(Adnkronos) - Il Tour Mondiale di Nave Amerigo Vespucci, lo storico veliero e nave scuola della Marina Militare già ambasciatore del Made in Italy nel mondo, ha concluso la sua tappa di Los Angeles in California. Proprio nella tappa di Los Angeles è stato inaugurato il primo Villaggio Italia, l’Esposizione Mondiale Itinerante pluriennale delle eccellenze italiane che per altre sette tappe affiancherà il tour del Vespucci, che in 6 giorni di sosta – dal 3 all’8 luglio - ha registrato numeri eccezionali: 72 mila i visitatori che hanno ammirato la nave più bella del mondo e le eccellenze del Made in Italy in esposizione al Villaggio.
00:00The Port of Los Angeles in California has framed the final ceremony of the stage of the world tour of ship Amerigo Vespucci, the historic sailboat and school ship of the Navy, already ambassador of Made in Italy in the world.
00:18Right in the Port of Los Angeles was inaugurated the first Italian village, the World Exhibition of Italian Excellence, which for another 7 stages will accompany the tour of Vespucci, which in 6 days from July 3 to 8 recorded exceptional numbers, 72,000 visitors who have admired the most beautiful ship in the world and the excellence of Made in Italy in exhibition to the village.
00:45The idea of this project is to bring a piece of Italy, a square of Italy that represents the great Italian excellences, from culture to art, from gastronomy to technology to industry to design, to another nation.
01:01So Vespucci arrives, an ambassador of Italianness arrives, an ambassador of everything that is Italy, and in addition to the ship, on the ground, anyone can find a piece of our country, with the greatest things, the greatest excellences, in an atmosphere that recalls those of the great Italian cities, the square, the bell tower, the place of aggregation that makes Italy unique also from a human point of view, from the point of view of the relationship between people.
01:29So the attempt to bring the heart of Italy, a piece of the heart of Italy, to another nation. And where? Here, in this place, in Los Angeles, as in most of the United States, finds to welcome another piece of Italy, which is in the heart of many Italians who have been here for generations, but who are always linked to our land. A way to awaken their pride and their closeness to Italy, as well as that of the other Americans.
01:55The Italian system has presented itself compact at the appointment. The Defense and the Ministry of Enterprise of Made in Italy have organized a series of symposia, both for the investment attraction and the Blue Economy.
02:09We have encountered a series of companies that intend to invest in Italy. The Italian system, in its beauty, in its ability to undertake, and also in its maritime traditions, which are traditions, however, always modern and always current, has managed to achieve success in this country.
02:28The Los Angeles stage has taught us how strong is the will of Italy, how generous is the welcome in the ports where we go, how important it is to go and tell our country to strengthen and to update the impression that there is Italy. Also in Tokyo we will do the same thing. We will bring our tradition and at the same time we will bring the innovation that distinguishes us as the second manufacturing producer country in Europe.
02:56The Amerigo Vespucci is the oldest ship of the Italian Navy, built in 1931.
03:03Since then it is the school ship where the students of the first class of the Naval Academy, at the end of their training course in the Academy, have their first encounter with the sea, with the elements and with life on board.
03:17It is also an assembly of Naval Diplomacy, a floating embassy, so within this project it is a spokesman for values, traditions, culture, technology, research and a lot of Made in Italy.