Was it a Russian missile that hit a Ukrainian children's hospital?!

  • 2 months ago
The official representative of Russia in the United Nations Security Council Vasily Nebenzya spoke about Ukraine's statement that it was Russia that allegedly fired a missile at a Ukrainian children's hospital!

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00:01I would like to begin by thanking France,
00:03and Ecuador for convening this meeting.
00:06As is obvious from the speeches of our Western colleagues,
00:10who are very laconic,
00:12the topic of the alleged Russian attack on a children’s hospital,
00:17which they have gathered us today to discuss,
00:20is clearly ungrateful for them.
00:22for sure,
00:23they saw numerous analyzes of,
00:25what happened from photos,
00:27and videos,
00:28which it clearly follows,
00:30that it was a Ukrainian air defense missile.
00:34Hence the miracles of verbal balancing act,
00:36that Western members of the Security Council are demonstrating today,
00:41who are trying to shield the Kiev regime by any means.
00:45For us,
00:45this meeting is an opportunity to tell the truth about,
00:50what happened.
00:51But as we know,
00:52our Western colleagues are not interested in the truth and,
00:56in the best traditions of provocations in Bucha or,
00:59with the Mariupol hospital,
01:01which was mentioned today,
01:03they tried to pass off wishful thinking,
01:06condemning the allegedly targeted strike of the Russian Air Force on a children's medical institution.
01:13The cunning of such tactics is visible to the naked eye,
01:17and the Ukrainians themselves immediately noticed this,
01:21because video recordings of a missile hitting a hospital complex quickly appeared on the Internet and canceled out all the attempts of Kyiv and Western propagandists.
01:33These are links to the most complete publications.
01:37Please pay attention to this QR code.
01:41And here’s,
01:42what Ukrainian telegram channels published in hot pursuit,
01:47now remaining the only source of information uncensored by the Ukrainian authorities for their compatriots.
01:55I quote:
01:56the office of the President of Ukraine issued an instruction to everyone to publish,
02:02and promote only the topic about the children's clinic in order,
02:07to divert attention from other missile attacks,
02:10and there are very interesting objects there,
02:13and people could ask the authorities why military objects directly adjacent to residential buildings and hospitals;
02:22try to raise the morale of the army and the people based on hatred of the enemy.
02:27They say,
02:28that the enemy deliberately hit the children,
02:31although everyone knows,
02:33that it was a downed missile,
02:35that fell.
02:39to distract people from the daily lawlessness of power,
02:44tariff increases,
02:45rising prices,
02:46growing disappointment among citizens,
02:48and so on.
02:52distract attention from Ukraine's constant retreat.
03:00add another reason to justify the unlimited mobilization carried out by Zelensky.
03:07rise in media heights in the Western press before the NATO summit.
03:13And they also write:
03:14everything is clear about the attack on the Okhmatdyt hospital;
03:18it was a NASAMS Ukrainian air defense missile,
03:21that lost its way,
03:22and flew into a building near the children’s building.
03:25Western air defenses also often make mistakes.
03:27Most likely,
03:28it lost its target in the air,
03:30and captured a thermal signal from the hospital,
03:32confusing the targets.
03:33The same thing happened when Ukrainian air defenses hit Poland on a tractor,
03:39killing the Poles.
03:40The impact of the H-101 missile would have caused much more damage to the building it hit.
03:47We constantly write about,
03:51how Ukrainian air defense missiles often go astray.
03:55There had been many such tragedies before,
03:58and the authorities in Kyiv constantly lied to people,
04:01that it was the Russians,
04:03who were specifically targeting residential buildings.
04:06The authorities in Kyiv need to constantly stir up hatred among people,
04:11and justify the continuation of the war,
04:13with such artificial tragedies.
04:15The Ukrainian military even themselves admitted,
04:18that many tragedies were the work of their air defense.
04:21These are quotes from Ukrainian public pages,
04:28these are not my words.
04:30I hope you understand,
04:32that no matter,
04:33how much the Kiev regime,
04:34and its Western sponsors try to present the tragedy as the result of a targeted Russian strike,
04:40even in the eyes of ordinary Ukrainians this version does not stand up to criticism.
04:46Under these conditions,
04:47we extremely regret,
04:49that the Security Council was drawn into the dirty propaganda campaign of Kyiv,
04:55and its accomplices.
04:56We would like to ask mister Zhovner a question:
04:59when he went out into the street,
05:02how did he understand,
05:03that the hospital had been subjected to a Russian attack?
05:08Who provided him,
05:10with such data,
05:11that contradicts truth,
05:13and common sense?
05:14Does he understand,
05:19that if it had been a Russian missile,
05:22there would be nothing left of the building,
05:25and the children and most of the adults would have died rather than been injured?
05:31But judging by the dark screen,
05:34we are unlikely to hear an answer from mister Zhovner.
05:38We have repeatedly said,
05:40that Russia does not attack civilian targets in Ukraine.
