they could just give me the mineral deposit when I launch the probe at it, but...
00:29:03I have to actually go there and fucking pick it up, man.
00:29:06Ah, that's...
00:29:08Now I fucking got it.
00:29:09It's from Game of Thrones, isn't it?
00:29:13Margaery, isn't it?
00:29:16Isn't it?
00:29:18Margaery Tyrell, right?
00:29:21You know, the doe-eyed little girl.
00:29:2456 Biddleian, that's probably useful.
00:29:28That is her, isn't it?
00:29:32I might be completely wrong on that, but...
00:29:38I think that's it.
00:29:40I think that's it.
00:29:50Either Vold or Havaral would be a likely place to start.
00:29:54Okay, I'll travel to Havaral first, because that's apparently where the ground war was going.
00:29:58And I like ground wars.
00:30:00So that's Arya, that's Fetwun, that's Sessione.
00:30:05Okay, Trail of Hope. What is a Trail of Hope, then?
00:30:13One of them is just the planet Havaral, and one is the planet Vold.
00:30:20Okay, I...
00:30:25Either Havaral, or...
00:30:29Okay, I'm a little bit confused as to what I'm supposed to be travelling to.
00:30:33Havaral or Vold, but...
00:30:36None of these are actually named that.
00:30:40What if I... Cluster Map?
00:30:45Saibeng, Nihilish, Null...
00:30:58I'm not...
00:31:00Entirely sure what this is.
00:31:04Oh, that's... Aha! Havaral.
00:31:07Havaral, okay. I'm gonna go there first, then, because that sounds like a war zone. I like war zones.
00:31:13But I'm almost sure, isn't it?
00:31:16Marguerite Tyrell, isn't that it?
00:31:19It sounds like her, at least.
00:31:22Could it be that... I mean, why the fuck would they hire that actor?
00:31:36Alright, wasn't this the place in the war zone?
00:31:38Or is this the other one?
00:31:40Because I want to go to the war zone. War zones are fun.
00:31:48Comet Dawnstar. Lovely.
00:31:50Does it have stuff I can loot?
00:31:52To be more specific...
00:31:55Not why would they hire that voice actor, because she's clearly pretty good, but...
00:31:59Why would they put her on a fucking Asari?
00:32:03And why would you put her on a side character? I mean...
00:32:07She has a fucking great voice.
00:32:10And she is adorable as fuck.
00:32:13Why would you not make an entire character based off her?
00:32:16If you're gonna pay her goddamn voice acting wages...
00:32:19Which I assume to be rather fucking considerable.
00:32:23Why wouldn't you actually make a full character?
00:32:26I mean, like they did with Miranda.
00:32:29That'd be fucking great.
00:32:32But apparently not.
00:32:42Wow, this close to a fucking gas giant?
00:32:46How would that work?
00:32:48Wouldn't that fuck with their gravity something absurdly ridiculous?
00:32:53I mean, I'm no astrophysicist, but...
00:32:56A solar body that large, this close to a planet...
00:33:01Seems like it would be a really bad idea?
00:33:05Huh, who knows.
00:33:13Oh no, this is the wrong one.
00:33:16Yes, fuck this one.
00:33:18I wanna go to the other one, the war zone.
00:33:20I thought that was the Havara one, but clearly I was wrong.
00:33:23Let's pop over here then instead.
00:33:25Because I wanna fight the cat.
00:33:27Fucking robots are boring. Cat are fun.
00:33:30At the very least they feel a little bit more squish squish when I shoot them, which is good.
00:33:36Yes, yes, yes. Fancy animations. Very fancy.
00:33:46Anything interesting?
00:33:49Oh, apparently.
00:33:53Huge mineral deposit.
00:33:57I get like 10 to 20 resources from this, so I don't know if huge is really the right word.
00:34:03I get like 10 to 20 resources from this, so I don't know if huge is really the right word.
00:34:08I mean, apparently.
00:34:11Mining an entire asteroid produces enough minerals to build like one fifth of an assault rifle.
00:34:23Oh, 82. That's actually a halfway decent stash. Not bad.
00:34:28Right, and I'm supposed to be going over here.
00:34:33Like, this animations here. Is there any way I can...
00:34:38No, I don't think there's any way to skip this, which is rather annoying.
00:34:42Because this gets boring fast.
00:34:50Oh, this looks like a remarkably shit place.
00:34:53Okay, bundle up, people.
00:34:55I'll stay on my nice warm shit.
00:35:01Let's see, Vold. Through an ice age. That sounds like it sucks.
00:35:08Now a scattered settlement, where it claims it is still entombed in ice.
00:35:14Huh. That does sound remarkably shit, yeah. Let's go down to it.
00:35:20It'll almost feel like home.
00:35:23Right, I'll bring the matlock. I could...
00:35:28I mean, the power recharge rate. I mean, it's quite a lot, but...
00:35:31I like having different weapons at the very least, so I'll bring both of them.
00:35:35It's 34%, which sucks, but eh, I can live with it. It's not that bad.
00:35:41It's not the worst.
00:35:43I didn't even have to look through the weapons menu to figure out how to actually use my boosts.
00:35:47Right, who am I bringing along?
00:35:50I don't really like you that much. I mean, you're decent enough, but...
00:35:58We'll bring the manatee face.
00:36:02I'm not really particularly fond of Korra either, but she's the only female around I would actually consider banging.
00:36:10Hard choices, hard choices.
00:36:12Hey, what? Okay, there we go.
00:36:15I do like Krogan's.
00:36:17But Korra is literally the only human female in my goddamn group.
00:36:31And now we'll bring Korra.
00:36:33She may look like a bull dyke, but she's the closest I have to a human female, even though...
00:36:38It's not saying a thing much, but...
00:36:40We'll go with that.
00:36:42Look, Mako looks now like strange things.
00:36:45Not the best paint scheme, but we'll go for it.
00:37:15Frozen over completely.
00:37:17There goes the dream of a seaside property.
00:37:21Well, I mean, it's still water, you know?
00:37:24It might be frozen, but it's still water. That is still a ridiculously valuable resource.
00:37:30I wonder how fast space travel is in this galaxy.
00:37:33It's a pretty intense blizzard.
00:37:35LZ is on the windward side of the mountain. Conditions are bad.
00:37:39I'm tracking Galeforce squalls.
00:37:45And there are lampposts down here.
00:37:51I mean...
00:37:52These are literally continent-sized deposits of water.
00:37:58Couldn't we just bring this to the desert planet?
00:38:02I mean, what's stopping us?
00:38:04Yeah, maybe we shouldn't have landed on the fucking ice.
00:38:09Maybe Sam should have scanned for some ground rock or something.
00:38:15You sure?
00:38:16Want us to get out and push?
00:38:19Very funny, Ryder.
00:38:25Apparently, I can survive here without a fucking helmet, so it can't be that bad.
00:38:35I mean, I'm wearing a helmet just because I'm in a fucking warzone and I'd like to wear a helmet.
00:38:41Oh, I assume he wasn't kidding about the cold.
00:38:46Temperatures are below freezing and continuing to fall.
00:38:49Below 52! Wow!
00:38:51Okay, that's pretty chilly.
00:38:54I admit, that is pretty chilly.
00:38:57Who the fuck put up the lights, please?
00:39:00Keep going, Ryder.
00:39:01Try not to make any sudden movements.
00:39:04You're probably being watched.
00:39:06Well, I kind of have to make a sudden movement.
00:39:08In that I need to get to a cave or something.
00:39:11I'm assuming there is a cave up here.
00:39:13I'm assuming the game wouldn't just dump me on a planet where it's literally impossible to survive.
00:39:17Oh, hello.
00:39:21That might be a stupid assumption, but I'm going to go with it.
00:39:28Oh, no. Cave, cave, cave, cave, cave.
00:39:34There you go.
00:39:35Heh heh.
00:39:39Random fucking heaters.
00:39:41Right, well...
00:39:44I mean, this isn't that bad.
00:39:46I mean, yeah, I wouldn't want to live here, don't get me wrong, but...
00:39:51I mean, it's still oceans.
00:39:53I mean, look at all of the water here.
00:39:55I mean, this is clearly a decent place to get water.
00:39:59I mean, yeah, I wouldn't probably live here, but...
00:40:05I'm reading a severe temperature drop.
00:40:10Again, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this mining here.
00:40:14I mean...
00:40:16What? Transporting the ice to orbit? Is that the problem?
00:40:19I mean, we've got ships.
00:40:21I mean, we could probably make bulk lifters.
00:40:23I mean, we brought some, right?