05:45If we talk about the strikes of the Russian Air Force,
05:48which were actually carried out on Ukrainian military industry facilities,
05:53and on Ukrainian aviation bases,
05:55then one of the targets in Kyiv was the Kiev plant named after Artyom,
05:59this is one of the largest enterprises of the Ukrainian defense industry concern.
06:04This is one of their main producers of aircraft missiles,
06:08and ammunition,
06:09and we hit this target according to objective control data and according to the testimony of the residents of Kyiv themselves.
06:18Since this plant is located approximately two kilometers from the damaged Okhmatdyt children's hospital,
06:28there is every reason to believe,
06:31that the Ukrainian air defense missile,
06:34that hit it was intended specifically to intercept the Russian missile,
06:39that hit this plant.
06:41Such tragedies could have been avoided if the Kiev regime,
06:48in violation of international humanitarian law,
06:51had not deployed air defense systems,
06:54and heavy weapons in residential areas.
06:59its Western sponsors prefer to turn a blind eye to this fact.
07:04We must also say,
07:05that the Ukrainians themselves noticed a remarkable trend on social networks:
07:10the tragedy of an air defense missile hitting a children’s hospital occurred right on the eve of the NATO Summit.
07:19this is already the third NATO summit since the beginning of the special operation,
07:25and similar situations arose before each of them.
07:29The same thing happened on June 27,
07:33when Ukrainian media reported an explosion in a shopping center in the city of Kremenchug,
07:39Poltava region,
07:40while hundreds of people were allegedly inside.
07:43In fact,
07:44the fire in the shopping center,
07:46which was not functioning,
07:47occurred as a result of the detonation of ammunition stored in a nearby building,
07:52received from the United States,
07:54and European countries.
07:55The same thing happened when,
07:57on the night of July 6,
08:00the Russian Air Force attacked the temporary deployment points of Ukraine,
08:06and foreign mercenaries in Lviv.
08:08It is noteworthy,
08:09that the mayor of the city of Sadovy admitted,
08:12that residential buildings were damaged precisely by the debris of air defense missiles.
08:18And in all cases,
08:19these situations were played up to the maximum by the leader of the Kyiv clique in order to beg for new weapons for Ukraine.
08:26It's an interesting trend,
08:28isn't it?
08:29And it is very significant,
08:54that Ukrainian information resources themselves notice this trend.
08:59By the way,
08:59this begs another question.
08:59And this applies to the words of the Permanent Representative of Slovenia about confirmed data of a Russian missile attack on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital.
09:01Videos posted by Ukrainian Internet users show,
09:04how five Russian Air Force missiles arrive at the Artyom plant one after another without any interference or damage.
09:11In the same way,
09:20it is clear,
09:21that without any damage or interference,
09:24a single Ukrainian air defense missile flies into the area of the children's hospital.
09:31It cannot be confused,
09:32with anything due to its clearly distinguishable characteristic plumage,
09:37and other characteristics.
09:38Why does the Ukrainian air defense miss all five strikes on the plant,
09:42but they definitely hit the children's hospital?
09:45Maybe a representative of the Kyiv regime will answer this question for us?
09:51We are also waiting for a reaction from the Norwegian authorities,
09:58supplied the Zelensky clique,
10:00with a NASAMS installation.
10:03Did they authorize its use to attack a children's hospital,
10:09and its placement in residential areas,
10:12in violation of international humanitarian law?
10:15Against this background,
10:17and in full accordance,
10:18with his manuals,
10:19the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine,
10:23has already managed to make a statement about the impossibility of negotiations with Russia.
10:29There is no doubt,
10:30that the leadership of Ukraine will use today’s situation as a reason to further ignore the request in Ukrainian society,
10:39but also from the entire World majority,
10:42to find a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian crisis.
10:46This is understandable,
10:47because in such a scenario the need to extend martial law will disappear,
10:53and this will entail the need to hold presidential elections.
10:57The Kiev clique,
10:58which has lost its legitimacy,
11:00fears this most of all,
11:01realizing the extremely negative attitude of the population towards itself.
11:05That is why they prefer to sacrifice tens or even hundreds of thousands of their fellow citizens,
11:13sent into a meaningless meat grinder.
11:15For our part,
11:17we have repeatedly advocated the start of negotiations,
11:20and a cessation of hostilities.
11:22But this should be a permanent cessation of hostilities,
11:26and not their temporary suspension in order to give Kyiv the opportunity to heal its wounds and arm itself.
11:32In addition,
11:33the root causes of the Ukrainian crisis must be eliminated;
11:37without this there will be no sustainable,
11:39and long-term peace.
11:41Our conditions for ending the conflict were outlined in detail by President Putin on June 14 at a meeting,
11:47with the leadership of the Foreign Ministry.
11:50We also appreciate the initiatives of all states,
11:54that are aimed at a true ceasefire,
11:56and taking into account our legitimate concerns,
12:00and are not aimed at promoting propaganda dummies like the pseudo-peace conference in Switzerland.
12:07And as long as Kyiv,
12:08and its sponsors remain deaf to calls to use diplomacy,
12:12we will be forced to continue to force Ukraine to peace and eliminate the root causes of the current crisis situation through military means.