00:40:25You wouldn't go to a different galaxy without some kind of mass conveyance, right?
00:40:35Heh heh. Actually, I probably shouldn't have achieved that. I assume that.
00:40:4052 minus, though.
00:40:41That is... that is... that is pretty chilly.
00:40:44That is pretty chilly.
00:40:50I don't think it's really enough to really require, you know, a...
00:40:54life-sustaining battle suit or anything.
00:40:57Well, for extended periods of time, maybe, but...
00:41:10Low supplies. That sucks.
00:41:17These are some kawaii cars, though.
00:41:22Oop. Sorry, car.
00:41:24Ooh. Hello.
00:41:28What's the worst?
00:41:29I remember... I think the worst cold I've experienced is about 40?
00:41:35Minus 40?
00:41:37That did suck, a fair bit. I can tell you that much.
00:41:39That was ages ago, though.
00:41:42I think we've had temperatures of below 40, like...
00:41:47Three times in...
00:41:51in my lifetime?
00:41:52Oop. Apparently, I've been going the wrong way.
00:41:54Oh, wait. That leads back to the ship, doesn't it?
00:42:01That did suck quite a lot, every time. I gotta admit.
00:42:03It did suck a fair bit.
00:42:06I mean, even at minus 20, your skin just hurts.
00:42:09When it's exposed to the elements at 30, it starts getting really painful at 40.
00:42:38Aww, that's so fucking cute! It's threatening me!
00:42:42I'll kill you last.
00:42:47Ha ha ha ha ha!
00:42:50Ha ha ha!
00:43:03They'll know where our need is dire.
00:43:05Jarl, watch them.
00:43:07And be careful yourself, my friend.
00:43:10Mm. I always am.
00:43:14Aww, you shouldn't be such racist aliens.
00:43:18It's not very nice, you know.
00:43:19Ooh, hello.
00:43:23Eh, fine.
00:43:25Cat leader who goes to Cornish Hall. Speaks as unknown.
00:43:27Blah blah blah.
00:43:33I probably should be scanning the alien tech, shouldn't I?
00:43:36I'm kind of forgetting about that again.
00:43:41Console. Right.
00:43:44Am I...? Sure, here.
00:43:49How the fuck do you know my title?
00:43:53Word spreads quick amongst the jellyfish aliens.
00:43:58Allow me to steal some of your supplies. I'm sure you won't mind.
00:44:12Ah, that's the trade stuff, isn't it?
00:44:14Multiple with Cat, maybe.
00:44:16Alright, so his supplier got ambushed by Cat.
00:44:25Or is this something else entirely?
00:44:28Ooh, hello.
00:44:29Gimme gimme gimme.
00:44:33Alright, was there one more guy I needed to talk about to here?
00:44:38It looks like it.
00:44:39At least the minimap's telling me so.
00:44:40Oh, come on.
00:44:41From this room, we keep track of our brothers and sisters in the field.
00:44:45That's pretty cool.
00:44:46You don't win a war without good organization.
00:44:48An impressive surveillance system.
00:44:51Come on. Come on.
00:44:53You have to be in front of them because the animations can't turn to them.
00:44:57You the requisitions officer? I hear you're having supply issues.
00:45:00Of course not.
00:45:01I don't know what you've heard, but everything's running fine.
00:45:05Why are you lying?
00:45:06I saw the messages sent to you.
00:45:08What are you hiding?
00:45:10Keep your voice down.
00:45:12I need to keep this news contained.
00:45:15No one knows the shipments have stopped.
00:45:17If word gets around, we'll have a serious morale drop.
00:45:20I need to investigate this quietly.
00:45:22Why are you telling this to the alien?
00:45:25Not much.
00:45:26The supplies make it planet-side, but never reach the base.
00:45:30The obvious answer is the Kett.
00:45:32Sabotage is their style.
00:45:34We changed our drop point, but no luck.
00:45:37I can't send someone to investigate without word getting around.
00:45:41I guess there's no avoiding it eventually.
00:45:46I can take a look at the drop point.
00:45:47That way, no one will panic.
00:45:50I can't sanction an official search, but...
00:45:53I also can't stop you from investigating on your own.
00:45:56The nav point for the last drop location is in my personal console.
00:46:00You seem to be adept at decryption, so I'll let you figure out the rest.
00:46:08Fine, fine, fine.
00:46:14Decryption successful, Pathfinder.
00:46:16Updating your nav system with a supply drop point.
00:46:21Imagine this from the other perspective.
00:46:25Imagine these jellyfish people were humans.
00:46:28And imagine that an alien wandered into their meds,
00:46:32and started going like,
00:46:33Hey, where's your supply routes?
00:46:35Can I help with your supply routes?
00:46:38Would you like me to scan your ships and weapons for you?
00:46:41Would that be cool?
00:46:42I mean, could you give me access to all of your valuables?
00:46:46You probably wouldn't say yes now, would you?
00:46:49Solid setup here.
00:46:51Let's try to make a good first impression.
00:46:53It's good to be back.
00:46:56I have friends here.
00:46:58But I brought the snacks last time.
00:47:01But I never get care packages from IA, do I?
00:47:05You're so good at guilting me, Zeke.
00:47:08That's Zeke?
00:47:11Oh, right, yeah.
00:47:15Okay, before we wander off completely out of-
00:47:17Oh, right, I'm supposed to talk to you.
00:47:19Hi there.
00:47:20Whoa, didn't mean to sneak up on you.
00:47:22I really didn't either.
00:47:23Your commander said you could show us the valley.
00:47:27Random alien wanders out.
00:47:28Zeke, I don't want to talk to it.
00:47:30You talk to it.
00:47:32Ryder has a name.
00:47:34You named it?
00:47:36How'd you even tell them apart?
00:47:38Stars, Beniska, just stop talking.
00:47:42Yeah, we can show you the valley.
00:47:44What are you looking for?
00:47:46To kill Kett.
00:47:47I want to prove I'm here as an ally.
00:47:48That means fighting Kett.
00:47:51Head in any direction and you'll hit Kett eventually.
00:47:54They're all over-fold.
00:47:56That's not very specific, but still.
00:47:58But with guns.
00:47:59But it's a quirk.
00:48:00We've had reports about captured Angara and a Kett labor camp down in the valley.
00:48:03If you're here to help, like the commander says, you could start there.
00:48:07Anything else?
00:48:10Labor camps.
00:48:11Why not?
00:48:12Red lights?
00:48:13What are those red lights down there?
00:48:16Just one of the Dar in the valley.
00:48:18There's people there that might need help, if you haven't checked it out already.
00:48:21How do they live out there?
00:48:23How do you live here, Korra?
00:48:24We've adapted to this weather.
00:48:26Those lights are conspicuous.
00:48:27Don't the Kett attack?
00:48:29We've adapted to that, too.
00:48:31The Kett want to take us alive, so we fight to the death.
00:48:34It seems to deter them.
00:48:38These Ketts are an odd species.
00:48:40Let's get back to work.
00:48:41Yeah, you behave.
00:48:42We're watching you.
00:48:44Yeah, sure you are.
00:48:45Jebus, we're gonna need the Nomad.
00:48:46My position.
00:48:47Deploying forward station.
00:48:48Good luck, Ryder.
00:48:50Activating automated forward station deployment.
00:48:56Luckily, the Angorans are not particularly touchy about their airspace, either, so we
00:49:01can just fucking assault pod stuff right down to us.
00:49:04Fire exits in this region are available, Pathfinder.
00:49:06I've added them to your nav system.
00:49:09The ambient temperature is normal.
00:49:11Okay, Sam, what's Vauld got for us?
00:49:14Kett activity appears to be centered around this large central command post.
00:49:18According to Resistance Intelligence, the base coordinates all Kett military efforts
00:49:23on Vauld.
00:49:24And taking it down will cripple their operations.
00:49:27Wait, now.
00:49:28However, given the trouble the Angara Resistance has had infiltrating the base, it will not
00:49:33be a simple task.
00:49:34We've got to get to Vauld.
00:49:37I recommend a more cautious approach that starts with the investigation of smaller Kett
00:49:45Any suggestions on how to get on Efra's good side?
00:49:49Resistance dispatchers indicate there is someone in Hojara who needs help.
00:49:53We could visit Tekiks, a larger and more established Angara Dhar that is nearby.
00:49:59Sounds good.
00:50:00Thanks, Sam.
00:50:01Pathfinder, Vauld's temperature range is fixed well below freezing, with pockets of even
00:50:05severe conditions.
00:50:06This necessitates the use of the Nomad.
00:50:09I advise against prolonged exposure to the cold.
00:50:12Got it.
00:50:13Don't crash the car.
00:50:14Our scans have detected remnant monoliths, which suggests the presence of a Vauld.
00:50:19And that means we might be able to melt this ice cube.
00:50:23Alright, we've got our work cut out for us.
00:50:26Let's get going.
00:50:29Just in case, but...
00:50:33Just in case Ryder is not aware of it, but...
00:50:38If we actually thaw this thing...
00:50:46And we melt the ice...
00:50:49We do understand that that would cause a...
00:50:53Follow the rights, my dingbat.
00:50:55That would have led me right over the fucking cliff.
00:50:57I don't know what this car gives a shit, but still.
00:51:02If we melt this ice...
00:51:05The entire planet is going to fucking flood.
00:51:09Everyone that lives here is most likely going to die by drowning.
00:51:15Oh, shit.
00:51:22Normal might be a bit of a...
00:51:27Quickly! Before they find the resistance!
00:51:31Where did...
00:51:40Okay, these guys are a bit tougher than the other ones.
00:51:42And they've got shotguns.
00:51:45Reload weapon, please. Thank you.
00:51:50Can I... There we go.
00:51:53Oh, this is a semi-automatic weapon. Really?
00:52:03Right. Oh, this is going to get annoying quick.
00:52:05I'm going to need a fucking automatic weapon again.
00:52:11Well, at least the concussive shells are nice.
00:52:17Right, so alt...
00:52:18Okay, there we go.
00:52:20Right, so alt...
00:52:21Okay, there we go. I can switch sides.
00:52:24That's very good.
00:52:31Okay. Come here.
00:52:36That's even more effective than the pushing thing. I like it.
00:52:47Dammit, yeah, no.
00:52:50Oh, I hit the rocket, apparently.
00:53:01Nah, you don't. Don't worry about it.
00:53:06I do like that. It's like having a mini-rocket launcher. Very fun.
00:53:12Right. Would you like to kiss my ass for saving your life now?
00:53:18Easy, are you alright?
00:53:20Better now that those cat are dead.
00:53:23I thought I could lead them the other way.
00:53:25Clearly, you suck at your job.
00:53:26If you didn't come along, they'd be halfway to our camp by now.
00:53:31Yeah, maybe you should have some more sentries, except two dudes.
00:53:35How bad are you hurt? Can you make it back?
00:53:38It'll be comical, but I can walk.
00:53:40And I know a secret route to the camp.
00:53:42Just wide enough for one.
00:53:44I can get back faster than your rover.
00:53:47I see.
00:53:50Well, goodbye then.
00:53:51We have to keep going.
00:53:53Go, go! I'll roll the cat bodies off the cliff before I head back.
00:54:06Well, that's lovely, I guess.
00:54:11At least we're back to fighting cats. I kinda like fighting cats.
00:54:13Cats are a bit more fun to fight than the robots, at the very least.
00:54:17Vroom, vroom.
00:54:19Ooh, hello.
00:54:27I'd really like some minerals.
00:54:29I like cunt most of all, honestly.
00:54:36Little further, little further.
00:54:45Beryllium, whatever the hell that is.
00:54:49Apparently, there's also something up here.
00:54:52Oh, hello.
00:54:54Ah, cunt. Perfect.
00:54:57No, no, no. Back up, back up, back up.
00:55:01There we are.
00:55:07Anything else? Nope.
00:55:13Vroom, vroom. Dammit.
00:55:20Apparently, this planet is a little trickier to navigate than the last one.
00:55:25I'm sure the Angorans won't mind if I set up mining operations on their planet.
00:55:30I'm sure they won't give a shit.
00:55:33I mean, they haven't given a shit so far, so...
00:55:35Ooh, hello.
00:55:36More resources.
00:55:38I like this planet already.
00:55:40Let's raid it for everything it has.
00:55:50I do like this car. It's fun.
00:55:59So, there's a smaller village around here somewhere.
00:56:03Is that... it?
00:56:07Well, there's this village.
00:56:10There's dudes going around down there.
00:56:13Wish I had a sniper rifle right about now so I could check it out, but we'll just charge in there.
00:56:20Is it livable here?
00:56:23Ah, yes it is. Right. Okay, let's go kill them then.
00:56:28Duck, duck, duck, duck.
00:56:29Oh, this isn't cover? Fuck.
00:56:31Fuck, fuck, fuck.
00:56:34This is cover.
00:56:39The fucking stealth doggies can live here?
00:56:46I think the stealth doggies might find this place a bit chilly, but...
00:56:51I guess not.
00:56:56Getting shot at in the flanks.
00:57:01Well, that was uncomfortable.
00:57:09Oh, fuck.
00:57:14Well, Korra didn't stay up for long that, did she?
00:57:19And you...
00:57:21Oh, I can't target you while you're invisible. Okay.
00:57:24Well, I guess that kind of makes sense.
00:57:26You dead yet?
00:57:31Yes. Good.
00:57:34Come here, and boom, you go.
00:57:44The increased damage is really nice, but I'm not a huge fan of the semi-auto feature.
00:57:51I wonder if I can hit the grenades. That'd be pretty cool.
00:57:55Oh, ow.
00:57:59There we go.
00:58:00There we go.
00:58:13That should be you down, and...
00:58:17Boop, boop, boop.
00:58:19There we are.
00:58:20The doggies almost murdered my ass, but other than that, that went relatively well.
00:58:25I'm reading a temperature decrease.
00:58:29Well, probably because we're at, like, an icy lake or something.
00:58:35I'd like some... Ah, there we are. Ammo.
00:58:38Thank you.
00:58:43Anything interesting around here to scan?
00:58:47Oh, a container.
00:58:49Give, give, give.
00:58:51Ooh, more cunts. I'm very happy about this.
00:58:55Environment check. Temperatures are within acceptable parameters.
00:59:06Hmm, a mod.
00:59:11I guess that's about all.
00:59:18I guess the cat are doing some kind of research as well, maybe.
00:59:21Otherwise, I'd be a little bit confused about the point of this random station in the middle of nowhere.
00:59:27Interestingly enough, the cat don't seem to need heat, and...
00:59:33Is that a wompa?
00:59:35Is that a fucking wompa?
00:59:37It is, isn't it? Is it hostile?
00:59:40It's a ice T-Rex dinosaur thingy. Right, let's murder it.
00:59:45It does look rather large and angry, though, so let's save first.
00:59:48It does look rather large and angry, though, so let's save first. Just in case it eats my ass.
00:59:55Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.
01:00:03Am I even doing damage to it? Yes, I am.
01:00:06Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.
01:00:16Pretty fucking tough, though. I can't deny that.
01:00:20There we go, so...
01:00:24Shell Filaments.
01:00:28A character of a certain form is the base of shell padding on certain creatures.
01:00:31Therefore, it is not obligatory to deploy them on an order of the sort, such as using kinetic padding.
01:00:34Okay, cool, cool. I'll turn the local wildlife into armor platings, that sounds fantastic.
01:00:43That is exactly what a big game hunter like myself would do in such a situation, obviously.
01:00:51Alright, there was supposed to be a smaller, hello, village thingy over here.
01:01:03More cats.
01:01:22Are those minerals?
01:01:33Yes, yes they are. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
01:01:37Alright, so this is the somebody needs help thing, is it?
01:01:54I'm pretty sure it does.
01:01:57Nope, nope.
01:01:59They're not that friendly, apparently.
01:02:11Is this place worth fucking with?
01:02:16Not entirely convinced.
01:02:20Is that a container? No, it's not.
01:02:26Oh, well.
01:02:28The decision has been made for us, it would appear.
01:02:44Just go away, go away, go away.
01:02:47I thought I was in cover, ow!
01:02:49Fuck, fuck, fuck.
01:02:50God, I hate these things a lot.
01:02:53It seems to have a particular hatred for the player character as well, which makes it even worse.
01:03:03Alright, finish your laser beams. There you go.
01:03:09I am running out of ammo already.
01:03:19I'm not convinced with this new weapon.
01:03:22It doesn't feel particularly more effective than the old one.
01:03:27And it feels like I got way less ammo.
01:03:33Right, didn't I do that for any particular reason?
01:03:36Is there anything interesting around here, perhaps?
01:03:40Maybe, uh...
01:03:43Explosive material, really.
01:03:50Well, there's a loot box, if nothing else.
01:03:53Remnant polymer, okay, that'll probably be useful in armor.
01:03:57Can I... yes.
01:03:59Alright, anything... no?
01:04:05Uh... no.
01:04:11Not anything particularly useful.
01:04:15Oh, well.
01:04:25Let's actually see if we can't turn on the goddamn quest markers, shall we?
01:04:32So let's just travel to Hvar, which...
01:04:35Well, I'm on the other planet now, so we should probably turn that one off.
01:04:39Is it, uh...
01:04:44Uh... no, I don't think it's that either.
01:04:51I don't think it's this either.
01:04:56Ah, yeah. We're on Vold, are we? Yes, okay.
01:05:04Reach the drop point, I guess.
01:05:10God, I really don't like this quest menu.
01:05:21I mean, why shouldn't this all just be fucking listed, you know?
01:05:25Why shouldn't this all be at the top of the screen on the radar?
01:05:28Why not? Is there any reason...
01:05:32Why I shouldn't be allowed to simply just list all of the quests?
01:05:37Any reason whatsoever?
01:05:43Alright, well... Ah, there it is.
01:05:45I did think there was some kind of outpost around here.
01:05:54Izhara is a research station, mostly focusing on Vold's geology.
01:05:58Let's see if someone here needs help.
01:06:04Greetings! I come in peace.
01:06:07Someone around here probably knows what that ice is for.
01:06:10I hear the researchers here drill into the ice in order to study it.
01:06:14To study the ice?
01:06:18Well, I mean...
01:06:20I'm sure that's useful in some way.
01:06:26Why are none of these aliens freaking out by the fact that I'm just kind of wandering in here?
01:06:34I'm really wondering.
01:06:38I mean, you'd think the appearance of a random alien just driving out of the ice wastes would at the very least raise a few eyebrows, you know?
01:06:53Why the fuck would they...
01:06:55And again, I'm sure studying the ice is useful in some way.
01:07:00But, they're currently fighting a war against an aggressive alien species.
01:07:04Shouldn't that, you know, maybe be a priority instead of checking out the ice?
01:07:15Maybe you can tell me.
01:07:20Not that I can really eye, but...
01:07:22Well, we'll see.
01:07:31Now, is there anything you need from me?
01:07:37What are you doing with this giant block of ice?
01:07:40That was cut out from below Hejara.
01:07:42We're right above an inland sea, and the ice goes deep.
01:07:45Very deep.
01:07:46Everything under the first layer was perfectly preserved from a time before the Scourge.
01:07:51There's a lot we can learn from the composition of the deeper layers.
01:07:55Microbes, ancient lifeforms, all untouched by the Scourge.
01:08:00Yeah, I mean, that's useful, but...
01:08:03You were saying something about...
01:08:05Is that really the priority?
01:08:07Don't let anyone hear you.
01:08:09Stupid story that started years ago when Dinor and I were students in Australia.
01:08:13Yes, Australia?
01:08:15He knows more about how that tale spread.
01:08:18I won't disturb your work.
01:08:20They're fucking Australians.
01:08:23They're Australians in space. Makes sense.
01:08:26Makes tons of fucking sense, I swear to God.
01:08:29Makes so much fucking sense.
01:08:33Let's talk to the irritated scientist before wrapping it up, I think.
01:08:39Properly, this time, actually, I do.
01:08:41I'm assuming it's going to let me save anyways.
01:08:43Let's hope.
01:08:52I wish I could talk.
01:08:54I've got to get this Skycurse piece of junk working.
01:08:57It's been picking up weird interference for days.
01:09:00I can't transmit data to our colleagues in T'Lara.
01:09:05Tech, huh?
01:09:07At the end of the day, it's just a mess of metal and plastic.
01:09:10And yet we trust our lives with it.
01:09:13I need to take a break before I kill someone.
01:09:16If you want, feel free to poke around.
01:09:18Life support at 100%.
01:09:20You know, Bioware is about as subtle in their points as a fucking hammer to the face.
01:09:54Well, let's go fuck with that, then.
01:09:56That sounds like a wonderful idea.
01:09:58Oh, yeah.
01:10:16I mean, golden?
01:10:18Not really.
01:10:20But, again, it's still water, you know?
01:10:23Water is still fairly precious.
01:10:25But, hey.
01:10:27We'll see.
01:10:29I'll wrap it up there for now.
01:10:31Until next time, I have been Arch.
01:10:33Thank you very much for watching, and I do hope to see you again soon.
01:10:35Have a good day.
